Guest User

sorted strings from cocus_3.5.0.105

a guest
Nov 15th, 2012
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
text 406.71 KB | None | 0 0
  6. !"#
  7. !"#
  8. ! %
  9. ....(!
  10. ,(,,
  11. !!!!
  12. !!!!!!
  13. !#!/
  14. "$&(*
  15. `-`=
  16. |!}}}
  17. <$<-
  18. &&&.
  19. @ #!
  20. _$_-
  21. *(,(
  22. #.##
  23. #'#:
  24. %<%A
  25. AaAh
  26. aacute
  27. Aacute
  28. Aacutesmall
  29. a(aIa]bBbRb
  30. AAllow
  31. ABAH
  32. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  33. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  34. #abce4b
  35. abort
  36. about
  37. About
  38. about_exit
  39. about_exit_show
  40. accept
  41. Accept
  42. Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
  43. Access denied
  44. Accessing network...
  45. Accident Alert Distace
  46. Accidents
  47. According to distance
  48. According to speed
  49. Account details
  50. accreditationicon
  51. Accuracy
  52. acircumflex
  53. Acircumflex
  54. Acircumflexsmall
  55. acos
  56. AC_power_off
  57. AC_power_on
  58. ACTION
  59. actions_common_init
  60. actions_find
  61. actions_find
  62. actions_find_in_set
  63. actions_find_in_set
  64. actions_get
  65. actions_get
  66. actions_get_set
  67. actions_get_set
  68. Action %s is not available in any set
  69. Action %s is not available in set: %s
  70. actions_register
  71. actions_register
  72. actions_register_set
  73. actions_register_set
  74. Actions set %s is registered successfully
  75. activateProximity
  76. Activation
  77. acute
  78. Acutesmall
  79. _add
  80. Add a comment
  81. add_alert
  82. Add Alert
  83. AddAlert
  84. AddAlert
  85. AddAlert
  86. AddAlertComment
  87. AddAlertComment
  88. AddAlertComment
  89. add_alert_export
  90. add_alert_initialize
  91. Add a link to track my location on the map
  92. Add a red light camera
  93. Add a speed camera
  94. Add a stop
  95. Add a stop on the way
  96. AddBonus
  97. AddBonus
  98. AddBonus
  99. AddBonusTemplate
  100. AddBonusTemplate
  101. AddBonusTemplate
  102. add_cam
  103. add_cam_dlg
  104. _add_command
  105. Add Comment
  106. Add comment here...
  107. add_cookie
  108. AddCustomBonus
  109. AddCustomBonus
  110. AddCustomBonus
  111. <Add description>
  112. __adddf3
  113. add_dummy_cam
  114. add_dummy_cam_my_direction
  115. add_dummy_cam_opposite_direction
  116. AddExternalPoi
  117. AddExternalPoi
  118. AddExternalPoi
  119. AddExternalPoiType
  120. AddExternalPoiType
  121. AddExternalPoiType
  122. add fav
  123. Add favorite
  124. Add Geo-Reminder
  125. add home
  126. Add image
  127. Adding new line - from:%d, to:%d, trkseg:%d, cfcc:%d, flags:%d
  128. Adding text '%s' to the cache. Slot: %d
  129. Adding the next element to the TTS queue at %d. Current head: %d
  130. Additional Details
  131. + Add new favorite
  132. addon_
  133. _add_playlist
  134. Add Point of Interest - POI Street address is invalid.
  135. add_raw_data_to_category
  136. add_real_time_alert_for_accident
  137. add_real_time_alert_for_accident_my_direction
  138. add_real_time_alert_for_accident_opposite_direction
  139. add_real_time_alert_for_construction
  140. add_real_time_alert_for_construction_my_direction
  141. add_real_time_alert_for_construction_opposite_direction
  142. add_real_time_alert_for_hazard
  143. add_real_time_alert_for_hazard_my_direction
  144. add_real_time_alert_for_hazard_opposite_direction
  145. add_real_time_alert_for_other
  146. add_real_time_alert_for_other_my_direction
  147. add_real_time_alert_for_other_opposite_direction
  148. add_real_time_alert_for_parking
  149. add_real_time_alert_for_parking_my_direction
  150. add_real_time_alert_for_parking_opposite_direction
  151. add_real_time_alert_for_police
  152. add_real_time_alert_for_police_my_direction
  153. add_real_time_alert_for_police_opposite_direction
  154. add_real_time_alert_for_traffic_jam
  155. add_real_time_alert_for_traffic_jam_my_direction
  156. add_real_time_alert_for_traffic_jam_opposite_direction
  157. add_real_time_chit_chat
  158. add_red_light_cam
  159. add_red_light_cam_alert
  160. Add red light camera on your lane?
  161. add_red_light_cam_my_direction
  162. add_red_light_cam_opposite_direction
  163. _add_request_callback
  164. address
  165. address_append_current_location
  166. AddressCandidate
  167. address_candidate_init
  168. address_done
  169. address_list_add
  170. address_list_add_last
  171. address_list_after
  172. address_list_after
  173. address_list_before
  174. address_list_before
  175. address_list_declare
  176. address_list_delete_entry
  177. address_list_get
  178. address_list_initialize
  179. address_list_latest
  180. address_list_latest
  181. address_list_load
  182. address_list_move_before
  183. address_list_move_before
  184. address_list_purge
  185. address_list_save
  186. address_list_save
  187. address_list_update
  188. Address or Place
  189. Address search
  190. Address Search
  191. address_search_auto_nav
  192. address_search_auto_search
  193. address_search_dlg_show
  194. address_search_dlg_show_auto
  195. address_search_init
  196. address_search_init
  197. address_search_init() - Web-Service Address: '%s', secured='%s'
  198. address_search_init() - 'wst_init()' failed
  199. address_search::no location used
  200. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'city'
  201. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'county'
  202. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'house number'
  203. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'latitude'
  204. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'longtitude'
  205. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'state'
  206. address_search::on_address_option() - Failed to read 'street'
  207. address_search::on_address_option() - Result does not have 'city-name' AND 'street-name'
  208. address_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'house number'
  209. address_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'name'
  210. address_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'phone'
  211. address_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'url'
  212. address_search_report_wrong_address
  213. address_search_report_wrong_address
  214. address_search_report_wrong_address() - Cannot start transaction: Transaction is not idle yet
  215. address_search_report_wrong_address() - MODULE NOT INITIALIZED
  216. address_search_resolve_address
  217. address_search_resolve_address() - Cannot start transaction: Transaction is not idle yet
  218. address_search_resolve_address() - MODULE NOT INITIALIZED
  219. address_search_resolve_address() - Size of 'Address to resolve' is wrong (%d)
  220. address_search_resolve_address() - Transaction failed...
  221. address_search_resolve_address() - Transaction failed... %s
  222. address_search_term
  223. address_search_term
  224. address_search_term() - TERM
  225. address_show
  226. AddRoadInfo
  227. AddRoadInfo
  228. AddRoadInfo
  229. __addsf3
  230. add_speed_cam
  231. add_speed_cam_alert
  232. Add speed camera on your lane?
  233. add_speed_cam_my_direction
  234. add_speed_cam_opposite_direction
  235. add_speed_cam - poi_AlertSelection is null.
  238. AddTask
  239. add_to_category
  240. Add to favorites
  241. AddUser
  242. AddUser
  243. add work
  244. Add your message
  245. adieresis
  246. Adieresis
  247. Adieresissmall
  248. Ad Images
  249. Ad_Images_Ver
  250. Adjusting times from segment %d
  251. adjust_segment_times
  252. _adjust_stop_point_center
  253. AdminMessage
  254. AdminMessage
  255. AdminMessage
  256. %ADOBeginFontDict
  257. &ads=true&sponsered=1
  258. advertiserpointid
  259. advertiserproviderid
  260. advertiserserviceid
  262. .A<e
  263. __aeabi_cdcmpeq
  264. __aeabi_cdcmple
  265. __aeabi_cdrcmple
  266. __aeabi_cfcmpeq
  267. __aeabi_cfcmple
  268. __aeabi_cfrcmple
  269. __aeabi_dadd
  270. __aeabi_dcmpeq
  271. __aeabi_dcmpge
  272. __aeabi_dcmpgt
  273. __aeabi_dcmple
  274. __aeabi_dcmplt
  275. __aeabi_ddiv
  276. __aeabi_dmul
  277. __aeabi_drsub
  278. __aeabi_dsub
  279. __aeabi_d2f
  280. __aeabi_d2iz
  281. __aeabi_d2lz
  282. __aeabi_d2uiz
  283. __aeabi_d2ulz
  284. __aeabi_fadd
  285. __aeabi_fcmpeq
  286. __aeabi_fcmpge
  287. __aeabi_fcmpgt
  288. __aeabi_fcmple
  289. __aeabi_fcmplt
  290. __aeabi_fdiv
  291. __aeabi_fmul
  292. __aeabi_frsub
  293. __aeabi_fsub
  294. __aeabi_f2d
  295. __aeabi_f2iz
  296. __aeabi_idiv
  297. __aeabi_idivmod
  298. __aeabi_idiv0
  299. __aeabi_i2d
  300. __aeabi_i2f
  301. __aeabi_ldivmod
  302. __aeabi_ldiv0
  303. __aeabi_llsr
  304. __aeabi_lmul
  305. __aeabi_l2d
  306. __aeabi_l2f
  307. __aeabi_uidiv
  308. __aeabi_uidivmod
  309. __aeabi_ui2d
  310. __aeabi_ui2f
  311. __aeabi_uldivmod
  312. __aeabi_ul2d
  313. __aeabi_ul2f
  314. __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0
  315. __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1
  316. __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr2
  317. aehvaehh(
  318. AEsmall
  319. af_autofitter_service
  320. af_cjk_script_class
  321. af_dummy_script_class
  322. A few hours
  323. af_glyph_hints_dump_edges
  324. af_glyph_hints_dump_points
  325. af_glyph_hints_dump_segments
  326. af_indic_script_class
  327. af_latin_script_class
  328. afm_parser_funcs
  329. _after_update_failure
  330. .Agfff
  331. .Agfff0
  332. agrave
  333. Agrave
  334. Agravesmall
  335. Agree to be pinged
  336. ahoj
  337. &A&I&R
  338. Airports
  339. aler
  340. AlertAheadHandler
  341. alert_alertable
  342. AlertCategory
  343. alert_count
  344. alertDb
  345. AlertDescription
  346. Alert dialog
  347. Alert Distance
  348. alerter_audio
  349. alerter_display
  350. alerter_dlg_on_close
  351. alerter_dlg_report_irrelevant
  352. alerter_dlg_send_thumbs_up
  353. alerter_get_active_alert_id
  354. alerter_check
  355. alerter_initialize
  356. alerter_register
  357. alert_get_alert
  358. alert_get_alert_by_id
  359. alert_get_alert_icon
  360. alert_get_alert_sound
  361. alert_get_category
  362. alert_get_distance
  363. alert_get_id
  364. alert_get_map_icon
  365. alert_get_position
  366. alert_get_priority
  367. alert_get_speed
  368. alert_get_string
  369. alert_get_warning_icon
  370. alert_icon_
  371. alert_icon_accident
  372. alert_icon_accident_major
  373. alert_icon_accident_minor
  374. alert_icon_addon_
  375. alert_icon_addon_comment
  376. alert_icon_addon_user
  377. alert_icon_addon_waze
  378. alert_icon_all
  379. alert_icon_construction
  380. alert_icon_event
  381. alert_icon_hazard
  382. alert_icon_hazard_on_road
  383. alert_icon_hazard_on_shoulder
  384. alert_icon_hazard_weather
  385. alert_icon_chit_chat
  386. alert_icon_other
  387. alert_icon_parking
  388. alert_icon_police
  389. alert_icon_police_hiding
  390. alert_icon_police_visible
  391. alert_icon_road_construction
  392. alert_icon_traffic_info
  393. alert_icon_traffic_jam
  394. alert_icon_traffic_jam_heavy
  395. alert_icon_traffic_jam_light
  396. alert_icon_traffic_jam_standstill
  397. alert_is_on_route
  398. alert_minimized
  399. AlertName
  400. alertnative_routes_after_login
  401. alert_pin_
  402. alert_pin_accident
  403. alert_pin_addon_
  404. alert_pin_addon_attachment
  405. alert_pin_addon_comment
  406. alert_pin_hazard
  407. alert_pin_chit_chat
  408. alert_pin_loads
  409. alert_pin_other
  410. alert_pin_parking
  411. alert_pin_police
  412. alert_pin_road_construction
  413. alerts
  414. Alert scale factor
  415. AlertSelection
  416. alerts menu
  417. alertsmenu
  418. _alerts_popup_msg_on_close
  419. alerts_state
  420. alert_start_handling
  421. alert_stop_handling
  422. alert_title_
  425. alice blue
  426. AliceBlue
  427. All day
  428. all_friends
  429. All friends
  430. All groups
  431. _allocate
  432. _allocate
  433. _allocate_context
  434. _allocate_context
  435. allocate_label
  436. Allocating selector used tile space, old size = %d
  437. Allocation %d, %d, %d, %d exception: %s
  438. Allocation FRIBIDI %d exception
  439. Allow image
  440. Allowing friends of friends will also show you as the connection between two of your friends.
  441. Allow Ping
  442. Allow Police subtypes
  443. Allow / prevent automatic creation of new roads
  444. Allow Private Ping
  445. Allow unknown directions
  446. Allow voice recording
  447. Allow wazers to ping you.
  448. All Reports
  449. All set. Lets go
  450. All stations
  451. All times
  452. All turns
  453. Almost there
  454. Alpha numeric characters
  455. Already a Wazer?
  456. already calculating route
  457. Already have a login?
  458. already checked %d minutes ago
  459. Already in close state. Connection id: %d
  460. Already in process of setting voice id: %d
  461. already Navigating
  462. Already passed suggested reroute point. Now at %d, reroute was at %d
  463. Already playing
  464. Already processing command, ignoring listen request
  465. Also send this report to:
  466. alternative_feature_enabled
  467. alternative_route_get_src
  468. alternative_route_get_waypoint
  469. Alternative routes
  470. Alternative routes
  471. Alternative Routes
  472. Alternative routes - feature disabled
  473. alternative_routes_init
  474. alternative_routes_init
  475. alternative_routes_set_last_check_time_stamp
  476. alternative_routes_set_suggest_routes
  477. alternative_routes_show_checking_alternative_msg
  478. alternative_routes_show_still_fastest_msg
  479. alternative_routes_suggest_dlg_active
  480. alternative_routes_suggested_trip
  481. alternative_routes_suggest_routes
  482. Alternative routes - Suggest routes off
  483. Alternatives
  484. alt_routes
  485. Alt-Routes
  487. Alt1outeColor
  488. Alt2outeColor
  489. Alt3RouteColor
  490. Always
  491. ampersand
  492. ampersandsmall
  493. An account is created for your when you first sign up with Waze. Log into your account using your Waze user name and/or a connected Facebook account on any device, including our website
  494. analytics_clear
  495. analytics_count
  498. analytics_flush
  499. analytics_init
  500. analytics_is_empty
  501. analytics_log_event
  502. analytics_log_int_event
  503. analytics_log_system_event
  504. analytics_term
  505. and check it out for yourself!
  508. and re-routes when needed
  509. Android
  510. androidbrowser_init
  511. Android Connectivity Event. Connected: %d (Previous: %d). Network Type: %s ( Code: %d )
  512. androideditbox_init
  513. androidmenu_handler
  514. androidmenu_initialize
  515. androidmenu_initialize
  516. androidmsgbox_show
  517. androidogl_initialize
  518. androidogl_shutdown
  519. Android PixelFlinger
  520. androidspeechtt_init
  521. androidspeechtt_init
  522. android_tts
  523. and then
  524. AndThen
  525. A newer version of Waze is available. Please go to the %s to perform an upgrade.
  526. Animals
  527. Animals near road
  528. animation_cancel
  529. animation_create
  530. animation_create
  531. animation create - Called before init !
  532. animation_end_repaint
  533. animation_initialize
  534. animation_register
  535. animation_set_callback
  536. animation_set_callback
  537. animation_set_callback() - unknown object '%s'
  538. animation_start_repaint
  539. Animation table saturated !
  540. animation_terminate
  541. anon
  542. Anonymous
  543. Another user is connected
  544. antique white
  545. AntiqueWhite
  546. AntiqueWhite1
  547. AntiqueWhite2
  548. AntiqueWhite3
  549. AntiqueWhite4
  550. append_current_location
  551. append_current_location
  552. append_current_location
  553. AppendPrefix_CopyToTheLeft
  554. AppendPrefix_ShiftOriginalRight
  555. app_icon_green
  556. app_icon_red
  557. apple
  558. .AppleDouble/
  559. Applicaiton started with URL string: %s
  560. Application is initialized with the URL: %s
  561. Application is running with png.c from libpng-%.20s
  562. Application must supply a known background gamma
  563. application/octet-stream
  564. application_shutdown
  565. Application uses deprecated png_read_init() and should be recompiled.
  566. Application was compiled with png.h from libpng-%.20s
  567. application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
  568. Applying the fix cell/wifi mode (%d, %d)
  569. _apply_retry
  570. ApproachAccident
  571. ApproachHazard
  572. Approaching destination
  573. Approaching stop point
  574. ApproachRedLightCam
  575. ApproachSpeedCam
  576. ApproachTraffic
  577. Approved Publish
  578. approxequal
  579. Appstore ratings start from scratch with every new version.
  580. aquamarine
  581. aquamarine1
  582. aquamarine2
  583. aquamarine3
  584. aquamarine4
  585. Area
  586. Area support information not available, try again later
  587. Are these prices correct?
  588. Are you experiencing traffic?
  589. Are you in traffic?
  590. Are you sure?
  591. Are you sure you want to Add item to favorites?
  592. Are you sure you want to report this user's abuse?
  593. Are you sure you want to submit this update?
  594. Arguments
  595. archive_waze_log.txt
  596. aring
  597. Aring
  598. Aringsmall
  599. Around me
  600. around 25
  601. Arrival:
  602. Arrive
  603. Arrived
  604. arrivedText
  605. arrivedTime
  606. Arriving
  607. arriving at
  608. Arrow
  609. Arrow-down
  610. Arrow-left
  611. Arrow-right
  612. arrow_tex
  613. Arrow-up
  614. Ascender
  615. asciicircum
  616. asciitilde
  617. AS: Could not find relevant results for this search
  618. Ask a question
  619. Asking to cancel...
  620. Ask me
  621. Asmall
  622. AS: More characters are needed to perform a search
  623. AS: Previous search-transaction did not complete yet
  624. ##@asr
  627. asr_actions_init
  628. asr_cancel
  629. asr_cancel
  630. asr_cancel
  632. ASR can't start - network not available
  633. asr_cmd
  634. ASR: CMU Pocketsphinx, MIT
  635. asr_command_cancel
  636. asr_command_init
  637. asr_command_is_active
  638. asr_command_process
  639. asr_command_process
  640. asr_command_reset
  641. asr_command_start
  642. asr_command_start
  643. asr_enabled
  644. asr_enabled returned false - exiting
  645. asr_engine_cancel
  646. asr_engine_enable
  647. asr_engine_init
  648. asr_engine_listen
  649. asr_engine_prepare
  650. asr_engine_set_session
  651. asr_feature_enabled
  652. ASR Feature is disabled! Please restart
  653. ASR Feature is enabled! Please restart
  654. asr_get_provider
  655. asr_init
  656. asr_listen
  657. asr_listen
  658. asr_listen
  659. asrListen
  660. asr_monster
  661. asr_navigate_home
  662. asr_navigate_work
  663. asr_played_example
  664. ASR provider set to: NovoSpeech. Please restart Waze !
  665. ASR provider set to: OpenEars. Please restart Waze !
  666. asr_proximity_enabled
  667. asr_refresh_state
  668. asr_report_accident
  669. asr_report_accident_major
  670. asr_report_accident_minor
  671. asr_report_camera_fake
  672. asr_report_camera_redlight
  673. asr_report_camera_speed
  674. asr_report_hazard
  675. asr_report_hazard_onroad
  676. asr_report_hazard_onroad_carstopped
  677. asr_report_hazard_onroad_car_stopped
  678. asr_report_hazard_onroad_construction
  679. asr_report_hazard_onroad_ice
  680. asr_report_hazard_onroad_laneclosed
  681. asr_report_hazard_onroad_object
  682. asr_report_hazard_onroad_oil
  683. asr_report_hazard_onroad_pothole
  684. asr_report_hazard_onroad_roadkill
  685. asr_report_hazard_onshoulder
  686. asr_report_hazard_onshoulder_animals
  687. asr_report_hazard_onshoulder_carstopped
  688. asr_report_hazard_onshoulder_missingsign
  689. asr_report_hazard_weather
  690. asr_report_hazard_weather_flood
  691. asr_report_hazard_weather_fog
  692. asr_report_hazard_weather_freezingrain
  693. asr_report_hazard_weather_hail
  694. asr_report_hazard_weather_heatwave
  695. asr_report_hazard_weather_hurricane
  696. asr_report_hazard_weather_monsoon
  697. asr_report_hazard_weather_snow
  698. asr_report_hazard_weather_tornado
  699. asr_report_police
  700. asr_report_traffic
  701. asr_report_traffic_heavy
  702. asr_report_traffic_moderate
  703. asr_report_traffic_standstill
  704. asr_set_enabled
  705. asr_set_feature_enabled
  706. asr_set_played_example
  707. asr_set_proximity_enabled
  708. ASR shown
  709. asr_shutdown
  710. asr_start
  711. asr_start
  712. asr_start
  714. asr_start showing tip
  715. asrStopListen
  716. asr_stop_nav
  717. ASR toggle
  718. asr_toggle_provider
  719. ASR will not start - feature not enabled
  720. ASR will not start - main menu is shown
  721. ASR will not start - not initialized
  722. assign_group_ids
  723. assign_group_ids() - route incomplete
  724. As soon as your friend confirms and shares their location, you'll get a navigation link.
  725. asterisk
  726. asuperior
  727. Async sending packet of size %d. Connection id: %d
  728. atan2
  729. atilde
  730. Atilde
  731. Atildesmall
  732. atlas - cleaning hint '%s'
  733. atlas - creating new root for hint '%s'
  734. Atlas Erase
  735. atlas - no space for image !!!
  736. atoi
  737. atol
  738. At,%s,%d,%d
  739. At,%s,%d,%d
  740. At,%s,%d,%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d
  741. at the roundabout, continue straight
  742. At the roundabout, continue straight
  743. At the roundabout, exit
  744. At the roundabout, exit number
  745. At the roundabout, make a u turn
  746. at the roundabout, take a left
  747. at the roundabout, take a right
  748. at the roundabout, take the
  749. At the roundabout, turn left
  750. At the roundabout, turn right
  751. attribute
  752. Audio Content Type
  753. audio/mp4
  754. audio/x-wav
  755. Auth
  756. Auth,%d,%s,%s,%d,%s,%d
  757. Authorization: Basic %s
  758. Auto
  759. AutoConnect
  760. Auto Connection
  761. autofit_module_class
  762. autofitter
  763. auto_hide_dlg
  764. Auto-learn routes to frequent destinations
  765. Automatically post to Facebook:
  766. Automatically tweet to my followers:
  767. Automatic night mode
  768. Auto night mode
  769. Auto registration
  770. Auto show me on map timer
  771. Auto show street bar
  772. Auto zoom
  773. AutoZoom
  774. Available parking
  775. (Available to all)
  776. (Available to the previous week's top scoring Wazers only)
  777. Average speed %d %s
  782. Avi The King
  783. Avoid long ones
  784. Avoid major highways
  785. Avoid Palestinian Roads
  786. Avoid primaries
  787. Avoid toll roads
  788. Avoid tolls
  789. Avoid trails
  790. away
  791. A Waze advertisement
  792. A whole new Waze awaits!
  793. AxisLabel
  794. AxisType
  795. azimuth = %d, steering = %d, delta = %d
  796. azure
  797. azure1
  798. azure2
  799. azure3
  800. azure4
  801. ,A1AqA|A
  802. %a2
  803. #a55fff
  804. a9aA
  805. A9ASA[
  806. |<|[|b
  807. \"\B
  808. baby
  809. Baby
  810. Back
  811. Background
  812. Back_key
  813. BackLight
  814. backlight_initialize() - Current setting : %s
  815. Back Light On
  816. Back on track
  817. backslash
  818. Back takes you back one level
  819. bad formed header: %s
  820. bad numerical character %c
  821. Bad route
  822. Bad source file name (no path)
  823. bahamas
  824. bar_bottom_height
  825. bar_draw
  826. bar_top_bar_exit_state
  827. bar_top_height
  828. base64_decode
  829. base64_encode
  830. base64_encode
  831. base64_get_buffer_size
  832. Batch Size
  833. Batch Timer
  834. Battery
  835. b,b:
  836. B%B+B:BIBuB
  837. ([B[B[B[BJ)V
  838. B[B_BcBg1
  839. B@BE
  840. bcfguvyz
  841. bcfguvyz
  842. bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx
  843. bc01fg45238967deuvhjyznpkmstqrwx
  844. bdf_cmap_class
  845. bdf_driver_class
  847. #bebebe
  848. Begin transaction
  850. Begin transaction failed - cannot open database
  851. Be good
  852. Be good! Your message will pop on this user's screen but is also seen publicly in Map Chats.
  853. beige
  854. BeingWatched
  855. BeingWatched
  856. BeingWatched
  857. Benchmark. Interval: %d msec. Thread: %d
  858. Benchmark. Starting ... Thread: %d
  859. be prompted for additional
  860. beta
  861. beta_release
  862. Beta Tester
  863. 'B'F'J'N'R'V'Z'^'b'f0
  864. (:(>(B(F(J(N(R(V(Z(^0
  865. bg
  866. BgColor
  867. [b[i
  868. bidi_string
  869. ([BIIIII)V
  870. .bin
  871. binary/octet-stream
  872. binding int parameter
  873. binding the blob statement
  874. binding the path statement
  875. binding the storage type statement
  876. binding the text statement
  877. binding the text type statement
  878. bin2hex
  879. bIsPickUpLater
  880. bisque
  881. bisque1
  882. bisque2
  883. bisque3
  884. bisque4
  885. BITMAP
  886. bitmap_res
  887. ([BJ)V
  888. bKGD
  889. black
  890. Black
  891. Black
  892. Black
  893. Black
  894. blanched almond
  895. BlanchedAlmond
  896. BlendAxisTypes
  897. BlendAxisTypes
  898. BlendDesignMap
  899. BlendDesignMap
  900. BlendDesignPositions
  901. BlendDesignPositions
  902. Block signals
  903. Blog / newspaper / TV / Radio
  904. blue
  905. BlueFuzz
  906. BlueFuzz
  907. BlueScale
  908. BlueScale
  909. BlueShift
  910. BlueShift
  911. Bluetooth
  912. BlueValues
  913. BlueValues
  914. blue violet
  915. BlueViolet
  916. blue1
  917. blue2
  918. blue3
  919. blue4
  920. .bmp
  921. bmys
  922. bNeedToSendSuggestRoute
  923. BODA
  925. Bold
  926. Bold
  927. Bold
  928. Bold
  929. Bold
  930. Bold
  931. Bold
  932. Bold Italic
  933. bonus
  934. Bonus points
  935. BonusPoints
  936. Book
  937. both folder & filename are null
  938. bottom_bar
  940. bottom_menu
  941. bPickUpActive
  942. *BP0d24
  943. BQBkBpC
  944. braceleft
  945. braceright
  946. bracketleft
  947. bracketright
  948. brand
  949. Brand
  950. &brand=%s&product=%s
  951. breve
  952. Brevesmall
  953. BridgeTo,COUPON,take,4,pointId,%d,promotionId,%s
  954. BridgeTo,CREATEACCOUNT,signup_mobile,10,user_name,%s,password,%s,email,%s,receive_mails,%s,referrer,%d
  955. BridgeTo,DOWNLOADSMS,send_download,2,phone_number,%s
  956. BridgeTo,FACEBOOKPERMISSIONS,facebook_permissions,18,show_name,%s,show_picture,%s,show_facebook_profile,%s,show_twitter_profile,%s,publish_facebook_alerts,%s,publish_facebook_eta,%s,publish_facebook_scores,%s,see_friends_of_friends,%s,see_only_close_friends_and_family,%s
  957. BridgeTo,FOURSQUARE,signin,8,username,%s,password,%s,connect,%s,tweet_login,%s
  958. BridgeTo,PUSHNOTIFICATIONS,getInboxCredentials,0
  959. BridgeTo,PUSHNOTIFICATIONS,setService,2,token,%s
  960. BridgeToRes
  961. BridgeToRes
  962. BridgeToRes
  963. BridgeTo-RoutingRequest-AddRouteWaypoints
  964. BridgeTo,SCOREBOARD,getPoints,8,period,%s,geography,%s,from_rank,%s,count,%s
  965. BridgeTo,SOCIALMEDIASERVERGETNEARBYPLACES,,6,community,foursquare,lat,%s,lon,%s
  966. BridgeTo,SOCIALMEDIASERVERCHECKIN,,8,community,foursquare,venue_id,%s,lat,%s,lon,%s
  967. BridgeTo,SOCIALMEDIASERVERSETTOKEN,,8,community,facebook,access_token,%s,expiration_date,%d,update-token-only,true
  968. BridgeTo,TRIPPOISERVER,CreatePOI,10,x,%d,y,%d,name,%s,override,%s,id,%d
  969. BridgeTo,TRIPPOISERVER,DeletePOI,2,name,%s
  970. BridgeTo,TRIPSERVER,GetNumPOIs,0
  971. BridgeTo,TRIPSERVER,GetPOIs,0
  972. BridgeTo,TRIPSERVER,GetRouteSegments,2,tripId,%d
  973. BridgeTo,TRIPSERVER,GetTripRoutes,2,tripId,%d
  974. BridgeTo,TWITTER,twitter_connect,10,twitter_username,%s,twitter_password,%s,connect,%s,tweet_login,%s,device_id,%d
  975. BridgeTo,UPDATEMAP,send_update_request_mobile,10,lon,%d,lat,%d,type,%s,description,%s,GpsTime,%d
  976. BridgeTo,UPDATEPROFILE,update_profile_mobile,10,user_name,%s,password,%s,email,%s,receive_mails,%s,referrer,%d
  977. broadcast_after_screen_animation
  978. broadcast_enabled
  979. broadcast_initialize
  980. Broadcast mode enabled
  981. broadcast_mode_gas
  982. Broadcast mode is disabled. Please restart
  983. Broadcast mode is enabled. Please restart
  984. broadcast_refresh_gas_display
  985. broadcast_set_mode
  986. broadcast_toggle_gas_display
  987. brokenbar
  988. broken count mismatch
  989. brown
  990. brown1
  991. brown2
  992. brown3
  993. brown4
  994. Browser
  995. browser_back
  996. browser_back_down
  997. browser_close
  998. browser_close
  999. browser_close_down
  1000. browser_close_embedded
  1001. browser_home
  1002. browser_home_down
  1003. Browser launcher is not initialized...
  1004. browser_preload
  1005. browser_register_close
  1006. browser_register_launcher
  1007. browser_register_resize
  1008. browser_reset_attributes
  1009. browser_set_button_attrs
  1010. browser_show
  1011. browser_show_embedded
  1012. browser_show_embedded
  1013. browser_show_extended
  1014. browser_show_ssd
  1015. browser_show_ssd
  1016. browser_title=
  1017. browser_url_handler
  1018. browser_url_handler
  1019. browse_url_from_server
  1020. bShareMyRideActive
  1021. Bsmall
  1022. __bss_end__
  1023. __bss_start
  1024. __bss_start__
  1025. bStopFollow
  1026. bsuperior
  1027. Buffer error in compressed datastream in %s chunk
  1028. Buffer image not created !
  1029. BuildCharArray
  1030. bullet
  1031. Bummer, this treasure chest was emptied. Keep searching for other chests, some have valuable prizes in them.
  1032. burlywood
  1033. burlywood1
  1034. burlywood2
  1035. burlywood3
  1036. burlywood4
  1037. But don
  1038. buzz
  1039. ([B)V
  1040. bXbp
  1041. by Yahoo! JAPAN</a><br/>Map Data: %s<br/><h3><a href="waze://?open_url=http://%s">%s</a><h3/></body></html>
  1042. ($(b1
  1043. B1B6
  1044. #b2bfdc
  1045. #b3a1f6a0
  1046. b5x5
  1047. &c@\
  1048. cacute
  1049. Cacute
  1050. cadet blue
  1051. CadetBlue
  1052. CadetBlue1
  1053. CadetBlue2
  1054. CadetBlue3
  1055. CadetBlue4
  1056. _cache_add
  1057. Cache Enabled
  1058. _cache_set_entry
  1059. _cache_set_entry
  1060. Cache snapshot: %d: (Prev: %d, Next: %d) %d, %s
  1061. calcProjDepths
  1062. calcProjDepths() y=%lg wy=%lg missing %d
  1063. calc_steering
  1064. Calculate route
  1065. Calculating alternate routes...
  1066. Calculating alternate routes, please wait...
  1067. Calculating alternative routes, please wait...
  1068. Calculating long offline reroute..
  1069. Calculating new offline route..
  1070. Calculating route, please wait...
  1071. Calculating short offline reroute..
  1072. Calculating time off route...
  1073. Callback 0x%x execution has been finished with state: %d. Connection id: %d
  1074. Callback 0x%x. IO Action: %d. Connection id: %d
  1075. Calling callback for tile %d
  1076. calling navigate_route_init_context from navigate_route_cancel_request()
  1077. Calling original event handler 0x%x
  1078. Calling the callback 0x%x
  1079. Calling the callback 0x%x for the result: %d
  1080. calloc
  1081. Call to NULL read function
  1082. Camera
  1083. Camera added
  1084. Camera Image
  1085. camera_image_alert
  1086. camera_image_alert
  1087. camera_image_alert_async
  1088. camera_image_alert_async
  1089. camera_image_bytes_pp
  1090. camera_image_capture
  1091. camera_image_capture
  1092. camera_image_download
  1093. camera_image_download
  1094. camera_image_get_download_url
  1095. camera_image_initialize
  1096. camera_image_shutdown
  1097. camera_image_upload
  1098. camera_image_uploader
  1099. Camera image was not captured!
  1100. Camera is not available
  1101. camera_take_picture
  1102. camera_take_picture
  1103. camera_take_picture_async
  1104. camera_take_picture_async_cb
  1105. camera_take_picture_async_cb
  1106. Can ask reconnect
  1107. Cancel
  1108. Cancel cancels the command
  1109. Canceled
  1110. Canceling resolver entry for %s
  1111. cancel_real_time_scroll
  1112. Cancel real time scroll
  1113. Candidate %d (%d/%d from %d.%d to %d.%d dir %d wh %d) scores %d %d %d total %d
  1114. Candidates
  1115. cannedsearch
  1116. CannedSearch
  1117. Cannot access negative indexes!
  1118. Cannot add camera
  1119. Cannot allocate connection! Connection pool saturated: %d
  1120. Cannot allocate invalid number of points
  1121. Cannot allocate. No memory.
  1122. Cannot allocate non tagged languages
  1123. Cannot allocate space for %d recording toggles
  1124. Cannot allocate space for %d track nodes
  1125. Cannot allocate space for %d track points
  1126. Cannot allocate space for %d user points
  1127. Cannot allocate. The language with the same tag has been already allocated
  1128. Cannot allocate. There is no empty slot for the language
  1129. Cannot calculate route
  1130. Cannot calculate time to destination
  1131. Cannot call receive if not connected. Connection id: %d
  1132. Cannot call send if not connected/connecting. Connection id: %d
  1133. Cannot configure service. Please try again later
  1134. Cannot copy more bytes than allocated. Truncating %d bytes
  1135. Cannot determine GPU - exiting
  1136. Cannot determine location. Please select your location.
  1137. Cannot draw not initialized texture!!! %s
  1138. Cannot export all the actions - export table overflowed
  1139. Cannot find action: %s, provided in url: %s
  1140. cannot find data for node %d square %d
  1141. Cannot find face for default character: %ld.
  1142. Cannot find face for character: %ld. Using default instead
  1143. Cannot find non-locked resource!!! Removing the locked LRU
  1144. Cannot find VM handle for JNI object %s!
  1145. Cannot free. The language with tag %s is not loaded.
  1146. Cannot free valid IO!!. Should be invalidation request before. Connection id: %d
  1147. Cannot initialize new layer (id: %d) with missing properties !
  1148. Cannot load bmp image %s
  1149. Cannot load image buffer: reference not valid!
  1150. Cannot navigate to %s. It was not found in history records!
  1151. Cannot obtain the Java environment for JNI object %s!
  1152. Cannot obtain the Java environment for JNI object %s! %d %x
  1153. Cannot obtain the java function pointer for JNI object %s!
  1154. cannot open file '%s'
  1155. Cannot open the gps tracker file
  1156. Cannot prepare voice: %s - it's not in the enabled list
  1157. Cannot process position for provider id: %d
  1158. Cannot register actions set %s: the sets table is overflowed
  1159. Cannot remove speed cam
  1160. cannot show all shape points (%d entries needed).
  1161. Cannot update geometry with no coordinates - ID = %d
  1162. Can't add note
  1163. Can't add shape point.
  1164. Can't calculate offline - Can't find a road near departure point.
  1165. Can't calculate offline - Can't find a road near destination point.
  1166. Can't connect. Error: %s (%d). Connectiond id: %d
  1167. Can't connect to server.
  1168. Can't create file.
  1169. Can't create http connection.
  1170. Can't create new line.
  1171. Can't create new trkseg.
  1172. can't create <%s>, error = %d
  1173. Can't define the database filename
  1174. Can't determine poi gps position
  1175. Can't discard critical data on CRC error.
  1176. Can't download usdir.
  1177. Can't find a callback to remove. Event: %d
  1178. Can't find alert position.
  1179. Can't find a road near departure point.
  1180. Can't find a road near destination point.
  1181. Can't find a road near point.
  1182. Can't find a route.
  1183. Can't find city name.
  1184. can't find config: category: %s, name: %s
  1185. Can't find current street.
  1186. Can't find editor path
  1187. can't find history file
  1188. Can't find route data.
  1189. Can't find selected location
  1190. Can't find speedometer resource
  1191. Can't find splash file for screen width: %d height: %d (wide =%d)
  1192. Can't find street name.
  1193. Can't find your location
  1194. Can't load map data.
  1195. Can't load route data.
  1196. Can't locate county
  1197. Can't locate fips.
  1198. Can't open/create new database: %s/%s
  1199. can't open %s
  1200. can't open %s/%s
  1201. Can't open the database
  1202. Can't remove from empty list !
  1203. can't remove string: %s
  1204. Can't reset socket to blocking, errno = %d
  1205. Can't save marker.
  1206. Can't save note.
  1207. Can't search provider when web service is not initialized
  1208. can't set category:%s name:%s value:%s
  1209. Can't set socket blocking. Error: %s (%d). Connectiond id: %d
  1210. Can't set socket nonblocking. Error: %d ( %s )
  1211. Can't set socket nonblocking. Error: %s (%d). Connectiond id: %d
  1212. Can't share destination when not navigating
  1213. Can't start prepare process. Status: %d, voice: %s
  1214. Can't swap. Queue is not ready any more ...
  1215. Can't swap. There is already pending queue....
  1216. Can't update range
  1217. canvas_atlas_clean
  1218. canvas_atlas_clean
  1219. canvas_atlas_insert
  1220. canvas_atlas_insert
  1221. canvas_begin_draw_to_image
  1222. canvas_begin_draw_to_image
  1223. canvas_bind
  1224. canvas_buf_from_image
  1225. canvas_copy_image
  1226. canvas_create_pen
  1227. canvas_debug
  1228. canvas_default_font
  1229. CanvasDoubleTap
  1230. canvas_draw_formated_string_angle
  1231. canvas_draw_formated_string_angle
  1232. canvas_draw_formated_string_size
  1233. canvas_draw_image
  1234. canvas_draw_image_angle
  1235. canvas_draw_image_formated_text
  1236. canvas_draw_image_middle_stretch
  1237. canvas_draw_image_scaled
  1238. canvas_draw_image_scaled_angle
  1239. canvas_draw_image_stretch
  1240. canvas_draw_image_text
  1241. canvas_draw_image_to_fbo
  1242. canvas_draw_multiple_circles
  1243. canvas_draw_multiple_lines
  1244. canvas_draw_multiple_lines
  1245. canvas_draw_multiple_points
  1246. canvas_draw_multiple_polygons
  1247. canvas_draw_multiple_tex_lines
  1248. canvas_draw_multiple_tex_lines
  1249. canvas_draw_string
  1250. canvas_draw_string_angle
  1251. canvas_draw_string_size
  1252. canvas_erase
  1253. canvas_erase
  1254. canvas_erase_area
  1255. canvas_erase_with_pen
  1256. canvas_erase_with_pen
  1257. canvas_fallback_fonts
  1258. canvas_font_allocate
  1259. canvas_font_metrics
  1260. canvas_font_shutdown
  1261. canvas_font_shutdown
  1262. canvas_font_tex
  1263. canvas_font_tex
  1264. canvas_frame_init
  1265. canvas_free_image
  1266. canvas_free_image
  1267. canvas_get_cording_pt
  1268. canvas_get_formated_text_extents
  1269. canvas_get_renderer
  1270. canvas_get_renderer
  1271. canvas_get_scale
  1272. canvas_get_text_extents
  1273. canvas_get_thickness
  1274. canvas_height
  1275. canvas_image
  1276. canvas_image_from_buf
  1277. canvas_image_height
  1278. canvas_image_invalidate
  1279. canvas_image_set_mutable
  1280. canvas_image_width
  1281. canvas_init
  1282. canvas_init
  1283. canvas_is_active
  1284. canvas_is_cording
  1285. canvas_is_extension_supported
  1286. canvas_is_landscape
  1287. canvas_is_ready
  1288. canvas_load_bmp
  1289. canvas_load_image
  1290. canvas_load_image_file
  1291. canvas_load_image_int
  1292. canvas_load_image_int
  1293. canvas_load_image_pattern
  1294. canvas_load_png
  1295. CanvasLongPress
  1296. Canvas module is not ready!!! Can not call OGL functions!
  1297. Canvas module 3D is not ready!!! Can not call OGL functions!
  1298. CanvasMouseButtonPressed
  1299. CanvasMouseButtonReleased
  1300. canvas_mouse_moved
  1301. CanvasMouseMoved
  1302. canvas_mouse_pressed
  1303. canvas_mouse_released
  1304. CanvasMouseScroll
  1305. canvas_new
  1306. canvas_new_image
  1307. canvas_new_image_type
  1308. canvas_new_image_type
  1309. Canvas not ready - cannot call select background
  1310. Canvas not ready - cannot call select pen
  1311. Canvas not ready - cannot erase
  1312. canvas_ogl_configure
  1313. canvas_ogl_configure
  1314. canvas_ogl_rotateMe
  1315. canvas_ogl_rotateMe
  1316. canvas_ogl_to_wchar
  1317. Canvas preapare called
  1318. canvas_prepare
  1319. canvas_prepare
  1320. Canvas prepared: %d, %d
  1321. Canvas properties. Width: %d, Height: %d.
  1322. canvas_refresh
  1323. canvas_register_button_pressed_handler
  1324. canvas_register_button_released_handler
  1325. canvas_register_double_tap_handler
  1326. canvas_register_long_press_handler
  1327. canvas_register_mouse_move_handler
  1328. canvas_register_mouse_scroll_handler
  1329. canvas_register_single_tap_handler
  1330. canvas_register_swipe_left2_handler
  1331. canvas_register_swipe_right2_handler
  1332. canvas_register_tap3_handler
  1333. canvas_reset_state
  1334. canvas_resize
  1335. canvas_save_screenshot
  1336. canvas_screen_framebuffer
  1337. canvas_select_pen
  1338. canvas_select_pen
  1339. canvas_set_background
  1340. canvas_set_foreground
  1341. canvas_set_global_opacity
  1342. canvas_set_image_texture
  1343. canvas_set_image_texture
  1344. canvas_set_linestyle
  1345. canvas_set_max_tex_units
  1346. canvas_set_not_ready
  1347. canvas_set_opacity
  1348. canvas_set_scale
  1349. canvas_set_thickness
  1350. canvas_set_thickness
  1351. canvas_shutdown
  1352. Canvas shutting down!
  1353. CanvasSingleTap
  1354. canvas_stop_draw_to_image
  1355. CanvasSwipeLeft2
  1356. CanvasSwipeRight2
  1357. canvas_tap3
  1358. CanvasTap3
  1359. canvas_tile_cached
  1360. canvas_tile_draw
  1361. canvas_tile_draw
  1362. canvas_tile_free_all
  1363. canvas_tile_free_all
  1364. canvas_tile_get_id
  1365. canvas_tile_on_square_downloaded
  1366. canvas_tile_register_on_delete
  1367. canvas_tile_reset_all
  1368. canvas_tile_resize
  1369. canvas_tile_set
  1370. canvas_tile_set
  1371. canvas_tile_set_horizon
  1372. canvas_tile_set_target_zoom
  1373. canvas_tile_set_using_square
  1374. canvas_tile_set_using_square
  1375. canvas_unmanaged_list_add
  1376. canvas_width
  1377. canvas3_get_angle
  1378. canvas3_glmatrix_enable
  1379. canvas3_ogl_prepare
  1380. canvas3_ogl_prepare
  1381. canvas3_ogl_updateScale
  1382. canvas3_ogl_updateScale
  1383. canvas3_project
  1384. canvas3_reset_mode
  1385. canvas3_set3DMode
  1386. canvas3_unproject
  1387. CapHeight
  1388. CAP_HEIGHT
  1389. capture_temp.jpg
  1390. car_dialog
  1391. car_dialog
  1392. caron
  1393. Caronsmall
  1394. cars
  1395. Car stopped
  1396. Car stopped on road
  1397. Car stopped on shoulder
  1398. Categories
  1399. Category
  1400. Category
  1401. category_menu_default
  1402. category_menu_%s
  1403. Category: %s
  1404. Category: %s Name: %s
  1405. Category: %s Name: %s Value: %s
  1406. category: '%s' '%s'
  1407. c"c;
  1408. ccaron
  1409. Ccaron
  1410. ccedilla
  1411. Ccedilla
  1412. Ccedillasmall
  1413. C_Ck
  1414. cc@tts
  1415. C"Cv
  1416. C_DIR_SEP
  1417. cedilla
  1418. Cedillasmall
  1419. ceilf
  1420. cent
  1421. Center the map on the current GPS position
  1422. Center the map on the last selected location
  1423. centinferior
  1424. centoldstyle
  1425. centsuperior
  1426. cff_cmap_encoding_class_rec
  1427. cff_cmap_unicode_class_rec
  1428. cff_driver_class
  1429. C_FILE_EXT
  1430. cHRM
  1431. C<CH
  1432. CIDCount
  1433. CIDFontName
  1434. CIDFontType
  1435. CIDFontVersion
  1436. CIDMapOffset
  1437. CID Type 1
  1438. cinu
  1439. cinu
  1440. cinu
  1441. cinu
  1442. cinu
  1443. cinu
  1444. cinu
  1445. cinu
  1446. cinu
  1447. cinu
  1448. cinu
  1449. cinu
  1450. cinuBODAEBDACBDA1tal
  1451. cinu\I
  1452. cinunmraBODA1tal
  1453. circumflex
  1454. Circumflexsmall
  1455. Cities
  1456. city
  1457. City
  1458. City & state only
  1459. Class
  1460. CLBEcolb
  1461. ClearBuffer
  1462. clear_old_alternative_results
  1463. clear_old_alternative_results
  1464. clear_old_waypoint_results
  1465. clear_old_waypoint_results
  1466. Clear Stop
  1467. click.bin
  1468. click_long
  1469. Click 'Pave' and simply drive. Remember to hit 'Stop' when done.
  1470. Click 'Stop' and make sure to go to to name this new road and publish it.
  1471. Click the link below to share your location with me
  1472. Clock
  1473. Clock format
  1474. clock_gettime
  1475. _close
  1476. Close
  1477. CloseAlertPopup
  1478. Close app window and keep in background
  1479. CloseAsrPopup
  1480. closeBottom
  1481. Close DB
  1482. closeDetailsPopup
  1483. closedir
  1484. Closed properly
  1485. closefile
  1486. _close_io
  1487. CloseJNIObjects
  1488. close_object_set_selcted
  1489. ClosePoi
  1490. CloseProgressPopup
  1491. closeThumbsUpPopup
  1492. CloseUserPopup
  1493. Closing connection id: %d
  1494. Closure
  1495. ClosureArrow
  1496. ClosureArrow_disabled
  1497. closure_mark
  1498. Closure_Menu_icon
  1499. ClosureObject
  1500. closure_object_add
  1501. closure_object_add
  1502. closure_object_add_pins_to_map
  1503. closure_object_clear_all
  1504. ClosureObject_%d
  1505. closure_object_populate_pins
  1506. closure_object_populate_pins - gs_pins_count is 0 !!
  1507. closure_object_populate_pins - poi_AlertSelection not found !!
  1508. closure_object_populate_pins2
  1509. closure_object_populate_pins2
  1510. closure_object_set_center
  1511. ClosurePin_selected
  1512. Closure_Road_Indication
  1513. cl_plugin_shutdown
  1514. cl_screen_add_focus_on_me_softkey
  1515. cl_screen_adjust_height
  1516. cl_screen_adjust_width
  1517. cl_screen_animate_fly
  1518. cl_screen_compat_get_context
  1519. cl_screen_configure
  1520. cl_screen_configure
  1521. cl_screen_decrease_horizon
  1522. cl_screen_draw_alerts
  1523. cl_screen_draw_events_on_route
  1524. cl_screen_draw_flush
  1525. cl_screen_draw_line_direction
  1526. cl_screen_draw_map
  1527. cl_screen_draw_object
  1528. cl_screen_draw_one_line
  1529. cl_screen_draw_one_line_internal
  1530. cl_screen_draw_one_tex_line
  1531. cl_screen_fast_refresh
  1532. cl_screen_flush_lines_and_points
  1533. cl_screen_freeze
  1534. cl_screen_get_background
  1535. cl_screen_get_background_run
  1536. cl_screen_get_center
  1537. cl_screen_get_draw_out_of_screen
  1538. cl_screen_get_lower_edge
  1539. cl_screen_get_orientation_mode
  1540. cl_screen_get_orientation_mode_touched
  1541. cl_screen_get_screen_scale
  1542. cl_screen_get_screen_type
  1543. cl_screen_get_squares_in_view
  1544. cl_screen_get_view_mode
  1545. cl_screen_get_view_mode_screen_touched
  1546. cl_screen_height
  1547. cl_screen_hold
  1548. cl_screen_increase_horizon
  1549. cl_screen_initialize
  1550. cl_screen_is_any_dlg_active
  1551. cl_screen_is_first_repaint
  1552. cl_screen_is_hd_screen
  1553. cl_screen_is_ld_screen
  1554. cl_screen_is_xicon_open
  1555. cl_screen_mark_redraw
  1556. cl_screen_move
  1557. cl_screen_move_center
  1558. cl_screen_move_down
  1559. cl_screen_move_left
  1560. cl_screen_move_right
  1561. cl_screen_move_up
  1562. cl_screen_not_touched_state
  1563. cl_screen_override_view_mode
  1564. cl_screen_preview_stop_point_shown
  1565. cl_screen_record_move
  1566. cl_screen_redraw
  1567. cl_screen_refresh
  1568. cl_screen_repaint
  1569. cl_screen_repaint_fast
  1570. cl_screen_repaint_now
  1571. cl_screen_reset_view_mode
  1572. cl_screen_restore_view
  1573. cl_screen_rotate
  1574. cl_screen_set_animating
  1575. cl_screen_set_area_view
  1576. cl_screen_set_background
  1577. cl_screen_set_background_run
  1578. cl_screen_set_cording_rotation_enabled
  1579. cl_screen_set_departure
  1580. cl_screen_set_first_repaint
  1581. cl_screen_set_initial_position
  1582. cl_screen_set_lower_edge
  1583. cl_screen_set_map_mode
  1584. cl_screen_set_orientation_dynamic
  1585. cl_screen_set_orientation_fixed
  1586. cl_screen_set_preview_stop_point
  1587. cl_screen_set_scale
  1588. cl_screen_set_scale_animated
  1589. cl_screen_set_screen_type
  1590. cl_screen_set_view
  1591. cl_screen_set_Xicon_state
  1592. cl_screen_shade_bg
  1593. cl_screen_show_destination
  1594. cl_screen_show_gps
  1595. cl_screen_show_icons_only_when_touched
  1596. cl_screen_show_location
  1597. cl_screen_show_screen_icons
  1598. cl_screen_show_top_bar
  1599. cl_screen_shutdown
  1600. cl_screen_start_glow
  1601. cl_screen_stop_glow
  1602. cl_screen_subscribe_after_flow_control_refresh
  1603. cl_screen_subscribe_after_refresh
  1604. cl_screen_toggle_orientation_mode
  1605. cl_screen_toggle_view_mode
  1606. cl_screen_touched
  1607. cl_screen_touched_off
  1608. cl_screen_touched_sc
  1609. cl_screen_touched_state
  1610. cl_screen_unfreeze
  1611. cl_screen_unset_preview_stop_point
  1612. cl_screen_update_center
  1613. cl_screen_update_center_animated
  1614. cl_screen_view_mypoints
  1615. cl_screen_zoom_in
  1616. cl_screen_zoom_out
  1617. cl_screen_zoom_reset
  1618. cMcRc`cicxc
  1619. __cmpdf2
  1620. _cmp_func
  1621. cmp_items
  1622. __cmpsf2
  1623. }C}N
  1624. < C O [ c
  1625. CollectBonusRes
  1626. CollectBonusRes
  1627. CollectBonusRes
  1628. colon
  1629. colonmonetary
  1630. Color%d
  1631. Color scheme
  1632. color_table
  1633. CombinationKeyboardKey_*
  1634. CombinationKeyboardKey_#
  1635. CombinationKeyboardKey_0
  1636. CombinationKeyboardKey_1
  1637. CombinationKeyboardKey_2
  1638. CombinationKeyboardKey_3
  1639. CombinationKeyboardKey_4
  1640. CombinationKeyboardKey_5
  1641. CombinationKeyboardKey_6
  1642. CombinationKeyboardKey_7
  1643. CombinationKeyboardKey_8
  1644. CombinationKeyboardKey_9
  1645. comma
  1646. commainferior
  1647. command
  1648. Command failed (status= %d,%s )
  1649. command name is missing
  1650. command:'%s' can't find action.
  1651. commasuperior
  1652. COMMENT
  1655. Comm Check period (minutes)
  1656. COMMIT;
  1657. Commit transaction
  1658. Commit transaction failed - cannot open database
  1659. Common
  1660. Community alerts:
  1661. Community alerts:
  1662. community=foursquare&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d
  1663. community=tencent&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d
  1664. community=twitter&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d
  1665. community=weibo&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d
  1666. commute_view
  1667. Commute view
  1668. Compare routes
  1669. Complete standstill
  1670. Compression Enabled
  1671. com/waze/install/InstallNativeManager
  1672. com/waze/install/Lang
  1673. com.waze.main.navigate.Category
  1674. com.waze.main.navigate.EventOnRoute
  1675. com.waze.main.navigate.LocationData
  1676. com.waze.main.navigate.NavigationItem
  1677. com.waze.mywaze.Group
  1678. com/waze/navigate/AddressItem
  1679. com/waze/navigate/DriveToNativeManager
  1680. com/waze/navigate/NearbyStation
  1681. com/waze/navigate/Product
  1682. com/waze/navigate/SearchEngine
  1683. com/waze/navigate/social/EndDriveData
  1684. com/waze/navigate/social/FriendsListData
  1685. com/waze/navigate/social/FriendWithLocation
  1686. com/waze/navigate/SortPreferences
  1687. com.waze.ResManager
  1688. com.waze.routes.AlternativeRoute
  1689. com/waze/rtalerts/MapProblem
  1690. com/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsAlertData
  1691. com/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsCommentData
  1692. com/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsMenuData
  1693. com/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsThumbsUpData
  1694. com.waze.samples.JniSampleActivityNativeManager$TimeData
  1695. com.waze.samples.JniSampleStatic$JniSampleStaticData
  1696. com.waze.settings.SettingsValue
  1697. com.waze.view.popups.UserData
  1698. Config
  1699. ConfigAboutMapCredit
  1700. ConfigAccuracyMouse
  1701. config_add
  1702. config_add_enumeration
  1703. config_add_password
  1704. config_alerts_enabled
  1705. config_alerts_min_speed
  1706. ConfigAsrEnabled
  1707. ConfigAsrFeatureEnabled
  1708. ConfigAsrPlayedExample
  1709. ConfigAsrProvider
  1710. ConfigAsrProximity
  1711. ConfigAsrTipShown
  1712. config_audio_alerts_enabled
  1713. ConfigAutoMeOnMapTime
  1714. ConfigAutoNightMode
  1715. ConfigAutoShowStreetBar
  1716. ConfigBackLight
  1717. ConfigBrowser
  1718. ConfigBrowserOptions
  1719. ConfigClosedProperly
  1720. ConfigColorRoads
  1721. ConfigCsvTracker
  1722. ConfigEnableToggleConstruction
  1723. ConfigFBLikeMinPeriod
  1724. ConfigFBLikeShown
  1725. ConfigFBLikeTime
  1726. ConfigFBShareMinPeriod
  1727. ConfigFBShareShown
  1728. ConfigFBShareTime
  1729. ConfigFirstTimeUse
  1730. ConfigGeneralBroadcastMode
  1731. ConfigGeneralExitTimeout
  1732. ConfigGeneralKeyboard
  1733. ConfigGeneralUnit
  1734. ConfigGeneralUserUnit
  1735. ConfigGeometryMain
  1736. config_get
  1737. config_get_integer
  1738. config_get_list
  1739. config_get_position
  1740. config_get_position
  1741. ConfigHelpGuidedTour
  1742. ConfigHelpMapEditor
  1743. ConfigHelpRollerNutshell
  1744. ConfigHelpShowWhatToExpect
  1745. ConfigHelpWhatToExpectUrl
  1746. config_initialize
  1747. config_initialized
  1748. ConfigLabelsBgColor
  1749. ConfigLabelsColor
  1750. ConfigManager
  1751. ConfigMapBackground
  1752. ConfigMapCredit
  1753. ConfigMapEditorMinPeriod
  1754. ConfigMapEditorShown
  1755. ConfigMapEditorTime
  1756. ConfigMapLabels
  1757. ConfigMapOrientation
  1758. ConfigMapPath
  1759. ConfigMapRefresh
  1760. ConfigMapScheme
  1761. ConfigMapSigns
  1762. ConfigMapSubSkin
  1763. config_match
  1764. ConfigNanoRepURl
  1765. ConfigRateUsMinPeriod
  1766. ConfigRateUsShown
  1767. ConfigRateUsTime
  1768. ConfigRateUsVer
  1769. config_reload
  1770. config_reload
  1771. ConfigReportDontShow
  1772. ConfigRoadGoodies
  1773. config_save
  1774. config_save
  1775. config_set
  1776. config_set
  1777. config_set_configItemsStr
  1778. config_set_integer
  1779. config_set_position
  1780. ConfigShareDownloadWazeLocationUrl
  1781. ConfigShareEmailLocationUrl
  1782. ConfigShareSmsLocationUrl
  1783. ConfigShowScreenIconsOnTap
  1784. ConfigShowScreenIconsOnTap1
  1785. ConfigShowSpeedCams
  1786. ConfigShowSpeedometer
  1787. ConfigShowTopBarOnTap
  1788. ConfigShowWazers
  1789. ConfigSocialIntroUrl
  1790. ConfigStyleObjects
  1791. ConfigStylePrettyDrag
  1792. ConfigTWFollowMinPeriod
  1793. ConfigTWFollowShown
  1794. ConfigTWFollowTime
  1795. Configured with following options:
  1796. Config URL
  1797. ConfigUseNativeKeyboard
  1798. Config_Ver
  1799. ConfigWhyConnectFB
  1800. Confirm
  1801. Confirmed action ! (%s)
  1802. _connect
  1803. _connect_callback
  1804. Connected to Facebook
  1805. Connected to Waze
  1806. connect - Failed to extract information from '%s'
  1807. _connect_finalize
  1808. Connecting...
  1809. Connecting foursquare . . .
  1810. Connecting to %s:%d. Connection id: %d
  1811. Connection %d message execution failed. Thread %d going to finalize
  1812. Connection error on tile %d: %s
  1813. Connection id: %d close request. State: %d
  1814. Connection id: %d is closed and available
  1815. Connection id: %d is started.
  1816. Connection id: %d. Message dispatching failed. Thread %d going to finilize
  1817. Connection id: %d. Unset callbacks. Socket: 0x%x!
  1818. Connection is not released as expected. Connection id: %d
  1819. Connection Pool Size
  1820. Connectivity Forward Tiles
  1821. Connectivity Max Distance
  1822. Connectivity Max Score
  1823. Connectivity Max Successors
  1824. Connectivity Min Distance
  1825. Connectivity Score Connected
  1826. Connectivity Score Same
  1827. Connectivity Score Same Unknown
  1828. Connectivity Score Unknown End
  1829. Connectivity Score Unknown Start
  1830. Connectivity Weight
  1831. connectnow
  1832. ConnectRes
  1833. ConnectRes
  1834. Connect,%s,%s,%s,%s
  1835. Connect to Facebook
  1836. Connect to Facebook to see how your friends are wazing
  1837. Connect to Facebook to see who's driving there
  1838. Connect to foursquare
  1839. Connect to Foursquare
  1840. Connect to networks
  1841. Connect to see your friends on the map, meet up, and coordinate when you drive to locations and events.
  1842. Connect to server now
  1843. Connect to Sina Weibo
  1844. Connect to social networks to connect with friends, easily share reports and check in at locations
  1845. Connect to Tencent Weibo
  1846. Connect to Twitter
  1847. Connect with Facebook
  1848. Connect with Facebook for the full experience
  1849. Connect your social universe to Waze for the full social driving experience
  1850. Construction
  1851. Construction zone
  1852. _contact
  1853. Contact
  1854. Contacts
  1855. Content-disposition: form-data; name="file_0"; filename="%s"
  1856. Content-disposition: form-data; name="file_0"; filename="%s"
  1857. Content-Encoding: gzip
  1858. content-length:
  1859. Content-Length
  1860. Content-Length: %d
  1861. Content-Length: %d
  1862. Content-Length: %d
  1863. Content-Length: %d
  1864. Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
  1865. Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
  1866. Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s
  1867. Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------10424402741337131014341297293
  1868. Content-type: %s
  1869. Content-type: %s
  1870. Content-type: %s
  1871. Content-type: %s
  1872. context_adjust_zoom
  1873. context_distance_convert
  1874. context_distance_convert
  1875. context_distance_to_current
  1876. context_distance_unit
  1877. context_distance_unit_long
  1878. context_get_center
  1879. context_get_gui_center
  1880. context_get_orientation
  1881. context_get_position_and_zoom
  1882. context_get_projection_mode
  1883. context_get_scale
  1884. context_get_screen_scale
  1885. context_get_size
  1886. context_get_zoom
  1887. context_get_3d_horizon
  1888. context_is_metric
  1889. Context is null...
  1890. context_meters_p_second_to_speed_unit
  1891. context_normalize_orientation
  1892. context_register_unit_change_callback
  1893. context_release_focus
  1894. context_restore_zoom
  1895. context_scale_to_zoom
  1896. context_screen_edges
  1897. context_set_center
  1898. context_set_focus
  1899. context_set_gui_center
  1900. context_set_horizon
  1901. context_set_min_zoom
  1902. context_set_orientation
  1903. context_set_position_and_zoom
  1904. context_set_scale
  1905. context_set_screen_scale
  1906. context_set_size
  1907. context_set_tile_visibility
  1908. context_set_zoom
  1909. context_speed_unit
  1910. context_to_cm
  1911. context_to_current_unit
  1912. context_to_current_unit
  1913. context_to_kph
  1914. context_to_speed_unit
  1915. context_to_trip_distance
  1916. context_to_trip_distance_tenths
  1917. context_trip_unit
  1918. context_trip_unit_long
  1919. context_use_imperial
  1920. context_use_metric
  1921. context_valid_scale
  1922. context_zoom_in
  1923. context_zoom_out
  1924. context_zoom_reset
  1925. context_zoom_to_scale
  1926. continue_report_after_image_upload
  1927. continue straight
  1928. Cookie:
  1929. cool
  1930. cool-female
  1931. Cool new commuting app to check out!
  1932. Coordinate shift is disabled
  1933. Coordinate shift is enabled!
  1934. Copied %d saved locations to favorites
  1935. copyright
  1937. Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.
  1938. Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Andreas Dilger
  1939. Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
  1940. Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Dov Grobgeld
  1941. Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2005 Behdad Esfahbod <>.
  1942. Copyright 1997, 1998-2003 John-Mark Gurney. All rights reserved.
  1943. coral
  1944. coral1
  1945. coral2
  1946. coral3
  1947. coral4
  1948. core_app_type
  1949. core_config_get_closed_properly
  1950. core_config_get_first_time_use
  1951. core_config_get_map_credit
  1952. core_config_initialize
  1953. core_config_set_closed_properly
  1954. core_event_register
  1955. core_exit
  1956. core_exit
  1957. core_is_first_use
  1958. core_main
  1959. core_misc_app_run_bg
  1960. core_misc_app_run_bg
  1961. core_misc_app_run_fg
  1962. core_misc_app_run_fg
  1963. core_misc_confirmed_exit
  1964. core_misc_hold_map
  1965. core_misc_on_key_pressed
  1966. core_misc_popup_menu
  1967. core_misc_reset_debug_mode
  1968. core_misc_save_destination_to_history
  1969. core_misc_set_destination
  1970. core_version
  1971. cornflower blue
  1972. CornflowerBlue
  1973. cornsilk
  1974. cornsilk1
  1975. cornsilk2
  1976. cornsilk3
  1977. cornsilk4
  1978. cosf
  1979. Could not cache font in texture atlas !
  1980. Could not cache image '%s' in texture atlas !
  1981. Could not connect to server
  1982. Could not connect with Facebook. Please try again.
  1983. Could not connect with Foursquare. Try again later.
  1984. Could not download data
  1985. Could not download scoreboard
  1986. Could not find all args for entry, ignoring this entry (%d, %d)
  1987. Could not find all args for entry, will fill with empty str (%d, %d)
  1988. Could not find any gas station
  1989. Could not find any intersection
  1990. Could not find any parking near destination
  1991. Could not find asr commands file: %s/%s
  1992. Could not find category '%s' in %d categories
  1993. Could not find image '%s'
  1994. Could not find nearby gas stations
  1995. Could not find nearby venues
  1996. Could not find requested waypoint: '%d'
  1997. Could not find route result for waypoint id: 0x%x
  1998. Could not find selected waypoint
  1999. Could not find trip with id: %d
  2000. could not find unique md5 id for file %s
  2001. Could not find waypoint for waypoint id: 0x%x
  2002. Could not initialize !
  2003. Could not open file
  2004. Could not open file '%s' for upload
  2005. Could not open file %s for upload
  2006. could not read tile package header
  2007. Could not recalc long route offline !
  2008. Could not recalc short route offline !
  2009. Could not recalculate route, please try again later.
  2010. Could not recognize
  2011. Could not select square %d
  2012. Could not send email
  2013. Could not send not-parked alert to server
  2014. Could not send parked alert to server
  2015. Could not send text message
  2016. Could not start search
  2017. Could not understand...
  2018. Couldn't dial number
  2019. Couldn't hear you. Try again
  2020. Couldn't open socket for file %s
  2021. Couldn't send report
  2022. countryselected %d
  2023. Country Specific Images
  2024. Country_Specific_Images_Ver
  2025. county_by_position
  2026. county_count
  2027. county_get_name
  2028. county_get_state
  2029. Coupon
  2030. COUPON
  2031. CouponBadge
  2032. Coupons
  2033. couponSaved
  2034. Coupon saved to My Specials
  2035. Coupons saved
  2036. Crash
  2037. crash_logs
  2038. CRC error
  2039. crc32
  2040. createaccount
  2042. Create account transaction has failed with status code: %d
  2043. Created ID: %d usize: %d, %d size: %d, %d, pixel type: %d
  2044. createLogCat
  2045. create_new_line
  2046. create_new_line: can't create db.
  2047. CreateNewRoads
  2048. CreateNewRoads,%u,%s
  2049. create_new_root
  2050. create_new_root_tex
  2051. create_poi
  2052. create_poi - name = %s,lat-%d, lon=%d, id=%d
  2053. CreatePoiObject
  2054. CreatePoiObject -(entry is NULL)
  2055. CreatePOIRes
  2056. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '%s' (text TEXT, data BLOB, path TEXT, storage_type INTEGER, text_type INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(text))
  2058. Creating account...
  2059. Creating random user with code: '%s', community: '%s'
  2060. Creating sub command: '%s'
  2061. creating table
  2062. creatting download settings menu
  2063. Credit
  2064. Critical error! Cannot obtain file descriptor! Error: %s (%d). Connectiond id: %d
  2065. crow
  2066. crown
  2067. Csmall
  2068. .csv
  2069. CSV Tracker
  2070. _ctype_
  2071. cur_active_line = %d, pending_new_line = %d, EditorAllowNewRoads = %d
  2072. currency
  2073. Current Alerts comments
  2074. Current battery level : %d. Threshold 1: %d. Threshold 2: %d
  2075. current_comments
  2076. Current comm retry time: %d seconds.
  2077. Current GPS source name: %s
  2078. Current Keep alive cycle time: %d seconds.
  2079. Current location cannot be determined!
  2080. Current network cycle time: %d seconds.
  2081. Current network refresh rate: %d seconds.
  2082. Current object file: %s
  2083. Current position is unknown
  2084. Current retry index: %d, reported callback id: %d
  2085. Current Route & traffic may not be accurate
  2086. Current Route & traffic may not be accurate. An optimal route will be provided as soon as network connect is found
  2087. Current summary cycle time: %d seconds.
  2088. Current user on this device:
  2089. Custom bonus
  2090. (c)Waze inc.
  2091. $cWX
  2092. __cxa_atexit
  2093. __cxa_begin_cleanup
  2094. __cxa_call_unexpected
  2095. __cxa_finalize
  2096. __cxa_type_match
  2097. cXc\1
  2098. cyan
  2099. cyan1
  2100. cyan2
  2101. cyan3
  2102. cyan4
  2103. cyclic_array_clear
  2104. cyclic_array_free
  2105. cyclic_array_get_item
  2106. cyclic_array_get_same_item
  2107. cyclic_array_init
  2108. cyclic_array_is_empty
  2109. cyclic_array_is_full
  2110. cyclic_array_pop_first
  2111. cyclic_array_pop_last
  2112. cyclic_array_push_first
  2113. cyclic_array_push_first
  2114. cyclic_array_push_first(%s) - Array is full
  2115. cyclic_array_push_last
  2116. cyclic_array_push_last
  2117. cyclic_array_push_last(%s) - Array is full
  2118. cyclic_array_remove_item
  2119. cyclic_array_remove_same_item
  2120. cyclic_array_size
  2121. cyclic_buffer_get_unprocessed_data
  2122. cyclic_buffer_init
  2123. cyclic_buffer_recycle
  2124. cyclic_buffer_update_processed_data
  2125. C1CS
  2126. #c4251f
  2127. %d%%
  2128. daeh
  2129. daehdehb
  2130. dagger
  2131. daggerdbl
  2132. dark blue
  2133. DarkBlue
  2134. dark cyan
  2135. DarkCyan
  2136. dark goldenrod
  2137. DarkGoldenrod
  2138. DarkGoldenrod1
  2139. DarkGoldenrod2
  2140. DarkGoldenrod3
  2141. DarkGoldenrod4
  2142. dark gray
  2143. DarkGray
  2144. dark green
  2145. DarkGreen
  2146. dark grey
  2147. DarkGrey
  2148. dark khaki
  2149. DarkKhaki
  2150. dark magenta
  2151. DarkMagenta
  2152. dark olive green
  2153. DarkOliveGreen
  2154. DarkOliveGreen1
  2155. DarkOliveGreen2
  2156. DarkOliveGreen3
  2157. DarkOliveGreen4
  2158. dark orange
  2159. DarkOrange
  2160. DarkOrange1
  2161. DarkOrange2
  2162. DarkOrange3
  2163. DarkOrange4
  2164. dark orchid
  2165. DarkOrchid
  2166. DarkOrchid1
  2167. DarkOrchid2
  2168. DarkOrchid3
  2169. DarkOrchid4
  2170. dark red
  2171. DarkRed
  2172. dark salmon
  2173. DarkSalmon
  2174. dark sea green
  2175. DarkSeaGreen
  2176. DarkSeaGreen1
  2177. DarkSeaGreen2
  2178. DarkSeaGreen3
  2179. DarkSeaGreen4
  2180. dark slate blue
  2181. DarkSlateBlue
  2182. dark slate gray
  2183. DarkSlateGray
  2184. DarkSlateGray1
  2185. DarkSlateGray2
  2186. DarkSlateGray3
  2187. DarkSlateGray4
  2188. dark slate grey
  2189. DarkSlateGrey
  2190. dark turquoise
  2191. DarkTurquoise
  2192. dark violet
  2193. DarkViolet
  2194. /data/data/com.waze/
  2195. Data error in compressed datastream in %s chunk
  2196. data file open: header size %u too small
  2197. data file open: invalid endianness value 0x%08x
  2198. data file open: invalid signature %c%c%c%c
  2199. data file open: invalid version 0x%x != 0x%x
  2200. data file open: size %lu cannot contain data
  2201. data file open: size %lu cannot contain index
  2202. data file open: uncompress failed
  2203. data file size mismatch: expecting %d found %d
  2204. data size too small for tile header in package
  2205. data size too small for tile package
  2206. __data_start
  2207. Data storage type %d is not supported
  2208. Data too long, cannot handle more than (256)
  2209. data too short after length-prefix of %u
  2210. Data transfer
  2211. Data Usage
  2212. Data used in current session
  2214. __daylen__
  2215. days ago by
  2216. dbg_cache
  2217. dbg_time_end
  2218. dbg_time_print
  2219. dbg_time_start
  2220. %d_BonusPoints
  2221. DB Version
  2222. %d, %c, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d
  2223. dcroat
  2224. %d - %d
  2225. %d.%d
  2226. %d.%d
  2227. %d-%d
  2228. %d days ago
  2229. %d.%d.%d.%d
  2230. %d | %d | %d | %d | %d
  2231. ,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d
  2233. %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,T,%d
  2234. %d|%d|%d|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s
  2235. d d)d8dH
  2236. dD.E
  2237. %d|%d|%s|%s|%d|%s|%s
  2238. ,%d,%d,%u
  2239. deal
  2240. debug
  2241. Debug
  2242. DEBUG
  2243. debug_force_eta_change
  2244. debug_force_reroute
  2245. debug_force_suggest_route
  2246. Debug Info
  2247. debug_info_submit
  2248. _debug_info_submit
  2249. debug_info_submit_confirmed
  2250. debug_info_warning_fn
  2251. ##@debuglang
  2252. Debug Level
  2253. DEBUG MODE
  2254. Debug,%s
  2255. debug_show_user_info
  2256. debug_source
  2257. debugtools
  2258. ##@debugtools
  2259. Debug tools disabled
  2260. Debug tools enabled
  2261. Debug tools Enabled
  2262. debug_tools_state
  2263. DecHorizon
  2264. Decline
  2265. Declutter
  2266. decode
  2267. _decode_action
  2268. decode_png_buf
  2269. _decode_speech
  2270. _decode_text
  2271. decode: valid lat %s
  2272. decode: valid lon %s
  2273. decode: valid zoom %s
  2274. Decompression error
  2275. Decompression Error
  2276. Decrease Horizon
  2277. Decrease the 3D horizon
  2278. decryptPassword
  2279. deep pink
  2280. DeepPink
  2281. DeepPink1
  2282. DeepPink2
  2283. DeepPink3
  2284. DeepPink4
  2285. deep sky blue
  2286. DeepSkyBlue
  2287. DeepSkyBlue1
  2288. DeepSkyBlue2
  2289. DeepSkyBlue3
  2290. DeepSkyBlue4
  2291. default
  2292. Default
  2294. Default Language
  2297. Default Voice ID
  2298. Default Zoom
  2299. deflateEnd
  2300. deflateInit2_
  2301. degree
  2302. dehb
  2303. Delay before visible (seconds)
  2304. Delayed_messagebox
  2305. delete
  2306. Delete
  2307. Delete Alert
  2308. Delete Alert:
  2309. DELETE FROM '%s' WHERE text=?;
  2310. DELETE FROM tiles_table WHERE id=?;
  2311. Delete History
  2312. Delete history entry
  2313. deleteroads
  2314. Delete selected roads
  2315. Delete the current postmortem log file
  2316. Deleting corrupted Favorites entry (arg # %d is null)
  2317. Deleting corrupted History entry (arg # %d is null)
  2318. Delta
  2319. Delta
  2320. Delta%d
  2321. Departure
  2322. Depth
  2323. Dequeuing tile %d
  2324. Descender
  2325. Describe map issue here ...
  2326. Description
  2327. DesignVector
  2328. Destination
  2330. Destination is not defined!
  2331. destinations were restored to your favorites
  2332. Device
  2333. device_backlight_monitor_reset
  2334. device_call_start_callback
  2335. device_event_info_are_identical
  2336. device_event_info_copy
  2337. device_event_info_free
  2338. device_event_info_init
  2339. device_event_notification
  2340. device_events
  2341. device_events_init
  2342. device_events_os_init
  2343. device_events_os_term
  2344. device_events_register
  2345. device_events_term
  2346. device_events_unregister
  2348. device_get_battery_level
  2349. device_initialize
  2350. device_initialize
  2351. device_set_backlight
  2352. device_set_backlight
  2353. device_woke_up
  2354. DFDQD[D
  2355. DFKai-SB
  2356. DFKaiSho-SB
  2357. DFKaiShu
  2358. %d friends are on their way
  2359. %d friends of friends
  2360. %d friends using Waze
  2361. DgDpDvD
  2362. `dhlptx|
  2363. *d*h*l*p*t0
  2364. %d hours ago
  2365. dialog_hide_current
  2366. dictionary data full
  2367. Did not delete any traffic info segments (ID %d) - not found...
  2368. dieresis
  2369. Dieresissmall
  2370. difftime
  2371. dim gray
  2372. DimGray
  2373. dim grey
  2374. DimGrey
  2375. Direction
  2376. Direction Invalid Speed Weight
  2377. direction_mark
  2378. Direction Min Accuracy
  2379. Directions only (with themes)
  2380. Directions only(with themes)
  2381. Direction Weight
  2382. directory_create
  2383. directory_create
  2384. directory_free_string
  2385. directory_get_file_name
  2386. directory_get_file_name
  2387. directory_get_folder
  2388. directory_get_folder
  2389. directory_is_absolute
  2390. directory_is_absolute
  2391. directory_is_folder
  2392. directory_is_folder
  2393. directory_join
  2394. directory_join
  2395. directory_join_buffer
  2396. directory_join_buffer
  2397. directory_list_files
  2398. directory_list_files
  2399. directory_list_free
  2400. directory_remove_extension
  2401. directory_remove_extension
  2402. Dirt roads
  2403. Disabled
  2404. disableicononlist
  2405. disableicononmap
  2406. Disable Log
  2407. disablespecialsonlist
  2408. disablespecialsonmap
  2409. Disclaimer Shown
  2410. disconnect
  2411. Disconnect
  2412. Disconnect from Facebook
  2413. Disconnect from Facebook?
  2414. Disconnect from Foursquare
  2415. Disconnect from Foursquare?
  2416. Disconnect from Sina Weibo?
  2417. Disconnect from Tencent Weibo?
  2418. Disconnect from Twitter
  2419. Disconnect from Twitter?
  2420. Disconnecting Facebook...
  2421. Disconnecting foursquare...
  2422. Disconnecting Sina Weibo...
  2423. Disconnecting Tencent Weibo...
  2424. Disconnecting twitter...
  2425. Disconnect,%s
  2426. Display
  2427. displayBottomPrivacyMessage
  2428. Display data download options
  2429. Displayed
  2430. displayed_gps
  2431. displayGeoConfigProgress
  2432. Display house numbers
  2433. Display map controls on tap
  2434. Display my FB name & picture in my user profile
  2435. Display my location on Waze mobile and web maps as follows:
  2436. Display network monitor
  2437. Display settings
  2438. displayStrings
  2439. Display top bar on tap
  2440. Display traffic info
  2441. Display traffic information
  2442. displayWelcome
  2443. DisposeCustomJNIObject
  2444. DisposeCustomJNIObject
  2445. DisposeJNIObject
  2446. DisposeJNIObject
  2447. Distance Accuracy
  2448. distances: prev(%d), perv-prev(%d), last(%d)
  2449. Distance to alert
  2450. Distance to remind: %.1f %s
  2451. __divdf3
  2452. __divdi3
  2453. divide
  2454. __divsf3
  2455. __divsi3
  2456. %dk-%dk
  2457. %dm-%dm
  2458. %d months ago
  2459. |D|O
  2460. dodger blue
  2461. DodgerBlue
  2462. DodgerBlue1
  2463. DodgerBlue2
  2464. DodgerBlue3
  2465. DodgerBlue4
  2466. _do_exit
  2467. dollar
  2468. dollarinferior
  2469. dollaroldstyle
  2470. dollarsuperior
  2471. Domain %s:%d has been already resolved to %s:%d.
  2472. Domain %s:%d has been resolved to %s:%d.
  2473. Domain %s:%d is not resolved yet. Requesting.
  2474. done
  2475. Done
  2476. Done?
  2477. done: total %d/%d instrumented
  2478. done uploading audio file : %s. Received response : %s
  2479. done uploading file : %s. Received response : %s
  2480. done uploading image file : %s. Received response : %s
  2481. done uploading log file : %s. Received response : %s
  2482. Do not save future log messages to the postmortem file
  2483. Don't allow
  2484. Don't ask me again
  2485. don't forget to check out your coupon before purchase
  2486. Don't have an account? Sign up on:
  2487. Don't have current location -- can't decide jammed state
  2488. Don't show
  2489. Don't show me
  2490. Dont Show reports types
  2491. dotaccent
  2492. Dotaccentsmall
  2493. dotlessi
  2494. Down
  2495. Download
  2496. download_done_callback
  2497. download_done_callback
  2498. download_done_callback
  2499. download_done_callback
  2500. download_done_callback
  2501. download_done_callback, creating directory %s
  2502. Downloaded file is not at reported size: %d != %d
  2503. Download Error
  2504. download_error_callback
  2505. download_error_callback
  2506. download_error_callback
  2507. download_error_callback
  2508. download_error_callback
  2509. Download error on tile %d conn %d num_tiles %d: %s
  2510. Download exceeds reported file size of (%d > %d)
  2511. Download finished downloading (%s) Writing %d bytes, last modified = %s
  2512. Download house numbers
  2513. Downloading
  2514. Downloading . . .
  2515. Downloading lang
  2516. Downloading language
  2517. Downloading map
  2518. Downloading new maps...
  2519. Downloading new prompts
  2520. Downloading new voice files failed. Please try again later
  2521. Downloading of lang '%s' did not complete the last run, resuming download
  2522. Downloading prompt file %s
  2523. DownloadingQueue_IsEmpty
  2524. DownloadingQueue_IsFull
  2525. DownloadingQueue_Pop
  2526. DownloadingQueue_Push
  2527. DownloadingQueue_Size
  2528. downloading resource res=%s
  2529. Downloading resource. type=%d, name=%s, lang=%s, url=%s
  2530. Downloading splash file: %s. Canvas: (%d, %d)
  2531. Downloading splash: %s, Canvas: (%d, %d)
  2532. Downloading the image. ID: %s
  2533. Downloading the voice. ID: %s
  2534. Downloading voice ...
  2535. Download is finished. Writing %d bytes to the file: %s
  2536. Download it
  2537. download_lang_files
  2538. Download map of my area
  2539. Download map problems
  2540. _download_missing_resources
  2541. downloadNext
  2542. Download of tile %d complete
  2543. Download Prefix
  2544. Download requires large amount of data, continue?
  2545. downloadResCallback
  2547. download_settings
  2548. download_settings_init
  2549. download_settings_init
  2550. download_settings_isDownloadReports
  2551. download_settings_isDownloadTraffic
  2552. download_settings_isDownloadWazers
  2553. download_settings_isEnabled
  2554. download_settings_setDownloadTraffic
  2555. download_settings_show
  2556. download_settings_show
  2557. download_splash
  2558. download_start
  2559. Download traffic info
  2560. Download traffic jams
  2561. Download user reports
  2562. download_warning_fn
  2563. Download Waze
  2564. Download Waze from location URL
  2565. Download Waze here:
  2566. Download Wazers info
  2567. draw_image_prepare
  2568. draw_speed_sign
  2569. drd~d
  2570. Drive
  2571. - Drive around with Waze
  2572. Drive here with Waze:
  2573. Drive on Left
  2574. Drive summaries
  2575. Drive there with Waze:
  2576. Drive to
  2577. Drive to Count %d
  2578. DriveToNativeManager
  2579. DriveToNativeManager_OpenAlternativeRoutes
  2580. DriveToNativeManager_OpenAlternativeRoutes
  2581. DriveToNativeManager_open_search_activity
  2582. DriveToNativeManager_open_search_activity
  2583. DriveToNativeManager_open_search_activity %s,%d
  2584. DriveToNativeManager_updateEta
  2585. DriveToNativeManager_updateEta
  2586. Driving & points
  2587. driving there
  2588. Driving to
  2589. Driving with you
  2590. ,%d,road_type,%s,street_name,%s,test2speech,%s,city_name,%s
  2591. DroidCNCondense.ttf
  2592. DroidSansArabic.ttf
  2593. DroidSansArHe.ttf
  2594. DroidSans-Bold.ttf
  2595. DroidSansFallback.ttf
  2596. DroidSansHebrew-Bold.ttf
  2597. DroidSansHebrew-Regular.ttf
  2598. DroidSansHebrew.ttf
  2599. DroidSansJapanese.ttf
  2600. DroidSansMono.ttf
  2601. DroidSansThai.ttf
  2602. DroidSans.ttf
  2603. DroidSerif-Bold
  2604. DroidSerif-Regular.ttf
  2605. dropping unknown units '%s' from '%s'
  2606. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '%s';
  2607. %d_route
  2608. drove
  2609. Drove
  2610. Drove here with Waze
  2611. drove to
  2612. Drove to
  2613. %d %s
  2614. %d%s
  2615. %d, S
  2616. %d%s%d
  2617. %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d +0000
  2618. %d seconds ago
  2619. Dsmall
  2620. %d %s %s
  2621. %d,%s,%s,%d
  2622. %d %s %s, %d %s
  2623. ,%d,%s,%s,%s,%ld,%d,%s
  2624. dsuperior
  2625. %d %s %02d %s
  2626. duck
  2627. duck-female
  2628. dUdbd
  2629. Dummy Cam
  2630. dump_cookies_to_header
  2631. dump_cookies_to_url
  2632. Duplicate bKGD chunk
  2633. Duplicate cHRM chunk
  2634. Duplicate gAMA chunk
  2635. Duplicate hIST chunk
  2636. Duplicate iCCP chunk
  2637. Duplicate oFFs chunk
  2638. Duplicate pCAL chunk
  2639. Duplicate pHYs chunk
  2640. Duplicate PLTE chunk
  2641. Duplicate sBIT chunk
  2642. Duplicate sCAL chunk
  2643. Duplicate sRGB chunk
  2644. Duplicate tIME chunk
  2645. Duplicate tRNS chunk
  2646. Duration
  2647. DWIDTH
  2648. %d years ago
  2649. %d:%02d
  2650. -%d.%06d
  2651. %d.%06d
  2652. "e]$
  2653. eacute
  2654. Eacute
  2655. Eacutesmall
  2656. Early Building
  2657. EatChars
  2658. &ea0
  2659. ebuffer_alloc
  2660. ebuffer_free
  2661. ebuffer_get_buffer
  2662. ebuffer_get_buffer_size
  2663. ebuffer_get_statistics
  2664. ebuffer_get_string_size
  2665. ebuffer_init
  2666. ecircumflex
  2667. Ecircumflex
  2668. Ecircumflexsmall
  2669. _edata
  2670. edieresis
  2671. Edieresis
  2672. Edieresissmall
  2673. edit
  2674. Edit
  2675. - Edit and update the map
  2676. editbox_confirm_warning_hide
  2677. editbox_dlg_hide
  2678. EditBoxCheckTypingLockCb
  2679. Edit location
  2680. edit_marker_icon
  2681. Editor
  2682. editor_cleanup_test
  2683. editor_db_activate
  2684. editor_db_add_item
  2685. editor_db_allocate_items
  2686. editor_db_allocate_new_block
  2687. editor_db_allocate_new_block - reached max memory.
  2688. editor_db_begin_commit
  2689. editor_db_close
  2690. editor_db_confirm_commit
  2691. editor_db_confirm_commit
  2692. editor_db_confirm_commit - editor_db_write_committed failed.
  2693. editor_db_create
  2694. editor_db_delete
  2695. editor_db_get_block_size
  2696. editor_db_get_item
  2697. editor_db_get_item_count
  2698. editor_db_item_committed
  2699. editor_db_items_pending
  2700. editor_db_open
  2701. editor_db_open
  2702. editor_db_read_items
  2703. editor_db_read_items() - bad type_id.
  2704. editor_db_read_items() - invalid section pointer.
  2705. editor_db_sync
  2706. editor_db_update_item
  2707. editor_db_write_item
  2708. editor_dictionary_add
  2709. editor_dictionary_add
  2710. editor_dictionary_get
  2711. EditorDictionaryHandler
  2712. editor_dictionary_locate
  2713. EditorEnabled
  2714. Editor grid
  2715. editor_http_decode_response
  2716. editor_http_send
  2717. editor_ignore_new_roads
  2718. editor_is_enabled
  2719. editor_line_add
  2720. editor_line_add
  2721. editor_line_begin_commit
  2722. editor_line_committed
  2723. editor_line_confirm_commit
  2724. editor_line_copy
  2725. editor_line_get
  2726. editor_line_get_count
  2727. editor_line_get_cross_time
  2728. editor_line_get_direction
  2729. editor_line_get_points
  2730. editor_line_get_street
  2731. editor_line_get_timestamp
  2732. editor_line_get_update_time
  2733. editor_line_invalidate
  2734. editor_line_is_valid
  2735. editor_line_items_pending
  2736. editor_line_length
  2737. editor_line_mark_dirty
  2738. editor_line_modify_properties
  2739. editor_line_reset_flag
  2740. editor_line_set_direction
  2741. editor_line_set_flag
  2742. editor_line_set_street
  2743. EditorLinesHandler
  2744. editor_main_get_version
  2745. editor_main_check_map
  2746. editor_main_initialize
  2747. editor_main_set
  2748. editor_main_shutdown
  2749. editor_marker_add
  2750. editor_marker_begin_commit
  2751. editor_marker_committed
  2752. editor_marker_confirm_commit
  2753. editor_marker_count
  2754. editor_marker_export
  2755. editor_marker_flags
  2756. editor_marker_is_obsolete
  2757. editor_marker_item_committed
  2758. editor_marker_items_pending
  2759. editor_marker_note
  2760. editor_marker_position
  2761. editor_marker_reg_type
  2762. EditorMarkersHandler
  2763. editor_marker_time
  2764. editor_marker_type
  2765. editor_marker_update
  2766. editor_marker_verify
  2767. editor_marker_voice_file
  2768. Editor Menu
  2769. editor_override_exists
  2770. editor_override_get
  2771. editor_override_get_count
  2772. EditorOverrideHandler
  2773. editor_override_line_get_direction
  2774. editor_override_line_get_flags
  2775. editor_override_line_reset_flag
  2776. editor_override_line_set_direction
  2777. editor_override_line_set_flag
  2778. EditorPen%d
  2779. editor_plugin_get_override
  2780. EditorPluginID
  2781. editor_plugin_register
  2782. editor_plugin_set_override
  2783. editor_plugin_unregister
  2784. editor_point_add
  2785. editor_point_db_id
  2786. editor_point_position
  2787. editor_points_add
  2788. editor_points_add_new_points
  2789. editor_points_display
  2790. editor_points_display_new_points
  2791. editor_points_display_new_points_timed
  2792. editor_point_set_pos
  2793. editor_points_get_new_points
  2794. editor_points_get_old_points
  2795. editor_points_get_total_points
  2796. EditorPointsHandler
  2797. editor_points_hide
  2798. editor_points_initialize
  2799. Editor points, points from server ignored. Client points are newer (%d, %d)
  2800. editor_points_reset_munching
  2801. editor_points_set_old_points
  2802. editor_points_set_old_points
  2803. editor_post_file
  2804. editor_report_markers
  2805. editor_report_segments
  2806. editor_screen_adjust_layer
  2807. editor_screen_delete_segments
  2808. editor_screen_draw_markers
  2809. editor_screen_gray_scale
  2810. editor_screen_initialize
  2811. editor_screen_menu
  2812. editor_screen_overide_car
  2813. editor_screen_override_pen
  2814. editor_screen_position_menu
  2815. editor_screen_repaint
  2816. editor_screen_reset_selected
  2817. editor_screen_selection_menu
  2818. editor_screen_select_line
  2819. editor_screen_select_position
  2820. editor_screen_set
  2821. editor_screen_set_long_click
  2822. editor_screen_set_override_car
  2823. editor_screen_show_candidates
  2824. editor_screen_update_segments
  2825. editor_screen_wazzy_name
  2826. editor_segments_fill_dialog
  2827. editor_segments_find_city
  2828. editor_segments_properties
  2829. editor_shape_add
  2830. editor_shape_altitude
  2831. EditorShapeHandler
  2832. editor_shape_ordinal
  2833. editor_shape_position
  2834. editor_shape_time
  2835. editor_shortcut
  2836. Editor shortcut
  2837. editor_street_create
  2838. editor_street_get_closest
  2839. editor_street_get_connected_lines
  2840. editor_street_get_distance
  2841. editor_street_get_full_name
  2842. editor_street_get_street_address
  2843. editor_street_get_street_city
  2844. editor_street_get_street_fename
  2845. editor_street_get_street_fetype
  2846. editor_street_get_street_name
  2847. editor_street_get_street_t2s
  2848. EditorStreetHandler
  2849. editor_sync_get_export_name
  2850. editor_sync_get_export_path
  2851. editor_sync_upload
  2852. editor_track_add_point
  2853. editor_track_add_trkseg
  2854. editor_track_compress_track
  2855. editor_track_deflate
  2856. editor_track_draw_current
  2857. editor_track_draw_current_new_direction_road
  2858. editor_track_draw_new_direction_roads
  2859. editor_track_end
  2860. editor_track_filter_add
  2861. editor_track_filter_get
  2862. editor_track_filter_get_current
  2863. editor_track_filter_new
  2864. editor_track_filter_reset
  2865. editor_track_get_gps_filter
  2866. editor_track_get_new_direction_line
  2867. editor_track_get_new_direction_line_direction
  2868. editor_track_get_num_update_toggles
  2869. editor_track_get_update_toggle_state
  2870. editor_track_get_update_toggle_times
  2871. editor_track_initialize
  2872. editor_track_is_new_direction_roads
  2873. editor_track_is_new_road
  2874. editor_track_main_getRecordRoadsLabel
  2875. editor_track_point_distance
  2876. editor_track_report_begin_export
  2877. editor_track_report_begin_export
  2878. editor_track_report_conclude_export
  2879. editor_track_report_get_current_position
  2880. editor_track_report_get_current_position
  2881. editor_track_report_get_current_position() - 'editor_track_util_get_line_point_ids()' returned (from:%d; to:%d) for (line %d
  2882. editor_track_report_get_current_position() - 'matcher_get_current_for_reporting()' failed
  2883. editor_track_report_get_points
  2884. editor_track_report_init
  2885. editor_track_report_reset
  2886. editor_track_reset
  2887. editor_track_reset_update_toggles
  2888. editor_track_shortcut
  2889. editor_track_toggle_new_roads
  2890. editor_track_util_create_db
  2891. editor_track_util_create_line
  2892. editor_track_util_create_line
  2893. editor_track_util_create_trkseg
  2894. editor_track_util_create_trkseg
  2895. editor_track_util_get_distance
  2896. editor_track_util_get_line_length
  2897. editor_track_util_get_line_point_ids
  2898. editor_track_util_length
  2899. editor_track_util_node_to_editor
  2900. editor_track_util_release_focus
  2901. editor_track_util_set_focus
  2902. EditorTrack0
  2903. EditorTrack1
  2904. editor_trkseg_add
  2905. editor_trkseg_begin_commit
  2906. editor_trkseg_confirm_commit
  2907. editor_trkseg_get
  2908. editor_trkseg_get_count
  2909. editor_trkseg_get_points
  2910. editor_trkseg_get_time
  2911. EditorTrksegHandler
  2912. editor_trkseg_item_committed
  2913. editor_trkseg_items_pending
  2914. editor_upload_auto
  2915. editor_upload_auto
  2916. editor_upload_auto() - connect had failed, file : %s, url : %s
  2917. editor_upload_get_url
  2918. editor_upload_initialize
  2919. editor_upload_on_socket_connected
  2920. editor_upload_on_socket_connected
  2922. edtsync
  2923. edt%05d.dat
  2924. E E/
  2925. e]eaa
  2926. E=E{E
  2927. e"e/eH
  2928. EeEs
  2929. eexec
  2930. egCurrentTile
  2931. EGEPE\
  2932. egrave
  2933. Egrave
  2934. Egravesmall
  2935. Echo,1,%s,0
  2936. eight
  2937. eightinferior
  2938. eightoldstyle
  2939. eightsuperior
  2940. ```e`j`o`x`
  2941. ellipsis
  2942. @e@m
  2943. Email
  2944. Email address
  2945. Email address already exists
  2946. Email location URL
  2947. Email/phone
  2948. Email your friends
  2949. eman
  2950. emdash
  2951. empty distance tree with lengths
  2952. Enable
  2953. Enable Alerts
  2954. Enable Audio Alerts
  2955. Enable continue prompt
  2956. --enable-memopt
  2957. Enable offline calculation
  2958. Enable push notification
  2959. Enable Toggle Construction
  2960. ##@enc
  2961. encode - bad buffer size (%d), expected (%d)
  2962. encode_url
  2963. Encoding
  2964. Encoding
  2965. ENCODING
  2966. EncodingScheme
  2967. encryptPassword
  2968. __end__
  2969. endash
  2970. EndAxis
  2971. EndComposites
  2972. EndDirection
  2973. end_drive
  2974. End drive
  2975. END_DRIVE
  2976. ENDFONT
  2977. EndFontMetrics
  2978. ENDCHAR
  2979. EndCharMetrics
  2980. EndKernData
  2981. EndKernPairs
  2983. END_SPACE
  2984. EndTrackKern
  2985. engine_%s_idle
  2986. engine_%s_selected
  2987. English
  2988. Enlarge the central part of the map
  2989. Enter address, place or contact
  2990. Entering Jam
  2991. Enter road name
  2992. Enter the address and select the correct result.
  2993. Enter your address in the search box above.
  2994. Enter your search
  2995. Enter your Twitter password
  2996. Enter your Twitter user
  2997. EOF is observed .... Not an error
  2998. __eqdf2
  2999. -eqe|e
  3000. __eqsf2
  3001. equal
  3002. _e_r
  3003. ]E]R
  3004. _erase
  3005. Erase
  3006. ERR_error_string
  3007. __errno
  3008. _error
  3009. Error
  3010. Error.
  3011. Error calculating route.
  3012. Error cancelling resolver thread %d, error = %d (%s)
  3013. Error connect
  3014. Error connecting through the SSL. Connectiond id: %d
  3015. Error - connect token not sent!
  3016. Error %d destroying condition : %s
  3017. Error %d destroying mutex : %s
  3018. Error decoding compressed text
  3019. Error %d initializing condition variable : %s
  3020. Error %d initializing mutex. Cannot continue : %s
  3021. Error (%d) in SSL_connect: %s. Errno: %d (%s) Closing the context !!
  3022. Error (%d) in SSL_read: %s !!
  3023. Error %d locking the mutex : %s
  3024. Error downloading map update
  3025. Error downloading voice. Alert ID: %d. Status : %d. Path: %s
  3026. Error %d setting condition wait : %s
  3027. Error %d signalling the monitor : %s
  3028. Error %d unlocking the mutex : %s
  3029. Error %d waiting on condition : %s
  3030. Error executing IO callback: callback is null. Action: %d. Connection id: %d
  3031. Error in callback execution - the context is null!
  3032. Error in inflate - %d
  3033. Error initializing deflate - %d
  3034. Error in obtaining current time
  3035. Error in recv
  3036. Error in recv.
  3037. Error in recv. - comp returned %d
  3038. Error in send data
  3039. Error in send - select.
  3040. Error in send - timeout
  3041. Error in uploading image alert
  3042. error in uploading image : %s
  3043. Error in uploading voice alert
  3044. error in uploading voice : %s
  3045. ERROR: Invalid name specified
  3046. Error loading face for fallback font %s (Path: %s)
  3047. Error loading navigation data.
  3048. Error loading TTS language for tag %s after downloaded
  3049. Error - not initialized or missing config
  3050. Error obtaining array data object
  3051. Error obtaining image buffer from the object for: %s
  3052. Error obtaining image data object for: %s
  3053. Error obtaining ssl context: %s !!
  3054. Error opening file '%s'
  3055. Error opening file: %s
  3056. Error openning file for read: %s/%s
  3057. Error openning file for write: %s/%s
  3058. Error parsing file '%s'
  3059. error parsing length for length-prefixed data
  3060. error parsing member %s of %s
  3061. error parsing tag/wiretype at offset %u
  3062. Error polling socket. Connection id: %d. IO Action: %d
  3063. Error polling socket during connect. Connection id: %d
  3064. Error polling socket during connect. Trying again. Connection id: %d.
  3065. Error posting flush request!
  3066. Error posting render request!
  3067. Error prepare voice - language file was not downloaded properly.
  3068. Error preparing log files!
  3069. Error reading file '%s'
  3070. Error reading from map file -- aborting
  3071. Error reading line %s in file: %s
  3072. Error reading map file header -- aborting
  3073. error receiving http data (%d/%d). Requested: %d
  3074. error receiving http data - not enough buffer to save response (%d/%d)
  3075. error receiving http header (%d)
  3076. error receiving http header. Read zero bytes. (%d)
  3077. Error restarting thread. Error: %d ( %s )
  3078. Error %s (%d) in file_read
  3079. Error %s (%d) initializing mutex. Cannot continue.
  3080. Error %s (%d) receiving data on connection id: %d
  3081. Error %s (%d) sending http packet - canceling the connection: %d
  3082. Error sending data: (%d) %s
  3083. Error sending data. Error: %d ( %s )
  3084. Error sending files
  3085. Error sending http packet. Connection id: %d
  3086. Error sending request.
  3087. Error sending request. Header text is too long.
  3088. Error starting the io monitor. Connectiond id: %d
  3089. Error starting thread. Error: %d ( %s )
  3090. Error uploading file - invalid file read size: %d.
  3091. Error uploading log files: %s!
  3092. Error waiting. Currently flushing - try to wait for flush to complete
  3093. Error waiting. Dropping the queue: %d
  3094. Error waiting. Nothing to drop - pending queue: %d
  3095. Error waiting on select in net_send
  3096. ERR_peek_last_error
  3097. ERTVisabilityGroup_from_string
  3098. ERTVisabilityGroup_to_string
  3099. ERTVisabilityReport_from_string
  3100. ERTVisabilityReport_to_string
  3101. EscChar
  3102. Esmall
  3103. esuperior
  3104. ETA: %d:%02d
  3105. ETA enabled
  3106. ETA change
  3107. etaSeconds
  3108. Ethsmall
  3109. eurtapnu
  3110. Event
  3111. Event comment
  3112. EventOnRoute
  3113. Events
  3114. Events on Route
  3115. events_on_route_add
  3116. events_on_route_add
  3117. events_on_route_add - table is full!
  3118. events_on_route_add type=%d, alt_route=%d
  3119. events_on_route_all
  3120. events_on_route_at_index
  3121. events_on_route_at_index_alternative
  3122. events_on_route_clear
  3123. events_on_route_clear_record
  3124. events_on_route_count
  3125. events_on_route_count_alternative
  3126. events_on_route_current_percentage
  3127. events_on_route_feature_enabled
  3128. events_on_route_init
  3129. Events Radius
  3130. Everyday moods
  3131. Every time
  3132. Exceeding cache entries number %d!!!
  3133. exclam
  3134. exclamdown
  3135. exclamdownsmall
  3136. exclamsmall
  3137. Exclusive moods
  3138. ex: 'Drive home'
  3139. _execute_io_event
  3140. execute_query
  3141. Executing action: %s
  3142. Executing map center to lat:%d & lon:%d
  3143. Executing navigation to lat:%d & lon:%d
  3144. Executing query: %s
  3145. Executing zoom:%d
  3146. __exidx_end
  3147. __exidx_start
  3148. EXISTING user
  3149. Exit
  3150. Exit?
  3151. Exit application
  3152. Exit Application
  3153. ***Exiting following due to the previous error %s ***
  3154. Exiting the application
  3155. Exit_key
  3156. Exit left
  3157. ExitLeft
  3158. Exit right
  3159. ExitRight
  3160. _exit_timeout
  3161. Exit timeout millis
  3162. exit to the left
  3163. exit to the right
  3164. ExpansionFactor
  3165. ExpansionFactor
  3166. ExpertEncoding
  3167. ExpertEncoding
  3168. Expiration
  3169. Export Error
  3170. export_track_is_new
  3171. export_track_num_points
  3172. export_track_point_gps
  3173. export_track_point_ordinal
  3174. export_track_point_pos
  3175. export_track_point_status
  3176. export_track_point_time
  3177. export_track_reset_points
  3178. ex: 'Report heavy traffic'. You'll
  3179. __extendsfdf2
  3180. Extend to friends of friends too
  3181. External
  3182. external_facebook
  3183. ExternalPOI
  3184. ExternalPoi CreatePoiObject- Object not added %s
  3186. External point
  3187. external_search
  3188. Extra compressed data
  3189. Extra compressed data.
  3190. Extra compression data
  3191. extract_argv_from_raw_data
  3192. ExtractNetworkString
  3193. ExtractString
  3194. #e02020
  3195. %f
  3196. \^\f
  3197. F***
  3198. < F
  3199. ,*(*F
  3200. facebook
  3201. facebook_after_connect
  3202. facebook_authorized_publish
  3203. facebook_authorize_publish
  3204. facebook_authorize_publish
  3205. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_ApprovedPublish_Var
  3207. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_Expiration_Var
  3208. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_Feature_Enabled_Var
  3212. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_Permissions_Var
  3213. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_PublishPermissions_Var
  3214. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_ReadPermissions_Var
  3226. FACEBOOK_CFG_PRM_Token_Var
  3228. facebook_connect
  3229. /facebook/connect
  3230. Facebook Connect
  3231. FacebookConnect
  3232. Facebook connect (force = %d)
  3233. FacebookConnectPublish
  3234. facebook_connect_url
  3235. facebook,%d
  3236. facebook_destination_mode
  3237. facebook_disable_munching
  3238. facebook_disable_sending
  3239. facebook_disconnect
  3240. Facebook disconnect
  3242. facebook_disconnect_now
  3243. facebook_disconnect_now
  3244. facebook_enable_munching
  3245. facebook_enable_sending
  3246. Facebook friends can see each other on the map and on friends lists.
  3247. facebook_get_access_permissions
  3248. facebook_get_publish_access_permissions
  3249. facebook_get_read_access_permissions
  3250. facebook_get_show_name
  3251. facebook_get_show_picture
  3252. facebook_get_show_profile
  3253. facebook_check_login
  3254. facebook_check_login
  3255. facebook_check_login - not connected to RT, skipping
  3256. facebook_check_login-on_check_login_completed
  3257. facebook - invalid websvc handle
  3258. facebook_invite
  3259. facebook_is_munching_enabled
  3260. facebook_is_requesting_publish
  3261. facebook_is_see_close_friends
  3262. facebook_is_see_fof
  3263. facebook_is_sending_enabled
  3264. facebook_like
  3265. facebook_like_url
  3266. facebook_local_token_pending
  3267. facebook_local_token_pending
  3268. facebook_logged_in
  3269. facebookLoggedIn
  3270. Facebook logout
  3271. Facebook not connected
  3272. facebook_on_authorize_publish_result
  3273. Facebook privacy settings
  3274. facebook_refresh_connection
  3275. facebook_refresh_connection
  3276. facebook_requesting_publish
  3277. facebook_reset_local_token
  3278. facebook_session_is_valid
  3279. facebook_set_destination_mode
  3280. facebook_set_local_token
  3281. facebook_set_see_close_friends
  3282. facebook_set_see_fof
  3283. facebook_set_show_name
  3284. facebook_set_show_picture
  3285. facebook_set_show_profile
  3286. facebook_setting_dialog
  3287. facebook_settings
  3288. facebook_settings_dialog_open
  3289. facebook_settings_dialog_open
  3290. facebook_settings_dialog_open
  3291. facebookshare
  3292. facebook_share
  3293. /facebook/share
  3294. facebook_share_native
  3295. facebook_share_pop
  3296. facebook_share_url
  3297. facebook_share_url_prefix
  3298. facebook_show_conflicting_users
  3299. facebook_show_conflicting_users
  3300. facebook_show_conflicting_users
  3301. facebookTokenSet
  3302. facebook_update_token
  3303. facebookUpdateToken
  3304. Facebook update token
  3306. Face for fallback font %s (Path: %s) was not loaded
  3307. FACE_NAME
  3308. faceobok
  3309. Failed allocation for tile queue
  3310. Failed loading image data for file: %s
  3311. Failed loading image %s
  3312. Failed on select timeout. Connection id: %d. IO Action: %d
  3313. Failed on select timeout during connect. Connection id: %d
  3314. Failed sending FB token to server
  3315. Failed to allocate object for the image data
  3316. failed to close fd <%d>, errno = %d
  3317. Failed to Communicate with Routing Server
  3318. Failed to create account, please try again
  3319. Failed to create a valid address string from history entries
  3320. Failed to create jpeg from buffer (error %d)
  3321. Failed to download resource. URL prefix is empty type=%d, lang=%s, name=%s
  3322. Failed to find a valid road near destination %d,%d
  3323. Failed to find a valid road near origin %d,%d
  3324. Failed to find gas station (error: %d)
  3325. Failed to find nearby venues (error: %d)
  3326. Failed to find parking near destination (error: %d)
  3327. Failed to get current position
  3328. Failed to get inbox credentials (rc=%d)
  3329. Failed to hash item %s. Lang tag: %s
  3330. Failed to initialize. No network connection
  3331. Failed to load tile %d
  3332. failed to make complete framebuffer object %x
  3333. Failed to obtain callback method for %s!
  3334. Failed to obtain class %s!
  3335. Failed to obtain const for %s!
  3336. Failed to obtain constructor for %s!
  3337. Failed to obtain constructor method id for object: %s!
  3338. Failed to obtain method context!
  3339. Failed to obtain method context for closeBottom!
  3340. Failed to obtain method context for facebook_settings_dialog_open!
  3341. Failed to obtain method context for hideNearingDestination!
  3342. Failed to obtain method context for initialize!
  3343. Failed to obtain method context for mood_dialog_show!
  3344. Failed to obtain method context for onLoginFailed!
  3345. Failed to obtain method context for onLoginSuccess!
  3346. Failed to obtain method context for openFoursquareDialog!
  3347. Failed to obtain method context for openTwitterWelcome!
  3348. Failed to obtain method context for postLongMessageIcon!
  3349. Failed to obtain method context for postLongMessagePoints!
  3350. Failed to obtain method context for postMessage!
  3351. Failed to obtain method context for postMessageIcon!
  3352. Failed to obtain method context for refreshFacebookConnection!
  3353. Failed to obtain method context for refreshFoursquareConnection!
  3354. Failed to obtain method context for refreshMood!
  3355. Failed to obtain method context for refreshSinaWeiboConnection!
  3356. Failed to obtain method context for refreshTencentWeiboConnection!
  3357. Failed to obtain method context for refreshTwitterConnection!
  3358. Failed to obtain method context for registerFailed!
  3359. Failed to obtain method context for %s
  3360. Failed to obtain method context for set_distance!
  3361. Failed to obtain method context for set_dist_str!
  3362. Failed to obtain method context for set_eta_str!
  3363. Failed to obtain method context for set_exit!
  3364. Failed to obtain method context for set_instruction!
  3365. Failed to obtain method context for set_mode!
  3366. Failed to obtain method context for set_next_exit!
  3367. Failed to obtain method context for set_next_instruction!
  3368. Failed to obtain method context for set_street!
  3369. Failed to obtain method context for set_time_str!
  3370. Failed to obtain method context for setWaypoint!
  3371. Failed to obtain method context for show!
  3372. Failed to obtain method context for showFoursquareVenues!
  3373. Failed to obtain method context for showNearingDestination!
  3374. Failed to obtain method context for showProfile!
  3375. Failed to obtain method context for showSignIn!
  3376. Failed to obtain method for %s!
  3377. Failed to obtain object of %s!
  3378. Failed to obtain Thumbs up data. Cannot open popup!
  3379. failed to remove file %s, errno = %d
  3380. Failed to request add waypoints
  3381. Failed to retrieve new_roads state
  3382. Failed to run 'address_search_auto_search()'
  3383. Failed to send GetGeoConfig request
  3384. Failed to send parked alert
  3385. Failed to sent GetGeoConfig request
  3386. Failed to start map download
  3387. Failed to start the periodic for power due to illegal period. Period: %d. Threshold 1: %d. Threshold 2: %d
  3388. Failed to take coupon (rc=%d)
  3389. Failed to update account, please try again
  3390. Failed to update account, please try again or press 'Skip' to use random account
  3391. Failure
  3392. Failure in resolving domain: %s. No more retries - giving up
  3393. fake
  3394. Fake
  3395. false
  3396. FamilyBlues
  3397. FamilyBlues
  3398. FamilyName
  3399. FamilyName
  3400. FamilyName
  3401. FamilyName
  3404. FamilyOtherBlues
  3405. FamilyOtherBlues
  3406. Fastest
  3407. Fast Max Wait
  3408. Fast Min Diff
  3409. Fast Threshold
  3410. Fatal
  3411. favorite=
  3412. Favorite: Count %d
  3413. Favorites
  3414. favorites_address_info
  3415. Favorite (%s) already synced with server
  3416. #fa76ff
  3417. fb://
  3418. FB connect result - already connected to another Waze user.
  3419. FB connect result - user already connected to another Facebook.
  3420. FB Like min period
  3421. FB Like shown
  3422. FB Like time
  3423. fb://profile/86232932633
  3424. FB Share min period
  3425. FB Share shown
  3426. FB Share time
  3427. fclose
  3428. fcntl
  3429. fcttOTTOeurt1pytX
  3430. FDArray
  3431. FDB
  3432. FDBytes
  3433. #fdf66b
  3434. #fd9f0b
  3435. Feature
  3436. Feature enabled
  3437. Feature Enabled
  3438. Feature Enabled V2
  3439. Feauture enabled
  3440. feet
  3441. fEfOi
  3442. f#f(
  3443. ;%f,%f
  3444. F>FE
  3445. ?fff@
  3446. FFFF
  3448. #ffffe0
  3449. ffffff
  3450. ?ffffff
  3451. #ffffff
  3452. #ffffff
  3453. #FFFFFF
  3454. #ffffffbf
  3456. #FFFFFF00
  3457. #ffffff55
  3458. #FFF380
  3459. fflush
  3460. #FF0000
  3461. F!F6
  3462. fgets
  3463. fh_delete
  3464. fh_deleteheap
  3465. fh_elkey
  3466. fh_extractmin
  3467. fh_find_data
  3468. fh_insert
  3469. fh_insertkey
  3470. fhjln
  3471. fh_makeheap
  3472. fh_makekeyheap
  3473. fh_min
  3474. fh_minkey
  3475. fh_replacedata
  3476. fh_replacekey
  3477. fh_replacekeydata
  3478. fh_setcmp
  3479. fh_setneginf
  3480. fh_union
  3481. Fifth
  3482. fifth exit
  3483. figuredash
  3485. fijkdbh
  3486. file_alloc_and_read
  3487. file_close
  3488. file_close
  3489. File does not exist: '%s/%s'
  3490. file_exists
  3491. file_fopen
  3492. file_fopen
  3493. file_length
  3494. file name not specified
  3495. file_open
  3496. file_open
  3497. File openning error for file: %s
  3498. file_read
  3499. file_read
  3500. file_remove
  3501. file_remove
  3502. file_rename
  3503. file_rename
  3504. file_rmdir
  3505. File %s did not pass size check ( too big for sending? )
  3506. File %s doesn't exist! Cannot add to the list.
  3507. File %s is not found at %s
  3508. file %s not found in path %s
  3509. File upload error, couldn't start sync socket connect. for file %s
  3510. File upload error. for file %s
  3511. File upload error. for file %s , number %d
  3512. File upload error: image id buffer is not available!!
  3513. File upload error on socket connect %s
  3514. File upload error: voice id buffer is not available!!
  3515. File was uploaded successfully! Response message: %s
  3516. file_write
  3517. _fill_alert
  3518. _fill_data
  3519. _fill_line
  3520. _fill_metadata
  3521. _fill_point
  3522. _fill_polygon
  3523. _fill_range
  3524. _fill_route
  3525. _fill_shape
  3526. _fill_speed
  3527. _fill_street
  3528. _fill_string
  3529. _fill_tile
  3530. Filter
  3531. Filter Distance
  3532. Final exit
  3533. finalizeSearch
  3534. find_action_in
  3535. find_alt_id
  3536. find_alt_id() - unknown alt_id %d
  3537. find_connecting_road
  3538. _find_entry
  3539. find_receive_info
  3540. _find_result
  3541. _find_result() - unknown alt_id %d
  3542. FindTrip (%d,%d) has_reception=%d
  3543. __FINI_ARRAY__
  3544. Finish
  3545. Finished instrumentation of segment no. %d (%d/%d)
  3546. Finished processing point %d %d from %d link %d total ms %d
  3547. finished uploading editor_sync files
  3548. finishing
  3549. firebrick
  3550. firebrick1
  3551. firebrick2
  3552. firebrick3
  3553. firebrick4
  3554. firefox
  3555. First
  3556. first exit
  3557. first point == last_point
  3558. First repaint - clearing background
  3559. First routing id: %d
  3560. First time wizard shown
  3561. First use
  3562. FIRST_USE
  3563. five
  3564. fiveeighths
  3565. fiveinferior
  3566. fiveoldstyle
  3567. fivesuperior
  3568. __fixdfdi
  3569. __fixdfsi
  3570. _fix_filter
  3571. __fixsfsi
  3572. __fixunsdfdi
  3573. __fixunsdfsi
  3574. FixUtf8
  3575. fjfxf
  3576. __floatdidf
  3577. __floatdisf
  3578. __floatsidf
  3579. __floatsisf
  3580. __floatundidf
  3581. __floatundisf
  3582. __floatunsidf
  3583. __floatunsisf
  3584. Flood
  3585. floor
  3586. floorf
  3587. floral white
  3588. FloralWhite
  3589. florin
  3590. Flush
  3591. FMFUFeFpF
  3592. =F=N
  3593. Focus
  3594. focus_on_gps
  3595. Foggy weather
  3596. Folder
  3597. folder_bundle
  3598. folder_config
  3599. folder_config_user
  3600. folder_get
  3601. folder is null
  3602. folder_set_day_schema
  3603. folder_set_night_schema
  3604. folder_schema
  3605. folder_system_fonts
  3606. Follow
  3607. following
  3608. Follow my drive
  3609. Follow my drive here:
  3610. Follow my drive. You can track my location in real time:
  3611. Follow Url
  3612. Follow us
  3613. Follow us on Sina Weibo
  3614. Follow us on Sina Weibo!
  3615. Follow us on Tencent Weibo
  3616. Follow us on Tencent Weibo!
  3617. Follow us on Twitter
  3618. Follow us on Twitter!
  3619. font
  3620. FONT
  3622. FontBBox
  3623. FontBBox
  3624. FontBBox
  3625. FontBBox
  3628. FontDirectory
  3629. FontDirectory
  3630. FontMatrix
  3631. FontMatrix
  3632. FontMatrix
  3633. FontName
  3634. FontName
  3635. FontName
  3637. FontType
  3638. FontType
  3639. FontType
  3640. %!FontType
  3641. ForceBold
  3642. ForceBold
  3643. ForceBoldThreshold
  3644. forced
  3645. Force ETA change
  3646. Force Location
  3647. ForceNextEtaChange
  3648. ForceNextReroute
  3649. Force reroute
  3650. Force suggest route
  3651. forest green
  3652. ForestGreen
  3653. For example: report heavy traffic, or drive home
  3654. Forgot password
  3655. Forgot password URL
  3656. Format
  3657. format_Area_string
  3658. format_DB_point_string
  3659. format_GpsPosition_Pos_Azy_Str
  3660. format_GpsPosition_string
  3661. format_ParamPair_string
  3662. format_ParamPair_string
  3663. format_ParamPair_string() - Failed to print params
  3664. format_point_string
  3665. format_Social_Level_string
  3666. format_Social_string
  3667. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
  3668. For more options and detailed explanations of our integration with Facebook and its user groups, go to our Facebook settings page.
  3669. found a roundabout node with no connected roundabout segments - square %d line %d
  3670. Found command: %s
  3671. Found %d gas station(s) near destination
  3672. Found %d nearby venues
  3673. Found %d parking near destination
  3674. Found %d segment groups
  3675. Found entry for domain: %s. Not requesting resolver
  3676. Found it in '%s' in the %s
  3677. Found old result with same alt id - normally this should not happen (id: %d)
  3678. Found result to remove
  3679. Found route: %d segments (%d new)
  3680. FOUNDRY
  3681. found two roundabout segments originating in same node - square %d line %d
  3682. found wrong route in roundabout - square %d line %d
  3683. four
  3684. fourinferior
  3685. fouroldstyle
  3686. foursquare
  3687. foursquare_after_connect
  3696. foursquare_connect
  3697. foursquare_connect_url
  3698. foursquare_disable_tweet_badge
  3699. foursquare_disable_tweet_login
  3700. foursquare_disconnect
  3701. foursquare_disconnect_confirmed_cb
  3702. foursquare_enable_tweet_badge
  3703. foursquare_enable_tweet_login
  3704. foursquare_get_checkin_info
  3705. foursquare_get_password
  3706. foursquare_get_username
  3707. foursquare_checkedin_dialog
  3708. foursquare_checkedin_dialog
  3709. foursquare_checkin
  3710. foursquare_checkin
  3711. foursquare_check_login
  3712. foursquare_check_login
  3713. foursquare_initialize
  3714. foursquare - invalid websvc handle
  3715. foursquare_is_enabled
  3716. foursquare_is_tweet_badge_enabled
  3717. foursquare_is_tweet_login_enabled
  3718. foursquare_logged_in
  3719. foursquare_login
  3720. foursquare_login_dialog
  3721. foursquare_login_dialog
  3722. Foursquare logout
  3723. Foursquare - parse_checkin_results(): Failed to read checkin message=%s
  3724. Foursquare - parse_checkin_results(): Failed to read score points=%s
  3725. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): could not find command: CheckinResult (received: '%s')
  3726. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): could not find command: VenueList (received: '%s')
  3727. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue address=%s
  3728. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue city=%s
  3729. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue crossname=%s
  3730. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue distance=%d
  3731. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue id=%s
  3732. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue lat=%d
  3733. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue lon=%d
  3734. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue name=%s
  3735. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue phone=%s
  3736. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue state=%s
  3737. Foursquare - parse_search_results(): Failed to read venue zip=%s
  3738. Foursquare password is empty. You are not logged in
  3739. Foursquare - received empty venues list
  3740. foursquare_refresh_connection
  3741. foursquare_refresh_connection
  3742. foursquare_request_failed
  3743. foursquare_request_failed
  3744. foursquare_response
  3745. foursquare_response
  3746. foursquare_select_venue
  3747. foursquare_set_logged_in
  3748. foursquare_set_password
  3749. foursquare_set_username
  3750. foursquare_show_venues
  3751. foursquare_show_venues
  3752. Foursquare user name is empty. You are not logged in
  3753. foursquare_venues_list
  3754. foursuperior
  3755. Fourth
  3756. fourth exit
  3757. fputc
  3758. fp %08x ip %08x sp %08x lr %08x pc %08x %s cpsr %08x fault %08x
  3759. fraction
  3760. fraction
  3761. franc
  3762. Fr: %d - %d (%s)
  3763. fread
  3764. _free
  3765. freeaddrinfo
  3766. free_cookies_map
  3767. Freeing all canvas tiles
  3768. Freeing image id: %d. Address: 0x%x. Path: %s
  3769. _free_io
  3770. freeUpdteaMapCache
  3771. Freeways
  3772. Freezing rain
  3773. fribidi comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
  3774. fribidi_get_mirror_char
  3775. fribidi_get_type
  3776. fribidi_get_type_internal
  3777. fribidi_get_types
  3778. fribidi_list_append
  3779. fribidi_log2vis
  3780. fribidi_log2vis_get_embedding_levels
  3781. fribidi_mem_chunk_alloc
  3782. fribidi_mem_chunk_destroy
  3783. fribidi_mem_chunk_free
  3784. fribidi_mem_chunk_new
  3785. fribidi_mirroring_status
  3786. fribidi_prop_to_type
  3787. fribidi_remove_bidi_marks
  3788. fribidi_reorder_nsm_status
  3789. fribidi_set_debug
  3790. fribidi_set_mirroring
  3791. fribidi_set_reorder_nsm
  3792. fribidi_type_name
  3793. fribidi_version_info
  3794. fribidi 0.10.7
  3795. Friend
  3796. Friend_%d
  3797. Friend on the way to your location
  3798. friends
  3799. Friends
  3800. FRIENDS
  3801. Friend shared on Facebook
  3803. friendsOfFriends
  3804. Friends of friends
  3805. friendsOfFriendsOnWayText
  3806. Friends of friends will also be able to see you, and we'll mention you as the connection between two of your friends.
  3807. friends online
  3808. Friends on their way to your location
  3809. friendsOnWayText
  3810. Friends see your full name and picture:
  3811. Friends with
  3812. Friend told me (in person)
  3813. Friend tweeted
  3814. From:
  3815. from=%d to=%d reverse=%d start=%d end=%d track_end=%s unknown=%s
  3816. from point: %d,%d point %d time %d
  3817. from your mobile.
  3818. (from your mobile) to automatically drive to this destination.
  3819. frustrated
  3820. frustrated-female
  3821. fseek
  3822. Fsmall
  3823. FSType
  3824. FSType
  3825. FSType
  3826. FT_Activate_Size
  3827. FT_Add_Default_Modules
  3828. FT_Add_Module
  3829. FT_Alloc
  3830. FT_Angle_Diff
  3831. FT_Atan2
  3832. FT_Attach_File
  3833. FT_Attach_Stream
  3834. FT_Bitmap_Convert
  3835. FT_Bitmap_Copy
  3836. FT_Bitmap_Done
  3837. FT_Bitmap_Embolden
  3838. ft_bitmap_glyph_class
  3839. FT_Bitmap_New
  3840. FT_CeilFix
  3841. FT_CMap_Done
  3842. FT_CMap_New
  3843. ft_corner_is_flat
  3844. ft_corner_orientation
  3845. FT_Cos
  3846. FT_DivFix
  3847. FT_Done_Face
  3848. FT_Done_FreeType
  3849. FT_Done_Glyph
  3850. FT_Done_GlyphSlot
  3851. FT_Done_Library
  3852. FT_Done_Memory
  3853. FT_Done_Size
  3854. ftell
  3855. FT_Face_GetCharsOfVariant
  3856. FT_Face_GetCharVariantIndex
  3857. FT_Face_GetCharVariantIsDefault
  3858. FT_Face_GetVariantSelectors
  3859. FT_Face_GetVariantsOfChar
  3860. FT_FloorFix
  3861. FT_Free
  3862. FT_Get_Advance
  3863. FT_Get_Advances
  3864. FT_Get_CMap_Format
  3865. FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID
  3866. FT_Get_First_Char
  3867. FT_Get_Glyph
  3868. FT_Get_Glyph() failed
  3869. FT_Get_Glyph_Name
  3870. FT_Get_Char_Index
  3871. FT_Get_Charmap_Index
  3872. FT_Get_Kerning
  3873. FT_Get_Module
  3874. FT_Get_Module_Interface
  3875. FT_Get_Name_Index
  3876. FT_Get_Next_Char
  3877. FT_Get_Postscript_Name
  3878. FT_Get_Renderer
  3879. FT_Get_Sfnt_Name
  3880. FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count
  3881. FT_Get_Sfnt_Table
  3882. FT_Get_SubGlyph_Info
  3883. FT_Get_Track_Kerning
  3884. FT_Get_TrueType_Engine_Type
  3885. FT_Glyph_Copy
  3886. FT_Glyph_Get_CBox
  3887. FT_GlyphLoader_Add
  3888. FT_GlyphLoader_CopyPoints
  3889. FT_GlyphLoader_CreateExtra
  3890. FT_GlyphLoader_Done
  3891. FT_GlyphLoader_CheckPoints
  3892. FT_GlyphLoader_CheckSubGlyphs
  3893. FT_GlyphLoader_New
  3894. FT_GlyphLoader_Prepare
  3895. FT_GlyphLoader_Reset
  3896. FT_GlyphLoader_Rewind
  3897. ft_glyphslot_alloc_bitmap
  3898. ft_glyphslot_free_bitmap
  3899. FT_GlyphSlot_Own_Bitmap
  3900. ft_glyphslot_set_bitmap
  3901. FT_Glyph_Stroke
  3902. FT_Glyph_StrokeBorder
  3903. FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap
  3904. FT_Glyph_To_Bitmap() failed. Error: %d
  3905. FT_Glyph_Transform
  3906. ft_grays_raster
  3907. ft_highpow2
  3908. FT_Init_FreeType
  3909. FT_Init_FreeType() failed
  3910. FT_Library_Version
  3911. FT_List_Add
  3912. FT_List_Finalize
  3913. FT_List_Find
  3914. FT_List_Insert
  3915. FT_List_Iterate
  3916. FT_List_Remove
  3917. FT_List_Up
  3918. FT_Load_Glyph
  3919. FT_Load_Glyph() failed
  3920. FT_Load_Char
  3921. FT_Load_Sfnt_Table
  3922. FT_Lookup_Renderer
  3923. ft_lzwstate_done
  3924. ft_lzwstate_init
  3925. ft_lzwstate_io
  3926. ft_lzwstate_reset
  3927. FT_Match_Size
  3928. FT_Matrix_Invert
  3929. FT_Matrix_Multiply
  3930. FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled
  3931. ft_mem_alloc
  3932. ft_mem_dup
  3933. ft_mem_free
  3934. ft_mem_qalloc
  3935. ft_mem_qrealloc
  3936. ft_mem_realloc
  3937. ft_mem_strcpyn
  3938. ft_mem_strdup
  3939. ft_module_get_service
  3940. FT_MulDiv
  3941. FT_MulDiv_No_Round
  3942. FT_MulFix
  3943. FT_New_Face
  3944. FT_New_Face() failed
  3945. FT_New_GlyphSlot
  3946. FT_New_Library
  3947. FT_New_Memory
  3948. FT_New_Memory_Face
  3949. FT_New_Size
  3950. FT_Open_Face
  3951. FT_Outline_Copy
  3952. FT_Outline_Decompose
  3953. FT_Outline_Done
  3954. FT_Outline_Done_Internal
  3955. FT_Outline_Embolden
  3956. FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap
  3957. FT_Outline_Get_CBox
  3958. FT_Outline_GetInsideBorder
  3959. FT_Outline_Get_Orientation
  3960. FT_Outline_GetOutsideBorder
  3961. ft_outline_glyph_class
  3962. FT_Outline_Check
  3963. FT_Outline_New
  3964. FT_Outline_New_Internal
  3965. FT_Outline_Render
  3966. FT_Outline_Reverse
  3967. FT_Outline_Transform
  3968. FT_Outline_Translate
  3969. FT_QAlloc
  3970. FT_QRealloc
  3971. FT_Raccess_Get_DataOffsets
  3972. FT_Raccess_Get_HeaderInfo
  3973. FT_Raccess_Guess
  3974. ft_raster1_renderer_class
  3975. ft_raster5_renderer_class
  3976. FT_Realloc
  3977. FT_Remove_Module
  3978. FT_Render_Glyph
  3979. FT_Render_Glyph_Internal
  3980. FT_Request_Metrics
  3981. FT_Request_Size
  3982. FT_RoundFix
  3983. FT_Select_Charmap
  3984. FT_Select_Metrics
  3985. FT_Select_Size
  3986. ft_service_list_lookup
  3987. FT_Set_Debug_Hook
  3988. FT_Set_Charmap
  3989. FT_Set_Char_Size
  3990. FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes
  3991. FT_Set_Renderer
  3992. FT_Set_Transform
  3993. FT_Sfnt_Table_Info
  3994. FT_Sin
  3995. ft_smooth_lcd_renderer_class
  3996. ft_smooth_lcdv_renderer_class
  3997. ft_smooth_renderer_class
  3998. FT_SqrtFixed
  3999. FT_Sqrt32
  4000. ft_standard_raster
  4001. FT_Stream_Close
  4002. FT_Stream_EnterFrame
  4003. FT_Stream_ExitFrame
  4004. FT_Stream_ExtractFrame
  4005. FT_Stream_Free
  4006. FT_Stream_GetChar
  4007. FT_Stream_GetLong
  4008. FT_Stream_GetLongLE
  4009. FT_Stream_GetOffset
  4010. FT_Stream_GetShort
  4011. FT_Stream_GetShortLE
  4012. FT_Stream_New
  4013. FT_Stream_Open
  4014. FT_Stream_OpenGzip
  4015. FT_Stream_OpenLZW
  4016. FT_Stream_OpenMemory
  4017. FT_Stream_Pos
  4018. FT_Stream_Read
  4019. FT_Stream_ReadAt
  4020. FT_Stream_ReadFields
  4021. FT_Stream_ReadChar
  4022. FT_Stream_ReadLong
  4023. FT_Stream_ReadLongLE
  4024. FT_Stream_ReadOffset
  4025. FT_Stream_ReadShort
  4026. FT_Stream_ReadShortLE
  4027. FT_Stream_ReleaseFrame
  4028. FT_Stream_Seek
  4029. FT_Stream_Skip
  4030. FT_Stream_TryRead
  4031. FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath
  4032. FT_Stroker_ConicTo
  4033. FT_Stroker_CubicTo
  4034. FT_Stroker_Done
  4035. FT_Stroker_EndSubPath
  4036. FT_Stroker_Export
  4037. FT_Stroker_ExportBorder
  4038. FT_Stroker_GetBorderCounts
  4039. FT_Stroker_GetCounts
  4040. FT_Stroker_LineTo
  4041. FT_Stroker_New
  4042. FT_Stroker_ParseOutline
  4043. FT_Stroker_Rewind
  4044. FT_Stroker_Set
  4045. ft_stub_set_char_sizes
  4046. ft_stub_set_pixel_sizes
  4047. ft_synthesize_vertical_metrics
  4048. FT_Tan
  4049. ft_validator_error
  4050. ft_validator_init
  4051. ft_validator_run
  4052. FT_Vector_From_Polar
  4053. FT_Vector_Length
  4054. FT_Vector_Polarize
  4055. FT_Vector_Rotate
  4056. FT_Vector_Transform
  4057. FT_Vector_Transform_Scaled
  4058. FT_Vector_Unit
  4059. )@)F)U,
  4060. Full
  4061. Full details on this check-in are available for you on
  4062. FullName
  4063. FullName
  4064. FullName
  4065. FullName
  4066. FULL_NAME
  4067. fullname is null
  4068. Full Screen
  4069. Full Value
  4070. Functionality and navigation may be impaired.
  4071. fwrite
  4072. FYI, Map Chats are publicly viewable.
  4073. (FYI - To conserve battery, Waze shuts down automatically when not in use)
  4074. fylg
  4075. fylgacol
  4076. fylg FFCeurtravfravg
  4077. #f57a24
  4078. #f6a201
  4079. f8r<
  4080. ;_;g
  4081. Gain access to all functions and become eligible to win prizes in our cool promos - register now
  4082. gainsboro
  4083. gAMA
  4084. gamma = (%d/100000)
  4085. gas_display_state
  4086. Gas prices
  4087. Gas stations
  4088. Gas stations disabled!
  4089. Gas stations enabled!
  4090. Gas stations sort
  4091. Gas stations user brand
  4092. Gas stations user product
  4093. gbreve
  4094. Gbreve
  4095. GDBytes
  4096. g_downloading_cache
  4097. g_downloading_cache_counter
  4098. __gedf2
  4099. geek
  4100. geek-female
  4101. General map error
  4102. General map settings
  4103. general_settings
  4104. General settings
  4105. general_settings_events_radius
  4106. general_settings_init
  4107. general_settings_is_24_hour_clock
  4108. general_settings_show
  4109. General updates
  4110. generic_address_add
  4111. generic_address_add_no_results
  4112. generic_search_add_address_to_history
  4113. generic_search_add_distance_to_candidate
  4114. generic_search_add_to_favorites
  4115. generic_search_build_candidate_address
  4116. generic_search_position
  4117. generic_search_reset_candidates
  4118. generic_search_resolve_address
  4119. generic_search_resolve_address
  4120. generic_search_resolve_address, query='%s'
  4121. generic_search_result
  4122. generic_search_result_count
  4123. generic_search_results
  4124. generic_search_send_resolved
  4125. geo_config
  4126. geo_config
  4127. GeoConfig
  4128. geo_config_fixed_location
  4129. geo_config_fixed_location
  4130. GeoConfig - force location invalide value %s, continuing nromally
  4131. GeoConfig - force location set to il
  4132. GeoConfig - force location set to usa
  4133. geo_config_generic
  4134. geo_config_get_server_id
  4135. geo_config_get_version
  4136. geo_config_china
  4137. geo_config_il
  4138. geo_config_init
  4139. GeoConfig - Location not found. Going to retry num %d in %d seconds.
  4140. GeoConfig - Network connection problem. Going to retry num %d in %d seconds.
  4141. geo_config_other
  4142. geo_config_register_on_server_cfg_cb
  4143. geo_config_register_on_update_cfg_cb
  4144. GeoConfig - Retries exhausted.
  4145. geo_config_stg
  4146. GeoConfigTimer
  4147. GeoConfigTimer
  4148. geo_config_transaction_failed
  4149. geo_config_usa
  4150. GeoConfig - Using location from session! (lat=%d, lon=%d)
  4151. GeoConfig - Web-Service Address: '%s'
  4152. GEOHASH_decode
  4153. GEOHASH_encode
  4154. GEOHASH_free_area
  4155. GEOHASH_free_neighbors
  4156. GEOHASH_generate_hash
  4157. GEOHASH_get_adjacent
  4158. GEOHASH_get_neighbors
  4159. GEOHASH_verify_hash
  4160. GeoLocation
  4161. GeoLocation
  4162. GeoLocation
  4163. Geo-Location
  4164. geo_location_info
  4165. geo_location_set_map_score
  4166. geo_location_set_map_score_str
  4167. geo_location_set_metropolitan
  4168. geo_location_set_overall_score
  4169. geo_location_set_state
  4170. geo_location_set_traffic_score
  4171. geo_location_set_traffic_score_str
  4172. geo_location_set_usage_score
  4173. geo_location_set_usage_score_str
  4174. geom_angle
  4175. geom_area_contains
  4176. geom_azymuth
  4177. geom_calc_line_length
  4178. geom_compare_points
  4179. geom_counter_rotate_coordinate
  4180. geom_diff_direction
  4181. geom_displayed_screen_bbox
  4182. geom_displayed_screen_coordinates
  4183. geom_distance
  4184. Geometry
  4185. geom_get_distance_from_segment
  4186. geom_get_map_area
  4187. geom_get_screen_bbox
  4188. geom_get_visible_coordinates
  4189. geom_intersection
  4190. geom_point_to_position
  4191. geom_project
  4192. geom_rotate_coordinates
  4193. geom_rotate_object
  4194. geom_rotate_point
  4195. geom_rotate_project_coordinate
  4196. geom_screen_distance
  4197. geom_screen_intersect
  4198. geom_thickness
  4199. geom_to_area
  4200. geo_reminders
  4201. Geo-Reminders
  4202. GeoServerConfig
  4203. GeoServerConfig Completed setting all parameters!!
  4204. GeoServerConfig, Got all results...
  4205. GeoServerConfig, No Parameters passed. Completing...
  4206. GeoServerConfig Timeout!! received %d out of %d
  4207. germandbls
  4208. __gesf2
  4209. getAboutMapCredit
  4210. getaddrinfo
  4211. _get_alert_data
  4212. get_alert_location_info
  4213. get_alert_subtype
  4214. GetBaseUrl
  4215. getBatteryLevel
  4216. _get_comment_data
  4217. get_connected_segments
  4218. get_connected_segments
  4219. get_cookie
  4220. _get_db
  4221. _get_db
  4222. get_device_event_name
  4223. get_download_url
  4224. GetEnableDisableState
  4225. _get_extensions
  4226. get_file
  4227. getFriendObject
  4228. GetGeoServerConfig,%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s
  4229. getGetterFunction
  4230. get_house_number__str
  4231. getIllustarionImage
  4232. get_inst
  4233. get_item
  4234. GetJNIEnv
  4235. GetJNIEnv
  4236. get_matrix
  4237. get_next_id
  4238. get_next_id - table is full
  4239. GetNumPOIsRes
  4240. GetPictureId
  4241. getpid
  4242. GetPOIsRes
  4243. GetPOIsRes Adding favorite (name=%s, lat=%s, lon=%s )
  4244. get_provider_search_product_count
  4245. get_provider_search_product_icons
  4246. get_provider_search_product_results
  4247. get_provider_search_product_values
  4248. get ready to exit left
  4249. get ready to exit right
  4250. get ready to turn left
  4251. get ready to turn right
  4252. GetScreenHeight
  4253. GetScreenWidth
  4254. getSetterFunction
  4255. getSettings
  4256. getSettingsMain
  4257. get_social
  4258. Get Started
  4259. Get the getter function for screen:%s
  4260. Get the setter function for screen:%s
  4261. GetThumbnail
  4262. _get_thumbsup_data
  4263. _get_thumbsup_data -Alert ID %d not found
  4264. gettimeofday
  4265. _get_type_size
  4266. _get_url
  4267. _get_url_1
  4268. _get_user_data
  4269. gExternalPoisDisplayedList
  4270. gExternalPoisDisplayList
  4271. gExternalPoisPopedUpList
  4272. gExternalPoisPreloadedList
  4273. gExternalPoisTable
  4274. gExternalPoiTypesTable
  4275. gfff
  4276. gfff
  4277. gfff
  4278. gfff
  4279. gfff
  4280. gfff
  4281. gfff
  4282. gfff
  4283. gfff
  4284. gfff
  4285. gfff
  4286. gfff
  4287. gfff
  4288. gfff
  4289. gfff
  4290. gfff
  4291. gfff
  4292. gfff
  4293. gfff
  4294. gfff
  4295. gfff
  4296. gfff
  4297. gfff
  4298. gfff
  4299. gfff
  4300. gfff
  4301. gfff
  4302. gfff
  4303. gfff|=
  4304. gfff(
  4305. gfff$
  4306. gfff(C
  4307. gfffcinuBODAEBDACBDA1tal
  4308. gfffho
  4309. gfffl
  4310. gfff@n
  4311. gfffp<#
  4312. gfffTE
  4313. gfffVUUU
  4314. gfffVUUU\t
  4315. gfffx
  4316. gfffX
  4317. gfffXd
  4318. gfff4
  4319. gfff$8
  4320. gfff8vH
  4321. g+g<
  4322. GgGqG
  4323. G G*G1GJ
  4324. ghost white
  4325. GhostWhite
  4326. gImageDownloadCache
  4327. +g+k+o+s+w+{4
  4328. glActiveTexture
  4329. glBindFramebufferOES
  4330. glBindTexture
  4331. glBlendFunc
  4332. glClear
  4333. glClearColor
  4334. glClientActiveTexture
  4335. glColor4f
  4336. __gl_computeInterior
  4337. glDeleteFramebuffersOES
  4338. glDeleteTextures
  4339. __gl_dictListDelete
  4340. __gl_dictListDeleteDict
  4341. __gl_dictListInsertBefore
  4342. __gl_dictListNewDict
  4343. __gl_dictListSearch
  4344. glDisable
  4345. glDisableClientState
  4346. glDrawArrays
  4347. __gl_edgeEval
  4348. __gl_edgeIntersect
  4349. __gl_edgeSign
  4350. glEnable
  4351. glEnableClientState
  4352. glFramebufferTexture2DOES
  4353. glGenFramebuffersOES
  4354. glGenTextures
  4355. glGetError
  4356. glGetFloatv
  4357. glGetIntegerv
  4358. glGetString
  4359. glHint
  4360. glCheckFramebufferStatusOES
  4361. glLoadIdentity
  4362. glmatrix_enable
  4363. glmatrix_enabled
  4364. glmatrix_get_current
  4365. glmatrix_get_matrix
  4366. glmatrix_identity
  4367. glmatrix_load_matrix
  4368. glmatrix_load_matrix
  4369. glmatrix_mode
  4370. glmatrix_mode
  4371. glMatrixMode
  4372. glmatrix_mult
  4373. glmatrix_print_matrix
  4374. glmatrix_translate
  4375. __gl_memInit
  4376. __gl_meshAddEdgeVertex
  4377. __gl_meshConnect
  4378. __gl_meshDelete
  4379. __gl_meshDeleteMesh
  4380. __gl_meshDiscardExterior
  4381. __gl_meshMakeEdge
  4382. __gl_meshNewMesh
  4383. __gl_meshSetWindingNumber
  4384. __gl_meshSplice
  4385. __gl_meshSplitEdge
  4386. __gl_meshTessellateInterior
  4387. __gl_meshTessellateMonoRegion
  4388. __gl_meshUnion
  4389. __gl_meshZapFace
  4390. glMultMatrixf
  4391. __gl_noBeginData
  4392. __gl_noCombineData
  4393. __gl_noEdgeFlagData
  4394. __gl_noEndData
  4395. __gl_noErrorData
  4396. __gl_noVertexData
  4397. GL_OES_framebuffer_object
  4398. glOrthof
  4399. glPopMatrix
  4400. __gl_pqHeapDelete
  4401. __gl_pqHeapDeletePriorityQ
  4402. __gl_pqHeapExtractMin
  4403. __gl_pqHeapInit
  4404. __gl_pqHeapInsert
  4405. __gl_pqHeapNewPriorityQ
  4406. __gl_pqSortDelete
  4407. __gl_pqSortDeletePriorityQ
  4408. __gl_pqSortExtractMin
  4409. __gl_pqSortInit
  4410. __gl_pqSortInsert
  4411. __gl_pqSortIsEmpty
  4412. __gl_pqSortMinimum
  4413. __gl_pqSortNewPriorityQ
  4414. __gl_projectPolygon
  4415. glPushMatrix
  4416. __gl_renderBoundary
  4417. __gl_renderCache
  4418. __gl_renderMesh
  4419. glRotatef
  4420. glTexCoordPointer
  4421. glTexImage2D
  4422. glTexParameterf
  4423. glTexParameteri
  4424. glTexSubImage2D
  4425. __gl_transEval
  4426. glTranslatef
  4427. __gl_transSign
  4428. gluBeginPolygon
  4429. gluDeleteTess
  4430. gluEndPolygon
  4431. gluGetTessProperty
  4432. gluLookAt
  4433. gluNewTess
  4434. gluNextContour
  4435. gluPerspective
  4436. gluProjectf
  4437. gluTessBeginContour
  4438. gluTessBeginPolygon
  4439. gluTessCallback
  4440. gluTessEndContour
  4441. gluTessEndPolygon
  4442. gluTessNormal
  4443. gluTessProperty
  4444. gluTessVertex
  4445. gluUnProjectf
  4446. __gl_vertCCW
  4447. glVertexPointer
  4448. __gl_vertLeq
  4449. glViewport
  4450. glyph-dict
  4451. glyph-dict
  4452. glyph-dict
  4453. glyph-dict
  4454. glyph-dict
  4455. GMST0
  4456. _GNISATEM
  4457. __gnu_ldivmod_helper
  4458. __gnu_uldivmod_helper
  4459. __gnu_Unwind_Backtrace
  4460. __gnu_unwind_execute
  4461. __gnu_Unwind_Find_exidx
  4462. __gnu_Unwind_ForcedUnwind
  4463. __gnu_unwind_frame
  4464. __gnu_Unwind_RaiseException
  4465. __gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP
  4466. __gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP_D
  4467. __gnu_Unwind_Restore_VFP_D_16_to_31
  4468. __gnu_Unwind_Restore_WMMXC
  4469. __gnu_Unwind_Restore_WMMXD
  4470. __gnu_Unwind_Resume
  4471. __gnu_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow
  4472. __gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP
  4473. __gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP_D
  4474. __gnu_Unwind_Save_VFP_D_16_to_31
  4475. __gnu_Unwind_Save_WMMXC
  4476. __gnu_Unwind_Save_WMMXD
  4477. Go in
  4478. Going background
  4479. Going foreground
  4480. Going foreground is completed!
  4481. Going to take camera image. Width: %d. Height: %d
  4482. Going to update %d tiles
  4483. Go invisible
  4484. Go invisible to be completely hidden from the map until your next drive
  4485. gold
  4486. goldenrod
  4487. goldenrod1
  4488. goldenrod2
  4489. goldenrod3
  4490. goldenrod4
  4491. gold1
  4492. gold2
  4493. gold3
  4494. gold4
  4495. Goodby
  4496. Good evening
  4497. Good GPS reception
  4498. Good morning
  4499. Google
  4501. Go solo
  4502. got GeoServerConfig message - Id=%d, name=%s lang=%s, num_parameters=%d version=%d
  4503. got GetNumPOIsRes (Num parameters= %d )
  4504. got GetPOIsRes (Num parameters= %d )
  4505. Got invalid data in fix. Cannot process position. Saved in tracker with 'I' status
  4506. Go to 'Groups' in main menu to find or create a group
  4507. Go to My Waze
  4508. Go to Settings
  4509. Got request to set new TTS voice: %s
  4510. got ServerConfig message - Configuration is set to ignore it!!!
  4511. got ServerConfig message - serial=%d out of %d, category=%s, key=%s, value=%s
  4512. (Gotta drive %d+ %s to access other moods)
  4513. got UpdateConfig message - Configuration is set to ignore it!!!
  4514. Got want read in SSL_connect
  4515. Got want write in SSL_connect
  4516. g_pbonus
  4517. GPGY
  4518. ~G~P~^~n
  4519. GPSDisconnect
  4520. GPSDisconnect
  4521. GPS message delay: %dms
  4522. GPSPath
  4523. GPSPath,%s,%u,%u
  4524. GPSPath too long, dropping first %d points
  4525. GPSPointsMultipleCycles
  4526. GPS Position
  4527. GPS provider timeout. Setting GPS provider as unavailable.
  4528. GPS_reception
  4529. GPS Speed
  4530. GPS_track_%s%s%s__%d_%d.csv
  4531. Gradient Factor
  4532. Gradient Speed Threshold
  4533. grave
  4534. Gravesmall
  4535. gray
  4536. Gray scale
  4537. gray0
  4538. gray1
  4539. gray10
  4540. gray100
  4541. gray11
  4542. gray12
  4543. gray13
  4544. gray14
  4545. gray15
  4546. gray16
  4547. gray17
  4548. gray18
  4549. gray19
  4550. gray2
  4551. gray20
  4552. gray21
  4553. gray22
  4554. gray23
  4555. gray24
  4556. gray25
  4557. gray26
  4558. gray27
  4559. gray28
  4560. gray29
  4561. gray3
  4562. gray30
  4563. gray31
  4564. gray32
  4565. gray33
  4566. gray34
  4567. gray35
  4568. gray36
  4569. gray37
  4570. gray38
  4571. gray39
  4572. gray4
  4573. gray40
  4574. gray41
  4575. gray42
  4576. gray43
  4577. gray44
  4578. gray45
  4579. gray46
  4580. gray47
  4581. gray48
  4582. gray49
  4583. gray5
  4584. gray50
  4585. gray51
  4586. gray52
  4587. gray53
  4588. gray54
  4589. gray55
  4590. gray56
  4591. gray57
  4592. gray58
  4593. gray59
  4594. gray6
  4595. gray60
  4596. gray61
  4597. gray62
  4598. gray63
  4599. gray64
  4600. gray65
  4601. gray66
  4602. gray67
  4603. gray68
  4604. gray69
  4605. gray7
  4606. gray70
  4607. gray71
  4608. gray72
  4609. gray73
  4610. gray74
  4611. gray75
  4612. gray76
  4613. gray77
  4614. gray78
  4615. gray79
  4616. gray8
  4617. gray80
  4618. gray81
  4619. gray82
  4620. gray83
  4621. gray84
  4622. gray85
  4623. gray86
  4624. gray87
  4625. gray88
  4626. gray89
  4627. gray9
  4628. gray90
  4629. gray91
  4630. gray92
  4631. gray93
  4632. gray94
  4633. gray95
  4634. gray96
  4635. gray97
  4636. gray98
  4637. gray99
  4638. Great!
  4639. greater
  4640. greaterequal
  4641. green
  4642. green yellow
  4643. GreenYellow
  4644. green1
  4645. green2
  4646. green3
  4647. green4
  4648. g_request_cursors
  4649. grey
  4650. grey0
  4651. grey1
  4652. grey10
  4653. grey100
  4654. grey11
  4655. grey12
  4656. grey13
  4657. grey14
  4658. grey15
  4659. grey16
  4660. grey17
  4661. grey18
  4662. grey19
  4663. grey2
  4664. grey20
  4665. grey21
  4666. grey22
  4667. grey23
  4668. grey24
  4669. grey25
  4670. grey26
  4671. grey27
  4672. grey28
  4673. grey29
  4674. grey3
  4675. grey30
  4676. grey31
  4677. grey32
  4678. grey33
  4679. grey34
  4680. grey35
  4681. grey36
  4682. grey37
  4683. grey38
  4684. grey39
  4685. grey4
  4686. grey40
  4687. grey41
  4688. grey42
  4689. grey43
  4690. grey44
  4691. grey45
  4692. grey46
  4693. grey47
  4694. grey48
  4695. grey49
  4696. grey5
  4697. grey50
  4698. grey51
  4699. grey52
  4700. grey53
  4701. grey54
  4702. grey55
  4703. grey56
  4704. grey57
  4705. grey58
  4706. grey59
  4707. grey6
  4708. grey60
  4709. grey61
  4710. grey62
  4711. grey63
  4712. grey64
  4713. grey65
  4714. grey66
  4715. grey67
  4716. grey68
  4717. grey69
  4718. grey7
  4719. grey70
  4720. grey71
  4721. grey72
  4722. grey73
  4723. grey74
  4724. grey75
  4725. grey76
  4726. grey77
  4727. grey78
  4728. grey79
  4729. grey8
  4730. grey80
  4731. grey81
  4732. grey82
  4733. grey83
  4734. grey84
  4735. grey85
  4736. grey86
  4737. grey87
  4738. grey88
  4739. grey89
  4740. grey9
  4741. grey90
  4742. grey91
  4743. grey92
  4744. grey93
  4745. grey94
  4746. grey95
  4747. grey96
  4748. grey97
  4749. grey98
  4750. grey99
  4751. group_alerts
  4752. Group alerts
  4753. Group badges
  4754. group_get_following_icon
  4755. group_get_following_name
  4756. GroupIcon
  4757. Group id is %d, next segment is %d
  4758. groups
  4759. GROUPS
  4760. groups_add_following_group_icon
  4761. groups_add_following_group_name
  4762. groups_alerts_action
  4763. groups_browser_btn_back_cb
  4764. groups_browser_btn_close_cb
  4765. groups_browser_btn_home_cb
  4766. groups_create_group_url
  4767. groups_default_icons
  4768. groups_dialog
  4769. groups_display_groups_supported
  4770. group_settings
  4771. groups_feature_enabled
  4772. groups_get_active_group_icon
  4773. groups_get_active_group_name
  4774. groups_get_active_group_wazer_icon
  4775. groups_get_following_group_icon
  4776. groups_get_following_group_name
  4777. groups_get_full_url
  4778. groups_get_num_following
  4779. groups_get_popup_config
  4780. groups_get_selected_group_icon
  4781. groups_get_selected_group_name
  4782. groups_get_show_wazer_config
  4783. groups_get_url
  4784. Groups I follow only
  4785. groups_init
  4786. groups_set_active_group_icon
  4787. groups_set_active_group_name
  4788. groups_set_num_following
  4789. groups_set_popup_config
  4790. groups_set_selected_group_icon
  4791. groups_set_selected_group_name
  4792. groups_set_show_wazer_config
  4793. groups_settings
  4794. groups_show
  4795. groups_show_group
  4796. groups_state
  4797. groups_term
  4798. gSgb
  4799. Gsmall
  4800. gs_pins_count
  4801. gs_position
  4802. gs_successor
  4803. gs_url
  4804. gs_VU
  4805. gs_WST not init yet !! can't share cookies
  4806. __gtdf2
  4807. gtg}
  4808. __gtsf2
  4809. GuestLogin,%d,%d,%s,%d,%d
  4810. Guest user
  4811. Guidance
  4812. Guidance type
  4813. Guidance type default
  4814. Guidance type user default
  4815. Guided Tour Url V2
  4816. Guided tour video url V2
  4817. guillemotleft
  4818. guillemotright
  4819. guilsinglleft
  4820. guilsinglright
  4821. gui_maximize
  4822. gui_minimize
  4823. #\#g#w#
  4824. gx=%f, gy=%f, bx=%f, by=%f
  4825. G8GA
  4826. Hail
  4827. halo
  4828. halo
  4829. Hand hover & 3 finger tap
  4830. Handled io callback message. Connection id: %d
  4831. _handle_error
  4832. HandleNetworkErrors
  4833. HandleNetworkErrors() - Entering the 'quite error mode' state
  4834. HandleNetworkErrors() - Exiting the 'quite error mode' state
  4835. HandleNetworkErrors() - STOPPING SERVICE - Too many network errors occurred; Disabling service for a while
  4836. _handle_new_lines
  4837. HandlePickUpRequest
  4838. HandleRes
  4839. _handle_selection
  4840. _handle_selection
  4841. HandsetCond-Bold.ttf
  4842. HandsetCond.ttf
  4843. happy
  4844. happy-female
  4845. Harard
  4846. hardware_change
  4847. _has_data_cb
  4848. _has_data_cb() failed (decode status: %d)
  4849. hash_add
  4850. hash_create
  4851. hash_enum
  4852. hash_find
  4853. hash_free
  4854. hash_n_items
  4855. hash_remove
  4856. hash_reset
  4857. hash_string
  4858. _hash_write_items
  4859. Has waypoint
  4860. HaveCachedMapProblemsToSend
  4861. HaveCreateNewRoadsToSend
  4862. HaveGPSPointsToSend
  4863. HaveNodePathToSend
  4864. have unlocked the Roadwarrior badge
  4865. Hazard Alert Distace
  4866. Hazard on road
  4867. Hazard on shoulder
  4868. Hazards
  4869. HD/%s
  4870. header = %s value = %s
  4871. Heard about Waze
  4872. Heavy
  4873. Heavy traffic
  4874. Heavy Traffic Alert Distace
  4875. heavy traffic reported ahead
  4876. Height
  4877. Hello
  4878. help
  4879. Help
  4880. help_about
  4881. help_get_social_intro_url
  4882. help_initialize
  4883. help_menu
  4884. help_menu
  4885. help_nanorep
  4886. help_open
  4887. Help/Support
  4888. Here's the place:
  4889. here with Waze, open
  4890. (Hex)
  4891. Hey,
  4892. Hey there
  4893. Hey! We know you!
  4894. HEZLOCUS
  4895. HFHM
  4896. h[hfhu
  4897. H#H-H8HeH
  4898. H>HU
  4899. h&h2hMh
  4900. Hidden
  4901. Hide
  4902. HideAlerterPopup
  4903. HideEditBox
  4904. Hide navigation list popup
  4905. Hide navigation list popup
  4906. hideNearingDestination
  4907. HideSoftKeyboard
  4908. hide_ticker
  4909. Hide ticker
  4910. HideWebView
  4911. High
  4912. highligh_selection
  4913. Highways
  4914. Hi, I want to pick you up!
  4915. Hi, I want to pick you up. Use this link to send me your location, and watch as I arrive:
  4916. Hi-Res Refresh rate (minutes)
  4917. hIST
  4918. history
  4919. History
  4920. history is null !!!
  4921. History Size
  4922. Hit mobility speed
  4923. hj2hljh
  4924. HLPTX
  4925. Ho c
  4926. hold
  4927. Hold
  4928. Hold Map
  4929. Hold the map view in its current position
  4930. Home
  4931. Home or to Work
  4932. Home (Touch to add)
  4933. honeydew
  4934. honeydew1
  4935. honeydew2
  4936. honeydew3
  4937. honeydew4
  4938. horizontal_screen_orientation
  4939. Hospitals
  4940. Host: %s
  4941. hot pink
  4942. HotPink
  4943. HotPink1
  4944. HotPink2
  4945. HotPink3
  4946. HotPink4
  4947. hour
  4948. House number
  4949. House #, Street, City, State
  4950. Hover & 3 finger tap
  4951. How about a little Facebook love?
  4952. How can I help?
  4953. How is your name displayed to others:
  4954. How to edit map url
  4955. How to edit the map
  4956. Hsmall
  4957. HTC Tattoo
  4958. HTC Wildfire
  4959. htdwT|
  4960. htdw0H
  4961. <html><body><h2>Release %s</h2><h3>%s</h3>%s<br/>%s<br/>%s<br/>Search Data: <a href="waze://?open_url=">Web
  4962. http
  4963. http://
  4964. http_async_copy
  4965. http_async_copy_abort
  4966. http_async_get_simple_header
  4967. http_async_get_upload_header
  4968. http_async_post
  4969. http_async_post_file
  4970. http_async_post_file
  4974. _http_cb_done
  4975. _http_cb_error
  4976. _http_cb_progress
  4977. http_comp_add_data
  4978. http_comp_avail
  4979. http_comp_close
  4980. http_comp_get_buffer
  4981. http_comp_init
  4982. http_comp_init
  4983. http_comp_read
  4984. http_comp_read
  4985. http_decode
  4986. http_decode_init
  4987. Http download error. Res: %d. Content length: %d. Downloaded: %d
  4990. http_get
  4992. http_post
  4993. http_response_status_init
  4994. http_response_status_load
  4995. https://
  4997. http status line: %s %s %s
  5013. HuaTianSongTi?
  5014. hungarumlaut
  5015. Hungarumlautsmall
  5016. Hurray! You just won %s and an extra %d points. Check your email for info.
  5017. Hurray! You just won %s. Check your email for info.
  5018. Hurray!!! You won the big prize: %s . Check your email for info.
  5019. hurricane
  5020. hyphen
  5021. hyphen
  5022. hypheninferior
  5023. hyphensuperior
  5024. "H16
  5025. >h 2
  5026. h8h@
  5027. CHANGED_TO
  5028. Change of username and password should be done on, and only then entered here. Continue?
  5029. Change routing preferences
  5030. * Changes won't affect routing. Your route is always calculated based on real-time traffic conditions.
  5032. Changing route!
  5033. Characters
  5034. CharacterSet
  5035. CHARS
  5043. CharStrings
  5044. CharStrings
  5045. chartreuse
  5046. chartreuse1
  5047. chartreuse2
  5048. chartreuse3
  5049. chartreuse4
  5050. CharWidth
  5051. Chat
  5052. check_alphanumeric
  5053. check_for_new_prompts
  5054. Check in
  5055. (checkin) - Command failed (status= %d)
  5056. checking alternate routes
  5057. checking alternative routes
  5058. (checkin) - network failed (status= %d)
  5059. CheckinResult
  5060. (checkin) - successful
  5061. Check-in with Foursquare
  5062. check login
  5063. Check login error - access denied (no longer connected)
  5064. Check login - internal error. Server did not provide is-connected response. Ignoring and using saved state (%d).
  5065. Check login - not logged in
  5066. Check login - server connected but client is not. requesting fb login
  5067. Check login succeeded
  5068. check login2
  5069. Check out Waze - a free traffic & navigation app that I use all the time
  5070. Check out Waze - a free traffic & navigation app that I use all the time
  5071. _check_parent
  5072. CheckPeriod
  5073. check SINA_WEIBO login
  5074. check_sqlite_error_line
  5075. _check_sqlite_error_line
  5076. check tencent_weibo login
  5077. checkThreadSafety
  5078. checkThreadSafety
  5079. _check_timeouts
  5080. _check_user_defaults
  5081. _check_white_list
  5082. china
  5083. chinashiftcoord
  5084. chocolate
  5085. chocolate1
  5086. chocolate2
  5087. chocolate3
  5088. chocolate4
  5089. Choose Drive to start navigation, or use the Waze Pick up item in your phone's notifications to navigate later.
  5090. Choose one of the options above to meet up with friends or let them track your ride.
  5091. Choose to start navigation now, or the next time you open Waze.
  5092. -`-i
  5093. iacute
  5094. Iacute
  5095. Iacutesmall
  5096. I agree to the Waze End Use License Agreement
  5097. iCCP
  5098. Ice on road
  5099. I certify that I am over the age of 13
  5100. icircumflex
  5101. Icircumflex
  5102. Icircumflexsmall
  5103. icon
  5104. icons
  5105. IDAT
  5106. iDEN
  5107. idieresis
  5108. Idieresis
  5109. Idieresissmall
  5110. iDiQ
  5111. Idotaccent
  5112. IEND
  5113. If-Modified-Since:
  5114. If you have a username set, it will be displayed below your nickname.
  5115. IGIRI]Iga
  5116. Ignore
  5117. Ignore server config
  5118. Ignoring attempt to set chromaticity value exceeding 21474.83
  5119. Ignoring attempt to set negative chromaticity value
  5120. Ignoring bad adaptive filter type
  5121. Ignoring extra png_read_update_info() call; row buffer not reallocated
  5122. Ignoring gAMA chunk with gamma=0
  5123. Ignoring GPS jump back in time.. from %d to %d
  5124. Ignoring GPS speed of %d knots, using previous speed of %d knots instead
  5125. Ignoring GPS with bad accuracy of %d meters
  5126. Ignoring incorrect cHRM value when sRGB is also present
  5127. Ignoring incorrect gAMA value when sRGB is also present
  5128. Ignoring nonzero compression type in iCCP chunk
  5129. ignoring out of range rgb_to_gray coefficients
  5130. Ignoring PLTE chunk in grayscale PNG
  5131. Ignoring routing response error - route is already complete!
  5132. Ignoring truncated iCCP profile.
  5133. igrave
  5134. Igrave
  5135. Igravesmall
  5136. IHDR
  5137. i i,
  5138. (II[BII)V
  5139. (II[BJII)V
  5140. (III[B[B)I
  5141. (II[I)I
  5142. (IIIIIIII)V
  5143. (IIII)V
  5144. i>i]ijiv
  5145. (IIILjava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;ZZ)V
  5146. (III)V
  5147. (IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/lang/String;)V
  5148. (II)V
  5149. I&I1I7I?
  5150. (IJJ)V
  5151. (IJ)V
  5152. ##@il
  5153. (ILjava/lang/String;II)V
  5154. (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IIIIIZ)V
  5155. (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  5156. (ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
  5157. (ILjava/lang/String;)V
  5158. I'll be late to:
  5159. I'll be there at
  5160. Illegal command name.
  5161. illegal line index %d
  5162. Illegal range number: %d
  5163. illus_evening
  5164. illus_morning
  5165. image
  5166. Image
  5167. Image added
  5168. image_alert_async_callback
  5169. Image capture was not taken
  5170. image_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d
  5171. image_%d_%d_%s_%d_%d
  5172. _image_download_cb
  5173. Image download failed
  5174. Image file %s is loaded. Address: 0x%x
  5176. image_id=
  5177. Image is null
  5178. Image is too high to process with png_read_png()
  5179. image/jpeg
  5180. IMAGE_NEW
  5181. Image path parameter is corrupted!!
  5182. images
  5183. Images
  5184. Image %s, Address: 0x%x is removed from the unmanaged list. Slot: %d
  5185. Image %s, Address: 0x%x is successfully added to the unmanaged list at slot: %d
  5186. image size exceeds user limits in IHDR
  5187. Images_Ver
  5188. Image thumbnail parameter is corrupted!!
  5189. Image thumbnail structure is not initialized properly
  5190. Image upload done, received response message: %s
  5191. Image upload status
  5192. Image width or height is zero in IHDR
  5193. I'm at
  5194. I'm on my way to
  5195. I'm on my way to:
  5196. "I'm on the way!"
  5197. imperial
  5198. "I'm running late."
  5199. I'm running late to
  5200. In all groups I follow
  5201. in a quarter of a mile
  5202. Inbox
  5203. Inbox Enabled
  5204. Inbox URL
  5205. IncHorizon
  5206. Including street names
  5207. Incoming Map Chat...
  5208. Incompatible libpng version in application and library
  5209. Incomplete compressed datastream in %s chunk
  5210. incomplete distance tree
  5211. incomplete dynamic bit lengths tree
  5212. Incomplete line: %s. Only %d fields found
  5213. incomplete literal/length tree
  5214. Inconsistency in new route times adjustment
  5215. inconsistency in range flags
  5216. Inconsistency in route calculation
  5217. Incorrect address
  5218. Incorrect bKGD chunk index value
  5219. Incorrect bKGD chunk length
  5220. Incorrect cHRM chunk length
  5221. incorrect data check
  5222. Incorrect gAMA chunk length
  5223. incorrect gamma=(%d/100000)
  5224. incorrect header check
  5225. Incorrect hIST chunk length
  5226. Incorrect IEND chunk length
  5227. Incorrect junction
  5228. Incorrect oFFs chunk length
  5229. Incorrect pHYs chunk length
  5230. Incorrect route
  5231. Incorrect sBIT chunk length
  5232. Incorrect sRGB chunk length
  5233. Incorrect tIME chunk length
  5234. Incorrect tRNS chunk length
  5235. Incorrect turn
  5236. Increase Horizon
  5237. Increase the 3D horizon
  5238. Increasing route id to:%d
  5239. Index | Head | Tail | Busy | Status
  5240. indian red
  5241. IndianRed
  5242. IndianRed1
  5243. IndianRed2
  5244. IndianRed3
  5245. IndianRed4
  5246. Indicates drive sharing is enabled
  5247. in driveto jni init 0x%x
  5248. In Dump Offline
  5249. in eight hundred meters
  5250. in erase ai native
  5251. inet_ntop
  5252. infinity
  5253. in five hundred meters
  5254. inflate
  5255. inflateEnd
  5256. inflateInit_
  5257. inflateInit2_
  5258. inflateReset
  5259. Info
  5260. InfoAround
  5261. InfoAround
  5262. InfoAround
  5263. in four hundred meters
  5264. infourl
  5265. infourlappendclientdata
  5266. infrared_server
  5267. in freeUpdteaMapCache - there are %d problems in cache
  5268. in half a mile
  5269. in install jni init
  5270. init
  5271. <init>
  5272. _init
  5273. _init
  5274. __INIT_ARRAY__
  5275. initDisplayStrings
  5276. initialize
  5277. Initializing JNI object NativeSoundManager
  5278. Initializing JNI object ShareNativeManager
  5279. Initializing, please wait...
  5280. Initial steering value: %d
  5281. _initJNIMethodContext
  5282. InitJNIMethodContext
  5283. InitJNIObject
  5284. InitJNIObjectStatic
  5285. InitJNIStaticMethodContext
  5287. InIy
  5288. in lang_dlg
  5289. inlove
  5290. inlove-female
  5291. In my main group only
  5292. in navigate native
  5293. in navigate native, x:%d y:%d
  5294. in one kilometer
  5295. in one mile
  5296. in one point five kilometers
  5297. input_type_set_mode
  5298. INSERT OR REPLACE INTO '%s' values (?,?,?,?,?);
  5299. INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tiles_table values (%d,?);
  5300. InsertString_AfterTag
  5301. InsertString_BeforeTag
  5302. in settings jni init
  5303. install
  5304. InstallNativeManager
  5305. in store ai native
  5306. in store ai native, x:%d y:%d
  5307. _instruction_update
  5308. instrument_segments
  5309. instrument_segments_cb
  5310. Insufficient memory for hIST chunk data.
  5311. Insufficient memory for pCAL parameter.
  5312. Insufficient memory for pCAL params.
  5313. Insufficient memory for pCAL purpose.
  5314. Insufficient memory for pCAL units.
  5315. Insufficient memory to process iCCP chunk.
  5316. Insufficient memory to process iCCP profile.
  5317. Insufficient memory to process text chunk.
  5318. Insufficient memory to store text
  5319. Insufficient memory to store zTXt chunk.
  5320. _int_canvas3_set3DMode
  5321. integral
  5322. interface version FRIBIDI_INTERFACE_VERSION
  5323. Internal error
  5324. International
  5325. intialiazing map settings
  5326. Introducing the Waze map editor
  5327. in two hundred meters
  5328. invalid action name '%s'
  5329. Invalid action query %s
  5330. invalid alert/data structure
  5331. Invalid argument
  5332. Invalidated %d images from the unmanaged list
  5333. Invalidating IO. Connection id: %d
  5334. Invalid attempt to read row data
  5335. Invalid bit depth
  5336. Invalid bit depth in IHDR
  5337. invalid bit length repeat
  5338. Invalid bKGD after IDAT
  5339. invalid block type
  5340. Invalid cHRM after IDAT
  5341. Invalid cHRM blue point
  5342. Invalid cHRM green point
  5343. Invalid cHRM red point
  5344. Invalid cHRM white point
  5345. Invalid color type
  5346. Invalid color type/bit depth combination in IHDR
  5347. Invalid color type in IHDR
  5348. Invalid connection state %d for callback. Connection id: %d.
  5349. Invalid data size - item size %u data size %u
  5350. invalid distance code
  5351. invalid download protocol
  5352. Invalid email address
  5353. Invalid event id: %d
  5354. Invalid field index in the CSV file: %d
  5355. Invalid filter method in IHDR
  5356. Invalid gAMA after IDAT
  5357. Invalid hIST after IDAT
  5358. invalid chunk type
  5359. Invalid iCCP after IDAT
  5360. Invalid IHDR chunk
  5361. Invalid image downloaded '%s'
  5362. Invalid image height
  5363. Invalid image size in IHDR
  5364. Invalid image width
  5365. Invalid latitude value
  5366. Invalid layer id: %d max expected is: %d
  5367. invalid line/broken structure
  5368. invalid line/bysquare1 structure
  5369. invalid line/data structure
  5370. invalid line/roundabout structure
  5371. invalid line_route/data structure
  5372. invalid line_speed/avg structure
  5373. invalid line_speed/index structure
  5374. invalid line_speed/line_ref structure
  5375. invalid literal/length code
  5376. Invalid longitude value
  5377. invalid metadata/attributes structure
  5378. Invalid navigation route check from %d/%d to %d/%d
  5379. Invalid node id - choosing ROUTE_DIRECTION_AGAINST_LINE - line %d square %d segment_from %d square_from %d square_to %d (update_time=%d, sq.timestamp=%d, range=%d)
  5380. Invalid node id - choosing ROUTE_DIRECTION_WITH_LINE - line %d square %d segment_from %d square_from %d square_to %d (update_time=%d, sq.timestamp=%d, range=%d)
  5381. Invalid oFFs after IDAT
  5382. invalid open mode <%s>
  5383. Invalid palette chunk
  5384. Invalid palette length
  5385. Invalid palette size, hIST allocation skipped.
  5386. Invalid password
  5387. Invalid pCAL after IDAT
  5388. Invalid pCAL data
  5389. Invalid pCAL parameters for equation type
  5390. Invalid pHYs after IDAT
  5391. Invalid PLTE after IDAT
  5392. invalid point/data structure
  5393. invalid point/id structure
  5394. invalid point index %d
  5395. invalid polygon/head structure
  5396. invalid polygon/point structure
  5397. invalid range structure
  5398. <Invalid result code:%d>
  5399. Invalid route line %d square %d (update_time=%d, sq.timestamp=%d, range=%d)
  5400. Invalid sBIT after IDAT
  5401. Invalid sCAL after IDAT
  5402. Invalid sCAL data
  5403. invalid shape/data structure
  5404. Invalid speed_ref index:%d
  5405. Invalid sPLT after IDAT
  5406. invalid square/data structure
  5407. Invalid sRGB after IDAT
  5408. Invalid state (%d) for connection callback
  5409. invalid stored block lengths
  5410. invalid street/city structure
  5411. invalid street/name structure
  5412. invalid string structure
  5413. Invalid texture when loading character: %ld
  5414. Invalid tile data for id %d - not storing
  5415. Invalid tile package magic number 0x%x
  5416. Invalid traffic subtype %d
  5417. Invalid tRNS after IDAT
  5418. Invalid URL
  5419. Invalid username
  5420. invalid window size
  5421. inverse
  5422. Invisible
  5423. Invite
  5424. Invite friends
  5425. Invite friends to Waze!
  5426. in zero point one mile
  5427. in zero point six miles
  5428. in zero point three mile
  5429. IO is suspended for connection %d
  5430. _io_monitor
  5431. IO suspend message for connection %d
  5432. IsActive
  5433. IsAlertPopupShowing
  5434. is_alphabetic
  5435. IsAutoRegEnabled
  5436. IsAvailable
  5437. IsBaseFont
  5438. is_canvas_ready_src_line
  5439. IsCIDFont
  5440. isConnected
  5441. is day - %d, is night - %d, time_to_sunset - %d, time_to_sunrise - %d, sunrise - %d, sunset - %d, current - %d
  5442. isDisplayingTrafficInfoOn
  5443. isDisplayReadyForAsr
  5444. isFacebookSessionValid
  5445. isFbAppInstalled
  5446. Is_first_login_failure
  5447. isFixedPitch
  5448. isFixedPitch
  5449. isFixedPitch
  5450. IsFixedPitch
  5451. IsFixedV
  5452. isFollowActive
  5453. IsImportantError
  5454. isMainActivity
  5455. Ismall
  5456. Is navigating
  5457. is Newbie
  5458. is not installed on your device, Do you want to download prompt files?
  5459. is_numeric
  5460. ISOLatin1Encoding
  5461. ISOLatin1Encoding
  5462. isOnline
  5463. IsPickUpActive
  5464. isPoiPreloaded
  5465. is_punctuation
  5466. israel
  5467. is_symbol
  5468. Is this still
  5469. IsTransactionError
  5470. isuperior
  5471. is_valid_key
  5472. is_valid_nonalphabetic_char
  5473. is_visible
  5474. is_white_space
  5475. is24HrClock
  5476. Italic
  5477. Italic
  5478. Italic
  5479. ItalicAngle
  5480. ItalicAngle
  5481. ItalicAngle
  5482. ItalicAngle
  5484. item is not initialized, can't add
  5485. It's a fun way to discover and promote cool places in your city and be rewarded for doing so.
  5486. It's an error to set both read_data_fn and write_data_fn in the
  5487. It's the only way we can know who you are - so please make sure it's valid.
  5488. It's useful, fun and you can always turn it off.
  5489. It's useful, fun and you can always turn it off...
  5490. It was promoted in the %s %s
  5491. iTXt
  5492. iTXt chunk not supported.
  5493. (I)V
  5494. I've connected Foursquare with Waze
  5495. ivory
  5496. ivory1
  5497. ivory2
  5498. ivory3
  5499. ivory4
  5500. I want to pick you up. Send me your location with Waze.
  5501. I want to share my location with you
  5502. (I)Z
  5503. I5 *
  5504. ','j'
  5505. ^j^|
  5506. ?;?J
  5507. JaJfJqJ
  5508. Jammed, distance to end of segment id=%d is %d:
  5509. Jams
  5510. Jams detected
  5511. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_aboutClickNTV
  5512. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_aboutClickNTV
  5513. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_askQuestionNTV
  5514. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_getConfigNTV
  5515. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_getConfigNTV
  5516. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5517. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_sendLogsClickNTV
  5518. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_sendLogsClickNTV
  5519. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_setConfigNTV
  5520. Java_com_waze_ConfigManager_setConfigNTV
  5521. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_countrySelectedNTV
  5522. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_countrySelectedNTV
  5523. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_getVideoUrlNTV
  5524. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_initNativeLayerNTV
  5525. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_initNativeLayerNTV
  5526. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_langSelectedNTV
  5527. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_langSelectedNTV
  5528. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_setCountryNTV
  5529. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_termsOfUseResponseNTV
  5530. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_termsOfUseResponseNTV
  5531. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_wayToGoContNTV
  5532. Java_com_waze_install_InstallNativeManager_wayToGoContNTV
  5533. Java_com_waze_Logger_WazeLogNTV
  5534. Java_com_waze_Logger_WazeLogNTV
  5535. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_getExclusiveMoodLevelNTV
  5536. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_getMoodAddonNTV
  5537. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_getMoodNTV
  5538. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_getNewbieMilageNTV
  5539. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_getNewbieMilageUnitNTV
  5540. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_InitMoodManagerNTV
  5541. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_isBabyNTV
  5542. Java_com_waze_MoodManager_setMoodNTV
  5543. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_ConfirmDialogCallbackNTV
  5544. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_ConfirmDialogCallbackNTV
  5545. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_InitMsgBoxNTV
  5546. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_MsgBoxCallbackNTV
  5547. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_MsgBoxCallbackNTV
  5548. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_SpecialMsgBoxCallbackNTV
  5549. Java_com_waze_MsgBox_SpecialMsgBoxCallbackNTV
  5550. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_afterConnectToFacebookNTV
  5551. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_afterConnectToFoursquareNTV
  5552. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_afterConnectToSinaWeiboNTV
  5553. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_afterConnectToTencentWeiboNTV
  5554. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_afterConnectToTwitterNTV
  5555. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_completeSignupNTV
  5556. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_doLoginNTV
  5557. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_doLoginOkNTV
  5558. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookDisconnectNowNTV
  5559. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookDisconnectNTV
  5560. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_FacebookEnabledNTV
  5561. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookResolveConflictNTV
  5562. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookSetAlsoFriendsOfFriendsNTV
  5563. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookSetDrivingModeNTV
  5564. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookSetMunchingModeNTV
  5565. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookSetOnlyCloseFriendsNTV
  5566. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_facebookSetReportModeNTV
  5567. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_foursquareDisconnectNTV
  5568. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_FoursquareEnabledNTV
  5569. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_foursquareCheckinNTV
  5570. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_foursquareSetTweetBadgeNTV
  5571. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_foursquareSetTweetLoginNTV
  5572. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getActiveGroupNTV
  5573. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getActiveGroupNTV
  5574. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getAllowPingsNTV
  5575. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getAllowPMNTV
  5576. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookAlsoFriendsOfFriendsNTV
  5577. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookLoggedInNTV
  5578. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFaceBookNickNTV
  5579. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookOnlyCloseFriendsNTV
  5580. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookPostDrivingModeNTV
  5581. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookPostMunchingNTV
  5582. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookPostReportsNTV
  5583. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookShowNameNTV
  5584. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookShowPicNTV
  5585. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFacebookShowProfNTV
  5586. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFoursquareEnableTweetBadgeNTV
  5587. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFoursquareEnableTweetLoginNTV
  5588. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getFoursquareLoggedInNTV
  5589. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getGroupsNTV
  5590. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getGroupsNTV
  5591. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getJoinedStrNTV
  5592. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getNickNameNTV
  5593. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getNumberOfFriendsOnlineNTV
  5594. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getPasswordNTV
  5595. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getPointsNTV
  5596. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getRankNTV
  5597. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getSinaWeiboLoggedInNTV
  5598. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getSinaWeiboPostDrivingModeNTV
  5599. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getSinaWeiboPostMunchingNTV
  5600. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getSinaWeiboPostReportsNTV
  5601. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getSinaWeiboShowMunchingNTV
  5602. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTencentWeiboLoggedInNTV
  5603. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTencentWeiboPostDrivingModeNTV
  5604. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTencentWeiboPostMunchingNTV
  5605. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTencentWeiboPostReportsNTV
  5606. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTencentWeiboShowMunchingNTV
  5607. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterLoggedInNTV
  5608. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterPasswordNTV
  5609. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterPostDrivingModeNTV
  5610. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterPostMunchingNTV
  5611. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterPostReportsNTV
  5612. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterShowMunchingNTV
  5613. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterShowProfNTV
  5614. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getTwitterUsernameNTV
  5615. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getUrlNTV
  5616. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getUserCarNTV
  5617. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getUserImageUrlNTV
  5618. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getUserNameNTV
  5619. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getUserTypeNTV
  5620. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_getUserVisibilityNTV
  5621. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_initNTV
  5622. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_isRandomUserNTV
  5623. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_MarketEnabledNTV
  5624. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_myCouponsEnabledNTV
  5625. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_registerUserNTV
  5626. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_selectFoursquareVenueNTV
  5627. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_sendSocialPermissionsNTV
  5628. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setAllowPingsNTV
  5629. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setAllowPMNTV
  5630. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setFacebookShowNameNTV
  5631. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setFacebookShowPicNTV
  5632. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setFacebookShowProfNTV
  5633. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setFaceBookSignInNTV
  5634. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setFacebookTokenNTV
  5635. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_SetInvisibleNTV
  5636. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setSelectedGroupNTV
  5637. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setTwitterShowProfNTV
  5638. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setUserCarNTV
  5639. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setUserVisibilityNTV
  5640. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_setVisibilityNTV
  5641. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_sinaWeiboDisconnectNTV
  5642. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_SinaWeiboEnabledNTV
  5643. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_sinaWeiboSetDrivingModeNTV
  5644. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_sinaWeiboSetMunchingModeNTV
  5645. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_sinaWeiboSetReportModeNTV
  5646. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_skipSignupNTV
  5647. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_tencentWeiboDisconnectNTV
  5648. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_TencentWeiboEnabledNTV
  5649. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_tencentWeiboSetDrivingModeNTV
  5650. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_tencentWeiboSetMunchingModeNTV
  5651. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_tencentWeiboSetReportModeNTV
  5652. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterConnectNTV
  5653. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterDisconnectNTV
  5654. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_TwitterEnabledNTV
  5655. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterSetDrivingModeNTV
  5656. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterSetMunchingModeNTV
  5657. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterSetPasswordNTV
  5658. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterSetReportModeNTV
  5659. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_twitterSetUsernameNTV
  5660. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_updateFacebookTokenNTV
  5661. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_updateTwitterNTV
  5662. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_validateNicknameNTV
  5663. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_validatePasswordNTV
  5664. Java_com_waze_mywaze_MyWazeNativeManager_validateUserNTV
  5665. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_CanvasOrientationUpdateNTV
  5666. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_CanvasPrepareNTV
  5667. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_DestroyedNTV
  5668. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_FlushNTV
  5669. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_InitCanvasNTV
  5670. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5671. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_KeyDownHandlerNTV
  5672. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_MouseMovedNTV
  5673. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_MousePressedNTV
  5674. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_MouseReleasedNTV
  5675. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_OGLEventNTV
  5676. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_RedrawNTV
  5677. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_RenderNTV
  5678. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_ResizeEndNTV
  5679. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_ResizeStartNTV
  5680. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_SetRunInBackgroundNTV
  5681. Java_com_waze_NativeCanvas_Tap3NTV
  5682. Java_com_waze_NativeLocListener_LocListenerCallbackNTV
  5683. Java_com_waze_NativeLocListener_LocListenerCallbackNTV
  5684. Java_com_waze_NativeLocListener_SatteliteListenerCallbackNTV
  5685. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AlerterClosedNTV
  5686. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AlerterNotThereNTV
  5687. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AlerterThumbsUpNTV
  5688. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AlertPopUpClosedNTV
  5689. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AppShutDownNTV
  5690. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AppStartNTV
  5691. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_AppStartNTV
  5692. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_asrActivatedNTV
  5693. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_asrCancelNTV
  5694. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_asrListenCallbackNTV
  5695. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_asrListenCallbackNTV
  5696. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_BackLightMonitorResetNTV
  5697. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ClearClosureObjectNTV
  5698. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ClosedProperlyNTV
  5699. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ConnectivityChangedNTV
  5700. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ConnectivityChangedNTV
  5701. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_DownloadAlertVoiceNTV
  5702. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_EditBoxCallbackNTV
  5703. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_EditBoxCallbackNTV
  5704. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_EditBoxCheckTypingLockNTV
  5705. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_EditorTrackToggleNewRoadsNTV
  5706. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_editTextDialogCallbackNTV
  5707. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_editTextDialogCallbackNTV
  5708. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_encouragementCallbackNTV
  5709. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_encouragementCloseCallbackNTV
  5710. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_encouragementCloseCallbackNTV
  5711. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_externalPoiClosedNTV
  5712. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_getDisplayNameNTV
  5713. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_getFbPermissionsNTV
  5714. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_GetIsPushEnableNTV
  5715. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_getIsSeeCloseFriendsNTV
  5716. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_getIsSeeFofNTV
  5717. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_getPublishFbPermissionsNTV
  5718. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_InitNativeManagerNTV
  5719. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isDebugNTV
  5720. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isEditorIgnoreNewRoadsNTV
  5721. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isFollowActiveNTV
  5722. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isGasUpdateableNTV
  5723. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isNavigatingNTV
  5724. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isNavigatingVoiceNTV
  5725. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_IsPickUpLaterNTV
  5726. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_IsPublishFbPermissionsNTV
  5727. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_isStopPointNTV
  5728. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_IsUpgradeNTV
  5729. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_langGetIntNoLangNTV
  5730. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_langGetIntNTV
  5731. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_langGetNTV
  5732. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_langRtlNTV
  5733. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_logAnalyticsNTV
  5734. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_NativeMsgDispatcherNTV
  5735. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_navigateMainGetCouponNTV
  5736. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_navigateMainPlayStartNTV
  5737. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_navigateRecalcAltRoutesNTV
  5738. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_navigateToBonusPointNTV
  5739. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_navigateToExternalPoiNTV
  5740. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_netMonCountNTV
  5741. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_parkNTV
  5742. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_RandomUserMsgNTV
  5743. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_RealtimeReportTrafficNTV
  5744. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_refreshMapNTV
  5745. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ReportAbusNTV
  5746. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ReportAllowImagesNTV
  5747. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ReportAllowVoiceRecordingsNTV
  5748. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_restorePoiFocusNTV
  5749. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_savePoiPositionNTV
  5750. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_sendAlertRequestNTV
  5751. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_sendCommentNTV
  5752. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SendPickUpRequestNTV
  5753. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SendPingNTV
  5754. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SendPrvPingNTV
  5755. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SendShareMyRideNTV
  5756. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_sendThumbsUpNTV
  5757. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_setGpsSourceNameNTV
  5758. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SetIsSeeCloseFriendsNTV
  5759. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SetIsSeeFofNTV
  5760. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SetPickUpLaterNTV
  5761. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_setPublishFbPermissionsNTV
  5762. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SetPushNotificationNTV
  5763. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SetSocialIsFirstTimeNTV
  5764. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_SetUpgradeRunNTV
  5765. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_shouldDisplayGasSettingsNTV
  5766. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_showCommentsNTV
  5767. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_ShowGpsDisabledWarningNTV
  5768. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_showGroupNTV
  5769. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_StartClosureObjectNTV
  5770. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_startTripServerNavigationNTV
  5771. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_StopFollowNTV
  5772. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_stopNavigationNearingNTV
  5773. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_stopNavigationNTV
  5774. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_stopTripServerNavigationNTV
  5775. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_TakePictureCallbackNTV
  5776. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_TickerClosedNTV
  5777. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_toggleNavigationVoiceNTV
  5778. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_UrlHandlerNTV
  5779. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_UrlHandlerNTV
  5780. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_wazeUiDetailsPopupClosedNTV
  5781. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_wazeUiDetailsPopupNextNTV
  5782. Java_com_waze_NativeManager_wazeUiUserPopupClosedNTV
  5783. Java_com_waze_NativeSoundManager_InitSoundManagerNTV
  5784. Java_com_waze_NativeSoundManager_InitSoundManagerNTV
  5785. Java_com_waze_NativeSoundManager_SoundCallbackNTV
  5786. Java_com_waze_NativeSoundManager_SoundCallbackNTV
  5787. Java_com_waze_NativeTimerManager_InitTimerManagerNTV
  5788. Java_com_waze_NavBarManager_getNavigationItemsNTV
  5789. Java_com_waze_NavBarManager_getNavigationItemsNTV
  5790. Java_com_waze_NavBarManager_InitNavBarManagerNTV
  5791. Java_com_waze_NavBarManager_showNavigationResultNTV
  5792. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_cancelStopPointNTV
  5793. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_centerMapInAddressOptionsViewNTV
  5794. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_closeAlternativeRoutesViewNTV
  5795. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_eraseAddressItemNTV
  5796. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_eraseAddressItemNTV
  5797. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getAlternativeRoutesNTV
  5798. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getAlternativeRoutesNTV
  5799. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getCategoriesNTV
  5800. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getCategoriesNTV
  5801. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getEndDriveDataNTV
  5802. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getEventsOnRouteNTV
  5803. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getEventsOnRouteNTV
  5804. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getFavoritesNTV
  5805. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getFavoritesNTV
  5806. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getFriendsListDataNTV
  5807. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getHistoryNTV
  5808. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getHistoryNTV
  5809. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getLocationDataNTV
  5810. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getLocationDataNTV
  5811. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getNearbyStationsNTV
  5812. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getNearbyStationsNTV
  5813. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getNumberOfFriendsDrivingNTV
  5814. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_GetPriceFormatNTV
  5815. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getProductNTV
  5816. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getProductNTV
  5817. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getSearchEnginesNTV
  5818. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getSearchEnginesNTV
  5819. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getSearchResultsEtaNTV
  5820. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getSortPreferencesNTV
  5821. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getSortPreferencesNTV
  5822. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getTopTenFavoritesNTV
  5823. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_getTopTenFavoritesNTV
  5824. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_highlightRouteNTV
  5825. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_initNativeLayerNTV
  5826. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_initNativeLayerNTV
  5827. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_isDayModeNTV
  5828. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_isStopPointSearchNTV
  5829. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_navigateNTV
  5830. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_navigateNTV
  5831. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_onAlternativeRoutesClosedNTV
  5832. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_openPrivateMessageNTV
  5833. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_requestRouteNTV
  5834. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_requestStopPointNTV
  5835. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_searchNearbyStationsNTV
  5836. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_searchNTV
  5837. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_searchNTV
  5838. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_selectAlternativeRouteNTV
  5839. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setAddressOptionsViewNTV
  5840. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setAlternativeRoutesViewNTV
  5841. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setProductPricesNTV
  5842. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setRoadClosureMapNTV
  5843. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setSearchMapViewNTV
  5844. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setSearchResultPinsNTV
  5845. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setStartPointNTV
  5846. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setStopPointNTV
  5847. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_setStopPointPreviewNTV
  5848. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_showOnMapNTV
  5849. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_storeAddressItemNTV
  5850. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_storeAddressItemNTV
  5851. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_unsetAddressOptionsViewNTV
  5852. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_unsetSearchMapViewNTV
  5853. Java_com_waze_navigate_DriveToNativeManager_unsetStopPointPreviewNTV
  5854. Java_com_waze_pioneer_PioneerNativeManager_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5855. Java_com_waze_pioneer_PioneerNativeManager_LocationCallbackNTV
  5856. Java_com_waze_pioneer_PioneerNativeManager_onPioneerConnectedNTV
  5857. Java_com_waze_ResManager_DownloadResNTV
  5858. Java_com_waze_ResManager_DownloadResNTV
  5859. Java_com_waze_ResManager_DownloadResNTV
  5860. Java_com_waze_ResManager_InitResManagerNTV
  5861. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_getMapProblemsNTV
  5862. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_getMapProblemsNTV
  5863. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_GetRTAlertsCommentNTV
  5864. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_GetRTAlertsCommentNTV
  5865. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_GetRTAlertsCountNTV
  5866. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_GetRTAlertsListNTV
  5867. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_GetRTAlertsMenuNTV
  5868. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_GetRTAlertsMenuNTV
  5869. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5870. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_policeSubtypesAllowedNTV
  5871. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_PostCommentNTV
  5872. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_PostCommentValidateNTV
  5873. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_reportBadRouteNTV
  5874. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_reportMapIssueNTV
  5875. Java_com_waze_rtalerts_RTAlertsNativeManager_ShowPopUpByIdNTV
  5876. Java_com_waze_samples_JniSampleActivityNativeManager_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5877. Java_com_waze_samples_JniSampleActivityNativeManager_LoadTimeNTV
  5878. Java_com_waze_samples_JniSampleActivityNativeManager_LoadTimeNTV
  5879. Java_com_waze_samples_JniSampleStatic_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5880. Java_com_waze_samples_JniSampleStatic_RunSampleNTV
  5881. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getGasStationsNTV
  5882. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getGasStationsNTV
  5883. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getGasTypesNTV
  5884. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getGasTypesNTV
  5885. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getLanguagesNTV
  5886. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getLanguagesNTV
  5887. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getNavigationGuidanceNTV
  5888. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getNavigationGuidanceNTV
  5889. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getNavigationGuidanceTypesNTV
  5890. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_getNavigationGuidanceTypesNTV
  5891. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_initNativeLayerNTV
  5892. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_initNativeLayerNTV
  5893. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_setLanguageNTV
  5894. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_setNavigationGuidanceNTV
  5895. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_setNavigationGuidanceTypeNTV
  5896. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_setPreferredStationNTV
  5897. Java_com_waze_settings_SettingsNativeManager_setPreferredTypeNTV
  5898. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_getDestinationNameNTV
  5899. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_getEtaNTV
  5900. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_getLocationNTV
  5901. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_getNickNameNTV
  5902. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5903. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_InitNativeLayerNTV
  5904. Java_com_waze_share_ShareNativeManager_isMetricUnitsNTV
  5905. Java_com_waze_SoundRecorder_InitSoundRecorderNTV
  5906. Java_com_waze_SpeechttManagerBase_InitSpeechttManagerNTV
  5907. Java_com_waze_SpeechttManagerBase_SpeechttManagerCallbackNTV
  5908. Java_com_waze_SpeechttManagerBase_SpeechttManagerCallbackNTV
  5909. Java_com_waze_TtsManager_InitTtsManagerNTV
  5910. Java_com_waze_TtsManager_TtsManagerCallbackNTV
  5911. Java_com_waze_view_bottom_BottomNotification_initNTV
  5912. Java GetRTAlertsMenuNTV environment for JNI object
  5913. java.lang.String
  5914. java/lang/String
  5915. javascript:back();
  5916. javascript:home();
  5917. jCjJ
  5918. jhjr
  5919. J(H LLLN
  5920. (JI[B[BI)V
  5921. j&j/a
  5922. j=jbj}k
  5923. $J(J3J?JJ
  5924. JLNPRTVXZ\^
  5925. JniSampleActivityNativeManager
  5926. JniSampleActivityNativeManager_DisposeRefs
  5927. JniSampleStatic
  5928. JniSampleStatic_DisposeRefs
  5929. JniSampleStatic_StaticMethod
  5930. JniSampleStatic_StaticMethod
  5931. j~nl
  5932. Join
  5933. Joined
  5934. +J+O+T+Y+
  5935. JpegConvTargetBufType
  5936. jpeg_from_buff
  5937. jpeg_read_file
  5938. .jpg
  5939. JPJW
  5940. jPjY
  5941. -/-J.+.Q/
  5942. Jsmall
  5943. jthl
  5944. Just a quick note to tell you about Waze - a free, community-based traffic & navigation app that I thought you might like.
  5945. Just double-checking
  5946. Just joined!
  5947. Just now
  5948. (J)V
  5949. *:JZjz
  5950. j22:2|
  5951. KeepAlive
  5952. Keep-alive rate (minutes)
  5953. Keep left
  5954. KeepLeft
  5955. Keep right
  5956. KeepRight
  5957. Keep within areas under Israeli authority
  5958. kerning
  5959. kerning
  5960. keyboard_get_typing_lock_enable
  5961. keyboard_handler__key_pressed
  5962. keyboard_punctuation_keys
  5963. keyboard_register_to_event__general
  5964. keyboard_register_to_event__key_pressed
  5965. keyboard_register_typing_lock_confirm_cb
  5966. keyboard_set_typing_lock_enable
  5967. keyboard_symbol_keys
  5968. keyboard_typing_locked
  5969. keyboard_unregister_from_event__general
  5970. keyboard_unregister_from_event__key_pressed
  5971. keyboard_virtual_key_name
  5972. keyboard_whitespaces_keys
  5973. Key event. Code %d, Is special %d, UTF8 : %s
  5974. KGKR
  5975. khaki
  5976. khaki1
  5977. khaki2
  5978. khaki3
  5979. khaki4
  5980. KiKrK
  5981. kilometers
  5982. +;K[k{
  5983. k)kA
  5984. k#kIk_k
  5985. K"K-KAK]a
  5986. known
  5987. kOkT
  5988. ko_q
  5989. "K"q
  5990. Ksmall
  5991. K3K9
  5992. _L_\
  5993. #!#L
  5994. label_activate
  5995. label_activate
  5996. label_add
  5997. label_add_place
  5998. LabelBgColor
  5999. label_clear
  6000. label_clear_all
  6001. LabelColor
  6002. LabelDeclutter
  6003. label_draw_cache
  6004. label_initialize
  6005. Labels
  6006. labels.main
  6007. label_start
  6008. Lakes
  6009. Lane closed
  6010. Lang
  6011. lang.conf
  6012. lang_conf_load
  6013. lang.conf not found.
  6014. lang_dlg_android
  6015. lang_dlg_android
  6016. lang_download_conf_file
  6017. lang_download_lang_file
  6018. lang_get
  6019. lang_get_available_langs_count
  6020. lang_get_available_langs_labels
  6021. lang_get_available_langs_values
  6022. lang_get_default_lang
  6023. lang_get_int
  6024. lang_get_label
  6025. lang_get_lang_file_update_time
  6026. lang_get_lang_value
  6027. lang_get_system_lang
  6028. lang_get_tts
  6029. lang_get_update_time
  6030. lang_get_user_lang
  6031. lang_initialize
  6032. LangInitialized
  6033. lang_initialize_params
  6034. lang_labels
  6035. lang_loader_free
  6036. lang_loader_free
  6037. lang_loader_get_item
  6038. lang_loader_get_item
  6039. lang_loader_load
  6040. lang_login_cb
  6041. lang_reload_system_lang
  6042. lang_rtl
  6043. lang.%s
  6044. Langs
  6045. Lang '%s' does not exist, stopping download.
  6046. lang selected %d
  6047. lang_set_default_lang
  6048. lang_set_lang_file_update_time
  6049. lang_set_system_lang
  6050. lang_set_tts_lang
  6051. lang_set_tts_lang
  6052. lang_set_update_time
  6053. Langs TTS
  6054. LangsTts_Ver
  6055. Langs_Ver
  6056. lang_toggle_debug
  6057. LanguageGroup
  6058. LanguageGroup
  6059. Language change
  6060. Language changed, please restart Waze
  6061. Language changed to English, please restart Waze
  6062. Language changed to Hebrew, please restart Waze
  6063. languages_count
  6064. lang_values
  6065. largsession
  6066. Last Bonus ID
  6067. Last comment alert ID
  6068. Last comment ID
  6069. Last dest name
  6070. Last download URL
  6071. Last check time
  6072. Last check timestamp
  6073. Last Jam Street name
  6074. Last login
  6075. Last message ID displayed
  6076. Last-Modified
  6077. Last position
  6078. lastReportIcon
  6079. lastReportText
  6080. Last Session
  6081. Last update
  6082. lastupdated
  6083. Last waypoint name
  6084. Last waypoint position
  6085. Later
  6086. Launching external url: %s
  6087. Launching internal browser: %s
  6088. lavender
  6089. lavender blush
  6090. LavenderBlush
  6091. LavenderBlush1
  6092. LavenderBlush2
  6093. LavenderBlush3
  6094. LavenderBlush4
  6095. lawn green
  6096. LawnGreen
  6097. layer_adjust
  6098. layer_all_roads
  6099. layer_cfcc2type
  6100. layer_get_categories_names
  6101. layer_get_pen
  6102. layer_initialize
  6103. layer_max_pen
  6104. layer_visible_lines
  6105. layer_visible_roads
  6106. (Lcom/waze/DownloadResCallback;)V
  6107. ([Lcom/waze/install/Lang;)V
  6108. [Lcom/waze/navigate/social/FriendWithLocation;
  6109. (Lcom/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsAlertData;IILjava/lang/String;)V
  6110. (Lcom/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsAlertData;ZLjava/lang/String;)V
  6111. (Lcom/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsCommentData;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6112. (Lcom/waze/rtalerts/RTAlertsThumbsUpData;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6113. (Lcom/waze/samples/JniSampleStatic$JniSampleStaticData;)V
  6114. (Lcom/waze/view/popups/UserData;II)V
  6115. Leave Map Chat for arriving friends
  6116. Leaving Jam
  6117. __ledf2
  6118. Left
  6119. Left range is invalid.
  6120. lemon chiffon
  6121. LemonChiffon
  6122. LemonChiffon1
  6123. LemonChiffon2
  6124. LemonChiffon3
  6125. LemonChiffon4
  6126. lenBuildCharArray
  6127. lenIV
  6128. lenIV
  6129. __lesf2
  6130. less
  6131. Less
  6132. lessequal
  6133. Less than an hour
  6134. Less than %d%% battery remaining. Would you like to exit Waze?
  6135. less than 10
  6136. Let friends of friends see me too
  6137. Let me in
  6138. Let others track your location in real time. When in navigation, they'll see your route and ETA too.
  6139. Lets get started
  6140. Lets get started, drive safe
  6141. Level of guidance
  6149. libpng error no. %s: %s
  6150. libpng error: %s
  6151. libpng error: %s, offset=%d
  6152. libpng version 1.2.12 - June 27, 2006
  6153. libpng version 1.2.12 - June 27, 2006 (header)
  6154. libpng warning no. %s: %s
  6155. libpng warning: %s
  6161. Light
  6162. Light
  6163. light blue
  6164. LightBlue
  6165. LightBlue1
  6166. LightBlue2
  6167. LightBlue3
  6168. LightBlue4
  6169. light coral
  6170. LightCoral
  6171. light cyan
  6172. LightCyan
  6173. LightCyan1
  6174. LightCyan2
  6175. LightCyan3
  6176. LightCyan4
  6177. light goldenrod
  6178. LightGoldenrod
  6179. light goldenrod yellow
  6180. LightGoldenrodYellow
  6181. LightGoldenrod1
  6182. LightGoldenrod2
  6183. LightGoldenrod3
  6184. LightGoldenrod4
  6185. light gray
  6186. LightGray
  6187. light green
  6188. LightGreen
  6189. light grey
  6190. LightGrey
  6191. light pink
  6192. LightPink
  6193. LightPink1
  6194. LightPink2
  6195. LightPink3
  6196. LightPink4
  6197. light salmon
  6198. LightSalmon
  6199. LightSalmon1
  6200. LightSalmon2
  6201. LightSalmon3
  6202. LightSalmon4
  6203. light sea green
  6204. LightSeaGreen
  6205. light sky blue
  6206. LightSkyBlue
  6207. LightSkyBlue1
  6208. LightSkyBlue2
  6209. LightSkyBlue3
  6210. LightSkyBlue4
  6211. light slate blue
  6212. LightSlateBlue
  6213. light slate gray
  6214. LightSlateGray
  6215. light slate grey
  6216. LightSlateGrey
  6217. light steel blue
  6218. LightSteelBlue
  6219. LightSteelBlue1
  6220. LightSteelBlue2
  6221. LightSteelBlue3
  6222. LightSteelBlue4
  6223. Light traffic
  6224. light yellow
  6225. LightYellow
  6226. LightYellow1
  6227. LightYellow2
  6228. LightYellow3
  6229. LightYellow4
  6230. Like AppUrl
  6231. Like our page
  6232. Like Url V2
  6233. Like Waze
  6234. lime green
  6235. LimeGreen
  6236. Limiting gamma to 21474.83
  6237. line_broken_range
  6238. LineClass
  6239. line_context
  6240. line_count
  6241. ( Line %d ). Error %d locking mutex : %s
  6242. ( Line %d ). Error %d releasing mutex : %s
  6243. ( Line %d ). Error %d signalling : %s
  6244. Line direction is not set. squre: %d, line_id: %d
  6245. line_from
  6246. line_from
  6247. line_from
  6248. line_from
  6249. line_from
  6250. line_from
  6251. line_from
  6252. line_from
  6253. line_from
  6254. line_from
  6255. line_from
  6256. line_from
  6257. line_from_is_fake
  6258. line_from_point
  6259. line_from_point
  6260. line_get_broken
  6261. line_get_range
  6262. line_get_range
  6263. line id %d is out of range (%d) for square %d
  6264. linen
  6265. line_point_ids
  6266. line_points
  6267. line_route_get_direction
  6268. line_route_get_flags
  6269. line_route_get_restrictions
  6270. line_route_get_restrictions
  6271. line_route_get_speed_limit
  6272. line_route_is_low_weight
  6273. line_shapes
  6274. line_shapes
  6275. line_shapes
  6276. line_shapes
  6277. line_shapes
  6278. line_shapes
  6279. line_shapes
  6280. line_shapes
  6281. line_shapes
  6282. line_speed_get
  6283. line_speed_get
  6284. line_speed_get_avg
  6285. line_speed_get_avg
  6286. line_speed_get_avg_cross_time
  6287. line_speed_get_avg_speed
  6288. line_speed_get_cross_time
  6289. line_speed_get_cross_time_at
  6290. line_speed_get_cross_times
  6291. line_speed_get_speed
  6292. line_to
  6293. line_to
  6294. line_to
  6295. line_to
  6296. line_to
  6297. line_to
  6298. line_to
  6299. line_to
  6300. line_to
  6301. line_to
  6302. line_to
  6303. line_to_is_fake
  6304. line_to_point
  6305. line_to_point
  6306. line_valid
  6307. line_valid
  6309. linqmap.proto.search_config
  6310. linqmap.proto.search_config.CannedSearch
  6311. Linqmap__Proto__SearchConfig__CannedSearch
  6312. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__descriptor
  6313. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__free_unpacked
  6314. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__get_packed_size
  6315. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__init
  6316. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__pack
  6317. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__pack_to_buffer
  6318. linqmap__proto__search_config__canned_search__unpack
  6319. linqmap.proto.search_config.Category
  6320. Linqmap__Proto__SearchConfig__Category
  6321. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__descriptor
  6322. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__free_unpacked
  6323. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__get_packed_size
  6324. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__init
  6325. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__pack
  6326. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__pack_to_buffer
  6327. linqmap__proto__search_config__category__unpack
  6328. linqmap.proto.search_config.Config
  6329. Linqmap__Proto__SearchConfig__Config
  6330. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__descriptor
  6331. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__free_unpacked
  6332. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__get_packed_size
  6333. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__init
  6334. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__pack
  6335. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__pack_to_buffer
  6336. linqmap__proto__search_config__config__unpack
  6337. linqmap.proto.search_config.Filter
  6338. Linqmap__Proto__SearchConfig__Filter
  6339. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__descriptor
  6340. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__free_unpacked
  6341. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__get_packed_size
  6342. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__init
  6343. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__pack
  6344. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__pack_to_buffer
  6345. linqmap__proto__search_config__filter__unpack
  6346. linqmap.proto.search_config.Product
  6347. Linqmap__Proto__SearchConfig__Product
  6348. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__descriptor
  6349. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__free_unpacked
  6350. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__get_packed_size
  6351. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__init
  6352. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__pack
  6353. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__pack_to_buffer
  6354. linqmap__proto__search_config__product__unpack
  6355. linqmap.proto.search_config.Provider
  6356. Linqmap__Proto__SearchConfig__Provider
  6357. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__descriptor
  6358. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__free_unpacked
  6359. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__get_packed_size
  6360. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__init
  6361. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__pack
  6362. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__pack_to_buffer
  6363. linqmap__proto__search_config__provider__unpack
  6365. Linqmap__Proto__Search__Coordinate
  6366. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__descriptor
  6367. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__free_unpacked
  6368. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__get_packed_size
  6369. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__init
  6370. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__pack
  6371. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__pack_to_buffer
  6372. linqmap__proto__search__coordinate__unpack
  6374. Linqmap__Proto__Search__Deal
  6375. linqmap__proto__search__deal__descriptor
  6376. linqmap__proto__search__deal__free_unpacked
  6377. linqmap__proto__search__deal__get_packed_size
  6378. linqmap__proto__search__deal__init
  6379. linqmap__proto__search__deal__pack
  6380. linqmap__proto__search__deal__pack_to_buffer
  6381. linqmap__proto__search__deal__unpack
  6383. Linqmap__Proto__Search__Product
  6384. linqmap__proto__search__product__descriptor
  6385. linqmap__proto__search__product__free_unpacked
  6386. linqmap__proto__search__product__get_packed_size
  6387. linqmap__proto__search__product__init
  6388. linqmap__proto__search__product__pack
  6389. linqmap__proto__search__product__pack_to_buffer
  6390. linqmap__proto__search__product__unpack
  6392. Linqmap__Proto__Search__SearchProvider
  6393. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__descriptor
  6394. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__free_unpacked
  6395. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__get_packed_size
  6396. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__init
  6397. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__pack
  6398. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__pack_to_buffer
  6399. linqmap__proto__search__search_provider__unpack
  6401. Linqmap__Proto__Search__SearchResponse
  6402. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__descriptor
  6403. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__free_unpacked
  6404. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__get_packed_size
  6405. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__init
  6406. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__pack
  6407. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__pack_to_buffer
  6408. linqmap__proto__search__search_response__unpack
  6410. Linqmap__Proto__Search__Venue
  6411. linqmap__proto__search__venue__descriptor
  6412. linqmap__proto__search__venue__free_unpacked
  6413. linqmap__proto__search__venue__get_packed_size
  6414. linqmap__proto__search__venue__init
  6415. linqmap__proto__search__venue__pack
  6416. linqmap__proto__search__venue__pack_to_buffer
  6417. linqmap__proto__search__venue__unpack
  6418. List
  6419. _list_add
  6420. list_add_after_item
  6421. list_add_after_item
  6422. list_add_back
  6423. list_add_before_item
  6424. list_add_before_item
  6425. list_add_front
  6426. list_add_lru
  6427. list_create_item
  6428. Listening...
  6429. list_enum
  6430. list_enum_reverse
  6431. list_free_item
  6432. list_get_back
  6433. list_get_front
  6434. list_get_item_data
  6435. list_get_next_item
  6436. list_get_prev_item
  6437. list_num_items
  6438. list_remove_back
  6439. list_remove_back
  6440. list_remove_front
  6441. list_remove_front
  6442. list_remove_item
  6443. list_reverse
  6444. list_set_back
  6445. list_set_front
  6446. Live info
  6447. Live reports
  6448. Ljava/lang/String;
  6449. (Ljava/lang/String;I)I
  6450. (Ljava/lang/String;I)V
  6451. (Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/waze/navigate/AddressItem;)V
  6452. (Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/waze/ResManager$ResData;
  6453. (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
  6454. (Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;
  6455. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6456. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;II)V
  6457. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IJ)V
  6458. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
  6459. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
  6460. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;J)V
  6461. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
  6462. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;IZZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IZIZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;)V
  6463. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[FILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6464. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
  6465. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6466. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6467. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6468. ([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6469. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
  6470. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)V
  6471. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6472. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZJJLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)V
  6473. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
  6474. (Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6475. ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
  6476. (Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
  6477. ,<L\l|
  6478. L[Lb
  6479. L;LBLM
  6480. l:lClL
  6481. l`lkls
  6482. ll quickly earn points and move up the ranks by contributing to your driving community:
  6483. L*LsL
  6484. load
  6485. _load_commands
  6486. _load_config
  6487. load_cookies_from_header
  6488. load_cookies_from_header
  6489. _load_fallback_faces
  6490. _load_file
  6491. (loading)
  6492. Loading file : %s
  6493. Loading session lifetime
  6494. Loading tile %d -- priority %d version %d connection %d
  6495. _load_next_tile
  6496. load_next_tile - status:%d
  6497. load_prompt_list
  6498. LoadResList
  6499. LoadSkin
  6500. LoadSoundData
  6501. LoadTimeNTV Java environment for JNI object
  6502. LoadUrl
  6503. localprovider
  6504. Local Search
  6505. local_search_get_icon_name
  6506. local_search_get_icon_name
  6507. local_search_get_logo_name
  6508. local_search_get_provider
  6509. local_search_get_provider_label
  6510. local_search_init
  6511. local_search_init
  6512. local_search_init() - Web-Service Address: '%s'
  6513. local_search_init() - 'wst_init()' failed
  6514. local_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'city'
  6515. local_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'county'
  6516. local_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'latitude'
  6517. local_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'longtitude'
  6518. local_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'state'
  6519. local_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'street'
  6520. Local search query: %s
  6521. local_search_resolve_address
  6522. Local search results
  6523. local_search_term
  6524. local_search_term
  6525. local_search_term() - TERM
  6526. localtime
  6527. Location
  6528. Location and time saved
  6529. location_assign_position
  6530. location_available
  6531. location_csvtracker_get_enable
  6532. location_csvtracker_initialize
  6533. location_csvtracker_set_enable
  6534. location_csvtracker_shutdown
  6535. location_csvtracker_start
  6536. location_csvtracker_start
  6537. location_csvtracker_update
  6538. location_fix_focus
  6539. location_fix_time
  6540. location_get_compass
  6541. location_get_position
  6542. location_get_satellites
  6543. location_gps_available
  6544. location_initialize
  6545. location_is_use_raw
  6546. location_network_available
  6547. location_reception_state
  6548. location_register_compasslistener
  6549. location_register_compasslistener
  6550. location_register_positionlistener
  6551. location_register_positionlistener
  6552. location_register_satelliteslistener
  6553. location_register_satelliteslistener
  6554. Location request sent
  6555. Location,%s
  6556. location_set_compass
  6557. location_set_position
  6558. location_set_position
  6559. location_set_satellites
  6560. location_set_unavailable
  6561. location_set_use_raw
  6562. location_shutdown
  6563. location_speed_accuracy
  6564. location_unregister_compasslistener
  6565. location_unregister_positionlistener
  6566. location_unregister_satelliteslistener
  6567. locator_activate
  6568. locator_active
  6569. locator_by_city
  6570. locator_by_position
  6571. locator_close
  6572. locator_declare
  6573. locator_refresh
  6574. locator_static_county
  6575. _lock
  6576. .logcat
  6577. Logcat_%s%s%s_%d_%d__%s_%d_%s.gz
  6578. Logged In
  6579. LoggerConfigGeneralLogLevel
  6580. LoggerConfigGeneralLogSize
  6581. logger_get_log_level
  6582. logger_check_allocated_with_source_line
  6583. logger_check_allocated_with_source_line
  6584. logger_initialize
  6585. logger_log
  6586. logger_log_access_mode
  6587. logger_log_archive_filename
  6588. logger_log_filename
  6589. logger_log_path
  6590. logger_log_purge
  6591. logger_log_raw_data
  6592. logger_log_raw_data_fmt
  6593. logger_log_save_all
  6594. logger_log_save_none
  6595. logger_set_debug
  6596. logger_set_log_level
  6597. log/gzip
  6598. logicalnot
  6599. Login
  6600. Login
  6601. Log In
  6602. Login-BridgeTo-RoutingRequest-AddRouteWaypoints
  6603. Login callback 0x%lx already registered
  6604. _login_cb
  6605. _login_cb
  6606. _login_cb
  6607. _login_cb called!
  6608. (login) - Command failed (status= %d)
  6609. login_details
  6610. Login details
  6611. Login details are missing
  6612. login_details_dialog_show
  6613. login_details_dialog_show_un_pw
  6614. login_details_dialog_show_un_pw
  6615. login_details_dialog_show_un_pw called
  6616. login_details_update_profile_ok_repsonse
  6617. login_dlg_get_allowPing
  6618. login_dlg_get_nickname
  6619. login_dlg_get_password
  6620. login_dlg_get_username
  6621. Login() - Do not have 'name&password' and (bShowRegistration == FALSE) - returning FALSE...
  6622. Login() - Do not have 'name&password' - show the new/existing dialog
  6623. login_do_ok
  6624. Login,%d,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s,%d,%s,%s
  6625. login_empty
  6626. LoginError
  6627. Login Failed
  6628. Login Failed: Unauthorized
  6629. Login Failed: Wrong login details
  6630. login_forgot_password
  6631. login_forgot_password_url
  6632. login_get_referrer_name
  6633. login_get_referrers_count
  6634. login_get_social_show
  6635. login_get_social_show
  6636. login_get_social_show called
  6637. login_initialize
  6638. login - invalid status code (%d)
  6639. _login_messagebox_cb
  6640. (login) - network failed (status= %d)
  6641. login_new_existing_dlg
  6642. login_new_existing_dlg
  6643. login_new_existing_dlg called
  6644. _login_ok_cb
  6645. login_on_create
  6646. login_on_create_failed
  6647. login_on_create_failed
  6648. login_on_login
  6649. login_on_login_cb
  6650. login_on_ok
  6651. login_on_signup_complete
  6652. login_on_signup_skip
  6653. login_on_signup_skip
  6654. login_on_update
  6655. Login problem. This is likely to happen if you login multiple devices with single username.
  6656. login_profile_dialog_show
  6657. login_profile_dialog_show
  6658. login_profile_dialog_show called
  6659. login_referrer_types
  6660. login_register_on_response
  6661. login_register_on_response
  6662. login_set_nickname
  6663. login_set_pwd
  6664. login_set_show_function
  6665. login_set_username
  6666. login_skip_button_enabled
  6667. (login) - successful
  6668. LoginSuccessful
  6669. login_suggest_email
  6670. login_suggest_nickname
  6671. Login() - Trying to login user '%s'
  6672. login_update_details_on_response
  6673. login_update_details_on_response
  6674. login_update_dlg_show
  6675. login_update_login_cb
  6676. login_validate_email
  6677. login_validate_nickname
  6678. login_validate_password
  6679. login_validate_username
  6680. Log level
  6681. Log level is set to %s
  6682. Logout
  6683. Logout procedure timed out - aborting
  6684. LogoutSuccessful
  6685. LogResult
  6686. Log Size
  6687. Logs submitted successfully to Waze
  6688. logtofile
  6689. Log to File
  6690. log2vis failed to convert string
  6691. LOL-female
  6692. longjmp
  6693. Long term
  6694. &longtitude=%s&latitude=%s
  6695. &longtitude=0&latitude=0
  6696. &lon=%s&lat=%s
  6697. &lon=0&lat=0
  6698. Looking for dbid %d in square %d from index %d
  6699. Lost fix for provider: %d
  6700. LowerChar
  6701. lozenge
  6702. __lshrdi3
  6703. ls_icon_generic
  6704. ls_icon_google
  6705. lslash
  6706. Lslash
  6707. Lslashsmall
  6708. ls_logo_generic
  6709. ls_logo_google
  6710. Lsmall
  6711. lsuperior
  6712. __ltdf2
  6713. __ltsf2
  6714. ltuo
  6715. ltuo
  6716. ltuo
  6717. ltuo
  6718. ltuo
  6719. ltuo
  6720. ltuo
  6721. ltuo
  6722. ltuo
  6723. ltuo
  6724. ltuo
  6725. ltuo
  6726. ltuo$
  6727. ltuo@
  6728. ltuoD
  6729. ltuopmoc
  6730. ltuoX
  6731. ltuoX
  6732. ltuoX
  6733. %lu-%lu-%lu
  6734. lv&xAx^x
  6735. )l)z8
  6736. L0Lm
  6737. l2th
  6738. L>333?X~
  6739. L>333?4
  6740. macron
  6741. macron
  6742. Macronsmall
  6743. mAddonName
  6744. magenta
  6745. magenta1
  6746. magenta2
  6747. magenta3
  6748. magenta4
  6749. main
  6750. main_abort
  6751. main_add_canvas
  6752. main_add_menu
  6753. main_add_menu_item
  6754. main_add_separator
  6755. main_add_status
  6756. main_add_tool
  6757. main_add_tool_space
  6758. main_bundle_path
  6759. main_can_open_url
  6760. _main_continue
  6761. main_exit
  6762. main_exit
  6763. main_flush
  6764. main_free_menu
  6765. main_get_appstore_name
  6766. main_get_build_sdk_version
  6767. main_get_device_manufacturer
  6768. main_get_device_model
  6769. main_get_device_name
  6770. main_get_rom_info
  6771. main_height
  6772. main_height
  6773. main_home_path
  6774. main_is_exiting
  6775. main_is_menu_shown
  6776. main_is_root
  6777. main_key_pressed
  6778. main_key_pressed
  6779. MainMenu
  6780. mainMenuShown
  6781. Main Menu shown
  6782. main_message_dispatcher
  6783. main_minimize
  6784. main_mtouch_supported
  6785. main_new
  6786. main_new_menu
  6787. main_open_appstore_page
  6788. main_open_url
  6789. main_os_version
  6790. main_output_timedout
  6791. main_popup_menu
  6792. main_remove_input
  6793. main_remove_periodic
  6794. main_remove_periodic_with_context
  6796. main_set_build_sdk_version
  6797. main_set_cursor
  6798. main_set_device_manufacturer
  6799. main_set_device_model
  6800. main_set_device_name
  6801. main_set_first_run
  6802. main_set_input
  6803. main_set_keyboard
  6804. main_set_menu_button_following
  6805. main_set_menu_button_normal
  6806. main_set_os_version
  6807. main_set_output
  6808. main_set_periodic
  6809. main_set_periodic_with_context
  6810. main_set_proximity
  6811. main_set_rom_info
  6812. main_set_status
  6813. MainSettings
  6814. main_set_window_size
  6815. main_show
  6816. main_show_contacts
  6817. main_show_gps_disabled_warning
  6818. main_shutdown
  6819. main_start_init
  6820. main_system_fonts_path
  6821. main_termination_handler
  6822. main_time_interval
  6823. main_time_interval
  6824. main_time_msec
  6825. main_time_msec
  6826. main_toggle_full_screen
  6827. main_user_path
  6828. main_width
  6829. main_width
  6830. Major
  6831. Major accident
  6832. Major ETA change!! (%+d seconds)
  6833. Make it more fun to drive to places and events. You can go invisible anytime.
  6834. make_path
  6835. make_queue
  6836. Make sure you are outdoors.
  6837. Make sure you are outdoors. Currently showing approximate location using cell ID.
  6838. mAlertID
  6839. mAlertsTypesMask
  6840. malformed height string in sCAL chunk
  6841. Malformed iCCP chunk
  6842. malformed sPLT chunk
  6843. malformed width string in sCAL chunk
  6844. mAllowPing
  6845. Manager is waiting for the voice %s. Restarting prepare process
  6846. map:
  6847. ##@map
  6848. Map.Background
  6849. Map color scheme
  6851. Map Credit
  6852. Map.Credit
  6853. mapDetailsNext
  6854. MapDisplayed,%s,%u
  6855. _map_dl_done
  6856. _map_dl_error
  6857. _map_dl_progress
  6858. _map_dl_size
  6859. Map Download
  6860. Map Download Complete
  6861. map download done
  6862. Map download error: is_conn=%d status=%d error: %s
  6863. Map Download Failed
  6864. Map Download Failed -- Not Enough Space
  6865. Map Download URL: %s
  6866. Map.Edges
  6867. Map Editor enc min period
  6868. Map Editor enc shown
  6869. Map Editor enc time
  6870. Map error
  6871. Map chat
  6872. Map Chat
  6873. Map Chat from:
  6874. Map Chats
  6875. Map Chats are public, and will be shown on the map and will be sent directly to the user
  6876. Map Icons
  6877. Map issue
  6878. Map.NoTitleBackground
  6879. MappingScheme
  6880. Map Problem Options(new)
  6881. Map Problems
  6882. Map problems are fixed by Wazers like you. You can edit the map too on
  6883. map progress: %d bytes
  6884. maps
  6885. map_settings
  6886. map_settings_alert_string
  6887. map_settings_allowed_alerts
  6888. map_settings_color_roads
  6889. map_settings_init
  6890. map_settings_init
  6891. map_settings_isAutoShowStreetBar
  6892. map_settings_isEnabled
  6893. map_settings_isShowSpeedCams
  6894. map_settings_isShowSpeedometer
  6895. map_settings_isShowTopBarOnTap
  6896. map_settings_isShowWazers
  6897. map_settings_road_goodies
  6898. map_settings_show
  6899. map_settings_show_report
  6900. Map scheme V3
  6901. map size: %d
  6902. Map sub_skin
  6903. Map Update
  6904. map-updates
  6905. map_updates_menu
  6906. MapUpdateTime
  6907. MapUpdateTime
  6908. MapUpdateTime
  6909. MapUpdateTime() - Failed to read ID
  6910. Marked
  6911. Marked_Location
  6912. markers
  6913. Market
  6914. MARKET_CFG_PRM_Feature_Enabled_Var
  6915. MarketPage
  6916. mark_location_pin
  6917. maroon
  6918. maroon1
  6919. maroon2
  6920. maroon3
  6921. maroon4
  6922. math_adjust_zoom
  6923. math_angle
  6924. math_area_contains
  6925. math_area_zoom
  6926. math_azymuth
  6927. math_calc_line_length
  6928. math_compare_points
  6929. math_coordinate
  6930. math_coordinate_f
  6931. math_counter_rotate_coordinate
  6932. math_declutter
  6933. math_delta_direction
  6934. math_displayed_screen_coordinates
  6935. math_displayed_screen_edges
  6936. math_distance
  6937. math_distance_convert
  6938. math_distance_to_current
  6939. math_distance_unit
  6940. math_distance_unit_long
  6941. math_get_center
  6942. math_get_context
  6943. math_get_distance_from_segment
  6944. math_get_gui_center
  6945. math_get_map_area
  6946. math_get_orientation
  6947. math_get_projection_mode
  6948. math_get_scale
  6949. math_get_screen_scale
  6950. math_get_size
  6951. math_get_visible_coordinates
  6952. math_get_zoom
  6953. math_initialize
  6954. math_intersection
  6955. math_is_metric
  6956. math_is_visible
  6957. math_line_is_visible
  6958. math_meters_p_second_to_speed_unit
  6959. math_normalize_orientation
  6960. math_point_is_visible
  6961. math_project
  6962. math_register_unit_change_callback
  6963. math_release_focus
  6964. math_restore_zoom
  6965. math_rotate_coordinates
  6966. math_rotate_object
  6967. math_rotate_point
  6968. math_rotate_project_coordinate
  6969. math_scale_to_zoom
  6970. math_screen_distance
  6971. math_screen_edges
  6972. math_screen_intersect
  6973. math_set_center
  6974. math_set_context
  6975. math_set_focus
  6976. math_set_gui_center
  6977. math_set_horizon
  6978. math_set_min_zoom
  6979. math_set_orientation
  6980. math_set_scale
  6981. math_set_screen_scale
  6982. math_set_size
  6983. math_set_tile_visibility
  6984. math_speed_unit
  6985. math_street_address
  6986. math_street_address
  6987. math_thickness
  6988. math_to_area
  6989. math_to_cm
  6990. math_to_current_unit
  6991. math_to_kph
  6992. math_to_position
  6993. math_to_speed_unit
  6994. math_to_trip_distance
  6995. math_to_trip_distance_tenths
  6996. math_trip_unit
  6997. math_trip_unit_long
  6998. math_use_imperial
  6999. math_use_metric
  7000. math_valid_scale
  7001. math_zoom_in
  7002. math_zoom_out
  7003. math_zoom_reset
  7004. math_zoom_set
  7005. math_zoom_to_scale
  7006. Matcher
  7007. matcher_facade_end_route
  7008. matcher_facade_get_current
  7009. matcher_facade_get_current
  7010. matcher_facade_get_last_valid_pos
  7011. matcher_facade_get_last_valid_time
  7012. matcher_facade_get_neighbours
  7013. matcher_facade_is_jammed
  7014. matcher_facade_is_jammed
  7015. matcher_facade_resume_route
  7016. matcher_facade_retrieve_line
  7017. matcher_facade_start_route
  7018. matcher_filter_calc_score_dofilter
  7019. matcher_filter_calc_score_dofilter
  7020. matcher_filter_connectivity_dofilter
  7021. matcher_filter_connectivity_free
  7022. matcher_filter_connectivity_init
  7023. matcher_filter_connectivity_sort
  7024. matcher_filter_direction_dofilter
  7025. matcher_filter_direction_get_distance_from_end
  7026. matcher_filter_direction_get_jammed_since
  7027. matcher_filter_direction_init
  7028. matcher_filter_get_neighbours_dofilter
  7029. matcher_filter_get_neighbours_get_neighbours
  7030. matcher_filter_get_neighbours_init
  7031. matcher_filter_get_neighbours_retrieve_line
  7032. matcher_filter_report_fast_init
  7033. matcher_filter_report_fast_new_line
  7034. matcher_filter_report_fast_set_cb
  7035. matcher_filter_report_fast_unset_cb
  7036. matcher_filter_report_medium_dofilter
  7037. matcher_filter_report_medium_get_current_line
  7038. matcher_filter_report_medium_get_current_line_direction
  7039. matcher_filter_report_medium_get_last_position
  7040. matcher_filter_report_medium_get_last_time
  7041. matcher_filter_report_medium_init
  7042. matcher_filter_report_medium_reset
  7043. matcher_filter_report_screen_dofilter
  7044. matcher_filter_report_screen_get_last_position
  7045. matcher_filter_report_screen_get_lines
  7046. matcher_filter_report_screen_init
  7047. matcher_filter_report_screen_reset
  7048. matcher_filter_report_slow_cb
  7049. matcher_filter_report_slow_cb
  7050. matcher_filter_report_slow_init
  7051. matcher_filter_report_slow_set_cb
  7052. matcher_filter_route_dofilter
  7053. matcher_filter_route_end_route
  7054. matcher_filter_route_init
  7055. matcher_filter_route_resume_route
  7056. matcher_filter_route_start_route
  7057. matcher_filter_route_start_route
  7058. matcher_get_current_for_reporting
  7059. matcher_get_full_data
  7060. matcher_initialize
  7061. matcher_locate
  7062. matcher_locate
  7063. matcher_relocate
  7064. matcher_selector_clear_used_tiles
  7065. matcher_selector_get_current
  7066. matcher_selector_get_current_for_reporting
  7067. matcher_selector_get_full_data
  7068. matcher_selector_init
  7069. matcher_selector_is_used_tile
  7070. matcher_selector_select
  7071. matcher_shutdown
  7072. m_atof
  7073. Max Dist
  7074. maxdistancemeters
  7075. maxEta
  7076. maxEtaSeconds
  7077. MaximizeApplication
  7078. Maximum number of FBO textures per one Delete call (%d) is exceeded: %d. Not all the textures will be generated
  7079. Maximum number of textures per one Delete call (%d) is exceeded: %d. Not all the textures will be generated
  7080. Max Jam Knots
  7081. max_log_size
  7082. Max POIs Display
  7083. Max POIs Display Small Screen
  7084. Max PopupUps Per Scroll
  7085. Max PopupUps Per Session
  7086. Max Road type
  7087. Max Scale
  7088. MAX_SPACE
  7089. Max times per session
  7090. MaxUsedPen
  7091. MBMcMoM
  7092. mbstowcs
  7093. mbtowc
  7094. mCommentID
  7095. mCounter
  7096. mDescription
  7097. mDistanceStr
  7098. MD5Final
  7099. MD5Hex
  7100. MD5Init
  7101. MD5Transform
  7102. MD5Update
  7103. Measurement system
  7104. Medium
  7105. Medium
  7106. medium aquamarine
  7107. MediumAquamarine
  7108. medium blue
  7109. MediumBlue
  7110. medium orchid
  7111. MediumOrchid
  7112. MediumOrchid1
  7113. MediumOrchid2
  7114. MediumOrchid3
  7115. MediumOrchid4
  7116. medium purple
  7117. MediumPurple
  7118. MediumPurple1
  7119. MediumPurple2
  7120. MediumPurple3
  7121. MediumPurple4
  7122. medium sea green
  7123. MediumSeaGreen
  7124. medium slate blue
  7125. MediumSlateBlue
  7126. medium spring green
  7127. MediumSpringGreen
  7128. medium turquoise
  7129. MediumTurquoise
  7130. medium violet red
  7131. MediumVioletRed
  7132. Med Max Wait
  7133. Med Min Diff
  7134. Med Threshold
  7135. Meet up
  7136. Mega Driver
  7137. Mega Mapper
  7138. Mega Reporter
  7139. memcmp
  7140. memcpy
  7141. memchr
  7142. memmove
  7143. memset
  7144. Menu
  7145. menus_get_grid_menu_labels
  7146. menus_hide_current_dialog
  7147. menus_hide_menu
  7148. menus_show_alertsmenu
  7149. menus_show_alertsmenu_delayed
  7150. menus_show_debugtoolsmenu
  7151. menus_show_moremenu
  7152. menus_show_mywazemenu
  7153. menus_show_quickmenu
  7154. menus_show_quickmenu_settings
  7155. menus_show_updatesmenu
  7156. menus_validate_show_alertsmenu
  7157. menu_ticker
  7158. Me on map
  7159. _merge_saved_locations
  7160. messagebox_cb
  7161. messagebox_cb_str
  7162. messagebox_cb_str_str
  7163. messagebox_custom
  7164. messagebox_custom
  7165. messagebox_custom_str
  7166. messagebox_custom_str
  7167. messagebox_str
  7168. messagebox_str_str
  7169. messagebox_timeout
  7170. messagebox_timeout_str
  7171. messagebox_timeout_str_str
  7172. message_custom shouldn't be called...
  7173. Message from:
  7174. Messages
  7175. Messages are private, they are sent directly to the user
  7176. Message sent
  7177. metric
  7178. MetricsSets
  7179. Metro
  7180. Metro
  7181. mFacebookImage
  7182. mFacebookImageHeight
  7183. mFacebookImageWidth
  7184. mFaceBookNickName
  7185. mFriend1Url
  7186. mFriend2Url
  7187. mFrom
  7188. mgpf
  7189. mGroupIcon
  7190. mGroupName
  7191. mGroupRelevance
  7192. mGroupUrl
  7193. mHmdm
  7194. MHMS
  7195. mIcon
  7196. midnight blue
  7197. MidnightBlue
  7198. Mile
  7199. miles
  7200. mImageId
  7201. mImageUrl
  7202. mImageURL
  7203. min delay
  7204. Min Distance
  7205. min early
  7206. MinFeature
  7207. MinFeature
  7208. MinFeatureSize
  7209. MingLiU
  7210. MingLi43
  7211. Minimal
  7212. minimize
  7213. Minimize application
  7214. MinimizeApplication
  7215. minimized_alert_dialog
  7216. Minimize turns
  7217. Minimum Speed to Alert
  7218. Min Jam Distance
  7219. Min Mobile Knots
  7220. min off route
  7221. Minor
  7222. Minor accident
  7223. Min Scale
  7224. Min segment length
  7225. MIN_SPACE
  7226. Min speed Knots
  7227. mint cream
  7228. MintCream
  7229. minus
  7230. minutes
  7231. mIsAlertByMe
  7232. mIsAlertOnRoute
  7233. mIsAutoJam
  7234. misc_config_get_accuracy_street
  7235. misc_config_get_general_keyboard
  7236. misc_config_get_height
  7237. misc_config_get_width
  7238. misc_config_initialize
  7239. misc_config_is_visible
  7240. misc_config_load_menu
  7241. misc_config_reset_cycle
  7242. misc_config_set_cycle_params
  7243. mIsFbFriend
  7244. Mismatch in callback ids (%d, %d). This handling message is obsolete - dismissing
  7245. Misplaced gas station
  7246. Missing bridge or overpass
  7247. Missing ClosureArrow_disabled resources !!
  7248. Missing deal type !
  7249. missing EOL in cookie line
  7250. Missing exit
  7251. Missing IHDR before bKGD
  7252. Missing IHDR before cHRM
  7253. Missing IHDR before gAMA
  7254. Missing IHDR before hIST
  7255. Missing IHDR before iCCP
  7256. Missing IHDR before IDAT
  7257. Missing IHDR before oFFs
  7258. Missing IHDR before pCAL
  7259. Missing IHDR before pHYs
  7260. Missing IHDR before PLTE
  7261. Missing IHDR before sBIT
  7262. Missing IHDR before sCAL
  7263. Missing IHDR before sPLT
  7264. Missing IHDR before sRGB
  7265. Missing IHDR before tEXt
  7266. Missing IHDR before tRNS
  7267. Missing IHDR before zTXt
  7268. missing key-value pair in cookie line
  7269. Missing landmark
  7270. Missing PLTE before bKGD
  7271. Missing PLTE before cHRM
  7272. Missing PLTE before hIST
  7273. Missing PLTE before IDAT
  7274. Missing PLTE before tRNS
  7275. Missing resources !!
  7276. Missing road
  7277. Missing roundabout
  7278. Missing sign
  7279. Missing tiles on map download -- expected %d tiles, downloaded %d tiles
  7280. mIsThumbsUpByMe
  7281. misty rose
  7282. MistyRose
  7283. MistyRose1
  7284. MistyRose2
  7285. MistyRose3
  7286. MistyRose4
  7287. mJoinedStr
  7288. mkdir
  7289. mkgmtime
  7290. mLabel
  7291. mLocationStr
  7292. m!m,
  7293. m{m}
  7294. -=M]m}
  7295. mMood
  7296. mMoreInfo
  7297. MNG features are not allowed in a PNG datastream
  7298. mNickName
  7299. mNmY
  7300. mNumComments
  7301. mNumThumbsUp
  7302. moccasin
  7303. Moderate
  7304. Moderate traffic
  7305. Monitor Enabled
  7306. Monsoon
  7307. Mood
  7308. mood_actual_state
  7309. mood_dialog
  7310. mood_dialog
  7311. mood_dialog_show
  7312. mood_dialog_show
  7313. mood_dialog_show
  7314. mood_from_string
  7315. mood_get
  7316. mood_get_exclusive_moods
  7317. mood_get_name
  7318. mood_get_number_of_newbie_miles
  7319. mood_get_top_name
  7320. mood_init
  7321. MoodManager
  7322. mood_redemption_feature_enabled
  7323. moods
  7324. Moods
  7325. mood_set
  7326. mood_set_exclusive_moods
  7327. mood_state
  7328. mood_state
  7329. mood_to_name
  7330. More
  7331. more_menu
  7332. More options
  7333. mOrigAlertDescrition
  7334. ##@morph
  7335. Motorola_i1
  7336. Mouse
  7337. Moved user password to secured storage
  7338. Move the map view downward
  7339. Move the map view to the left
  7340. Move the map view to the right
  7341. Move the map view upward
  7342. Moving back ! (%s)
  7343. mozi
  7344. mozi_combo
  7345. mozi_stat
  7346. mPostedBy
  7347. mPtsStr
  7348. .mp3
  7349. )M)Q0
  7350. mRank
  7351. mRankStr
  7352. mReportedBy
  7353. , m s
  7354. mScreenX
  7355. mScreenY
  7356. MsgBox_AsrClose
  7357. MsgBox_AsrClose
  7358. MsgBox_AsrShow
  7359. MsgBox_AsrShow
  7360. MsgBox_AsrShowLabel
  7361. MsgBox_AsrShowLabel
  7362. MsgBox_DisposeRefs
  7363. MsgBox_OpenConfirmDialogCustomTimeoutCb
  7364. MsgBox_OpenConfirmDialogCustomTimeoutCb
  7365. MsgBox_OpenMessageBoxTimeoutCb
  7366. MsgBox_OpenMessageBoxTimeoutCb
  7367. MsgBox_Show
  7368. MsgBox_Show
  7369. mShowFacebookPicture
  7370. mShowFacebookPictureOnMap
  7371. Msmall
  7372. mSpeedStr
  7373. msuperior
  7374. mTimeRelative
  7375. mTitle
  7376. MTLc3m.ttf
  7377. MTLmr3m.ttf
  7378. mtm~m
  7379. mType
  7380. __muldf3
  7381. __muldi3
  7384. __mulsf3
  7385. multi-masters
  7386. multi-masters
  7387. multiple_key_info_free
  7388. multiple_key_info_get_next_valid_key
  7389. multiple_key_info_init
  7390. multiply
  7391. MuM|
  7392. Munch away!
  7393. mUnit
  7394. Mute
  7395. MUTE STATE
  7396. mVoiceId
  7397. My car
  7398. My close friends only
  7399. my_coupons
  7400. My Coupons Enabled
  7401. My Coupons URL V2
  7402. My current location
  7403. My destination
  7404. My destination location
  7405. My Drive
  7406. myEtaSeconds
  7407. My Facebook friends
  7408. My favorites
  7409. My FB name
  7410. My FB picture
  7411. My friends
  7412. My friends, and their friends too
  7413. My Groups
  7414. My Home
  7415. my_inbox
  7416. My Inbox
  7417. My lane
  7418. My Location
  7419. My main group only
  7420. My mood
  7421. My nickname
  7422. My pick up
  7423. myPictureUrl
  7424. My profile link
  7425. My saved location
  7426. My scoreboard
  7427. My specials
  7428. mywaze
  7429. My Waze
  7430. MyWazeNativeManager
  7431. MyWazeNativeManager_facebookTokenSet
  7432. My Work
  7433. M1M:
  7434. m64Time
  7435. Name
  7436. NameAndPasswordAlreadyFailedAuthentication
  7437. /..namedfork/rsrc
  7438. Name favorite
  7439. name is null
  7440. Name: %s
  7441. Name this favorite location
  7442. NANH
  7443. NANOREP
  7444. Nanorep URL
  7445. NativeCanvas
  7446. NativeCanvas_DisposeRefs
  7447. NativeCanvas_RequestFlush
  7448. NativeCanvas_RequestFlush
  7449. NativeCanvas_RequestOGLEvent
  7450. NativeCanvas_RequestOGLEvent
  7451. NativeCanvas_RequestRender
  7452. NativeCanvas_RequestRender
  7453. native_img_res
  7454. native_keyboard_enabled
  7455. native_keyboard_get_params
  7456. native_keyboard_hide
  7457. native_keyboard_show
  7458. native_keyboard_visible
  7459. NativeManager_activateProximity
  7460. NativeManager_activateProximity
  7461. NativeManager_asrListen
  7462. NativeManager_asrListen
  7463. NativeManager_asrStopListen
  7464. NativeManager_asrStopListen
  7465. NativeManager_CloseAlertPopup
  7466. NativeManager_CloseAlertPopup
  7467. NativeManager_closeDetailsPopup
  7468. NativeManager_closeDetailsPopup
  7469. NativeManager_ClosePoiPopup
  7470. NativeManager_ClosePoiPopup
  7471. NativeManager_CloseProgressPopup
  7472. NativeManager_CloseProgressPopup
  7473. NativeManager_closeThumbsUpPopup
  7474. NativeManager_closeThumbsUpPopup
  7475. NativeManager_CloseUserPopup
  7476. NativeManager_CloseUserPopup
  7477. NativeManager_createLogCat
  7478. NativeManager_createLogCat
  7479. NativeManager_decryptPassword
  7480. NativeManager_decryptPassword
  7481. NativeManager_displayGeoConfigProgress
  7482. NativeManager_EditBoxCheckTypingLockCb
  7483. NativeManager_EditBoxCheckTypingLockCb
  7484. NativeManager_encryptPassword
  7485. NativeManager_encryptPassword
  7486. NativeManager_Flush
  7487. NativeManager_Flush
  7488. NativeManager_getBatteryLevel
  7489. NativeManager_getBatteryLevel
  7490. NativeManager_getNativeThread
  7491. NativeManager_GetThumbnail
  7492. NativeManager_GetThumbnail
  7493. NativeManager_HandleRequest
  7494. NativeManager_HandleRequest
  7495. NativeManager_HideAlerterPopup
  7496. NativeManager_HideAlerterPopup
  7497. NativeManager_HideEditBox
  7498. NativeManager_HideEditBox
  7499. NativeManager_HideSoftKeyboard
  7500. NativeManager_HideSoftKeyboard
  7501. NativeManager_HideWebView
  7502. NativeManager_HideWebView
  7503. NativeManager_IsActive
  7504. NativeManager_IsActive
  7505. NativeManager_IsAlertPopupShowing
  7506. NativeManager_IsAlertPopupShowing
  7507. NativeManager_isDisplayReadyForAsr
  7508. NativeManager_isDisplayReadyForAsr
  7509. NativeManager_isFacebookSessionValid
  7510. NativeManager_isFbAppInstalled
  7511. NativeManager_isFbAppInstalled
  7512. NativeManager_isMainActivity
  7513. NativeManager_isMainActivity
  7514. NativeManager_isPoiPreloaded
  7515. NativeManager_isPoiPreloaded
  7516. NativeManager_is24HourClock
  7517. NativeManager_is24HourClock
  7518. NativeManager_LangInitialized
  7519. NativeManager_LangInitialized
  7520. NativeManager_LoadUrl
  7521. NativeManager_LoadUrl
  7522. NativeManager_MainMenuShown
  7523. NativeManager_MainMenuShown
  7524. NativeManager_MarketPage
  7525. NativeManager_MarketPage
  7526. NativeManager_MaximizeApplication
  7527. NativeManager_MaximizeApplication
  7528. NativeManager_MinimizeApplication
  7529. NativeManager_MinimizeApplication
  7530. NativeManager_OpenAboutPopup
  7531. NativeManager_OpenAboutPopup
  7532. NativeManager_OpenAboutPopup - Failed to obtain method context!
  7533. NativeManager_OpenAlertPopup
  7534. NativeManager_OpenAlertPopup
  7535. NativeManager_OpenAlternativeRoutes - Failed to obtain method context!
  7536. NativeManager_openCommentPopup
  7537. NativeManager_openCommentPopup
  7538. NativeManager_openEditTextDialog
  7539. NativeManager_openEditTextDialog
  7540. NativeManager_OpenExternalBrowser
  7541. NativeManager_OpenExternalBrowser
  7542. NativeManager_OpenInternalBrowser
  7543. NativeManager_OpenInternalBrowser
  7544. NativeManager_OpenNavResultPopUp
  7545. NativeManager_OpenNavResultPopUp
  7546. NativeManager_OpenNavResultPopUp - Failed to obtain method context!
  7547. NativeManager_openNearbyStations
  7548. NativeManager_openNearbyStations
  7549. NativeManager_OpenPingPopup
  7550. NativeManager_OpenPingPopup
  7551. NativeManager_OpenPoiPopup
  7552. NativeManager_OpenPoiPopup
  7553. NativeManager_OpenProgressPopup
  7554. NativeManager_OpenProgressPopup
  7555. NativeManager_OpenReportMenu
  7556. NativeManager_OpenReportMenu
  7557. NativeManager_openStopPointNavigate
  7558. NativeManager_openStopPointNavigate
  7559. NativeManager_OpenSystemMessageWebPopUp
  7560. NativeManager_OpenSystemMessageWebPopUp
  7561. NativeManager_OpenSystemMessageWebPopUp - Failed to obtain method context!
  7562. NativeManager_openThumbsUpPopup
  7563. NativeManager_openThumbsUpPopup
  7564. NativeManager_OpenUserPopup
  7565. NativeManager_OpenUserPopup
  7566. NativeManager_PostNativeMessage
  7567. NativeManager_PostNativeMessage
  7568. NativeManager_PreparePoiPopup
  7569. NativeManager_PreparePoiPopup
  7570. NativeManager_PushNotificationChangeState
  7571. NativeManager_PushNotificationChangeState
  7572. NativeManager_RecommendRateUs
  7573. NativeManager_RecommendRateUs
  7574. NativeManager_RegisterActivity
  7575. NativeManager_RegisterActivity
  7576. NativeManager_ResizeWebView
  7577. NativeManager_ResizeWebView
  7578. NativeManager_RoadClosureEnableNextButton
  7579. NativeManager_RoadClosureEnableNextButton
  7580. NativeManager_SetAlerterPopupCloseTime
  7581. NativeManager_SetAlerterPopupCloseTime
  7582. NativeManager_SetAlertPopupTimer
  7583. NativeManager_SetAlertPopupTimer
  7584. NativeManager_SetBackLightOn
  7585. NativeManager_SetBackLightOn
  7586. NativeManager_SetIsMenuEnabled
  7587. NativeManager_SetIsMenuEnabled
  7588. NativeManager_setMenuButtonFollowing
  7589. NativeManager_setMenuButtonNormal
  7590. NativeManager_SetVolume
  7591. NativeManager_SetVolume
  7592. NativeManager_showAddressOption
  7593. NativeManager_showAddressOption
  7594. NativeManager_ShowAlerterPopup
  7595. NativeManager_ShowAlerterPopup
  7596. NativeManager_showAsrTip
  7597. NativeManager_showAsrTip
  7598. NativeManager_ShowBonusWebPopup
  7599. NativeManager_ShowBonusWebPopup
  7600. NativeManager_ShowContacts
  7601. NativeManager_ShowContacts
  7602. NativeManager_showDetailsPopup
  7603. NativeManager_showDetailsPopup
  7604. NativeManager_ShowDilerWindow
  7605. NativeManager_ShowDilerWindow
  7606. NativeManager_ShowEditBox
  7607. NativeManager_ShowEditBox
  7608. NativeManagershowEtaUpdatePopUp
  7609. NativeManagershowEtaUpdatePopUp
  7610. NativeManager_ShowMessageTicker
  7611. NativeManager_ShowMessageTicker
  7612. NativeManager_ShowNotificationMessage
  7613. NativeManager_ShowNotificationMessage
  7614. NativeManager_ShowSoftKeyboard
  7615. NativeManager_ShowSoftKeyboard
  7616. NativeManager_showTip
  7617. NativeManager_showTip
  7618. NativeManager_showTrafficDetectionPopup
  7619. NativeManager_showTrafficDetectionPopup
  7620. NativeManager_ShowWebView
  7621. NativeManager_ShowWebView
  7622. NativeManager_shutdown
  7623. NativeManager_shutdown
  7624. NativeManager_ShutDown
  7625. NativeManager_ShutDown
  7626. NativeManager_SwapBuffersEgl
  7627. NativeManager_SwapBuffersEgl
  7628. NativeManager_TakePicture
  7629. NativeManager_TakePicture
  7630. NativeManager_TakePictureAsync
  7631. NativeManager_TakePictureAsync
  7632. NativeManager_UpdateAlerterPopup
  7633. NativeManager_UpdateAlerterPopup
  7634. NativeManager_updateDetailsPopup
  7635. NativeManager_updateDetailsPopup
  7636. NativeManager_updateIsGasUpdateable
  7637. NativeManager_updateIsGasUpdateable
  7638. NativeManager_updatePricesDone
  7639. NativeManager_updatePricesDone
  7640. NativeManager_updateUserPopup
  7641. NativeManager_updateUserPopup
  7642. Native shutdown ended
  7643. NativeSoundManager_DisposeRefs
  7644. NativeSoundManager_LoadSoundData
  7645. NativeSoundManager_LoadSoundData
  7646. NativeSoundManager_PlayBuffer
  7647. NativeSoundManager_PlayBuffer
  7648. NativeSoundManager_PlayFile
  7649. NativeSoundManager_PlayFile
  7650. NativeTimerManager
  7651. NativeTimerManager_AddTask
  7652. NativeTimerManager_AddTask
  7653. NativeTimerManager_DisposeRefs
  7654. NativeTimerManager_RemoveTask
  7655. NativeTimerManager_RemoveTask
  7656. NativeTimerManager_ShutDown
  7657. NativeTimerManager_ShutDown
  7658. NATURAL
  7659. navajo white
  7660. NavajoWhite
  7661. NavajoWhite1
  7662. NavajoWhite2
  7663. NavajoWhite3
  7664. NavajoWhite4
  7665. NavBarManager_setFriends
  7666. NavBarManager_setFriends
  7667. navgiate_main_voice_guidance_enabled
  7669. Naviagte Menu off
  7670. Naviagte Menu on
  7671. Navigable map:
  7672. Navigable map:
  7673. Navigate
  7674. NAVIGATE
  7675. NavigateAlt1Pen1-0
  7676. NavigateAlt1Pen1-1
  7677. NavigateAlt1Pen2-0
  7678. NavigateAlt1Pen2-1
  7679. NavigateAlt1Pen3-0
  7680. navigate_auto_zoom_off
  7681. navigate_bar_initialize
  7682. navigate_bar_initialize
  7683. navigate_bar_is_hidden
  7684. navigate_bar_reset_dist_str
  7685. navigate_bar_reset_eta_str
  7686. navigate_bar_reset_time_str
  7687. navigate_bar_resize
  7688. navigate_bar_set_distance
  7689. navigate_bar_set_distance
  7690. navigate_bar_set_dist_str
  7691. navigate_bar_set_dist_str
  7692. navigate_bar_set_eta_str
  7693. navigate_bar_set_eta_str
  7694. navigate_bar_set_exit
  7695. navigate_bar_set_exit
  7696. navigate_bar_set_instruction
  7697. navigate_bar_set_instruction
  7698. navigate_bar_set_mode
  7699. navigate_bar_set_mode
  7700. navigate_bar_set_next_distance
  7701. navigate_bar_set_next_exit
  7702. navigate_bar_set_next_exit
  7703. navigate_bar_set_next_instruction
  7704. navigate_bar_set_next_instruction
  7705. navigate_bar_set_street
  7706. navigate_bar_set_street
  7707. navigate_bar_set_time_str
  7708. navigate_bar_set_time_str
  7709. navigate_bar_set_waypoint
  7710. navigate_bar_set_waypoint
  7711. navigate_bar_show
  7712. navigate_bar_show
  7713. NavigateCallbacks
  7714. NavigateConfigAutoZoom
  7715. NavigateConfigEnableContinuePrompt
  7716. NavigateConfigEtaEnabled
  7717. NavigateConfigHasWaypoint
  7718. NavigateConfigLastDestName
  7719. NavigateConfigLastPos
  7720. NavigateConfigLastWaypointName
  7721. NavigateConfigLastWaypointPos
  7722. NavigateConfigNavigateTime
  7723. NavigateConfigNavigating
  7724. NavigateConfigNavigationGuidanceEnabled
  7725. NavigateConfigNavigationGuidanceOn
  7726. NavigateConfigNavigationGuidanceType
  7727. NavigateConfigNavResultIllu
  7728. NavigateConfigNavResultIsNight
  7729. NavigateConfigNearingDestDistance
  7730. NavigateConfigPrefetchDistance
  7731. navigate_cost_allow_unknowns
  7732. navigate_cost_avoid_palestinian_roads
  7733. navigate_cost_avoid_primaries
  7734. navigate_cost_avoid_toll_roads
  7735. navigate_cost_avoid_trails
  7736. navigate_cost_get
  7737. navigate_cost_initialize
  7738. navigate_cost_isPalestinianOptionEnabled
  7739. navigate_cost_prefer_same_street
  7740. navigate_cost_prefer_unknown_directions
  7741. navigate_cost_reset
  7742. navigate_cost_time
  7743. navigate_cost_type
  7744. navigate_cost_use_traffic
  7745. NavigateCurrentSegment = %d
  7746. NavigateEnabled
  7747. NavigateEnd
  7748. navigate_find_track_points
  7749. navigate_find_track_points() - Origin road not determined.
  7750. navigate_find_track_points() - Origin road not determined. (%d,%d)
  7751. navigate_get_next_line
  7752. navigate_get_next_line(): current is %d/%d
  7753. navigate_get_next_line() - will not look for segments after waypoint
  7754. navigate_get_waypoint
  7755. navigate_graph_clear
  7756. navigate_graph_get_line
  7757. navigate_graph_search_line_id
  7758. navigate_graph_search_line_id
  7759. navigate_graph_search_line_id - line invalid (id =%d, square = %d)
  7760. navigate_image
  7761. navigate_instr_analyze_roundabout
  7762. navigate_instr_calc_cross_time
  7763. navigate_instr_calc_length
  7764. navigate_instr_fix_line_end
  7765. navigate_instr_check_neighbours
  7766. navigate_instr_prepare_segments
  7767. navigate_is_auto_zoom
  7768. navigate_is_enabled
  7769. navigate_is_line_on_route
  7770. navigate_is_speed_auto_zoom
  7771. NavigateLatestCompass
  7772. NavigateLatestGpsPosition
  7773. navigate_main_add_route_to_query
  7774. navigate_main_alt_recalculate_route
  7775. navigate_main_alt_routes_display
  7776. navigate_main_calc_route
  7777. navigate_main_calc_route
  7778. navigate_main_calculate_eta
  7779. navigate_main_can_add_waypoint
  7780. navigate_main_cancel_waypoint
  7781. navigate_main_continue_prompt_enabled
  7782. navigate_main_coupon_saved
  7783. navigate_main_draw_route_number
  7784. navigate_main_drive_on_left
  7785. navigate_main_enable_recalc
  7786. navigate_main_ETA_enabled
  7787. navigate_main_format_messages
  7788. navigate_main_get_alt_trip
  7789. navigate_main_get_coupon
  7790. navigate_main_get_current_time
  7791. navigate_main_get_dest_address
  7792. navigate_main_get_dest_name
  7793. navigate_main_get_dest_position
  7794. navigate_main_get_dest_str
  7795. navigate_main_get_distance_str
  7796. navigate_main_get_eta
  7797. navigate_main_get_follow_gps
  7798. navigate_main_get_guidance_labels
  7799. navigate_main_get_guidance_type
  7800. navigate_main_get_guidance_types
  7801. navigate_main_get_guidance_types
  7802. navigate_main_get_guidance_types_count
  7803. navigate_main_get_original_route_duration
  7804. navigate_main_get_plugin_line
  7805. navigate_main_get_src_position
  7806. navigate_main_get_total_route_duration
  7807. navigate_main_get_waypoint_eta
  7808. navigate_main_get_waypoint_route_duration
  7809. navigate_main_guidance_config_tts
  7810. navigate_main_guidance_is_on
  7811. navigate_main_guidance_tts
  7812. navigate_main_initialize
  7813. navigate_main_is_alt_routes
  7814. navigate_main_is_calculating_route
  7815. navigate_main_is_list_displaying
  7816. navigate_main_is_waypoint
  7817. navigate_main_list
  7818. navigate_main_list_get
  7819. navigate_main_list_hide
  7820. navigate_main_list_state
  7821. navigate_main_login_cb
  7822. navigate_main_navigator
  7823. navigate_main_navigator_cb
  7824. navigate_main_nav_resumed
  7825. navigate_main_near_destination
  7826. navigate_main_near_waypoint
  7827. navigate_main_on_instrumented_segment
  7828. navigate_main_on_received_coupon
  7829. navigate_main_on_route
  7830. navigate_main_on_route
  7831. navigate_main_on_route_update
  7832. navigate_main_on_routing_rc
  7833. navigate_main_on_routing_rc() - ERROR not handled in navigate_main.c !!! '%s'
  7834. navigate_main_on_segments
  7835. navigate_main_on_segment_ver_mismatch
  7836. navigate_main_on_segment_ver_mismatch
  7837. navigate_main_on_suggest_reroute
  7838. navigate_main_on_suggest_reroute
  7839. navigate_main_override_nav_settings
  7840. navigate_main_play_start
  7841. navigate_main_prepare_for_request
  7842. navigate_main_recalc_route
  7843. navigate_main_recalc_route %d
  7844. navigate_main_recalculate_route
  7845. navigate_main_reload_data
  7846. navigate_main_route
  7847. navigate_main_route_waypoint
  7848. navigate_main_save_eta
  7849. navigate_main_screen_repaint
  7850. navigate_main_set
  7851. navigate_main_set_alt_trip
  7852. navigate_main_set_coupon
  7853. navigate_main_set_dest_name
  7854. navigate_main_set_dest_pos
  7855. navigate_main_set_display_enabled
  7856. navigate_main_set_gps
  7857. navigate_main_set_off_track
  7858. navigate_main_set_outline
  7859. navigate_main_set_route
  7860. navigate_main_set_src_pos
  7861. navigate_main_set_waypoint_id
  7862. navigate_main_set_waypoint_point
  7863. navigate_main_shutdown
  7864. navigate_main_start
  7865. navigate_main_state
  7866. navigate_main_stop_navigation
  7867. navigate_main_stop_navigation_menu
  7868. navigate_main_stop_navigation_reason
  7869. navigate_main_tts_prepare_route
  7870. navigate_main_update_route
  7871. navigate_main_visible_route_scale
  7872. navigate_main_voice_guidance_available
  7873. navigate_menu
  7874. navigate_near_destination_end_drive
  7875. navigate_near_destination_get_friend_data
  7876. navigate_near_destination_is_near
  7877. navigate_near_destination_is_nearing
  7878. navigate_near_destination_is_parking
  7879. navigate_near_destination_mute
  7880. navigate_near_destination_parked
  7881. navigate_near_destination_parking_mode
  7882. navigate_near_destination_reset
  7883. navigate_near_destination_stop_nav
  7884. navigate_offtrack
  7885. NavigatePen1
  7886. NavigatePen2
  7887. NavigatePluginID
  7888. navigate_plugin_register
  7889. navigate_plugin_unregister
  7890. Navigate Prefetch Distance
  7891. navigate_resume_navigation
  7892. navigate_route_add_to_query
  7893. navigate_route_add_waypoints
  7894. navigate_route_add_waypoints
  7895. navigate_route_calc_segments
  7896. navigate_route_cancel_request
  7897. navigate_route_cancel_request
  7898. navigate_route_clear_context
  7899. navigate_route_clear_context
  7900. navigate_route_clear_waypoints
  7901. navigate_route_clear_waypoints
  7902. Navigate route clear waypoints
  7903. navigate_route_get_segments
  7904. navigate_route_get_segments
  7905. navigate_route_init_context
  7906. navigate_route_load_data
  7907. navigate_route_on_response_error
  7908. navigate_route_reload_data
  7909. navigate_route_request
  7910. navigate_route_request
  7911. navigate_route - retrying route request (retry #%d)
  7912. navigate_route_retry_periodic
  7913. navigate_route_select
  7914. navigate_route_select
  7915. navigate_route_select() : invalid alt_id %d
  7916. navigate_route_select() : selecting alt_id %d
  7917. navigate_route_select_waypoint
  7918. navigate_route_select_waypoint
  7919. navigate_route_select_waypoint() : selecting waypoint_id %d (alt_id: %d)
  7920. navigate_route_set_retry
  7921. navigate_route_set_retry
  7922. navigate_show_eta_message
  7923. Navigate time
  7924. Navigate to / Drive to
  7925. NavigateTo,%s,,%s,%s,%s
  7926. navigate_track_enabled
  7927. navigate_tts
  7928. navigate_tts_add_coupon_reminder
  7929. navigate_tts_add_coupon_saved
  7930. Navigate TTS. Adding text: %s to the TTS playlist. Voice: %s. Result: %d
  7931. navigate_tts_add_nearing_destination
  7932. Navigate TTS. All the %d voices are received - changing navigation voice
  7933. navigate_tts_announce_dist_factor
  7934. navigate_tts_available
  7935. navigate_tts_commit
  7936. Navigate TTS. Error in tts request for text: %s. Retries exhausted. Text will not be available
  7937. Navigate TTS. Error in tts request for text: %s. Waiting for retry result...
  7938. Navigate TTS. Finishing route
  7939. navigate_tts_finish_route
  7940. navigate_tts_finish_route
  7941. navigate_tts_initialize
  7942. navigate_tts_instruction_text
  7943. navigate_tts_playlist_add
  7944. navigate_tts_playlist_add
  7945. navigate_tts_playlist_add_andthen
  7946. navigate_tts_playlist_add_arrive
  7947. navigate_tts_playlist_add_instr
  7948. navigate_tts_playlist_add_stop_point
  7949. navigate_tts_playlist_add_within
  7950. navigate_tts_playlist_play
  7951. navigate_tts_playlist_play
  7952. Navigate TTS. Posting the request for preparing %d texts
  7953. navigate_tts_prepare_arrive
  7954. navigate_tts_prepare_context
  7955. navigate_tts_prepare_context
  7956. navigate_tts_prepare_street
  7957. Navigate TTS. Preparing navigation TTS context
  7958. Navigate TTS. Previous voice prepare request is in process
  7959. Navigate TTS. Set the navigate TTS engine as unavailable for text: %s
  7960. navigate_tts_set_unavailable
  7961. Navigate TTS. Unable to add street name '%s'. Not cached.
  7962. Navigate TTS. Unable to play. TTS playlist is unavailable!
  7963. Navigate TTS. Voice change request from %s to %s.
  7964. Navigate TTS. Voice is the same. Stop voice change monitoring...
  7965. navigate_update
  7966. navigate_update - approaching waypoint: %d
  7967. navigate_update - dropping waypoint (moving away) distance: %d time: %d
  7968. navigate_update - dropping waypoint (very close and not moving) distance: %d time: %d
  7969. navigate_update_next
  7970. navigate_update - updating waypoint: %d
  7971. navigate_waypoint_clear
  7972. navigate_waypoint_exists
  7973. navigate_waypoint_highlight_cancel
  7974. navigate_waypoint_highlight_route
  7975. navigate_waypoint_highlight_route
  7976. navigate_waypoint_init
  7977. navigate_waypoint_on_scores_received
  7978. NavigateWaypointPen1
  7979. NavigateWaypointPen2
  7980. navigate_waypoint_ready
  7981. navigate_waypoint_request_scores
  7982. navigate_waypoint_route
  7983. navigate_waypoint_select
  7984. navigate_waypoint_select
  7985. navigate_with_coordinates
  7986. navigate_with_coordinates_cb
  7987. navigate=yes
  7988. navigate_zoom_get_scale
  7989. navigate_zoom_update
  7990. navigating
  7991. Navigating to favorite: %s
  7992. Navigation already resumed
  7993. Navigation data is too old.
  7994. Navigation & everything else you need is here
  7995. Navigation guidance
  7996. Navigation guidance enabled
  7997. navigation_guidance_off
  7998. navigation_guidance_off
  7999. navigation_guidance_on
  8000. navigation_guidance_on
  8001. Navigation guidance on
  8002. navigation_guidance_state
  8003. navigation_guidance_state
  8004. Navigation guidance type
  8005. navigation_list
  8006. Navigation list
  8007. navigation_list_pop_up
  8008. Navigation result illustration
  8009. Navigation result is night
  8010. navigation_state
  8011. Navigation status was not supplied!
  8012. navigation_view
  8013. Navigation view
  8014. Navigation was discontinued before reaching destination. Would you like to resume last route?
  8015. nav_list_hide
  8016. nav_menu
  8017. Nav menu
  8018. NAV MUTE
  8019. Nav navigation
  8020. navy
  8021. navy blue
  8022. NavyBlue
  8023. n_cookies
  8024. Near
  8025. Nearby Coupons
  8026. nearby_coupons_and_games
  8027. Nearby Coupons and Games URL
  8028. NearBy Display Time
  8029. NearBy Sleep Time
  8030. Nearby stations
  8033. Nearing destination
  8034. Nearing destination distance
  8035. Near you now!
  8036. near_you_on_timeout
  8037. near_you_show_delayed
  8038. NearYou_wazer
  8039. __nedf2
  8040. need dictionary
  8041. Need to pick someone up?
  8042. Neighbours Weight
  8043. neither 'old' (%s) nor 'new' (%s) names may be null
  8044. nenpn
  8045. __nesf2
  8046. net_cancel_connect
  8047. net_close
  8048. net_connect
  8049. net_connect
  8050. net_connect_async
  8051. net_get_compress_enabled
  8052. net_get_fd
  8053. net_initialize
  8054. net_mon_connect
  8055. net_mon_destroy
  8056. net_mon_disconnect
  8057. net_mon_error
  8058. net_mon_get_count
  8059. net_mon_get_enabled
  8060. net_mon_get_error_text
  8061. net_mon_get_status
  8062. net_mon_initialize
  8063. net_mon_offline
  8064. net_mon_recv
  8065. net_mon_send
  8066. net_mon_set_enabled
  8067. net_mon_start
  8068. net_msg_handler
  8069. net_msg_handler
  8070. NET: Network operation failed
  8071. NET: No path to destination
  8072. net_receive
  8073. net_receive
  8074. NET: Remote error
  8075. NET: Request pending
  8076. net_send
  8077. net_send
  8078. net_send_async
  8079. net_send_async
  8080. net_set_compress_enabled
  8081. net_set_read_callback
  8082. net_set_write_callback
  8083. net_shutdown
  8084. net sync connection not supported !!!
  8085. net_unique_id
  8086. NET: Unknown protocol
  8087. net_unset_callbacks
  8088. net_unset_callbacks
  8089. Network
  8090. network_connected
  8091. Network connection problems, please try again later.
  8092. NetworkCycleTime
  8093. NetworkCycleTime
  8094. network_disconnected
  8095. Network found: Your route now reflects real-time road conditions
  8096. _network_mode_on
  8097. Network provider timeout. Setting Network provider as unavailable.
  8098. Network timeout
  8099. Never
  8100. New address
  8101. new_alert_marker
  8102. Newbie
  8103. _new_command
  8104. new_cookies_map
  8105. New ETA
  8106. New ETA:
  8107. _new_item
  8108. NEW_MODE
  8109. New points
  8110. New Points
  8111. New Road Recording is now OFF
  8112. New Road Recording is ON. Please turn it off once you've finished recording a new road.
  8113. new_roads
  8114. New roads
  8115. New to Waze?
  8116. NEW user
  8119. Next
  8120. Next real time alert
  8121. next_real_time_alerts
  8122. nFriBidiMirroredChars
  8123. nFriendsOnline
  8124. nhn|<
  8125. Nickname field must be non-empty.
  8126. Nickname must not begin with a space
  8127. Nickname should have at least 4 characters
  8128. night
  8129. Night
  8130. nine
  8131. nineinferior
  8132. nineoldstyle
  8133. ninesuperior
  8134. ninja
  8135. ninja-female
  8136. njDone
  8137. nMn]n
  8138. nmra
  8139. nmraTF
  8140. .>N^n~
  8141. n#n*n@
  8142. N#N*NPNiN
  8143. No access to Location Services. Please make sure Location Services is ON
  8144. No action to perform (%s)
  8145. No appropriate invalidation procedure for resource type: %d
  8146. No auto zoom
  8147. No connection
  8148. NodePath
  8149. NodePath,%d,
  8150. No editor data to export.
  8151. No favorite destinations were found
  8152. No friends on their way :(
  8153. No friends on Waze? ...
  8154. No GPS connection. Make sure you are outdoors. Currently showing approximate location
  8155. No GPS reception
  8156. No GPS. Showing approximate location
  8157. No group
  8158. No groups events :(
  8159. No guidance
  8160. No image in file
  8161. No items
  8162. nolog
  8163. No Log
  8164. No memory.
  8165. No memory for pCAL params.
  8166. No memory for pCAL purpose.
  8167. No memory for sPLT palettes.
  8168. No memory to process text chunk.
  8169. no more memory
  8170. No mutual friends
  8171. nonbreakingspace
  8172. none
  8173. None
  8174. None of your friends driving there
  8175. No Network Connection
  8176. No network connection, unable to report
  8177. No Network: Current Route & traffic may not be accurate
  8178. No network found
  8179. No Network & GPS
  8180. nonmarkingreturn
  8181. Non-random
  8182. No one can see you and no info about your drive will be recorded anywhere. You will be visible again next time you start Waze.
  8183. No parent for '%s'
  8184. No products for category '%s'
  8185. No pRoute!!
  8186. No providers for category: %s
  8187. No range updates were found.
  8188. no relevant events
  8189. No results found
  8190. normal
  8191. Normal Size
  8192. NORM_SPACE
  8193. No road here?
  8194. No route
  8195. No route record!!
  8196. No space for for square id %d
  8197. No space for this result (max: %d)
  8198. No space for this waypoint result (max: %d)
  8199. No state with that name could be found
  8200. Not a database error
  8201. notallowedonmap
  8202. Not a PNG file
  8203. .notdef
  8204. .notdef
  8205. .notdef
  8207. Not downloaded error = %s
  8208. Note:
  8209. Note:
  8210. Note: In this version you can
  8211. Note: New speed cams need to be validated by community map editors. You can do it too at
  8212. Note: New speed cams need to be validated by community map editors. You can do it, too, at:
  8213. Not enough image data
  8214. Not enough memory for text.
  8215. Not enough memory to decompress chunk
  8216. Not enough memory to decompress chunk.
  8217. Not enough memory to decompress chunk..
  8218. Not enough memory to process text chunk.
  8219. Not enough memory to process zTXt chunk.
  8220. not enough space (%d) for GPSPath
  8221. not enough space (%d) for NodePath
  8222. not enough space (%d) for recording togles
  8223. notequal
  8224. Note: route may not be optimal, but Waze learns quickly...
  8225. Note: Waze constantly checks alternatives
  8226. Note: We will never post without your approval and you control who sees you on the map. Please reconnect, even if you did this before.
  8227. No thanks
  8228. Notice
  8229. Notice
  8230. Notice
  8231. Notice
  8232. NOTICE
  8233. Notifications
  8234. NotifyExternalPoiDisplayed,%d
  8235. NotifyExternalPoiInfoPressed,%d,%d
  8236. NotifyExternalPoiNavigation,%d
  8237. NotifyExternalPoiPromotionPopUp,%d,%d
  8238. NotifyExternalPoiViewed,%d,%d
  8239. Notify I'm late
  8240. NotifySplashUpdateTime,%s
  8241. Not logged in !
  8242. Not now
  8243. Not offered
  8244. Not recalculating - recalc is disabled
  8245. Not running on known road - not reporting jammed state
  8246. Not there
  8247. No valid alternatives were found for this destination
  8248. No valid login
  8249. NovoSpeech
  8250. now %d estimated by %d msec
  8251. nrek
  8252. Nsmall
  8253. nsuperior
  8254. &n=T
  8255. ntilde
  8256. Ntilde
  8257. Ntildesmall
  8258. .null
  8259. NULL callbacks in editor_post_file
  8260. NULL row buffer for row %ld, pass %d
  8261. num additions=%d
  8262. Number
  8263. Number of Miles
  8264. Number of seconds to ask
  8265. Number of texture units: %d
  8266. Number of user points (%d) does not equal nodes count (%d) ; dropping user points
  8267. numbersign
  8268. NumOpenConnections=%d
  8269. num_trips < 1
  8270. NWN`
  8271. >N>Z>o
  8272. N2N;
  8273. n2n7
  8274. /o/}
  8275. ;(;O
  8276. ( O&
  8277. (`O&
  8278. oacute
  8279. Oacute
  8280. Oacutesmall
  8281. object_add_child
  8282. object_add_image
  8283. object_add_image_obj_offset
  8284. object_add_image_obj_offset
  8285. object_add_image_obj_offset failed
  8286. object_add_image_offset
  8287. object_add_text
  8288. object_add_with_priority
  8289. object_add_with_priority
  8290. object_cleanup
  8291. object_clear_type
  8292. object_disable_short_click
  8293. object_enable_short_click
  8294. object_exists
  8295. object_filter
  8296. object_glow
  8297. object_iterate
  8298. object_move
  8299. object name is missing
  8300. Object on road
  8301. object_overlapped
  8302. object_register_listener
  8303. object_register_monitor
  8304. objects
  8305. object_set_action
  8306. object_set_image
  8307. object_set_no_overlapping
  8308. object_set_opacity
  8309. object_set_rotation
  8310. object_set_scale_factor
  8311. object_set_type
  8312. object_set_zoom
  8313. object_short_ckick_enabled
  8314. objects_wide_softkeys_bottom
  8315. ObjectText
  8316. Oblique
  8317. Oblique
  8318. ocircumflex
  8319. Ocircumflex
  8320. Ocircumflexsmall
  8321. odieresis
  8322. Odieresis
  8323. Odieresissmall
  8324. OEsmall
  8325. office
  8326. Offline calculation is disabled !
  8327. Offline data file is corrupt: Re-Initializing data
  8328. Offline data file is currupt: Re-Initializing data
  8329. offlineNavigateMessagebox
  8331. OfflineTarget
  8332. oFFs
  8333. ogl_event_allocate_pointer
  8334. ogl_event_allocate_pointer
  8335. ogl_event_cb_allocate
  8336. ogl_event_cb_allocate
  8337. ogl_event_cb_call
  8338. ogl_event_cb_call
  8339. ogl_event_cb_context
  8340. ogl_event_cb_context
  8341. ogl_event_cb_free
  8342. ogl_event_cb_initialize
  8343. ogl_event_cb_is_active
  8344. ogl_event_duplicate_buffer
  8345. ogl_event_execute
  8346. ogl_event_finalize
  8347. ogl_event_get_pixel_size
  8348. ogl_event_get_pixel_size
  8349. ogl_event_initialize
  8350. ogl_event_name
  8351. OGL Event queue is full. Flushing the queue
  8352. ogl_event_release
  8353. ogl_event_release_all
  8354. ogl_event_shutdown
  8355. ogl_event_update_pointers
  8356. ogl_event_update_pointers
  8357. ogl_queue_add_event
  8358. ogl_queue_finalize
  8359. ogl_queue_flush
  8360. ogl_queue_flush_event
  8361. ogl_queue_get_event_params
  8362. ogl_queue_get_event_params
  8363. ogl_queue_initialize
  8364. ogl_queue_initialize
  8365. ogl_queue_log
  8366. ogl_queue_request_render
  8367. ogl_queue_run_event
  8368. ogl_queue_run_event
  8369. ogl_queue_shutdown
  8370. ogl_queue_shutdown
  8371. ogl_queue_start
  8372. ogl - too many points for one pass
  8373. ogl_wrap_ClearBuffer
  8374. ogl_wrap_glActiveTexture
  8375. ogl_wrap_glBindFramebufferOES
  8376. ogl_wrap_glBindTexture
  8377. ogl_wrap_glBlendFunc
  8378. ogl_wrap_glClear
  8379. ogl_wrap_glClearColor
  8380. ogl_wrap_glClientActiveTexture
  8381. ogl_wrap_glColor4f
  8382. ogl_wrap_glDeleteFramebuffersOES
  8383. ogl_wrap_glDeleteFramebuffersOES
  8384. ogl_wrap_glDeleteTextures
  8385. ogl_wrap_glDeleteTextures
  8386. ogl_wrap_glDisable
  8387. ogl_wrap_glDisableClientState
  8388. ogl_wrap_glDrawArrays
  8389. ogl_wrap_glEnable
  8390. ogl_wrap_glEnableClientState
  8391. ogl_wrap_glFramebufferTexture2DOES
  8392. ogl_wrap_glGenFramebuffersOES
  8393. ogl_wrap_glGenTextures
  8394. ogl_wrap_glGetError
  8395. ogl_wrap_glGetFloatv
  8396. ogl_wrap_glGetIntegerv
  8397. ogl_wrap_glGetString
  8398. ogl_wrap_glHint
  8399. ogl_wrap_glCheckFramebufferStatusOES
  8400. ogl_wrap_glLoadIdentity
  8401. ogl_wrap_glMatrixMode
  8402. ogl_wrap_glMultMatrixf
  8403. ogl_wrap_glOrthof
  8404. ogl_wrap_glPopMatrix
  8405. ogl_wrap_glPushMatrix
  8406. ogl_wrap_glRotatef
  8407. ogl_wrap_glTexCoordPointer
  8408. ogl_wrap_glTexCoordPointer
  8409. ogl_wrap_glTexImage2D
  8410. ogl_wrap_glTexParameterf
  8411. ogl_wrap_glTexParameteri
  8412. ogl_wrap_glTexSubImage2D
  8413. ogl_wrap_glTranslatef
  8414. ogl_wrap_glVertexPointer
  8415. ogl_wrap_glVertexPointer
  8416. ogl_wrap_glViewport
  8417. ogl_wrap_set_points_count
  8418. ogonek
  8419. Ogoneksmall
  8420. ograve
  8421. Ograve
  8422. Ogravesmall
  8423. Oh, and...
  8424. Oil spill
  8425. [OK]
  8426. okay
  8427. old lace
  8428. OldLace
  8429. Old Points
  8430. olive drab
  8431. OliveDrab
  8432. OliveDrab1
  8433. OliveDrab2
  8434. OliveDrab3
  8435. OliveDrab4
  8436. Omega
  8437. Omega
  8438. OmOxO
  8439. on_address_option
  8440. on_address_option
  8441. _on_address_resolved
  8442. _on_address_resolved
  8443. _on_address_resolved
  8444. OnAddUser
  8445. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AlertReport
  8446. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AlertReport
  8447. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AlertReport() - 'AlertReport' was sent!
  8448. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AlertReport(POST) - 'AlertReport' had failed
  8449. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether
  8450. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether
  8451. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part1
  8452. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part1
  8453. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part1() - 'Part1' was sent!
  8454. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part1(POST) - 'Part1' had failed
  8455. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part1(PRE) - Failed to send 'Part2'
  8456. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part1() - Sending 'Part2'...
  8457. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part2
  8458. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part2
  8459. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part2() - 'Part2' was sent!
  8460. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part2(POST) - 'Part2' had failed
  8461. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part2(PRE) - Failed to send new 'Part2'
  8462. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether_Part2() - Sending new 'Part2'...
  8463. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_AllTogether(POST) - The 'AllTogether' packet-send had failed
  8464. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_At
  8465. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_At
  8466. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_At() - My position is set!
  8467. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_At(POST) - Failed to set my position; Ignoring and continueing...
  8468. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_At(PRE) - Failed to send 'MapDisplayed'
  8469. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_At() - Sending 'MapDisplayed'...
  8470. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CollectBonus
  8471. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CollectBonus() - failed
  8472. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CollectBonus() - succeeded
  8473. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateAccount
  8474. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateNewRoads
  8475. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateNewRoads
  8476. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateNewRoads() - 'CreateNewRoads' was sent!
  8477. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateNewRoads(POST) - 'CreateNewRoads' had failed
  8478. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateNewRoads(PRE) - Failed to send 'GPSPath'
  8479. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_CreateNewRoads() - Sending 'GPSPath'...
  8480. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Debug
  8481. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Debug() - failed
  8482. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Debug() - succeeded
  8483. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Echo
  8484. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Echo() - failed
  8485. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Echo() - succeeded
  8486. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiDisplayed
  8487. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiDisplayed
  8488. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiDisplayed(POST) - had failed
  8489. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiDisplayed() - TRANSACTION COMPLETED
  8490. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnNavigate
  8491. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnNavigate
  8492. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp
  8493. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp
  8494. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp (POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8495. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  8496. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  8497. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp (POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8498. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPressed
  8499. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPressed
  8500. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPressed (POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8501. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_FacebookConnect
  8502. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_FacebookPermissions
  8503. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_FacebookPermissions
  8504. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_FacebookPermissions(POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8505. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_FacebookUpdateToken
  8506. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Foursquare
  8507. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GetGeoConfig
  8508. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GetGeoConfig
  8509. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GetGeoConfig(POST) - The 'GetGeoConfig' operation had failed, rc=%s
  8510. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GetInboxCredentials
  8511. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GetInboxCredentials
  8512. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GPSPath
  8513. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GPSPath
  8514. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GPSPath() - 'GPSPath' succeeded (if there where points to send - they were sent)
  8515. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GPSPath(POST) - 'GPSPath' had failed
  8516. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GPSPath(PRE) - Failed to send 'NodePath'
  8517. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_GPSPath() - Sending 'NodePath'...
  8518. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_KeepAlive
  8519. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_KeepAlive
  8520. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_KeepAlive(POST) - The 'KeepAlive' packet-send had failed
  8521. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Login
  8522. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Login
  8523. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Login(POST) - Failed to log in
  8524. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Login() - User logged in!
  8525. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Logout
  8526. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed
  8527. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed
  8528. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed() - 'MapDisplayed' was sent!
  8529. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed__only
  8530. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed__only
  8531. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed__only() - 'MapDisplayed' was sent successfully
  8532. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed__only(POST) - 'MapDisplayed' had failed
  8533. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_MapDisplayed(POST) - 'MapDisplayed' had failed
  8534. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NodePath
  8535. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NodePath
  8536. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NodePath() - 'NodePath' succeeded (if there where points to send - they were sent)
  8537. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NodePath(POST) - 'NodePath' had failed
  8538. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NodePath() - TRANSACTION FULLY COMPLETED
  8539. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NotifySplashUpdateTime
  8540. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NotifySplashUpdateTime
  8541. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_NotifySplashUpdateTime(POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8542. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_PickUpRequest
  8543. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_PickUpRequest
  8544. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_PickUpRequest() - 'PickUpRequest' had failed
  8545. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_PickUpRequest() - 'PickUpRequest' was sent successfully
  8546. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_PingWazer
  8547. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_PostComment
  8548. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Register
  8549. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Register
  8550. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Register(POST) - The 'Register' operation had failed
  8551. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Register(POST) - The 'Register' operation has succeeded! (Name: '%s'; PW: '%s')
  8552. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportAbuse
  8553. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportAbuse() - failed
  8554. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportAbuse() - succeeded
  8555. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportAlert
  8556. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportEndNavigation
  8557. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportEndNavigation
  8558. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportEndNavigation() - 'NavigateEnd' was sent successfully
  8559. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportEndNavigation(POST) - 'NavigateEnd' had failed
  8560. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportMapProblem
  8561. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportOnNavigation
  8562. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportOnNavigation
  8563. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportOnNavigation() - 'NavigateTo' was sent successfully
  8564. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportOnNavigation(POST) - 'NavigateTo' had failed
  8565. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportParked
  8566. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportParked
  8567. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportTraffic
  8568. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportTraffic
  8569. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportTraffic(POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8570. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ReportTraffic(POST) Success!
  8571. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RequestRoute
  8572. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RequestRoute
  8573. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RequestRoute() - failed
  8574. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RequestRoute() - succeeded
  8575. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RouteAddWaypoints
  8576. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RouteAddWaypoints
  8577. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RouteAddWaypoints() - failed
  8578. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_RouteAddWaypoints() - succeeded
  8579. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_Scoreboard
  8580. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SelectRoute
  8581. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SelectRoute() - failed
  8582. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SelectRoute() - succeeded
  8583. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SendSMS
  8584. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetMood
  8585. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetMood
  8586. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetPushNotifications
  8587. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetPushNotifications
  8588. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetPushNotifications(POST) - Failed to set push notifications
  8589. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetVisability
  8590. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetVisability
  8591. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetVisability(POST) - Failed to set visability
  8592. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetVisability() - Visability set!
  8593. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_SetVMood(POST) - Failed to set mood
  8594. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ShareMyRide
  8595. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ShareMyRide
  8596. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ShareMyRide() - 'ShareMyRide' had failed
  8597. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ShareMyRide() - 'ShareMyRide' was sent successfully
  8598. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_StopShareLocation
  8599. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_StopShareLocation
  8600. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_TakeCoupon
  8601. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_TakeCoupon
  8602. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ThumbsUp
  8603. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ThumbsUp() - failed rc=%d
  8604. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_ThumbsUp() - succeeded
  8605. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_TripServer
  8606. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_TripServer
  8607. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_TripServer(POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8608. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_TwitterConnect
  8609. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UpdateProductPrice
  8610. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UpdateProductPrice
  8611. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UpdateProductPrice(POST) failed (rc=%d)
  8612. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UpdateProductPrice(POST) Success!
  8613. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UserPoints
  8614. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UserPoints
  8615. OnAsyncOperationCompleted_UserPoints(POST) - Failed to send user points
  8616. Once
  8617. Once you add 'Home' and 'Work' to your favorites, Waze'll learn your preferred routes and departure times to these destinations.
  8618. on_conf_file_downloaded
  8619. on_conf_file_downloaded
  8620. on_country_selected
  8621. on_create_poi_res
  8622. on_create_poi_res
  8623. on_create_poi_res - id=%d
  8624. on_create_poi_res updating favorite id=%d name=%s
  8625. OnCustomResponse
  8626. on_data_received_
  8627. on_data_received_
  8628. on_data_received() - Buffer size is smaller then a single response-command
  8629. on_data_received() - Finish to process all data; Status: %s
  8630. on_data_received() - Read 'ack' Status: %s
  8631. on_data_received( SOCKET: %d) - Invalid data (NULL)
  8632. on_data_received( SOCKET: %d) - Received %d bytes
  8633. on_data_received( SOCKET: %d) - receive returned %d bytes
  8634. on_data_received( SOCKET: %d) - 'socket_async_receive()' had failed
  8635. on_data_received() - Was asked to abort session
  8636. OnDeviceEvent
  8637. OnDeviceEvent
  8638. OnDeviceEvent() - %d seconds passed from last-good-session; INITIATING A NEW SESSION!
  8639. OnDeviceEvent() - Event: %d (%s)
  8640. OnDeviceEvent() - New state: Connected
  8641. OnDeviceEvent() - New state: Disconnected
  8642. OnDeviceEvent() - !!! REALTIME SERVICE AUTO-RESTART !!!
  8643. on_download_lang_confirm
  8644. On download timer
  8645. _on_download_tts_lang
  8646. onedotenleader
  8647. oneeighth
  8648. onefitted
  8649. onehalf
  8650. one hour ago
  8651. oneinferior
  8652. one month ago
  8653. One more time?
  8654. oneoldstyle
  8655. onequarter
  8656. onesuperior
  8657. _on_eta_received
  8658. onethird
  8659. one user
  8660. one year ago
  8661. on_favorites_name
  8662. onFbImageDownload
  8663. onGeoConfigResponse
  8664. on_geo_server_config
  8665. on_geo_server_config
  8666. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'category' serial = %d
  8667. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'ID'
  8668. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'key' serial = %d
  8669. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'lang'
  8670. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'name'
  8671. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'num_parameters'
  8672. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'value' serial = %d
  8673. on_geo_server_config() - Failed to read 'version'
  8674. on_get_num_pois_res
  8675. on_get_num_pois_res
  8676. on_get_pois_res
  8677. on_get_pois_res
  8678. OnHTTPAck
  8679. OnHTTPHeader
  8680. on_check_login_completed
  8681. OnKeepAliveTimer_Realtime
  8682. on_keyboard_closed
  8683. on_lang_file_downloaded
  8684. on_lang_selected
  8685. _on_list_close
  8686. on_loaded_prompt_file
  8687. on_local_option
  8688. on_local_option
  8689. onLoginFailed
  8690. OnLoginResponse
  8691. OnLoginResponse
  8692. OnLoginResponse
  8693. onLoginSuccess
  8694. OnLogOutResponse
  8695. OnLogOutResponse
  8696. OnLogOutResponse
  8697. only command navigation to
  8698. OnMapMoved
  8699. OnMoodChanged
  8700. OnMoveUser
  8701. OnMsgboxClosed_ShowSystemMessage
  8702. _on_pending_request
  8703. OnPoiShortClick
  8704. OnPoiShortClick - Failed to find external POI for id =%s
  8705. _on_prepare_tts_lang
  8706. on_recieved_completed
  8707. OnRegisterConnectResponse
  8708. OnRegisterConnectResponse
  8709. OnRegisterConnectResponse
  8710. OnRegisterResponse
  8711. OnRegisterResponse
  8712. OnRegisterResponse
  8713. OnRemoveUser
  8714. _on_response
  8715. _on_response
  8716. On road
  8717. On road categories
  8718. On route
  8719. on_route_events
  8720. on_route_events
  8721. on_route_events - Failed to read AddonName
  8722. on_route_events() - Failed to read 'alt route ID'
  8723. on_route_events - Failed to read positionEnd latitude
  8724. on_route_events() Failed to read positionEnd longitude
  8725. on_route_events - Failed to read positionStart latitude
  8726. on_route_events() Failed to read positionStart longitude
  8727. on_route_events() - Failed to read 'PromilleStart'
  8728. on_route_events() - Failed to read 'severity'
  8729. on_route_events() - Failed to read 'sub-type'
  8730. on_route_events() - Failed to read 'type'
  8731. on_route_points
  8732. on_route_points
  8733. on_route_points() - Failed to read latitude
  8734. on_route_points() - Failed to read longitude
  8735. on_route_points() - Failed to read 'num_point_numbers'
  8736. on_route_points() - Failed to read 'num_total_points'
  8737. on_route_points() - Failed to read 'start_index'
  8738. on_route_points() - illegal characters at end of line
  8739. on_route_points() - num_total_points mismatch: expected %d found %d
  8740. on_route_points() - Odd number of point values
  8741. on_route_points() - start_index mismatch: expected %d found %d
  8742. on_route_points() - too many points
  8743. on_route_segments
  8744. on_route_segments
  8745. on_route_segments() - exit %d changed on update to %d
  8746. on_route_segments() - Failed to get 'dest_name' size
  8747. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'cross_time'
  8748. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'exit_no'
  8749. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'from_node_id'
  8750. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'instruction'
  8751. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'length'
  8752. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'nsegments'
  8753. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'segment_id'
  8754. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'tile_id'
  8755. on_route_segments() - Failed to read 'timestamp'
  8756. on_route_segments() - from node %d changed on update to %d
  8757. on_route_segments() - instruction %d changed on update to %d
  8758. on_route_segments() - invalid instruction value %d
  8759. on_route_segments() - invalid number of arguments
  8760. on_route_segments() - line %d changed on update to %d
  8761. on_route_segments() - square %d changed on update to %d
  8762. on_route_segments() - timestamp %d changed on update to %d
  8763. on_route_segments() - too many segments
  8764. on_route_selected selecting route alt_id=%d
  8765. OnRouteTransactionCompleted
  8766. OnRouteTransactionCompleted
  8767. OnRouteTransactionCompleted - new transaction started: %d
  8768. on_route_waypoint
  8769. on_route_waypoint
  8770. on_route_waypoint() - Failed to read 'waypoint_id'
  8771. on_route_waypoint() - Failed to read 'waypoint_index_in_points'
  8772. on_route_waypoint() - Failed to read 'waypoint_length'
  8773. on_route_waypoint() - Failed to read 'waypoint_time'
  8774. on_route_waypoint() - Wrong 'waypoint_id' (expected: %d ; received: %d)
  8775. on_routing_response
  8776. on_routing_response
  8777. on_routing_response_code
  8778. on_routing_response_code
  8779. on_routing_response_code() - Failed to read 'description'
  8780. on_routing_response_code() - Failed to read 'num_responses'
  8781. on_routing_response_code() - Failed to read 'rc'
  8782. on_routing_response() - does not support status %d
  8783. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'alt_description'
  8784. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'alt_id'
  8785. on_routing_response() - Failed to read attribute
  8786. on_routing_response() - Failed to read attribute value
  8787. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'nattrs'
  8788. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'nsegments'
  8789. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'num_events'
  8790. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'Origin'
  8791. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'status'
  8792. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'total_length'
  8793. on_routing_response() - Failed to read 'total_time'
  8794. on_routing_response() - Failed to read Waypoint ID
  8795. on_routing_response() - invalid number of attributes
  8796. on_search
  8797. _on_search_provider
  8798. on_search_provider rc=%d
  8799. on_serve_config() - Failed to read 'serial'
  8800. on_server_config
  8801. on_server_config
  8802. OnSettingsChanged_EnableDisable
  8803. OnSettingsChanged_VisabilityGroup
  8804. On shoulder categories
  8805. on_signup_skip_msgbox_closed
  8806. on_single_search_address_candidate
  8807. on_single_search_proto_search_response
  8808. on_socket_connected_
  8809. on_socket_connected_
  8810. on_socket_connected_() - INVALID SOCKET - Failed to create Socket; Error '%s'
  8811. on_socket_connected_() - Was asked to abort session
  8812. on_socket_connected_() - 'wst_Receive()' had failed
  8813. on_socket_connected_() - 'wst_Send()' had failed
  8814. on_suggested_trips
  8815. on_suggested_trips
  8816. on_suggest_reroute
  8817. on_suggest_reroute() - Failed to read 'reroute_segment'
  8818. on_suggest_reroute() - Failed to read 'time_after'
  8819. on_suggest_reroute() - Failed to read 'time_before'
  8820. on_terms_response
  8821. On the way
  8822. _on_tile_callback
  8823. OnTimePassedFromLastMapDragEvent
  8824. OnTimer_Realtime
  8825. OnTransactionCompleted
  8826. OnTransactionCompleted
  8827. OnTransactionCompleted() - Have %d users. Friends with the same destination count: %d
  8828. OnTransactionCompleted() - Last operation ended with error '%s'
  8829. OnTransactionCompleted_LogoutAndStop
  8830. OnTransactionCompleted_LogoutAndStop
  8831. OnTransactionCompleted_LogoutAndStop() - 'Logout' failed
  8833. OnTransactionCompleted() - Not presenting network error (Virgin: %d; Last-Err: '%s'; Quite err mode: %d)
  8834. OnTransactionCompleted() - No users where found
  8835. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportMarkers
  8836. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportMarkers
  8837. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportMarkers() - failed
  8838. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportSegments
  8839. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportSegments
  8840. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportSegments() - failed
  8841. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportStat
  8842. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportStat
  8843. OnTransactionCompleted_ReportStat() - failed
  8844. OnTransactionCompleted_TestLoginDetails_Login
  8845. OnTransactionCompleted_TestLoginDetails_Login() - 'Login' failed
  8846. on_update_config
  8847. on_update_config
  8848. _on_update_config
  8849. on_update_config() - Failed to read 'category'
  8850. on_update_config() - Failed to read 'file'
  8851. on_update_config() - Failed to read 'key'
  8852. on_update_config() - Failed to read 'value'
  8853. _on_voice_changed
  8854. _on_voice_ready
  8855. _on_voice_ready
  8856. _on_voice_ready
  8857. /?O_o
  8858. o$o,a
  8859. O+OeO
  8860. OOO^
  8861. Oops
  8862. OpenAboutPopup
  8863. OpenAlertPopup
  8864. OpenAlternativeRoutes
  8865. OpenAsrPopup
  8866. openCommentPopup
  8867. OpenConfirmDialogCustomTimeoutCb
  8868. opendir
  8869. OpenEars
  8870. openEditTextDialog
  8871. openEncouragementScreen
  8872. OpenExternalBrowser
  8873. openFoursquareDialog
  8874. opening database
  8875. OpenInternalBrowser
  8876. Open map updates menu
  8877. OpenMessageBoxTimeoutCb
  8878. OpenMessageTicker
  8879. OpenMessageTicker
  8880. OpenMoodSelection
  8881. OpenMoodSelection
  8882. OpenMoodSelection
  8883. OpenMoodSelection - Normal moods are now open
  8884. OpenNavResultPopup
  8885. openNearbyStations
  8886. openPingPopup
  8887. OpenPoi
  8888. OpenProgressPopup
  8889. Open quick menu
  8890. OpenReportMenu
  8891. openSearchActivity
  8892. openSelectCountryMenu
  8893. openSelectLangMenu
  8894. OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf
  8895. openStopPointNavigate
  8896. OpenSystemMessageWebPopUp
  8897. openTermsOfUse
  8898. openThumbsUpPopup
  8899. openTwitterWelcome
  8900. OpenUserPopup
  8901. openWelcome
  8902. Operation aborted
  8903. Operation failed
  8904. Operation timed-out
  8905. Opposite Low Weight Factor
  8906. OpticalSize
  8907. OpticalSize
  8908. Options
  8909. or
  8910. orange
  8911. orange red
  8912. OrangeRed
  8913. OrangeRed1
  8914. OrangeRed2
  8915. OrangeRed3
  8916. OrangeRed4
  8917. orange_tag
  8918. orange_tag_cast
  8919. orange1
  8920. orange2
  8921. orange3
  8922. orange4
  8923. Ordering
  8924. ordfeminine
  8925. ordmasculine
  8926. , or done
  8927. orchid
  8928. orchid1
  8929. orchid2
  8930. orchid3
  8931. orchid4
  8932. Orientation
  8933. orientation_mode
  8934. ORIG_GPS
  8935. Or start with a peek at what
  8936. Or start with a peek at what's inside...
  8937. oslash
  8938. Oslash
  8939. Oslashsmall
  8940. Osmall
  8941. osuperior
  8942. ##@other
  8943. Other
  8944. OtherBlues
  8945. OtherBlues
  8946. Other city
  8947. Other favorite
  8948. Other lane
  8949. others
  8950. Others
  8951. Others may send me Map Chats
  8952. Others may send me private messages
  8953. (Others see your nickname and avatar only).
  8954. Other user found:
  8955. otilde
  8956. Otilde
  8957. Otildesmall
  8958. }:O:T:j:r:w
  8959. OTTO
  8960. OTTOdaeh FFC
  8961. Our Agreement
  8962. Out of memory
  8963. Out of Memory!
  8964. Out Of Memory!!!
  8965. Out of memory for map download
  8966. Out of memory for map download -- aborting
  8967. Out of memory for selector used tiles
  8968. Out of memory processing unknown chunk.
  8969. Out of memory processing zTXt chunk.
  8970. Out of memory while processing sCAL chunk
  8971. Out of memory while processing unknown chunk.
  8972. Out of place gAMA chunk
  8973. Out of place iCCP chunk
  8974. Out of place IHDR
  8975. Out of place sBIT chunk
  8976. Out of place sRGB chunk
  8977. Out of place tIME chunk
  8978. output buffer is null
  8979. output buffer is too small
  8980. Outside Penalty
  8981. oversubscribed distance tree
  8982. oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths tree
  8983. oversubscribed literal/length tree
  8984. over 40
  8985. O1OI
  8986. (@P&
  8987. Package header: 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x 0x%08x
  8988. PackNetworkString
  8989. pacman%d
  8990. PaintType
  8991. PaintType
  8992. PaintType
  8993. pale goldenrod
  8994. PaleGoldenrod
  8995. pale green
  8996. PaleGreen
  8997. PaleGreen1
  8998. PaleGreen2
  8999. PaleGreen3
  9000. PaleGreen4
  9001. Palestinian Roads
  9002. pale turquoise
  9003. PaleTurquoise
  9004. PaleTurquoise1
  9005. PaleTurquoise2
  9006. PaleTurquoise3
  9007. PaleTurquoise4
  9008. pale violet red
  9009. PaleVioletRed
  9010. PaleVioletRed1
  9011. PaleVioletRed2
  9012. PaleVioletRed3
  9013. PaleVioletRed4
  9014. pamc
  9015. papaya whip
  9016. PapayaWhip
  9017. paragraph
  9018. parenleft
  9019. parenleftinferior
  9020. parenleftsuperior
  9021. parenright
  9022. parenrightinferior
  9023. parenrightsuperior
  9024. Parked
  9025. PARKED
  9026. parked_init
  9027. parked_object
  9028. parked_set_and_send
  9029. parked_set_and_send
  9030. ParkedSmall
  9031. parked_toggle
  9032. parking
  9033. Parking
  9034. Parking saved (location also shown to arriving friends)
  9035. Parks
  9036. ParseCreateAccountErrors
  9037. parse_extended_data
  9038. _parse_header
  9039. parse_checkin_results
  9040. PARSER: Did not find parser-handler for tag
  9041. PARSER: Failed
  9042. PARSER: Unexpected data
  9043. parse_search_results
  9044. _parse_status
  9045. ParseUpdateAccountErrors
  9046. parsing: %s
  9047. partialdiff
  9048. Partial Value
  9049. pass
  9050. Passenger
  9051. Passing your hand over the screen activates voice commands
  9052. password
  9053. password
  9054. Password
  9055. PasswordEnc
  9056. Password must be between 6-16 characters
  9057. Path
  9058. path_bundle
  9059. path_cache
  9060. path_config
  9061. path_crash_logs
  9062. path_create
  9063. path_debug
  9064. path_downloads
  9065. path_fonts
  9066. path_format
  9067. path_free
  9068. path_gps
  9069. path_images
  9070. path_is_directory
  9071. path_is_full_path
  9072. path_join
  9073. path_list
  9074. path_list_free
  9075. path_maps
  9076. path_parent
  9077. path_remove_extension
  9078. Path %s doesn't exist!. Creating: %d
  9079. path_skin
  9080. path_skin_bundle
  9081. path_skip_directories
  9082. path_sound
  9083. path_tts
  9084. path_user
  9085. path_voices
  9086. Pave
  9087. Pave road
  9088. pCAL
  9089. pcf_cmap_class
  9090. pcf_driver_class
  9091. PDACHebrew.ttf
  9092. peaceful
  9093. peaceful-female
  9094. peach puff
  9095. PeachPuff
  9096. PeachPuff1
  9097. PeachPuff2
  9098. PeachPuff3
  9099. PeachPuff4
  9100. Pedestrian
  9101. percent
  9102. _perform_action
  9103. Performing tiles refresh request
  9104. PerformVersionUpgrade
  9105. period
  9106. periodcentered
  9107. periodcentered
  9108. periodinferior
  9109. periodsuperior
  9110. perp
  9111. Personalize
  9112. Personalize later
  9113. Personalize your account
  9114. perthousand
  9115. peru
  9116. pFpO
  9117. pfr_cmap_class_rec
  9118. pfr_driver_class
  9119. pfr-metrics
  9120. pfr_metrics_service_rec
  9121. phone
  9122. phone_keyboard_free
  9123. phone_keyboard_get_multiple_key_value
  9124. _phone_keyboard_init
  9125. phone_keyboard_load
  9126. phone_keyboard_state_init
  9127. phone_keyboard_term
  9128. phone_keys_from_string
  9129. phone_keys_tag_name
  9130. Phone number
  9131. pHYs
  9132. pickup
  9133. Pick Up
  9134. PickUpInit,%d
  9135. PickUpInitRes
  9136. PickUpInitRes
  9137. PickUpInitRes
  9138. Pick up location received!
  9139. PickUpNotification
  9140. PickUpNotificationIphone
  9141. Pick your account
  9142. Picture added
  9143. pictureUrl
  9144. Ping a wazer
  9145. PING_A_WAZER
  9146. PingWazer,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s
  9147. ping2
  9148. pink
  9149. pink1
  9150. pink2
  9151. pink3
  9152. pink4
  9153. PioneerNativeManager
  9154. PiP|
  9155. PIXEL_SIZE
  9156. PIXEL_SIZE
  9157. Placing the resource at Slot: %d, Flags: %d,
  9158. _play
  9159. PlayBuffer
  9160. Played example
  9161. PlayFile
  9162. Playing: '%s'
  9163. Playing: '%s', '%s'
  9164. playlist_add_atstreet
  9165. Play Store
  9166. .plcrash
  9167. Please enter a user name
  9168. Please enter password
  9169. Please fill out Nickname
  9170. Please make sure you are connected.
  9171. Please restart Waze
  9172. Please restart WAZE.
  9173. Please restart WAZE.
  9174. Please restart WAZE.
  9175. Please save your home address on the navigate screen
  9176. Please save your work address on the navigate screen
  9177. Please select your location
  9178. Please try again later
  9179. Please verify login details are accurate
  9180. Please wait
  9181. Please wait...
  9182. PLTE
  9183. plugin_activate_db
  9184. plugin_activate_db
  9185. plugin_adjust_layer
  9186. plugin_calc_length
  9187. plugin_find_connected_lines
  9188. plugin_get_closest
  9189. plugin_get_direction
  9190. plugin_get_direction
  9191. plugin_get_distance
  9192. plugin_get_distance
  9193. plugin_get_fips
  9194. plugin_get_id
  9195. plugin_get_line_cfcc
  9196. plugin_get_line_id
  9197. plugin_get_line_points
  9198. plugin_get_line_points
  9199. plugin_get_square
  9200. plugin_get_street
  9201. plugin_get_street
  9202. plugin_get_street_id
  9203. plugin_get_street_properties
  9204. plugin_get_street_properties
  9205. plugin id:%d is missing.
  9206. plugin_line_from
  9207. plugin_line_from
  9208. plugin_line_to
  9209. plugin_line_to
  9210. plugin_override_line
  9211. plugin_override_pen
  9212. plugin_same_db_line
  9213. plugin_same_line
  9214. plugin_same_street
  9215. plugin_screen_repaint
  9216. plugin_set_line
  9217. plugin_set_street
  9218. plugin_street_full_name
  9219. plugin_street_full_name
  9220. plum
  9221. plum1
  9222. plum2
  9223. plum3
  9224. plum4
  9225. plus
  9226. plusminus
  9227. PMingLiU
  9228. pmoc
  9229. pmoc
  9230. pmoc
  9231. pmoc
  9232. pmoc
  9233. pmocltuo
  9234. pmood_%d
  9235. PMPXPcP
  9236. .png
  9237. png_access_version_number
  9238. png_bKGD
  9239. png_build_gamma_table
  9240. png_build_grayscale_palette
  9241. png_calculate_crc
  9242. png_cHRM
  9243. png_combine_row
  9244. png_convert_to_rfc1123
  9245. PNG: could not complete png_create_info_struct
  9246. PNG: could not complete png_create_read_struct
  9247. png_crc_error
  9248. png_crc_finish
  9249. png_crc_read
  9250. png_create_info_struct
  9251. png_create_read_struct
  9252. png_create_read_struct_2
  9253. png_create_struct
  9254. png_create_struct_2
  9255. png_data_freer
  9256. png_decompress_chunk
  9257. png_default_read_data
  9258. png_destroy_info_struct
  9259. png_destroy_read_struct
  9260. png_destroy_struct
  9261. png_destroy_struct_2
  9262. png_do_background
  9263. png_do_bgr
  9264. png_do_dither
  9265. png_do_dither returned rowbytes=0
  9266. png_do_expand
  9267. png_do_expand_palette
  9268. png_do_gamma
  9269. png_do_gray_to_rgb
  9270. png_do_chop
  9271. png_do_invert
  9272. png_do_packswap
  9273. png_do_read_filler
  9274. png_do_read_interlace
  9275. png_do_read_intrapixel
  9276. png_do_read_invert_alpha
  9277. png_do_read_swap_alpha
  9278. png_do_read_transformations
  9279. png_do_rgb_to_gray
  9280. png_do_rgb_to_gray found nongray pixel
  9281. png_do_strip_filler
  9282. png_do_swap
  9283. png_do_unpack
  9284. png_do_unshift
  9285. png_error
  9286. PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion
  9287. PNG: File is not a PNG file
  9288. PNG: File is not recognized as a PNG file
  9289. png_free
  9290. png_free_data
  9291. png_free_default
  9292. png_gAMA
  9293. png_get_asm_flagmask
  9294. png_get_asm_flags
  9295. png_get_bit_depth
  9296. png_get_bKGD
  9297. png_get_cHRM
  9298. png_get_cHRM_fixed
  9299. png_get_color_type
  9300. png_get_compression_buffer_size
  9301. png_get_compression_type
  9302. png_get_copyright
  9303. png_get_error_ptr
  9304. png_get_filter_type
  9305. png_get_gAMA
  9306. png_get_gAMA_fixed
  9307. png_get_header_ver
  9308. png_get_header_version
  9309. png_get_hIST
  9310. png_get_channels
  9311. png_get_iCCP
  9312. png_get_IHDR
  9313. png_get_image_height
  9314. png_get_image_width
  9315. png_get_interlace_type
  9316. png_get_int_32
  9317. png_get_io_ptr
  9318. png_get_libpng_ver
  9319. png_get_mem_ptr
  9320. png_get_mmx_bitdepth_threshold
  9321. png_get_mmx_flagmask
  9322. png_get_mmx_rowbytes_threshold
  9323. png_get_oFFs
  9324. png_get_pCAL
  9325. png_get_pHYs
  9326. png_get_pixel_aspect_ratio
  9327. png_get_pixels_per_meter
  9328. png_get_PLTE
  9329. png_get_rgb_to_gray_status
  9330. png_get_rowbytes
  9331. png_get_rows
  9332. png_get_sBIT
  9333. png_get_sCAL
  9334. png_get_signature
  9335. png_get_sPLT
  9336. png_get_sRGB
  9337. png_get_text
  9338. png_get_tIME
  9339. png_get_tRNS
  9340. png_get_uint_16
  9341. png_get_uint_31
  9342. png_get_uint_32
  9343. png_get_unknown_chunks
  9344. png_get_user_height_max
  9345. png_get_user_chunk_ptr
  9346. png_get_user_transform_ptr
  9347. png_get_user_width_max
  9348. png_get_valid
  9349. png_get_x_offset_microns
  9350. png_get_x_offset_pixels
  9351. png_get_x_pixels_per_meter
  9352. png_get_y_offset_microns
  9353. png_get_y_offset_pixels
  9354. png_get_y_pixels_per_meter
  9355. png_handle_as_unknown
  9356. png_handle_bKGD
  9357. png_handle_cHRM
  9358. png_handle_gAMA
  9359. png_handle_hIST
  9360. png_handle_iCCP
  9361. png_handle_IEND
  9362. png_handle_IHDR
  9363. png_handle_oFFs
  9364. png_handle_pCAL
  9365. png_handle_pHYs
  9366. png_handle_PLTE
  9367. png_handle_sBIT
  9368. png_handle_sCAL
  9369. png_handle_sPLT
  9370. png_handle_sRGB
  9371. png_handle_tEXt
  9372. png_handle_tIME
  9373. png_handle_tRNS
  9374. png_handle_unknown
  9375. png_handle_zTXt
  9376. png_hIST
  9377. png_check_chunk_name
  9378. png_check_sig
  9379. png_chunk_error
  9380. png_chunk_warning
  9381. png_iCCP
  9382. png_IDAT
  9383. png_IEND
  9384. png_IHDR
  9385. png_info_destroy
  9386. png_info_init
  9387. png_info_init_3
  9388. png_init_io
  9389. png_init_mmx_flags
  9390. png_init_read_transformations
  9391. png_iTXt
  9392. PNG: jmp received an error: 1
  9393. PNG: jmp received an error: 2
  9394. png_libpng_ver
  9395. png_malloc
  9396. png_malloc_default
  9397. png_malloc_warn
  9398. png_memcpy_check
  9399. png_memset_check
  9400. png_mmx_support
  9401. png_oFFs
  9402. png_pass_dsp_mask
  9403. png_pass_inc
  9404. png_pass_mask
  9405. png_pass_start
  9406. png_pass_yinc
  9407. png_pass_ystart
  9408. png_pCAL
  9409. png_permit_empty_plte
  9410. png_permit_mng_features
  9411. png_pHYs
  9412. png_PLTE
  9413. PNG: Png stream is corrupted
  9414. PNG: Png structure pointer is invalid
  9415. png_read_buf_fn
  9416. png_read_data
  9417. png_read_destroy
  9418. png_read_end
  9419. png_read_filter_row
  9420. png_read_finish_row
  9421. png_read_image
  9422. png_read_info
  9423. png_read_init
  9424. png_read_init_2
  9425. png_read_init_3
  9426. png_read_png
  9427. png_read_row
  9428. png_read_rows
  9429. png_read_start_row
  9430. png_read_transform_info
  9431. png_read_update_info
  9432. png_reset_crc
  9433. png_reset_zstream
  9434. png_sBIT
  9435. png_sCAL
  9436. png_set_add_alpha
  9437. png_set_asm_flags
  9438. png_set_background
  9439. png_set_bgr
  9440. png_set_bKGD
  9441. png_set_cHRM
  9442. png_set_cHRM_fixed
  9443. png_set_compression_buffer_size
  9444. png_set_crc_action
  9445. png_set_dither
  9446. png_set_error_fn
  9447. png_set_expand
  9448. png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8
  9449. png_set_filler
  9450. png_set_gAMA
  9451. png_set_gAMA_fixed
  9452. png_set_gamma
  9453. png_set_gray_to_rgb
  9454. png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8
  9455. png_set_hIST
  9456. png_set_iCCP
  9457. png_set_IHDR
  9458. png_set_interlace_handling
  9459. png_set_invalid
  9460. png_set_invert_alpha
  9461. png_set_invert_mono
  9462. png_set_keep_unknown_chunks
  9463. png_set_mem_fn
  9464. png_set_mmx_thresholds
  9465. png_set_oFFs
  9466. png_set_packing
  9467. png_set_packswap
  9468. png_set_palette_to_rgb
  9469. png_set_pCAL
  9470. png_set_pHYs
  9471. png_set_PLTE
  9472. png_set_read_fn
  9473. png_set_read_status_fn
  9474. png_set_read_user_chunk_fn
  9475. png_set_read_user_transform_fn
  9476. png_set_rgb_to_gray
  9477. png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed
  9478. png_set_rows
  9479. png_set_sBIT
  9480. png_set_sCAL
  9481. png_set_shift
  9482. png_set_sig_bytes
  9483. png_set_sPLT
  9484. png_set_sRGB
  9485. png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM
  9486. png_set_strip_alpha
  9487. png_set_strip_error_numbers
  9488. png_set_strip_16
  9489. png_set_swap
  9490. png_set_swap_alpha
  9491. png_set_text
  9492. png_set_text_2
  9493. png_set_tIME
  9494. png_set_tRNS
  9495. png_set_tRNS_to_alpha
  9496. png_set_unknown_chunk_location
  9497. png_set_unknown_chunks
  9498. png_set_user_limits
  9499. png_set_user_transform_info
  9500. png_sig
  9501. png_sig_cmp
  9502. png_sPLT
  9503. png_sRGB
  9504. png_start_read_image
  9505. PNG: Stream has no requested bytes. Read: %d. Size: %d. Requested: %d
  9506. PNG: Stream is not initialized
  9507. png_tEXt
  9508. png_tIME
  9509. png_tRNS
  9510. PNG unsigned integer out of range.
  9511. png_warning
  9512. png_zalloc
  9513. png_zfree
  9514. png_zTXt
  9515. poi_copy_focus
  9516. poi_copy_selection
  9517. poi_display
  9518. poi_display
  9519. poi_get_address
  9520. poi_get_focus
  9521. poi_get_focus_position
  9522. poi_get_gps_position
  9523. poi_get_line
  9524. poi_get_nodes
  9525. poi_get_orientation
  9526. poi_get_position
  9527. poi_init
  9528. poi_nearby
  9529. PoiNearBy
  9530. POI nearby
  9531. PoiNearByTimeout
  9532. Point
  9533. point_by_id
  9534. point_by_id
  9535. point_cache_scale_factor
  9536. point_cache_square
  9537. point_cache_square_position_x
  9538. point_cache_square_position_y
  9539. point_count
  9540. pointer_cancel_dragging
  9541. pointer_enable_double_click
  9542. pointer_force_click
  9543. pointer_initialize
  9544. pointer_is_down
  9545. pointer_long_click_expired
  9546. pointer_position
  9547. pointer_register_double_click
  9548. pointer_register_drag_end
  9549. pointer_register_drag_motion
  9550. pointer_register_drag_start
  9551. pointer_register_enter_key_press
  9552. pointer_register_long_click
  9553. pointer_register_pressed
  9554. pointer_register_released
  9555. pointer_register_short_click
  9556. pointer_register_swipe_left2
  9557. pointer_register_swipe_right2
  9558. pointer_register_tap3
  9559. Pointers count is greater than the target list, ignoring last pointers
  9560. pointer_unregister_double_click
  9561. pointer_unregister_drag_end
  9562. pointer_unregister_drag_motion
  9563. pointer_unregister_drag_start
  9564. pointer_unregister_long_click
  9565. pointer_unregister_pressed
  9566. pointer_unregister_released
  9567. pointer_unregister_short_click
  9568. point_position
  9569. point_position
  9570. point_position
  9571. point_position
  9572. point_position
  9573. point_position
  9574. point_position
  9575. point_position
  9576. point_position
  9577. point_position
  9578. point_position
  9579. point_position
  9580. point_position
  9581. point_position
  9582. point_position
  9583. point_position
  9584. point_position
  9585. points!
  9586. Points:
  9587. POINT_SIZE
  9588. POINT_SIZE
  9589. points_mark
  9590. Points Per Distance
  9591. Points Update Time Stamp
  9592. point_tex
  9593. poi_query_focus_changed
  9594. poi_query_focus_moved
  9595. poi_query_refresh
  9596. poi_remove
  9597. poi_remove
  9598. poi_restore_focus
  9599. poi_set_action
  9600. poi_set_animation
  9601. poi_set_focus
  9602. poi_set_gps_and_nodes_position
  9603. poi_set_gps_position
  9604. poi_set_line
  9605. poi_set_position
  9606. poi_set_rotate
  9607. poi_set_scale
  9608. poi_stop
  9609. Police
  9610. Police Alert Distace
  9611. Police (hidden)
  9612. police reported ahead
  9613. Police traps
  9614. Police (visible)
  9615. polygon_category
  9616. polygon_count
  9617. polygon_edges
  9618. polygon_name
  9619. Poor GPS reception
  9620. _populate_list_data
  9621. popup
  9622. Popup Enabled
  9623. pop_up_has_comments
  9624. Popup Number of Seconds
  9625. Pop-up reports
  9626. Popups
  9627. Position
  9628. position: %s is too long
  9629. PossibleRouteColor
  9630. POST
  9631. PostAlertComment,%d,%s,%s,%s
  9632. PostAlertCommentRes
  9633. PostAlertCommentRes
  9634. PostAlertCommentRes
  9635. Posting download request for capabilities. Url: %s
  9636. Posting download request for tts language: %s
  9637. postLongMessageIcon
  9638. postLongMessagePoints
  9639. postMessage
  9640. postMessageIcon
  9641. PostNativeMessage
  9642. postscript-cmaps
  9643. postscript-cmaps
  9644. postscript-cmaps
  9645. postscript-cmaps
  9646. postscript-cmaps
  9647. postscript-cmaps
  9648. postscript-font-name
  9649. postscript-font-name
  9650. postscript-font-name
  9651. postscript-font-name
  9652. postscript-font-name
  9653. postscript-font-name
  9654. postscript-info
  9655. postscript-info
  9656. postscript-info
  9657. postscript-info
  9658. Post to Facebook
  9659. Potential overflow in png_zalloc()
  9660. Pothole
  9661. Pothole on road
  9662. powder blue
  9663. PowderBlue
  9664. power_initialize
  9665. power_initialize
  9666. power_monitor
  9667. power_response_waiter_warn_2
  9668. PowerVR SGX 530
  9669. p^ph
  9670. p?pXpvp
  9671. p#p2
  9672. P#P7
  9673. pqgjy
  9674. pragma cache size
  9675. PRAGMA cache_size = 2000
  9676. pragma count changes off
  9677. PRAGMA count_changes = OFF
  9678. pragma encoding
  9679. PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8'
  9680. pragma page size
  9681. PRAGMA page_size = 8192
  9682. pragma synchronous off
  9683. PRAGMA synchronous = OFF
  9684. pragma temp storage memory
  9685. PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY
  9686. Preferences and Privacy
  9687. Prefer goodie munching
  9688. Preferred gas type
  9689. Preferred station
  9690. Prefer same street
  9691. Prefer unknown directions
  9692. Prefix Filter List
  9693. _preload_cb
  9694. _preload_command_tree
  9695. Preloading asr actions... TTS Voice id: %s
  9696. Preloading asr commands... TTS Voice id: %s
  9697. Preloading tts for node: %s
  9698. Preload status %d for application text: %s
  9699. Prepare
  9700. prepare_for_upload
  9701. _prepare_nav_voice
  9702. PreparePoi
  9703. _prepare_voice
  9704. Preparing export data...
  9705. Preparing files for upload...
  9706. Preparing navigation voice
  9707. preparing the SQLITE statement
  9708. Pretty Lines when Dragging
  9709. Prevent Auto-Lock
  9710. preview
  9711. Preview
  9712. preview_navigate
  9713. PreviewPage
  9714. Previous real time alert
  9715. Previous 'refresh tiles' request still in progress.
  9716. prev_real_time_alerts
  9717. price
  9718. Price
  9719. priceformat
  9720. priceunit
  9721. Primary
  9722. primium_mood_to_string
  9723. privacy_settings
  9724. Privacy settings
  9725. privacy_state
  9726. Private
  9727. Private message
  9728. Problem loading menu file %s
  9729. /proc/%d/maps
  9730. Proceed to highlighted route
  9731. process_attribute
  9732. process_attribute() - Invalid attribute pair %d,%s
  9733. _process_cached
  9734. _process_command
  9735. _process_error
  9736. _process_gps_fix
  9737. Processing action: %s, provided in url: %s
  9738. Processing tile data of %d bytes
  9739. Processing url: %s
  9740. _process_lost_fix
  9741. _process_map_data
  9742. _process_network_fix
  9743. _process_received
  9744. _process_received
  9745. product
  9746. product
  9747. production
  9748. product_search_get_default_product
  9749. product_search_get_default_product
  9750. productsupdateable
  9751. Profile
  9752. ProfilePicArrowFB
  9753. ProfilePicArrowFof
  9754. Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
  9755. Progress status
  9756. promotionurl
  9757. promotionurlappendclientdata
  9758. Prompt file not found %s
  9759. prompt_list.txt
  9760. prompt_list.txt not found.
  9761. Prompt response
  9762. Prompts
  9763. prompts.conf
  9764. prompts_conf_load
  9765. prompts.conf not found.
  9766. prompts_download
  9767. prompts_download_watchdog_timer
  9768. Prompt set
  9769. prompts_exist
  9770. prompts_file_exist
  9771. prompts_file_exist_and_not_empty
  9772. prompts_get_count
  9773. prompts_get_label
  9774. prompts_get_labels
  9775. prompts_get_name
  9776. prompts_get_prompt_value
  9777. prompts_get_prompt_value_from_name
  9778. prompts_get_values
  9779. prompts_init
  9780. Prompt %s is not defined, switching to english
  9781. prompts_login_cb
  9782. prompts_login_cb
  9783. prompts_set_name
  9784. prompts_set_update_time
  9785. Prompts volume
  9786. Prompts Volume
  9787. properties
  9788. Properties
  9789. Proto
  9790. protobuf_c_buffer_simple_append
  9791. protobuf_c_default_allocator
  9792. protobuf_c_enum_descriptor_get_value
  9793. protobuf_c_enum_descriptor_get_value_by_name
  9794. protobuf_c_message_descriptor_get_field
  9795. protobuf_c_message_descriptor_get_field_by_name
  9796. protobuf_c_message_free_unpacked
  9797. protobuf_c_message_get_packed_size
  9798. protobuf_c_message_pack
  9799. protobuf_c_message_pack_to_buffer
  9800. protobuf_c_message_unpack
  9801. protobuf_c_out_of_memory
  9802. protobuf_c_service_descriptor_get_method_by_name
  9803. protobuf_c_service_destroy
  9804. protobuf_c_service_generated_init
  9805. protobuf_c_system_allocator
  9806. Protocol
  9807. Protocol not supported '%s'
  9808. Protocol Ver
  9809. ProtoSearchResponse
  9810. provider
  9811. _provider_ctx_allocate
  9812. Provider Icon
  9813. Provider Label
  9815. Provider Logo
  9816. provider=%s
  9817. provider=%s&category=%s&old_mobile_format=false&v=2&format=PROTO
  9818. Providers config update time
  9819. Provider Search
  9820. provider_search_can_show_on_map
  9821. provider_search_cat_menu_icon
  9822. provider_search_format_price
  9823. provider_search_format_price
  9824. provider_search_format_price_force
  9825. provider_search_format_price_force
  9826. provider_search_format_prod_price
  9827. provider_search_format_prod_price_force
  9828. provider_search_get_brands
  9829. provider_search_get_brands
  9830. provider_search_get_category_count
  9831. provider_search_get_category_ids
  9832. provider_search_get_category_labels
  9833. provider_search_get_category_menu_icons
  9834. provider_search_get_conf_url
  9835. provider_search_get_on_map_params
  9836. provider_search_get_price_format
  9837. provider_search_get_price_format
  9838. provider_search_get_prod_price_format
  9839. provider_search_get_product_count
  9840. provider_search_get_product_labels
  9841. provider_search_get_products
  9842. provider_search_get_products
  9843. provider_search_get_provider_count
  9844. provider_search_get_provider_count_cat
  9845. provider_search_get_provider_ids
  9846. provider_search_get_provider_ids_cat
  9847. provider_search_get_provider_ids_cat_string
  9848. provider_search_get_provider_ids_string
  9849. provider_search_get_provider_labels
  9850. provider_search_get_provider_labels_cat
  9851. provider_search_get_regular_params
  9852. provider_search_get_route_params
  9853. provider_search_get_sort
  9854. provider_search_get_updateable_provider_id
  9855. provider_search_get_updateable_provider_id
  9856. provider_search_get_update_params
  9857. provider_search_init
  9858. provider_search_is_gas_stations_enabled
  9859. provider_search_is_gas_stations_update_enabled
  9860. provider_search_is_updateable
  9861. provider_search_product_nearby
  9862. provider_search_product_nearby
  9863. provider_search_product_update
  9864. provider_search_provider_icon
  9866. provider_search_set_config_update_time
  9867. provider_search_set_sort
  9868. provider_search_set_user_brand
  9869. provider_search_set_user_product
  9870. provider_search_shift_coordinates
  9871. provider_search_user_brand
  9872. provider_search_user_product
  9873. provider_search_user_product_label
  9874. provider=%s&old_mobile_format=false&v=1
  9875. Proximity activation
  9876. prxz
  9877. prxz
  9878. %!PS-AdobeFont
  9879. %!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CIDFont
  9880. psag
  9881. psaux
  9882. psaux
  9883. psaux
  9884. psaux
  9885. psaux_module_class
  9886. pshinter
  9887. pshinter
  9888. pshinter
  9889. pshinter
  9890. pshinter_module_class
  9891. ps_hints_apply
  9892. Psmall
  9893. psnames
  9894. psnames_module_class
  9895. ps_parser_funcs
  9896. ps_table_funcs
  9897. %!PS-TrueTypeFont
  9898. pthread_attr_init
  9899. pthread_attr_init.
  9900. pthread_attr_setschedparam
  9901. pthread_attr_setschedparam.
  9902. pthread_cond_destroy
  9903. pthread_cond_init
  9904. pthread_cond_signal
  9905. pthread_cond_timedwait
  9906. pthread_cond_wait
  9907. pthread_create
  9908. pthread_create.
  9909. pthread_exit
  9910. pthread_join
  9911. pthread_kill
  9912. pthread_mutex_destroy
  9913. pthread_mutex_init
  9914. pthread_mutex_lock
  9915. pthread_mutex_unlock
  9916. pthread_self
  9917. ,P,T,X,\,`,d,h3
  9918. Publish Access Permissions
  9919. publish_actions
  9920. publish_actions|email|user_events|read_friendlists|user_birthday|user_location
  9921. Publish Signup
  9922. Purge
  9923. purgelogfile
  9924. Purge Log File
  9925. purge_old_favorites
  9926. purple
  9927. purple1
  9928. purple2
  9929. purple3
  9930. purple4
  9931. &purpose=update
  9932. push_notification_change_state
  9933. PushNotificationChangeState
  9934. push_notification_init
  9935. push_notifications_get_is_enable
  9936. push_notifications_pending
  9937. push_notifications_set_pending
  9938. push_notifications_set_token
  9939. push_notifications_token
  9940. push_notifications_ua_password
  9941. push_notifications_ua_username
  9942. putchar
  9943. pxam
  9944. p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy
  9945. p0r21436x8zb9dcf5h7kjnmqesgutwvy
  9946. P@2 `
  9947. P@2 p
  9948. Qgfff
  9949. Qgfff
  9950. QhjH
  9951. q q)
  9952. q]qf
  9953. =Q@QL
  9954. q?qNqVqr
  9955. QRQY
  9956. Qsmall
  9957. q=%s&mobile=true&max_results=%d&server_cookie=%s&version=%s&lang=%s&sessionid=%d&username=%s
  9958. qsort
  9959. Q,T6
  9960. QUAD_WIDTH
  9961. Quality
  9962. question
  9963. questiondown
  9964. questiondownsmall
  9965. questionsmall
  9966. queue
  9967. queue_callback
  9968. Queued lang
  9969. Queued tile %d at slot %d (position %d) with priority %d version %d Status:%d
  9970. _queue_one
  9971. _queue_tile
  9972. Quick actions
  9973. quickmenu
  9974. Quick Settings
  9975. quick_settins_exit
  9976. quit
  9977. Quit
  9978. Quit Waze
  9979. quotedbl
  9980. quotedblbase
  9981. quotedblleft
  9982. quotedblright
  9983. quoteleft
  9984. quoteright
  9985. quotesinglbase
  9986. quotesingle
  9987. &q&x
  9988. QZ^&
  9989. Q0QnQ
  9990. Q333333
  9991. Q7Qc
  9992. |-|r|
  9993. radical
  9994. Radius
  9995. Rain
  9996. raise
  9997. Ramps
  9998. Random user
  9999. range_get_address
  10000. range_get_address
  10001. range_get_street
  10002. Rank
  10003. Rank and points : N/A
  10004. raster1
  10005. raster5
  10006. Rate
  10007. Rate us
  10008. Rate us min period
  10009. Rate us shown
  10010. Rate us time
  10011. Rate us ver
  10012. rava
  10013. ravc0@-
  10014. ravg
  10015. ravgravf
  10016. RAW_ASCENT
  10021. RAW_DESCENT
  10022. RAW_END_SPACE
  10024. Raw GPS is OFF
  10025. Raw GPS is ON
  10026. RAW_MAX_SPACE
  10027. RAW_MIN_SPACE
  10045. RAW_X_HEIGHT
  10046. <R<\<b<i
  10047. <RC:%d>
  10048. Read Access Permissions
  10049. _read_conf_file
  10050. readdir
  10051. ReadDoubleFromString
  10052. Read Error
  10053. ReadIntFromString
  10054. ReadInt64FromString
  10055. read_png_file
  10056. read_png_file
  10057. [read_png_file] Buffer is empty for image: %s
  10058. Ready to go?
  10059. Reached maximum number of compass listeners. Cannot register callback: 0x%x
  10060. Reached maximum number of position listeners. Cannot register callback: 0x%x
  10061. Reached maximum number of satellite listeners. Cannot register callback: 0x%x
  10062. Reached maximum number of track points (%d)
  10063. Reached max screen objects (%d)
  10064. Reached max screenshots
  10065. Realtime
  10066. RealTime
  10067. Realtime_AbortTransaction
  10068. Realtime_AddonState
  10069. RealTimeAlertProvider
  10070. Realtime_Alert_ReportAtLocation
  10071. RealtimeAlerts
  10072. Real Time Alerts
  10073. RealTimeAlerts
  10074. real_time_alerts_list_group
  10075. RealtimeAlerts_on_popup_close
  10076. Realtime_AllowPing
  10077. Realtime_AllowPrivatePing
  10078. RealtimeAltRoutes_Add_Route
  10079. RealtimeAltRoutes_Add_Route
  10080. RealtimeAltRoutes_Add_Route - cannot add route. route is NULL
  10081. RealtimeAltRoutes_Add_Route - cannot add route. table is full
  10082. RealtimeAltRoutes_Add_Route - id=%d, name=%s
  10083. RealtimeAltRoutes_AlternativesClosed
  10084. RealtimeAltRoutes_Clear
  10085. RealtimeAltRoutes_Count
  10086. RealtimeAltRoutes_Get_Num_Routes
  10087. RealtimeAltRoutes_Get_Record
  10088. RealtimeAltRoutes_Get_Record_By_Trip
  10089. RealtimeAltRoutes_Get_Route_Result
  10090. RealtimeAltRoutes_Init_Record
  10091. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteResults
  10092. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteResults
  10093. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteResults %d
  10094. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteResults failed rc=%d
  10095. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteSegments
  10096. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteSegments
  10097. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteSegments
  10098. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnRouteSegments - Navigation cancelled
  10099. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteRC
  10100. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteRC
  10101. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteRC - %s (rc=%d)
  10102. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteResults
  10103. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteResults
  10104. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteResults failed rc=%d
  10105. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteSegments
  10106. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteSegments
  10107. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteSegments
  10108. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnTripRouteSegments - Navigation cancelled
  10109. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteRC
  10110. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteRC
  10111. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteRC - %s (rc=%d)
  10112. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteResults
  10113. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteResults
  10114. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteResults %d
  10115. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteResults failed rc=%d
  10116. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteSegments
  10117. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteSegments
  10118. RealtimeAltRoutes_OnWaypointRouteSegments
  10119. RealtimeAltRoutes_Route_CancelRequest
  10120. RealtimeAltRoutes_Route_Exist
  10121. RealtimeAltRoutes_Route_Request
  10122. RealtimeAltRoutes_TripRoute_Request
  10123. RealtimeAltRoutes_Waypoints_Request
  10124. Realtime_AnonymousMsg
  10125. RealTime_Auth
  10126. RealTimeBonus
  10127. RealtimeBonus_Add
  10128. RealtimeBonus_Add
  10129. RealtimeBonus_Add() - Failed (Table is full)
  10130. RealtimeBonus_Add() - radius or num points were not given (bonusId=%d, points=%d, radius=%d)
  10131. RealtimeBonus_Add() - Template record (%d) not found for bonus ID=%d
  10132. RealtimeBonus_Animate_Pacman
  10133. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Add
  10134. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Add
  10135. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Add() - Failed (Table is full)
  10136. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Count
  10137. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Delete
  10138. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Exists
  10139. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Get
  10140. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Get_Record
  10141. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_Init
  10142. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_IsEmpty
  10143. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_RemoveFromTable
  10144. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_RemoveFromTable
  10145. RealtimeBonus_BonusTemplate_RemoveFromTable - Id not found (id =%d)
  10146. RealtimeBonusBuildUrl
  10147. RealtimeBonus_CollectedPointsConfirmed
  10148. RealtimeBonus_CollectedPointsConfirmed
  10149. RealtimeBonus_CollectedPointsRes() - Failed (id =%d, points = %d)
  10150. RealtimeBonus_CollectedPointsRes() - (id =%d, points = %d)
  10151. RealtimeBonus_CollectedPointsRes() - Unknown type = %d (ID=%d)
  10152. RealtimeBonus_Count
  10153. RealtimeBonus_CreateGUIID
  10154. RealtimeBonus_Delete
  10155. RealtimeBonus_distance_check
  10156. RealtimeBonus_Exists
  10157. RealtimeBonus_FloatingPopUp
  10158. RealtimeBonus_Get
  10159. RealtimeBonus_Get_Distance
  10160. RealtimeBonus_Get_Icon_Name
  10161. RealtimeBonus_Get_Id
  10162. RealtimeBonus_get_location_info
  10163. RealtimeBonus_Get_NumberOfPoints
  10164. RealtimeBonus_Get_Position
  10165. RealtimeBonus_get_priority
  10166. RealtimeBonus_Get_Record
  10167. RealtimeBonus_Get_Speed
  10168. RealtimeBonus_Get_Token
  10169. RealtimeBonus_Get_Type
  10170. RealtimeBonus_HandleEvent
  10171. RealtimeBonus_HandleEvent
  10172. RealtimeBonus_Check_Same_Street
  10173. RealtimeBonus_Init
  10174. RealtimeBonus_Is_Alertable
  10175. RealtimeBonus_IsEmpty
  10176. RealtimeBonus_is_square_dependent
  10177. RealtimeBonus_OpenMessageTicker
  10178. RealtimeBonus_OpenMessageTicker
  10179. RealtimeBonus_OpenMessageTicker() - (points = %d, title=%s, text=%s, icon=%s)
  10180. RealtimeBonus_PopUp
  10181. RealtimeBonus_Record_Init
  10182. RealtimeBonus_RemoveFromTable
  10183. RealtimeBonus_RemoveFromTable
  10184. RealtimeBonus_RemoveFromTable - Id not found (id =%d)
  10185. RealTimeBonus_SegmentChangedCB
  10186. RealTimeBonus_SegmentChangedCB
  10187. RealTimeBonus_SegmentChangedCB - line invalid (id =%d, square = %d)
  10188. RealtimeBonus_Term
  10189. Realtime_CollectBonus
  10190. Realtime_CollectBonus
  10191. Realtime_CollectBonus()
  10192. Realtime_CollectBonus() - failed
  10193. Realtime_CollectCustomBonus
  10194. Realtime_CollectCustomBonus
  10195. Realtime_CollectCustomBonus()
  10196. Realtime_CollectCustomBonus() - failed
  10197. Realtime_ConnectNow
  10198. Realtime_CreateAccount
  10199. Realtime_Debug
  10200. Realtime_Debug
  10201. RealtimeDebug_ForceEtaChange
  10202. RealtimeDebug_ForceReroute
  10203. RealtimeDebug_ForceSuggestRoute
  10204. Realtime_Debug() - '%s'
  10205. Realtime_Debug() - '%s' failed
  10206. RealtimeDebug_ShowUserInfo
  10207. RealtimeDebug_State
  10208. Realtime_DebugToolsEnable
  10209. Realtime_DebugToolsEnabled
  10210. Realtime_DumpOffline
  10211. Realtime_Editor_ExportMarkers
  10212. Realtime_Editor_ExportSegments
  10213. Realtime_Echo
  10214. Realtime_Echo
  10215. Realtime_Echo() - '%s'
  10216. Realtime_Echo() - '%s' failed
  10218. RealtimeExternalPoi
  10219. RealtimeExternalPoi_BuildUrl
  10220. RealtimeExternalPoi_%d_Big
  10221. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayedList_get_ID
  10222. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList
  10223. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList
  10224. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList_add_ID
  10225. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList_clear
  10226. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList_Count
  10227. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList_get_ID
  10228. RealtimeExternalPoi_DisplayList_IsEmpty
  10229. RealtimeExternalPoi_%d_Small
  10230. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Add
  10231. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Add
  10232. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Add - Failed to add entry (entry is NULL)
  10233. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Add - Failed to add entry (Table is full with %d entries)
  10234. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Add - Failed to add entry (Type %d is not defined)
  10235. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Add - id=%d,lat=%d,lon=%d,type=%d
  10236. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Count
  10237. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_GetById
  10238. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_GetIndexById
  10239. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Init
  10240. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_IsEmpty
  10241. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Remove
  10242. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Remove
  10243. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Remove - Failed to find external POI for id =%d
  10244. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Remove - id =%d
  10245. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoi_Remove - (2) Failed to find external POI for id =%d
  10246. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Add
  10247. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Add
  10248. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Add - Failed to add entry (entry is NULL)
  10249. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Add - Failed to add entry (Table is full with %d entries)
  10250. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Add - id=%d,snall_icon=%s,large_icon=%s,size=%d, zoom_big=%d, zoom_sml=%d
  10251. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Count
  10252. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_GetById
  10253. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_Init
  10254. RealtimeExternalPoi_ExternalPoiType_IsEmpty
  10255. RealtimeExternalPoi_FeatureEnabled
  10256. RealtimeExternalPoi_GetMyCouponsUrl
  10257. RealtimeExternalPoi_GetUrl
  10258. RealtimeExternalPoi_Init
  10259. RealtimeExternalPoi_Is_Promotion
  10260. RealtimeExternalPoi_IsPromotionsScrolling
  10261. RealtimeExternalPoi.is_visible -(poi is NULL)
  10262. RealtimeExternalPoi_MyCouponsDlg
  10263. RealtimeExternalPoi_MyCouponsDlg.append_current_location::no location used
  10264. RealtimeExternalPoi_MyCouponsEnabled
  10265. RealtimeExternalPoi_NearbyCouponsAndGamesDlg
  10266. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_add_ID
  10267. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_add_ID
  10268. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_add_ID Display list is full
  10269. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_clear
  10270. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_Count
  10271. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_Init
  10272. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_IsEmpty
  10273. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_DisplayedList_IsEmpty(PRE) - 'SendMessage_NodePath()' had failed
  10274. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnInfoPressed
  10275. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnInfoPressed
  10276. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnInfoPressed NotifyOnPromotionPopUp - external POI DB id =%d, PromotionID=%d
  10277. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnNavigate
  10278. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnNavigate
  10279. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier NotifyOnNavigate - external POI DB =id =%d
  10280. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnPopUp
  10281. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnPopUp
  10282. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier NotifyOnPopUp - external POI DB id =%d, promotion ID=%d
  10283. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  10284. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier_NotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  10285. RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier NotifyOnPromotionPopUp - external POI DB id =%d, PromotionID=%d
  10286. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnInfoPressed
  10287. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnInfoPressed
  10288. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnInfoPressed - failed
  10289. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnNavigate
  10290. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnNavigate
  10291. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnNavigate - failed
  10292. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp
  10293. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp
  10294. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp - failed
  10295. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  10296. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  10297. Realtime_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp - failed
  10298. RealtimeExternalPoi_OnShowPoiNearByPressed
  10299. RealtimeExternalPoi_OnShowPoiNearByPressedPopUp
  10300. RealtimeExternalPoi_PopedUpList_add_ID
  10301. RealtimeExternalPoi_PopedUpList_Count
  10302. RealtimeExternalPoi_PopedUpList_ID_Displayed
  10303. RealtimeExternalPoi_PopedUpList_IsEmpty
  10304. RealtimeExternalPoi_PopupEnabled
  10305. RealtimeExternalPoi_PreloadList_add_ID
  10306. RealtimeExternalPoi_PreloadList_Count
  10307. RealtimeExternalPoi_PreloadList_ID_Preloaded
  10308. RealtimeExternalPoi_PreloadList_IsEmpty
  10309. RealtimeExternalPoi_RemovePoiObject - id =%d
  10310. RealtimeExternalPoi_Reset
  10311. RealtimeExternalPoi_SetScrolling
  10312. RealtimeExternalPoi_ShowPromotions
  10313. RealtimeExternalPoi_StopPromotionScrolling
  10314. RealtimeExternalPoi_Term
  10315. RealtimeExternalPoi_UpdateDisplayList
  10316. Realtime_FacebookConnect
  10317. Realtime_FacebookConnect
  10318. Realtime_FacebookDisconnect
  10319. Realtime_FacebookDisconnect
  10320. Realtime_FaceBookFriends
  10321. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsCount
  10322. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsDrivingToSameDest
  10323. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsDrivingToSameDestCount
  10324. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsDrivingToSameDestSortedByETA
  10325. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsOfFriends
  10326. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsOfFriendsDrivingToSameDest
  10327. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsOfFriendsDrivingToSameDestCount
  10328. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsOfFriendsDrivingToSameDestSortedByETA
  10329. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsOnline
  10330. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsOnlineCount
  10331. Realtime_FaceBookFriendsSortedByOnline
  10332. Realtime_FacebookPermissions
  10333. Realtime_FacebookPermissions
  10334. Realtime_FacebookPermissions - failed
  10335. Realtime_FacebookUpdateToken
  10336. Realtime_FacebookUpdateToken
  10337. Realtime_FoursquareConnect
  10338. Realtime_FoursquareCheckin
  10339. Realtime_FoursquareSearch
  10340. Realtime_FriendsOfFriendsCount
  10341. Realtime_GetDisplayName
  10342. Realtime_GetGeoConfig
  10343. Realtime_GetInboxCredentials
  10344. Realtime_GetInboxCredentials
  10345. Realtime_GetJoinDate
  10346. Realtime_GetJoinedStr
  10347. Realtime_GetKeepALiveRateRateinMilliseconds
  10348. Realtime_GetKeepALiveRateRateinMilliseconds
  10349. RealTime_GetMaxServerProtocol
  10350. RealTime_GetMyRanking
  10351. RealTime_GetMyTotalPoints
  10352. Realtime_GetNickName
  10353. Realtime_GetPassword
  10354. Realtime_GetPassword
  10355. Realtime_GetRefreshRateinMilliseconds
  10356. Realtime_GetServerCookie
  10357. Realtime_GetServerId
  10358. Realtime_GetServerVersion
  10359. Realtime_GetUserId
  10360. RealTime_GetUserName
  10361. Realtime_GuestUserMsg
  10362. Realtime_CheckDumpOfflineAfterCrash
  10363. Realtime_Initialize
  10364. 'Realtime_Initialize()' had failed
  10365. Realtime_IsAnonymous
  10366. Realtime_IsEnabled
  10367. Realtime_is_guest_user
  10368. Realtime_IsInTransaction
  10369. Realtime_IsInvisible
  10370. Realtime_IsLoggedIn
  10371. Realtime_IsNewbie
  10372. Realtime_is_random_user
  10373. Realtime_LoginDetailsInit
  10374. Realtime_LoginDetailsReset
  10375. RealTimeLoginState
  10376. Realtime_Logout
  10377. RealTimeMapbonusnsProvider
  10378. Realtime_MyInboxCount
  10379. Realtime_MyInboxDlg
  10380. Realtime_MyInboxFeatureEnabled
  10381. Realtime_MyInboxURL
  10382. Realtime_NotifyOnIdle
  10383. Realtime_NotifyOnLogin
  10384. Realtime_NotifyOnLogin
  10385. Realtime_NotifyOnLoginChanged
  10386. Realtime_NotifySplashUpdateTime
  10387. Realtime_NotifySplashUpdateTime
  10388. Realtime_NotifySplashUpdateTime - failed
  10389. Realtime_OfflineClose
  10390. Realtime_OfflineOpen
  10391. Realtime_OfflineWrite
  10392. Realtime_OnNodePass
  10393. Realtime_OnNodePass
  10394. Realtime_OnNodePass() - notifying server
  10395. Realtime_PinqWazer
  10396. RealtimePopUp_Init
  10397. RealtimePopUp_Register
  10398. RealtimePopUp_Register
  10399. RealtimePopUp_set_Stoped_Popups
  10400. real_time_post_alert_comment
  10401. Realtime_Post_Alert_Comment
  10402. real_time_post_alert_comment_by_alert
  10403. real_time_post_alert_comment_by_id
  10404. RealtimePrivacyInit
  10405. RealtimePrivacySettings
  10406. RealtimePrivacyState
  10407. Realtime_RandomUserRegister
  10408. Realtime_RegisterConnect
  10409. Realtime_Relogin
  10410. Realtime_Relogin
  10411. Realtime_Relogin
  10412. real_time_remove_alert
  10413. Realtime_Remove_Alert
  10414. Realtime_RemoveWazerNearby
  10415. Realtime_ReportAbuse
  10416. Realtime_ReportAbuse
  10417. Realtime_ReportAbuse (alert id =%d comment id =%d) - failed bRes=%d
  10418. Realtime_Report_Alert
  10419. Realtime_ReportEndNavigation
  10420. Realtime_ReportEndNavigation
  10421. Realtime_ReportEndNavigation()
  10422. Realtime_ReportEndNavigation(PRE) - 'Realtime_ReportEndNavigation()' had failed
  10423. Realtime_ReportEndNavigation() - Realtime service is currently disabled; Exiting method
  10424. Realtime_ReportMapProblem
  10425. Realtime_Report_Markers
  10426. Realtime_ReportOnNavigation
  10427. Realtime_ReportOnNavigation
  10428. Realtime_ReportOnNavigation()
  10429. Realtime_ReportOnNavigation(PRE) - 'RTNet_NavigateTo()' had failed
  10430. Realtime_ReportOnNavigation() - Realtime service is currently disabled; Exiting method
  10431. Realtime_Report_Segments
  10432. Realtime_ReportStat
  10433. Realtime_ReportTraffic
  10434. Realtime_RequestRoute
  10435. Realtime_RequestRoute
  10436. Realtime_RequestRoute()
  10437. Realtime_RequestRoute() - failed
  10438. RealtimeRoadToggleShowTraffic
  10439. Realtime_RouteAddWaypoints
  10440. Realtime_RouteAddWaypoints
  10441. Realtime_RouteAddWaypoints()
  10442. Realtime_RouteAddWaypoints() - failed
  10443. Realtime_SaveCurrentLoginInfo
  10444. Realtime_SaveLoginInfo
  10445. Realtime_Scoreboard_getPoints
  10446. Realtime_SelectRoute
  10447. Realtime_SelectRoute
  10448. Realtime_SelectRoute()
  10449. Realtime_SelectRoute() - failed
  10450. Realtime_SendAllStats
  10451. Realtime_SendCurrenScreenEdges
  10452. Realtime_SendCurrenScreenEdges
  10453. Realtime_SendCurrentViewDimentions
  10454. Realtime_SendCurrentViewDimentions
  10455. Realtime_SendCurrentViewDimentions(PRE) - 'RTNet_MapDisplyed()' had failed
  10456. Realtime_SendCurrentViewDimentions() - Realtime service is currently disabled; Exiting method
  10457. Realtime_SendCurrentViewDimentions() - Sending 'MapDisplayed'...
  10458. Realtime_SendCurrentViewDimentions() - Skipping operation; Current coordinates where already sent...
  10459. Realtime_SendSMS
  10460. Realtime_SendTrafficInfo
  10461. Realtime_ServiceIsActive
  10462. Realtime_SessionDetailsInit
  10463. Realtime_SessionDetailsInit()
  10464. Realtime_Set_AllowPing
  10465. Realtime_Set_AllowPrivatePing
  10466. Realtime_SetBackground
  10467. Realtime_set_guest_user
  10468. Realtime_setInvisible
  10469. Realtime_SetIsNewbie
  10470. Realtime_SetIsNewbieConfig
  10471. Realtime_SetLoginNickname
  10472. Realtime_SetLoginPassword
  10473. Realtime_SetLoginUsername
  10474. RealTime_SetMapDisplayed
  10475. Realtime_SetNetworkCycleTime
  10476. Realtime_SetNetworkCycleTime
  10477. Realtime_SetNetworkCycleTime() - Setting network cycle time to: %d sec ; notify on node pass: %d
  10478. Realtime_set_random_user
  10479. Realtime_ShowWazerNearby
  10480. Realtime_ShwoWazer
  10481. Realtime_Start
  10482. real_time_state
  10483. Realtime_Stop
  10484. Realtime_Stop
  10485. Realtime_Stop() - 'RTNet_Logout()' had failed
  10486. Realtime_TakeCoupon
  10487. Realtime_Terminate
  10488. Realtime_ThumbsUp
  10489. Realtime_ThumbsUp
  10490. Realtime_ThumbsUp (alert id =%d) - failed
  10491. Real-Time traffic:
  10492. Real-Time traffic:
  10493. Realtime_TrafficAlertFeedback
  10494. Realtime Traffic detection disabled.
  10495. RealtimeTrafficDetection_Init
  10496. RealtimeTrafficDetection_Init
  10497. Realtime Traffic detection. JAM detected on line id=%d.
  10498. Realtime Traffic detection. Not logged in.
  10499. RealtimeTrafficDetection_OnRes
  10500. RealtimeTrafficDetection_ResetDroveFlag
  10501. Realtime Traffic detection. Segment legth is to short id=%d length=%d.
  10502. RealtimeTrafficDetection_Timer
  10503. Realtime Traffic detection. We are near the destination or waypoint.
  10504. Realtime Traffic detection. We are near the end of the segment.
  10505. realtime_traffic_info_arrow
  10506. RealtimeTrafficInfoPenBad
  10507. RealtimeTrafficInfoPenGood
  10508. RealtimeTrafficInfoPenMild
  10509. RealtimeTrafficInfoPenStandStill
  10510. RealtimeTrafficInfoPluginInit
  10511. RealtimeTrafficInfoPluginTerm
  10512. RealtimeTrafficInfoState
  10513. Realtime_TripServer_CreatePOI
  10514. Realtime_TripServer_DeletePOI
  10515. Realtime_TripServer_GetNumPOIs
  10516. Realtime_TripServer_GetPOIs
  10517. Realtime_TripServer_SuggestNavigation
  10518. Realtime_TwitterConnect
  10519. Realtime_UpdateProductPrice
  10520. Realtime_UpdateProfile
  10521. RealtimeUserByID
  10522. Realtime_VerifyLoginDetails
  10523. Realtime_VerifyLoginDetails
  10524. Realtime_VerifySeeMe
  10525. Realtime_VerifySeeMe
  10526. Realtime_WazerNearbyState
  10527. recalc_alt_routes
  10528. Recalc not enabled when route receeived - looks like a bug
  10529. recalc_route
  10530. Recalculate route
  10531. Recalculating route...
  10532. Recalculating route due to map updates
  10533. Received admin message: '%s' '%s'
  10534. Received bad status: %s
  10535. Received ETA but index is out of range, search menu could be closed already
  10536. Received invalid lon/lat
  10537. Received signal %s %d. Fault address: %x. Error: %d. Code: %d. Thread: 0x%x. No context information for stack!.
  10538. Received signal %s %d. Fault address: %x. Error: %d. Code: %d. Thread: 0x%x. PC: 0x%x
  10539. Received suggested reroute due to square version mismatch after %.1f hours. Ignoring...
  10540. Received suggested reroute due to square version mismatch when not navigating
  10541. Received suggested reroute when not navigating
  10542. Receive error
  10543. Receiving packet of size %d. Connection id: %d. State: %d
  10544. Receiving route: %d segments
  10545. Receiving waypoint data: %d meters , %d seconds, index: %d
  10546. rec_end
  10547. Recent search
  10548. Recent searches
  10549. Recognized
  10551. Recommended route may take a bit more time but has less turns and junctions
  10552. Recommended routes:
  10553. recommend_rate_us
  10554. recommend_waze
  10555. Recommend Waze
  10556. Recommend Waze to a friend
  10557. RecommentToFriend
  10558. _reconnect
  10559. record
  10560. Record
  10561. Recorder Voice
  10562. recorder_voice_download
  10563. recorder_voice_download
  10564. recorder_voice_initialize
  10565. recorder_voice_shutdown
  10566. recorder_voice_upload
  10567. recorder_voice_uploader
  10568. Recording...
  10569. Recording complete
  10570. Recording in
  10571. Recording new roads:
  10572. Record new roads
  10573. record 0 is NULL
  10574. rec_start
  10575. recursive call to matcher_filter_route_start_route
  10576. Redemption Feature enabled
  10577. Red light
  10578. redlightcam
  10579. Red light cam
  10580. Red light cam ahead
  10581. redlightcam_alert
  10582. red light camera reported ahead
  10583. red_marker_small
  10584. red_tag
  10585. red_tag_cast
  10586. Reduce data usage:
  10587. red1
  10588. red2
  10589. red3
  10590. red4
  10591. re-entering navigate_route_get_segments
  10592. ref=
  10593. REFERRER
  10594. Refresh
  10595. _refresh_all_tiles
  10596. refresh_eta
  10597. refreshFacebookConnection
  10598. refreshFoursquareConnection
  10599. Refreshing all the tiles
  10600. Refreshing map tiles
  10601. Refreshing matcher pipe after update of tile %d
  10602. refreshmap
  10603. Refresh map of my area
  10604. refreshMood
  10605. refreshSinaWeiboConnection
  10606. refreshTencentWeiboConnection
  10607. RefreshTiles
  10608. RefreshTiles
  10609. RefreshTiles
  10610. refresh_tiles_callback
  10611. refreshTwitterConnection
  10612. Register
  10613. Register Account had failed with error code rc = %d
  10614. RegisterActivity
  10615. RegisterConnect,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s
  10616. RegisterConnectSuccessful
  10617. Register,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s
  10618. registered
  10619. registerFailed
  10620. Registering for login changed
  10621. Registering is super-quick and lets you enjoy all that Waze has to offer.
  10622. Registers:
  10623. RegisterSuccessful
  10624. Registration code
  10625. Registry
  10626. Regular
  10627. Regular
  10628. Regular
  10629. Regular
  10630. Regular
  10631. Regular
  10632. Regular
  10633. Regular
  10634. regularurlparams
  10635. Rejected action ! (%s)
  10638. Remember, Waze gets a whole lot more fun the more you drive, share and contribute.
  10639. Reminder saved
  10640. Remind me
  10641. Remove
  10642. Remove Alert
  10643. RemoveAlert
  10644. RemoveAlert() - Failed. ID %d not found
  10645. RemoveAlert() - Failed (List is empty). ID %d not found
  10646. remove_callback
  10647. _remove_corrupted_entries
  10648. _remove_entry_data
  10649. _remove_periodic
  10650. RemovePoiNearBy
  10651. RemovePoiObject
  10652. RemovePoiObject -(entry is NULL)
  10653. _remove_result
  10654. RemoveTask
  10655. Remove this gas type?
  10656. Removing entry with text '%s' from the cache. Slot: %d
  10657. Removing old tiles...
  10658. Removing poi %s
  10659. Removing the TTS fs database at %s
  10660. Renderer: %s. FBO supported: %d. Canvas Tile: %d. Matrix tracking: %d
  10661. Repeat reminder
  10662. Reply
  10663. reply_pop_up
  10664. Report
  10665. Report abuse
  10666. ReportAbuse,%d,%d
  10667. reportaccident
  10668. report_accident_at_screen_point
  10669. report_accident_opposite_side_at_screen_point
  10670. Report a hazard condition
  10671. report_alert
  10672. ReportAlert,%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d
  10673. ReportAlertRes
  10674. ReportAlertRes
  10675. ReportAlertRes
  10676. Report an accident
  10677. Report an incident
  10678. ReportAnonymous
  10679. Report a police
  10680. Report a traffic jam
  10681. Reported
  10682. _report_end_nav
  10683. reporthazard
  10684. reportincident
  10685. Reporting end navigation (reason %d)
  10686. ReportNickname
  10687. ReportOneMarker
  10688. reportother
  10689. Report other
  10690. reportparking
  10691. Report parking
  10692. reportpolice
  10693. ReportRmAlert,%d
  10694. Report road construction
  10695. Reports
  10696. Reports by several users will disable this user from reporting
  10697. Report sent
  10698. Report traffic
  10699. - Report traffic and events on the road
  10700. ReportTraffic,%d
  10701. reporttrafficjam
  10702. ReportTrafficRes
  10703. ReportTrafficRes
  10704. ReportTrafficRes
  10705. Requested layer draw before init !
  10706. _request_error_cb
  10707. _request_flush
  10708. RequestFlush
  10709. request_geo_config
  10710. request_id=%s&version=%d&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&content_type=%s&id=%s&text=
  10711. Requesting Geo Configuration
  10712. Requesting Geo Configuration name=%s
  10713. Requesting new route..
  10714. Requesting reroute..
  10715. Requesting reroute due to square version mismatch
  10716. *** Requesting restore fav ***
  10717. Requesting tile %d
  10718. Requesting tile %d, has time %d, need time %d
  10719. RequestOGLEvent
  10720. _request_progress_cb
  10721. RequestRender
  10722. _request_route
  10723. request_route ApltRoute is NULL
  10724. request_route for %s (id=%d)
  10725. _request_size_cb
  10726. request_speed_cam_delete
  10727. request_tile
  10728. Request URL: %s
  10729. _requeue_tile
  10730. REROUTE
  10731. res:
  10732. res:/
  10733. res_cache_get_slot
  10734. ResDataQueue_IsEmpty
  10735. ResDataQueue_IsFull
  10736. ResDataQueue_Pop
  10737. ResDataQueue_Push
  10738. ResDataQueue_Size
  10739. res_download
  10740. res_download_init
  10741. res_download_splash_url_prefix
  10742. res_download_term
  10743. ##@resetapp
  10744. Reset offline routing segment %d
  10745. ##@resetsocial
  10746. *** Resetting App ***
  10747. *** Resetting Social Wizard ***
  10748. res_get
  10749. res_get
  10750. res_initialize
  10751. res_invalidate
  10752. res_invalidate
  10753. _resize
  10754. resized to %d
  10755. ResizeWebView
  10756. ResManager
  10757. ResManager_DisposeRefs
  10758. ResManager_DownloadResCallback
  10759. ResManager_DownloadResCallback
  10760. ResManager_LoadResList
  10761. ResManager_LoadResList
  10762. ResManager_LoadSkin
  10763. ResManager_LoadSkin
  10769. _resolve
  10770. Resolve Address
  10771. resolver_addr_string
  10772. _resolver_callback
  10773. resolver_cancel
  10774. resolver_cancel
  10775. Resolver entry for %s is not busy - nothing to cancel
  10776. Resolver entry for %s is not exist - nothing to cancel
  10777. resolver_get
  10778. resolver_handler
  10779. resolver_handler
  10780. Resolver handler is called for entry %d. Domain '%s' is resolved to %s (%s) within: %d msec.
  10781. resolver_init
  10782. resolver_request
  10783. resolver_request
  10784. resolver_shutdown
  10785. .resource/
  10786. resource.frk/
  10787. ResourceName
  10788. resource %s type=%d not found.
  10789. res_shutdown
  10790. _restart_resolver
  10791. Restoration callback is undefined for image: %s
  10792. Restoration of the image is failed for image: %s. Address: %x
  10793. __restore_core_regs
  10794. ##@restorefav
  10795. Restore summary: %s
  10796. Restoring favorites...
  10797. Restrict to close friends and family only
  10798. results_bg_default
  10799. result_string
  10800. Resume in 30 seconds
  10801. Resume manually
  10802. RESUME_NAV
  10803. Resume navigation
  10804. retries_exhausted
  10805. retries_exhausted
  10806. retries_exhausted_android
  10807. retries_exhausted_android
  10808. Retry
  10809. Retry: %d. Restarted resolver thread %d with result %d. Domain '%s'.
  10810. Retry #%d. Timeout: %d. Connection id: %d.
  10811. Returning string result: %s
  10812. revolution
  10813. rev180
  10814. rfrts
  10815. Right
  10816. Right range is invalid.
  10817. ring
  10818. Ringsmall
  10819. Rivers
  10820. RmAlert
  10821. RmBonus
  10822. RmBonus
  10823. RmBonus
  10824. rm_dummy_speed_cam
  10825. RmExternalPoi
  10826. RmExternalPoi
  10827. RmExternalPoi
  10829. rm_new_red_light_cam
  10830. rm_new_speed_cam
  10831. rm_red_light_cam
  10832. rm -rf %s
  10833. RmRoadInfo
  10834. RmRoadInfo
  10835. RmRoadInfo
  10836. rm_speed_cam
  10837. RmUser
  10838. RmUser
  10839. RmUser
  10840. rm_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d%02d%02d.wud
  10841. Road
  10842. RoadClosureEnableNextButton
  10843. road_construction
  10844. Road construction
  10845. Road constructions
  10846. Road goodie
  10847. Road goodies
  10848. RoadInfoGeom
  10849. RoadInfoGeom
  10850. RoadInfoGeom
  10851. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read coordinate %d
  10852. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read ID
  10853. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read iNumCoords
  10854. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read no. of segments
  10855. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read segment %d
  10856. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read tile ID
  10857. RoadInfoGeom() - Failed to read tile version
  10858. RoadInfoGeom() - ID not matching a road info
  10859. RoadInfoGeom() - Invalid valued %d for no. of segments
  10860. RoadInfoGeom() - Invalid value %d for iNumCoords
  10861. RoadInfoSegments
  10862. RoadInfoSegments
  10863. RoadInfoSegments
  10864. Roadkill
  10865. Roadkill on road
  10866. Road munching
  10867. Road recording
  10868. Road report
  10869. road_roller0%d
  10870. Road successfully recorded. A link to edit it will be available on your Dashboard at (May take 24 hrs.)
  10871. Road type
  10872. Roboto-Bold.ttf
  10873. Roboto-Regular.ttf
  10874. ROLLBACK;
  10875. Rollback transaction
  10876. Rollback transaction failed - cannot open database
  10877. Roller nutshell
  10878. Roman
  10879. root
  10880. rosy brown
  10881. RosyBrown
  10882. RosyBrown1
  10883. RosyBrown2
  10884. RosyBrown3
  10885. RosyBrown4
  10886. Rotate
  10887. Roundabout
  10888. roundabout count mismatch
  10889. roundabout has too many segments - square %d line %d
  10890. roundabout problem - square %d line %d has %d successors
  10891. RouteColorBad
  10892. RouteColorGood
  10893. RouteColorMild
  10894. RouteColorStandStill
  10895. Route %d
  10896. Route found
  10897. &route_id=%d&alt_id=%d
  10898. RouteInfoConfigDisplayTraffic
  10899. Route information
  10900. Route may not be optimal, but Waze learns quickly...
  10901. RoutePoints
  10902. &route_points=%f,%f
  10903. Route preference
  10904. routeRequest
  10905. routeRequest
  10906. routeRequest - pAltRoute is NULL
  10907. Routes
  10908. Route sound to speaker
  10909. Route statistics: %d segments, length %d time %d
  10910. routeurlparams
  10911. RouteWaypoint
  10912. Route Weight
  10913. Route2Speaker
  10914. Routing
  10915. routing_error
  10917. routing_error - '%s' (%d)
  10918. Routing preferences
  10919. RoutingRequest
  10920. Routing Request Failed
  10921. RoutingResonseCode: %s
  10922. RoutingResponse
  10923. RoutingResponseCode
  10924. RoutingResponseCode for id %d is %d,%s
  10926. Routing service timed out
  10927. Routing styles
  10928. Row has too many bytes to allocate in memory.
  10929. royal blue
  10930. RoyalBlue
  10931. RoyalBlue1
  10932. RoyalBlue2
  10933. RoyalBlue3
  10934. RoyalBlue4
  10935. R!RNRX
  10936. R*R5
  10937. Rsmall
  10938. /rsrc
  10939. rsuperior
  10940. RS232_connection_established
  10941. RTAlert_%d
  10942. RTAlerts_Add
  10943. RTAlerts_Add
  10944. RTAlerts_Add - add Alert(%d) unknown type (type=%d)
  10945. RTAlerts_Add - cannot add Alert (%d) alert already exist
  10946. RTAlerts_Add - cannot add Alert (%d) calloc failed
  10947. RTAlerts_Alert_Init
  10948. RTAlerts_Alert_near_position
  10949. RTAlerts_alerts_location
  10950. RTAlerts_allow_image
  10951. RTAlerts_allow_police_subtypes
  10952. RTAlerts_allow_voice_recordings
  10953. RTAlerts_Cancel_Scrolling
  10954. RTAlerts_Can_Send_Thumbs_up
  10955. RTAlerts_Clear_All
  10956. RTAlerts_clear_group_counter
  10957. RTAlerts_CloseProgressDlg
  10958. RTAlerts_Comment_Add
  10959. RTAlerts_Comment_Exist
  10960. RTAlerts_Comment_Init
  10961. RTAlerts_Count
  10962. RTAlerts_Count_Str
  10963. RTAlerts_CurrentAlert_Has_Comments
  10964. RTAlerts_CurrentComments
  10965. Rtalerts_Delete
  10966. RTAlerts_Delete_All_Comments
  10967. RTAlerts_distance_check
  10968. RTAlerts_Download_Voice
  10969. RTAlerts_Download_Voice_Callback
  10970. RTAlerts_Exists
  10971. RTAlerts_Get
  10972. RtAlerts_get_addional_keyboard_text
  10973. RtAlerts_get_addional_text
  10974. RtAlerts_get_addional_text_icon
  10975. RTAlerts_Get_Additional_String
  10976. RTAlerts_Get_AddOn
  10977. RTAlerts_Get_Alert
  10978. RTAlerts_Get_Alert_Icon
  10979. RTAlerts_Get_By_ID
  10980. RTAlerts_get_categories_subtype
  10981. RTAlerts_Get_City_Street
  10982. RTAlerts_Get_Current_Alert_Id
  10983. RTAlerts_get_default_subtype
  10984. RTAlerts_Get_Distance
  10985. RTAlerts_Get_GroupName_By_Id
  10986. RTAlerts_get_group_state
  10987. RTAlerts_Get_Icon
  10988. RTAlerts_Get_IconByType
  10989. RTAlerts_Get_Id
  10990. RTAlerts_Get_Image_Id
  10991. RTAlerts_get_location_info
  10992. RTAlerts_Get_LocationStr
  10993. RTAlerts_Get_LocationStrByID
  10994. RTAlerts_Get_Map_AddOn
  10995. RTAlerts_Get_Map_Icon
  10996. RTAlerts_Get_Map_Icon_By_Type
  10997. RTAlertsGetMapProblems
  10998. RTAlerts_Get_Minimize_State
  10999. RTAlerts_Get_Number_Of_AddOns
  11000. RTAlerts_Get_Number_of_Comments
  11001. RTAlerts_Get_Number_Of_Map_AddOns
  11002. RTAlerts_get_number_of_sub_types
  11003. RTAlerts_get_num_categories
  11004. RTAlerts_Get_Position
  11005. RTAlerts_get_priority
  11006. RTAlerts_get_reported_by_string
  11007. RTAlerts_get_report_info_str
  11008. RTAlerts_Get_Sound
  11009. RTAlerts_Get_Speed
  11010. RTAlerts_Get_Stars_Icon
  11011. RTAlerts_Get_String
  11012. RTAlerts_get_subtype_icon
  11013. RTAlerts_get_subtype_label
  11014. RTAlerts_get_title
  11015. RTAlerts_Get_Type
  11016. RTAlerts_Get_TypeByIconName
  11017. RTAlerts_Get_Type_By_Id
  11018. RTAlerts_Get_Voice_Id
  11019. RTAlerts_Get_Warn_Icon
  11020. RTAlerts_GroupCount
  11021. RTAlerts_GroupCount_Str
  11022. RTAlerts_HandleAlert
  11023. RTAlerts_Has_Image
  11024. RTAlerts_Has_Voice
  11025. RTAlerts_Check_Same_Street
  11026. RTAlerts_Init
  11027. RTAlerts_Is_Alertable
  11028. RTAlerts_isAlertArchive
  11029. RTAlerts_isAlertOnRoute
  11030. RTAlerts_isByMe
  11031. RTAlerts_Is_Cancelable
  11032. RTAlerts_Is_Empty
  11033. RTAlerts_IsIdleAlertScrolling
  11034. RTAlerts_Is_On_Route
  11035. RTAlerts_is_reply_popup_on
  11036. RTAlerts_Is_Reroutable
  11037. RTAlerts_is_square_dependent
  11038. RTAlerts_IsThumbsUpScrolling
  11039. RTAlerts_Live_Is_Empty
  11040. RTAlerts_Minimized_Alert_Dialog
  11041. RTAlertsNativeManager
  11042. RTAlertsNativeManager_DisposeRefs
  11043. RTAlertsNativeManager_GetAlertData
  11044. RTAlertsNativeManager_GetAlertData
  11045. RTAlertsNativeManager_GetCommentData
  11046. RTAlertsNativeManager_GetCommentData
  11047. RTAlertsNativeManager_GetThumbsUpData
  11048. RTAlertsNativeManager_GetThumbsUpData
  11049. RTAlertsOnAlerterStart
  11050. RTAlertsOnAlerterStop
  11051. RTALerts_OnRouteCount
  11052. RTAlerts_Penalty
  11053. RTAlerts_Popup_By_Id
  11054. RTAlerts_Popup_By_Id_No_Center
  11055. RTAlerts_Popup_By_Id_Timed
  11056. RTAlerts_PostComment
  11057. RTAlerts_PostCommentValidate
  11058. RTAlerts_RefreshOnMap
  11059. RTAlerts_Remove
  11060. RTAlerts_Remove
  11061. RTAlerts_Reset_Minimized
  11062. RTAlerts_Scroll_All
  11063. RTAlerts_Scroll_Next
  11064. RTAlerts_Scroll_Prev
  11065. RTAlerts_sendAlertRequest
  11066. RTAlerts_sendAlertRequest
  11067. RTAlerts_SetAlertPos
  11068. RTAlerts_Set_Ignore_Max_Distance
  11069. RTAlerts_ShowDisrance
  11070. RTAlerts_ShowProgressDlg
  11071. RTAlerts_Sort_List
  11072. RTAlerts_start_glow
  11073. RTAlerts_State
  11074. RTAlerts_Stoped_Scrolling
  11075. RTAlerts_stop_glow
  11076. RTAlerts_Stop_Scrolling
  11077. RTAlerts_Term
  11078. Rtalerts_Thumbs_Up
  11079. RTAlerts_ThumbsUpByMe
  11080. RTAlerts_ThumbsUp_PopUp_StoppedScrolling
  11081. RTAlerts_ThumbsUpReceived
  11082. RTAlerts_ThumbsUpRecordInit
  11083. RTAlerts_Update
  11084. RTAlerts_Update
  11085. RTAlerts_Update -Alert ID %d not found
  11086. RTAlerts_update_location_str
  11087. RTAlerts_zoom
  11088. RTAlerts_Zoomin_To_Aler
  11089. RTConnectionInfo_FullReset
  11090. RTConnectionInfo_Init
  11091. RTConnectionInfo_ResetLogin
  11092. RTConnectionInfo_ResetParser
  11093. RTConnectionInfo_ResetTransaction
  11094. RT_GetWebServiceAddress
  11095. RT_GetWebServiceSecuredAddress
  11096. RT_GetWebServiceSecuredAddressResolved
  11097. RT_GetWebServiceSSLCommands
  11098. RT_GetWebServiceV2Commands
  11099. RT_GetWebServiceV2Suffix
  11100. RT: Internal error
  11101. RT_IsWebServiceSecuredCommand
  11102. RT_IsWebServiceSSLEnabled
  11103. RT_IsWebServiceV2Command
  11104. RT: Login failed
  11105. RTNet_AbortRoutingTransaction
  11106. RTNet_AbortTransaction
  11107. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read Big Gift flag
  11108. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read bonus Text
  11109. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read bonus Text colro
  11110. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read bonus Title
  11111. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read bonus Title color
  11112. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read Gift
  11113. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read Has Gift flag
  11114. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read Icon Name
  11115. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read ID
  11116. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read latitude
  11117. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read longitude
  11118. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read Msg
  11119. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read number of points
  11120. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read radius
  11121. RTNet::AddBonus - Failed to read Title
  11122. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read Token
  11123. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read type, using TemplateID
  11124. RTNet::AddBonus() - Failed to read type, using type bonus points
  11125. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read HasWebDlg param
  11126. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read Icon Name
  11127. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate() - Failed to read ID
  11128. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate() - Failed to read number of points
  11129. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate() - Failed to read radius
  11130. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read title
  11131. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read title color
  11132. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read Txt
  11133. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read Txt color
  11134. RTNet::AddBonusTemplate - Failed to read Web Extra params
  11135. RTNet::AddCustomBonus - Failed to read bonus Text
  11136. RTNet::AddCustomBonus - Failed to read Icon Name
  11137. RTNet::AddCustomBonus() - Failed to read ID
  11138. RTNet::AddCustomBonus() - Failed to read number of points
  11139. RTNET_AddHttpCookies
  11140. RTNet_At
  11141. RTNet_Auth_BuildCommand
  11142. RTNet_CollectBonus
  11143. RTNet::CollectBonusRes() - Failed to read ID
  11144. RTNet::CollectBonusRes - Failed to read Number of additional followed groups
  11145. RTNet::CollectBonusRes - Failed to read points
  11146. RTNet::CollectBonusRes - Failed to read type
  11147. RTNet_CollectCustomBonus
  11148. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find (auto generated) user-email in the response
  11149. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find (auto generated) user-full name in the response
  11150. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find (auto generated) user-picture id in the response
  11151. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find last access in the response
  11152. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find points in the response
  11153. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find rank in the response
  11154. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find username in the response
  11155. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Did not find user-nickname in the response
  11156. RTNet::ConnectRes() - Full name was not supplied
  11157. RTNET_convert_int_coordinate_to_float_string
  11158. RTNet_CreateAccount
  11159. RTNet_CreateNewRoads
  11160. RTNet_CreateNewRoads
  11161. RTNet_CreateNewRoads() - Output command: '%s'
  11162. RTNet_Debug
  11163. RTNet_Debug
  11164. RTNet_Debug() - Failed to pack command
  11165. RTNet_Echo
  11166. RTNet_Echo
  11167. RTNet_Echo() - Failed to pack command
  11168. RTNet_ExternalPoiDisplayed
  11169. RTNet_ExternalPoiNotifyOnInfoPressed
  11170. RTNet_ExternalPoiNotifyOnNavigate
  11171. RTNet_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPopUp
  11172. RTNet_ExternalPoiNotifyOnPromotionPopUp
  11173. RTNet_FacebookPermissions
  11174. RTNet_FacebookSetToken
  11175. RTNet_FacebookSetToken
  11176. RTNet_FacebookSetToken() - Failed to pack token string %s
  11177. RTNET_format_Position_string
  11178. RTNet_FoursquareConnect
  11179. RTNet_FoursquareCheckin
  11180. RTNet_FoursquareSearch
  11181. RTNet_GeneralPacket
  11182. RTNet_GeneralStatsPacket
  11183. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to map score
  11184. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to overall score
  11185. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to read Map score Str
  11186. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to read Metro name
  11187. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to read state
  11188. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to read Traffic score Str
  11189. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to read Usage score Str
  11190. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to traffic score
  11191. RTNet::GeoLocation - Failed to usage score
  11192. RTNet_GetGeoConfig
  11193. RTNet_GetInboxCredentials
  11194. RTNET_get_rt_session
  11195. RTNet_GetTransactionState
  11196. RTNet_GPSPath
  11197. RTNet_GPSPath
  11198. RTNet_GPSPath() - Adding range to packet. Range begin: %d; Range end: %d (count-1)
  11199. RTNet_GPSPath_BuildCommand
  11200. RTNet_GPSPath(GPS-DISCONNECTION TAG) - Adding %d points to packet. Range offset: %d
  11201. RTNet_GPSPath() - Output command: '%s'
  11202. RTNet_GuestLogin
  11203. RTNet_Init
  11204. RTNet_KeepAlive
  11205. RTNet_LoadParams
  11206. RTNet_LoadParams() - Invalid web-service address (%s)
  11207. RTNet_Location
  11208. RTNet_Login
  11209. RTNet_Login
  11210. RTNet_Login() - Failed to pack main_get_device_manufacturer network string %s
  11211. RTNet_Login() - Failed to pack main_get_device_model network string %s
  11212. RTNet_Login() - Failed to pack main_get_device_name network string %s
  11213. RTNet_Login() - name and/or password were not supplied
  11214. RTNet_Login() - Size of name/password is bigger then maximum (%d/%d)
  11215. RTNet_Logout
  11216. RTNet_MapDisplyed
  11217. RTNet_NavigateEnd
  11218. RTNet_NavigateTo
  11219. RTNet::NetworkCycleTime - failed to read iNotifyOnNodePass flag
  11220. RTNet::NetworkCycleTime - Failed to read network cycle time
  11221. RTNet_NodePath
  11222. RTNet_NodePath
  11223. RTNet_NodePath() - Output command: '%s'
  11224. RTNet_NotifySplashUpdateTime
  11225. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - facebookName by was not supplied.
  11226. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to add comment (ID: %d)
  11227. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read alert ID
  11228. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read bShowFacebookPicture flag id=%d
  11229. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read Comment Id
  11230. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read description
  11231. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read Displayed flag
  11232. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read facebookName
  11233. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read mood
  11234. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read PostedByMe flag
  11235. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read rank
  11236. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read report time
  11237. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlertComment() - Failed to read user name
  11238. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Description by was not supplied. id=%d
  11239. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - facebookName by was not supplied. id=%d
  11240. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to 'Add' alert (ID: %d); (Alert List Size: %d)
  11241. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to group icon id=%d
  11242. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to group relevance id=%d
  11243. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read AddonName id=%d
  11244. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read AlertOnRoute flag id=%d
  11245. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read altitude id=%d
  11246. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read azymuth id=%d
  11247. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read bArchive flag id=%d
  11248. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read bIsPrivate flag id=%d
  11249. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read bShowFacebookPicture flag id=%d
  11250. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read bThumbsUpByMe flag id=%d
  11251. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read description id=%d
  11252. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read direction id=%d
  11253. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read duration
  11254. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read Facebook name
  11255. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read facebookName id=%d
  11256. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read FFO name id=%d index=%d
  11257. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read FOF picture id=%d index=%d
  11258. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read group id=%d
  11259. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read ID
  11260. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read longitude id=%d
  11261. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read moodd id=%d
  11262. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read node1 id=%d
  11263. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read Number of thumbs up
  11264. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read num viewed
  11265. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read picture id
  11266. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read pictureID id=%d
  11267. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read PingWazer flag id=%d
  11268. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read PopUp Priority
  11269. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read PostedByMe flag id=%d
  11270. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read rank id=%d
  11271. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read ReportedElapsedTime id=%d
  11272. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read report time id=%d
  11273. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read sAlertType id=%d
  11274. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read type id=%d
  11275. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read user named id=%d
  11276. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to read Voice ID
  11277. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to 'Remove' alert (ID: %d);
  11278. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddAlert() - Failed to subtype
  11279. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read altitude
  11280. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Creation Time
  11281. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read ID
  11282. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read isPromotioned
  11283. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read longitude
  11284. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Promotion ID
  11285. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Promotion radius
  11286. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Promotion Type
  11287. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Provider ID
  11288. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read ResourceUrlParams.
  11289. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Server ID
  11290. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Service ID
  11291. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Type
  11292. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to read Update time
  11293. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoi() - Failed to show Nearby
  11294. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read big icon.
  11295. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read big promotion icon.
  11296. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read ID
  11297. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Max Display Zoom big Icon
  11298. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Max Display Zoom small Icon
  11299. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read OnClickUrl.
  11300. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Promotion ID
  11301. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Promotion radius
  11302. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read promotion small icon.
  11303. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Promotion Type
  11304. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Providor ID
  11305. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Service ID
  11306. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read Size
  11307. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddExternalPoiType() - Failed to read small icon.
  11308. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to 'Add' road_info (ID: %d); (List Size: %d)
  11309. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read bIsAlertable flag id=%d
  11310. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read City
  11311. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read End
  11312. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read ID
  11313. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read isOnRoute flag id=%d
  11314. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read speed
  11315. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read Start
  11316. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read Street
  11317. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read type
  11318. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddRoadInfo() - Failed to read user contribution
  11319. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - FacebookUserName was not supplied.
  11320. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to iEtaSeconds id=%d
  11321. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to iStatusTimeInSeconds id=%d
  11322. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read addon
  11323. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read altitude
  11324. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read azimuth
  11325. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read bFacebookFriend id=%d
  11326. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read bIsDrivingToSameDest id=%d
  11327. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read bIsFriendsOfFriends id=%d
  11328. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read bIsOnline id=%d
  11329. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read bShowFacebookPicture id=%d
  11330. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read bShowPictureOnMap id=%d
  11331. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read Can Ping Wazer flag
  11332. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read Can Private Ping Wazer flag
  11333. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read facebook user name
  11334. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read group icon.
  11335. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read group id=%d
  11336. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read group relevance.
  11337. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read iLastReportType id=%d
  11338. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read iNumFriendsOfFriends id=%d
  11339. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read join date
  11340. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read last access
  11341. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read longitude
  11342. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read mode id=%d
  11343. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read mood
  11344. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read points
  11345. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read rank
  11346. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read sLastReportText id=%d
  11347. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read speed
  11348. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read stars
  11349. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read status Line id=%d
  11350. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read title
  11351. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read user ID
  11352. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read user name
  11353. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to read VIP flags.
  11354. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Failed to 'UpdateOrAdd' user (ID: %d); Maybe users-list is full? (Size: %d)
  11355. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Group was not supplied.
  11356. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Status was not supplied.
  11357. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - Title was not supplied.
  11358. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AddUser() - User name was not supplied. Probably a guest-login...
  11359. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AdminMessage() - Failed to read message title
  11360. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::AdminMessage() - Failed to read message type
  11361. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BeingWatched Failed
  11362. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BridgeToRes() - Failed to read number of parameters
  11363. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BridgeToRes() - Failed to read param %d
  11364. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BridgeToRes() - Failed to read Service Name
  11365. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BridgeToRes() - Failed to read status
  11366. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BridgeToRes() - UPDATEMAP - got error from server about UPDATEMAP request
  11367. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::BridgeToRes() - UPDATEMAP - got good response from server regarding UPDATEMAP request
  11368. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::InfoAround() - Failed to read category
  11369. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::InfoAround() - Failed to read count field for category %s
  11370. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::PickUpInitRes() - Failed to read url
  11371. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::PostAlertCommentRes() - Failed to read msg
  11372. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::PostAlertCommentRes() - Failed to read Points
  11373. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::PostAlertCommentRes() - Failed to read tite
  11374. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::RemoveAlert() - Failed to read ID
  11375. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::RemoveRoadInfo() - Failed to read ID
  11376. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::RemoveRoadInfo() - Failed to 'Remove' RoadInfo (ID: %d);
  11377. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::RemoveUser() - Failed to 'RemoveUser' user (ID: %d)
  11378. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ReportAlertRes() - Failed to read msg
  11379. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ReportAlertRes() - Failed to read Points
  11380. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ReportAlertRes() - Failed to read tite
  11381. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ReportTrafficRes() - Failed to read msg
  11382. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ReportTrafficRes() - Failed to read Points
  11383. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ReportTrafficRes() - Failed to read tite
  11384. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::RmExternalPoi() - Failed to read ID
  11385. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::RmUser() - Failed to read user ID
  11386. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SetExternalPoiDrawOrder() - Failed to read entities number
  11387. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SetExternalPoiDrawOrder() - Failed to read entity order field %i
  11388. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read icon
  11389. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read message ID
  11390. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read message SHOW type
  11391. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read message title
  11392. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read message title (case-II)
  11393. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read message title - Messsage-text was not supplied
  11394. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read message type
  11395. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read msg text color
  11396. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read msg text size
  11397. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read title text color
  11398. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::SystemMessage() - Failed to read title text size
  11399. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpReceived() - Failed to read alert ID
  11400. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpReceived() - Failed to read bShowFacebookPicture flag id=%d
  11401. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpReceived() - Failed to read user facebook name
  11402. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpReceived() - Failed to read user ID
  11403. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpReceived() - Failed to read user nick name
  11404. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpRes() - Failed to read msg
  11405. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpRes() - Failed to read Points
  11406. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::ThumbsUpRes() - Failed to read tite
  11407. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateAlert() - Failed to read ID
  11408. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateAlert() - Failed to read isArchive flag id=%d
  11409. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateAlert() - Failed to read isOnRoute flag id=%d
  11410. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateAlert() - Failed to read Number of thumbs up
  11411. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateAlert() - Failed to read num viewed
  11412. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateAlert() - Failed to read PopUp Priority
  11413. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateInboxCount() - Failed to read count
  11414. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateProductPriceRes() - Failed to read msg
  11415. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateProductPriceRes() - Failed to read Points
  11416. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UpdateProductPriceRes() - Failed to read tite
  11417. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UserGroups() - active group name is empty
  11418. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UserGroups() - failed to read active group icon
  11419. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UserGroups() - failed to read active group icon...
  11420. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UserGroups() - Failed to read followed group icon (%d out of %d)
  11421. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::UserGroups() - Failed to read followed group name (%d out of %d)
  11422. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::VersionUpgrade() - Failed to read severity
  11423. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::VersionUpgrade() - Failed to read version URL
  11424. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::VersionUpgrade() - Failed to read version value
  11425. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::VersionUpgrade() - !!! HAVE A NEW VERSION !!! (Severity: %d)
  11426. RTNet::OnGeneralResponse::VersionUpgrade() - Invalid value for VU severity (%d)
  11427. RTNet::OnLoginResponse(case 2) - Did not find server-cookie (secretKet) in the response
  11428. RTNet::OnLoginResponse(case 2) - Did not find server-version
  11429. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Did not find server-cookie (secretKet) in the response
  11430. RTNet::OnLoginResponse - Did not find user id
  11431. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read iExclusiveMoods (%s)
  11432. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read Login-ID from response (%s)
  11433. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read my addon (%s)
  11434. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read my points time stamp (%s)
  11435. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read my previous ranking (%s)
  11436. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read my ranking (%s)
  11437. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read my rating (%s)
  11438. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read my total points (%s)
  11439. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read num of friends
  11440. RTNet::OnLoginResponse() - Failed to read ServerMaxProtocol
  11441. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-guest in the response
  11442. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-internal in the response
  11443. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-name in the response
  11444. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-nickname in the response
  11445. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-pw in the response
  11446. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find user-email in the response
  11447. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find user-full name in the response
  11448. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Did not find user-picture id in the response
  11449. RTNet::OnRegisterConnectResponse() - Full name was not supplied
  11450. RTNet::OnRegisterResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-name in the response
  11451. RTNet::OnRegisterResponse() - Did not find (auto generated) user-pw in the response
  11452. RTNet::OpenMessageTicker - Failed to read icon
  11453. RTNet::OpenMessageTicker - Failed to read points
  11454. RTNet::OpenMessageTicker - Failed to read Success Text
  11455. RTNet::OpenMessageTicker - Failed to read title
  11456. RTNet_PickUpRequest
  11457. RTNet_PinqWazer
  11458. RTNet_PinqWazer
  11459. RTNet_PinqWazer() - Failed to pack network string
  11460. RTNet_PostAlertComment
  11461. RTNet_PostAlertComment
  11462. RTNet_PostAlertComment() - Failed to pack network string
  11463. RTNet_RandomUserRegister
  11464. RTNet::RefreshTiles - Failed to read result
  11465. RTNet::RefreshTiles - Failed to read timestamp
  11466. RTNet_RegisterConnect
  11467. RTNet_RemoveAlert
  11468. RTNet_ReportAbuse
  11469. RTNet_ReportAlert
  11470. RTNet_ReportAlertAtPosition
  11471. RTNet_ReportAlertAtPosition
  11472. RTNet_ReportAlertAtPosition() - Failed to pack group network string %s
  11473. RTNet_ReportAlertAtPosition() - Failed to pack network string
  11474. RTNet_ReportMapProblem
  11475. RTNet_ReportMapProblem
  11476. RTNet_ReportMapProblem() - Coordinates are null
  11477. RTNet_ReportMarker
  11478. RTNet_ReportMarker
  11479. RTNet_ReportMarker() - Failed to pack network string
  11480. RTNet_ReportMarker() - Failed to serialize attributes
  11481. RTNet_ReportOneSegment_Encode
  11482. RTNet_ReportOneSegment_MaxLength
  11483. RTNet_ReportTraffic
  11484. RTNet_ReportTraffic
  11485. RTNet_RequestRoute
  11486. RTNet_RequestRoute
  11487. RTNet_RequestRoute() - Could not get current position (will not send AT)
  11488. RTNet_RequestRoute() - Failed to pack network string
  11489. RTNet_RequestRoute() - should not be called when RT is not logged in!
  11490. RTNet::RmBonus - Failed to read ID
  11491. RTNet_RouteAddWaypoints
  11492. RTNet_RouteAddWaypoints
  11493. RTNet_RouteAddWaypoints() - Failed to pack network string
  11494. RTNet_RoutingQueue_ProcessSingleItem
  11495. RTNet_Scoreboard_getPoints
  11496. RTNet::SeeMeEcho - Failed to read see me
  11497. RTNet_SelectRoute
  11498. RTNet_SendSMS
  11499. RTNet_SendTrafficInfo
  11500. RTNET_SetGpsSourceName
  11501. RTNET_SetGpsSourceName
  11502. RTNet_SetMood
  11503. RTNet_SetMyVisability
  11504. RTNet_SetPushNotifications
  11505. RTNET_ShareHttpCookies
  11506. RTNET_ShareHttpCookies
  11507. RTNet_ShareMyRide
  11508. RTNet_SocialConnect
  11509. RTNet_SocialConnect
  11510. RTNet_SocialDisconnect
  11511. RTNet_StartFollowUsers
  11512. RTNet_Stats
  11513. RTNet_Stats
  11514. RTNet_Stats() - Failed to pack network string
  11515. RTNet_Stats() - Failed to serialize attributes
  11516. RTNet_StopFollowUsers
  11517. RTNet_StopShareLocation
  11518. RTNet::%s() - 'VerifyStatusAndTag()' had failed
  11519. RTNet_TakeCoupon
  11520. RTNet_Term
  11521. RTNet_ThumbsUp
  11522. RTNet_TrafficAlertFeedback
  11523. RTNet_TransactionQueue_Clear
  11524. RTNet_TransactionQueue_ProcessSingleItem
  11525. RTNet_TripDeletePOI() - Name is null
  11526. RTNet_TripDeletePOI() - requesting delete '%s'
  11527. RTNet_TripServer_CreatePOI
  11528. RTNet_TripServer_CreatePOI
  11529. RTNet_TripServerCreatePOI() - Coordinates are null
  11530. RTNet_TripServerCreatePOI() - Name is null
  11531. RTNet_TripServer_DeletePOI
  11532. RTNet_TripServer_DeletePOI
  11533. RTNet_TripServer_FindTrip() - lat=%d, lon=%d
  11534. RTNet_TripServer_GetNumPOIs
  11535. RTNet_TripServer_GetPOIs
  11536. RTNET_TripServer_GetRouteSegments
  11537. RTNET_TripServer_GetTripRoutes
  11538. RTNet_TripServer_SuggestNavigation
  11539. RTNet_TripServer_SuggestNavigation
  11540. RTNet_TwitterConnect
  11541. RTNet_UpdateProductPrice
  11542. RTNet_UpdateProductPrice
  11543. RTNet_UpdateProfile
  11544. RTNet_UpdateProfile
  11545. RTNet_UpdateProfile() - username=%s, password=%s,email=%s, send_updates=%d
  11546. RTNet_UserPoints
  11547. RTNet::VerifyStatusAndTag() - Failed to read server response (%s)
  11548. RTNet::VerifyStatusAndTag() - Failed to read server-response tag
  11549. RTNet::VerifyStatusAndTag() - Invalid custom data size (%d)
  11550. RTNet::VerifyStatusAndTag() - Server response is %d: '%s'
  11551. RTNet::VerifyStatusAndTag() - Tag found (%s) is not the expected tag (%s)
  11552. RTNet_Watchdog
  11553. RT: No data to send
  11554. RTPrm_Name
  11555. RTPrm_Nickname
  11556. RTPrm_Password
  11557. RTPrm_PasswordEnc
  11558. RTPrm_SkipButton
  11559. RTPrm_VisabilityGroup
  11560. RTPrm_VisabilityReport
  11561. RT_SetWebServiceAddress
  11562. RTSystemMessage_Free
  11563. RTSystemMessage_Init
  11564. RTSystemMessageQueue_Empty
  11565. RTSystemMessageQueue_IsEmpty
  11566. RTSystemMessageQueue_IsFull
  11567. RTSystemMessageQueue_Pop
  11568. RTSystemMessageQueue_Push
  11569. RTSystemMessageQueue_Size
  11570. RTSystemMessagesDisplay
  11571. RTSystemMessagesDisplay_CB
  11572. RTSystemMessagesDisplay_Timer
  11573. RTSystemMessagesGetLastMessageDisplayed
  11574. RTSystemMessagesInit
  11575. RTSystemMessagesSetLastMessageDisplayed
  11576. RTTrafficInfo_Add
  11577. RTTrafficInfo_Add
  11578. RTTrafficInfo_Add - cannot add traffic_info (%d) calloc failed
  11579. RTTrafficInfo_AddSegments
  11580. RTTrafficInfo_AddSegments
  11581. RTTrafficInfo_Add - traffic_info record (%d) already exist
  11582. RTTrafficInfo_ClearAll
  11583. RTTrafficInfo_ClearAll()
  11584. RTTrafficInfo_Count
  11585. RTTrafficInfo_Exists
  11586. RTTrafficInfo_Get
  11587. RTTrafficInfo_GetAlertForLine
  11588. RTTrafficInfo_Get_Avg_Cross_Time
  11589. RTTrafficInfo_Get_Avg_Speed
  11590. RTTrafficInfo_GetLine
  11591. RTTrafficInfo_Get_Line
  11592. RTTrafficInfo_GetNumLines
  11593. RTTrafficInfo_Init
  11594. RTTrafficInfo_Init
  11595. RTTrafficInfo_Init()
  11596. RTTrafficInfo_InitRecord
  11597. RTTrafficInfo_InstrumentSegment
  11598. RTTrafficInfo_InstrumentSegment illegal line index square=%d, line=%d
  11599. RTTrafficInfo_InstrumentSegments
  11600. RTTrafficInfo_IsEmpty
  11601. RTTrafficInfo_RecalculateSegments
  11602. RTTrafficInfo_RecordByID
  11603. RTTrafficInfo_Remove
  11604. RTTrafficInfo_Remove
  11605. RTTrafficInfo_Reset
  11606. RTTrafficInfo_Term
  11607. RTTrafficInfo_UpdateGeometry
  11608. RTTrafficInfo_UpdateGeometry
  11609. RT: Unauthorised login
  11610. RT: Unknown login id
  11611. RTUser_get_speed_str
  11612. RTUserLocation_CreateGUIID
  11613. RTUserLocation_Init
  11614. RTUsers_Add
  11615. RTUsers_ClearAll
  11616. RTUsers_Count
  11617. RTUsers_DisclaimerDisplayed
  11618. RTUsers_DisclaimerShown
  11619. RTUsers_Exists
  11620. RTUsers_getDrivingToSameDestCount
  11621. RTUsers_getFaceBookFriendsCount
  11622. RTUsers_getFriendsOfFriendsCount
  11623. RTUsers_getFriendsOfFriendsDrivingToSameDestCount
  11624. RTUsers_getOnlineCount
  11625. RTUsers_get_speed_str
  11626. RTUsers_Init
  11627. RTUsers_IsEmpty
  11628. RTUsers_ping
  11629. RTUsers_prepareValueString
  11630. RTUsers_prv_ping
  11631. RTUsers_RedoUpdateFlag
  11632. RTUsers_RemoveByID
  11633. RTUsers_RemoveByIndex
  11634. RTUsers_RemoveUnupdatedUsers
  11635. RTUsers_Reset
  11636. RTUsers_ResetUpdateFlag
  11637. RTUsers_Reset_Users
  11638. RTUsers_Term
  11639. RTUsers_Update
  11640. RTUsers_UpdateOrAdd
  11641. RTUsers_User
  11642. RTUsers_UserByGUIID
  11643. RTUsers_UserByID
  11644. RTUsers_zoom
  11645. RT: Wrong name or password
  11646. RT: Wrong network settings
  11647. RT::wst_start_session_trans() - Failed to format command '%s' (buffer size too small?)
  11648. RT::wst_start_session_trans() - Insufficient allocation size: 'Packet-data' + 'Packet-header' does not fit in buffer
  11649. RT0Stars
  11650. RT1Star
  11651. RT2Stars
  11652. RT3Stars
  11653. RT4Stars
  11654. RT5Stars
  11655. _run_callback
  11656. Running from wrong thread - exiting!
  11657. rupiah
  11658. )r)v1
  11659. ]r]z
  11660. R0 %08x R1 %08x R2 %08x R3 %08x R4 %08x R5 %08x R6 %08x
  11661. r1rJrVh
  11662. R7 %08x R8 %08x R9 %08x R10 %08x
  11663. .s.|.
  11664. --%s
  11665. --%s--
  11666. %s,
  11667. "S"^
  11668. saddle brown
  11669. SaddleBrown
  11670. sad-female
  11671. salmon
  11672. salmon1
  11673. salmon2
  11674. salmon3
  11675. salmon4
  11676. same structure. Resetting write_data_fn to NULL.
  11677. sandy brown
  11678. SandyBrown
  11679. sarcastic
  11680. sarcastic-female
  11681. Save
  11682. Save address as:
  11683. Saved locations
  11684. save_file
  11685. Save future log messages to the postmortem file
  11686. save_item
  11687. Save location
  11688. saving current configuration to file: %s
  11689. Saving the voices configuration. Writing %d bytes, last modified = %s
  11690. Say again...
  11691. Say anything...
  11692. _say_instruction
  11693. %s between %s and %s
  11694. %s.bin
  11695. sBIT
  11696. %s?bonus_id=%d&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&client_version=%s&lang=%s&template=%d&%s
  11697. sCAL
  11698. Scale Factor
  11699. scaron
  11700. Scaron
  11701. Scaronsmall
  11702. scedilla
  11703. Scedilla
  11704. %sCollectBonus,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s
  11705. %sCollectCustomBonus,%d,%s,%s,%s
  11706. scoreboard
  11707. scoreboard
  11708. Scoreboard
  11710. scoreboard_feature_enabled
  11711. scoreboard_get_url
  11712. Scoreboard is currently not available in your area
  11713. scoreboard_menu
  11714. scoreboard_request_failed
  11715. scoreboard_response
  11716. screen_animating
  11717. screen_cancel_animation
  11718. screen_context_create
  11719. screen_draw_line_closure
  11720. screen_focus_on_me
  11721. screen_get_focus_on_gps
  11722. screen_get_height
  11723. screen_is_screen_wide
  11724. screen_map
  11725. screen_not_touched_state
  11726. screen_obj_decode_action
  11727. screen_obj_decode_bbox
  11728. screen_obj_decode_condition
  11729. screen_obj_decode_dt_action
  11730. screen_obj_decode_icon
  11731. screen_obj_decode_integer
  11732. screen_obj_decode_position
  11733. screen_obj_decode_sprite
  11734. screen_obj_decode_state
  11735. screen_obj_disable_click
  11736. screen_obj_draw
  11737. screen_obj_draw
  11738. screen_object_add
  11739. ScreenObject_%d
  11740. screen object: illegal integer value - %s
  11741. screen_object_remove
  11742. screen object:'%s' can't find action.
  11743. screen object:'%s' can't find condition indicator.
  11744. screen object:'%s' can't find double tap action.
  11745. screen object:'%s' can't find state indicator.
  11746. screen object:'%s' can't load image:%s.
  11747. screen_object_set_center
  11748. screen object:'%s' has too many states.
  11749. screen object:'%s' illegal action.
  11750. screen object:'%s' illegal bbox.
  11751. screen object:'%s' illegal condition indicator.
  11752. screen object:'%s' illegal double tap action.
  11753. screen object:'%s' illegal position.
  11754. screen object:'%s' illegal state indicator.
  11755. screen_obj_enable_click
  11756. screen_obj_global_offset
  11757. screen_obj_initialize
  11758. screen_obj_load
  11759. screen_obj_load
  11760. screen_obj_move
  11761. screen_obj_offset
  11762. screen_obj_pressed
  11763. screen_obj_reload
  11764. screen_show_me_on_map
  11765. screen_touched_off
  11766. screen_touched_state
  11767. screen_unset_first_repaint
  11768. Scroll Through Alerts on the map
  11769. %s_crown
  11770. S_CUR_DIR
  11771. ,%s,%d
  11772. %s %d
  11773. %s: %d
  11774. %s: %d
  11775. %s: %d
  11776. %s: %d%%
  11777. %s:%d
  11778. %s%d
  11779. SDBytes
  11780. /sdcard/waze/
  11781. %s %d/%d
  11782. %s,%d,%d,%s,%d,%s
  11783. %s?deviceid=%d&lang=%s&on_skip=%s&on_close=%s&resolution=%s&width=%d
  11784. S_DIR_SEP
  11785. %s/distrib
  11786. %s_down
  11787. [%s:%d (%s)]
  11788. %s %d %s
  11789. %s/%d/%s
  11790. %s/%d/%s/%s/%d/%d
  11791. %s %d:%02d %s
  11792. sea green
  11793. SeaGreen
  11794. SeaGreen1
  11795. SeaGreen2
  11796. SeaGreen3
  11797. SeaGreen4
  11798. SeachObject
  11799. SEARCH
  11800. search_ab
  11801. search_address
  11803. search_address_book
  11805. search_address_details
  11806. search_address_details
  11807. Search address or Place
  11808. Search address, place or contact
  11810. (search) - Command failed (status= %d)
  11811. search_conf
  11812. searchFail
  11814. SEARCH_FAV
  11815. search_favorites
  11816. _search_gas_stations
  11817. search_history
  11819. search_history_android
  11820. Searching . . .
  11821. Searching...
  11822. Searching network . . .
  11823. Searching network for optimal route & ETA
  11824. searching %s,%s
  11825. Search location
  11827. search_marked_locations
  11828. search_menu
  11829. search_menu
  11830. search_menu_categories
  11831. search_menu_geo_reminders
  11832. search_menu_my_saved_places
  11833. search_menu_search_address
  11834. search_menu_search_favorites
  11835. search_menu_search_history
  11836. search_menu_set_local_search_attrs
  11837. search_menu_single_search
  11838. search_menu_single_search_favorite
  11839. search_menu_waypoint
  11840. search_navigate_to_favorite
  11841. search_navigate_to_favorite
  11843. (search) - network failed failed (status= %d)
  11844. search_object_add
  11845. search_object_add
  11846. search_object_clear_all
  11847. _search_parking
  11848. Search people
  11849. search_pin
  11850. search_pin_green
  11851. search_pin_orange
  11852. search_pin_red
  11853. Search requires internet connection.
  11854. Search result fail %s,%s, %d
  11855. searchResults
  11856. Search results
  11857. search_results_fail
  11858. search_results_fail
  11859. search_results_update_providers
  11860. search_results_update_providers
  11861. search_results_update_time
  11863. (search) - successful
  11864. search_top_ten_fav
  11865. seashell
  11866. seashell1
  11867. seashell2
  11868. seashell3
  11869. seashell4
  11870. Second
  11871. Secondary
  11872. second exit
  11873. Second page shown
  11874. seconds
  11875. Seconds to popup
  11876. section
  11877. SecuredOfflineTarget
  11878. Secured Url
  11879. See Close Friends Only
  11880. See friends, control how you're displayed, and view your inbox, coupons, driving stats, and more.
  11881. See Friends of Friends
  11882. Seeking GPS. Try going outdoors...
  11883. SeeMe,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s
  11884. SeeMe,%d,%d,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s
  11885. SeeMeEcho
  11886. SeeMeEcho
  11887. SeeMeEcho
  11888. See more familiar faces
  11889. See options in My Waze
  11890. See which friends are on their way to your destination
  11891. See you on the road! Drive safe.
  11892. Segment %d: group %d from %d to %d track %d direction %s
  11893. Select
  11894. select_background_color
  11895. select_car
  11896. Select Country
  11897. SELECT data FROM tiles_table WHERE id=?;
  11898. SELECT data, storage_type, path FROM '%s' WHERE text=?;
  11899. selected address at %d.%06d %c, %d.%06d %c
  11900. SelectedLines
  11901. select evaluation
  11902. SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM '%s' WHERE text=?);
  11903. Select map color scheme
  11904. _selector_result1
  11905. _selector_result2
  11906. _selector_result3
  11907. selector1: [%d] %d/%d dir %d
  11908. selector1: [%d] unknown
  11909. selector2: [%d] %d/%d dir %d
  11910. selector2: [%d] unknown
  11911. selector3: [%d] %d/%d dir %d
  11912. selector3: [%d] unknown
  11913. Select result
  11914. SelectRoute,%d,%d
  11915. SELECT storage_type, path, text_type FROM '%s' WHERE text=?;
  11916. Select your car
  11917. Select your mood
  11918. Semibold
  11919. semicolon
  11920. send
  11921. Send
  11922. Send a comment on alert
  11923. SEND_ALERT
  11924. SendAllMessagesTogether
  11925. SendAllMessagesTogether
  11926. SendAllMessagesTogether_BuildPacket
  11927. SendAllMessagesTogether_BuildPacket
  11928. SendAllMessagesTogether_BuildPacket(PRE) - 'SendMessage_CachedMapProblems()' had failed
  11929. SendAllMessagesTogether() - High Frequency Summary mode (jammed..)
  11930. SendAllMessagesTogether() - Long data, splitting packets...
  11931. SendAllMessagesTogether() - NOT SENDING (maybe no data to send?)
  11932. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_At()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11933. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_CreateNewRoads()' had failed
  11934. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_Location()' had failed
  11935. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_MapDisplyed()' had failed
  11936. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_SetMood()' had failed
  11937. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_SetMyVisability()' had failed
  11938. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_SetPushNotifications()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11939. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_StopShareLocation()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11940. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part1(PRE) - 'SendMessage_UserPoints()' did not send; Ignoring and continueing
  11941. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part2(PRE) - 'SendMessage_At()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11942. SendAllMessagesTogether_Part2(PRE) - 'SendMessage_GPSPath()' had failed
  11943. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_At()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11944. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_CreateNewRoads()' had failed
  11945. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_GPSPath()' had failed
  11946. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_Location()' had failed
  11947. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_MapDisplyed()' had failed
  11948. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_NodePath()' had failed
  11949. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_SetMood()' had failed
  11950. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_SetMyVisability()' had failed
  11951. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_SetPushNotifications()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11952. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_StopShareLocation()' had failed; Ignoring and continueing
  11953. SendAllMessagesTogether(PRE) - 'SendMessage_UserPoints()' did not send; Ignoring and continueing
  11954. SendAllMessagesTogether_SendPart1
  11955. SendAllMessagesTogether_SendPart1
  11956. SendAllMessagesTogether_SendPart2
  11957. SendAllMessagesTogether_SendPart2
  11958. SendAllMessagesTogether_SendPart2(PRE) - 'SendMessage_NodePath()' had failed
  11959. SendAllMessagesTogether_SendSplit2(PRE) - 'SendMessage_GPSPath()' had failed
  11960. Send a pick up request and Waze will grab their coordinates. They'll watch you arrive in real time.
  11961. send_comment
  11962. senddebug
  11963. Send Destination
  11964. Send error after %d data bytes
  11965. send error on: %s
  11966. Send ETA
  11967. Sending address search info...
  11968. Sending Comment failed
  11969. Sending connect token to server
  11970. Sending keep alive instead of summary
  11971. Sending logs requires large amount of data, continue?
  11972. Sending Map Chat . . .
  11973. Sending Map Chat failed. Please try again later
  11974. Sending markers failed
  11975. Sending message . . .
  11976. Sending message failed
  11977. Sending packet of size %d. Wait: %d. Connection id: %d
  11978. Sending Realtime_ReportAbuse(alert id =%d comment id =%d)
  11979. Sending Realtime_ThumbsUp(alert id =%d)
  11980. Sending report...
  11981. Sending Report failed
  11982. Sending report failed. Please resend later
  11983. Sending update...
  11984. Sending update failed
  11985. Send location request
  11986. Send logs
  11987. SendMessage_At
  11988. SendMessage_At
  11989. SendMessage_At() - 'editor_track_report_get_current_position()' failed
  11990. SendMessage_CachedMapProblems
  11991. SendMessage_CachedMapProblems
  11992. SendMessage_CachedMapProblems() - Packed Map Problem in position %d
  11993. SendMessage_CachedMapProblems() - Packed Map Problem in position %d
  11994. SendMessage_CachedMapProblems() - Unexpected Null Pointer in %d
  11995. SendMessage_CreateNewRoads
  11996. SendMessage_CreateNewRoads
  11997. SendMessage_ExternalPoiDisplayed
  11998. SendMessage_GPSPath
  11999. SendMessage_Location
  12000. SendMessage_MapDisplyed
  12001. SendMessage_MapDisplyed
  12002. SendMessage_MapDisplyed() - Skipping operation; Current coordinates where already sent...
  12003. SendMessage_NodePath
  12004. SendMessage_PickUpRequest
  12005. SendMessage_SetMood
  12006. SendMessage_SetMyVisability
  12007. SendMessage_SetPushNotifications
  12008. SendMessage_ShareMyRide
  12009. SendMessage_StopShareLocation
  12010. SendMessage_UserPoints
  12011. Send me updates
  12012. Send Munching
  12013. Send pick up request
  12014. SendPickUpRequest
  12015. _send_remove_alert
  12016. SendRoadInfo,%d
  12017. SendShareMyRide
  12018. Send Twitts
  12019. Send via Email
  12020. Send via Text Message
  12021. Send your ETA by text message:
  12022. Sent via Waze
  12023. --separator--
  12024. ServerConfig
  12025. Server Cookie
  12026. Server Id
  12027. ServerId
  12028. Server Points Time Stamp
  12029. Server Refresh Time
  12030. Server visibility (%d) is not sync with RT (%d), sending again
  12031. &sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&height=%d&width=%d&lon=%s&lat=%s&hor=%s&scale=%d&hd=%s&ver=%s&path=%s
  12032. sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&valid_client_session=%s
  12033. setAdditions
  12034. SetAlerterPopupCloseTime
  12035. SetAlertPopupTimer
  12036. setasdeparture
  12037. Set as Departure
  12038. setasdestination
  12039. Set as Destination
  12040. Set as start point
  12041. set_backlight() - Current setting : %s
  12042. SetBackLightOn
  12043. setBrand
  12044. set-cookie:
  12045. Set cross time of segment %d to %d
  12046. setDeal
  12047. _set_default_voice
  12048. set_distance
  12049. setDistance
  12050. set_dist_str
  12051. set_eta_str
  12052. set_exit
  12053. SetExternalPoiDrawOrder
  12054. SetExternalPoiDrawOrder
  12055. SetExternalPoiDrawOrder
  12056. _set_focus
  12057. SetFollowActive
  12058. setFriendsNum
  12059. set_instruction
  12060. SetIsMenuEnabled
  12061. SetIsPickUpLater
  12062. setjmp
  12063. setMenuButtonFollowing
  12064. setMenuButtonNormal
  12065. set_me_on_map_timer
  12066. set_mode
  12067. SetMood,%d
  12068. SetMood,%d
  12069. SetNeedToSendSuggestRoute
  12070. set_next_exit
  12071. set_next_instruction
  12072. _set_periodic
  12073. setPhone
  12074. SetPickUpActive
  12075. _set_read_callback
  12076. SetSendStopFollow
  12077. setSettings
  12078. setSettingsGas
  12079. setSettingsGeneral
  12080. setSettingsMain
  12081. setSettingsMap
  12082. setSettingsVoice
  12083. Set %s is not available
  12084. Set %s is not available: cannot register action
  12085. set_skin
  12086. set_street
  12087. Set the map back to the default zoom level
  12088. Set the selected street block as the trip's departure
  12089. Set the selected street block as the trip's destination
  12090. set_time_str
  12091. Setting focus to the network fix. Time: %d. Last gps fix: %d. Last net fix: %d.
  12092. Setting gamma=0
  12093. Setting negative gamma to zero
  12094. Setting poi %s
  12095. Settings
  12096. SettingsAdvanced
  12097. SettingsAdvancedShowOnMap
  12098. SettingsDataTransfer
  12099. Settings focus to %s
  12100. SettingsGas
  12101. SettingsGeneral
  12102. SettingsGroups
  12103. SettingsMain
  12104. SettingsMap
  12105. settingsmenu
  12106. Settings menu
  12107. SettingsNativeManager
  12108. SettingsNavigation
  12109. SettingsNotification
  12110. SettingsNotificationOnOff
  12111. SettingsVoice
  12112. Setting the voice id to the first in the list: %s
  12113. Setting tts language to : %s
  12114. Setting up download timer
  12115. _set_unit
  12116. Set up connections with social networks, choose how to log in, edit privacy settings, and control display preferences.
  12117. SetVolume
  12118. setWaypoint
  12121. _set_write_callback
  12122. seven
  12123. seveneighths
  12124. seveninferior
  12125. sevenoldstyle
  12126. sevensuperior
  12127. Seventh
  12128. seventh exit
  12129. __sF
  12130. %s,%f,%d
  12131. sfnt
  12132. sfnt
  12133. sfnt
  12134. sfnt_module_class
  12135. sfnts
  12136. /sfnts
  12137. sfnt-table
  12138. sfnt-table
  12139. sgcTtsQueueEntryInitializer
  12140. s_gJpegConvTargetType
  12141. %s__glow
  12142. %s_group
  12143. sgSigHandlers
  12144. %s/gui/%s/picture?type=%s&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&always_show_image=true
  12145. shade_pen
  12146. shape_cache_scale_factor
  12147. shape_cache_square
  12148. Share
  12149. Share a location:
  12150. Share dest
  12151. Share destination & ETA
  12152. Share details here...
  12153. shareFbDialogShow
  12154. Share location
  12155. Share my drive
  12156. Share my ride
  12157. ShareNativeManager_shareFbDialogShow
  12158. ShareNativeManager_shareFbDialogShow
  12159. Share on Facebook
  12160. Share on Sina Weibo
  12161. Share on Tencent Weibo
  12162. Share on Tencen Weibo
  12163. Share on twitter:
  12164. Share points, achievements and your interactions with other Wazers.
  12165. Share that I've started using Waze
  12166. Share Url
  12167. Share with friends & colleagues!
  12168. Share your destination, ETA and route summary at the beginning of every drive.
  12169. Share your drive on the map
  12170. Share your road reports (traffic jams, hazards, etc.)
  12171. Sharing Url Prefix
  12172. Sharing your drive
  12173. shield
  12174. shield_cast_%d
  12175. Shield color not found for type: %d
  12176. shield_%d
  12177. Shield_%d
  12178. shield_%d_label_pen
  12179. Shore
  12180. Shortest
  12181. Shoulder
  12182. Should not be logged out
  12183. Should not have saved callback !!!
  12184. show
  12185. Show
  12186. showAddressOption
  12187. show_address_popup
  12188. Show a larger area
  12189. show_alert_dialog
  12190. ShowAlerterPopup
  12191. ShowAsrLabel
  12192. showAsrTip
  12193. ShowBonusWebPopup
  12194. ShowContacts
  12195. Show debug tools
  12196. showDetailsPopup
  12197. ShowDilerWindow
  12198. Show disclaimer
  12199. ShowEditbox
  12200. ShowEditBox
  12201. showEtaUpdatePopUp
  12202. Show Facebook details:
  12203. showFoursquareResult
  12204. showFoursquareVenues
  12205. Show Friends List
  12206. Show friends of friends too:
  12207. Show GPS
  12208. show_inbox
  12209. Show information about Waze
  12210. Showing route using alternative departure point.
  12211. Showing the guided tour from url: %s
  12212. Show map problems
  12213. show_me
  12214. Show me as
  12215. ShowMessageTicker
  12216. Show Munching
  12217. Show my Facebook name (on app & web)
  12218. Show my Facebook pic (on app & web)
  12219. Show name
  12220. Show Name
  12221. showNearingDestination
  12222. ShowNotificationMessage
  12223. Show Objects when Dragging
  12224. Show on map
  12225. Show on screen on tap
  12226. Show other wazers
  12227. Show picture
  12228. Show Picture
  12229. ShowPoiNearBy
  12230. Show points ticker
  12231. showProfile
  12232. Show profile
  12233. Show Profile
  12234. Show road goodies
  12235. show_screen_icons
  12236. showSignIn
  12237. ShowSoftKeyboard
  12238. Show speed cams
  12239. Show speedometer
  12240. Show Suggested
  12241. ShowSystemMessages
  12242. Show the current destination point
  12243. show_ticker
  12244. Show ticker
  12245. showTip
  12246. show_top_bar
  12247. Show top bar on tap
  12248. showTrafficDetectionPopup
  12249. Show traffic jams
  12250. Show Twitter details:
  12251. Show unmatched roads
  12252. Show user info
  12253. show_wazer_nearby
  12254. Show wazer nearby
  12255. Show wazers
  12256. Show Waze version and exit
  12257. ShowWebView
  12258. Show what to expect
  12259. shutdown
  12260. ShutDown
  12261. Shutting down fonts. Font images count %d
  12262. __ Shutting down the tile storage __
  12263. __ Shutting down the tts storage __
  12264. shy-female
  12265. schema
  12266. %s_child
  12267. sick
  12268. sick-female
  12269. sienna
  12270. sienna1
  12271. sienna2
  12272. sienna3
  12273. sienna4
  12274. SIGABRT
  12275. sigaction
  12276. SIGBUS
  12277. SIGFPE
  12278. SIGILL
  12279. _signal
  12280. _signal_io
  12281. Sign In
  12282. Signing in . . .
  12283. Signing in...
  12284. Signing in...
  12285. Sign in with Facebook
  12286. Signs
  12287. Sign Up
  12288. Sign up failed
  12289. Signup skip button
  12290. SIGSEGV
  12291. SIGSTKFLT
  12292. SIGSTOP
  12293. sijs
  12294. Silent
  12295. '%s' illegal action.
  12296. '%s' illegal speech.
  12297. '%s' illegal text.
  12298. sina,%d
  12299. sina - invalid websvc handle
  12300. Sina Weibo
  12301. SinaWeibo
  12302. sina_weibo_after_connect
  12303. SINA_WEIBO_CFG_PRM_Feature_Enabled_Var
  12304. SINA_WEIBO_CFG_PRM_FollowURL_Var
  12311. SINA_WEIBO_CFG_PRM_ShareURL_Var
  12314. sina_weibo_connect
  12315. sina_weibo_connect_url
  12316. sina_weibo_connect_url
  12317. sina_weibo_destination_mode
  12318. sina_weibo_disable_munching
  12319. sina_weibo_disable_sending
  12320. sina_weibo_disconnect
  12321. sina_weibo_enable_munching
  12322. sina_weibo_enable_sending
  12323. sina_weibo_follow
  12324. sina_weibo_follow_url
  12325. sina_weibo_followus_enabled
  12326. sina_weibo_check_login
  12327. sina_weibo_check_login
  12328. sina weibo - invalid websvc handle
  12329. sina_weibo_is_munching_enabled
  12330. sina_weibo_is_sending_enabled
  12331. sina_weibo_is_show_munching
  12332. sina_weibo_is_signup_enabled
  12333. sina_weibo_logged_in
  12334. Sina Weibo logout
  12335. sina_weibo_refresh_connection
  12336. sina_weibo_refresh_connection
  12337. sina_weibo_set_destination_mode
  12338. sina_weibo_setting_dialog
  12339. sina_weibo_settings
  12340. sinaweiboshare
  12341. sina_weibo_share
  12342. sina_weibo_share_url
  12343. Sina Weibo URl = %s
  12344. _sina_wibo_disconnect_confirmed_cb
  12345. sinf
  12346. SinglePlayer
  12347. single_search
  12348. Single Search
  12349. single_search_auto_nav
  12350. single_search_auto_nav_name
  12351. single_search_auto_search
  12352. single_search_auto_search_fav
  12353. single_search_category_search
  12354. single_search_dequeue
  12355. single_search_dlg::_on_search_provider() - Resolve process transaction failed to start '%s'
  12356. single_search_dlg::_on_search_provider() - Started Web-Service transaction: Resolve address
  12357. single_search_dlg_send_shown
  12358. single_search_dlg_show
  12359. single_search_getSearchResultsEta
  12360. single_search_init
  12361. single_search_init
  12362. single_search_init() - Web-Service Address: '%s', '%s'
  12363. single_search_init() - 'wst_init()' failed
  12364. single_search_is_waypoint
  12365. single_search::linqmap__proto__search__search_response__unpack() failed
  12366. single_search_menu
  12367. single_search_new_search
  12368. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'city'
  12369. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'county'
  12370. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'house number'
  12371. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'latitude'
  12372. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'longtitude'
  12373. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'name'
  12374. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'phone'
  12375. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'state'
  12376. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'street'
  12377. single_search::on_local_option() - Failed to read 'url'
  12378. single_search_on_search_provider
  12379. single_search_on_search_provider
  12380. single_search::on_single_search_option() - Failed to read 'provider'
  12381. single_search::on_single_search_proto_search_response() - Failed to read 'buffer size'
  12382. single_search::on_single_search_proto_search_response() - lat/lon is missing
  12383. single_search::on_single_search_proto_search_response() - provider id is missing
  12384. single_search_provider_resolve_address
  12385. single_search_provider_resolve_address
  12386. single_search_provider_resolve_address query= '%s'
  12387. single_search_reset
  12388. single_search_resolve_address
  12389. single_search_set_is_waypoint
  12390. single_search_term
  12391. single_search_term
  12392. single_search_term() - TERM
  12393. %s in the neighborhood of %s
  12394. %s is not a supported unit
  12395. sixinferior
  12396. sixoldstyle
  12397. sixsuperior
  12398. Sixth
  12399. sixth exit
  12400. SIZE
  12401. Size check failed
  12402. Size check failed for file '%s' upload
  12403. skin_auto_night_feature_enabled
  12404. skin_auto_night_mode
  12405. skin_auto_night_mode_kill_timer
  12406. skin_bundle
  12407. _skin_callback
  12408. skin_get_scheme
  12409. skin_gps_listener
  12410. skin_init
  12411. skin_register
  12412. /skins/default/day
  12413. /skins/default/night
  12414. skin_set_scheme
  12415. skin_set_subskin
  12416. skin_set_subskin_int
  12417. skin_state
  12418. skin_state
  12419. skin_state_screen_touched
  12420. skin_state_screen_touched
  12421. skin_toggle
  12422. Skip
  12423. SkipChars
  12424. skipped_once
  12425. Skipping duplicate GPS point at %d
  12426. Skipping GPS sample where position shifted by %d meters
  12427. Skipping GPS sample where speed dropped from %d to 0
  12428. Skipping segment instrumentation because not all segments have been received yet
  12429. Skipping waypoint delay segment
  12430. sky blue
  12431. SkyBlue
  12432. SkyBlue1
  12433. SkyBlue2
  12434. SkyBlue3
  12435. SkyBlue4
  12436. sky_image
  12437. sky_image_offset
  12438. sky_image_top_height
  12439. %s_label_pen
  12440. Slant
  12441. SLANT
  12442. SLANT
  12443. slash
  12444. slate blue
  12445. SlateBlue
  12446. SlateBlue1
  12447. SlateBlue2
  12448. SlateBlue3
  12449. SlateBlue4
  12450. slate gray
  12451. SlateGray
  12452. SlateGray1
  12453. SlateGray2
  12454. SlateGray3
  12455. SlateGray4
  12456. slate grey
  12457. SlateGrey
  12458. sleepy
  12459. sleepy-female
  12460. %s_left
  12461. %s|%lf|%lf|%d
  12462. Slide to navigate
  12463. s location settings are turned on.
  12464. Slow Max Wait
  12465. Slow Min Diff
  12466. Slow Threshold
  12468. small_yellow_arrow
  12469. smalsquare75re10
  12470. %s/management/LogoutUser?id=%d&global=true
  12471. s MITLM, and Politepix
  12472. smooth
  12473. smooth-lcd
  12474. smooth-lcdv
  12475. SMS location URL
  12476. SMSR
  12477. snaw
  12478. SN_IsValid
  12479. snow
  12480. Snow
  12481. snow1
  12482. snow2
  12483. snow3
  12484. snow4
  12485. snprintf_safe
  12486. Social
  12487. SocialActivity
  12488. social_all_facebook_friends_list
  12489. Social and Gaming
  12491. SOCIAL_CFG_PRM_Mode_Var
  12492. SOCIAL_CFG_PRM_Show_Friends_List_Var
  12493. social_end_drive
  12494. social_facebook_feature_enabled
  12495. social_facebook_friends_list_enabled
  12496. social_force_facebook_connect
  12497. social_friends_list
  12498. social_getEndDriveNameAndAddress
  12499. Social Image
  12500. social_image_download
  12501. social_image_download_by_pic_id
  12502. social_image_download_by_pic_id
  12503. social_image_download_by_pic_id - %s
  12504. social_image_download_get_download_url
  12505. social_image_find_cached
  12506. social_image_initialize
  12507. social_image_terminate
  12508. social_initialize
  12509. Social Intro URL
  12510. social_is_fb_register
  12511. social_is_multi_player
  12512. social_is_single_player
  12513. social_market_feature_enabled
  12514. SocialMediaServer
  12515. SocialMediaServer/connect
  12519. Social networks
  12520. Social & Networks
  12521. social_on_faceobook_disconnect_completed
  12522. social_on_set_token_completed
  12523. social_on_set_token_completed
  12524. SocialPlayer
  12525. social_send_permissions
  12526. social_set_fb_register
  12527. social_sina_weibo_feature_enabled
  12528. social_tencent_weibo_feature_enabled
  12529. social_twitter_feature_enabled
  12530. social_wizard_is_first_time
  12531. social_wizard_set_first_time
  12532. socket
  12533. socket_async_receive
  12534. socket_async_receive_end
  12535. Socket buffer is full. Error: %d ( %s )
  12537. Socket timeout during connect. Trying again. Connection id: %d.
  12538. socket_wrapper_close
  12539. socket_wrapper_invalidate
  12540. socket_wrapper_read
  12541. socket_wrapper_write
  12542. socket_wrapper_write_async
  12544. Softkey-left
  12545. Softkey-right
  12546. Software Update
  12547. So, how did you hear about Waze?
  12548. sooner
  12549. s OpenEar libraries.
  12550. Sorry, but you're still a Baby Wazer and can't update gas prices just yet. To reach Waze Grown-Up level drive %d %s
  12551. Sorry, no results were found for this search
  12552. Sorry, only registered users can record new roads. Go toSettings > Account & Login to register.
  12553. Sorry, there's no GPS reception in this location. Make sure you are outdoors
  12554. Sorry we were unable to complete the search
  12555. Sorry, you have no network connection right now. Please try later
  12556. Sorry, you need Network & GPS connection when reporting an event. Please re-try later
  12557. Sort by
  12558. sound
  12559. Sound
  12560. Sound device
  12561. sound_free
  12562. sound_initialize
  12563. sound_initialize_config
  12564. sound_list_add
  12565. sound_list_add
  12566. sound_list_add_buf
  12567. sound_list_count
  12568. sound_list_create
  12569. sound_list_free
  12570. sound_list_get
  12571. sound_list_set_cb
  12572. sound_load
  12573. sound_load
  12574. sound_play_file
  12575. sound_play_list
  12576. sound_record
  12577. SoundRecorder_DisposeRefs
  12578. SoundRecorder_Start
  12579. SoundRecorder_Start
  12580. SoundRecorder_Stop
  12581. SoundRecorder_Stop
  12582. sound_res
  12583. sound_shutdown
  12584. sound_stop_recording
  12585. Sound_Ver
  12586. source
  12587. Source
  12588. SOURCE
  12589. space
  12590. space
  12591. SPACING
  12592. S_PARENT_DIR
  12593. Speaker
  12594. Speak now
  12595. Specials
  12596. speed
  12597. Speed
  12598. speedcam
  12599. Speed cam
  12600. Speed Cam
  12601. speed_cam_alert
  12602. Speed cams
  12603. speed_cam_warn
  12604. Speed Factor
  12605. speedometer
  12606. Speedometer
  12607. speedometer_hide
  12608. speedometer_initialize
  12609. speedometer_initialize
  12610. speedometer_pen
  12611. speedometer_set_offset
  12612. speedometer_show
  12613. SpeedSign.Label.Black
  12614. SpeedSign.Label.White
  12615. SpeedText
  12616. Speed trap ahead
  12617. speed trap reported ahead
  12618. speedy
  12619. speedy-female
  12620. Speech to text context is corrupted!!!
  12621. Speech to text engine is not available!!!
  12622. Speech to text result callback called. Status: %d
  12623. speechtt_abort
  12624. speechtt_abort
  12625. speechtt_enabled
  12626. SpeechTT engine is failed to start!
  12627. SpeechTT engine is not initialized!
  12628. SpeechTT engine state is not idle ( %d ). Aborting ...
  12629. SpeechttManager_DisposeRefs
  12630. SpeechttManager_IsAvailable
  12631. SpeechttManager_IsAvailable
  12632. SpeechttManager_StartNative
  12633. SpeechttManager_StartNative
  12634. SpeechttManager_Stop
  12635. SpeechttManager_Stop
  12636. speechtt_register_close
  12637. speechtt_register_launcher
  12638. speechtt_result_callback
  12639. speechtt_start
  12640. speechtt_start
  12641. speechtt_stop
  12642. speechtt_stop
  12643. Splash
  12644. splash_display
  12645. Splash download disabled
  12646. splash_download_init
  12647. splash_download_init
  12648. splash_get_last_check_time
  12649. splash_get_splash_name
  12650. splash_login_cb
  12651. splash_reset_check_time
  12652. splash_set_update_time
  12653. Splash_Ver
  12654. sPLT
  12655. sPLT chunk has bad length
  12656. sPLT chunk requires too much memory
  12657. sPLT chunk too long
  12658. %s.png
  12659. %s?poi_id=%d&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&client_version=%s&lang=%s&t=%d%s&providerid=%d&serviceid=%d&promotionid=%d&lon=%s&lat=%s&auto=%s&viewmode=%s&dataprovider=advertiser&conf_file_url=%s&metric=%s
  12660. sponsered
  12661. Sponsored
  12662. Spread the word
  12663. spring green
  12664. SpringGreen
  12665. SpringGreen1
  12666. SpringGreen2
  12667. SpringGreen3
  12668. SpringGreen4
  12669. sprintf
  12670. (sprite) missing edit marker icon
  12671. (sprite) missing image for %s
  12672. (sprite) no car image found
  12673. (sprite) no car in config file
  12674. (sprite) no image defined for %s
  12675. (sprite) no image for 'red_marker_small'
  12676. (sprite) no image for %s
  12677. (sprite) no image found for %s
  12678. (sprite) no pen for ROAD_STREET
  12679. (sprite) screen object:'%s' missing sprite:%s
  12680. %s?protocol=1&reqtype=area&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&minlon=%.6f&maxlon=%.6f&minlat=%.6f&maxlat=%.6f&minscale=%d&maxscale=%d
  12681. SQLite error in %s executing sqlite statement at LINE: %d. Error : %d ( %s )
  12682. sqlite3_bind_blob
  12683. sqlite3_bind_int
  12684. sqlite3_bind_text
  12685. sqlite3_close
  12686. sqlite3_column_blob
  12687. sqlite3_column_bytes
  12688. sqlite3_column_int
  12689. sqlite3_column_text
  12690. sqlite3_errmsg
  12691. sqlite3_exec
  12692. sqlite3_finalize
  12693. sqlite3_open
  12694. sqlite3_prepare
  12695. sqlite3_step
  12696. sqrt
  12697. square_adjust_scale
  12698. square_at_current_scale
  12699. square_cross_pos
  12700. square_current_scale_factor
  12701. square%d
  12702. square_edges
  12703. square_find_neighbours
  12704. square_force_next_update
  12705. square_min
  12706. square_request_location
  12707. square_scale
  12708. square_screen_scale_factor
  12709. square_search
  12710. square_set_current_internal
  12711. square_set_screen_scale
  12712. square_timestamp
  12713. square_version
  12714. square_view
  12715. '%s' Reached max number of keywords (%d) - this will not be added to dict: '%s'
  12716. %s?reqtype=tileBatch&protocol=1&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&num=%d
  12717. %s results
  12718. sRGB
  12719. %s_right
  12720. %s %s
  12721. %s %s
  12722. [%s %s]
  12723. %s (%s)
  12724. %s %s
  12725. %s.%s
  12726. %s, %s
  12727. %s: %s
  12728. %s: %s
  12729. %s: %s?
  12730. %s:%s
  12731. %s//%s
  12732. %s/%s/
  12733. %s%s
  12734. %s%s
  12735. %s %s Away
  12736. sscanf
  12737. %s%s?community=foursquare&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&on_close=dialog_hide_current&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s
  12738. %s%s?community=tencent&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&on_close=dialog_hide_current&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s&publish=%s
  12739. %s%s?community=twitter&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&on_close=dialog_hide_current&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s&publish=%s
  12740. %s%s?community=weibo&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&on_close=dialog_hide_current&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s&publish=%s
  12741. ,%s,%s,%d
  12742. %s %s: %d%%
  12743. %s,%s,%d
  12744. %s,%s,%d,%d,%d
  12745. %s%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s,%s,T,T,%d
  12746. %s/%s/%d_%d/picture?type=%s&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s
  12747. %s/%s/%d/picture?type=%s&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&always_show_image=true
  12748. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s
  12749. %s&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&client_version=%s&lang=%s&t=%d&viewmode=preview&width=%d&height=%d&conf_file_url=%s&metric=%s
  12750. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s
  12751. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s&width=%d&height=%d&viewmode=coupon&metric=%s
  12752. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s
  12753. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&gotogroup=%s&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s
  12754. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&lang=%s&client_version=%s&web_version=%s
  12755. %s&sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&lang=%s&client_version=%s&web_version=%s
  12756. %s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&width=%d&height=%d&lang=%s&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&metric=%s
  12757. !S<SGSbSn
  12758. %s%s.gz
  12759. %s %s HTTP/1.0
  12760. s;sJ
  12761. ssl_close
  12762. ssl_connect
  12763. ssl_connect
  12764. SSL_connect
  12765. SSL_CTX_free
  12766. SSL_CTX_new
  12767. SSL_free
  12768. SSL_get_error
  12769. SSL_library_init
  12770. SSL_load_error_strings
  12771. SSL_new
  12772. ssl_open
  12773. SSL_pending
  12774. ssl_read
  12775. ssl_read
  12776. SSL_read
  12777. ssl_send
  12778. ssl_send
  12779. SSL_set_fd
  12780. %s//%s//%lu-%lu-%lu.%s
  12781. SSLv23_client_method
  12782. SSL_write
  12783. Ssmall
  12784. s's~s
  12785. %s %s %s
  12786. %s %s, %s
  12787. %s %s=%s
  12788. %s.%s: %s
  12789. %s, %s, %s
  12790. %s: %s %s
  12791. %s: %s%s
  12792. %s//%s//%s
  12793. %s%s/%s
  12794. %s%s%s
  12795. %s%s=%s
  12796. %s,%s,%s,%d,%d
  12797. %s%s%s__%d_%d__%s_%d_%s__%s.gz
  12798. %s%s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s
  12799. %s%s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s&deviceid=%d&on_close=dialog_hide_current&client_version=%s&web_version=%s&lang=%s
  12800. %s_%s_%s.gz
  12801. %s//%s//%s//%s%s
  12802. %s%s%s%s%s
  12803. s_start_time
  12804. ssuperior
  12805. S-Sv
  12806. Stack data: Flags: %x, Size: %d, SP: %x
  12807. __stack_chk_fail
  12808. __stack_chk_guard
  12809. StandardEncoding
  12810. StandardEncoding
  12811. Standstill
  12812. Star
  12813. _start
  12814. Start
  12815. Start!
  12816. Start aboutClickNTV
  12817. StartAxis
  12818. StartComposites
  12819. StartData
  12820. StartDirection
  12821. StartDrive
  12822. StartDrive%d
  12823. StartDrive1
  12824. StartDrive2
  12825. StartDrive3
  12826. StartDrive4
  12827. StartDrive5
  12828. StartDrive6
  12829. StartDrive7
  12830. StartDrive8
  12831. StartDrive9
  12832. Started Async connection for file : %s
  12833. Started resolver thread %ld with result %d. Domain '%s'. Callback: 0x%x
  12834. STARTFONT
  12835. StartFontMetrics
  12836. Start getConfigNTV
  12837. STARTCHAR
  12838. StartCharMetrics
  12839. *** Starting at %s ***
  12840. Starting exit procedure
  12841. Starting offline route calculation...
  12842. Starting the periodic for power. Period: %d.
  12843. Starting video...
  12844. _start_io
  12845. StartKernData
  12846. StartKernPairs
  12847. StartKernPairs0
  12848. StartKernPairs1
  12849. StartNative
  12850. Start parsing string: %s
  12851. start_point = %d %d pos = %d %d flags = %d
  12852. Start point set
  12854. _start_realtime
  12855. _start_resolver
  12856. Start sendLogsClickNTV
  12857. Start setConfigNTV
  12858. StartTrackKern
  12859. StartTransaction
  12860. StartTransaction
  12861. StartTransaction() - NOT ATTEMPTING A NEW SESSION - Last login attempt failed with 'wrong name/pw'; Login details were not modified
  12862. StartTransaction() - QUIET ERROR MODE - Skipping this iteration (one on one off)
  12863. Start with Road Roller
  12864. stat
  12865. State
  12866. state_add
  12867. State/Country
  12868. state_find
  12869. statement evaluation
  12870. state_monitor
  12871. state_refresh
  12872. static
  12873. StaticMethod
  12874. Stations
  12875. Stats,%s,%s
  12876. STAT %s %s,%s
  12877. StatsTable_AddStat
  12878. StatsTable_AddStat list is full
  12879. StatsTable_getEventName
  12880. StatsTable_getNumParams
  12881. StatsTable_getParamNames
  12882. StatsTable_getParamValues
  12883. Status
  12884. Status:
  12885. Status:
  12886. statusLine
  12887. Status: logged in
  12888. Status: not logged in
  12889. StatusStatistics_Init
  12890. StatusStatistics_Reset
  12891. statusTimeSeconds
  12892. stay to the left
  12893. stay to the right
  12894. StdHW
  12895. StdHW
  12896. StdHW
  12897. StdVW
  12898. StdVW
  12899. StdVW
  12900. steel blue
  12901. SteelBlue
  12902. SteelBlue1
  12903. SteelBlue2
  12904. SteelBlue3
  12905. SteelBlue4
  12906. Steering from LAST: %d
  12907. Steering from PREV: %d
  12908. Steering from PREV-PREV: %d
  12909. StemSnapH
  12910. StemSnapH
  12911. StemSnapV
  12912. StemSnapV
  12913. sterling
  12914. ##@stg
  12915. s the place!
  12916. %s (Thread %d). Error %d: %s
  12917. stib
  12918. stib
  12919. stib
  12920. stib
  12921. stib
  12922. stib
  12923. stib
  12924. stib
  12925. stib
  12926. stibltuo
  12927. stibltuo
  12928. stibltuopmoc
  12929. stib0
  12930. stib0@-
  12931. Still has maximum number of track points (%d)
  12932. %s/tmp/%d
  12933. Stop
  12934. STOP
  12935. Stop nav
  12936. STOP NAV
  12937. stop_navigate
  12938. Stop navigation
  12939. Stop navigation or Stop
  12940. Stop paving
  12941. Stop point
  12942. StopPointColor
  12943. Stop recording roads
  12944. Stop searching for route match on uninstrumented segment %d (tile=%d line=%d)
  12945. StopShareLocation
  12946. StopShareLocation() - had failed
  12947. StopShareLocation() - was sent successfully
  12948. stopwatch_get_current_msec
  12949. stopwatch_get_current_time_formatted
  12950. stopwatch_get_current_time_msec_formatted
  12951. stopwatch_get_date_hours_and_minutes
  12952. stopwatch_get_dates_diff
  12953. stopwatch_get_epoch_us
  12954. stopwatch_get_hours_and_minutes
  12955. stopwatch_get_joined_string
  12956. Storing file at %s
  12957. Straight
  12958. strcasecmp
  12959. strcasestr
  12960. strcat
  12961. strcmp
  12962. strcpy
  12963. strcspn
  12964. street
  12965. Street
  12966. street_blocks_by_city
  12967. street_extend_line_ends
  12968. street_find_line_cont
  12969. street_get_city_name
  12970. street_get_properties
  12971. street_get_street
  12972. street_get_street_fedirp
  12973. street_get_street_fedirs
  12974. street_get_street_range
  12975. street_get_street_range
  12976. street_get_street_shield_text
  12977. street_get_street_shield_type
  12978. street_get_street_zip
  12979. street_line_has_predecessor
  12980. Street range
  12981. street_replace
  12982. Street/road without a name
  12983. Streets
  12984. street_search
  12985. street_search_city
  12986. street_update_city_index
  12987. strerror
  12988. strchr
  12991. _string
  12992. string_compare_ignore_case
  12993. string_equal
  12994. string_get
  12995. String is not initialized! Language module can't work with NULL strings
  12996. string_lock
  12997. string_misc_extract_data
  12998. string_misc_skip_spaces
  12999. string_misc_skip_until
  13000. string_new
  13001. string_new_in_collection
  13002. string_release
  13003. string_release
  13004. string_release_all
  13005. strlen_utf8
  13006. strncasecmp
  13007. strncat
  13008. strncmp
  13009. strncpy
  13010. StrokeWidth
  13011. StrokeWidth
  13012. StrokeWidth
  13013. strrchr
  13014. strstr
  13015. strtod
  13016. strtok
  13017. strtol
  13018. strtoul
  13019. STT Invalid state while aborting the engine. State: %d
  13020. STT Invalid state while stopping the engine. State: %d
  13021. Style
  13022. __subdf3
  13023. Submit
  13024. submit_logs
  13025. Submit logs
  13026. SubmitMarker
  13027. SubmitMarker,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s
  13028. SubmitSegment
  13029. SubmitSegment,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d
  13030. SubrCount
  13031. SubrMapOffset
  13032. Subrs
  13034. SUBSCRIPT_X
  13035. SUBSCRIPT_Y
  13036. __subsf3
  13037. sub skin %s is not supported
  13038. Succeeded
  13039. Success
  13040. Successful connection to %s:%d. Connection id: %d.
  13041. Successfully got UpdateConfig message - file %s, category=%s, key=%s, value=%s
  13042. Successfully registered compass listener: 0x%x
  13043. Successfully registered position listener: 0x%x
  13044. Successfully registered satellite listener: 0x%x
  13045. Success loading image : %s
  13046. SuggestedTrips
  13047. SuggestNavigation,%d,%d,%s
  13048. SuggestNavigationRes
  13049. SuggestNavigationRes
  13050. SuggestNavigationRes
  13051. SuggestNavigationRes,1,-1,My Location,%d,%d,%s,%d,%d
  13052. SuggestReroute
  13053. SuggestReroute for id %d segment %d, time improves from %d to %d
  13054. SuggestReroute: %s
  13055. ##@suggestroute
  13056. Summary Refresh rate (minutes)
  13057. summation
  13058. sunpos
  13059. sun_RA_dec
  13060. sunrise
  13061. sunriset
  13062. __sunriset__
  13063. sunset
  13064. %s_up
  13068. Supplement
  13069. Sure you wanna shut down?
  13070. %s?version=%d&set=%s
  13071. s waiting inside...
  13072. _swap_active_route
  13073. _swap_active_route - old: %d new: %d
  13074. SwapBuffersEgl
  13075. %s was not downloaded error = %s
  13076. s where I am now
  13077. SWIDTH
  13078. Swipe left for more options
  13079. Switch
  13080. _switch_endian
  13081. Switching off GPS and network
  13082. Switch off
  13083. sworshieeditbeta
  13084. sync_do_upload
  13085. Syncing favorite (%s) with server
  13086. _synth_request
  13087. system
  13088. System
  13089. System call error in SSL_read: (%d)%s !!
  13090. /system/fonts/
  13091. SystemMessage
  13092. SystemMessage
  13093. System Messages
  13094. system_time_change
  13095. system_time_zone_change
  13096. %s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT
  13097. %s/%05d_%02x/%05d_%04x/%05d_%06x/%05d_%08x%s?sessionid=%d&cookie=%s
  13098. %s@2x.bin
  13099. %s_3D
  13100. s5sXsgspa
  13101. $t$~$
  13102. _take_action
  13103. Take a few moments to familiarize yourself with Waze...
  13104. take a left
  13105. Take a pic
  13106. Take a picture
  13107. take a right
  13108. Take coupon result: %d
  13109. TakePicture
  13110. TakePictureAsync
  13111. take the
  13112. tan1
  13113. tan2
  13114. tan3
  13115. tan4
  13116. Tap here for options
  13117. Tap "Record" when ready
  13118. Tap the correct address below
  13119. Tap to cancel
  13120. *>TB
  13121. tcbBegin
  13122. tcbBegin
  13123. tcbBegin() - unsupported draw type: %d
  13124. tcbCombine
  13125. tcbEnd
  13126. tcbError
  13127. tcbError
  13128. tcbError: %d
  13129. tcbVertex
  13130. tcommaaccent
  13131. Tcommaaccent
  13132. TDBEtadbgfff
  13133. &t%d=%d&v%d=%d
  13134. Temporary invisible
  13135. Temporary user!
  13136. Temp user
  13137. tencent,%d
  13138. tencent - invalid websvc handle
  13139. Tencent Weibo
  13140. TencentWeibo
  13141. tencent_weibo_after_connect
  13142. TENCENT_WEIBO_CFG_PRM_Feature_Enabled_Var
  13153. tencent_weibo_connect
  13154. tencent_weibo_connect_url
  13155. tencent_weibo_connect_url
  13156. tencent_weibo_destination_mode
  13157. tencent_weibo_disable_munching
  13158. tencent_weibo_disable_sending
  13159. tencent_weibo_disconnect
  13160. _tencent_weibo_disconnect_confirmed_cb
  13161. tencent_weibo_enable_munching
  13162. tencent_weibo_enable_sending
  13163. tencent_weibo_follow
  13164. tencent_weibo_follow_url
  13165. tencent_weibo_followus_enabled
  13166. tencent_weibo_check_login
  13167. tencent_weibo_check_login
  13168. tencent_weibo_is_munching_enabled
  13169. tencent_weibo_is_sending_enabled
  13170. tencent_weibo_is_show_munching
  13171. tencent_weibo_is_signup_enabled
  13172. tencent_weibo_logged_in
  13173. tencent_weibo logout
  13174. tencent_weibo_refresh_connection
  13175. tencent_weibo_refresh_connection
  13176. tencent_weibo_set_destination_mode
  13177. tencent_weibo_setting_dialog
  13178. tencent_weibo_settings
  13179. tencentweiboshare
  13180. tencent_weibo_share
  13181. tencent_weibo_share_url
  13182. tencent_weibo URl = %s
  13183. term_of_use
  13184. Terms of use
  13185. Terms of Use accepted
  13186. terms_of_use_android
  13187. terms_of_use_android
  13188. terms_of_use_android
  13189. termsOfUseResponse %d
  13190. test
  13191. #test#
  13192. test_alerter
  13193. test_auto_alerter
  13194. test_end_drive
  13195. test_eta_update1
  13196. test_eta_update2
  13197. test_eta_update3
  13198. Testing index %d dbid is %d
  13199. Testing offline segments after download of tile %d
  13200. test_internal_browser
  13201. TestLoginDetails
  13202. TestLoginDetails() - Login details did not changed - nothing to do
  13203. Test message
  13204. test_messagebox
  13205. test_message_ticker
  13206. test_ping
  13207. test_scroll_all
  13208. test_system_message
  13210. test test
  13211. test_thumbs_up
  13212. test_timed_alert
  13213. test_tip
  13214. Test title
  13215. test_traffic_detection
  13216. test_ui
  13217. tEXt
  13218. Text to Speech
  13219. Text to Speech: (c) Copyright 2011 Nuance Communications, Inc.
  13222. %T%\%g%o%{
  13223. Thank
  13224. thanked you for your report
  13225. Thanks
  13226. Thanks!
  13227. Thanks:
  13228. Thanks for helping to spread the word!
  13229. Thanks for reporting
  13230. Thanks for reviewing Waze!
  13231. Thanks from:
  13232. Thanks sent to user
  13233. Thanks! The price was updated
  13234. Thanks! You've earned %d points
  13235. Thank you!!!
  13236. The address is not resolved. Callback with error is executed. Connectiond id: %d
  13237. The address was successfully added to your Favorites
  13238. The cache size exceed (Count: %d) - deallocating slot %d. Name %s. Adding: %s
  13239. The calculated route may have incorrect turn instructions.
  13240. the GNU Lesser General Public License.
  13241. The info struct allocated by application for reading is too small.
  13242. The IO is not valid - don't need to free. Connection id: %d
  13243. The matrix tracking is enabled!
  13244. The number of the pointer events has been exceeded
  13245. The OpenGL callback id %d is invalid or irrelevant!
  13246. The OpenGL event callbacks map is saturated!
  13247. The person following your ride will no longer be able to track you on the map or see your ETA.
  13248. The png struct allocated by the application for reading is too small.
  13249. The post could not be published to your wall. Please try again later.
  13250. The post was published to your wall.
  13251. The queue index is invalid: %d
  13252. There are no available entries in set: %s. Cannot register action: %s
  13253. There are no available entries in the unmanaged images list. List size: %d
  13254. There are no comments for the alert: %d
  13255. There are no enabled voices - disabling the TTS!
  13256. There are no markers.
  13257. There are no saved addresses
  13258. ThereAreTooManyNetworkErrors
  13259. ThereAreTooManyNetworkErrors
  13260. There Are Too Many Network Errors(!) - %d network errors occurred. %d of them successive. %d seconds passed from last good session!
  13261. There is no matching category menu icon: %s. Category: %s
  13262. There is no matching provider icon: %s. Provider: %s
  13263. There is no network connection. Updating your Foursquare account details failed.
  13264. There is no network connection.Updating your twitter account details failed.
  13265. There is no recording associated with this note.
  13266. There is on available context in Android TTS request context pool!
  13267. There is on available context in WAS TTS request context pool!
  13268. There may be presents in this treasure chest but you need to be a registered user in order to get them. Register in 'Settings > Profile'
  13269. There may be presents in this treasure chest! You'll know when you drive over it.
  13270. There may be presents in this treasure chest! You'll know when you drive over it. Note: You need to be a registered user in order to receive the gift inside. Register in 'Settings > Profile'
  13271. There's a better route
  13272. There seems to be a problem connecting to Twitter. You can always add it later from 'My Waze'
  13273. There's no network connection. Please check your network connection and re-open Waze.
  13274. There was crash on application shutdown
  13275. there with Waze, open
  13276. The service failed to provide a valid route
  13277. The service failed to provide a valid route rc=%d
  13278. The size was not defined for this type
  13279. The %s matrix values for mode: %d
  13280. __ The sqlite db is opened - committing transaction and closing the db
  13281. The text '%s' is already in the cache. Slot: %d
  13282. The text '%s' is found in the cache in slot: %d
  13283. The text '%s' is not found in the cache
  13284. The TTS provider request pool is full!
  13285. The TTS requests' queue is full!
  13286. THEZOCQS
  13287. thgw
  13288. thgwt|
  13289. Thickness
  13290. Thickness set to 0 !
  13291. Things have freed up ahead
  13292. Third
  13293. third exit
  13294. This feature is not available when connected to a Pioneer device
  13295. This function is deprecated. Use provider_search_format_price_force() instead
  13296. This function is deprecated. Use provider_search_format_prod_price() instead
  13297. This function is deprecated. Use provider_search_get_prod_price_format() instead
  13298. This is how you'll appear to friends. Want to see even more familiar faces on the map?
  13299. This is you
  13300. this link
  13301. This route is still the fastest
  13302. thistle
  13303. thistle1
  13304. thistle2
  13305. thistle3
  13306. thistle4
  13307. This username already exists, please select another
  13308. thorn
  13309. Thorn
  13310. Thornsmall
  13311. thread_run
  13312. thread_run
  13313. three
  13314. threeeighths
  13315. threeinferior
  13316. threeoldstyle
  13317. threequarters
  13318. threequartersemdash
  13319. threesuperior
  13320. Threshold
  13321. Threshold 1
  13322. Threshold 2
  13323. Thumbnail request to Android is failed
  13324. Thumbs up
  13325. ThumbsUp,%d
  13326. ThumbsUp_OnClose_button
  13327. ThumbsUpReceived
  13328. ThumbsUpReceived
  13329. ThumbsUpRes
  13330. ThumbsUpRes
  13331. ThumbsUpRes
  13332. $tI\
  13333. ticker_cfg_on
  13334. ticker_display
  13335. ticker_height
  13336. ticker_hide
  13337. ticker_initialize
  13338. ticker_menu
  13339. TickerPoints
  13340. ticker_set_last_event
  13341. ticker_set_suppress_hide
  13342. ticker_show
  13343. ticker_state
  13344. ticker_state
  13345. ticker_supress_hide
  13346. ticker_top_bar_offset
  13347. tilde
  13348. Tildesmall
  13349. Tile Cache Inconsistency!! Tile id %d is already deleted
  13350. Tile callback on %d
  13351. tile_data_close
  13352. tile_data_get_item
  13353. tile_data_get_item
  13354. tile_data_open
  13355. tile_data_open
  13357. Tile %d is not available
  13358. _tile_download_cb
  13359. tile_download_get_last_refresh_request_time
  13360. tile_download_map
  13361. tile_download_map
  13362. tile_download_refresh_all
  13363. tile_download_refresh_all
  13364. tile_download_refresh_request
  13365. tile_download_refresh_request
  13366. tile_download_register_callback
  13367. tile_download_request_tile
  13368. tile_download_request_tile
  13369. tile_download_reset_session
  13370. Tile %d update %d segment %d from %d dist %d time %d inst %d exit %d
  13371. tile_geom_get_edges
  13372. tile_geom_get_id_from_position
  13373. tile_geom_get_max_scale
  13374. tile_geom_get_origin
  13375. tile_geom_get_scale
  13376. tile_geom_get_scale_factor
  13377. tile_geom_get_size
  13378. tile_geom_is_adjacent
  13379. Tile loading failed - cannot open database
  13380. tile_locator_adjust_active_scale
  13381. tile_locator_find_neighbours
  13382. tile_locator_force_next_update
  13383. tile_locator_get_active_scale
  13384. tile_locator_get_active_scale_factor
  13385. tile_locator_request_location
  13386. tile_locator_search_tile
  13387. tile_locator_set_active_scale
  13388. tile_locator_view_tiles
  13389. tile_locator_view_tiles
  13390. tile_manager_close_tile
  13391. tile_manager_free
  13392. tile_manager_get_tile
  13393. tile_manager_get_tiles
  13394. tile_manager_init
  13395. tile_manager_push_tile
  13396. tile_manager_refresh
  13397. tile_manager_request_tile
  13398. tile mem for index:%d has invalid format
  13399. tile_object_create
  13400. tile_object_free
  13401. tile_object_get_alert
  13402. tile_object_get_attribute
  13403. tile_object_get_broken_line
  13404. tile_object_get_city
  13405. tile_object_get_edges
  13406. tile_object_get_first_broken_line
  13407. tile_object_get_line
  13408. tile_object_get_next_line
  13409. tile_object_get_num_alerts
  13410. tile_object_get_num_attributes
  13411. tile_object_get_num_broken_lines
  13412. tile_object_get_num_cities
  13413. tile_object_get_num_lines
  13414. tile_object_get_num_point_ids
  13415. tile_object_get_num_points
  13416. tile_object_get_num_polygon_points
  13417. tile_object_get_num_polygons
  13418. tile_object_get_num_ranges
  13419. tile_object_get_num_roundabout
  13420. tile_object_get_num_roundabout_lines
  13421. tile_object_get_num_routes
  13422. tile_object_get_num_shapes
  13423. tile_object_get_num_speed_avg
  13424. tile_object_get_num_speed_index
  13425. tile_object_get_num_speed_ref
  13426. tile_object_get_num_speed_slots
  13427. tile_object_get_num_streets
  13428. tile_object_get_point
  13429. tile_object_get_point_id
  13430. tile_object_get_polygon
  13431. tile_object_get_polygon_point
  13432. tile_object_get_range
  13433. tile_object_get_roundabout_line
  13434. tile_object_get_route
  13435. tile_object_get_scale
  13436. tile_object_get_shape
  13437. tile_object_get_speed_avg
  13438. tile_object_get_speed_index
  13439. tile_object_get_speed_ref
  13440. tile_object_get_speed_slot
  13441. tile_object_get_street
  13442. tile_object_get_string
  13443. tile_object_get_string_buffer_size
  13444. tile_object_get_tile_id
  13445. tile_object_get_timestamp
  13446. tile_object_get_version
  13447. tile_object_reset_version
  13448. tile_package_free
  13449. tile_package_open
  13450. tile_package_open
  13451. tile_package_read_header
  13452. tile_package_read_header
  13453. tile_package_read_tile
  13454. tile_package_read_tile
  13455. Tile queue is full
  13456. _tile_refresh_cb
  13457. Tile remove failed - cannot open database
  13458. Tile request queue is full
  13459. Tile request queue is full with prioritized items
  13460. Tile request URL is too long
  13461. tiles_
  13462. Tiles
  13463. tile size too large in package, need %d bytes but only has %d bytes
  13464. tile_status_get
  13465. Tile storage failed - cannot open database
  13466. tile_storage_load
  13467. tile_storage_load
  13468. tile_storage_remove
  13469. tile_storage_remove
  13470. tile_storage_remove_all
  13471. tile_storage_shutdown
  13472. tile_storage_shutdown
  13473. tile_storage_store
  13474. tile_storage_store
  13475. tile_storage_valid
  13476. tile_storage_valid
  13477. Tiles V2
  13478. Tiles V3
  13479. Tiles3
  13480. tile_util_cross_tile_edge
  13481. tile_util_get_current_scale_factor
  13482. tile_util_get_edges
  13483. tile_util_get_origin
  13484. tile_util_get_timestamp
  13485. tile_util_get_version
  13486. tile_util_tile_at_active_scale
  13487. tIME
  13488. Time
  13489. TIME
  13490. Timed out waiting for tile %d
  13491. timegm
  13492. Timeout
  13493. TimeOut
  13494. Timeout passed in resolving domain '%s'. Cancelling thread: %d
  13495. Timeout waiting for select in net_send
  13496. Timer reached. Downloading lang %s (downloaded %d of %d)
  13497. Timer table saturated
  13498. Timer 0x%08x (Context: 0x%08x) not found
  13499. Time saved:
  13500. Tip shown
  13501. Tip Shown
  13502. Tip: Teach Waze your preferred routes by simply driving them several times.
  13503. Tip: You're added to the map after 1 minute.
  13504. title
  13505. $tIX
  13506. TLCP
  13507. tnls
  13508. tNtqt
  13509. today
  13510. To: %d - %d (%s)
  13511. To drive
  13512. To easily access your web account, send road tweets and more, personalize your account now
  13513. To everyone
  13514. To force suggest route - please first start navigation
  13515. To friends only
  13516. to get it.
  13517. TOGGLE_MOOD
  13518. toggle_navigation_guidance
  13519. toggle_navigation_guidance
  13520. Toggle navigation guidance
  13521. togglenewroads
  13523. toggleorientation
  13524. Toggle orientation mode
  13525. Toggle orientation mode dynamic / fixed
  13526. toggleskin
  13527. Toggle skin
  13528. Toggle skin (day / night)
  13529. Toggle the window full screen mode (depends on the window manager)
  13530. toggle_traffic
  13531. Toggle traffic info
  13532. toggleview
  13533. TOGGLE_VIEW
  13534. Toggle view mode
  13535. Toggle view mode 2D / 3D
  13536. Token
  13537. TOLL
  13538. Tolls roads
  13539. ToLower
  13540. ToLowerN
  13541. _tolower_tab_
  13542. tomato
  13543. tomato1
  13544. tomato2
  13545. tomato3
  13546. tomato4
  13547. Too many bytes for http download (%d/%d)
  13548. Too many bytes for PNG signature.
  13549. Too many callbacks for event: %d
  13550. Too many coords (%d) for road info %d
  13551. Too many IDAT's found
  13552. too many length or distance symbols
  13553. Too many nodes in route calculation
  13554. Too many requests for the domain %s resolving
  13555. Too many scrollers
  13556. Too many segments (%d) for road info %d
  13557. too many square are visible: %d is not enough (math zoom is: %f)
  13558. Too many streets to label them all.
  13559. Too many traffic info segments
  13560. too many values for item %s.%s
  13561. too short after 32bit wiretype at offset %u
  13562. too short after 64bit wiretype at offset %u
  13563. top_bar_exit_state
  13564. top_mood_%s
  13565. to point: %d,%d point %d time %d
  13566. To recommend to a friend, please enter their phone number. Send?
  13567. Tornado
  13568. Total
  13569. (Touch to add)
  13570. _toupper_tab_
  13571. track_getsegmentforpoint_cb
  13572. track_getsegmentforpoint_cb
  13573. TrackKern
  13574. Track my location:
  13575. trademark
  13576. traffic
  13577. Traffic?
  13578. TrafficAlertFeedback,%d,%d
  13579. Traffic and road reports
  13580. * Traffic and updates will not be seen on the map if you disable their download.
  13581. TrafficConfirmedCallback
  13582. Traffic detected
  13583. Traffic detection
  13584. Traffic Detection
  13585. Traffic info
  13586. TrafficInfo
  13587. Traffic is building up ahead
  13588. Traffic is building up ahead...
  13589. Traffic jam
  13590. Traffic jams
  13591. Traffic jams
  13592. Traffic layer (color coded)
  13593. Traffic preferences
  13594. Traffic tweets via twitter
  13595. Trails
  13596. Transaction committed %d, %d
  13597. Transaction open %d, %d
  13598. TransactionStarted
  13599. Transaction statements number exceeded - committing
  13600. Transaction timeout expired - committing
  13601. _trans_commit
  13602. _trans_commit
  13603. _trans_open
  13604. _trans_open
  13605. _trans_rollback
  13606. _trans_rollback
  13607. _trans_timeout
  13608. _trans_timeout
  13609. Travel
  13610. Treasure chest
  13611. t retrieve your location. Please make sure your phone
  13612. trigo_cos
  13613. trigo_sin
  13614. Trip
  13615. trip_get_num_Pois
  13616. trip_get_num_Pois
  13617. trip_get_num_Pois()
  13619. Trips
  13621. trip_server_after_login_delayed
  13622. trip_server_create_poi
  13623. trip_server_init
  13624. Tripserver::on_create_poi_res() - Failed to read ID
  13625. Tripserver::on_get_num_pois_res() - Failed to read num pois
  13626. Tripserver::on_get_pois_res() - Failed to read Destination latitude. POI Name=%s
  13627. Tripserver::on_get_pois_res() - Failed to read Destination longitude. POI Name=%s
  13628. Tripserver::on_get_pois_res() - Failed to read POI name
  13629. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Destination latitude. ID=%d
  13630. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Destination longitude. ID=%d
  13631. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read DestName. ID=%d
  13632. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read ID
  13633. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Src latitude. ID=%d
  13634. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Src longitude. ID=%d
  13635. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read SrcName. ID=%d
  13636. Tripserver::on_suggested_trips() - Failed to read Type
  13637. Tripserver::purge_old_favorites
  13638. trip_server_register_login_changed
  13639. trip_server_register_login_changed
  13640. tripserver_response
  13641. tripserver_response
  13642. trip_server_restore_favorites
  13643. trip_server_restore_favorites() - restoring favorites without prompt (currently empty)
  13644. trip_server_restore_favorites() - showing confirmation message (user has favorites)
  13646. tRNS
  13647. tRNS chunk not allowed with alpha channel
  13648. TRTiTwT
  13649. true
  13650. true
  13651. truetype
  13652. truetype
  13653. truetype
  13654. TrueType
  13655. truetype-engine
  13656. truetype-engine
  13657. Truncating incorrect info tRNS chunk length
  13658. Truncating incorrect tRNS chunk length
  13659. __truncdfsf2
  13660. Trying to abort speech to text engine process. State: %d
  13661. Trying to add address list item to an uninitialized category:'%c'
  13662. Trying to add address list item to an uninitialized category:%c
  13663. Trying to add segments for invalid traffic info id %d
  13664. Trying to free the deallocated memory!
  13665. Trying to move address list item in an uninitialized category:%c
  13666. Trying to recalc from same line at %d/%d
  13667. Trying to remove an element from empty list
  13668. Trying to stop speech to text engine process. State: %d
  13669. T:%s A:%s, D:%s
  13670. Tsmall
  13671. tsop
  13672. tsop\
  13673. TSOPtnfs
  13674. tsuperior
  13675. tt-cmaps
  13676. tt-cmaps
  13677. tt-cmaps
  13678. tt_cmap0_class_rec
  13679. tt_cmap10_class_rec
  13680. tt_cmap12_class_rec
  13681. tt_cmap14_class_rec
  13682. tt_cmap2_class_rec
  13683. tt_cmap4_class_rec
  13684. tt_cmap6_class_rec
  13685. tt_cmap8_class_rec
  13686. tt_default_graphics_state
  13687. tt_driver_class
  13688. tt-glyf
  13689. TT_New_Context
  13690. TT_RunIns
  13691. ##@tts
  13692. tts_abort
  13693. tts_android_provider_init
  13694. tts_android_provider_response
  13695. tts_apptext_available
  13696. tts_apptext_get_sound
  13697. tts_apptext_get_start_drive
  13698. tts_apptext_get_start_drive
  13699. tts_apptext_init
  13700. tts_apptext_play
  13701. tts_cache_add
  13702. tts_cache_clear
  13703. tts_cache_enabled
  13704. TTS cache entry text is NULL
  13705. tts_cache_exists
  13706. tts_cache_get
  13707. tts_cache_get
  13708. tts_cache_get_data
  13709. tts_cache_get_path
  13710. TTS cache has been cleared!
  13711. tts_cache_initialize
  13712. tts_cache_remove
  13713. tts_cache_remove
  13714. TTS cache remove failed - cannot open database
  13715. tts_cache_set_voice
  13716. tts_cache_shutdown
  13717. tts_clear_cache
  13718. tts_commit
  13719. tts.db
  13720. tts_db_clear
  13721. tts_db_clear
  13722. tts_db_entry
  13723. tts_db_exists
  13724. tts_db_files_exists
  13725. tts_db_files_exists
  13726. tts_db_files_get
  13727. tts_db_files_get
  13728. tts_db_files_remove
  13729. tts_db_files_remove
  13730. tts_db_files_store
  13731. tts_db_files_store
  13732. tts_db_generate_path
  13733. tts_db_get
  13734. tts_db_get_full_path
  13735. tts_db_init
  13737. tts_db_remove
  13738. tts_db_shutdown
  13739. tts_db_sqlite_destroy
  13740. tts_db_sqlite_destroy_voice
  13741. tts_db_sqlite_destroy_voice
  13742. tts_db_sqlite_exists
  13743. tts_db_sqlite_exists
  13744. tts_db_sqlite_get
  13745. tts_db_sqlite_get
  13746. tts_db_sqlite_get_info
  13747. tts_db_sqlite_get_info
  13748. tts_db_sqlite_remove
  13749. tts_db_sqlite_remove
  13750. tts_db_sqlite_shutdown
  13751. tts_db_sqlite_shutdown
  13752. tts_db_sqlite_store
  13753. tts_db_sqlite_store
  13754. tts_db_sqlite_valid
  13755. tts_db_sqlite_valid
  13756. tts_db_store
  13757. tts_db_text_type
  13758. tts_enabled
  13759. TTS Engine. Adding text %s to the queue!
  13760. TTS Engine. Adding text %s (Voice: %s). Path: %s to the playlist. Status: %d
  13761. TTS Engine. Applying retry #%d ( %d ) for text: %s
  13762. TTS Engine. Cannot add NULL texts to the playlist
  13763. TTS Engine. Cannot find registered provider with name %s
  13764. TTS Engine. Cannot prepare NULL text.
  13765. TTS Engine. Cannot register more providers. Maximum: %d
  13766. TTS Engine. Can't register more than %d callbacks for text: %s
  13767. TTS Engine. Committing list of %d tts strings.
  13768. TTS Engine. Critical TTS Engine error. Provider is not registered for default voice id: %s.
  13769. TTS Engine. Critical TTS Engine error. Provider is not registered for voice id: %s.
  13770. TTS Engine. Current voice %s is not valid. Server may not support the requests
  13771. TTS Engine. Error allocating provider context!
  13772. TTS Engine. Error in response
  13773. TTS Engine. Error reported for text: %s
  13774. TTS Engine. File %s doesn't exist!!!. Removing the entry!
  13775. TTS Engine. Internal error. Current status %d differs from 'COMMITTED' (%d)
  13776. TTS Engine is set to its default voice: %s
  13777. TTS Engine. Maximum number of callbacks (on voice changed) was exceeded
  13778. TTS Engine. Maximum number of callbacks (on voice ready) was exceeded
  13779. TTS Engine. NULL or empty text cannot be requested!
  13780. TTS Engine. Overflow in concurrent requests for the provider. Maximum: %d
  13781. TTS Engine. Path was not supplied!
  13782. TTS Engine. Processing cached element: %s
  13783. TTS Engine. Provider is not registered for current voice id: %s.
  13784. TTS Engine. Provider %s was registered successfully
  13785. TTS Engine. Provider %s was updated successfully
  13786. TTS Engine. Querying list of %d tts strings. Query body %s. Url: %s. Context index: %d
  13787. TTS Engine. Received %d elements in http response.
  13788. TTS Engine. Received %d elements in tts response. Matched: %d. Requested: %d
  13789. TTS Engine. Received more bytes ( %d ) than allocated ( %d ) for request. Reallocating...
  13790. TTS Engine. Removing entry from the database: (%s, %s)
  13791. TTS Engine. Request was completed in %d ms. Status: %d
  13792. TTS Engine. Retries number exhausted #%d ( %d ) for text: %s. Giving up ...
  13793. TTS Engine. Size Callback. for context index %d. Requested size: %d
  13794. TTS Engine. Successfully received audio for text: %s
  13795. TTS Engine. Successfully received audio for text: %s. Voice: %s. Path: %s
  13796. TTS Engine. There are no strings to commit.
  13797. TTS Engine. There is no voice defined. Setting the default one
  13798. TTS Engine. The text %s was not synthesized.
  13799. TTS Engine. TTS is disabled cannot post synthesize request for %s.
  13800. TTS Engine. TTS is not enabled. Cannot commit synthesize requests. Feature: %d, Provider: %d
  13801. TTS Engine. TTS request error. Http request was failed with error = %s. Allocated: %d. Received: %d
  13802. TTS Engine. Voice change request: %s => %s
  13803. TTS Engine. Voice %s is invalidated. Trying to set the default one
  13804. TTS Engine. Voice: %s version is incremented ( %d =>> %d ). Clearing the database. Current voice: %s
  13805. TTS Engine. WAS PROVIDER. The protocol version doesn't match the configuration. Trying to retrieve from the server
  13806. tts_feature_enabled
  13807. TTS Feature is disabled!
  13808. TTS Feature is disabled! Please restart
  13809. TTS Feature is enabled!
  13810. TTS Feature is enabled! Please restart
  13811. TTS Feature is running in debug mode!
  13812. TTS Feature is running in production mode!
  13813. tts_get_data
  13814. tts_get_path
  13815. tts_initialize
  13816. TTS is not available
  13817. TTS Lang file callback for voice: %s. Status: %d
  13818. TTS language file for tag: %s was downloaded with status: %d
  13819. TTS language file for tag: %s was not downloaded
  13820. tts_load_config
  13821. TtsManager_Commit
  13822. TtsManager_Commit
  13823. TtsManager_DisposeRefs
  13824. tts_manager_get_enabled_voices
  13825. tts_manager_init
  13826. TtsManager_Prepare
  13827. TtsManager_Prepare
  13828. tts_manager_register_on_voice_ready
  13829. tts_manager_register_on_voice_ready
  13830. tts_manager_set_voice
  13831. tts_manager_set_voice
  13832. tts_manager_tts_ready
  13833. TTS Navigate
  13834. tts_playlist_add
  13835. tts_playlist_create
  13836. tts_playlist_create
  13837. tts_playlist_export_list
  13838. tts_playlist_free
  13839. tts_playlist_set_cb
  13840. tts_queue_add
  13841. tts_queue_add
  13842. tts_queue_debug
  13843. #################### TTS QUEUE DEBUG ########################
  13844. tts_queue_get_context
  13845. tts_queue_get_context
  13846. tts_queue_get_count
  13847. tts_queue_get_index
  13848. tts_queue_get_indexes
  13849. tts_queue_get_key
  13850. tts_queue_get_key
  13851. tts_queue_get_status
  13852. tts_queue_get_status
  13853. tts_queue_init
  13854. tts_queue_is_empty
  13855. tts_queue_is_empty
  13856. tts_queue_remove
  13857. tts_queue_remove
  13858. tts_queue_remove_head
  13859. tts_queue_set_context
  13860. tts_queue_set_context
  13861. tts_queue_set_status
  13862. tts_queue_set_status
  13863. tts_queue_shutdown
  13864. tts_register_on_voice_changed
  13865. tts_register_on_voice_changed
  13866. tts_register_provider
  13867. tts_register_provider
  13868. tts_request
  13869. tts_request_ex
  13870. tts_request_ex
  13871. tts_set_default_voice_id
  13872. tts_set_enabled
  13873. tts_set_feature_enabled
  13874. tts_set_voice
  13875. tts_set_voice
  13876. tts_shutdown
  13877. TTS SQLite Destroy voice. Query string: %s. Voice: %s
  13878. TTS SQLite Store. Query string: %s
  13879. TTS storage failed - cannot open database
  13880. tts_text_available
  13881. tts_text_type_string
  13882. tts_ui_count
  13883. tts_ui_initialize
  13884. tts_ui_set_white_list
  13885. tts_ui_voice_full_label
  13886. tts_ui_voice_label
  13887. tts_ui_voices_labels
  13888. tts_ui_voices_langs
  13889. tts_ui_voices_values
  13890. tts_ui_voice_value
  13891. tts_update_provider
  13892. tts_update_provider
  13893. tts_utils_uid_str
  13894. TTS voice can be changed only through the tts manager. Preparing %s, got change on %s
  13895. tts_voice_id
  13896. TTS Voices
  13897. TTS voices configuration data is not available!
  13898. TTS voices configuration (%s) does not exist!
  13899. TTS voice: %s does not exist - stating in the prepare tts state
  13900. TTS Voices download error. Http request was failed. Error: %s
  13901. TTS Voices download. Http response contains 'not modified' state
  13902. TTS Voices download status: %s
  13903. tts_voices_get
  13904. tts_voices_get_all
  13905. tts_voices_get_lang
  13906. tts_voices_initialize
  13907. tts_voices_load_line
  13908. tts_voices_shutdown
  13909. tts_voices_update
  13910. TTS WAS Provider
  13911. tts_was_provider_apply_voices_set
  13912. tts_was_provider_init
  13913. tts_was_provider_init
  13914. tts_was_provider_voices_set
  13915. tTtc
  13916. T T+T4T@T
  13917. t&t6
  13918. Turn left
  13919. TurnLeft
  13920. Turn not allowed
  13921. Turn off
  13922. Turn off / Shut down / Switch off
  13923. Turn right
  13924. TurnRight
  13925. turquoise
  13926. turquoise1
  13927. turquoise2
  13928. turquoise3
  13929. turquoise4
  13930. tvc
  13931. Tweet Badge
  13932. Tweet Login
  13933. Tweet that I'm checking-out Waze
  13934. Tweet your road reports
  13935. Tweet your road reports!
  13936. TW Follow min period
  13937. TW Follow shown
  13938. TW Follow time
  13939. twitter
  13940. TWITTER
  13941. twitter_after_connect
  13942. TWITTER_CFG_PRM_Feature_Enabled_Var
  13943. TWITTER_CFG_PRM_FollowURL_Var
  13955. twitter_connect
  13956. twitter_connect_url
  13957. twitter_connect_url
  13958. twitter,%d
  13959. twitter_destination_mode
  13960. twitter_disable_munching
  13961. twitter_disable_sending
  13962. twitter_disconnect
  13963. _twitter_disconnect_confirmed_cb
  13964. twitter_enable_munching
  13965. twitter_enable_sending
  13966. twitter_follow
  13967. twitter_follow_url
  13968. twitter_get_password
  13969. twitter_get_show_profile
  13970. twitter_get_username
  13971. twitter_check_login
  13972. twitter_check_login
  13973. twitter - invalid websvc handle
  13974. twitter_is_munching_enabled
  13975. twitter_is_sending_enabled
  13976. twitter_is_show_munching
  13977. twitter_is_signup_enabled
  13978. twitter_logged_in
  13979. twitter_login_failed
  13980. twitter_login_failed
  13981. Twitter logout
  13982. Twitter password is empty. You are not logged in
  13983. twitter_refresh_connection
  13984. twitter_refresh_connection
  13985. twitter_set_destination_mode
  13986. twitter_set_logged_in
  13987. twitter_set_password
  13988. twitter_set_show_profile
  13989. twitter_set_signup
  13990. twitter_setting_dialog
  13991. twitter_settings
  13992. twitter_set_username
  13993. twitter_small_icon
  13994. Twitter status error (%d)
  13995. Twitter URl = %s
  13996. Twitter user name is empty. You are not logged in
  13997. twodotenleader
  13998. twoinferior
  13999. twooldstyle
  14000. t worry, you
  14001. twosuperior
  14002. twothirds
  14003. Type
  14004. TYPE
  14005. TypeLink mem chunks (FRIBIDI_CHUNK_SIZE)
  14006. &type=%s
  14007. type1
  14008. type1
  14009. Type 1
  14010. type42
  14011. Type 42
  14012. Typing is disabled while driving. Please try again when stopped.
  14013. Typing lock threshold
  14014. TYT`
  14015. [[[t[za
  14016. t1_builder_funcs
  14017. t1cid
  14018. t1cid_driver_class
  14019. t1_cmap_classes
  14020. t1_cmap_custom_class_rec
  14021. t1_cmap_expert_class_rec
  14022. t1_cmap_standard_class_rec
  14023. t1_cmap_unicode_class_rec
  14024. t1_decoder_funcs
  14025. t1_driver_class
  14026. t42_driver_class
  14027. uacute
  14028. Uacute
  14029. Uacutesmall
  14030. ucircumflex
  14031. Ucircumflex
  14032. Ucircumflexsmall
  14033. udieresis
  14034. Udieresis
  14035. Udieresissmall
  14036. __udivdi3
  14037. __udivsi3
  14038. ugrave
  14039. Ugrave
  14040. Ugravesmall
  14041. Uh-oh!
  14042. uhu|
  14043. UIDBase
  14044. UID,%d,%s
  14045. UID,%d,%s
  14046. UID,%d,%s
  14047. UID,%d,%s
  14048. Unable to provide route to destination. Taking you to nearest location.
  14049. uncompress
  14050. uncompressed data size mismatch: expecting %d found %d
  14051. Undefined logger level: %d
  14052. Undefined matrix mode: %d
  14053. UnderlinePosition
  14054. UnderlinePosition
  14055. UnderlinePosition
  14056. UnderlinePosition
  14058. UnderlineThickness
  14059. UnderlineThickness
  14060. UnderlineThickness
  14061. UnderlineThickness
  14063. underscore
  14064. Unexpected call to sound_load
  14065. Unexpected error on tile %d: %s
  14066. Unicode version 4.1.0
  14067. UniqueID
  14068. UniqueID
  14069. Unit
  14070. (unknown)
  14071. <unknown>
  14072. (unknown) - Command failed (status= %d)
  14073. unknown compression method
  14074. Unknown compression method in IHDR
  14075. Unknown compression type in zTXt chunk
  14076. unknown critical chunk
  14077. Unknown filter method in IHDR
  14078. Unknown freer parameter in png_data_freer.
  14079. Unknown interlace method in IHDR
  14080. (unknown) - network failed (status= %d)
  14081. Unknown OGL event
  14082. Unknown pixel format: %d. Returning 4
  14083. Unknown roads
  14084. Unknown Score
  14085. Unknown sRGB intent
  14086. unknown state
  14087. (unknown) - - successful
  14088. Unknown zlib error
  14089. Unknown zTXt compression type %d
  14090. _unload
  14091. _unlock
  14092. unmanaged_list_add
  14093. unmanaged_list_invalidate
  14094. unmanaged_list_remove
  14095. Unmute
  14096. Unrecognized equation type for pCAL chunk
  14097. unsupported group tag at offset %u
  14098. Unsupported gzip header.
  14099. unsupported unit '%s'
  14100. unterminated varint at offset %u
  14101. ___Unwind_Backtrace
  14102. _Unwind_Complete
  14103. _Unwind_DeleteException
  14104. ___Unwind_ForcedUnwind
  14105. _Unwind_GetCFA
  14106. _Unwind_GetDataRelBase
  14107. _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData
  14108. _Unwind_GetRegionStart
  14109. _Unwind_GetTextRelBase
  14110. ___Unwind_RaiseException
  14111. ___Unwind_Resume
  14112. ___Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow
  14113. _Unwind_VRS_Get
  14114. _Unwind_VRS_Pop
  14115. _Unwind_VRS_Set
  14116. update
  14117. Update
  14118. Update account transaction has failed with status code: %d
  14119. update_alert
  14120. UpdateAlert
  14121. UpdateAlert
  14122. UpdateAlert
  14123. UpdateAlerterPopup
  14124. UpdateConfig
  14125. Update/Create Account had failed with error code rc = %d
  14126. Updated
  14127. updatedby
  14128. Updated %d tiles of %d
  14129. updateDetailsPopup
  14130. Updated new
  14131. Updated today by
  14132. updateEta
  14133. Update house number
  14134. update_checked
  14135. UpdateInboxCount
  14136. UpdateInboxCount
  14137. UpdateInboxCount
  14138. updateIsGasUpdateable
  14139. update_jammed_status
  14140. Update left
  14141. Update map
  14142. UPDATEMAP
  14143. _update_new_tile
  14144. _update_poi
  14145. Update price
  14146. updatePricesDone
  14147. UpdateProductPriceRes
  14148. UpdateProductPriceRes
  14149. UpdateProductPriceRes
  14150. UpdateProductPrice,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%s,%s
  14152. updaterange
  14153. Update range - Can't find city name.
  14154. Update range - Can't find street name.
  14155. update_range_dialog
  14156. update_range_export
  14157. update_range_export
  14158. update_range_initialize
  14159. Update range - Left range is invalid.
  14160. Update range - No range updates were found.
  14161. Update range - Right range is invalid.
  14162. update_range_verify
  14163. update_range_with_pos
  14164. Update right
  14165. Update road properties
  14166. Update time
  14167. Update token failed: 7002 - different FB account connected
  14168. Update token succeeded
  14169. updateurlparams
  14170. UpdateUserPoints
  14171. UpdateUserPoints
  14172. UpdateUserPoints
  14173. UpdateUserPoints() - Failed to read points
  14174. UpdateUserPoints() - updating user points delta: %d
  14175. updateUserPopup
  14176. Updating account...
  14177. Updating Map Tiles...
  14178. Updating requested version for tile %d - version %d (slot %d)
  14179. Updating your Foursquare account details failed. Please ensure you entered the correct user name and password
  14180. Updating your twitter account details failed. Please ensure you entered the correct user name and password
  14181. upgrade
  14182. UpgradeClient
  14183. UpgradeVersion
  14184. upload
  14185. upload_done
  14186. upload_done
  14187. upload_done
  14188. upload_done
  14189. upload_error_callback
  14190. upload_error_callback
  14191. upload_error_callback
  14192. Upload file error after decoding response
  14193. Uploading data...
  14194. Uploading file: %s.
  14195. Uploading log file: %s. Size: %d
  14196. Uploading logs...
  14197. up7@
  14198. up7@9
  14199. url_encode
  14200. Url initialization problem. Guided tour cannot be shown
  14201. Url is not valid
  14202. urlparams
  14203. Url prefix
  14204. urlscheme
  14205. urlscheme_init
  14206. urlscheme_init
  14207. urlscheme_pending
  14208. urlscheme_remove_prefix
  14209. urlscheme_reset
  14210. urlscheme_valid
  14211. URL V2
  14212. ##@usa
  14213. USA & Canada
  14214. Use data compression
  14215. Use for calculating routes
  14216. Use native
  14217. Use native keyboard
  14218. Use Pretty Lines
  14219. user
  14220. User
  14221. user_addon_state
  14222. User-Agent: /%s
  14223. UserGroups
  14224. UserGroups
  14225. UserGroups
  14226. userId
  14227. ##@userinfo
  14228. user_input=%s&server_cookie=%s
  14229. ##@username
  14230. User name
  14231. Username
  14232. username already exists
  14233. Username must start with a letter and may contain only letters, numbers and '-'
  14234. Username & Password
  14235. UserPoints,%d
  14236. UserPoints,%d
  14237. users
  14238. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/address_search.c
  14239. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/generic_search.c
  14240. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/local_search.c
  14241. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/provider_search.c
  14242. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/provider_search_product.c
  14243. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/search_object.c
  14244. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/single_search.c
  14245. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//address_search/single_search_dlg.c
  14246. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//alternative_routes.c
  14247. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//analytics.c
  14248. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/androidmenu.c
  14249. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/androidspeechtt.c
  14250. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/camera.c
  14251. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/canvas_ogl.c
  14252. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/device.c
  14253. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/BottomNotification_JNI.c
  14254. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/ConfigManager_JNI.c
  14255. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/DriveToNativeManager_JNI.c
  14256. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/InstallNativeManager_JNI.c
  14257. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/JniSampleActivityNativeManager_JNI.c
  14258. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/JniSampleStatic_JNI.c
  14259. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/Logger_JNI.c
  14260. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/MoodManager_JNI.c
  14261. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/MsgBox_JNI.c
  14262. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/MyWazeNativeManager_JNI.c
  14263. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/NativeCanvas_JNI.c
  14264. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/NativeLocListener_JNI.c
  14265. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/NativeManager_JNI.c
  14266. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/NativeSoundManager_JNI.c
  14267. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/NativeTimerManager_JNI.c
  14268. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/NavBarManager_JNI.c
  14269. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/ResManager_JNI.c
  14270. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/RTAlertsNativeManager_JNI.c
  14271. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/SettingsNativeManager_JNI.c
  14272. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/ShareNativeManager_JNI.c
  14273. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/SoundRecorder_JNI.c
  14274. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/SpeechttManager_JNI.c
  14275. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/TtsManager_JNI.c
  14276. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/JNI/WzJNI.c
  14277. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/main.c
  14278. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/net.c
  14279. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/ogl/ogl_event.c
  14280. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/ogl/ogl_event_cb.c
  14281. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/ogl/ogl_queue.c
  14282. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/ogl/ogl_wrap.c
  14283. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/resolver.c
  14284. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/sound.c
  14285. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/thread.c
  14286. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/tts_android_provider.c
  14287. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/waze_ui_messagebox.c
  14288. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/waze_ui_navigation_result.c
  14289. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//android/waze_ui_thumbs_up_popup.c
  14290. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//animation/animation.c
  14291. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//asr/asr_actions.c
  14292. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//asr/asr.c
  14293. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//asr/asr_command.c
  14294. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//base64.c
  14295. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//broadcast.c
  14296. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//browser.c
  14297. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//camera_image.c
  14298. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//closure_object.c
  14299. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//context.c
  14300. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//core.c
  14301. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//core_misc.c
  14302. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//cyclic_array.c
  14303. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//debug_info.c
  14304. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//download_settings.c
  14305. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/db/editor_db.c
  14306. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/db/editor_dictionary.c
  14307. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/db/editor_line.c
  14308. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/editor_points.c
  14309. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/editor_screen.c
  14310. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/export/editor_sync.c
  14311. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/export/editor_upload.c
  14312. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/static/add_alert.c
  14313. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/static/update_range.c
  14314. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/track/editor_track_main.c
  14315. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/track/editor_track_report.c
  14316. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//editor/track/editor_track_util.c
  14317. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//foursquare.c
  14318. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//geo_config.c
  14319. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//groups.c
  14320. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//http_async.c
  14321. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//http_comp.c
  14322. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//jpeg.c
  14323. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//lang.c
  14324. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//lang_loader.c
  14325. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//libpng/libpng.c
  14326. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//line.c
  14327. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../../line.h
  14328. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//line.h
  14329. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//line_route.c
  14330. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//line_speed.c
  14331. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//location/location.c
  14332. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//location/location_csvtracker.c
  14333. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//login.c
  14334. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//map_settings.c
  14335. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//math_compat.c
  14336. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher.c
  14337. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_facade.c
  14338. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_filter_calc_score.c
  14339. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_filter_direction.c
  14340. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_filter_report_screen.c
  14341. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_filter_report_slow.c
  14342. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_filter_route.c
  14343. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/matcher_selector.c
  14344. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//matcher/../point.h
  14345. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_graph.c
  14346. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_instr.c
  14347. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_main.c
  14348. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_near_destination.c
  14349. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_route_astar.c
  14350. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_route_events.c
  14351. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_route_trans.c
  14352. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_tts.c
  14353. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/navigate_waypoint.c
  14354. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//navigate/NavigationResultAndroid.c
  14355. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//ogl/canvas_atlas.c
  14356. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//ogl/canvas.c
  14357. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//ogl/canvas_font.c
  14358. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//ogl/canvas_tile.c
  14359. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//ogl/canvas3d.c
  14360. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//ogl/glmatrix.c
  14361. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//parked.c
  14362. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//plugin.c
  14363. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//poi.c
  14364. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//point.c
  14365. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//pointer.c
  14366. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../../point.h
  14367. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//point.h
  14368. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//power.c
  14369. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//prompts.c
  14370. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//range.c
  14371. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/../line.h
  14372. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/../point.h
  14373. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeAlerts.c
  14374. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeAltRoutes.c
  14375. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeBonus.c
  14376. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../../Realtime/Realtime.c
  14377. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeExternalPoi.c
  14378. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeExternalPoiNotifier.c
  14379. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeNet.c
  14380. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeNetRec.c
  14381. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimePopUp.c
  14382. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeTrafficDetection.c
  14383. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//Realtime/RealtimeTrafficInfo.c
  14384. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//recorder.c
  14385. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//res.c
  14386. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//res_download.c
  14387. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//screen_obj.c
  14388. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//screen/wz_label.c
  14389. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//screen/wz_object.c
  14390. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//screen/wz_screen.c
  14391. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//screen/wz_screen_internal.c
  14392. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//search.c
  14393. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//segment.c
  14394. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//skin.c
  14395. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//social.c
  14396. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//social_image.c
  14397. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//speedometer.c
  14398. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//speechtt.c
  14399. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//splash.c
  14400. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//street.c
  14401. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//string.c
  14402. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_data.c
  14403. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_download.c
  14404. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_locator.c
  14405. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_manager.c
  14406. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_object.c
  14407. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_package.c
  14408. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_status.c
  14409. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tile/tile_storage_sqlite.c
  14410. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tripserver.c
  14411. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts_apptext.c
  14412. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts_manager.c
  14413. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts.c
  14414. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts_cache.c
  14415. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts_db.c
  14416. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts_db_files.c
  14417. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts_db_sqlite.c
  14418. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts_queue.c
  14419. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts/tts_voices.c
  14420. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//tts_was_provider.c
  14421. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//unix/ssl.c
  14422. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//urlscheme.c
  14423. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/actions.c
  14424. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/address_list.c
  14425. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/config.c
  14426. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/directory.c
  14427. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/file.c
  14428. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/hash.c
  14429. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/http_decode.c
  14430. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/list.c
  14431. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/logger.c
  14432. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//utils/misc_config.c
  14433. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//websvc_trans/http_cookies.c
  14434. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//websvc_trans/websvc_trans.c
  14435. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//websvc_trans/websvc_trans_queue.c
  14436. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//welcome_wizard.c
  14437. /Users/aga/workspace/cocus/src/android/java/jni/../../..//zlib.c
  14438. User selected brand '%s' no longer exists, reverting to All
  14439. User selected product '%s' no longer exists, reverting to default
  14440. Users in your Facebook restricted list will not be displayed as friends, and won't see your name and picture either.
  14441. User Unit
  14442. _use_tile
  14443. Use Waze to get to your friends or invite them to your location
  14444. Using an Email
  14445. Using gps position instead of location for accuracy %d (%d, %d)
  14447. Using Text Message
  14448. Using Waze requires your location
  14449. Usmall
  14450. UTC_to_time_t
  14451. utf8_free_char_array
  14452. utf8_get_next_char
  14453. utf8_get_next_wchar
  14454. utf8_remove_last_char
  14455. utf8_strlen
  14456. utf8_to_char_array
  14457. U,U@
  14458. u"uHuTubh
  14459. U"UIUZUkU{
  14460. u)u1
  14461. U8100
  14462. U8110
  14463. valid_id
  14464. Value: %s
  14465. venue
  14466. VenueList
  14467. venueproviderid
  14468. verify_alt_id
  14469. verify_alt_id() - Failed to read 'alt_id'
  14470. verify_route_id
  14471. verify_route_id() - Failed to read 'route_id'
  14472. verify_route_id() - route_id mismatch: expected %d received %d
  14473. VerifyStatus
  14474. VerifyStatus
  14475. VerifyStatusAndTag
  14476. VerifyStatusAndTag
  14477. VerifyStatus() - Failed to read server response (%s)
  14478. VerifyStatus() - Invalid custom data size (%d)
  14479. VerifyStatus() - Server response is %d: '%s'
  14480. version
  14481. version
  14482. version
  14483. version
  14484. Version
  14485. ## Version: %s, OS Version: %d. Device: %s. Model: %s. Manufacturer: %s. Rom info: %s. Atlas size: %d. Native thread: 0x%x. core_main address: 0x%x ##
  14486. VersionUpgrade
  14487. VersionUpgradeInfo_Init
  14488. vfprintf
  14489. VideoCore IV HW
  14490. Video could not start
  14491. Video is disabled while driving. Please try again when stopped.
  14492. view_auto_zoom_suspend
  14493. view_commute
  14494. Viewed:
  14495. view_get_orientation
  14496. view_get_scale
  14497. view_hold
  14498. view_is_autozomm
  14499. view_menu
  14500. View menu
  14501. view_mode
  14502. view_mode_screen_touched
  14503. &view_mode=%s&view=
  14504. View my points
  14505. view_navigation
  14506. view_points
  14507. view_refresh
  14508. view_reset
  14509. view_reset_hold
  14510. View settings
  14511. view_should_refresh
  14512. view_show_labels
  14513. violet
  14514. violet red
  14515. VioletRed
  14516. VioletRed1
  14517. VioletRed2
  14518. VioletRed3
  14519. VioletRed4
  14520. vip_star
  14521. Visability Driving
  14522. Visability Group
  14523. Visible
  14524. VOICE
  14525. voice_capture.mp4
  14526. Voice commands
  14527. Voice control
  14528. Voice download failed
  14529. voice_%d.wav
  14530. _voice_prepare_cb
  14531. voices
  14532. voices_android_tts.csv
  14533. _voices_cfg_done_cb
  14534. _voices_cfg_error_cb
  14535. _voices_cfg_progress_cb
  14536. Voices Enabled
  14537. Voice %s is in lang prepare and was changed
  14538. Voice %s is not enabled - setting to default one
  14539. _voices_load
  14540. _voices_save
  14541. Voices Set
  14542. Voices Update Time
  14543. Voices Url
  14544. voices_was_tts.csv
  14545. _voice_updated
  14546. Voice upload done, received response message: %s
  14547. Volume Control
  14548. VQVc
  14549. Vsmall
  14550. vsnprintf
  14551. VUU@
  14552. VUUU
  14553. VUUU
  14554. VUUU
  14555. VUUU
  14556. VUUU
  14557. VUUU
  14558. VUUU
  14559. VUUU
  14560. VUUU
  14561. VUUU<
  14562. VUUUgfff`
  14563. VUUUh
  14564. VUUUx
  14565. vUv^
  14566. VVector
  14567. V0VKVmVyV
  14568. v6v@vGvNvgvwx5
  14569. V7VB
  14570. W {
  14571. _wait
  14572. Waiting for more tiles: QueueSize=%d
  14573. _wait_pending
  14574. Wake up the io - new read callback 0x%x is defined
  14575. Wake up the io - new write callback 0x%x is defined
  14576. Walkway
  14577. Wanna pick a new mood?
  14578. Wanna update gas price?
  14579. Want group messages to pop-up to you? Go to Settings >Groups
  14580. WANT READ in ssl_read!!
  14581. WANT READ in ssl_send!!
  14582. WANT WRITE in ssl_read!!
  14583. WANT WRITE in ssl_send!!
  14584. Warning
  14585. WARNING
  14586. Warning, current node is not root (%s)
  14587. warning_initialize
  14588. warning_monitor
  14589. warning_register
  14590. warning_shutdown
  14591. warning_unregister
  14592. Warning 2 has no response - shutting down the application
  14593. /WAS/facebook_is_connected
  14594. was_tts
  14595. _watchdog
  14596. _watchdog
  14597. watch out, accident reported ahead
  14598. watch out, animal on shoulder ahead
  14599. watch out, car stopped on road ahead
  14600. watch out, car stopped on shoulder ahead
  14601. watch out, Construction on road ahead
  14602. watch out, fog reported ahead
  14603. watch out, hail reported ahead
  14604. watch out, hazard reported ahead
  14605. watch out, object on road ahead
  14606. watch out, pothole on road ahead
  14607. watch out, rain reported ahead
  14608. watch out, road kill on road ahead
  14609. watch out, snow reported ahead
  14610. Watch the guided tour
  14611. Watch video
  14612. Waypoint
  14613. WayPoint
  14614. Way to go!
  14615. wayToGoCont
  14616. waze
  14617. waze://
  14618. waze_asr_view_close
  14619. waze_asr_view_show
  14620. waze_asr_view_show_label
  14621. WazeBottomNotification
  14622. Waze did not close properly
  14623. Waze group icons
  14624. Waze groups
  14625. Waze Groups Tip
  14626. Waze Hero
  14627. Waze is best used for commuting.
  14628. Waze Message
  14629. WazeMsgBox
  14630. WazeNavBarManager
  14631. Waze newbie
  14632. waze://?open_url=
  14633. wazer_baby
  14634. wazer_bronze
  14635. Waze requires GPS connection. Please turn on your GPS from Menu > Settings > Security & Location > Enable GPS satellites
  14636. wazer_FB
  14637. wazer_gold
  14638. wazer_monster
  14639. wazer_nearby_state
  14640. wazer_nearby_timeout
  14642. wazer_%s
  14643. Wazers
  14644. Wazers are notified of speed cams only when approaching at an excessive speed.
  14645. Wazers can send each other private messages, or public Map Chats.
  14646. Wazers group icons
  14647. wazer_silver
  14648. Wazers scale factor
  14649. wazer_top_happy
  14650. wazer_top_sad
  14651. Wazer+V
  14652. Wazer+Wheels
  14653. WazeSoundRecorder
  14655. WazeSpeechttManager
  14656. Waze status in your area
  14657. WazeTtsManager
  14658. waze_ui_about
  14659. waze_ui_alerter_popup
  14660. waze_ui_alerter_popup_hide
  14661. waze_ui_alerter_popup_set_close_counter
  14662. waze_ui_alerter_popup_update
  14663. waze_ui_alert_pop_set_timer
  14664. waze_ui_alert_popup
  14665. waze_ui_alert_popup_close
  14666. waze_ui_alert_popup_is_showing
  14667. waze_ui_alternative_routes
  14668. waze_ui_alternative_routes_suggest_route
  14669. waze_ui_alternative_routes_suggest_route
  14670. waze_ui_asr_set_shown
  14671. waze_ui_bonus_web_popup
  14672. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_long_message_icon
  14673. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_long_message_icon
  14674. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_long_message_points
  14675. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_long_message_points
  14676. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_message
  14677. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_message
  14678. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_message_icon
  14679. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_message_icon
  14680. waze_ui_bottom_notification_display_privacy
  14681. waze_ui_bottom_notification_eta_set_friends
  14682. waze_ui_bottom_notification_hide
  14683. waze_ui_bottom_notification_hide
  14684. waze_ui_confirm_dialog
  14685. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_close
  14686. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_custom
  14687. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_custom_str
  14688. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_custom_timeout
  14689. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_custom_timeout_str
  14690. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_str
  14691. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_str_str
  14692. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_timeout
  14693. waze_ui_confirm_dialog_timeout_str
  14694. waze_ui_details_popup
  14695. waze_ui_details_popup_closed
  14696. waze_ui_details_popup_next
  14697. waze_ui_details_popup_special
  14698. waze_ui_eta_update_popup
  14699. waze_ui_external_poi_close
  14700. waze_ui_external_poi_closed
  14701. waze_ui_external_poi_popup
  14702. waze_ui_external_poi_popup_timed
  14703. waze_ui_external_poi_preload
  14704. waze_ui_external_poi_preloaded
  14705. waze_ui_main_menu_refresh_mood
  14706. waze_ui_main_menu_refresh_mood
  14707. waze_ui_main_menu_shown
  14708. waze_ui_message_ticker
  14709. waze_ui_message_ticker_cb
  14710. waze_ui_message_ticker_closed
  14711. waze_ui_navigate_near_destination_hide
  14712. waze_ui_navigate_near_destination_hide
  14713. waze_ui_navigate_near_destination_show
  14714. waze_ui_navigate_near_destination_show
  14715. waze_ui_navigation_result
  14716. waze_ui_navigation_result_refresh_fb_info
  14717. waze_ui_navigation_result_wp
  14718. waze_ui_notification_bar_set
  14719. waze_ui_ping_popup
  14720. waze_ui_progress_msg_dialog_hide
  14721. waze_ui_progress_msg_dialog_show
  14722. waze_ui_progress_msg_dialog_show_timed
  14723. waze_ui_reply_popup
  14724. waze_ui_report_abuse
  14725. waze_ui_report_menu_open
  14726. waze_ui_road_closure_on_click
  14727. waze_ui_select_alternative_route
  14728. waze_ui_select_alternative_route
  14729. waze_ui_showAsrTip
  14730. waze_ui_system_messaage_popup
  14731. waze_ui_thumbs_up_popup
  14732. waze_ui_thumbs_up_popup
  14733. waze_ui_thumbs_up_popup -Alert ID %d not found
  14734. waze_ui_thumbs_up_popup_close
  14735. waze_ui_tip
  14736. waze_ui_tip_asr
  14737. waze_ui_tip_asr_shown
  14738. waze_ui_tip_main_menu
  14739. waze_ui_traffic_detected_popup
  14740. waze_ui_user_details_ping
  14741. waze_ui_user_details_popup
  14742. waze_ui_user_details_popup_close
  14743. waze_ui_user_details_popup_closed
  14744. waze_ui_user_details_prv_ping
  14745. Waze update - Here
  14746. Waze update - Here
  14747. Waze update - I'll be late
  14748. Waze update - My destination & ETA
  14749. Waze will now close and you'll be redirected to the Appstore
  14750. wazzy
  14751. wcslen
  14752. .wdf
  14753. WDF_FormatHttpDate
  14754. WDF_FormatHttpIfModifiedSince
  14755. WDF_TimeFromModifiedSince
  14756. We are all set. Lets go
  14757. Weather
  14758. Weather categories
  14759. Weather hazard
  14760. Web-Service Address
  14761. Web-Service Address V2
  14762. Web-Service Secured Address
  14763. Web-Service Secured Address Resolved
  14764. Web-Service Secured Address V2
  14765. Web-Service Secured Commands
  14766. Web-Service Secure Enabled Client_2_3
  14767. Web-Service V2 Commands
  14768. Web-Service V2 Suffix
  14769. websvc_trans_getLastNetConnectRes
  14770. We can't find anything nearby.
  14771. We can't locate your direction. Try again after driving.
  14772. We couldn
  14773. We could not send your report due to problems in the network connection - Your reports will be sent automatically when your network connection is restored. Map problems are fixed by Wazers like you. you can edit the map too on
  14774. We couldn't retrieve your location, please make sure your phone's location settings are turned on.
  14775. Weekly
  14776. We found another user connected to this Facebook account. Connect this one instead?
  14777. Weight
  14778. Weight
  14779. Weight
  14780. Weight
  14781. Weight
  14782. WEIGHT
  14783. WEIGHT_NAME
  14784. WEIGHT_NAME
  14785. WeightVector
  14786. WeightVector
  14787. welcome
  14788. Welcome
  14789. Welcome back
  14790. welcome_%d_%d
  14791. welcome_guided_tour
  14792. welcome_guided_tour
  14793. welcomeGuidedTour
  14794. welcome_guided_tour_android
  14795. welcome_guided_tour_android
  14796. welcome_guided_tour_android
  14797. welcome_guided_tour_start
  14798. welcome_on_way_to_go_cont
  14799. welcome_personalize_dialog
  14800. Welcome! Sign in to get started
  14801. Welcome to Waze
  14802. welcome_wide_320_240
  14803. welcome_wide_480_295
  14804. welcome_wide_480_320
  14805. welcome_wide_640_360
  14806. welcome_wide_854_442
  14807. Welcome Wizard
  14808. welcome_wizard_is_terms_accepted
  14809. welcome_wizard_sso
  14810. welcome_wizard_twitter_dialog
  14811. welcome_wizard_twitter_dialog
  14812. welcome_wizard_way_to_go_android
  14813. welcome_wizard_way_to_go_android
  14814. welcome_wizard_way_to_go_android
  14815. welcome_wizard_welcome_dialog
  14816. welcome_240_320
  14817. welcome_320_455
  14818. welcome_320_480
  14819. welcome_360_640
  14820. welcome_480_816
  14821. We'll use this if you ever need to restore your username and password.
  14822. we love you!
  14823. We recommend connecting to your Facebook account with only one Waze account - pick your preferred account above.
  14824. We're detecting a slow down
  14825. We seem to have encountered a bug. Help us improve by sending us an error report.
  14826. We've found your username and restored your points and settings.
  14827. We've made a few infrastructural changes that require re-start. Please exit and re-start waze.
  14828. We've partnered with Foursquare to give you quick access to checking in at nearby venues.
  14829. We've partnered with Foursquare to give you quick access to check-in to nearby venues.
  14830. We will never post without your approval and you control who sees you on the map.
  14831. !W!h
  14832. What is Foursquare?
  14833. What to expect url
  14834. What you get:
  14835. wheat
  14836. wheat1
  14837. wheat2
  14838. wheat3
  14839. wheat4
  14840. When driving
  14841. When Map Chatting or commenting you can't be 'Anonymous'. Go to My Waze > My profile > Privacy to change your status
  14842. When reporting
  14843. When you connect with Facebook, your friends will see your real name instead of your username, and friends of friends will see how you're related.
  14844. When you download Waze, you not only get a free navigation, but also become part of the local driving community in your area, joining forces with other drivers nearby to beat traffic, save time, and improve everyone's daily commute...
  14845. white smoke
  14846. WhiteSmoke
  14847. why connect to FB url
  14848. wide_screen
  14849. Width
  14850. Width
  14851. Width
  14852. width:%d, height:%d
  14853. Width is too large for libpng to process pixels
  14854. Width too large for libpng to process image data.
  14855. Will not create new line - point index is %d
  14856. Will try to restore favorites
  14857. window_orientation_changed
  14858. Windows FNT
  14859. winfnt_driver_class
  14860. winfonts
  14861. with
  14862. With
  14863. within
  14864. wjw~
  14865. work
  14866. Work
  14867. Work (Touch to add)
  14868. world
  14869. World
  14870. Would you like to restore your favorites?
  14871. Wow, you're popular! We can only show the first 100 friends.
  14872. wPwaw
  14873. Wrong Direction Score
  14874. Wrong driving directions
  14875. Wrong Realtime engine state: ( gs_bInitialized: %d, pfn: %x, gs_pfnOnLoginTestResult: %x )
  14876. Wrong type of atlas !!!
  14877. WSA_ExtractParams
  14878. WSA_RemovePortNumberFromURL
  14879. Wsmall
  14880. wst_context_free
  14881. wst_context_init
  14882. wst_get_trans_state
  14883. wst_get_unique_type
  14884. wst_init
  14885. WST::OnCustomResponse() - CORRUPTED PACKET: Although remaining custom data size is %d, a NULL was found in the data...
  14886. WST::OnCustomResponse() - Did not find parser for tag '%s'
  14887. WST::OnCustomResponse() - Failed to process server request '%s'; Error: '%s'
  14888. WST::OnCustomResponse() - Failed to read server-response tag from packet location '%s'
  14889. WST::OnCustomResponse() - Tag '%s' is asking for more data. Exiting method
  14890. WST::OnHTTPAck() - Response is not 'ack' (%s)
  14891. WST::OnHTTPAck() - Succeeded
  14892. WST::OnHTTPHeader() - Custom data size: %d; Packet: '%s'
  14893. WST::OnHTTPHeader() - Did not find 'Content-Length:' in response (%s)
  14894. WST::OnHTTPHeader() - Did not find custom-data size value in the response (%s)
  14895. WST::OnHTTPHeader() - Response not successfull (%s)
  14896. wst_process_queue_item
  14897. wst_process_queue_item
  14898. wst_process_queue_item() - 'wstq_dequeue()' had failed!
  14899. wstq_Add
  14900. wstq_Add() - Invalid argument
  14901. wstq_clear
  14902. wstq_dequeue
  14903. wstq_dequeue
  14904. wstq_dequeue() - Invalid argument
  14905. wstq_enqueue
  14906. wstq_enqueue
  14907. wstq_enqueue() - Invalid argument
  14908. wstq_enqueue() - item %d, action '%s'
  14909. wstq_enqueue() - queue is empty
  14910. wstq_enqueue() - queue is full
  14911. wstq_init
  14912. wstq_is_empty
  14913. wstq_item_init
  14914. wstq_item_release
  14915. wstq_remove_type
  14916. wstq_remove_type
  14917. wstq_RemoveType
  14918. wstq_remove_type() - Invalid argument
  14919. wstq_remove_type() - removing old item type %d at pos: %d
  14920. wstq_RemoveType() - stopping active session with type %d
  14921. wstq_size
  14922. wst_queue_clear
  14923. wst_queue_is_empty
  14924. wst_Receive
  14925. wst_Receive( SOCKET: %d) - 'socket_async_receive()' had failed
  14926. wst_Receive() - Socket is invalid
  14927. wst_Send
  14928. wst_Send( SOCKET: %d) - send returned -1
  14929. wst_Send( SOCKET: %d) - Sent %d bytes
  14930. wst_Send() - szData is NULL
  14931. wst_share_cookies
  14932. wst_start_session_trans
  14933. wst_start_trans
  14934. wst_start_trans
  14935. wst_start_trans() - connect had failed (Invalid params or queue is full?)
  14936. wst_start_trans() - Failed to format command '%s' (buffer size too small?)
  14937. wst_start_trans__int
  14938. wst_start_trans() - queue not idle, adding to queue item of type: %d
  14939. wst_start_trans() - retry # %d
  14940. wst_start_trans() - socket should be invalid
  14941. wst_stop_trans
  14942. wst_term
  14943. wst_transaction_completed
  14944. wst_transaction_completed
  14945. wst_transaction_completed() - stopping active session WITHOUT socket
  14946. wst_watchdog
  14947. wst_watchdog
  14948. wst_watchdog() - TERMINATING SESSION !!! - Ack not received in %d seconds (action '%s')
  14949. wst_watchdog() - TERMINATING SESSION !!! - Ack to header not received in %d seconds (action '%s')
  14950. wst_watchdog() - TERMINATING SESSION !!! - Header not received in %d seconds (action '%s')
  14951. wst_watchdog() - TERMINATING SESSION !!! - No Receive in %d seconds (action '%s')
  14952. wst_watchdog() - TERMINATING SESSION !!! - Session is running already %d seconds (action '%s')
  14953. .wud
  14957. w)w7
  14958. wx=%f, wy=%f, rx=%f, ry=%f
  14959. WZDF
  14960. (x(|(
  14961. XCXJ
  14962. =@=X=d=oi
  14964. xf86-driver-name
  14965. xf86-driver-name
  14966. xf86-driver-name
  14967. xf86-driver-name
  14968. xf86-driver-name
  14969. xf86-driver-name
  14970. xf86-driver-name
  14971. xf86-driver-name
  14972. xf86-driver-name
  14973. XHeight
  14974. X_HEIGHT
  14975. xhxoxxx
  14976. xIxNxT
  14977. xj22
  14978. XkXsa
  14979. xmdh
  14980. ?xP$
  14981. \X\q\
  14982. Xsmall
  14983. xtmvxtmh
  14984. *X*x*
  14985. X,XR
  14986. XXX]
  14987. x,y %s,%s
  14988. xzroesc
  14989. X4X=
  14990. yacute
  14991. Yacute
  14992. Yacutesmall
  14993. ydieresis
  14994. Ydieresis
  14995. Ydieresissmall
  14996. Yeahhh Collecting a gift id=%d)
  14997. yellow green
  14998. YellowGreen
  14999. yellow_tag
  15000. yellow_tag_cast
  15001. yellow1
  15002. yellow2
  15003. yellow3
  15004. yellow4
  15005. Yesterday
  15006. You are here
  15007. you are nearing your destination
  15008. You are not connected. Can't calculate route.
  15009. You are not connected. Can't recalculate route.
  15010. You are not connected to a Waze account - Your history and preferences are not saved and will be lost if anything happens
  15011. You are not connected to a Waze account - your history and preferences are not saved and will be lost if anything happens to
  15012. You are now being added to the map
  15013. You are shown as offline to all friends. You are hidden from the map. Your reports are sent anonymously. You will automatically be visible again the next time you start Waze
  15014. You are signed-in with a randomly generated login
  15015. You can always edit your profile notifications, and sharing settings.
  15016. You can go invisible at any time
  15017. You can personalize your account from My Waze > My profile
  15018. You can personalize your account from Settings->Account & Login
  15019. You can use voice commands for following functions:
  15020. You control posts & privacy
  15021. You forgot to fill in your Username
  15022. You have a coupon saved in My Specials, don't forget to redeem it!
  15023. you have reached your destination
  15024. you have reached your stop point
  15025. You have to connect to Facebook to see who's driving...
  15026. You'll also see where I am, and watch in real time as I arrive.
  15027. You may redistribute copies of fribidi under the terms of
  15028. You munched a road goodie and earned:
  15029. You must first export your data.
  15030. You must have a valid username and password.
  15031. You need to be a registered user in order to send Map Chat or comment.
  15032. You parked here
  15033. Your account
  15034. Your account has been created!
  15035. Your account has been updated
  15036. your comment is also tweeted to the twitter user
  15037. Your Coupon
  15038. your coupon was saved to my coupons in my ways
  15039. Your credentials are already connected with another Waze account. Select which Waze account you want to use on this device
  15040. Your Details
  15041. Your drive is shared with others. Would you like to stop sharing?
  15042. You're a baby Wazer!
  15043. You're a baby Wazer now - but not for long! Drive %d %s to unlock moods...
  15044. You're a ways monster!
  15045. You're done!
  15046. You're improving the map and earning yourself:
  15047. You're invisible for this ride
  15048. You're no longer connected to Facebook. Would you like to reconnect?
  15049. You're not following any groups - but you should!
  15050. You're still on the fastest route!
  15051. (your frequent)
  15052. Your friend
  15053. Your nickname
  15054. Your nickname is always displayed to all other Wazers. Nicknames are not unique and can be changed as often as you'd like.
  15055. Your passwords are not identical
  15056. Your phone's GPS is turned OFF
  15057. Your Points (updated daily)
  15058. Your Points (updated once a day)
  15059. Your preferred route
  15060. Your privacy was previously set to invisible. Since this option was removed, you are now set to 'Anonymous'. Check your privacy settings for new options
  15061. Your request was sent to the server
  15062. Your trip
  15063. Your Username
  15064. Your username is not authorised for this app. Please contact Waze support.
  15065. Your Waze account is where we store your preferences, points, previous routes and map edits.
  15066. Your Waze user is connected with another Facebook account. Would you like to switch to the current account?
  15067. Your Waze username has not been created yet
  15068. Your Waze username has not been created yet.
  15069. You said your email is %s - is that correct?
  15070. You should be in navigation mode to view events on your route
  15071. You should now search for and select your destination
  15072. You should now search for and select your stop point
  15073. You should select a Facebook location when tagging friends.
  15074. You've helped Wazers nearby and earned:
  15075. YPY]
  15076. Y!Q!t!
  15077. ;Y;q;za
  15078. ]?]Yr
  15079. Ysmall
  15080. y/y<
  15081. y)yFr
  15082. y^ygywy
  15083. y#yQ
  15084. Y0Y;YFYh
  15085. Y7_8N
  15086. =z?!@
  15087. :Z:_
  15088. };}Z}a
  15089. zcaron
  15090. Zcaron
  15091. Zcaronsmall
  15092. zero
  15093. zeroinferior
  15094. Zero length tRNS chunk
  15095. Zero length zTXt chunk
  15096. zerooldstyle
  15097. zerosuperior
  15098. zfzlz
  15099. (ZILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;FILjava/lang/String;JLjava/lang/String;I)V
  15100. ZjZy
  15101. zlib_compress
  15102. zlib_compress
  15103. zlib memory
  15104. zlib memory error
  15105. zlib version
  15106. zlib version error
  15107. zNzZz
  15108. zoom= %d angle= %lf y dist= %lg
  15109. zoomin
  15110. Zoom In
  15111. zoomout
  15112. Zoom Out
  15113. zoom1
  15114. Zsmall
  15115. zspo
  15116. zspo4|
  15117. -Z-s-z-
  15118. zTXt
  15119. (Z)V
  15120. Z$ZUZ_
  15121. Z.Z=ZF
  15122. z,z7
  15123. % 0
  15124. ,',;,@0
  15125. !(0)"
  15126. ' '$'(0
  15127. )'0 &
  15128. 0A0U
  15129. 0.%d
  15130. $"$)$0$I$Y$d
  15131. 0@P`p
  15132. 0RFP
  15133. (0T&
  15134. 0 0_
  15135. 0, 0
  15136. 0*0y
  15137. 0.00
  15138. #000000
  15139. #000000ff
  15140. #00000000
  15141. 001.000
  15142. 001.001
  15143. 001.002
  15144. 001.003
  15145. 0.02
  15146. 0.11.0
  15147. 0123456789
  15148. 0123456789abcdef
  15149. 0123456789abcdef
  15150. 0123456789ABCDEF
  15151. 0123456789abcdefssl_open
  15152. 0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz
  15153. 0145hjnp
  15154. 0145hjnp
  15155. (02.
  15156. %02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d
  15157. %02d:%02d:%02d
  15158. %02d:%02d:%02d.%03ld
  15159. .((..022446
  15160. "$&(*****,.02,4,68:<>@BDF
  15161. 0.25
  15162. 028b
  15163. 028b
  15164. $(,048<@
  15165. *0*4*8*<*@*D*H*L*P*T0
  15166. " 050j0q
  15167. [%08x %s]
  15168. %08x : %08x %s
  15169. (088@888888HP88888X`h8888p8888x
  15170. ;1;<
  15171. !1AQaq
  15172. 1a1k
  15173. !1C ,
  15174. !1C "
  15175. 1 destination was restored to your favorites
  15176. 1 driving there
  15177. 1 friend is on the way
  15178. 1 friend is using Waze
  15179. 1 friend of friend is on the way
  15180. 1 friend online
  15181. .1.I
  15182. 1 minute ago
  15183. 1M Points
  15184. 1O3W4M4|5
  15185. 1pyt DIC1PYT
  15186. 1st choice [%d/%d] score %d (connected %d-%d [prev %d])
  15187. 1st choice [%d/%d] score %d (connected %d-%d [prev %d]) 2nd choice [%d/%d] %d (%d-%d [%d])
  15188. 1Y1t1x1
  15189. 100%
  15190. 1000
  15191. -1000
  15192. 1000m
  15193. 1000meters
  15194. ---------------------------10424402741337131014341297293
  15195. -----------------------------10424402741337131014341297293
  15196. -----------------------------10424402741337131014341297293--
  15197. 1.0.6 or earlier
  15198. 10646
  15199. 10646
  15200. 1,1@
  15201. +!+%+)+-+11
  15202. 1.1.4
  15203. 12 hr.
  15204. 12000
  15205. 1.2.12
  15206. 1.2.12
  15207. 1.2.3
  15208. 14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb
  15209. 14365h7k9dcfesgujnmqp0r2twvyx8zb
  15210. 1500
  15211. 1500meters
  15212. 15:33
  15213. \1\7
  15214. #*1892+$
  15215. :%:-:2
  15216. `@2
  15217. "2BRbr
  15218. %2d:%02d
  15219. 2G2z
  15220. 2:j2
  15221. @@2 p
  15222. 2/SO
  15223. 2S2]2g2r
  15224. 2x/%s
  15225. #%2x%2x%2x%2x
  15226. ^2^Y^c^
  15227. 200
  15228. 200meters
  15229. 200 ok
  15230. 2000
  15231. 20000
  15232. 2024800000
  15233. %2.1f hours ago
  15234. 2##2
  15235. 22j22222222h
  15236. 2*2129
  15237. 2222
  15238. 2222
  15239. 2222222
  15241. 222222222222
  15242. 2:24
  15243. 238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp
  15244. 238967debc01fg45kmstqrwxuvhjyznp
  15245. 24 hour clock
  15246. 24 hr.
  15247. 25000(
  15248. )-);3
  15249. =#=3
  15250. #3CScs
  15251. 3D_Arrow
  15252. 3D-Sky
  15253. 3D-SkyNight
  15254. 3 finger tap only
  15255. %3s, %02d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT
  15256. 3000
  15257. 30000
  15258. 3-22-4-5-20
  15259. 3,3>3Fd
  15260. 333333
  15261. 333333
  15262. 333333
  15263. ?333333
  15264. %,3:;4-&
  15265. 34794810, 32106010
  15266. 36000
  15267. )3)71
  15268. ,/,3,76
  15269. :4 *
  15270. %-%4%
  15271. "("4"<"Da
  15272. $4DTdt
  15273. 4 N \a
  15274. 4W:WCWMWkWrW
  15275. 4X4 Trails
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  15277. 400 m
  15278. 400meters
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  15285. 5 min
  15286. 5 min earlier
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  15288. 500000
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  15290. 5'53
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  15312. #8ad50d
  15313. 8B8L
  15314. (8HXhx
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  15316. 800x600
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  15326. _9_F_
  15327. )9IYiy
  15328. [$[9[J
  15329. 9 min early
  15330. 9 minutes delay
  15331. 9-10-11-12
  15332. 969E
  15333. 9/9U
  15334. #9933FF
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