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Feb 17th, 2019
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  1. Blingtron 4000:267T:21209K:121014R:2210GN:
  2. Chen Stormstout:267N:1110AJ:111014E:1110142:
  3. Chen Stormstout::1110QC:1210143:1120BV:N:Turn 1: Bombing Run\nTurn 2: Breath\nTurn 3: Breath - you resurrect\nTurn 4: Explode - both you and Tonsa die\nBring in Anubisath Idol - Chen brings in Chirps\nTurn 1: Deflection\nTurn 2: Stoneskin\nTurn 3: Crush\nTurn 4: Crush\nTurn 5: Crush\nTurn 6: Crush\nTurn 7: Crush - that is 5 times and often Chirps dies here already. You can skip onwards to Brewly in that case.\nTurn 8: Deflection\nTurn 9: Stoneskin\nTurns 10+: Crush until Chirps is dead\nBrewly comes in\nTurn 1: Stoneskin\nTurn 2: Crush\nTurn 3: Crush\nTurn 4: Deflection\nTurns 5+: Crush until your Idol dies - mostly it can finish Brewly on it's own.\nBring in your Eternal Strider - if necessary\nTurns 1+: Water Jet!\n<!-- connect tries: 1, error: 0 -->
  4. Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji:26IT:222016M:221014F:12101LQ:N:1.doom, shadow shock till death round, ascention\n2.proto comes out, presence, bite till dead.\n3. 3rd pet is backup
  5. Dr. Ion Goldbloom:267U:21109K:2110GQ:1110AJ:
  6. Lorewalker Cho:267M:22102N:1120QC:1110143:
  7. Lorewalker Cho::22102N:2210GQ:1210G2:N:Turn 1: Moonfire\nTurns 2+: Arcane Blast until Wisdom dies\nPatience comes in\nTurn 1: Life Exchange\nTurn 2: Moonfire\nTurns 3+: Arcane Blast until Sprite Darter Hatchling dies\nBring in your Scourged Whelpling\nTurns 1+: Tail Sweep until Patience dies\nKnowledge comes in\nTurn 1: Plagued Blood\nTurn 2: Death and Decay\nTurns 3+: Tail Sweep until Scourged Whelpling dies\nBring in Flayer Youngling\nTurn 1: Kick\nTurns 2+: Blitz until you're done!\n<!-- connect tries: 1, error: 0 -->
  8. Shademaster Kiryn:267Q:111057:1220F0:1110AJ:
  9. Shademaster Kiryn::212099:1120AJ:ZL:P:::::10::N:Strategy added by SebastianX#2242\noriginaly posted by daaani ( on wowhead (\n\nTurn 1: Magma Trap\nTurn 2: Magma Wave\nNairn will swap to Stormoen\nTurn 2+3: 2x Magma Wave (till Lightning Storm)\nTurn 3: Sons of the Flame\nTurn 4: Magma Wave\nStormoen dies\nNairn comes in\nTurn 1: Magma Trap\nTurn 2: Magma Wave\nNairn swaps with Summer\nTurn 1+2: 2x Magma Wave\nTurn 3: Swap to your Darkmoon Zeppelin\nTurn 4: Decoy\nTurn 5: Swap to your Level Pet\nTurn 6: Swap to your Darkmoon Zeppelin\nTurn 7-9: 3x Missile\nTurn 10: Bombing Run\nSummer dies\nNairn comes in\nTurn 1+2: 2x Missile\nTurn 3: Decoy\nTurn 4: Missile till Nairn dies\nNairn dies\n<!-- connect tries: 1, error: 0 -->
  10. Sully "The Pickle" McLeary:267P:222014U:111014E:111057:
  11. Taran Zhu:267R:21205U:21208A:211057:N:1.ghostly bite to make him feign.\n2.swap to hatchling, bonestorm, swap back to skull.\n3.spam coil till blinding powder, swap back to hatchling.\n4.bonestorm.\n5.bone bite to finish bolo.\n6.use unholy ascension in death round on skull.\n7.slash to finish yen and bolo\n8.start with creeping fungus on li and spam shadow slash
  12. Wise Mari:267S:1110143:1220QC:1110142:
  13. Wrathion:267K:22101D1:2120GQ:1210143:N:Turn 1: Swarm of Flies\nTurn 2: Tongue Lash\nTurn 3: Bubble\nTurns 4+: Tongue Lash until Cindy dies the first time\nThen:: Swarm of Flies - Cindy dies after her undead round\nAlex comes in\nTurns 1+: Tongue Lash until your Swamp Croaker dies. Due to the multiple stacks of Frostbite, that won't take long. \nBring in your Scourged Whelpling\nTurn 1: Call Darkness\nTurns 2+: Dreadful Breath until your Scourged Whelpling dies. Most often you will win the fight way before this happens.\n\nIf you're unlucky, swap in Anubisath Idol and use Crush. Don't forget to shield yourself from the incoming Elementium Bolt though!\n<!-- connect tries: 1, error: 0 -->
  14. Xu-Fu, Cub of lightning after xufu moonfires.\n2.switch to gnome and build turret.\n3.switch to snowfeather hatchling and use folcosaur swam.\ whatever to win
  15. Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon:26J3:122019V:122019V:122019V:N:1.tornado punch, jab till lift off, dodge\n2.repeat with the other bonkers pets
  16. Zao, Calfling of claw\n2.hunting party x2\n3falcosaur swarm
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