Guest User

logs oct 22

a guest
Oct 23rd, 2016
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  1. Jupiter: what do you want
  2. Detective Cashflow: Hey to you too...
  3. Detective Cashflow: You good...?
  4. Jupiter: Mhmm.
  5. Jupiter: Whatcha need
  6. Detective Cashflow: You blocked
  7. Detective Cashflow: UNCLE LOU
  8. Detective Cashflow: Why'd you remove him?
  9. Detective Cashflow: He didn't do nuffin wrong
  10. Detective Cashflow: ...
  11. Jupiter: Because im cutting my friends list down to people I talk to reguerly
  12. Detective Cashflow: oh but he had more questions to ask
  13. Jupiter: what is it
  14. Detective Cashflow: you can ask him
  15. Detective Cashflow: i'm just the messenger...
  16. Jupiter: idc then
  17. Detective Cashflow: wtf
  18. Jupiter: what does he want
  19. Detective Cashflow: Maggie.
  20. Detective Cashflow: I think you should, look at the evidence >_>
  21. Detective Cashflow:
  22. Jupiter: LOL
  23. Jupiter: Good meme
  24. Jupiter: Night fidel
  25. Detective Cashflow: :(
  26. Detective Cashflow: Add uncle lou back tho
  27. Detective Cashflow: he wants to talk '3'
  28. Detective Cashflow is now Offline.
  29. Jupiter: no thanks
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