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Dec 3rd, 2017
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  1. Felix "Nail" Cherevko
  3. Faction: Loner
  4. Rank: Expert
  5. Reputation: Good
  7. Starting from spring of 2005, Dmitriy and a group of his friends organized raids to the Chernobyl to steal radioactive metal and construction materials. With some help of connections with military and bribes they were able to drive into the Exclusion Zone with empty truck and come back loaded with scrap and various materials.
  9. When Second Disaster happened in 2006, his group saw new possibilities of income. But this time, they are not going to be scavangers, but will take semi-mythical artefacts from first stalkers who are searching for them in newly formed anomalies.
  11. This way, Nail's group has became one of the first bandit groups in the Zone. Even though they weren't as cheeky as current ones, they were getting an enormous amount of money from selling artefacts taken away from stalkers in the outskirts of the Zone.
  13. But It didn't last long. One day, another ambushed stalker told Nail about big stash of artefacts in exchange for his passage. Stalker was alone and feared that if he will take all of this artifacts at once they will react in some awry way. Nail let him go without taking away any artifacts he had on him. He thought of money every one of them would get if they sell this artifacts and how they could quit this bandit life.
  15. In the morning of the next day, Nail and other seven men of his group moved out far into the Zone. Expedition was going pretty smooth and they managed to avoid anomalies using rare equipment they got from month of racketeering. But everything changed drastically, when they came to the supposed stash location.
  17. Instead of artifacts, they have met wretched beast with two heads. Group didn't have any serious weapons to stop it. After couple minutes of bloody slaughter, only Nail was alive. Without knowing how, he managed to escape from beast's lair. All in the mud, with frozen horror in his eyes and torn clothes, he reached the outskirts in the evening. He was picked up by passing stalker, who thought that he is one of the living Chernobyl's dwellers.
  19. Nail hasn't said anything about his group or past doings. When he got out from the Zone, the horror he experienced didn't make him stay away from it, but rather prompted him to study the Zone. When he heard about strange faction of militaristic Zone scientists called "Clear Sky" from the stalker who saved him, he decided to get to the Marshes and become one of them.
  21. He managed to prove his fitness and soon enough he became one of respectable members of the faction. Even though he didn't get any special role in it, everyone knew him. In 2011 he wasn't able to move to the CNNP with a big chunk of faction and that has saved his life. When news about death of faction has reached him, he decided to leave it and became loner.
  23. Since then, he is working on Sakharov as one of his supernumerary employees and is considered one of the most useful. If not for him, scientists wouldn't know about large amount of rare artifacts. But to this day, he still fears that his past will be uncovered and that two-headed beast never leaves his dreams.
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