
SEO as a service or make your own affiliate site?

Jun 5th, 2020
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  1. SEO as a service or make your own affiliate site?
  2. so, I have been away from SEO game for awhile because i had a full time job. long story short, the company does not make money anymore, and I was let go. I still have another part time job that can help me to survive the next 8-12 months (or even more) BUT that means I have a lot of free time in my hands right now. I know some SEO skills like building private blog networks and all that but im just wondering what kind of website do you think will still work well right now?
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  14. Do you think it's still worth it to build affiliate sites? I mean, as long as it's not 'obvious' that look like affiliate site, but provide value etc. etc. maybe it's still worth it? do you see a long term value in these kind of sites? I mean, look at soundguys.com. it's a really good headphone review site but it's still an affiliate site because they make money from their amazon affiliate links. nonetheless, it's a high quality site, and I know they have good rankings too all over google. Do you think making that kind of site worth it?
  15. Or, do you guys think offering SEO as a service is a more proven way to make money nowadays? I even thought of building my own SaaS (i have a coder that can work part time on this with revenue share) then I will focus on internet marketing part while he focus on the development of the software. this sounds like a good option too. I know i should 'do my own research' but asking for opinions here from people who have been active in this game recently
  17. And one more question. having our own natural looking PBNs that we constantly update, that still work well to get good rankings on google? because that stuff takes a lot of my time. just wondering if there's better and more efficient technique nowadays for offpage SEO
  18. Why not both? SEO as a service gives you constant income while building affiliate websites and grow this to some passive income stream.
  19. I agree with this person.
  20. I also agree with this, you can make good money with this way.
  21. About your last question, PBN are still way to get fast ranks on google, if they are good build
  22. thanks, bro. i have also heard about guest posting and outreach. i wonder where to start about those things though. like do we reach websites manually?
  23. Why not both? SEO as a service gives you constant income while building affiliate websites and grow this to some passive income stream.
  24. i know but better to focus on one thing at a time, isnt it, before we start to scale
  26. I like that kind of soundguys.com website but it probably takes much longer time before I can start making money because it looks very time consuming to build. but it's a high quality affiliate site, regardless
  27. do what your most passionate about that will resonate in your work and your income
  28. seo is a great way of making money and you can outsource a lot of it
  29. Start with establishing yourself as an SEO service provider, then build affiliate sites. That way, you'll already have made all of the mistakes on other people's sites. A bit of experience building never hurt anybody.
  30. This helps us write the special content for that specific period and must include the coupons, discounts, cheap offers wordings along with the affiliate link behind those
  32. clickable CTA. Ultimately, huge earnings are possible with this type of blog post.
  34. #12. Resource Blog Post
  36. The people love to do the same as what the experts do. So, making this as
  38. So, making this major criterion, a blog post containing all the Recommended Resources & Tools should be written. This could make people check some of the resources that you’ve
  40. tested and used for your career journey.
  42. You can also add affiliate marketing tactics inside this type of blog content for earning some handsome bucks.
  44. #13. Podcast or Video Blog Content
  46. Video blog post is one of the best content types that people care the most. The Video Blog content would perform well as the people love to get the solution in a very faster way.
  48. It may contain the video embeds or direct video file with the useful info.
  50. The most of the video blog content would explain the Tutorials, How-Tos and other important content in a video visual format. The text format of the video or the transcript within
  52. the Video Blog Post would add more value to the content.
  54. #14. FAQs Blog Post
  56. The FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions. This type of blog content is one of the best content types. The people seek the FAQ for any related topic that would clear all the
  58. doubts and queries. Thus, creating an FAQ type blog post content has a high value.
  60. Make sure you have set of frequently asked questions in the blog content and update them regularly to avoid outdated information spreading to your valuable readers. The content
  62. should be in a question and answer format in a simple language that everyone could read it.
  64. #15. Product Comparison Post
  66. The Product Comparison Post is one of the famous blog post content which helps people choose their appropriate product or services. They basically land on this type of blog
  68. content to choose a single product over multiple confusing choices. This helps us write a better comparison product post and it satisfy the readers as well.
  70. The valid reasons and the comparative content would pave the way for choosing the genuine product without any confusion. You’re recommended to provide the users only the valid
  72. content and also mention every difference & similarities of the products.
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