
[Story] No Name 3

Feb 26th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Ahnaf Abdullah - [NO NAME](Write a story which shows that honesty doesn't always pay) - Checked but ungraded, directed by Ahmede Hussain
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Tony Samuels was a hardworking public sector engineer whose job was to oversee the creation of new roads and buildings. In 1946, the aftermath of the World War had brought ruin and turmoil to many of Poland's cities and villages. And as such, the new Polish government was desperate to recreate these roads and reinstate the lost communications between them.
  5. But a larger problem was at hand. Some of the higher-ups in the government were corrupted and did not want to make these roads in a hurry. The government paid for the production of these roads, and the longer it would take, the more money these staff would have.
  7. At first, when Tony oversaw the project, he saw that lower grade materials were being used, even though the government had paid for higher quality. Tony investigated it and found to his amazement that someone tampered with the order receipt, degraded the ordered quality, and the deducted the leftover amount under 'Sundry Expenses'. He immediately set off and went to his Executive Manager to report this.
  9. However, he was shocked when the Executive Manager disregarded him and told him to not think too deeply about this and 'let it happen on its own'
  11. A little later on the same day, a stranger came up and offered Tony 5000 zlotys(equivalent to roughly $3000) to not report this to anyone and to complete the road in 5 years, which would normally take one year. Tony threw the bundle of cash in the stranger's face and told him to get lost.
  13. This was too much for Tony. He knew corruption existed but he didn't know the situation would be this bad. He immediately wrote a letter to the Government and let them know what was happening here.
  15. That one letter caused a huge uproar. Staffs were questioned. A list of suspects was made. A loss of over a hundred thousand dollars was discovered, buried under costs and expenses. Even the Executive Manager's job was at stake.
  17. The corrupted amongst them knew that they were at risk. They could make heavy losses. So they started to threaten Tony. But Tony was brave. He wasn't going to go down with empty threats.
  19. A few days later, he was found dead. While on his way to home from work, two thugs put a hole in his head with their guns.
  21. But eventually, they were all caught, and the people responsible for Tony's death were charged. Tony managed to rid his country of corruption, but no one was grateful enough and neither was his family given any fair recompense.
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