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a guest
Oct 28th, 2023
22 days
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Java 71.19 KB | None | 0 0
  1. [init] Running as uid=1000 gid=100 with /data as 'drwxr-xr-x 1 1000 100 648 Oct 24 10:09 /data'
  2. [init] Starting RCON commands
  3. [init] Rcon cmds functionality enabled
  4. [init] Resolving type given PAPER
  5. [mc-image-helper] 16:37:57.130 INFO  : Resolved paper to version 1.19.4 build 550
  6. [init] Setting mode
  7. [mc-image-helper] 16:38:00.346 INFO  : Created/updated 2 properties in /data/
  8. [init] Using Aikar's flags
  9. [init] Setting initial memory to 128m and max to 1G
  10. [init] Starting the Minecraft server...
  11. Starting org.bukkit.craftbukkit.Main
  12. *** Warning, you've not updated in a while! ***
  13. *** Please download a new build as per instructions from ***
  14. System Info: Java 17 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Host: Linux 5.14.21-150400.24.81-default (amd64)
  15. Loading libraries, please wait...
  16. 2023-10-28 16:38:09,880 ServerMain WARN Advanced terminal features are not available in this environment
  17. [16:38:17 INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  18. [16:38:18 INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
  19. [16:38:19 INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.19.4
  20. [16:38:19 INFO]: Loading properties
  21. [16:38:19 INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-550 (MC: 1.19.4) (Implementing API version 1.19.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 483368e on ver/1.19.4)
  22. [16:38:19 INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
  23. [16:38:19 INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  24. [16:38:19 INFO]: [ChunkTaskScheduler] Chunk system is using 1 I/O threads, 4 worker threads, and gen parallelism of 4 threads
  25. [16:38:19 INFO]: Default game type: ADVENTURE
  26. [16:38:19 INFO]: Generating keypair
  27. [16:38:19 INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  28. [16:38:19 INFO]: Using epoll channel type
  29. [16:38:20 INFO]: Paper: Using libdeflate (Linux x86_64) compression from Velocity.
  30. [16:38:20 INFO]: Paper: Using OpenSSL 3.0.x (Linux x86_64) cipher from Velocity.
  31. [16:38:21 WARN]: [org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.legacy.CraftLegacy] Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
  32. [16:38:23 WARN]: Legacy plugin JoinEvent v2.1.8 does not specify an api-version.
  33. [16:38:24 INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading server plugin ViaVersion v4.8.1
  34. [16:38:24 INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion 4.8.1 is now loaded. Registering protocol transformers and injecting...
  35. [16:38:24 INFO]: [ViaVersion] Loading block connection mappings ...
  36. [16:38:24 INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Loading translations...
  37. [16:38:24 INFO]: [ViaVersion] Using FastUtil Long2ObjectOpenHashMap for block connections
  38. [16:38:24 INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Registering protocols...
  39. [16:38:24 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading server plugin LuckPerms v5.4.88
  40. [16:38:25 INFO]: [Vault] Loading server plugin Vault v1.7.3-b131
  41. [16:38:25 INFO]: [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Loading server plugin FastAsyncWorldEdit v2.7.2-SNAPSHOT-560;7b0f1b3
  42. [16:38:27 INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@145da753]
  43. [16:38:27 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading server plugin WorldGuard v7.0.8+33cdb4a
  44. [16:38:27 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Loading server plugin PlaceholderAPI v2.11.4
  45. [16:38:27 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Loading server plugin ProtocolLib v5.1.0
  46. [16:38:28 INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Loading server plugin ViaBackwards v4.8.1
  47. [16:38:28 INFO]: [GSit] Loading server plugin GSit v1.5.0
  48. [16:38:28 INFO]: [Citizens] Loading server plugin Citizens v2.0.33-SNAPSHOT (build 3230)
  49. [16:38:28 INFO]: [PAPIProxyBridge] Loading server plugin PAPIProxyBridge v1.4.2
  50. [16:38:28 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Loading server plugin TheNewEconomy v0.1.2.0
  51. [16:38:29 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Hooked into Vault
  52. [16:38:29 INFO]: [VoidWarp] Loading server plugin VoidWarp v1.0.6
  53. [16:38:29 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] Loading server plugin SkinsRestorer v14.2.13
  54. [16:38:29 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Loading server plugin VillageDefense v4.7.0-fix
  55. [16:38:29 INFO]: [spark] Loading server plugin spark v1.10.43
  56. [16:38:29 INFO]: [LiteAntiCheat] Loading server plugin LiteAntiCheat v1.0.4
  57. [16:38:29 INFO]: [ConnectorPlugin] Loading server plugin ConnectorPlugin v1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 80)
  58. [16:38:29 INFO]: [JoinEvent] Loading server plugin JoinEvent v2.1.8
  59. [16:38:29 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Loading server plugin HoloMobHealth v2.3.5.0
  60. [16:38:29 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Registering WorldGuard State Flags...
  61. [16:38:29 INFO]: [UnifiedMetrics] Loading server plugin UnifiedMetrics v0.3.8
  62. [16:38:29 INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  63. [16:38:29 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Enabling LuckPerms v5.4.88
  64. [16:38:30 INFO]:         __    
  65. [16:38:30 INFO]:   |    |__)   LuckPerms v5.4.88
  66. [16:38:30 INFO]:   |___ |      Running on Bukkit - Paper
  67. [16:38:30 INFO]:
  68. [16:38:30 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading configuration...
  69. [16:38:31 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading storage provider... [MYSQL]
  70. [16:38:31 INFO]: [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Starting...
  71. [16:38:31 INFO]: [me.lucko.luckperms.lib.hikari.HikariDataSource] luckperms-hikari - Start completed.
  72. [16:38:33 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading messaging service... [REDIS]
  73. [16:38:34 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Loading internal permission managers...
  74. [16:38:34 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Performing initial data load...
  75. [16:38:34 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Successfully enabled. (took 4768ms)
  76. [16:38:34 INFO]: [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.7.3-b131
  77. [16:38:34 INFO]: [Vault] [Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  78. [16:38:34 INFO]: [Vault] Enabled Version 1.7.3-b131
  79. [16:38:34 INFO]: [LuckPerms] Registered Vault permission & chat hook.
  80. [16:38:34 INFO]: [FastAsyncWorldEdit] Enabling FastAsyncWorldEdit v2.7.2-SNAPSHOT-560;7b0f1b3
  81. [16:38:34 INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.core.Fawe] LZ4 Compression Binding loaded successfully
  82. [16:38:34 INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.core.Fawe] ZSTD Compression Binding loaded successfully
  83. [16:38:34 INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.BukkitServerInterface
  84. [16:38:34 INFO]: WEPIF: Vault detected! Using Vault for permissions
  85. [16:38:35 INFO]: Using com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.adapter.impl.fawe.v1_19_R3.PaperweightFaweAdapter as the Bukkit adapter
  86. [16:38:35 INFO]: [ProtocolLib] Enabling ProtocolLib v5.1.0
  87. [16:38:35 INFO]: [UnifiedMetrics] Enabling UnifiedMetrics v0.3.8
  88. [16:38:35 INFO]: [UnifiedMetrics] Initializing driver 'prometheus'.
  89. [16:38:35 WARN]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.core.util.UpdateNotification] An update for FastAsyncWorldEdit is available. You are 35 build(s) out of date.
  90. You are running build 560, the latest version is build 595.
  91. Update at
  92. [16:38:35 INFO]: [UnifiedMetrics] Driver 'prometheus' initialized (46 ms).
  94. [16:38:35 WARN]: The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
  95. [16:38:35 WARN]: Whilst this makes it possible to use Velocity, unless access to your server is properly restricted, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
  96. [16:38:35 WARN]: Please see for further information.
  97. [16:38:35 WARN]: To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the file.
  98. [16:38:35 INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  99. [16:38:35 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  100. [16:38:35 INFO]: Time elapsed: 127 ms
  101. [16:38:35 INFO]: [ViaVersion] Enabling ViaVersion v4.8.1
  102. [16:38:35 INFO]: [ViaVersion] ViaVersion detected server version: 1.19.4 (762)
  103. [16:38:35 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Enabling WorldGuard v7.0.8+33cdb4a
  104. [16:38:36 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  105. [16:38:36 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  106. [16:38:36 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  107. [16:38:36 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (world) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  108. [16:38:36 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'world'
  109. [16:38:37 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loading region data...
  110. [16:38:37 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.11.4
  111. [16:38:37 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
  112. [16:38:37 INFO]: [ViaBackwards] Enabling ViaBackwards v4.8.1
  113. [16:38:37 INFO]: [GSit] Enabling GSit v1.5.0
  114. [16:38:37 INFO]: [GSit] The plugin was successfully enabled.
  115. [16:38:37 INFO]: [GSit] Link with PlaceholderAPI successful!
  116. [16:38:37 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: gsit [1.5.0]
  117. [16:38:37 INFO]: [GSit] Link with WorldGuard successful!
  118. [16:38:37 INFO]: [GSit] New version available: 1.5.1!
  119. [GSit] Current version: 1.5.0!
  120. [GSit] Download the latest version:
  121. [GSit]
  122. '_ \  / _` |  / _` | | __|  / _ \
  123. [16:38:44 INFO]:  | |_| | | |_) | | (_| | | (_| | | |_  |  __/
  124. [16:38:44 INFO]:   \___/  | .__/   \__,_|  \__,_|  \__|  \___|
  125. [16:38:44 INFO]:          |_|                                
  126. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Your VillageDefense plugin is outdated! Download it to keep with latest changes and fixes.
  127. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Disable this option in config.yml if you wish.
  128. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Current version: 4.7.0-fix Latest version: 4.7.1
  129. [16:38:44 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: villagedefense [2.0.0]
  130. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-start not found. Registering as normal reward
  131. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-end not found. Registering as normal reward
  132. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] -_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_-
  133. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense]
  134. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Versions:
  135. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Plugin: 4.7.0-fix | Server: git-Paper-550 (MC: 1.19.4) | Detected: v1_19_R3 | Software: Paper | Java:
  136. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense]
  137. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] This plugin was created by Plugily Projects as part of an open source project ( )
  138. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense]
  139. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense][SUPPORT] If you have any problems, you can always contact us on our Discord server! ( )
  140. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense][SUPPORT] You can also check out our wiki at
  141. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense]
  142. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense]                               The plugin got fully enabled! Enjoy the plugin ;)
  143. [16:38:44 INFO]: [VillageDefense] -_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_--_-_-_-
  144. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-start not found. Registering as normal reward
  145. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-end not found. Registering as normal reward
  146. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section start-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  147. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-end not found. Registering as normal reward
  148. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-start not found. Registering as normal reward
  149. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section end-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  150. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section start-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  151. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section zombie-kill not found. Registering as normal reward
  152. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-end not found. Registering as normal reward
  153. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-start not found. Registering as normal reward
  154. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section end-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  155. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section start-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  156. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section zombie-kill not found. Registering as normal reward
  157. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-end not found. Registering as normal reward
  158. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-start not found. Registering as normal reward
  159. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section end-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  160. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section start-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  161. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section villager-death not found. Registering as normal reward
  162. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section zombie-kill not found. Registering as normal reward
  163. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section player-death not found. Registering as normal reward
  164. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section villager-death not found. Registering as normal reward
  165. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-end not found. Registering as normal reward
  166. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section game-start not found. Registering as normal reward
  167. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section end-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  168. [16:38:44 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Rewards section start-wave not found. Registering as normal reward
  169. [16:38:44 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:vd-quarry
  170. [16:38:45 INFO]: Time elapsed: 353 ms
  171. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Quarry) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  172. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Quarry) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  173. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Quarry) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  174. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Quarry) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  175. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'VD-Quarry'
  176. [16:38:45 INFO]: Arena Quarry instance successfully started!
  177. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location VD-Quarry,-28,95,44,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Quarry added as sign!
  178. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location world,0,66,2,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Quarry added as sign!
  179. [16:38:45 INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:vd-hollow
  180. [16:38:45 INFO]: Time elapsed: 276 ms
  181. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Hollow) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
  182. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Hollow) Lighters are PERMITTED.
  183. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Hollow) Lava fire is PERMITTED.
  184. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] (VD-Hollow) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
  185. [16:38:45 INFO]: [WorldGuard] Loaded configuration for world 'VD-Hollow'
  186. [16:38:45 INFO]: Arena Hollow instance successfully started!
  187. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location VD-Quarry,-28,95,44,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Quarry added as sign!
  188. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location world,0,66,2,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Quarry added as sign!
  189. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location VD-Hollow,31,73,60,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Hollow added as sign!
  190. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location world,-1,66,2,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Hollow added as sign!
  191. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location VD-Quarry,-28,95,44,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Quarry added as sign!
  192. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location world,0,66,2,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Quarry added as sign!
  193. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location VD-Hollow,31,73,60,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Hollow added as sign!
  194. [16:38:45 WARN]: [VillageDefense] [Debug] Block at location world,-1,66,2,0.0,0.0 for arena VD-Hollow added as sign!
  195. [16:38:46 INFO]: [spark] Enabling spark v1.10.43
  196. [16:38:47 INFO]: [spark] Using Paper ServerTickStartEvent for tick monitoring
  197. [16:38:47 INFO]: [spark] Starting background profiler...
  198. [16:38:47 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: spark [1.10.43]
  199. [16:38:47 INFO]: [spark] Registered PlaceholderAPI placeholders
  200. [16:38:47 INFO]: [LiteAntiCheat] Enabling LiteAntiCheat v1.0.4
  201. [16:38:48 INFO]: [ConnectorPlugin] Enabling ConnectorPlugin v1.5-SNAPSHOT (build 80)
  202. [16:38:48 INFO]: [ConnectorPlugin] Using Redis messenger
  203. [16:38:49 INFO]: [JoinEvent] Enabling JoinEvent v2.1.8*
  204. [16:38:49 INFO]: -----------------------------------------------
  205. [16:38:49 INFO]: [JoinEvent] Has been enabled! (Version: 2.1.8)
  206. [16:38:49 INFO]: Thanks for using my plugin ~Thedog Games
  207. [16:38:49 INFO]: -----------------------------------------------
  208. [16:38:49 INFO]: [JoinEvent] There is a new version available. (2.2.6)
  209. [16:38:49 INFO]: [JoinEvent] You can download it at:
  210. [16:38:49 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Enabling HoloMobHealth v2.3.5.0
  211. [16:38:51 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Loading languages...
  212. [16:38:51 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Hooked into Citizens!
  213. [16:38:51 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Hooked into PlaceholderAPI!
  214. [16:38:51 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Hooked into WorldGuard! (v7)
  215. [16:38:51 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Opened Sqlite database successfully
  216. [16:38:51 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered internal expansion: holomobhealth [1.0.0]
  217. [16:38:51 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] HoloMobHealth has been Enabled!
  218. [16:38:51 INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing...
  219. [16:38:51 INFO]: 0 placeholder hook(s) registered!
  220. [16:38:51 INFO]: Starting remote control listener
  221. [16:38:51 INFO]: Thread RCON Listener started
  222. [16:38:51 INFO]: RCON running on
  223. [16:38:51 INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
  224. [16:38:51 INFO]: [ViaVersion] Finished mapping loading, shutting down loader executor!
  225. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  226. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  227. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  228. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 3bccee47-7903-3f41-b85a-3497445892ea
  229. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 36ea9d2e-4801-3203-8961-d97f021769b3
  230. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  231. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  232. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  233. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  234. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  235. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  236. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: cc96167d-d921-39ad-924f-677ccd9d695a
  237. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  238. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  239. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  240. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  241. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  242. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  243. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  244. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  245. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 3bccee47-7903-3f41-b85a-3497445892ea
  246. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  247. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  248. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  249. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  250. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  251. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  252. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  253. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  254. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  255. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  256. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  257. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  258. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  259. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  260. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  261. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  262. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  263. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  264. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  265. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  266. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  267. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  268. [16:38:51 INFO]: [Vault] Checking for Updates ...
  269. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  270. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  271. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  272. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  273. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  274. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  275. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  276. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 19ba15bf-1663-3334-be1e-ee861dcb90f8
  277. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  278. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  279. [16:38:51 INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.bukkit.regions.WorldGuardFeature] Plugin 'WorldGuard' found. Using it now.
  280. [16:38:51 INFO]: [com.fastasyncworldedit.bukkit.FaweBukkit] Attempting to use plugin 'WorldGuard'
  281. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  282. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  283. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  284. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  285. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  286. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  287. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a9eccd81-9dd4-3c8c-a16c-c058deddb2a0
  288. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  289. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  290. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  291. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: a094d576-3a50-3625-abfa-071c9887bf62
  292. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  293. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  294. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  295. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 5a0ce5f7-4695-377b-8ade-3a76dcad7177
  296. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 3bccee47-7903-3f41-b85a-3497445892ea
  297. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 3bccee47-7903-3f41-b85a-3497445892ea
  298. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 36ea9d2e-4801-3203-8961-d97f021769b3
  299. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  300. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  301. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  302. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 399cf328-a0ae-3833-9ae9-d8e5a1e828d1
  303. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  304. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  305. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  306. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: b58c1697-492d-3eb7-8b0d-a9ac1016827c
  307. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  308. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  309. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  310. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: fc27ab37-6a60-3156-9ad9-8124ced40283
  311. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  312. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  313. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  314. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: e95b3e52-2ea6-3945-a17b-22c46bf3fcf2
  315. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  316. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  317. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  318. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  319. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  320. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  321. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  322. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 2756f293-d887-4f9d-af85-04dbdb20e2a9
  323. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  324. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  325. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  326. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 886df3d1-13e6-3023-9921-abea7463cef8
  327. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: cc96167d-d921-39ad-924f-677ccd9d695a
  328. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  329. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  330. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  331. [16:38:51 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  332. [16:38:51 INFO]: [Vault] No new version available
  333. [16:38:51 INFO]: [Citizens] Loaded 0 NPCs.
  334. [16:38:51 INFO]: Done (32.748s)! For help, type "help"
  335. [16:38:51 INFO]: Timings Reset
  336. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  337. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  338. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  339. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  340. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  341. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  342. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  343. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  344. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  345. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  346. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  347. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  348. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  349. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  350. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  351. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  352. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  353. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  354. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  355. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  356. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  357. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  358. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  359. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  360. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  361. [16:38:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  362. [Rcon loop] MCServer is listening, running startup
  363. [Rcon loop] running - gamerule maxEntityCramming 64
  364. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ----------------------------------------------
  365. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     +==================+
  366. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     |   SkinsRestorer  |
  367. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     |------------------|
  368. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     |    Proxy Mode    |
  369. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     +==================+
  370. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ----------------------------------------------
  371. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     Current version: 14.2.13
  372. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer]     This is the latest version!
  373. [16:38:52 INFO]: [SkinsRestorer] ----------------------------------------------
  374. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / started
  375. [16:38:52 INFO]: [Rcon: Gamerule maxEntityCramming is now set to: 64]
  376. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / shutting down
  377. [Rcon loop] Gamerule maxEntityCramming is now set to: 64
  378. [Rcon loop] running - gamerule randomTickSpeed 0
  379. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / started
  380. [16:38:52 INFO]: [Rcon: Gamerule randomTickSpeed is now set to: 0]
  381. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / shutting down
  382. [Rcon loop] Gamerule randomTickSpeed is now set to: 0
  383. [Rcon loop] running - scoreboard objectives add HP health {"text":"❤","color":"red"}
  384. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / started
  385. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / shutting down
  386. [Rcon loop] An objective already exists by that name
  387. [Rcon loop] running - scoreboard objectives setdisplay belowName HP
  388. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / started
  389. [16:38:52 INFO]: Thread RCON Client / shutting down
  390. [Rcon loop] Nothing changed. That display slot is already showing that objective
  391. [Rcon loop] No addition rcon commands are given, stopping rcon cmd service
  392. [16:38:54 INFO]: UUID of player Venom_Lightning is 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  393. [16:38:54 INFO]: [JoinEvent] The sound: NOTE_PLING does not exist.
  394. [16:38:54 INFO]: [JoinEvent] Remember that in 1.9 onwards all Minecraft have benn changed
  395. [16:38:54 INFO]: [JoinEvent] The sound: LEVEL_UP does not exist.
  396. [16:38:54 INFO]: [JoinEvent] Remember that in 1.9 onwards all Minecraft have benn changed
  397. [16:38:54 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Player Join ID: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  398. [16:38:54 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Join Account Check: true
  399. [16:38:54 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: First Join: false
  400. [16:38:54 INFO]: [+] Venom_Lightning
  401. [16:38:54 INFO]: Venom_Lightning[/] logged in with entity id 18 at ([world]0.0, 65.0, 0.0)
  402. [16:38:55 INFO]: [HoloMobHealth] Loaded all 1 languages!
  403. [16:39:31 INFO]: Venom_Lightning issued server command: /lp user Venom_Lightning demote testing
  404. [16:39:31 INFO]: [LuckPerms] [Messaging] Sending log with id: 44be03ca-1547-41cd-b3b0-1b04e2747271
  405. [16:39:31 INFO]: [LP] LOG > (Venom_Lightning@minigames) [U] (venom_lightning)
  406. [16:39:31 INFO]: [LP] LOG > demote testing
  407. [16:39:32 INFO]: [LuckPerms] [Messaging] Sending user ping for 'venom_lightning' with id: e6e25998-780d-4324-bdcb-868a620ba6cc
  408. [16:40:52 INFO]: UUID of player Xdiler_pro is f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  409. [16:40:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Player Join ID: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  410. [16:40:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Join Account Check: true
  411. [16:40:52 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: First Join: false
  412. [16:40:52 INFO]: [+] Xdiler_pro
  413. [16:40:52 INFO]: Xdiler_pro[/] logged in with entity id 20 at ([world]0.0, 65.0, 0.0)
  414. [16:41:06 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Saved inventory of Xdiler_pro
  415. [16:41:06 INFO]: [VillageDefense] Saved inventory of Venom_Lightning
  416. [16:42:07 INFO]: (LAC) Xdiler_pro was flagged for KillAuraD (1/3)
  417. [16:42:07 WARN]: Venom_Lightning moved too quickly! 28.78131384572856,-14.0,-47.08395232015788
  418. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  419. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: 68.0000
  420. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: world
  421. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: 69.0000
  422. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: world
  423. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: pre-check Result: true
  424. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: track Result: true
  425. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: status Result: true
  426. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: minbal Result: true
  427. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: maxbal Result: true
  428. [16:42:48 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  429. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  430. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:Xdiler_pro
  431. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  432. [16:42:48 INFO]: Successfully gave Xdiler_pro 💎1.
  433. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  434. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:CONSOLE
  435. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  436. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  437. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Redist Message Received: tne:balance
  438. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: TNE Channel Message Received.
  439. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Channel: tne:balance
  440. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Message Received:
  441. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: ID:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  442. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Received:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  443. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  444. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  445. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  446. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  447. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: 121.0000
  448. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: world
  449. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: 122.0000
  450. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: world
  451. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: pre-check Result: true
  452. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: track Result: true
  453. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: status Result: true
  454. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: minbal Result: true
  455. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: maxbal Result: true
  456. [16:42:48 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  457. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  458. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:Venom_Lightning
  459. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  460. [16:42:48 INFO]: Successfully gave Venom_Lightning 💎1.
  461. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  462. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:CONSOLE
  463. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  464. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  465. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: 69.0000
  466. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: world
  467. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: 70.0000
  468. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: world
  469. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: pre-check Result: true
  470. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: track Result: true
  471. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: status Result: true
  472. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: minbal Result: true
  473. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: maxbal Result: true
  474. [16:42:48 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  475. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  476. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:Xdiler_pro
  477. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  478. [16:42:48 INFO]: Successfully gave Xdiler_pro 💎1.
  479. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  480. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:CONSOLE
  481. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  482. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  483. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  484. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Redist Message Received: tne:balance
  485. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: TNE Channel Message Received.
  486. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Channel: tne:balance
  487. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Message Received:
  488. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: ID:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  489. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Received:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  490. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Redist Message Received: tne:balance
  491. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: TNE Channel Message Received.
  492. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Channel: tne:balance
  493. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Message Received:
  494. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: ID:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  495. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Received:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  496. [16:42:48 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  497. [16:42:49 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  498. [16:42:49 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  499. [16:42:49 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  500. [16:42:49 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  501. [16:42:49 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  502. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  503. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: 122.0000
  504. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: world
  505. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: 123.0000
  506. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: world
  507. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: pre-check Result: true
  508. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: track Result: true
  509. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: status Result: true
  510. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: minbal Result: true
  511. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: maxbal Result: true
  512. [16:43:32 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  513. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  514. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:Venom_Lightning
  515. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  516. [16:43:32 INFO]: Successfully gave Venom_Lightning 💎1.
  517. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  518. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:CONSOLE
  519. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  520. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Getting holdings from Virtual
  521. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: 70.0000
  522. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: entry bal: world
  523. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: 71.0000
  524. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: End: world
  525. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: pre-check Result: true
  526. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: track Result: true
  527. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: status Result: true
  528. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: minbal Result: true
  529. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Check: maxbal Result: true
  530. [16:43:32 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  531. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  532. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:Xdiler_pro
  533. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  534. [16:43:32 INFO]: Successfully gave Xdiler_pro 💎1.
  535. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $amount:💎1
  536. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $player:CONSOLE
  537. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Replace: $currency:Diamond
  538. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  539. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  540. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Redist Message Received: tne:balance
  541. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: TNE Channel Message Received.
  542. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Channel: tne:balance
  543. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Message Received:
  544. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: ID:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  545. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Received:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  546. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Redist Message Received: tne:balance
  547. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: TNE Channel Message Received.
  548. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Channel: tne:balance
  549. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Message Received:
  550. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: ID:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  551. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Received:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  552. [16:43:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  553. [16:43:33 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  554. [16:43:33 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  555. [16:43:33 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: f330dd8e-a56e-3adf-a8e7-8e1a42c4a647
  556. [16:43:33 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  557. [16:43:33 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 6ac0570b-b2bf-3bf6-a186-4b52fc86dff8
  558. [16:44:31 INFO]: UUID of player ninekeem is 1213a414-9736-3b7c-8f7a-d8a4f25b1080
  559. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Player Join ID: 1213a414-9736-3b7c-8f7a-d8a4f25b1080
  560. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Join Account Check: false
  561. [16:44:31 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  562. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: API Join Check. Account Exists: true
  563. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: First Join: true
  564. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Setting Balance to Starting Holdings Currency: Diamond
  565. [16:44:31 INFO]: [TheNewEconomy] Storing Datable of type: net.tnemc.core.account.PlayerAccount
  566. [16:44:31 INFO]: [+] ninekeem
  567. [16:44:31 INFO]: ninekeem[/] logged in with entity id 129 at ([world]0.0, 65.0, 0.0)
  568. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 1213a414-9736-3b7c-8f7a-d8a4f25b1080
  569. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Saving Account with ID: 1213a414-9736-3b7c-8f7a-d8a4f25b1080
  570. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Redist Message Received: tne:balance
  571. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: TNE Channel Message Received.
  572. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Channel: tne:balance
  573. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Message Received:
  574. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: ID:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  575. [16:44:31 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Received:d5717277-9180-476c-ae1e-ae8d4c10f286
  576. [16:44:32 WARN]: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`TheNewEconomy`.`tne_players_accounts`, CONSTRAINT `tne_players_accounts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `tne_accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
  577. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(
  578. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(
  579. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.serverExecute(
  580. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.executeInternal(
  581. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  582. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  583. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeLargeUpdate(
  584. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  585. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  586. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  587. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  588. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  589. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  590. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-$store$0(
  591. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  592. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  593. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  594. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  595. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  596. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/ Source)
  597. [16:44:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 1213a414-9736-3b7c-8f7a-d8a4f25b1080
  598. [16:44:32 WARN]: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`TheNewEconomy`.`tne_holdings`, CONSTRAINT `tne_holdings_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `tne_accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
  599. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(
  600. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(
  601. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.serverExecute(
  602. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.executeInternal(
  603. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  604. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  605. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeLargeUpdate(
  606. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  607. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  608. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  609. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  610. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  611. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  612. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  613. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  614. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  615. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-$store$0(
  616. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  617. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  618. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  619. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  620. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  621. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/ Source)
  622. [16:44:32 WARN]: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`TheNewEconomy`.`tne_players_accounts`, CONSTRAINT `tne_players_accounts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `tne_accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
  623. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(
  624. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(
  625. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.serverExecute(
  626. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.executeInternal(
  627. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  628. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  629. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeLargeUpdate(
  630. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  631. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  632. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  633. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  634. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  635. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  636. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-$store$0(
  637. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  638. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  639. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  640. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  641. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  642. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/ Source)
  643. [16:44:32 WARN]: [TheNewEconomy] [DEBUG]: Storing holdings for Identifier: 1213a414-9736-3b7c-8f7a-d8a4f25b1080
  644. [16:44:32 WARN]: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`TheNewEconomy`.`tne_holdings`, CONSTRAINT `tne_holdings_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`uid`) REFERENCES `tne_accounts` (`uid`) ON DELETE CASCADE)
  645. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(
  646. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(
  647. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.serverExecute(
  648. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ServerPreparedStatement.executeInternal(
  649. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  650. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdateInternal(
  651. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeLargeUpdate(
  652. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ClientPreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
  653. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  654. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  655. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  656. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  657. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  658. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  659. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  660. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-
  661. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at TNE-BukkitCore-$store$0(
  662. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  663. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  664. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at
  665. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
  666. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
  667. [16:44:32 WARN]:    at java.base/ Source)
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