
HL2E3 Fan Script, Chapter 5

Oct 4th, 2017
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  1. Through the hole in the ceiling, Gordon could see a dazzling view of all shapes and colours, the kind of view he hadn't seen since that one time he gave into peer pressure at university.
  2. The murderous machine, which he by now figured must have been the carrier mentioned earlier, was completely missing as well as the timebomb it was holding; in its place was a tear in space even stranger to look at than whatever was going on outside.
  3. Alyx was backed into a corner by the ever-shifting space anomaly, and occasionally an object would fall in or fly out.
  4. The world would seem to arrange itself as electricity arced across the break in the cable, but much of the cable and a small part of the room was eaten away by the hole in space, and in an unexpected instant everything seemed normal.
  6. The strange space anomaly in the middle of the room was gone, and the light of day shone through the hole in the ceiling above.
  7. Gravity was no longer nonexistent, but still only a fraction of normal; and the ship was shaken by roading wind.
  8. Gordon really didn't want to look out the window, but he felt he must.
  9. His fears were confirmed, and more: Not only was the ship so high in the sky he could clearly see the curvature of the planet, it was the wrong planet, one smaller than Earth and in very different colours. Fortunately, the atmosphere seemed to be much thicker, and the gravity much lower, so terminal velocity might not be terminal for him.
  11. Finding himself to feel almost weightless compared to on Earth, he leapt out the hole in the ceiling and onto the deck of the ship.
  12. It was a majestic view: Colossal, pillar-like clouds surrounded them, each around a hundred kilometres tall.
  13. The land was violet, with splotches of brown and stripes of smokey grey.
  14. Alyx soon followed him onto deck, her interest invested in strange objects deposited by the space anomaly, but then captured by the sight Gordon looked upon.
  16. Another object deposited by the space anomaly chirped from elsewhere on the deck.
  17. Alyx didn't know how to react, but Gordon prepared to swing his crowbar; a houndeye, something he hadn't seen in two months or twenty years depending on the perspective taken, suddenly ran towards him and was promptly smacked off deck.
  18. The air rushing past the ship picked up the poor creature, which dropped to its own terminal velocity, one considerably lower than that of the ship.
  19. Gordon didn't have to be a physicist to take this advice of nature: His survival chances were a lot better falling outside, rather than inside a steel-hulled ship with a much greater terminal velocity than hismelf.
  20. Grabbing Alyx by the hand, he leapt off deck, and with cheeks flapping from the rush of air their speed decelerated to something less likely to break all their bones.
  21. Alyx screamed, as one does when they suddenly find themselves high in the air and with nothing below them, but the absurd altitude and the slow falling gave her plenty of time to calm down, then slap Gordon.
  23. It had been a few minutes since the ship arrived at this planet, and impact was no longer a distant concern, but something imminent.
  24. The ship had already reached the ground, no longer visible but instead evident from a purple cloud spreading outwards.
  25. The two guided themselves towards a small patch of brown, Alyx saying "please be mud, please be mud, please be mud..", closing her eyes and bracing for impact.
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