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Oct 25th, 2021
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  1. ["*I have seen a great many things in this world--more than most. Terrors and joy alike. And I choose to recognize the bad, but focus on the good*"](
  3. **Djinn**, is a 4000 year old teenager created by [God/Yahweh](, who joins the Teen Titans. Her brother, Elias, the most powerful of all Djinns, did not allow her to have a proper name, thus giving her the name of just "Djinn", which means "genie". Her powers are magical, and her brother planned to use her in his plan to dethrone their Father, in order to become God himself. Feats that occur when she is amped by her ring will be bolded.
  5. # Physicals
  7. * [Punches and draws blood from Elias]( "Teen Titans 41")
  8. * [Pierces Elias with Moses' Staff]( "Teen Titans 41")
  9. * [Smacks Brother Blood with an iron pan she created]( "Deathstroke 2016 43")
  11. *Speed*
  13. * **[Reacts to Red Arrow's arrow and Roundhouse charging at her in time, and reflects their attacks]( "Teen Titans Annual 1")**
  15. *Magic Power*
  17. * [Harms Brother Blood]( "Teen Titans 20")
  18. * [Makes a small explosion]( "Teen Titans 39")
  19. * [Her magic knocked back the Teen Titans' spirits]( "Teen Titans 41")
  20. * **[Blasts back the Teen Titans enough to crack a wall and shatter glass]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")**
  21. * **[Casually throws back Crush, blasting a wall]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")**
  22. * **[Hits Crush with an energy attack]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")**
  23. * **[Elias believes that Djinn's power is important for his goal of dethroning God]( "Teen Titans 39")**
  25. *Telekinesis*
  27. * [Lifts Red Arrow up a building]( "Teen Titans 23")
  28. * [Lifts up a bunch of people]( "Teen Titans 20")
  29. * [Binds the Teen Titans and lifts up Crush]( "Teen Titans 30")
  30. * [Likely moves up the ground beneath her to make a shield]( "Teen Titans 33")
  31. * **[Moves a telescope towards her]( "Teen Titans 34")**
  32. * **[Casually tosses Red Arrow out of a building, shattering the windows]( "Teen Titans 34")**
  33. * [Ties up Obelus the metal chain]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")
  35. *Durability*
  37. * [Takes a charge from Crush]( "Teen Titans 22")
  38. * [Her magic shielded her from a large explosion which took out a part of a building]( "Teen Titans 23 and 24")
  39. * [Takes a blow from Obelus, a metal chain that could crack the ceiling]( "Teen Titans 25")
  40. * [Takes an attack from Deathstroke]( "Teen Titans 28")
  41. * [Survives a charge from Red Arrow which cracks the floor]( "Teen Titans 30")
  42. * [Gets hit by her own magic]( "Teen Titans 32")
  43. * [Survives an arrow that pierces through her hand]( "Teen Titans 34")
  44. * [Survives being pierced by Moses' staff, then heals from it quickly]( "Teen Titans 41")
  46. # Forcefields
  47. * [Created a magic forcefield which Crush couldn't break through]( "Teen Titans 20")
  48. * [She can extend this forcefield aura to other people]( "Teen Titans 20")
  49. * [Casted a protective spell on children in the past]( "Teen Titans 27")
  51. # Senses
  52. * [Sensed Brother Blood's aura to find out his emotions]( "Teen Titans 20")
  53. * [Analysed the state of Crush's essence/soul]( "Teen Titans 32")
  54. * [Attempted to sense Lobo's presence]( "Teen Titans 32")
  56. # Matter Manipulation
  57. * [Creates a construct of a monster to scare people away]( "Teen Titans 21")
  58. * [Creates a map/GPS to find her team]( "Teen Titans 23")
  59. * [Created an iron pan to attack Brother Blood]( "Deathstroke 2016 43")
  60. * [Fixes a door that Crush broke]( "Teen Titans 25")
  61. * [Removes Sullivan's mouth]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")
  63. # Mental
  65. *Illusion/Perception Manipulation*
  67. * [Makes a lot of people believe she was Commissioner Gordon, in order to fake being a target of assassination. She even created a lot of fake blood]( "Teen Titans 23")
  68. * [Causes an enemy to see insects on him, scaring him]( "Teen Titans 21")
  69. * [Alters the perception of people in a restaurant to make them see her and Crush as other people]( "Teen Titans 25")
  70. * [Disguises the Teen Titans from Deathstroke using illusions, though Deathstroke saw through it later]( "Teen Titans 28")
  72. *Sleep*
  74. * [Puts Shimmer to sleep with a touch]( "Teen Titans 33")
  75. * [A minor spell puts Commissioner Gordon to sleep]( "Teen Titans 23")
  76. * **[Incapacitates Damian Wayne, probably through inducing sleep]( "Teen Titans 23")**
  77. * **[Does the same to other Teen Titans members including Kid Flash]( "Teen Titans 35")**
  79. *Mind Manipulation*
  81. * **[Possesses Gizmo, sees his memories and enters the world in his mind. Djinn states she can erase minds]( "Teen Titans 21")**
  82. * [Her magic immobilised Lobo by rewiring his psychic apparatus and removing memories]( "Teen Titans 32 & 33")
  83. * [Her mind manipulation worked on Mammoth, Shimmer, a few other villains including Atomic Skull, and removes evil from their mind]( "Teen Titans 33")
  84. * [This process is described as changing their personalities and magically reprogramming their mind]( "Teen Titans 34 and 37")
  85. * [Makes Damian Wayne see the future]( "Teen Titans 38")
  86. * [Frees other Djinns from Elias' mind and soul control]( "Teen Titans 41")
  88. # Ring
  89. * [When someone uses her ring, they can control her mind and soul, allowing her to perform more powerful magic]( "Teen Titans 21")
  90. * (Limit) [When someone is controlling her with the ring, they can seal her in it]( "Teen Titans 35")
  91. * [She has a realm inside her ring, a Purgatory]( Teen Titans 38")
  92. * [This Purgatory is a part of Hell]( "Teen Titans 39")
  93. * [She could hear what Roundhouse said from the real world while she was in her pocket realm]( "Teen Titans 38")
  94. * [The ring granted Elias resistance to a spell that should have controlled him. Djinns can disobey 1 command of the person that controls them]( "Teen Titans 39")
  95. * [Finally escapes her ring once she tries hard enough]( "Teen Titans 41")
  96. * [Does it here again, this time from Joystick's control]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")
  97. * [Seals Elias in her ring]( "Teen Titans 41")
  99. # Teleportation and Phasing
  100. * [Teleports to Mercy Hall while being intangible and shapeshifts]( "Teen Titans 20")
  101. * [Phases through a wall]( "Teen Titans 23")
  102. * [Teleports Lobo away before he could hit Kid Flash]( "Teen Titans 31")
  103. * [With Moses' Staff, teleports the Titans from Heaven to Earth and creates a shield]( "Teen Titans 41")
  104. * [Teleports into a prison cell]( "Teen Titans 2016 Annual 1")
  105. * (Limit) [Can't teleport the Teen Titans out of rubble]( "Teen Titans 24")
  107. # Healing
  108. * [She could heal Damian's wounds, only if he had trust in her]( "Teen Titans 27")
  109. * [Her healing is far better than Alfred Pennyworth's healing]( "Teen Titans 29")
  110. * [Heals Crush's body and essence]( "Teen Titans 32")
  111. * [Quickly heals from being pierced by a staff]( "Teen Titans 41")
  113. # Other
  114. * [She is 4,000 years old]( "Teen Titans 20")
  115. * [Robin states that she can grant any wish]( "Teen Titans 20")
  116. * [She's made of sand and the blood sacrifice of a thousand goats]( "Teen Titans 23")
  117. * [She doesn't know her true capabilities]( "Teen Titans 23")
  118. * [Djinn is a vegetarian]( "Teen Titans 25")
  119. * [Napoleon was one of her masters]( "Teen Titans 25")
  120. * [She once kissed Crush]( "Teen Titans 29")
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