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Sep 20th, 2013
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  1. Seeing the BIG picture: Quick and Dirty Data Visualisation with Ruby - Aja Hammerly @thagomizer_rb
  3. - Motivations
  4. - story since we're in right after lunch. any resemblance to real people or companies is incidental
  5. - site slow, angry customer, angry boss, everyone panics... throw solutions at the wall.
  6. - WAIT
  7. - [Grace Hopper] "We should use COBOL" *lol*
  8. - go back to cubicle
  9. - barf numbers in boss's cube
  10. - ARGH
  11. - use pictures, you shouldn't be barfing numbers
  12. - Hunches aren't good enough. Data is Proof.
  13. - People pattern match (the more effective your communication, the more people will understand what you mean)
  14. - Pictures are universal (when panic happens brains shut down, visual ideas are easy to comprehend)
  15. - This is not a talk about Tufte beautiful diagrams.. it's about just getting things in to a visually interpretable state
  16. - Expectations
  17. - Code heavy talk, has the code (I'm not typing it here)
  18. - Practitioner focused
  19. - Gems
  20. - 'graph' -- graphviz
  21. - Can graph associations, class layouts, etc
  22. - graphing dependencies is where the graph gem shine
  23. - based on DOT (a graphing language)
  24. - specifies nodes (things you're interrelating)
  25. - allows description of attributes of nodes
  26. - Basics
  27. - Code for the graph gem (see speaker's blog for code -- I'm not typing it here)
  28. - Basic DSL
  29. - #digraph > #edge,#node
  30. - exports and saving
  31. - Shapes
  32. - Triangles ( ``` node_attribs << 'triangle' ``` )
  33. - Color
  34. - ``` node_attribs << 'red'; edge_attribs << 'blue' ```
  35. - Pick colours with
  36. - These colour schemes are built into graphviz
  37. - Colour Schemes
  38. - Categorical ... look this up on wikipedia
  39. - Charts
  40. - highcharts (free for non-commercial use, otherwise license)
  41. - JQuery and Highcharts.js dependencies
  42. - Code for generating charts with highcharts
  43. - See blog for code
  44. - You need a web page, embed the deps from googleapis
  45. - JQuery functions ``` $('#chart').highcharts({ ... ```
  46. - Going over the basic parameters to the highcharts chart specification language... see highcharts documentation for more data
  47. - types highcharts generates are line, spline, area, column, bar, pie, scatter, area range, area spline, column range
  48. - you may overlap then with multiple axes
  49. - Highstock is available for finanical charting
  50. - Data Extraction
  51. - Formats
  52. - HTML/XML > Nokogiri (next talk is about Nokogiri so we won't be going into it)
  53. - CSV
  54. - Regular Expressions ( is a good tool for knowing what your RegEx is going to do)
  55. - Data extraction examples
  56. - Lots of code (see blog)
  57. - Extracting course descriptions and other things
  58. - #orphans on Graph gives you all nodes with no edges
  59. - When logging use sysloglogger <> (exports PID to log message which allows one to check process balance for unicorn)
  60. - Highcharts does logarithmic graphs too, just specify it
  61. - Special thanks
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