
timestamped transcript example

Aug 7th, 2021
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  1. 00:48:20
  2. Tom: OK, thank you. Yes. We don't want to be in commodious council member Sidney.
  3. 00:48:27
  4. Sidney: Thank you, Mr. President, and I will move this motion, I have a feeling that we don't need to have in-depth the conversation because if I get a second, that would be another part of this discussion. But at this point, because of the previous conversation, there's no need. I don't know that there is support, though. I believe there should be support for this. And I believe that there is support. And I don't want to I don't want to continue a conversation that's I'm not getting anywhere. So with that, I will move the motion.
  5. 00:48:59
  6. Tom:OK, is there a second? OK, looks like dies for the lack of second Councilmember Katz.
  7. 00:49:07
  8. Sidney: Thank you, Mr. President.
  9. 00:49:20
  10. Tom:and the other questions from colleagues. Chairman R.
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