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star wars jokes

a guest
Feb 29th, 2016
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  1. <ron> good question
  2. <ron> well finns dead
  3. <ron> a monster got him
  4. <ron> oh hes fine
  5. <ron> this is so good
  6. <Qwerinty> yeah it's really really good
  7. <Qwerinty> i wish i was watching it with you damn
  8. <owlsolar> same
  9. <owlsolar> the action sequences are so good
  10. <ron> i like mas
  11. <Qwerinty> i like mass because it allows things to exist
  12. <ron> does light have mass
  13. <ron> im asking because a beam of light the size of the moon shot out of a ice planet just now
  14. <Qwerinty> that's no mooYAARRWGHHHHHH
  15. <ron> lmao
  16. <owlsolar> of course its not a moon its a planet
  17. <Qwerinty> i think photons technically have mass but they are impossible to detect the mass of
  18. <owlsolar> that shoots lasers
  19. <Qwerinty> the laser tho
  20. <ron> do lasers have mass. if so
  21. <ron> awersrome
  22. <Qwerinty> i think technically they do
  23. <owlsolar> so really lightsabers have weight after all and people who say non jedi cant use them are full of shit
  24. <owlsolar> give me my fucking lightsaber
  25. <ron> yeah man
  26. <ron> yeah
  27. <Qwerinty> right but i mean han used a lightsaber in empire so we've known that all along
  28. <owlsolar> holy.....
  29. <ron> dam good point
  30. <owlsolar> proof that lasers have mass was in front of us all along
  31. <ron> actually mas had the laser in this movie
  32. <owlsolar> :gonk:
  33. <Qwerinty> lightsabers have always been phsycial because you see duelists pushing against each other all the time when they cross swords
  34. <Qwerinty> try pushing against a laser and you'll be sliced in half
  35. <owlsolar> not if you push it with another laser!!!
  36. <Qwerinty> but non-jedi have always been able to use it... the prequel trilogy and the concept of fandoms destroyed star wars and we're only now coming to grips with that and moving past it
  37. <ron> ahhhhhhhh fucking c3po
  38. <owlsolar> well yeah im saying it was bs from the start
  39. <ron> i thought you were kidding qwerinty
  40. <Qwerinty> han uses a lightsaber to open up the creature thing so luke didn't freeze to death
  41. <owlsolar> does this look like a laughing matter to you???
  42. <Qwerinty> oh
  43. <Qwerinty> you thought i was joking about c3po
  44. <Qwerinty> no
  45. <ron> hes real....
  46. <Qwerinty> FUCKING C3PO
  47. <ron> aargh
  48. <Qwerinty> they waited so long to have him in the film too
  49. <ron> it wouldnt be a star wars movie if i didnt resent it a little bit
  50. <Qwerinty> they got our hopes up so much
  51. <Qwerinty> lmao
  52. <owlsolar> idgi....
  53. <Qwerinty> i have a burning hatred for c3po because he sucks and is stupid
  54. <Qwerinty> and it maybe had sense to have jerky shitty robots in the 70s but now we have a robot that is a damned sphere and they coexist with the tin man in the space version of wizard of oz
  55. <ron> george lucas in 1978: what if the robot was no like hes really bad like he sucks and is stupid.......yyeahhhh.....
  56. <owlsolar> lol
  57. <owlsolar> imagine the terminator right, now imagine that he sucks
  58. <owlsolar> instead of a skull face he has a clown face
  59. <ron> on it
  60. <ron> haha
  61. <Qwerinty> what if we had this really cute and memorable robot that can talk in beeps but someone needed to translate for it
  62. <ron> ok im with you
  63. <Qwerinty> what if the translator was a way to destroy the mountain tension with each word they said and was there solely to go get popcorn
  64. <owlsolar> lol
  65. <Qwerinty> mounting tension
  66. <Qwerinty> not mountain tension lol
  67. <ron> mount tension
  68. <Qwerinty> !comic
  69. <weeedbot> Qwerinty:
  70. <Qwerinty> i'm laughing way too hard at mountain tension
  71. <ron> lol
  72. * owlsolar is now known as mountain_tension
  73. <Qwerinty> aaaaaaaaaa
  74. <mountain_tension> :getin:
  75. <mountain_tension> i actually kinda like c3po, hes really bad but i actually find it entertaining that way
  76. <mountain_tension> like the only part of episode 2 i remember was the part where he got his head switched with a battle droid
  77. <Qwerinty> lol that's the only part i remember also
  78. <ron> oh lord
  79. <Qwerinty> growing up i always was pissed off at the c3po gets blown up and needs to be rebuilt subplot
  80. <Qwerinty> i was like OH COME ON who fucking cares, this happened for literally no reason at all
  81. <ron> just to show us that chewie knows his shit
  82. <Qwerinty> right
  83. <Qwerinty> just to show us chewie is the real hero of star wars
  84. <mountain_tension> i love chewie
  85. <mountain_tension> yeah
  86. <Qwerinty> i love the song supernova song they made about chewie
  87. <mountain_tension> oh ffs
  88. <Qwerinty> haha my mom's maiden name is chew and she grew up with star wars and everyone called her chewie
  89. <mountain_tension> fuck you berserker you had a 15% chance to hit
  90. <ron> that sucks
  91. <mountain_tension> im not even angry
  92. <mountain_tension> actually yes i am fuck you!!!!!!!!!
  93. <ron> lol
  94. <mountain_tension> (the imaginary video game character, not you)
  95. <Qwerinty> !comic
  96. <ron> i know
  97. <weeedbot> Qwerinty:
  98. <ron> shit sorry
  99. <ron> sweeet
  100. <mountain_tension> veryfitting
  101. <Qwerinty> what is that tattooed on owl's arm
  102. <mountain_tension> soemthing aint easy
  103. <ron> P-----ING AINT EASY
  104. <mountain_tension> cant read the first word
  105. <Qwerinty> pimping
  106. <Qwerinty> ok
  107. <Qwerinty> wow
  108. <Qwerinty> i feel like i should be allowed to buy digital only films and keep them as pure video files on my computer, rather than buy them on a service that requires streaming and an internet connection
  109. <ron> yeah you should
  110. <ron> they dont want to propogate sharing tho
  111. <ron> its messed
  112. <Qwerinty> i mean look at mystery science theater
  113. <Qwerinty> for awhile there, all their videos were being taken off youtube
  114. <Qwerinty> and their motto back in the day was "share the tapes"
  115. <ron> cray
  116. <ron> ya
  117. <Qwerinty> but rhino entertainment owned the intellectual property for it and i think joel somehow got them to do like.. certain episodes on there
  118. <ron> blerg
  119. <Qwerinty> but also universal renewed the copyright on old mst3k episodes so any mst3k ep uploaded that was from universal films, and there were a LOT especially in the early mike years, are taken down instantly
  120. <Qwerinty> like the movies featured in the episodes
  121. <ron> right
  122. <Qwerinty> it's all very sad because mst3k was founded on, grew, and became legendary because of their encouragement of taping the episodes and sharing them with people
  123. <Qwerinty> they even set up a thing where you could send a tape in and they'd send it to someone wanting that tape
  124. <ron> oh damn i never kenw that...
  125. <Qwerinty> so this whole non sharing thing and no downloaded files is bullshit and i hate it
  126. <Qwerinty> yeah
  127. <Qwerinty> that was the comedy central days
  128. <Qwerinty> before it was on scifi
  129. <Qwerinty> and the KTMA days
  130. <ron> silver tom servo
  131. <Qwerinty> dudethat was fucked up
  132. <Qwerinty> i was glad they remade all the KTMA episodes
  133. <ron> they did all of them? i know they redid some
  134. <Qwerinty> i think all, but maybe not
  135. <ron> the empire just puts cannons on everything dam
  136. <Qwerinty> you're gonna earn that title, admiral
  137. <ron> dammmmm that was awesome
  138. <ron> ok so i will go see the sequel and its gonna be like empire i bet but like luke is riding in a little knapsack on reis back instead of yoda
  139. <Qwerinty> lol
  140. <Qwerinty> that would own so hard
  141. <ron> luke: uh no this is how its done. shush
  142. <Qwerinty> yeah that movie was fucking good i want to see it again
  143. <mountain_tension> lol
  144. <mountain_tension> wait is it over
  145. <ron> yep i finished it we can talk shop
  146. <Qwerinty> i teach you as my teacher taught me *hits her on the head with a stick as she carries him*
  147. <ron> haha
  148. <mountain_tension> lol
  149. <ron> ok youre gonna need to go in this cave. dont take anything with you unless you want to trip balls haha i dont know how it works. but seriously dont take anything with you
  150. <mountain_tension> hahaha
  151. <Qwerinty> *reis cuts off rens' head and the mask burns away to reveal her own face* seriously man
  152. <Qwerinty> that doesn't even make sense
  153. <Qwerinty> lmao ron
  154. <mountain_tension> hahaha
  155. <mountain_tension> you guys are killing it
  156. <Qwerinty> mark hamill said they had to pay him a billion dollars to actually act in the movie, so the directors found a loophole and use him like a muppet
  157. <Qwerinty> they're really going all out for the empire feel
  158. <ron> wise
  159. <Qwerinty> the video release of the force awakens ends with luke slowly raising a cold hot dog to his mouth and taking a bite
  160. <ron> hahahaha
  161. <ron> he reaches out.......and gets a handful of funyuns
  162. <Qwerinty> w3322
  163. <ron> luke: *through a mouthful of funyuns* these are really good do you want some
  164. <Qwerinty> that's what happened when my forehead hitting keyboard from doubling over with laughter
  165. <Qwerinty> the star wars and bluntman + chronic crossover film
  166. <ron> shit id watch it
  167. <Qwerinty> i really want the opening of the next movie to be luke rooting through reis' stuff and going mhm haha and throwing it down that huge ass cliff
  168. <ron> yesssss
  169. <ron> ok R2 now you have to shock me..............cmon! shock me! heewheeeeheeee
  170. <Qwerinty> lmao
  171. <ron> luke is now so lightside hes just bonkers
  172. <Qwerinty> they don't have padded walls in that galaxy, they just have uninhabited planets
  173. <ron> lol
  174. <Qwerinty> you're a gross green thing, ok you get the swamp. you have a beard, you get the one with the ocean
  175. <Qwerinty> <luke> let me show you how many fucks i give *raises a single tiny pebble on a distant mountain*
  176. <ron> alright since youre an insomniac you get to choose between gas world or junk world
  177. <ron> lol
  178. <mountain_tension> jesus christ these are amazing
  179. <ron> :D
  180. <Qwerinty> you're the devil, you are literally from the satan race so you get the lava planet
  181. <ron> haha i remember that guy
  182. <Qwerinty> yes you can have two swords you can put together, knock yourself out
  183. <ron> oh lol i was thinking of this guy
  184. <Qwerinty> lmao
  185. <Qwerinty> hahaha
  186. <Qwerinty> i forgot about him
  187. <Qwerinty> maybe darth maul is like the elder life stage of that race
  188. <ron> id buy it
  189. <mountain_tension> thats me
  190. <ron> also there is more than one piece of fan art for this guy
  191. <ron> oh nice congrats owl
  192. <Qwerinty> like literally that's his only shot
  193. <ron> its good
  194. <ron>
  195. <ron> hes a budweiser man
  196. <Qwerinty> that devil guy, with one foot on the table and one foot on the ground, holding an ace of spades with the middle finger faced out, spelling "devil guy" in cigarette smoke, holding a a beer
  197. <ron> lmao
  198. <ron> hahaha
  199. <mountain_tension> lol
  200. <ron> there is a LOT of fan art for this guy
  201. <Qwerinty> what is he even called so i can see it
  202. <ron> just google mos eisley cantina devil guy
  203. <Qwerinty> lmao
  204. <Qwerinty> that's perfect
  205. <Qwerinty> ok
  206. <ron> google didnt let me down
  207. <Qwerinty> the race is called Devaronian which is a clear sign to go search for this on deviant art
  208. <ron> A Devaronian male extending his tongue towards Leia Organa
  209. <Qwerinty>
  210. <ron> chewies like, uhhh whaaat
  211. <Qwerinty> lmao ron
  212. <ron> lol
  213. <Qwerinty>
  214. <ron> sickkk
  215. <ron> someones got that tattoo
  216. <ron> "oh hey is that the devil. nice"
  217. <ron> tattoo guy: uuuuugggghhhhhhh
  218. <Qwerinty> hahaha
  219. <Qwerinty> NO, his name is Kardue'sai'Malloc and he is of a noble race of demons and hellspawn
  220. <ron> lol
  221. <Qwerinty> sometimes, at night, the tattoo snickers to itsef
  222. <ron> uhhhh
  223. <ron> thats just like a ghost
  224. <ron> and wolfman
  225. <Qwerinty> stormtroopers killed luke along with his uncle and aunt, and star wars is his death journey
  226. <ron> i bet tehres a dracula thrown in the back somewhere
  227. <ron> lol
  228. <Qwerinty> the cantina scene is literally the scene in blazing saddles where they bust in on a bunch of actors taking a break while in costume
  229. <ron> haha
  230. <Qwerinty> lucas was running out of money and was getting writer's block so he just filmed that scene in whatever hollywood studio cafeteria
  231. <ron> A Shistavanen in action
  232. <Qwerinty> shistavanen are you serious
  233. <Qwerinty> shitstain
  234. <ron> lol
  235. <Qwerinty> i'd be an old time intergalactic racist: them there are fucking werewolves, not this shitstain malarky
  236. <ron> *spit*
  237. <Qwerinty> i remember when we slaughtered the dracula race, they called themselves something like "hoo-mans" but they were draculas
  238. <ron> Shistavanen recreation
  239. <Qwerinty> lmao
  240. <Qwerinty> hahahaha
  241. <Qwerinty> recreation of that ghost guy up there:
  242. <Qwerinty> jesus that url is long
  243. <ron> hahaha
  244. <Qwerinty> artist's interpretation:
  245. <mountain_tension> hadfjklghalsk;dfioawehfioadsfhl;akdsjfklajdf;ghostface
  246. <ron>
  247. <ron> So what happens when I mix my favorite movie with my favorite fast food chain? - jedi_randy
  248. <Qwerinty> is this viral marketing for a new clerks movie
  249. <ron> haha the filter is right
  250. <Qwerinty> oh i guess that's randal and not randy nevermind
  251. <Qwerinty> people think actors have it hard because they're always being recognized doing ordinary things like shopping or eating fast food but they have it easy. all they have to do is put on a costume and act like someone else
  252. <ron> i dont know.....look how pissed alec guinness is
  253. <ron>
  254. <Qwerinty> matt damon, spending 5 hours to look exactly like the clerk at starbucks who he sees every morning
  255. <Qwerinty> "goddammit, cronenberg" he thinks to himself
  256. <Qwerinty> "that shit's not funny anymore"
  257. <ron> oh dam i was reading the elaborate backstory of the bartender
  258. <ron> The Mos Eisley Adventure Set first identified the bartender as "Cedo Partu," but the name never stuck, and the character was later renamed as "Wuher."[9]Pablo Hidalgo created a retcon in Star Wars Insider 91 to acknowledge the old name—establishing Cedo Partuas a separate character, and The Prophetess's claim that Wuher was the reincarnated soul of Cedo Partu.
  259. <ron> jesus lol
  260. <Qwerinty> lmao what
  261. <Qwerinty> the star wars wiki is curated by crack team of heavy dmt abusers
  262. <ron> lool
  263. <Qwerinty> why, prophetess, why have you given life to me again
  264. <Qwerinty> we needed a bartender and ive been banned from craigslist
  265. <ron> haha dam
  266. <Qwerinty> *camera pans away from bartender during fight scene* your destiny is fulfilled
  267. <ron> the gruff guy who attacked luke in the bar was like a mad doctor i guess
  268. <ron> he made zombies and boba fett kills them
  269. <Qwerinty> physician, heal thyself
  270. <Qwerinty> ok *sews on arm*
  271. <Qwerinty> boba fett is a bounty hunter, so that means that he's the proxy for the laziest monster hunter in the galaxy
  272. <ron> a mind transference machine
  273. <ron> this shit is crazy
  274. <Qwerinty> that's the cover of a 50s pulp scifi novel
  275. <ron> or real
  276. <ron> fpor
  277. <Qwerinty> My Brain Was Transplanted Into My Clone a horror tale by Harry Dean Anderson
  278. <ron> haha
  279. <ron> ok i gotta get to bed i could read this shit all day
  280. <Qwerinty> actually just make that the cover to Dianetics
  281. <ron> lmao
  282. <ron> deleted shot from Star Wars Cantina scene
  283. <Qwerinty> omg hahahahahaha
  284. <Qwerinty> why did they ship frankenstein in a big crate, why not send him piecemeal in smaller crates
  285. <ron> whoa
  286. <ron> haha is this real
  287. <ron>
  288. <Qwerinty> Frähnkstën by Ikea
  289. <Qwerinty> that looks like someone superimposed henry rollin's face on han solo
  290. <ron> ytes it does
  291. <Qwerinty> or maybe marv from sin city
  292. <Qwerinty> never will you find such a hive of villany and scum. my kinda place.
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