
FEF6re: Brunhilde Saden (swordstar)

Apr 6th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Name: Brunhilde Saden
  2. Age: 20
  3. Class: Necromancer -> Dark Rider
  4. Character Skill: Discipline
  5. Affinity: Anima
  6. Personal Fault: Cursed Healing: Healing from any source but class skills is halved
  7. Personal Skill: Fallen Hero: When not adjacent to any allies, +15 hit
  8. Personal Skill: Storm Rising: The first time in a turn Brunhilde is reduced below 50% HP, +10 crit for the next combat
  9. //Personal Skill: TBD
  11. Perferred Stats: HP, MAG
  13. Weapon profs: Ancient (C), Dark (D)
  15. Level: 12
  16. Total Level: 12
  18. Base Stats:
  20. HP: 21 (80%) +2
  21. STR: 0 (50%)
  22. MAG: 7 (40%)
  23. SKL: 6 (60%)
  24. LCK: 0 (10%)
  25. DEF: 2 (10%)
  26. RES: 4 (20%)
  27. SPD: 3 (60%) +2
  29. CON: 7
  30. AID: 6
  31. MOV: 5
  33. Character Creation: +2 HP, +2 SPD, +5% SPD
  34. First class lvl2: +STR, +MAG
  35. First class lvl3: +HP, +STR, +SPD
  36. First class lvl4: +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  37. Secret Book: +3 SKL
  38. First class lvl5: +HP, +STR, +MAG, +DEF, +SPD
  39. First class lvl6: +HP, +STR, +MAG, +SPD
  40. First class lvl7: +STR, +MAG
  41. First class lvl8: +STR, +SKL, +SPD
  42. First class lvl9: +HP, +STR, +MAG
  43. First class lvl10: +HP, +SPD
  44. First class lvl11: +HP, +MAG, +SKL
  45. First class lvl12: +HP, +STR, +MAG, +SPD
  47. Current Stats:
  49. HP: 30 (80%)
  50. STR: 9 (50%)
  51. MAG: 14 (40%)
  52. SKL: 12 (60%)
  53. LCK: 0 (10%)
  54. DEF: 3 (10%)
  55. RES: 4 (20%)
  56. SPD: 12 (65%)
  58. CON: 7
  59. AID: 6
  60. MOV: 5
  62. [code]Inventory:
  63. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  64. Hustle Anci (E)1-2 7 6 0 70 14/40 [E] [-10 Eva on Hit for 1 Turn]
  65. Worm Dred (E)1-2 6 6 6 80 40/40
  66. Nosferatu Dred (D)1-2 7 11 0 60 35/35
  67. Vulnerary (1/3)
  68. Tonic (5/5)
  69. [/code]
  71. Battle Stats (Hustle):
  72. AT: 21
  73. Hit: 94+2
  74. AS: 12
  75. Eva: 24
  76. Crt: 6
  77. DG: 0
  79. Battle Stats (Worm):
  80. AT: 20
  81. Hit: 104
  82. AS: 12
  83. Eva: 24
  84. Crt: 12
  85. DG: 0
  87. Battle Stats (Nosferatu):
  88. AT: 21
  89. Hit: 94
  90. AS: 12 - (11-{7+1}=3) = 7
  91. Eva: 14
  92. Crt: 6
  93. DG: 0
  95. Bio:
  96. Born in Gevian, the capital of the Reich, as the second daughter of noble parents, Brinehilde was raised to join the military to help bring honor to their family. She originally trained to be a lancer, wanting to be a true soldier, ready to fight but a curiosity to the arcane arts, led to her studying dark magic on the side.
  98. She was reading an ancient necromancy book one day, and stumbled upon a spell for enhancing healing from spells, and quickly dove in. It seemed to work, as her dark magic was enhanced, but she stumbled upon an unfortunate side effect one day in training. During a spar with a Drachenreiter in training named Niles, she was badly injured in her spear arm, and when the healers on site attempted to heal the damage done, they couldn't fix it completely, leaving her unable to use her lance anymore.
  100. Her plans in shambles, she threw herself into dark magic, trying to find some way to restore her arm, but nothing she came across was able to do the job. She started to train to use her other arm more, but without the support from her other arm, she couldn't keep up. As her studies continued to fail her, she volunteered to go to Overseasland as the magic support for Captain Astleich's group, hoping that maybe the Oversealands have some magic that might help restore her arm.
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