
Thoughts of Ranger Squid-6/6/20

Jun 6th, 2020
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  1. I'm stealing this idea from another discord, where an admin did the same thing as I am doing to explain their thoughts and feelings to people.
  3. For a proper understanding, if you don't know the site, I would highly recommend taking your own test to understand your own personality or at least read up on some of the personality types they have out there.
  5. I want this to be an explanation of my own thoughts in regards to reactions on stream, different video ideas, different speedrun ideas, etc. so that people can properly get an idea of how I think and how I process information.
  7. I tend to take this test at least once a year, if not more often to basically ensure that I am still an INTJ-T, or an Architect in the personality groups. It is one of the rarest types, only .8% of people are this type.
  9. Let's start the explanation:
  11. First, many of you who read this understand I am an introvert, which basically means that I would prefer to spend time alone rather than spend time with other people. Even if I am outside alone, sometimes even just noises, or motion, or light can make me frustrated. I would much rather be in my own space by my own choice rather than someone else deciding it for me. Many of my friends have known me for being an introvert for years now, often having to argue with me for 20 minutes about just going on a small road trip with friends during the summer when I want to spend time inside (Sleepyguy411 knows this story). Another example of this is when sometimes people in my discord will ask me to join VC, and sometimes even just talking to people in Discord makes me exhausted as fuck more than other times. I do try my best to push past that, because I just recently didn't talk to some friends for about 2 weeks because of me being an introvert.
  13. Let's jump into the second part of this, with the N, or standing for Intuitive. Now funny enough, this one actually is very close with Observant, with me having a 52% Intuitive versus a 48% observant. I don't remember previous percentages for this category, but I've always been a bit in the middle with this.
  15. 59% of those with the Observant trait say they prefer art that has a clear theme, message, or meaning over art that is vague and leaves too much to interpretation, compared to 38% of those with the Intuitive trait.
  17. I am part of this, as I prefer a clear message when it comes to anything. An example recently, my mom ordered a piece of mosaic art that is to signify the border between mexico and america, and to me it just looked like someone did some cool mosaic idea and I couldn't see the message behind it. It wasn't clear to me exactly why they had made the art, and so I was not the biggest fan of it.
  19. Third: Thinking versus Feeling
  21. If anyone knows me even just a little bit, you know damn well I think before I use any emotions. Sometimes I will use feelings, but the majority of my thought process is to use logic and thinking rather than feelings.
  22. 83% of people with the Thinking trait say it’s best to take a scientific approach to the problems in their own lives, compared to 43% of those with the Feeling trait.
  24. I 10000000% agree with this, and that if I don't take the scientific approach to situations, I feel lost on how to assess the situation specifically.
  26. 74% of people with the Thinking trait say it’s easy for them to make important decisions without consulting with someone else first
  28. I rarely consult others with decisions, as I like to be in charge of my decision rather than be influenced by someone else. I can get influenced easily, often switching mindsets/thoughts within a day because someone mentioned something and it sounded interesting to me.
  30. Fourth: Judging vs prospecting
  32. I was pretty obvious with this one, with being 64% Judging versus 36% Prospecting. What this means is that I want the course in front of me to be well-marked, rather than having no plans in front of me. I have so many backup plans for everything that comes at me, and I consider every option ahead of time so that I can understand the situation I am in. This is extremely visible when I do speedruns. When I've been routing Butterfree, the biggest thing that I've been doing is literally creating every scenario, writing it down, and putting it in bold and underlining it (Headbob can confirm this with my notes).
  34. Lastly, I just want to discuss a few of the quotes they have in the Architects personality section that really speak to me as a person.
  36. "Architects can be both the most positive dreamers and the bitterest pessimists at the same time. On the positive side, these personalities believe nothing is impossible with enough effort, intellect, and thought. On the negative side, they might also believe that people are usually too lazy, unimaginative, or selfish to reach hard goals. But this idea won’t put them off chasing their own."
  38. This is very true for me, as half of the time that I have these insane ideas for speedruns, or fun challenges, then how many of those do I actually finish? Very few. I can get very lazy at times, mainly because I am a bit of a pessimistic when it comes to failures and defeats. One big example is as of the next day as I am writing this, I did a Butterfree% attempt the night before and one of the gyms was, as usual, a brick wall for me. I got very annoyed very quickly, and some people kept insisting that there could be a way to beat the gym, but at this point, I had practically given up on the idea and was just getting lazy with my thoughts. The next quote explains this a bit more.
  40. "Architect personality types dislike rules, restrictions, and traditions. For them, everything should be subject to questions and reviews. When they can, Architects often act alone, and their approaches are usually innovative and unique. They may not wait for others to catch up to them. Because of this, they’re sometimes not as sensitive as they could be to the thoughts, desires, and plans of others."
  42. Oh my lord is this me to the period. When it comes to run ideas, I tend to just say "fuck the any% route, what's the FUN route I could do that would be interesting to do?" I question everything, even when notes have been optimized by 20+ people for the regular any% category. This is also prevalent for just everyday life, where I sometimes question people's thoughts and beliefs because it's "tradition" for them to think the way they do, or they have to follow certain rules and can't explore their thoughts or imagination at all. This has caused...issues before with people. Funny enough, I followed rules in school all the time, rarely breaking rules because I was afraid of getting punished.
  44. But they aren’t impulsive. Architects strive to remain rational no matter how attractive an easy but ill-considered route might be. Every idea must pass the strict and ever-present “Does this make sense?” and “Is this going to work?” filters.
  46. God is this me in a nutshell. Everything I want to do has to pass that requirement before I even consider it a good idea.
  48. Finally, I just want to comment on some other things that aren't in this personality test. First, when you see me mad at something, do NOT egg me on in trolling. Sure, you can meme when I'm just disappointed in something, that I don't mind and actually enjoy to keep my mood up. However, when I look upset and nothing really changes my mood, even talking to friends, really don't try to troll me or just try to make me laugh. It won't work, and that requires me to get out of my own mindset over time.
  50. When I tell you I am not interested in something, I'm not interested in that for 2 reasons. 1, because I actually don't want to run that game or do that idea, or 2, because I am trying to stay focused on my current route or run idea I am working on. I can get distracted easily, especially if I face a tough wall in front of me in the run, so PLEASE just stop saying to do another run or do this idea. Ask me once, or spend the channel points on it, and I'll do it. That's why I made those channel points a thing, so that IF people want me to do things, I can do them when I have time.
  52. Long story short, when I say no, it means no until I change my mind. I am not going to change that very easily unless someone gives me an alternative perspective on the idea.
  54. I don't mind memes, but when I say stop, it means actually stop. I am going to be changing up the rules for my stream, and they will be the following:
  56. 1. Any questions? Ask away :)
  57. 2. Have fun!
  58. 3. If I look or sound mad, do not be a troll and keep pushing me on. You will be timed out or even banned if I am that upset.
  59. 4. You can meme with me all you want, but only ask me to do something once a day. Don't keep asking me :)
  62. Thanks for reading, I hope this gives you insight to my thoughts and feelings on things and my reactions to certain situations
  64. -Ranger Squid
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