
Musical Masseuse (Soft/Full Tour, F/F)

Dec 8th, 2015
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  1. As the moon looms over the residents of Ponyville, the quiet chatter of ponies fills the air as sounds of a successful concert come to an end. Fillies squeak in energetic delight as their parents usher them home, tempering the children's delight as they go. The murmur of ponies slowly fade from the night as each resident returns to their cozy dwellings, the crunch of grass and elongated yawns taking over the dim night.
  3. Near the Castle of Friendship, two mares make their approach to the entrance. The earth pony, covered with a gentle aquamarine-gray coat carried a few bags on her back while the leading alicorn levitates several bags of luggage before her. As they stand before the tall, golden doors, the earth pony exclaims to the alicorn next to her.
  5. “... once again, I cannot thank you enough Princess, it is a great honor to stay at your castle while I sort out my life in your humble abode!”
  7. Taken aback by the sudden burst of formality, Twilight reels a bit as a musical legend refers to her with the royal title. With a brief stutter, she replies to the singer as the glow on her horn extends to open the doors to the crystalline halls.
  9. “N-Not at all Countess Coloratura! I have plenty of extra space in the castle, so please, take your time here. Also, you can call me Twilight, a friend of Applejack's is a friend of mine!”
  11. With a hesitant giggle, Coloratura follows the young alicorn into her home, blushing at the mention of her stage name. Walking the empty halls with nothing but the hollow clop of their hooves against the flawless floor, the performer chimes in.
  13. “Well then, maybe we can drop the titles and just be on a first name basis. Does that sound good Pr... Twilight?”
  15. With a bashful smile, the studious pony nods as the doors to her bedroom obediently swing open to her magic, the luggage swiftly flying through as they float to the ground without a fuss. Twilight motions to Coloratura, allowing her first entrance as she responds.
  17. “I'd like that a lot Coloratura. Now, let me grab a guest bed for you!”
  19. Trotting away to find the extra mattresses, the singer is left to her own devices as she lets down the rest of her luggage, settling quietly as they sit next to the rest of her possessions. Unzipping a bag to fetch something, her attention is stolen as she takes in the sights of the royal bedroom. Moonlight pours in through the window as the rest of the room is illuminated in a serene combination of sapphire and pale orchid. The floors glitter and shine as Coloratura's eyes are caught by the princess' bed. Though her reputation has lead her to many glamorous places, nothing matches the homey, yet elegant design of the alicorn's sleeping quarters.
  21. She runs her hoof over the silky covers, the smooth textures begging to be stroked again as she makes another pass. The soft pads of her hoof revel in the delicate fabrics as she takes a generous bunch of the cloth and wraps it around her hoof. Lifting the woven material to her cheek, she gives it a good sweep across her face, feeling the luxurious fibers with a bit more intimacy. As she takes in the odor of exotic soaps and a faint scent of the princess herself from the bed's sheets, Twilight strolls into the room unannounced as she levitates a spare bed into the room, addressing her guest while silently placing it on the floor.
  23. “Whew, found it! Hey Coloratura... like my bed?”
  25. Startled by Twilight's sudden entrance, the singer's body twitches in shock as she quickly unravels the sheet from her hoof, facing the owner. The magical pony looks onto her with a naive smile as the mare gathers herself to excuse her peculiar actions.
  27. “Oh, uhh... yes! I've never seen materials quite like this, and I've been up and down Equestria many times. Must be lovely to sleep in it every night.”
  29. Trotting over to smooth out the wrinkled covers to her bed, Twilight gives her resting place a thoughtful pat as she ponders on her friend's words. With a hum, she turns to face the pony, who is silently rummaging through her colorful bags.
  31. “Hmm... never really gave it much thought. I heard that these are quite the quality beddings, but it has always just been home to me. Why, did you want to sleep on them tonight?”
  33. Caught off guard by the offer, the bottle of oil that the mare acquired from her luggage fumbled in her hooves as she regains her poise. Though Twilight has proved to be a friendly and reasonable princess, Coloratura did not expect her to be so hospitable. Yet, she would still like to repay her kindness with a personal touch of hers. Popping open the bottle, she addresses the alicorn.
  35. “I'll give it some thought, but first, I would like to give you a personal thanks for letting me sleep over tonight. I've always dabbled in massage techniques since I was a filly, and I'd like to offer you one of my more special techniques!”
  37. With an inquisitive look, Twilight nods her head as she agrees to the proposal.
  39. “Sure! Where would you like me to lay down?”
  41. Lining her hooves with the batch of oil, Coloratura points her muzzle towards the royal bed of the princess as she speaks.
  43. “On your bed is fine, I need you to be completely relaxed for this. Oh, and make sure you're facing down!”
  45. A single flap of her wings was all it took before Twilight laid spread on her bed, her head right over the edge of the bed so she had room to breathe. The musician scoots right behind her as she finishes applying the scented solution to her hooves, ready to rub down the mare before her. Planting her hooves onto the pony's back, Coloratura asks for permission before going to work.
  47. “Ready Twilight?”
  49. A silent nod is all it took before the earth pony gave it her all as she pressed hard into the knotted back of the winged pony. The initial shock of the pony's strength on her body soon vanished as the rhythmic strokes worked away at the stress in her joints. The faint smell of the massage oil helped to ease Twilight's mind as she felt it clear her mind, the powerful hooves of the performer digging deep to remove every bit of tension that resided in her body.
  51. With practiced care, she took every limb of the soften pony in her own hooves, wearing down each muscle of the princess until they lay lax against the bed, emanating the sweet scent of the oil. Feeling the royal equine turn to pony putty in her hooves, she whispers the placid mare.
  53. “How are we feeling?”
  55. Twilight groggily responds back with an incoherent list of words, all seemingly expressing bliss and contentment. With a mischievous giggle, Coloratura moves right behind Twilight's hind hooves as she lifts them to her delicate lips. With a silent lick of her lips, she gives the pony a husky response back.
  57. “Good, because this next one's is a real workout.”
  59. Forcing the purple hooves into her mouth, the musical mare's cheeks swell out as she forces a few gulps to slide the purple hind legs deep into her throat. The taste of the sweet oil and Twilight's natural coat made her mouth water, lubricating the muscular tunnel that yearned to constrict the lax alicorn. With a sloppy slurp, the earth pony reaches forward to hook her front legs around the sedated magician's shoulders, pulling down as the rounded rear of the princess threatened to stretch her jaw beyond its elastic limits.
  61. The soft, firm buttocks of the princess slowly dragged across the pearly whites of the pony, a bead of sweat forming on her brow as more of the fatty spheres pour into her maw. Squeezing more of the plump rump into her mouth, she hears Twilight mumble in her haze.
  63. “Mmm... soft and warm...”
  65. Hearing her approval only strengthened the pony's will as she forces more of the sedated pony down her gullet. She gives the body a hard yank into her own, feeling the substantial rear forcefully squeeze into her throat, the hind legs popping into her awaiting belly. Moving the body in time with her throat's contractions, her hooves eagerly pull in as the limp body drags across her palate, as the tasting muscle below samples every inch of the royal coat. Her tongue digs past the hairs to savor the salty skin below as it mixes with the faint fragrance of the massage oils.
  67. Snapping from the ecstasy of enveloping her new friend, Coloratura slowly laps at the remaining body, Twilight's head slowly approaching her wide maw. Using her front hooves, she gently presses against the dazed pony's face, teeth grazing gently around the mare's chin and scalp as the earth pony tries to seal her mouth shut to let nature take its course. She feels her entire body pulse and pull at the entirety of the pony inside her, her stomach growling at the massive weight growing within it. With a few wet gulps, she feels the head ease its way into the muscular tube, warm saliva trickling down with the serene pony.
  69. Lying down onto Twilight's bed with finality, the diva lays on her back as her bulky belly jiggles with the weak movements of its new passenger. Feeling the last of the mare's head slowly slink into the pits of her stomach, she gives the shapely bulges on her belly a firm rub, caressing what she feels is Twilight's rump with a strong hoof. Opening her mouth to talk to the princess, a thick burp escapes her innards as she clears her throat.
  71. “Pardon me, a bit of extra air there. Hope you enjoy the rest of my special treatment, I think I'll take up your offer on sleeping on your bed for the night...”
  73. Slipping beneath the covers with the weight of an entire pony sitting heavily in her paunch, Coloratura nestles her head into the plush pillows that stood proudly at the head of the bed. As sleep creeps over her eyes, she hears Twilight breathe a sigh of satisfaction through her middle.
  75. Hearing the slow beat of the sleeping pony's heart, Twilight settles into the pulsating walls that compressed her body, slimy liquid secreting from every corner of the organ. Body loose from the massage, the stomach's powerful churns and convulsions only added to the relief to her joints. The powerful, interior muscles of the earth pony continued to pulverize every inch of her body, smoothing and relieving every inch of her own physique. She feels the hinges of her bones pop in relief, her neck cracks as the digestive organ digs deep to alleviate the stress in her nape.
  77. Minutes melt by as every molecule in her body is tended to and comforted. Even the digestive slime that crawled over her body cleared her pores of that day's gunk, the exfoliated grime from her body pooling below her as her sheddings trail into the intestines below.
  79. Soaking in the gentle caress of the mare's gut, Twilight feels her body slowly gravitate to the bottom, as the exit to the organ slowly yawns open to take her hind hooves. Unable to resist the quivering walls, she slips into the tangled maze below. In the tight, ribbed tubing of the performer's innards, the alicorn can only ride the peristalsis of the intestines as the muscular contractions feed her closer to the exit. The blissful caress of the slimy bowels lull her into a hypnotic daze, the beating heart slowly fading as she travels deep into the body's end.
  81. As sunlight pours through the bedroom window, Coloratura slowly stirs awake as a familiar pressure in the bottom of her belly begs for release. Though the lumpy orb pinned her to the bed, the mare spread her hind legs apart, whipping her tail out of the way to expose her anus to the cold, morning air. Kicking out the silken sheets from around her body, she anchors herself on the mattress, shifting the weight down towards her lower torso. Seeing the lumpy mass lazily shift downward, her voice cracks as she babbles to her belly.
  83. “Had a good night's sleep? Feels like you want out though...”
  85. Hardening her abdomen, the earth mare grunts as her tender end dilates and expands, revealing a pair of hooves lodged inside her colon. Taking a deep breath, Coloratura shudders out a moan as the hooves slowly leave her, two pillars of hind hooves sliming out from within her depths. With almost practiced poise, she lets out another husky groan as clear lubrication oozes out from her sphincter, the purple hindquarters popping out from the digestive exit. As the bed's covers are slowly soaked by the bodily oils and fluids trickling from her body, more of Twilight's body slinks out until her head clumsily falls out of the gaping hole.
  87. Seeing the pony completely removed from her body, Coloratura closes her legs as she lets her body rest from the ordeal. Laying back onto the bed, she feels a hoof crawl on her chest, soaked in liquid warmth. Below her, she sees Twilight's lazy gaze with a smile crawling on her face. Always happy to see a satisfied friend, Coloratura reaches over to pull the slimy mare to her as they silently cuddle the rest of the morning away.
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