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- Flow Controller:
- name: MiNiFi Flow
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1990
- Processors:
- - name: GetFile
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1991
- class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.GetFile
- max concurrent tasks: 1
- scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
- scheduling period: 1 sec
- penalization period: 30 sec
- yield period: 1 sec
- run duration nanos: 0
- auto-terminated relationships list:
- - success
- - failure
- Properties:
- Batch Size: '100'
- Input Directory: /tmp/getfile
- Keep Source File: true
- - name: WriteAccumulo
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1993
- class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.AccumuloWriter
- max concurrent tasks: 5
- scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
- scheduling period: 1 sec
- penalization period: 30 sec
- yield period: 1 sec
- run duration nanos: 0
- auto-terminated relationships list:
- - success
- - failure
- Properties:
- Rfile Directory: /tmp/rfiles
- Rfile Keys: 30
- - name: BulkImport
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1974
- class: org.apache.nifi.processors.standard.BulkImport
- max concurrent tasks: 5
- scheduling strategy: TIMER_DRIVEN
- scheduling period: 1 sec
- penalization period: 30 sec
- yield period: 1 sec
- run duration nanos: 0
- auto-terminated relationships list:
- - success
- - failure
- Properties:
- Zookeepers:
- InstanceId: smac
- Username: root
- Password: <password>
- Table: test
- Connections:
- - name: TransferFilesToRPG2
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1997
- source id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1991
- source relationship name: success
- destination id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1993
- destination relationship name: success
- max work queue size: 0
- max work queue data size: 1 MB
- flowfile expiration: 60 sec
- - name: TransferFilesoRPG3
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1989
- source id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1993
- source relationship name: import
- destination id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1999
- destination relationship name: success
- max work queue size: 0
- max work queue data size: 1 MB
- flowfile expiration: 60 sec
- - name: TransferFilesoRPG4
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1789
- source id: ac82e521-015c-1000-2b21-41279516e19a
- source relationship name: undefined
- destination id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1974
- destination relationship name: success
- max work queue size: 0
- max work queue data size: 1 MB
- flowfile expiration: 60 sec
- Remote Processing Groups:
- - name: NiFi Flow
- id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1998
- url:
- timeout: 30 secs
- yield period: 5 sec
- Input Ports:
- - id: 2438e3c8-015a-1000-79ca-83af40ec1999
- name: fromnifi
- max concurrent tasks: 1
- Properties:
- Port: 10443
- Host Name:
- Output Ports:
- - id: ac82e521-015c-1000-2b21-41279516e19a
- name: tominifi
- max concurrent tasks: 1
- Properties:
- Port: 10443
- Host Name:
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