
Family conflict 4

Jan 14th, 2020
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  2. [22:37] Rhea would be leaning against the tree. Dagger in hand. She smirks as she opens her eyes and stares at him with her violet hues
  3. "...So you came. I knew you would be looking for me again."
  4. She steps off the tree and slowly takes out her dagger from her holster. The sides of the dagger would slice of the holster, making a distinct twinging side. She pulls it out ever so slowly, as a sharp noise can be heard
  6. Ting
  8. Rhea flips her dagger and holds it firmly in her hand.
  9. "Come with me." she would say sternly
  10. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be...Dillion."
  11. Rhea would have an air of hesitation in her voice. As if deep down, she was doing something that deeply hurt her
  12. "I'm sorry it had to...come to this. But know, I will not kill you. I need you to bring you to my master."
  13. Rhea would allow the wind to blow through her hair as her and brother stared at each other. She would look at Dillion with eyes of determination. As if he was another bounty, another target on her list.
  14. "My orders were to bring you in alive. And I will do so. Or die trying." she would say sternly. A dark, goopy substance would drop out of her right eye. As if she was crying. It would run down her face and onto her chin without her even noticing. As if the love that she had for her brother would still be there...somewhere deep down
  15. "..."
  16. (Rhea Endore)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [22:50] Dillion wasn't expecting to run into his sister again, but on there terms he wasn't ready for something like this yet. It seems like Moonfall had a grasp on her freewill or maybe not full due to her words.
  21. "Rhea..." Dillion paused he wasn't sure how it came to this, but he couldn't leave her to suffer "This isn't you talking right now... you're begin controlled, and I need to bring you home now."
  23. Dillion was clearly in a state of panic, but he loved his sister so much that he couldn't stand hurting her, but sometime loves hurt even if you have to be a little rough.
  25. "I'm not coming to Moonfall with you, and you're not going back... they hurt you enough, and our family is divided enough, and I've had enough of it.
  27. It's my job as your brother to bring you back home even if it's in a few pieces... You dont' have a master you have free will, and I won't kill you because I love you.."
  28. (Dillion Endore)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [22:56] Rhea would grip her dagger tightly
  32. "I am talking, Dillion. I am myself."
  33. Rhea would look at Dillion with stone cold eyes. A tool to her master, a tool to the ones who want to control her, she had no choice but to comply to the wishes of her masters
  34. "I no longer cling to such ideals Dillion. My purpose as a hunter is almost fulfilled. I need to bring glory back to the Endore name. And I will gain the strength to do so in any way I can."
  35. Rhea had a certain sense of sternness in her voice. As if she was determined, but at the same time conflicted about her decisions. Deep down, she knew she was being controlled
  36. "I will not go back to that city. Didn't you hear? I'm a wanted woman. I almost killed two city watch girls the other day."
  37. Rhea seemed completely lost in her own thoughts
  38. "I'm already too far deep into this hole, Dillion. much as it pains me. I must do what I need to do. Either way, either me or you are going to be dragging each other to somewhere we don't want to go once all is said and done."
  39. Rhea would lift her dagger up toward her chest. Her eyes still blank and cold
  40. "I'm sorry brother. But...I need to do what I must to survive. understand..dont you?"
  41. Rhea would hold back her true emotions. She already seems to far long gone..
  42. "I love you as well." she would mutter quietly "But I've made my decision. I'm a tool. A weapon. And hence, I will act like what I am. And bring you down."
  43. It seemed Rhea's conviction was set in stone, though, her words would still be melancholy in nature.
  44. (Rhea Endore)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [23:04] Dillion looks offer towards his sister with a sad look on his face.
  48. "Rhea.... this isn't you I know you're being controlled, and I don't like it. I love you with all my heart, and yet you just leave me with the house alone."
  50. Dillion wanted to hurt his sister, but what would she do? It was possible that she's stab him in the back even if she avoid trying to do her worst to him.
  52. "It's not making us weak, but you leaving me alone is making use weaker when we're basically the last too. Rhea don't do this now...I don't know what will happen, but I'll never bring you back to the city since they might kill you, but I'll never join you."
  54. Dillion wanted to cry, but he held it together..
  55. (Dillion Endore)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [23:12] Rhea scoffs.
  59. "Your ideals mean nothing to me, brother." she would say sternly
  60. "And im sure mine mean nothing to you. Hence is why we are destined to clash much as I don't want too."
  61. Rhea begins to develop a melancholy look on her face. She smirks and laughs.
  62. "You know...I miss him. Iorandis. I miss...Neklous. I miss...everyone."
  63. Rhea would shrug her shoulders
  64. "Why...did things have to be this way? Why...are destined to clash our blades like this? Why cant..things be simple like they used too? Why does our..petty ideals and emotions get in the way of...fucking everything."
  65. Rhea would have a hint of anger in her voice. She begins to pace around the boy
  66. "We are the last two Endores. Force to clash because of our ideals. Forced to become slaves to the systems and to those ideals that we hold true. It's quite poetic. In makes me laugh."
  67. Rhea would turn her purple hues toward Dillion
  68. "It' use...Dillion. You fight for justice...don't you? I am the opposite of justice. A vigilante her hides herself in the shadows and murders the unsuspecting for sport and money. I do it to survive. And...I understand you're doing what you're doing to survive. Tell me Dillion, will you protect me once you bring me to the city and your fellow knight sisters and brothers decide to lock me up forever? It's a fate I deserve, and I know your duty prevents you from doing such a thing. For protecting a criminal like me."
  69. Rhea would flip her dagger around her hand
  70. "As I said...i' sorry things had to be this way. All I wanted to...all I wanted was to take care of you. And baby you. And...treat you like my son. Something...that...I never got to experience. And I most likely never will again. That love...*sniffle...I will never.."
  71. Rhea wipes her tears and regains her composure
  72. "It's no matter. Such as the will of the world! The will of the gods! In fact, their probably relishing our conflict. They're more than happy to see brother and sister fight it out like they were enemies. Such is the will of the gods. Who are we to disturb their wishes."
  73. Rhea stands close near Dillion and wipes his face
  74. "There's no need to cry...dear. It will all be over soon..."
  75. Rhea would stand back and beckon her target with a melancholy smirk on her face
  76. "...We should begin before it gets cold...we don't want that happening do we?"
  77. (Rhea Endore)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [23:32] Dillion walks over towards his sister, and plants a kiss on her cheek while drawing his weapon to fight against her. The boy's heart was broken beyond repair at this point, and it seems his sister was lost forever.
  82. "I love you, and the fate that you're like this is probably my fault, but my faith in the stars has brought me here to you again. I won't take you in for fear of what might happen to you, but I won't let you lose yourself while your here."
  84. Dillion took a step back, and prepared for the battle upon him the boy asked his star to guild him though this battle, and hopefully everything would be alright.
  86. Dillion wiped his tears from his face, and refocused himself while looking at his sister.
  88. "What do you think will happen if you take me in? I'll be killed on the spot, but if you're alright with that then I wont' stand in your way if you manage to beat me this time around.
  90. Just know you'd be killing the last Endore male that could repair the family.
  92. I'm trying my best, but it's not enough..."
  93. (Dillion Endore)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [23:39] Rhea would continue to stare at the ground in front of her..seemingly unaffected by the kiss on the cheek...or..was she?
  97. She would try her best to hold back her emotions
  98. "No. Don't blame yourself. Everything happening right now? It's my fault brother. For I was the one foolish enough to allow it to come to this."
  99. Rhea would sniffle as she brings her dagger close to her chest, ready to fight her brother once again
  100. "You're death...will not occur under my watch. Please know that." she would say sternly. She sighs as the pain envelops her, giving her the strength she needs to fight her brother. Her anger, fear, and hatred would surround her entire being, as a shadowy viel covers her.
  101. "....Let us begin."
  103. (Rhea Endore)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [23:57] Dillion managed to beat his sister, but at what cost? He had to put her down again because she was confused. Dillion didn't take pleasure in hurting his sister, but this was yet another battle in this story that wouldn't end here.
  108. Dillion ran over towards his sister with tears in his eye, and his eyes were glowing blue. The boy's emotions were affecting his magic again, but he didn't care this was painful for him.
  110. "Rhea I love you, and the fact it has to come to this hurts me each time.... I'm looking forward to the day to beat me so we can stop this fighting..
  112. Or maybe one day we'll work on brining you back into the city. I'll try my best to see if we can fix you, and bring you back hopefully, but until till don't lose yourself sister."
  114. Dillion kissed her cheek, and ran off into the woods again trying his best to contain his emotions, and cosmic energy. Rhyt would continue to guild him down his path...whatever that path may be.
  116. For now he needed to deal with more heart break, and pain from his sister.
  117. (Dillion Endore)
  118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [00:02] Rhea would hesitate once again as she fought Dillion. She could not for the life of her be able to focus her fury on Dillion. Her heart was still full of love...full of grief.
  120. "Gods...dammit."
  121. Rhea would continue to clash with Dillion, trying to incapacitate him to the best of her abilities. But most of her training and combat experience relied on killing the other could she even incapacitate him without hurting him? She had no pleasure in hurting her brother...but she seemed to have no choice. She is knocked the ground with a blast of light and stands back up.
  122. "...I..cant.." she would murmur to herself.
  123. "I...cant...I just.." she shakes her head...she was confused...lost. She looks up toward her brother as he walked up to her. She listens to his words
  124. "It' use..Dillion. Just run and forget about me. Please..."
  125. Rhea would allow Dillion to run away and not pursue him any further. She gets back up and starts going back to Moonfall. Worried about the punishment that awaits her for her failure.
  126. "..."
  127. (Rhea Endore)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [00:03] Dillion looks at his sister before leaving, and he was worried that something might happen to her for him not going back with her. He'd stop, and pull the fear from around his neck. He'd cover it in some of his blood from the wounds given to him from his dagger.
  132. "I know you probably dont' want it, but that this, and tell them you had me in your grasps, but I had another person from the order with me.
  134. Tell them the person was to strong for you to fight, but you manage to escape in one peace.
  136. Tell them you complete the goal, but another person got in your way or even better you fought the second person, and lost the fight."
  138. Dillion nods.
  140. "That way you'll be safe for now." Dillion tossed the fur "Tell them you took this from my bloody body until I was saved by someone..."
  141. (Dillion Endore)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [00:03] {Item} You drop Animal Fur.
  145. [00:07] Rhea looks up at Dillion as she grasps her left arm
  146. "H-huh?"
  147. She pants heavily
  148. "W-why are you? Dillion you need to take me not.."
  149. She would look at the bloody piece of fur on the ground. She picks it up without saying a word
  150. "..."
  151. She looks at Dillion one last time..seemingly embarrassed of her actions
  152. "Thank you. I..." she hesitates her words. She looks up at Dillion one last time before casting herself in a veil of shadow and disappearing into the night, leaving a trail of carnations to blow in the wind...
  153. (Rhea Endore)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [00:08] Dillion smiles at his sister as he vanished into the darkness, and he knew what she was about to say, but he finish it for her.
  158. "You're welcome, and I love you too..."
  159. (Dillion Endore)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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