

Jun 13th, 2021
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  1. Patch Notes: 1.11.1 Behemoth
  3. Hello Operatives! Today, with our v1.11.1 Behemoth patch update, we're rebalancing a few pieces within Festering Skies to make them a little more forgiving alongside bug fixes. We've also introduced a workaround solution for the cinematics that some Win 7 players were experiencing in the game. Full patch notes below!
  5. Tactical:
  7. - Swarmer type damage is reduced by 10-15%.
  9. Geoscape:
  11. - Rate of mid and late-game interceptions reduced by up to 20%.
  13. Bug fixes:
  15. - Implemented a workaround solution resolving the problem with the cinematics in the game on Windows 7.
  16. - Fixed an issue where the hair of the units in the portraits in Tactical would not appear correctly.
  17. - Fixed an issue where narrative messages wouldn’t appear in the “Gift” mission if the hints are disabled.
  18. - Fixed an issue with the animation of the explosive egg upon destruction.
  19. - Fixed a rare issue causing the game to be stuck when the interception minigame is paused during a muzzle flash VFX.
  20. - Fixed an issue where in some cases the Corruption Node didn’t spawn during Infested Haven missions resulting in an instant victory for the player.
  21. - Fixed an issue where after loading a save the Behemoth 3D model would appear while submerged.
  22. - Fixed an issue where the save game button would occasionally become disabled after a lost ancient site defense.
  23. - Fixed an issue where an inactive deploy button appears on sites when using the Masked Manticore.
  24. - Fixed an issue where the Gills objective wouldn’t complete correctly.
  25. - Fixed an issue where the 3D models in the intelligence reports appeared too bright.
  26. - Fixed an issue where Mindfraggers can attack through walls on Synedrion maps.
  27. - Fixed controller scheme instructions for inventory and soldier info.
  28. - Fixed an issue where the Myrmidon spawn animation wouldn’t appear correctly.
  29. - Alien eggs now fall properly when the floor beneath them is destroyed.
  30. - Fixed an issue with the death animation of the Venomous Swarmer causing a delayed game response.
  31. - Fixed a rare issue where the game has stuck after returning to Geoscape from a New Jericho story mission.
  32. - Fixed an issue causing the description of the Pandoran evolution and Fire Worm research not showing correctly.
  33. - Fixed an issue causing problems with buying soldier abilities before deploying on missions.
  34. - Fixed an issue where the auto-battle button could not be selected with a controller.
  35. - Other minor fixes.
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