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a guest
Oct 24th, 2017
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  1. -- centaursTesticle [CT] began trolling terminallyCapricious [TC] at 19:37 --
  2. [19:37:18] CT: D --> I have returned.
  3. [19:40:10] TC: hEy bRo, hOw cAn I mOtHeRfUcKiNg hElP yOu :o)
  4. [19:43:40] CT: D --> I seem to have misplaced my Shamwow again
  5. [19:45:47] TC: a ShAmWhAt BrO?
  6. [19:49:52] CT: D --> A towel
  7. [19:49:57] CT: D --> A very special towel
  8. [19:56:13] TC: tHaT fUcKiNg SuCkS bRo
  9. [19:58:09] TC: mAyBe If yOu JuSt ClOsE YoUr EyEs AnD feEl tHe MiRaCleS
  10. [19:58:45] TC: yOu cOuLd MoThErFuCkInG FiNd iT
  11. [19:59:00] CT: D --> Okay, highb100d
  12. [19:59:10] CT: D --> Let me try and "feel the miracles"
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