
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 9

Apr 16th, 2014
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  1. >"Anon, you can't do this, it won't work."
  2. "Won't hurt to try."
  3. >"You don't even KNOW Equestria well at all! You've been here six months!"
  4. "I'm good with directions."
  5. >You're not good with directions.
  6. >As you figured, Twilight's not too keen with the idea.
  7. >You could get lost.
  8. >Injured.
  9. >The land is filled with dangerous creatures.
  10. >And this kingdom might not be very friendly towards some foreign, alien-looking monkey creature.
  11. >But... it's the only way you can think to fix things.
  12. >Blueblood won't listen.
  13. >The chancellor sure as hell won't give you the time of day. You aren't even welcome in the castle anyway.
  14. >But this... this might work.
  15. >It's the only thing that isn't a sure-fire negative, anyway.
  16. >Plus, you could use the excitement.
  17. >"Do you even know where this place is?"
  18. >You shake your head.
  19. "But that's why I'm going to ask my intel."
  20. >'Ol Garrison.
  21. >He should still be working the gate, if you've picked up anything about guard shifts during your stay.
  22. >A worried expression crosses Twilight's face.
  23. >"Anon... when you said it might be a little crazy..."
  24. "I also said it might work."
  25. >She frowns.
  26. "Come on, Twi. Just give me this."
  27. >You can see the castle come back into view as you walk speedily toward it.
  28. "It's the only thing I can think of that'll fix things with Blueblood."
  29. >You really can't help but feel that it was your fault...
  30. >Ruling a kingdom is all he's ever dreamed about.
  31. "I'll go through the precautions. I'll be careful. I bet a train even goes right there."
  32. >"...Are you sure this isn't the alcohol talking?"
  33. >You wave her off.
  34. "I can drink your body weight in beer."
  35. >"Anon, that's--"
  36. "Hey Garrison."
  37. >Your previous thoughts were correct. Your buddy Garrison stands at the gate.
  38. >He jumps when you call to him, taking notice of who's addressing him.
  39. >"Anonymous?" he calls over a hushed voice.
  40. >You smile and continue walking over. This doesn't calm his nerves.
  41. >"Again? What are you doing here...?" You roll your eyes at him as you close the gap. "Nothing but trouble seems to follow lately when you show up! You were JUST here!"
  42. "That was hours ago."
  43. >"You know what I mean!" He clenches his teeth for a second, then just kind of sighs.
  44. >It makes you smile a bit.
  45. >Well, better break it to him. Don't want the poor guy to have a heart attack.
  46. "Look buddy, I'm not here to make your job any harder. I just need some intel."
  47. >He glances up at you, an eyebrow raised.
  48. >"...Is this to do with Blueblood again?"
  49. "Would I be here if it wasn't?"
  50. >He sighs once more.
  51. >"Anonymous... it's clear he wants nothing to do with you. And after this afternoon..."
  52. >You take a deep breath.
  53. >Of course word would spread already.
  54. >But that's not important.
  55. "No, look, it's nothing to do with Blueblood directly. I just need you to tell me some information."
  56. >He looks to you, then to Twilight, still standing by your side, then back to you.
  57. >He bites his tongue.
  58. >"...Depends what it is, Anonymous."
  59. >You smile.
  60. >He's willing to crack.
  61. "Okay. This kingdom Blueblood had a chance of inheriting... he's told me about it many times, but I don't actually know the name of it. You know it?"
  62. >"Nevlaria? What about it?"
  63. >Twilight's eyebrows contort in a quizzical manner.
  64. >"Nevlaria? I've never heard of that kingdom..."
  65. >He glances to the purple p0ny. "No? Well that doesn't surprise me." Garrison turns back to you. "It's rather young, and pretty primitive. I think that's the main reason they were looking for a new ruler from Equestria. Bring 'em into the modern age."
  66. >You nod as he speaks, listening to his every word.
  67. >"Why do you want to know though, Anonymous? Do--"
  68. >He catches himself.
  69. >"Wait, are you--?" He stops for a moment, then sighs. "You're not going there, are you?"
  70. >You can't help the smile from creeping onto your face.
  71. >He gently places his hoof on his forehead.
  72. >"I should have expected as much from you."
  73. "Perhaps."
  74. >"Do you really think an alien creature these p0nies have never seen before will help the situation at all?"
  75. >"That's what I said!"
  76. >You furl your brow a bit.
  77. "No one asked you guys..."
  78. >The guard p0ny sighs.
  79. "Garrison, look, it's not like things can get any worse for him anyway. No more harm can come from me paying a visit."
  80. >He grimaces and looks the other way.
  81. "Do you think you could get me a map or something? A way to get there?"
  82. >The guard awkwardly shuffles in place.
  83. >He takes a deep breath.
  84. >"...You'd just find a way around it even if I told you 'no,' huh?"
  85. "Awh shucks, you know me too well, Garry."
  86. >He shakes his head with a slight laugh.
  87. >"...You can get there by hiking several miles out of Appleoosa. You'll need to maneuver around some cliffs, though." He stops and thinks for a moment. I can get you an updated World Map, if you like."
  88. >Joy wells up inside of you.
  89. >Twilight notices this, but it only makes her slightly uneasy.
  90. "Thanks so much, Garrison. You're a lifesaver."
  91. >"Yeah yeah, just..." He glances on either side of him, then peeks out over behind you. "...Watch the gate for me. However unqualified for that task you may be."
  92. >You answer him with a smile.
  93. >With that, he takes off back into the castle for a moment.
  94. >For the time being, it's just you and Twilight.
  95. >She's not looking directly at you, but you can see her stealing glances over at you.
  96. >Moving your eyes towards her, you manage to lock them with hers. Something you don't think she was expecting.
  97. "Hmm?"
  98. >She smile a little, then looks back off to the side.
  99. >"...You're really going to do this, huh?"
  100. "You got it."
  101. >"Hiking outside the desert from Appleoosa? Over cliffs?"
  102. "It'll be fun."
  103. >"Will you at least let me come with you?"
  104. >You look over to her with a smile.
  105. "I think you know the answer to that."
  106. >She smiles sheepishly.
  107. "I appreciate it. But really... this is something I need to do myself."
  108. >You cock your head to the side and cross your arms.
  109. "However clichΓ© that may sound."
  110. >This gets a giggle out of her.
  111. >You think she's going to say something more, but before she can, the door opens. Out comes Garrison.
  112. >He holds a long, rolled-up piece of paper in his mouth.
  113. >Before he can try mumbling something to you and probably get the map all covered in spit, you pull it from his mouth.
  114. "Thanks, Garrsion."
  115. >He smiles. "Not a problem, Anonymous. I wish you the best of luck." He sighs a little. "Truly..."
  116. >You figure you've wasted enough of his time, and say your farewells.
  117. >Twilight leads the way back to the train station as you look over the World Map.
  118. >P0nyville... to Appleoosa... to Nevlaria... hmm...
  119. >This looks like it might be quite the journey.
  120. >...Better pack up appropriately once you get home.
  122. >The train ride back is done mostly in silence.
  123. >Twilight stares out the window lazily, her head resting in her hoof.
  124. >You aren't doing much else differently.
  125. >Watching the landscape rush by quickly.
  126. >You glance over the grand fields and lush hills.
  127. >Mountains are off in the distance.
  128. >Sooner rather than later, you'll be climbing over things similar.
  129. >Not before crossing the Arizona-like desert outside of Appleoosa.
  130. >Quite the journey.
  131. >Like the American Frontier...
  132. >Or Oregon Trail.
  133. >But hopefully with less deaths.
  134. >...Well, you don't have a gun. No accidental gunshots.
  135. >Doubt there'll be many rivers to ford.
  136. >You don't even have a wagon.
  137. >You'd need oxen, in that case.
  138. >Unless some thief in the night steals them.
  139. >And how is that even possible...?
  140. >It happened, like, all the goddamn time.
  141. >It was bullshit.
  142. >How much does an ox even weigh?
  143. "How much does an ox even weigh?"
  144. >Twilight turns to you with a "Hmm?"
  145. >She looks at you blankly.
  146. "Like... if someone were to pick up an ox and sneak away with it, like... is that even doable?"
  147. >She looks you over for a few moments more.
  148. >"...I'd love to know the train of thought that led to this question."
  149. >You smile a bit, then wave her off.
  150. "Nah, nothing important. Just thinking."
  151. >"About the trip ahead?"
  152. >You nod.
  153. "Yeah, a little."
  154. >You inhale deeply, then let out a satisfying breath.
  155. "I'm looking forward to the adventure. I'd like to see what else this world has to offer, after all. I've been here six months and haven't seen much outside of the capitol and P0nyville."
  156. >Twilight nods along with you.
  157. "The trip will be interesting. It's just the-- Oh, snakebites, too."
  158. >"What?"
  159. "What I'm saying is..."
  160. >You stop for a moment.
  161. >What you're saying is: What then?
  162. >You make it to Nevlaria... then what?
  163. >The thought hasn't explicitly crossed your mind.
  164. >What if they don't let you in?
  165. >It's a primitive country, apparently... they might not have well guarded borders yet.
  166. >Or maybe they're lenient.
  167. >And could you even get an audience with the current ruler?
  168. >This whole trip might be for nothing...
  169. >...But you can't let Twilight know that.
  170. >She'll only worry.
  171. >You need to seem confident at times like this.
  172. >So, instead of going on, you smile at her.
  173. >She looks at you with a questioning look.
  174. "It's nothing."
  176. >You and Twilight temporarily part ways when you finally arrive back in P0nyville.
  177. >The train was an over-night trip, since you left Canterlot later into the evening.
  178. >The cold morning air fills your lungs as you make your way over to your house.
  179. >Celestia hasn't risen the sun yet, so a beautiful dusk setting eclipses the town.
  180. >There's no time to wait. Better start packing immediately.
  181. >You think of all the supplies you'll need.
  182. >You own a rather large backpack, made for long hikes.
  183. >That'll probably do you good.
  184. >Some water, definitely.
  185. >And food. You can stock up on that when you get to Appleoosa.
  186. >The hike ought to take you a couple of days, if the map told you anything right.
  187. >...Sleeping bag. You own one of those.
  188. >Few torches, maybe?
  189. >A trip into town might be warranted.
  190. >Damn, this is going to blow through your savings.
  191. >But it'll be worth it.
  192. >You arrive at your house just as the sun starts to peak over the horizon.
  193. >By the time you get all of your shit together here, the market will probably be open.
  194. >Better maximize your time.
  195. >You run upstairs first and dig your hiking backpack out from the closet.
  196. >First things first, you take a step over to your drawer and stash the bottom of the bag with some spare clothing.
  197. >Shorts, tanks, T-Shirts... outdoor stuff. Underwear, of course.
  198. >Now... what else?
  199. >You should have some water bottles downstairs.
  200. >You make your way down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a few metal bottles from the cabinet.
  201. >As you begin to carry them back upstairs, something catches your eye.
  202. >Leaning against the arm of your couch is the aluminum baseball bat you used to play ball with Rainbow Dash.
  203. >Still in great shape. Brand-new when you got it, and it hasn't even been used a whole lot of times.
  204. >...
  205. >You bend down and grab it on your way back upstairs.
  206. >You never know. Probably smart to have some form of protection.
  207. >And not just the sexy kind.
  208. >Upstairs, you place the metal water bottles into the pouches of your bag, scope out your never-used sleeping bag and fit that in with your clothes, then jam the bat in the top.
  209. >It doesn't fit completely, the handle poking out of the zipper.
  210. >...Well, it'll be fine.
  211. >Still need to pack the bag with stuff anyway, so no point in keeping it in just yet.
  212. >You glance out the window as you pick up your bag of bits from the dresser.
  213. >Pretty light out... ought to be some stalls open.
  214. >Let's see what you can wrangle.
  216. >After your quick shopping trip, you come back with your spoils.
  217. >Laying them on the bed, you give a quick inventory.
  218. >Torches, matches, a pillow you figure will go well with your sleeping bag, blanket in case it gets cold. Not sure how similar this'll be to an Earth desert, but better safe than sorry. And a survival knife.
  219. >Far less than you expected to get, but if you've forgotten anything, you can pick it up in Appleoosa.
  220. >You pack up your bag as neatly and as efficiently as you can. Only the handle of your bat pokes through the zipper, as you figured it would.
  221. >Alright...
  222. >So you're appropriately dressed.
  223. >Got everything you need. Bag's all packed, got your bits, you already ate...
  224. >Got the map in your bag.
  225. >You feel a small adrenaline rush in your chest as you realize...
  226. >...You're all ready to go.
  227. >With that, you haul the bag up over onto your back.
  228. >Not as heavy as you thought it'd be, actually.
  229. >Now, all you gotta do is catch the train.
  230. >Twilight said she'd meet you there with the others to see you off.
  231. >You figure she'd probably fill them in on what you're doing.
  232. >Hope Applejack's alright with you skipping work for a little longer.
  233. >Locking your door, you begin your trek across P0nyville and back to the station.
  234. >The weight on your back as you walk feels foreign, but not uninviting.
  235. >Feels appropriate for an adventure.
  236. >It's getting you a little excited.
  237. >The sun is soft and soothing, appropriate for a pleasant summer day.
  238. >A warm breeze crosses your face.
  239. >Good signs.
  240. >This is going to turn out great.
  241. >Soon, the station is in view, and you can see five colorful figures waiting.
  242. >Yup, you know who they are.
  243. >As you get closer, you see the varying expressions of Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.
  244. >You wave your hand to greet them.
  245. "You guys my farewell crew?"
  246. >You joke as you approach them.
  247. >You're about to say something else, but an obvious fact suddenly comes to mind.
  248. "Wait..."
  249. >Your heart sinks a little.
  250. "Where's Fluttershy?"
  251. >The pastel equines exchange worried looks.
  252. >Finally, Twilight speaks up. "We're not sure, Anon."
  253. >"She wasn't out at her cottage," Applejack adds.
  254. >You bite your lip a bit.
  255. "Well..."
  256. >You think over all of the harassment she's been causing over the past couple of weeks.
  257. "Maybe this is for the better."
  258. >The other p0nies look to each other, nodding in agreement before turning back to you.
  259. >Looks like they came to the same conclusion.
  260. >"To be honest, darling," Rarity chimes in, "I haven't seen much of her at all since you and Twilight left for Canterlot."
  261. >"Yeah, it's like she just kind of... dropped off the face of the planet."
  262. >Well that doesn't help your nerves much.
  263. >She's a huge nuisance, but... shit, you hope she's alright.
  264. >"But now's not the time for that, right Anon?" Applejack gets you back on track. "We're here to wish you good luck on your journey!"
  265. >A smile comes to your face.
  266. >"That's right! I hope it'll be super-DUPER fun for you, Nonny!"
  267. >"Best of luck!"
  268. >"I know it'll be a great time, bro!"
  269. >You just smile and nod as your close friends give you encouraging and uplifting goodbyes.
  270. "Thanks guys, it really means a lot."
  271. >You glance over to the train.
  272. "Once I get on that train, I'm on a mission."
  273. >You laugh a little bit to yourself.
  274. "I'm going to Hell and back for this motherfucker... I hope he appreciates it."
  275. >"I know he will, Anon," Twilight reassures. "Whatever business you have in Nevlaria... whatever your plan is, I know it'll have some impact."
  276. "Thanks Twi."
  277. >After a few more farewells and reminders that you'll miss your train, you make your way over, purchase your train ticket, and board the vessel.
  278. >You find a nice cabin to yourself and drop your bag down on the seat across from you.
  279. >Plopping down, you rest your head against the window and start to think.
  280. >The possibilities of your adventure run through your mind. What you could encounter, what the outcome might be, how long it'll take.
  281. >Your eyes close soon after, and as you think these important thoughts, you drift into a light sleep.
  282. >It seems like only a moment until you're lightly jerked awake by the train beginning to move.
  283. >Your eyes are a little sore, so you sit back up and rub them. Must have been out for fifteen minutes or so.
  284. >The familiar click-clack of the train tracks begins to pick up speed, and soon, you're coasting outside of P0nyville, the station falling further and further behind.
  285. >The cabin rocks back and forth lightly, but that shouldn't bother you too much. Especially if--
  286. >...Huh.
  287. >Something catches your eye. Or, rather, ear.
  288. >You hear conversations coming from outside your cabin that you shouldn't normally be able to hear.
  289. >The reason?
  290. >Your cabin door. It's... slightly ajar.
  291. >You narrow your eyes for a second, then reach over and shut it.
  292. >Odd...
  293. >You swore you shut it when you came in.
  294. >...Could it have opened when you nodded off?
  295. >The thoughts silence you. You embrace it for a bit, just listening.
  296. >...What is that?
  297. >You swear...
  298. >...Is that breathing?
  299. >Your heart picks up its pace a little, and your eyes dart around the area.
  300. >Across the seat? No. By the window? No. The luggage rack...
  301. >...Oh shit.
  302. >Perched way in the back, as if not to be seen, you see a figure of sorts, obscured by darkness.
  303. >But its tail... it dangles into the light.
  304. >...Light pink.
  305. >Your blood freezes in its veins.
  306. >No. No no no. Oh God, please no.
  307. "...Fluttershy?"
  308. >A light "Eep!" is your response.
  309. >Your heart pangs in response.
  310. >No, this can't be happening.
  311. "Fluttershy... get down here."
  312. >She shuffles a bit, her figure moving until her teal eyes peer over at you.
  313. >She makes her way down, fluttering lightly onto the seat opposite of you.
  314. >Her expression is a mix of shame and slight mischievous nature.
  315. >You can't exactly comprehend what's going on.
  316. >This all happened way too fast.
  317. "...What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in?"
  318. >She bashfully looks to the side.
  319. >"I... I snuck in... while you were sleeping..."
  320. "How the hell did you even know I was here? Or what I was doing?"
  321. >She giggles. "I... I overheard this morning..."
  322. >You groan and throw your head back.
  323. >"I... I missed you when you were gone, but now... now this could be like... maybe a c-couple's vacation..."
  324. >God damn it.
  325. >You look back up and glance around the cabin.
  326. >There's got to be an emergency stop here somewhere.
  328. End of Part 9
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