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log mysql nodejs

a guest
Oct 29th, 2018
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  1. Connection {
  2. domain: null,
  3. _events: {},
  4. _eventsCount: 0,
  5. _maxListeners: undefined,
  6. config:
  7. ConnectionConfig {
  8. host: 'localhost',
  9. port: 3306,
  10. localAddress: undefined,
  11. socketPath: undefined,
  12. user: 'root',
  13. password: undefined,
  14. database: 'light',
  15. connectTimeout: 10000,
  16. insecureAuth: false,
  17. supportBigNumbers: false,
  18. bigNumberStrings: false,
  19. dateStrings: false,
  20. debug: undefined,
  21. trace: true,
  22. stringifyObjects: false,
  23. timezone: 'local',
  24. flags: '',
  25. queryFormat: undefined,
  26. pool: undefined,
  27. ssl: false,
  28. multipleStatements: false,
  29. typeCast: true,
  30. maxPacketSize: 0,
  31. charsetNumber: 33,
  32. clientFlags: 455631,
  33. protocol41: true },
  34. _socket:
  35. Socket {
  36. connecting: false,
  37. _hadError: false,
  38. _handle:
  39. TCP {
  40. reading: true,
  41. owner: [Circular],
  42. onread: [Function: onread],
  43. onconnection: null,
  44. writeQueueSize: 0 },
  45. _parent: null,
  46. _host: 'localhost',
  47. _readableState:
  48. ReadableState {
  49. objectMode: false,
  50. highWaterMark: 16384,
  51. buffer: [Object],
  52. length: 0,
  53. pipes: null,
  54. pipesCount: 0,
  55. flowing: true,
  56. ended: false,
  57. endEmitted: false,
  58. reading: true,
  59. sync: false,
  60. needReadable: true,
  61. emittedReadable: false,
  62. readableListening: false,
  63. resumeScheduled: false,
  64. destroyed: false,
  65. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  66. awaitDrain: 0,
  67. readingMore: false,
  68. decoder: null,
  69. encoding: null },
  70. readable: true,
  71. domain: null,
  72. _events:
  73. { end: [Array],
  74. finish: [Function: onSocketFinish],
  75. _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd],
  76. data: [Function],
  77. error: [Function: bound ],
  78. connect: [Function: bound ] },
  79. _eventsCount: 6,
  80. _maxListeners: undefined,
  81. _writableState:
  82. WritableState {
  83. objectMode: false,
  84. highWaterMark: 16384,
  85. finalCalled: false,
  86. needDrain: false,
  87. ending: false,
  88. ended: false,
  89. finished: false,
  90. destroyed: false,
  91. decodeStrings: false,
  92. defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
  93. length: 0,
  94. writing: false,
  95. corked: 0,
  96. sync: false,
  97. bufferProcessing: false,
  98. onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
  99. writecb: null,
  100. writelen: 0,
  101. bufferedRequest: null,
  102. lastBufferedRequest: null,
  103. pendingcb: 1,
  104. prefinished: false,
  105. errorEmitted: false,
  106. bufferedRequestCount: 0,
  107. corkedRequestsFree: [Object] },
  108. writable: true,
  109. allowHalfOpen: false,
  110. _bytesDispatched: 98,
  111. _sockname: null,
  112. _pendingData: null,
  113. _pendingEncoding: '',
  114. server: null,
  115. _server: null,
  116. _idleTimeout: -1,
  117. _idleNext: null,
  118. _idlePrev: null,
  119. _idleStart: 1544,
  120. _destroyed: false,
  121. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 7,
  122. [Symbol(bytesRead)]: 0,
  123. [Symbol(asyncId)]: 11,
  124. [Symbol(triggerAsyncId)]: 1 },
  125. _protocol:
  126. Protocol {
  127. domain: null,
  128. _events:
  129. { data: [Function],
  130. end: [Array],
  131. handshake: [Function: bound _handleProtocolHandshake],
  132. unhandledError: [Function: bound ],
  133. drain: [Function: bound ],
  134. enqueue: [Function: bound _handleProtocolEnqueue] },
  135. _eventsCount: 6,
  136. _maxListeners: undefined,
  137. readable: true,
  138. writable: true,
  139. _config:
  140. ConnectionConfig {
  141. host: 'localhost',
  142. port: 3306,
  143. localAddress: undefined,
  144. socketPath: undefined,
  145. user: 'root',
  146. password: undefined,
  147. database: 'light',
  148. connectTimeout: 10000,
  149. insecureAuth: false,
  150. supportBigNumbers: false,
  151. bigNumberStrings: false,
  152. dateStrings: false,
  153. debug: undefined,
  154. trace: true,
  155. stringifyObjects: false,
  156. timezone: 'local',
  157. flags: '',
  158. queryFormat: undefined,
  159. pool: undefined,
  160. ssl: false,
  161. multipleStatements: false,
  162. typeCast: true,
  163. maxPacketSize: 0,
  164. charsetNumber: 33,
  165. clientFlags: 455631,
  166. protocol41: true },
  167. _connection: [Circular],
  168. _callback: null,
  169. _fatalError: null,
  170. _quitSequence: null,
  171. _handshake: true,
  172. _handshaked: true,
  173. _ended: false,
  174. _destroyed: false,
  175. _queue: [ [Object] ],
  176. _handshakeInitializationPacket:
  177. HandshakeInitializationPacket {
  178. protocolVersion: 10,
  179. serverVersion: '5.5.5-10.1.33-MariaDB',
  180. threadId: 14,
  181. scrambleBuff1: <Buffer 48 49 74 31 35 52 22 4d>,
  182. filler1: <Buffer 00>,
  183. serverCapabilities1: 63487,
  184. serverLanguage: 8,
  185. serverStatus: 2,
  186. serverCapabilities2: 41023,
  187. scrambleLength: 21,
  188. filler2: <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>,
  189. scrambleBuff2: <Buffer 3e 31 76 22 42 66 5d 21 28 47 6a 63>,
  190. filler3: <Buffer 00>,
  191. pluginData: 'mysql_native_password',
  192. protocol41: true },
  193. _parser:
  194. Parser {
  195. _supportBigNumbers: false,
  196. _buffer: <Buffer 01 00 00 01 03 2f 00 00 02 03 64 65 66 05 6c 69 67 68 74 06 73 77 69 74 63 68 06 73 77 69 74 63 68 04 6e 61 6d 65 04 6e 61 6d 65 0c 21 00 fd 02 00 00 ... >,
  197. _nextBuffers: [Object],
  198. _longPacketBuffers: [Object],
  199. _offset: 262,
  200. _packetEnd: null,
  201. _packetHeader: null,
  202. _packetOffset: null,
  203. _onError: [Function: bound handleParserError],
  204. _onPacket: [Function: bound ],
  205. _nextPacketNumber: 1,
  206. _encoding: 'utf-8',
  207. _paused: false } },
  208. _connectCalled: true,
  209. state: 'authenticated',
  210. threadId: 14 }
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