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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. warw1ck jungle: lol?
  4. warw1ck jungle: rengar mid lmao
  5. warw1ck jungle: stop feeding ashe
  6. warw1ck jungle: walk as slow as possible to me thanks botlane
  7. warw1ck jungle: you're the ones feeding
  8. warw1ck jungle: stop
  9. warw1ck jungle: ok inting now i guess?
  10. warw1ck jungle: amumu does nothing
  11. warw1ck jungle: he's easy
  12. warw1ck jungle: stop
  13. warw1ck jungle: feeding
  14. warw1ck jungle: ashe
  15. warw1ck jungle: STOP
  16. warw1ck jungle: FEEDING
  17. warw1ck jungle: ASHE
  18. warw1ck jungle: YES YOU CAN
  19. warw1ck jungle: play passive
  20. warw1ck jungle: what lvl are you again?
  21. warw1ck jungle: 150?
  22. warw1ck jungle: ???
  23. warw1ck jungle: how are you going to go jg
  24. warw1ck jungle: no smite??
  25. warw1ck jungle: did you buy the account?
  26. warw1ck jungle: you are not lvl 150
  27. warw1ck jungle: would be better if botlane wasn't feeding the whole game
  28. warw1ck jungle: this dude is lvl 150 and doesn't know basic stuff
  29. warw1ck jungle: i'm carrying i'm allowed to complain
  30. warw1ck jungle: gj
  31. warw1ck jungle: KOGMA
  32. warw1ck jungle: you stood there
  33. warw1ck jungle: Kogmah
  34. warw1ck jungle: you're getting banned
  35. warw1ck jungle: kog'maw you're inting
  36. warw1ck jungle: report kog'maw for inting
  37. warw1ck jungle: i am carrying
  38. warw1ck jungle: false reporting is also bannable
  39. warw1ck jungle: 8 kills
  40. warw1ck jungle: you are feeding
  41. warw1ck jungle: 1/5
  42. warw1ck jungle: kog'maw is inting
  43. warw1ck jungle: i am
  44. warw1ck jungle: talon you're going with them
  45. warw1ck jungle: with a ban
  46. warw1ck jungle: I'm carrying you
  47. warw1ck jungle: more kills than all of you combined
  48. warw1ck jungle: alost*
  49. warw1ck jungle: almost*
  50. warw1ck jungle: yo talon
  51. warw1ck jungle: you good?
  52. warw1ck jungle: you're getting banned
  53. warw1ck jungle: stealing kills also
  54. warw1ck jungle: inting
  55. warw1ck jungle: then stealing kills
  56. warw1ck jungle: ask our botlane
  57. warw1ck jungle: kog'maw is inting
  58. warw1ck jungle: then steals 2 kills
  59. warw1ck jungle: you should know that fed ww wins games
  60. warw1ck jungle: can't do anything with a team that won't help
  61. warw1ck jungle: me and morde vs everyone
  62. warw1ck jungle: Stop feeding then
  63. warw1ck jungle: 8 kills
  64. warw1ck jungle: technically 10
  65. warw1ck jungle: you took 2
  66. warw1ck jungle: bad teammates
  67. warw1ck jungle: you?
  68. warw1ck jungle: just ff already
  69. warw1ck jungle: lol
  70. warw1ck jungle: it's you're fault
  71. warw1ck jungle: your*
  72. warw1ck jungle: you and kog
  73. warw1ck jungle: mad
  74. warw1ck jungle: ok free baron for them then
  75. warw1ck jungle: broken ww ult
  76. warw1ck jungle: ??
  77. warw1ck jungle: talon
  78. warw1ck jungle: talon went in for a 1v4
  79. warw1ck jungle: and blames me for not feeding with him
  80. warw1ck jungle: just win already
  81. warw1ck jungle: horrible team
  82. Post-Game
  83. warw1ck jungle: 4v5?
  84. warw1ck jungle: we had 2 people inting
  85. warw1ck jungle: and talon just egoed us all game
  86. warw1ck jungle: report kog and nami
  87. warw1ck jungle: false report
  88. warw1ck jungle: You caused the bad game nami
  89. warw1ck jungle: you and kog maw fed
  90. warw1ck jungle: ashe
  91. warw1ck jungle: the whole game
  92. warw1ck jungle: you fed 9 kills
  93. warw1ck jungle: and got 1
  94. Game 2
  95. Pre-Game
  96. warw1ck jungle: jg
  97. warw1ck jungle: guaranteed killtarget is a better mid
  98. warw1ck jungle: not cappin'
  99. In-Game
  100. warw1ck jungle: aatrox go botlane
  101. warw1ck jungle: he called top
  102. warw1ck jungle: their ww is bad
  103. warw1ck jungle: my game bugged
  104. warw1ck jungle: and wouldn't smite
  105. warw1ck jungle: ww
  106. warw1ck jungle: you're bad so don't thumbs up
  107. warw1ck jungle: you refuse to 1v1
  108. warw1ck jungle: lol
  109. warw1ck jungle: my win so its k
  110. warw1ck jungle: what is wrong with this game
  111. warw1ck jungle: ??
  112. warw1ck jungle: I actually don't understand what is happening
  113. warw1ck jungle: we're ffing this game btw
  114. warw1ck jungle: everyone vote yes at 15
  115. warw1ck jungle: idk why you try and flex everytime you kill me, they're feeding you
  116. warw1ck jungle: you're not better than me lol
  117. warw1ck jungle: you're getting fed off new players
  118. warw1ck jungle: you're mad
  119. warw1ck jungle: lol
  120. warw1ck jungle: pretty sure we have kids inting
  121. warw1ck jungle: who isn't
  122. warw1ck jungle: aatrox and quiyana are inting basically
  123. warw1ck jungle: and kai'sa is basically afk
  124. warw1ck jungle: lol you're getting fed off of kids inting
  125. warw1ck jungle: aatrox feeding more
  126. warw1ck jungle: quiyana feeding more
  127. warw1ck jungle: low lvl games are great
  128. warw1ck jungle: get muted kid
  129. warw1ck jungle: you're smurfing and talking shit
  130. warw1ck jungle: who is voting no
  131. warw1ck jungle: you're just gonna get reported lol it's fine
  132. warw1ck jungle: basically inting
  133. warw1ck jungle: stop letting them live
  134. warw1ck jungle: you let them get away
  135. warw1ck jungle: literally 2 health
  136. warw1ck jungle: at this point it's intentional
  137. warw1ck jungle: 20 minutes vote yes
  138. warw1ck jungle: you're getting banned either way for inting
  139. warw1ck jungle: do you know what inting means
  140. warw1ck jungle: intentionally feeding
  141. warw1ck jungle: Yeha
  142. warw1ck jungle: yeah
  143. warw1ck jungle: you are
  144. warw1ck jungle: Inting
  145. warw1ck jungle: intentionally feeding
  146. warw1ck jungle: you're giving them kills
  147. warw1ck jungle: intentionally
  148. warw1ck jungle: thank god
  149. Post-Game
  150. warw1ck jungle: report aatrox report quiyana
  151. warw1ck jungle: report aatrox report quiyana
  152. warw1ck jungle: report aatrox report quiyana
  153. warw1ck jungle: inting
  154. warw1ck jungle: griefing
  155. warw1ck jungle: you intentonally gave them kills
  156. warw1ck jungle: and I watched you multiple times let them go
  157. warw1ck jungle: at 10 health
  158. warw1ck jungle: 10 health players
  159. warw1ck jungle: you let them go
  160. warw1ck jungle: that's not just being new to the game
  161. warw1ck jungle: that's called inting
  162. warw1ck jungle: also called an eazy ban
  163. Game 3
  164. In-Game
  165. warw1ck jungle: ?
  166. warw1ck jungle: k
  167. warw1ck jungle: blitz???
  168. warw1ck jungle: ????
  169. warw1ck jungle: garen
  170. warw1ck jungle: stop
  171. warw1ck jungle: feeding
  172. warw1ck jungle: kat?
  173. warw1ck jungle: kk
  174. warw1ck jungle: blitz
  175. warw1ck jungle: what
  176. warw1ck jungle: are
  177. warw1ck jungle: you
  178. warw1ck jungle: doing
  179. warw1ck jungle: ??
  180. warw1ck jungle: why were you top
  181. warw1ck jungle: and why didn't you help me when I went in
  182. warw1ck jungle: and you fed after i died
  183. warw1ck jungle: doesn't matter what they need
  184. warw1ck jungle: you're support bottom
  185. warw1ck jungle: now carti is 1v2ing
  186. warw1ck jungle: you don't move lanes
  187. warw1ck jungle: that's not how the game works
  188. warw1ck jungle: unless we're at the point where we're teamfighting
  189. warw1ck jungle: but we're not
  190. warw1ck jungle: top is fucked
  191. warw1ck jungle: he fed all game
  192. warw1ck jungle: eh
  193. warw1ck jungle: we'll see
  194. warw1ck jungle: garen
  195. warw1ck jungle: sitting afk in spawn would be more helpful than what you're doing right now
  196. warw1ck jungle: ik lol
  197. warw1ck jungle: garen
  198. warw1ck jungle: how
  199. warw1ck jungle: are
  200. warw1ck jungle: you
  201. warw1ck jungle: 0
  202. warw1ck jungle: and
  203. warw1ck jungle: 8
  204. warw1ck jungle: we literally have to teamfight you because garen fed you 8 kills
  205. warw1ck jungle: why
  206. warw1ck jungle: ??
  207. warw1ck jungle: he's feeding as garen
  208. warw1ck jungle: i did
  209. warw1ck jungle: FFS
  210. warw1ck jungle: ??
  211. warw1ck jungle: garen
  212. warw1ck jungle: you're getting reported for inting btw
  213. warw1ck jungle: make sure to report garen for inting
  214. warw1ck jungle: nah you're not
  215. warw1ck jungle: ya
  216. warw1ck jungle: idk how new he is
  217. warw1ck jungle: idc*
  218. warw1ck jungle: how do you feed 9 kills
  219. warw1ck jungle: as a broken champ
  220. warw1ck jungle: garen is op as shit
  221. warw1ck jungle: i killed 2
  222. warw1ck jungle: ??
  223. warw1ck jungle: can't escape from urgot
  224. warw1ck jungle: dead either way
  225. warw1ck jungle: game is lost anyways
  226. warw1ck jungle: because of garen
  227. warw1ck jungle: oh fuck he's a twitch chatter
  228. warw1ck jungle: doesn't
  229. warw1ck jungle: matter
  230. warw1ck jungle: look up a build guice
  231. warw1ck jungle: guide
  232. warw1ck jungle: look up a tutorial
  233. warw1ck jungle: anything
  234. warw1ck jungle: what lvl is hs
  235. warw1ck jungle: 12 or 21
  236. warw1ck jungle: ??
  237. warw1ck jungle: 17
  238. warw1ck jungle: ??
  239. warw1ck jungle: using twitch emotes in league chat
  240. warw1ck jungle: bro
  241. warw1ck jungle: cringe moment
  242. warw1ck jungle: thats an omegalul
  243. warw1ck jungle: my ult misses
  244. warw1ck jungle: lol
  245. warw1ck jungle: this game is broken
  246. Post-Game
  247. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  248. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  249. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  250. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  251. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  252. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  253. warw1ck jungle: report garen for inting
  254. warw1ck jungle: thanks
  255. warw1ck jungle: fed 15 kills
  256. warw1ck jungle: to urgot
  257. warw1ck jungle: wow
  258. warw1ck jungle: Garen was the sole reason we lost
  259. warw1ck jungle: mad
  260. warw1ck jungle: 16 kills and 15 of them were him feeding
  261. warw1ck jungle: funny
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