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Jan 4th, 2018
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  1. The Libya War and our involvement in it could end up being a bigger mistake than Iraq because it has the potential to destroy Europe by demographic replacement.
  3. Probably everyone knows by now that the US and especially Secretary of State Clinton played a huge role in making the war happen diplomatically, in arming/funding the rebels, in making up the military (naval & air) force of the mission, and in killing Gaddafi himself. It wasn't merely a supporting role as some people suggest. The Libya War was mostly done under the auspices of NATO, with a mainly NATO coalition, of which America is the largest military force and largest NATO funder.
  5. As for Clinton's role, Julian Assange [told John Pilger]( "[Hillary] perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state something that she would use to run in the general election for president."
  7. The "TICK TOCK ON LIBYA" [email](, from the FOIA released Hillary emails, details Clinton's hands-on involvement in setting up the Libya War, everywhere from getting Qatar and UAE to join the coalition (Obama said he wanted more Arab involvement) to getting the required votes at the UN for UNSC Res 1973 to pass (it called for the no-fly zone which was then used as a pretext to regime change Libya). This chronology was produced by her staffers as a way for Clinton to tout her key involvement in the war.
  9. It seems weird now to want to be associated with the Libya War, but before things went to shit there, before ISIS moved in, and before the migrant crisis began, Libya was [actually heralded as a model intervention]( Many fawning media also [highlighted Clinton's role](
  11. Her private spymaster Sidney Blumenthal [told her]( : “When Qaddafi himself is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation house. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment.”
  13. And the US was instrumental in the killing of Gaddafi itself. A [US predator drone]( delivered a strike on Gaddafi's convoy which was fleeing the city of Sirte. Striking the convoy was what allowed the Islamist rebels to intercept it, summarily execute Gaddafi's retinue, and then torture and assassinate Gaddafi himself. Hillary's first reaction to this news [has been immortalized]( on camera, but it was probably not quite what Blumenthal was counseling her to do.
  15. While Clinton played an indispensable role in the Libya disaster, it actually wasn't her idea to begin with. Whose idea was the Libya War originally?
  17. Contrary to popular belief it actually wasn't the French government or Sarkozy who came up with this plan. Sarkozy was actually [convinced to do it]( by a French-Jewish (pied noir) 'intellectual' influencer named [Bernard Henri Levy]( Levy was also the one who [orchestrated a meeting in Paris between Mahmoud Jibril (a public 'face' for the Libyan Islamist rebels) and Hillary in order to convince her]( to back the rebels and sign onto the regime change action. Hillary was, in turn, the [one who convinced Obama to back the rebels]( and to [go through with the war]( So you can trace it all back to Bernard Henri Levy.
  19. Despite his key role, few have analyzed the part Bernard Henri Levy played in the Libya War or his motivations for starting it. In fact, his role has even in some cases [been literally redacted]( (from [this email from Sid Blumenthal to Hillary]( But it turns out it wasn't French or European or American interests which drove Levy's actions and thus the Libya War. In a speech to CRIF (French Jewish association), Levy said that he [did it all 'as a Jew' and 'out of loyalty for Zionism and Israel']( Gaddafi and Libya had long been a perceived enemy of Israel because they refused to recognize the country. It's also worth noting that just prior to the Libya War, Gaddafi had [urged that the Arab Spring sweep into Palestine]( and foment a revolt against the Israeli occupation.
  21. On the other hand, the new rebel government (the NTC) which Levy convinced France and the US to back and try to install in power, were willing to recognize and maintain friendly relations with Israel. [Levy conveyed this to Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel more than a month before the strikes on Libya began]( What's more, at the same time Hillary Clinton was lobbying Obama to do the Libya war, so were a coterie of Israel-first neocons like [Elliott Abrams and Paul Wolfowitz]( This fulfilled a longtime ambition of the neocons, as Libya was specifically named along with Iraq, Iran, and Syria in their [Year 2000 Project for a New American Century hit list](
  23. After Gaddafi's death and the regime change, Sidney Blumenthal updated [Hillary Clinton]( about Libya and the new NTC leader's intention to "seek a discreet relationship with Israel" and his "many common friends and associates with the leaders of Israel", to which Hillary responded positively. The Libya War was always more about Israeli interests than anything else. It was a brainchild of Bernard Henri Levy.
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