
TBDI Modlist

Dec 17th, 2015
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  1. Advanced Solar Panels
  2. Advanced Repulsion Systems
  3. AE2 Stuff
  4. Animal Bikes
  5. AOBD 2
  6. AppleCore
  7. Applied Energistics 2
  8. ArmorStatusHUD
  9. AsieLib
  10. Automagy
  11. Baubles
  12. bdlib
  13. BibloCraft (including BibloWoods)
  14. BigReactors
  15. Binnie Mods (ExtraTrees, ExtraBees, Botany, Genetics)
  16. Biomes O' Plenty
  17. Blood Magic
  18. Botania
  19. bspkrsCore
  20. Buildcraft v6
  21. Buildcraft-Compat v6
  22. Carpenter's Blocks
  23. Chisel 2
  24. ChiselTones
  25. CodeChickenCore
  26. CodeChickenLib
  27. CoFHCore
  28. Computronics
  29. CookieCore
  30. Custom Stuff 2 (used for MawrPower)
  31. CustomThings
  32. DamageIndicators
  33. DenseOres
  34. Dimensional Anchors
  35. Ding (clientside "hey you're pack's done loading!" sfx)
  36. DungeonTools
  37. ElectricalAge
  38. EnderCore
  39. EnderIO
  40. EnderStorage
  41. ExtraCells 2
  42. ExtraTIC
  43. Extra Utilites
  44. Flat Signs
  45. Flaxbeard's Steam Power
  46. Forbidden Magic
  47. Forestry 3.6
  48. ForgeMultipart
  49. Galacticraft (core+planets)
  50. GraviSuite
  51. Growthcraft
  52. GuideAPI
  53. Hardcore Ender Expansion
  54. Hats!!!!!11!!!
  55. IC2 Nuclear Control
  56. iChunUtil
  57. IlluminatedBows
  58. Immersive Enginnering
  59. Immersive Integration
  60. immibisCore
  61. immibis Microblocks
  62. IC2 Experimental
  63. Infernal Mobs
  64. Infinibows
  65. InpureCore
  66. InvTweaks
  67. IronChests2
  68. IvToolkit
  69. JABBA
  70. KitchenCraft
  71. LiteLoader
  72. LibSandstone
  73. Logistics Pipes
  74. LunatriusCore
  75. Magic Bees
  76. MalisisCore
  77. MalisisDoors
  78. Mantle
  79. MawrPower (Custom Mod! :D )
  80. Mine & Blade: Battle Gear 2
  81. ModpackTweaks
  82. Mekanism v8 (TPPIDev Fork)
  83. Mekanism Generators
  84. micdoodlecore
  85. Minechem
  86. MineFactory Reloaded
  87. MineTweaker 3
  88. MmmMmmMmmMmm
  89. MobiusCore (serverside)
  90. ModTweaker 2
  91. Modular Armor
  92. MoreChisels
  93. More Planets
  94. Morph
  95. Morpheus (serverside)
  96. Mr Crayfish's Furniture Mod
  97. Natura
  98. NEIAddons
  99. NEI Integration
  100. Nether Ores
  101. NotEnoughCodecs
  102. NotEnoughItems
  103. OpenBlocks
  104. OpenComputers
  105. OpenEye
  106. OpenModsLib
  107. Pam's Harvestcraft
  108. Pistronics
  109. Pressure Pipes
  110. QuickHotbar
  111. Railcraft
  112. Random Things
  113. RecipeTweakingCore
  114. Recurrent Complex
  115. RedLogic
  116. Redstone Armory
  117. Redstone Arsenal
  118. Refined Relocation
  119. Xeno's Reliquary
  120. Rougelike Dungeons
  121. Sanguimancy
  122. Steve's Carts 2
  123. Steve's Factory Manager
  124. Storage Drawers
  125. Super Massive Tech
  126. Tinker's Construct
  127. Thaumcraft
  128. Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
  129. Thaumic Energistics
  130. Thaumic Exploration
  131. Thaumic Tinkerer
  132. Thermal Dynamics
  133. Thermal Expansion
  134. Thermal Foundation
  135. TiC Tooltips
  136. Tinker's Mechworks
  137. TPPI Tweaks
  138. Translocater
  139. Tinker's Steelworks
  140. The Twilight Forest
  141. VoxelMap
  142. WAILA
  143. Waila Plugins
  144. WAWLA
  145. Witchery
  146. Wireless Redstone (WR-CBE)
  147. Ztones
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