

Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: §8▌ §a§lAuctionhouse§r §8┃
  3. upline: §a▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
  4. downline: §a▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
  6. on inventory click:
  7. if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§1§8Auctionhouse":
  8. if lore of clicked item contains "(AID)":
  9. set {_l} to "%lore of clicked item%"
  10. set {_l::*} to {_l} split at "§8(AID) "
  11. set {_AID} to uncoloured "%{_l::2}%"
  12. set {_player} to "%player's name%" parsed as offline player
  13. set {_lore} to "%lore of clicked item%" parsed as a text
  14. replace all "§8(AID) %{_AID}%" with "" in {_lore}
  15. set lore of clicked item to ""
  16. delete {a_delayed::%{_player}%::%{_AID}%}
  18. on store:
  19. if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§1§8Auctionhouse":
  20. cancel event
  22. command /auctionhouse [<text = 1>] [<text>]:
  23. aliases: a, ah, auction, auctions, see
  24. trigger:
  25. if arg 1 is "sell":
  26. if arg 2 is set:
  27. if "%arg-2%" regex matches "\d+":
  28. set {_argument} to "%argument 2%" parsed as number
  29. if {_argument} is between 50 and 1000000:
  30. set {_auctions} to 0
  31. set {_AID} to "%random integer between 0 and 9%%random 1 char string from `a-zA-Z`%%random integer between 100 and 999%%random 1 char string from `a-zA-Z`%%random integer between 10 and 99%_%random 1 char string from `a-zA-Z0-9`%"
  32. if player's tool is air:
  33. send "{@prefix} §7Halte das gewünschte Item in der Hand und versuche es erneut."
  34. else:
  35. if player's game mode is not creative:
  36. if name of player's tool contains "Menü" or "Warper":
  37. send "{@prefix} §7Nein."
  38. stop
  39. set lore of player's tool to ""
  40. set {a_current::%{_AID}%} to player's tool
  41. set player's tool to air
  42. set {a_current.price::%{_AID}%} to "%argument 2%" parsed as number
  43. set {a_current.owner::%{_AID}%} to "%player's name%"
  44. set {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%} to now
  45. send "{@prefix} §7Auktion erfolgreich erstellt."
  46. else:
  47. send "{@prefix} §7Gesperrter Spielmodus."
  48. else:
  49. if {_argument} is less than 50:
  50. send "{@prefix} §7Der Mindestpreis liegt bei §a$§f50§7."
  51. else:
  52. if {_argument} is bigger than 1000000:
  53. send "{@prefix} §7Der Maximalpreis liegt bei §a$§f1'000'000§7."
  54. else:
  55. send "{@prefix} §7Ungültiger Preis."
  56. else:
  57. send "{@prefix} §7Nutzung: §a/ah sell <§bprice§a>"
  58. else if arg 1 is "own":
  59. if arg 2 is set:
  60. if "%arg-2%" regex matches "\d+":
  61. set {_p} to 1
  62. set {_s} to 0
  63. loop {a_current::*}:
  64. set {_AID} to "%loop-index%"
  65. if "%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%" is equal to "%player's name%":
  66. set {_page.%{_p}%::%{_s}%} to loop-index
  67. add 1 to {_s}
  68. if {_s} is 36:
  69. set {_s} to 0
  70. add 1 to {_p}
  71. set {_a} to "%arg-2%" parsed as a number
  72. if {_a} is bigger than {_p}:
  73. send "{@prefix} §7Diese Seite ist nicht verfügbar."
  74. stop
  75. open chest with 6 rows named "§2§8Auctionhouse (%arg-2%/%{_p}%)" to player
  76. wait a tick
  77. set {_slot} to 36
  78. loop 9 times:
  79. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to light green stained glass pane named " "
  80. add 1 to {_slot}
  81. set slot 49 of current inventory of player to ender chest named "§6§lAuktionshaus" with lore "§7Zurück zum Auktionshaus."
  82. set {_skull} to "MHF_Question" parsed as offline player
  83. set slot 44 of current inventory of player to {_skull}'s skull named "§a§lAuctionhouse" with lore "§b§lVerkaufen:||§7Halte ein beliebiges Item||§7und gebe den Befehl||§a/ah §bsell §a<§bprice§a> §7im Chat ein.||||§b§lKaufen:||§7Linksklick auf die Auktion.||||§b§lEntfernen:||§7Mache einen Rechtsklick auf||§7deine Auktion um die Auktion||§7zu entfernen."
  84. set {_slot} to 0
  85. set {_t} to {_a} + 1
  86. if {_page.%{_t}%::*} is set:
  87. set slot 50 of current inventory of player to paper named "§a§lWeiter" with lore "§7Seite %{_t}%"
  88. else:
  89. set slot 50 of current inventory of player to paper named "§c§lWeiter"
  90. set {_t} to {_t} - 2
  91. if {_page.%{_t}%::*} is set:
  92. set slot 48 of current inventory of player to paper named "§a§lZurück" with lore "§7Seite %{_t}%"
  93. else:
  94. set slot 48 of current inventory of player to paper named "§c§lZurück"
  95. set {_slot} to 0
  96. loop {_page.%arg-2%::*}:
  97. set {_AID} to "%loop-value%"
  98. set {_future} to {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%}
  99. add 2 days to {_future}
  100. set {_d} to difference between now and {_future}
  101. set {_d} to "%{_d}%" parsed as a text
  102. set {_n} to 0
  103. loop 10 times:
  104. replace all "%{_n}%" with "§e%{_n}%§f" in {_d}
  105. add 1 to {_n}
  106. replace all "days" with "Tage" in {_d}
  107. replace all "day" with "Tag" in {_d}
  108. replace all "minutes" with "Minuten" in {_d}
  109. replace all "minute" with "Minute" in {_d}
  110. replace all "hours" with "Stunden" in {_d}
  111. replace all "hour" with "Stunde" in {_d}
  112. replace all "seconds" with "Sekunden" in {_d}
  113. replace all "second" with "Sekunde" in {_d}
  114. replace all " and " with " " in {_d}
  115. set {_d::*} to {_d} split at "."
  116. set {_de} to "%{_d::2}%" parsed as text
  117. replace all "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" and "9" with "" in {_de}
  118. set {_da} to "%{_d::1}%" parsed as text
  119. replace all "<none>" with "" in {_de}
  120. replace all "<none>" with "" in {_da}
  121. if {a_current::%{_AID}%} is set:
  122. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to {a_current::%{_AID}%} with lore "||§7Preis: §a$§f%{a_current.price::%{_AID}%}%||§7Verkäufer: §a%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%||§7Ablauf: §f%{_da}%%{_de}%||||§8(AID) %{_AID}%"
  123. else:
  124. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to 0 of red stained glass pane named "§c§l-"
  125. add 1 to {_slot}
  126. else:
  127. send "{@prefix} §7Ungültige Seitennummer."
  128. else:
  129. execute player command "/auctionhouse own 1"
  130. else if arg 1 is "delayed":
  131. if arg 2 is set:
  132. if "%arg-2%" regex matches "\d+":
  133. set {_p} to 1
  134. set {_s} to 0
  135. set {_player} to "%player's name%" parsed as offline player
  136. loop {a_delayed::%{_player}%::*}:
  137. set {_page.%{_p}%::%{_s}%} to loop-index #or loop-index?!
  138. add 1 to {_s}
  139. if {_s} is 36:
  140. set {_s} to 0
  141. add 1 to {_p}
  142. set {_a} to "%arg-2%" parsed as a number
  143. if {_a} is bigger than {_p}:
  144. send "{@prefix} §7Diese Seite ist nicht verfügbar."
  145. stop
  146. open chest with 6 rows named "§1§8Auctionhouse (%arg-2%/%{_p}%)" to player
  147. wait a tick
  148. set {_slot} to 36
  149. loop 9 times:
  150. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to light green stained glass pane named " "
  151. add 1 to {_slot}
  152. set slot 49 of current inventory of player to ender chest named "§6§lAuktionshaus" with lore "§7Zurück zum Auktionshaus."
  153. set {_skull} to "MHF_Question" parsed as offline player
  154. set slot 44 of current inventory of player to {_skull}'s skull named "§a§lAuctionhouse" with lore "§b§lVerkaufen:||§7Halte ein beliebiges Item||§7und gebe den Befehl||§a/ah §bsell §a<§bprice§a> §7im Chat ein.||||§b§lKaufen:||§7Linksklick auf die Auktion.||||§b§lEntfernen:||§7Mache einen Rechtsklick auf||§7deine Auktion um die Auktion||§7zu entfernen."
  155. set {_slot} to 0
  156. set {_t} to {_a} + 1
  157. if {_page.%{_t}%::*} is set:
  158. set slot 50 of current inventory of player to paper named "§a§lWeiter" with lore "§7Seite %{_t}%"
  159. else:
  160. set slot 50 of current inventory of player to paper named "§c§lWeiter"
  161. set {_t} to {_t} - 2
  162. if {_page.%{_t}%::*} is set:
  163. set slot 48 of current inventory of player to paper named "§a§lZurück" with lore "§7Seite %{_t}%"
  164. else:
  165. set slot 48 of current inventory of player to paper named "§c§lZurück"
  166. loop {_page.%arg-2%::*}:
  167. set {_AID} to "%loop-value%"
  168. set {_lore} to "%lore of {a_delayed::%{_player}%::%{_AID}%}%"
  169. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to {a_delayed::%{_player}%::%{_AID}%} with lore "%{_lore}%||§8(AID) %{_AID}%"
  170. add 1 to {_slot}
  171. else:
  172. send "{@prefix} §7Ungültige Seitennummer."
  173. else:
  174. execute player command "/auctionhouse delayed 1"
  175. else if arg 1 is "search":
  176. if arg 2 is set:
  177. loop {a_current::*}:
  178. set {_AID} to "%loop-index%"
  179. if "%{a_current::%{_AID}%}%" contains "%arg 2%":
  180. add 1 to {_founds}
  181. if {_founds} is bigger than 0:
  182. if {_founds} is 1:
  183. send "{@prefix} §7Es wurde eine übereinstimmende Auktion gefunden."
  184. else:
  185. send "{@prefix} §7Es wurden §f%{_founds}% §7übereinstimmende Auktionen gefunden."
  186. else:
  187. send "{@prefix} §7Es wurde keine Auktion mit diesem Item gestartet."
  188. else:
  189. send "{@prefix} §7Nutzing: §a/ah search <§bitem§a>"
  190. else if arg 1 is "help" or "?":
  191. send "{@upline}%new line% "
  192. send " §2§lAuctionhouse §7von §a§lAvaplays"
  193. send " §7Version: §f§l1.2"
  194. send " %new line%{@upline}"
  195. send " %new line% §7Liste aller Befehle §8━ §7Seite §b§l1 §7von §b§l1%new line% "
  196. send " §8◆ §a/ah §8━ §7Alle Auktionen auflisten."
  197. send " §8◆ §a/ah §a<§bhelp§a|§b?§a> §8━ §7Diese Seite anzeigen."
  198. send " §8◆ §a/ah §bsearch §a<§bitem§a> §8━ §7Suche ein Item."
  199. send " §8◆ §a/ah §bsell §a<§bprice§a> §8━ §7Neue Auktion starten.%new line% "
  200. send " §7Aliases: §2/auctionhouse, /auctions, /auction, /a, /see"
  201. send " %new line%{@downline}"
  202. else:
  203. set {_p} to 1
  204. set {_s} to 0
  205. loop {a_current::*}:
  206. set {_page.%{_p}%::%{_s}%} to loop-index #or loop-index?!
  207. add 1 to {_s}
  208. if {_s} is 36:
  209. set {_s} to 0
  210. add 1 to {_p}
  211. if arg 1 is set:
  212. if "%arg-1%" regex matches "\d+":
  213. set {_a} to "%arg-1%" parsed as a number
  214. if {_a} is bigger than {_p}:
  215. send "{@prefix} §7Diese Seite ist nicht verfügbar."
  216. send "§fDer Befehl um eine Auktion zu starten wurde in der letzten Version geändert auf §a/ah §f(oder §a/a§f) §asell <price>§f."
  217. stop
  218. else:
  219. send "{@prefix} §7Ungültige Seitennummer."
  220. send "§fDer Befehl um eine Auktion zu starten wurde in der letzten Version geändert auf §a/ah §f(oder §a/a§f) §asell <price>§f."
  221. stop
  222. open chest with 6 rows named "§0§8Auctionhouse (%arg-1%/%{_p}%)" to player
  223. wait a tick
  224. set {_slot} to 36
  225. loop 9 times:
  226. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to light green stained glass pane named " "
  227. add 1 to {_slot}
  228. set slot 45 of current inventory of player to cauldron named "§6§lAbgelaufen" with lore "§7Hier befinden sich abgelaufene||§7Auktionen."
  229. set slot 46 of current inventory of player to chest named "§6§lEigene Auktionen" with lore "§7Siehe deine Auktionen||§7auf den ersten Blick.||||§7Rechtsklick um eine Auktion||§7zu entfernen."
  230. set {_skull} to "MHF_Question" parsed as offline player
  231. set slot 44 of current inventory of player to {_skull}'s skull named "§a§lAuctionhouse" with lore "§b§lVerkaufen:||§7Halte ein beliebiges Item||§7und gebe den Befehl||§a/ah §bsell §a<§bprice§a> §7im Chat ein.||||§b§lKaufen:||§7Linksklick auf die Auktion.||||§b§lEntfernen:||§7Mache einen Rechtsklick auf||§7deine Auktion um die Auktion||§7zu entfernen."
  232. set slot 49 of current inventory of player to sunflower named "§6§lAktualisieren" with lore "§7Entfernt gekaufte und abgelaufene||§7Auktionen aus dem Menü."
  233. set {_slot} to 0
  234. set {_a} to arg 1 parsed as a number
  235. set {_t} to {_a} + 1
  236. if {_page.%{_t}%::*} is set:
  237. set slot 50 of current inventory of player to paper named "§a§lWeiter" with lore "§7Seite %{_t}%"
  238. else:
  239. set slot 50 of current inventory of player to paper named "§c§lWeiter"
  240. set {_t} to {_t} - 2
  241. if {_page.%{_t}%::*} is set:
  242. set slot 48 of current inventory of player to paper named "§a§lZurück" with lore "§7Seite %{_t}%"
  243. else:
  244. set slot 48 of current inventory of player to paper named "§c§lZurück"
  245. while inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§0§8Auctionhouse (%arg-1%":
  246. set {_slot} to 0
  247. set {_se} to 0
  248. loop {_page.%arg-1%::*}:
  249. set {_AID} to "%loop-value%"
  250. if "%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%" is equal to "%player's name%":
  251. add 1 to {_se}
  252. set {_future} to {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%}
  253. add 2 days to {_future}
  254. set {_d} to difference between now and {_future}
  255. set {_d} to "%{_d}%" parsed as a text
  256. set {_n} to 0
  257. loop 10 times:
  258. replace all "%{_n}%" with "§e%{_n}%§f" in {_d}
  259. add 1 to {_n}
  260. replace all "days" with "Tage" in {_d}
  261. replace all "day" with "Tag" in {_d}
  262. replace all "minutes" with "Minuten" in {_d}
  263. replace all "minute" with "Minute" in {_d}
  264. replace all "hours" with "Stunden" in {_d}
  265. replace all "hour" with "Stunde" in {_d}
  266. replace all "seconds" with "Sekunden" in {_d}
  267. replace all "second" with "Sekunde" in {_d}
  268. replace all " and " with " " in {_d}
  269. set {_d::*} to {_d} split at "."
  270. set {_de} to "%{_d::2}%" parsed as text
  271. replace all "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" and "9" with "" in {_de}
  272. set {_da} to "%{_d::1}%" parsed as text
  273. replace all "<none>" with "" in {_de}
  274. replace all "<none>" with "" in {_da}
  275. if {a_current::%{_AID}%} is set:
  276. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to {a_current::%{_AID}%} with lore "||§7Preis: §a$§f%{a_current.price::%{_AID}%}%||§7Verkäufer: §a%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%||§7Ablauf: §f%{_da}%%{_de}%||||§8(AID) %{_AID}%"
  277. else:
  278. set slot {_slot} of current inventory of player to 0 of red stained glass pane named "§c§l-"
  279. add 1 to {_slot}
  280. set {_player} to "%player's name%" parsed as offline player
  281. set {_sd} to size of {a_delayed::%{_player}%::*}
  282. set slot 45 of current inventory of player to {_sd} of cauldron named "§6§lAbgelaufen" with lore "§7Hier befinden sich abgelaufene||§7Auktionen."
  283. set slot 46 of current inventory of player to {_se} of chest named "§6§lEigene Auktionen" with lore "§7Siehe deine Auktionen||§7auf den ersten Blick.||||§7Rechtsklick um eine Auktion||§7zu entfernen."
  284. wait a tick
  287. on inventory click:
  288. if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§0§8Auctionhouse":
  289. cancel event
  290. if name of clicked item is "§a§lWeiter" or "§a§lZurück":
  291. set {_n} to "%uncolored lore of clicked item%"
  292. replace all "Seite " with "" in {_n}
  293. execute player command "/auctionhouse %{_n}%"
  294. else if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§1§8Auctionhouse":
  295. if clicked slot is not between 0 and 35:
  296. cancel event
  297. if name of clicked item is "§a§lWeiter" or "§a§lZurück":
  298. set {_n} to "%uncolored lore of clicked item%"
  299. replace all "Seite " with "" in {_n}
  300. execute player command "/auctionhouse delayed %{_n}%"
  301. else if name of clicked item is "§6§lAuktionshaus":
  302. close player's inventory
  303. wait a tick
  304. execute player command "/auctionhouse"
  305. else if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§2§8Auctionhouse":
  306. if clicked slot is not between 0 and 35:
  307. cancel event
  308. if name of clicked item is "§a§lWeiter" or "§a§lZurück":
  309. set {_n} to "%uncolored lore of clicked item%"
  310. replace all "Seite " with "" in {_n}
  311. execute player command "/auctionhouse own %{_n}%"
  312. else if name of clicked item is "§6§lAuktionshaus":
  313. close player's inventory
  314. wait a tick
  315. execute player command "/auctionhouse"
  317. every 2 minutes:
  318. loop {a_current::*}:
  319. set {_AID} to "%loop-index%"
  320. if {a_current::%{_AID}%} is set:
  321. if difference between {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%} and now is bigger than 2 days:
  322. set {_p} to "%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%" parsed as offline player
  323. set {a_delayed::%{_p}%::%{_AID}%} to {a_current::%{_AID}%}
  324. delete {a_current::%{_AID}%}
  325. delete {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%}
  326. delete {a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}
  327. delete {a_current.price::%{_AID}%}
  329. on join:
  330. set {_p} to "%player's name%" parsed as offline player
  331. if {a_balstore::%{_p}%} is bigger than 0:
  332. add {a_balstore::%{_p}%} to {money::%player's uuid%}
  333. send "{@prefix} §7Während du offline warst hat jemand deine Auktionen ersteigert. Dir wurden §a$§f%{a_balstore::%{_p}%}% §7deinem Konto hinzugefügt."
  334. set {a_balstore::%{_p}%} to 0
  335. else:
  336. set {a_balstore::%{_p}%} to 0
  338. on inventory click:
  339. if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§2§8Auctionhouse":
  340. cancel event
  341. if clicked slot is between 0 and 35:
  342. set {_l} to "%lore of clicked item%"
  343. set {_l::*} to {_l} split at "§8(AID) "
  344. set {_AID} to uncoloured "%{_l::2}%"
  345. if {a_current::%{_AID}%} is set:
  346. add {a_current::%{_AID}%} to player's inventory
  347. set {_s} to clicked slot
  348. set slot {_s} of current inventory of player to air
  349. delete {a_current::%{_AID}%}
  350. delete {a_current.price::%{_AID}%}
  351. delete {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%}
  352. delete {a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}
  353. send "{@prefix} §7Auktion erfolgreich entfernt."
  354. execute player command "/auctionhouse own 1"
  355. else:
  356. set {_s} to clicked slot
  357. set slot {_s} of current inventory of player to red stained glass pane named "§c§lAbgelaufen" with lore "§7Diese Auktion ist abgelaufen."
  358. else if inventory name of current inventory of player contains "§0§8Auctionhouse":
  359. cancel event
  360. if clicked slot is between 0 and 35:
  361. set {_l} to "%lore of clicked item%"
  362. set {_l::*} to {_l} split at "§8(AID) "
  363. set {_AID} to uncoloured "%{_l::2}%"
  364. if {a_current::%{_AID}%} is set:
  365. if {money::%player's uuid%} is smaller than {a_current.price::%{_AID}%}:
  366. send "{@prefix} §7Du hast nicht genügend Guthaben."
  367. close player's inventory
  368. else:
  369. send "Ja man"
  370. if "%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%" is equal to "%player's name%":
  371. if "%click type%" is "right mouse button":
  372. add {a_current::%{_AID}%} to player's inventory
  373. set {_s} to clicked slot
  374. set slot {_s} of current inventory of player to air
  375. delete {a_current::%{_AID}%}
  376. delete {a_current.price::%{_AID}%}
  377. delete {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%}
  378. delete {a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}
  379. send "{@prefix} §7Auktion erfolgreich entfernt."
  380. else:
  381. send "{@prefix} §7Du kannst deine eigene Auktion nicht aufkaufen."
  382. else:
  383. if "%click type%" is "RIGHT":
  384. send "{@prefix} §7Du kannst diese Auktion nicht entfernen."
  385. else:
  386. delete {a_buying::%player%}
  387. delete {a_accept::%player%}
  388. add {a_current::%{_AID}%} to player's inventory
  389. set {_price} to "%{a_current.price::%{_AID}%}%" parsed as integer
  390. remove {_price} from {money::%player's uuid%}
  391. loop all players:
  392. if "%loop-player's name%" is equal to "%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%":
  393. add {_price} to {money::%loop-player's uuid%}
  394. set {_online} to false
  395. send "lappen"
  396. set {_p} to "%{a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}%" parsed as offline player
  397. if {_online} is not set:
  398. add {_price} to {a_balstore::%{_p}%}
  399. send "{@prefix} §7Spieler §a%player's name% §7hat ein Item von §adir §7gekauft." to {_p}
  400. send "{@prefix} §7Kauf bestätigt."
  401. delete {a_current::%{_AID}%}
  402. delete {a_current.price::%{_AID}%}
  403. delete {a_current.cooldown::%{_AID}%}
  404. delete {a_current.owner::%{_AID}%}
  405. delete {_online}
  406. close player's inventory
  407. stop
  408. else:
  409. set {_s} to clicked slot
  410. set slot {_s} of current inventory of player to 0 of red stained glass pane named "§c§l-"
  411. else:
  412. if name of clicked item is "§6§lAktualisieren":
  413. close player's inventory
  414. wait a tick
  415. execute player command "/auctionhouse"
  416. else if name of clicked item is "§6§lEigene Auktionen":
  417. close player's inventory
  418. wait a tick
  419. execute player command "/auctionhouse own 1"
  420. else if name of clicked item is "§6§lAbgelaufen":
  421. close player's inventory
  422. wait a tick
  423. execute player command "/auctionhouse delayed 1"
  424. command /coins:
  425. trigger:
  426. send "&7Deine Coins: &a%{money::%player's uuid%}%"
  427. command /coin [<text>] [<player>] [<number>]:
  428. trigger:
  429. if arg-1 is not set:
  430. send "&7/Coin add spieler anzahl"
  431. send "&7/coin set spieler anzahl"
  432. if arg-1 is "add":
  433. if arg-2 is set:
  434. if arg-3 is set:
  435. add arg-3 to {money::%arg-2's uuid%}
  436. send "&aDu hast %arg-2% %arg-3% Coins gutgeschrieben"
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