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What the fuck is this shit

a guest
Oct 28th, 2014
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  1. EdwardTank joined the room.
  2. Lalele joined the room.
  3. Surly Curry joined the room.
  4. Oeus joined the room.
  5. Naethmor joined the room.
  6. Fridurmus joined the room.
  7. Allyatharii joined the room.
  8. RNChicken joined the room.
  9. EdwardTank: GG WP
  10. Naethmor: i love how teemo didnt do shit
  11. Naethmor: and wins
  12. Naethmor: your all fucking shitters
  13. Naethmor: u shouldnt have won
  14. Surly Curry: lmfao
  15. Oeus: Teemo did plenty
  16. EdwardTank: Cry me a river bitch
  17. Surly Curry: kkkk
  18. Fridurmus: calm down
  19. Naethmor: ill report teemo afk too
  20. Oeus: You're just butthurt lol
  21. Fridurmus: its u
  22. Naethmor: i cannot stand that shit
  23. Fridurmus: its u
  24. EdwardTank: Cry. Me. A river.
  25. Naethmor: teemo afk too
  26. Fridurmus: its u
  27. Naethmor: go fuck yourself
  28. EdwardTank: So I can go Kyaking
  29. Fridurmus: its u
  30. Surly Curry: lel
  31. Surly Curry: kill so good while afk
  32. Naethmor: teemo didnt do shit
  33. Fridurmus: its u
  34. Naethmor: all game
  35. Naethmor: but try to ks
  36. Fridurmus: its u
  37. Surly Curry: :^)
  38. EdwardTank: The butthurt is strong in this one.
  39. Fridurmus: its u
  40. Naethmor: teemo can get banned too
  41. Fridurmus: its u
  42. Oeus: This is hilarious
  43. EdwardTank: the 19 kills says otherwise.
  44. Naethmor: im better than all u fuckers
  45. Fridurmus: its u
  46. EdwardTank: Yes yes
  47. Naethmor: u do not deserve to win whatsoever
  48. Fridurmus: its u
  49. EdwardTank: that's why you've got 12 deaths to Teemo's 8
  50. Naethmor: its a 4v5
  51. Fridurmus: its u
  52. Oeus: Everybody deserves to win :I
  53. Naethmor: not an afk teemo
  54. Fridurmus: its u
  55. Naethmor: who doesnt do shit
  56. EdwardTank: Its not your fault
  57. Fridurmus: its u
  58. EdwardTank: Its not your fault
  59. Naethmor: u kids are bad players
  60. Fridurmus: its u
  61. Naethmor: U DONT DESERVE TO WIN
  62. EdwardTank: Ziggs. It's not your fault.
  63. Fridurmus: its u
  64. Naethmor: rammus reported
  65. Naethmor: keep talking shit
  66. Fridurmus: its u
  67. EdwardTank: Oh no. A report.
  68. Oeus: This is fun xD
  69. Naethmor: u dont deserve to win
  70. Fridurmus: its u
  71. Naethmor: u kids are terrible
  72. EdwardTank: Ziggs. No matter how many times you report me. . .It's not your fault.
  73. Fridurmus: its u
  74. Naethmor: karma dont talk shit to me
  75. Fridurmus: its u
  76. Naethmor: U ARE BAD
  77. Fridurmus: its u
  78. Surly Curry: lelelele xD
  79. EdwardTank: KArma kicked your ass, Ziggs. Face it.
  80. Oeus: Karma isn't saying anything but "its u", lol!!
  81. Naethmor: U KIDS ARE BAD
  82. Fridurmus: its u
  84. Fridurmus: its u
  85. Naethmor: league is retarded
  86. EdwardTank: But it's not your fault.
  87. Fridurmus: its u
  88. Oeus: You're prolly 15.
  89. EdwardTank: Then quit.
  90. EdwardTank: and never play again.
  91. Naethmor: ill quit once your perma banned
  92. Fridurmus: beaten by a little girl
  93. Fridurmus: HAH
  94. Surly Curry: its u
  95. Surly Curry: beaten by gays
  96. Naethmor: karma reported
  97. Naethmor: teemo reported afk
  98. Naethmor: enjoy your bans
  99. Oeus: :U I'm actually a girl, so that should hurt a lil'
  100. Fridurmus: its u
  101. EdwardTank: You realize that all the tribunal is going to do is look at you, roll their eyes, and say "Yeah, right.", right?
  102. Naethmor: there is no tribunal
  103. Naethmor: thats the funny thing
  104. Fridurmus: its u
  105. Naethmor: keep talking shit
  106. Naethmor: your all getting banned
  107. Fridurmus: its u
  108. Naethmor: for super unskilled
  109. Fridurmus: its u
  110. Surly Curry: just riotlyte who has access to post game chat
  111. Oeus: Aww Ziggs.
  112. Surly Curry: :^)
  113. EdwardTank: Ziggs.
  114. EdwardTank: Ziggs.
  115. EdwardTank: Honey.
  116. EdwardTank: Its not your fault.
  117. Naethmor: level 8 teemo
  118. Naethmor: thats so pathetic
  119. EdwardTank: That you lost to him?
  120. EdwardTank: Yeah.
  121. Fridurmus: beaten by the smooch squad o3o take it ez bby
  122. Oeus: No, what's pathetic is that you lost to a level 8
  123. Naethmor: i didnt lose
  124. Naethmor: he fucking afkd
  125. Naethmor: and got a free win
  126. Oeus: No he didn't.
  127. Oeus: LOL
  128. Naethmor: but hes getting banned for it
  129. Naethmor: so im not worried
  130. EdwardTank: He never AFK'd
  131. Oeus: Teemo was there the entire time
  133. EdwardTank: Uh huh
  134. Naethmor: DONT U UNDERSTAND
  135. Oeus: Says the 12 year old
  136. Naethmor: HOW U SHOULDNT WIN
  137. EdwardTank: Honey, do you need to take your medications?
  138. Naethmor: IM BETTER THAN ALL OF YOU
  141. Naethmor: u kids have the skills of bronze 5
  142. Oeus: Awww, the potato is angry
  143. EdwardTank: Silver 5
  144. EdwardTank: Honey.
  145. Naethmor: silver 5 = bronze
  146. EdwardTank: You need to take some medication or something.
  147. Naethmor: no difference
  148. Naethmor: no i just think its bullshit
  149. Naethmor: that u won
  150. Naethmor: when im better than your entire team
  151. EdwardTank: Uh huh.
  152. Naethmor: your silver 5
  153. Naethmor: thats bronze dude
  154. Naethmor: u dont talk shit to me
  155. Oeus: We haven't
  156. Naethmor: u are right now
  157. EdwardTank: You were the one that started this dude.
  158. EdwardTank: You were the one who started this.
  159. Naethmor: youre in denial
  160. Naethmor: that im better than you
  161. Naethmor: but i cant 1v5 srry
  162. EdwardTank: We were planning on saying GG and leaving and then you started making hilarious comments that I cannot save fast enough.
  164. Naethmor: a varus with a thornamil lollololol
  165. Naethmor: plz
  166. Naethmor: stay bronze where u belong
  167. Oeus: I plan to, I don't take this game seriously
  168. EdwardTank: Thornmails are useful against Yi
  169. Oeus: Especially not enough to play any ranked lol
  170. Naethmor: not on an adc they arent
  171. Oeus: And yes, yes they are.
  172. Naethmor: i main adc
  173. EdwardTank: Yes. They are.
  174. Naethmor: dont talk shit
  175. Naethmor: your bronze for a reason
  176. Naethmor: just listen to advice
  177. Oeus: You aren't giving advice
  178. Oeus: Also I'm looking at your lolking profile
  179. Naethmor: dont build thorns on adc
  180. Naethmor: u are?
  181. Oeus: You don't main carry's more than anything ._.
  182. Naethmor: well now thats harassment
  183. Naethmor: enjoy your ban
  185. EdwardTank: No, that's not harassment.
  186. Naethmor: just because i play zed doesn't mean i dont main adc
  187. EdwardTank: Look, kid. If you're not going to be okay, please call someone.
  188. EdwardTank: I'm legit getting worried about you getting this angry.
  189. EdwardTank: It's a game.
  190. Naethmor: look kid dont talk shit to me
  191. Oeus: me too actually.
  192. Naethmor: if youre 100x horrible
  193. Naethmor: your bronze for a reason
  194. Naethmor: and you will be there forever
  195. Naethmor: don't gloat bc u were gifted a free win
  196. Naethmor: in this retarded game
  197. Oeus: We weren't gifted, we won.
  198. EdwardTank: Yeah yeah, whatever. Seriously, Do you need to call someone? A hotline or something?
  199. Oeus: Fair and square darlin'
  200. Naethmor: u arent better than me
  201. Naethmor: not even close
  202. Naethmor: so plz dont talk shit to me
  203. Oeus: But we are, as a team.
  204. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  205. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  206. Oeus: Will do- don't take this game seriously enough anyway :P
  207. EdwardTank: Regardless, Thank you for the hilarious after-game chat.
  208. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  209. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  210. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  211. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  212. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  213. Naethmor: stay bronze kiddos
  214. EdwardTank: I have saved it to my harddrive and whenever I'm feeling down I will open it and once again be uplifted.
  215. Oeus: Stay butthurt, potato
  216. Naethmor: enjoy your bronzehood
  217. Naethmor: and enjoy your bans
  218. Naethmor: enjoy your bronzehood
  219. EdwardTank: Uh huh
  220. Naethmor: enjoy your bronzehood
  221. Naethmor: enjoy your bronzehood
  222. Naethmor: enjoy your bronzehood
  223. Naethmor: enjoy your bronzehood
  224. Naethmor: youll be bronze forever
  225. EdwardTank: You know you're more likely to get banned simply for spamming.
  226. Naethmor: its funny
  227. EdwardTank: Right?
  228. Naethmor: you know u shouldnt threathen me right
  229. Oeus: You're not being threatened?
  230. EdwardTank: When I threaten you, you'll know.
  231. Naethmor: lol enjoy your ban
  232. Naethmor: i highly doubt a bronze player knows how to fight
  233. Oeus: There are no bannable offenses happening here.
  234. Oeus: Are you reading the same chat we are?
  235. EdwardTank: Well, not on *our* side.
  236. Naethmor: u can stick up for your bf all u want
  237. Naethmor: i have the means to have u both severly punished
  238. Naethmor: don't threathen me
  239. Oeus: We never threatened you, lol. Not sure what you're so angry about
  240. EdwardTank: Let me guess, your daddy is the owner of Riot. And the president. And your mommy is queen and gonna make all the mean nasty people who made her little cherub cry get murdered?
  241. Oeus: Oh no, that's MY family, silly Rammus!
  243. EdwardTank: Added you Oeus. IF you want the chat logs, let me know.
  244. EdwardTank: Seeya Ziggs.
  245. Naethmor: i dont care
  246. EdwardTank: Good luck in life.
  247. Naethmor: i just hate losing to shitters
  248. Naethmor: i could care less
  249. Naethmor: of my ranting
  250. EdwardTank: Okay.
  251. Naethmor: i just hate losing to shitters
  252. Naethmor: youre fucking bronze
  253. Naethmor: u shouldn't ever win
  254. Naethmor: u shouldn't even be able to breathe
  255. Naethmor: and look at your build.....
  256. Naethmor: wit's end..........
  257. EdwardTank: MR and extra damage everytime I smack someone.
  258. Naethmor: whatever though
  259. Naethmor: i can outfarm u anyday on rift lol
  260. EdwardTank: Whatever dude.
  261. Naethmor: your bronze
  262. Naethmor: your nothing
  263. EdwardTank: I'm just sticking here to make sure you're not going to kill yourself or something over this game.
  264. Naethmor: pshhh
  265. Naethmor: over losing to a bronze
  266. Naethmor: lol
  267. EdwardTank: because you're legit worrying me.
  268. Naethmor: bad kids win all the time
  269. Naethmor: game is retarded
  270. Naethmor: and rammus taunt negating hourglass is fking retarded
  272. EdwardTank: Now that didn't happen.
  273. Naethmor: bullshit
  274. EdwardTank: It does make it so you can't use it.
  275. Naethmor: everytime u taunted at tower
  276. Naethmor: bullshit
  277. EdwardTank: but it can't stop it once it's triggered.
  278. Naethmor: it would not let me zhonyas
  279. EdwardTank: Yeah, Taunt does stop you from using items.
  280. EdwardTank: but if you've already triggered it, it can't stop you.
  281. EdwardTank: Right, if you're not gonna hurt yourself, I'll go.
  282. EdwardTank: Seeya.
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