
Desert Elf in the Mountains - Cascadia Anon

Jan 24th, 2019
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  1. Ok then; the orc hunter anon reminded me of one.
  2. Despite being in the PNW, Desert Elves are a not uncommon sight here as well
  3. >East of the Cascade mountains, you have the Columbia river plateau
  4. >This area, while not fully a traditional desert, is still basically a desert
  5. >plains, steppe, and some actual desert
  6. >Elves who had the misfortune of being merged there became very much like the ones anon orc hunter is talking about
  7. >However, people actually live out on the plateau, and there are plenty of roads through it
  8. >So desert elves tend to wander out of the plateau from time to time
  9. >sometimes these are guys sick of orc hunting and drinking themselves to death
  10. >sometimes they're elves who have realized "hey, there our forests elsewhere, maybe I should just move there"
  11. >alot of the time though it's just some desert elf who got really drunk (by THEIR standards) and was so shitfaced they wander into the mountains
  12. This is one of those times.
  13. >on my mountain patrol
  14. >orc driving, well call him HMG-bro
  15. >Good kind of orc, the local tribe is one of the civilized ones
  16. >doesn't acutually have an HMG but he really wants one
  17. >On the truck's MG is a wood elf will call Fudd
  18. >I call him that because his family are more Fudds than Hippies when it comes to caring for the forest
  19. >we're driving along, having a nice conversation
  20. >we turn a bend
  21. >A fucking emaciated elf is in our way
  22. >HMG-Bro fucking yells, slams breaks
  23. >I get out a "WHAT THE FUCK" before the seat belt yanks me back
  24. >Fudd is cursing heavily as he slams into the back of the cab
  25. >The elf is standing there, shaking, with a intense expression on his face
  26. >not the scared shaking of someone having a significant emotional event
  27. >twitchy shaking, like someone does when they're eager to draw
  28. >He has a really deep tan, is wearing a wide brim hat with a flannel shirt and jeans
  29. >At least I think they were jeans, he was also wearing leather chaps
  30. >we sit in a staredown for a good minute, the only sounds being the idling of the truck and the singing of some birds
  31. cont.
  32. ----------
  33. >Suddenly this guy materializes a 30-30 out of fucking nowhere
  34. >screams in a mix of English and Elvish
  36. >Some elvish gibbering
  38. >Nut-job elf starts to aim
  39. >HMG-bro and I are scrambling to draw when we hear a muffled bang
  40. >the 30-30 flies out of the nut job's hands
  41. >He doesn't jump or anything, just looks up to see Fudd
  42. >like he hadn't seen him before
  43. >an argument in elvish ensues, all I can tell is that it involves HMG-bro
  44. >Fudd is getting more frustrated sounding
  45. >"Fine then I have a bottle here."
  46. >Jumps out of the truck, walking to nutjob with what is obviously an empty bottle
  47. >Nutjob still reaches for it
  48. >In a swift motion Fudd breaks it over the top of the nutjob's head
  49. >nut job collapses
  50. >Fudd turns towards us
  51. >"Get the rope, before he wakes up."
  52. >whatthefuck.avi
  53. >Bind him, put him in the truck
  54. >Fudd tells us to drive to his clan's place
  55. >HMG-bro jokes about having turned a mugging into a kidnapping
  56. >Could tell he was a little shaken up by the event; he didn't ever want to go patrol the east roads after that
  57. cont.
  58. ----------
  59. >Get to the Fudd family estate
  60. >It's a big forested property with some log cabins and tree houses
  61. >the tree houses are really luxury tree blinds for hunting
  62. >get to grandpa Fudd's place
  63. >grandpa Fudd's on the porch with grandma Fudd
  64. >Grandpa Fudd has a DB shottie on his lap
  65. >Grandma Fudd is more traditional, has a bow instead
  66. >Fudd starts yelling over at them
  67. >bunch of fudd come running from all over
  68. >a minute later I see a horde of camo, Model 700s, bows and crossbows carry the nut-job elf into grandpa's cabin
  69. >whatthefudd.many
  70. >grandma fudd gets up and walks in
  71. >grandpa fudd and fudd talk for a bit, then he tells us we can go back to patroling
  72. >"Ok then"
  73. >go finish the days work, nothing else unusual
  74. >We ask Fudd about it the next day
  75. >"don't worry about it, he's being taken care of by his kin"
  76. >don't really get any answers about it until a couple weeks later
  77. >Be eating brunch before work in the town diner
  78. >Damn good cherry pie
  79. >Fudd walks up with someone
  80. >"Hey guys, look who it is"
  81. >look up, HMG-bro a little stunned
  82. >It's the Nut-job elf, now in fudd-clothing
  83. >still has the hat
  84. >He and Fudd sit down with us and he starts apologizing to HMG-bro
  85. >Basically, the desert elf got super shitfaced and, with several days worth of whiskey in tow, got lost in the mountains
  86. >After he ran out of whiskey, he went through heavy withdrawal
  87. >was wondering around the cascades getting even more lost while in a fever
  88. >The fudd family of elves basically got him through his withdrawal and told him where he was
  89. >He was going to go back to the desert
  90. >but wanted to apologize to HMG-bro about mistaking him for a dirty feral first
  92. Still more stories, maybe I'll tell the retarded wendigo one next.
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