
Surface of the Sun, Part 10 (The King's Choice)

Feb 17th, 2013
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  1. '>"C'mon....wake up..."
  2. >You feel two soft things on your chest, pressing lightly.
  3. >Maybe marshmallows?
  4. >No, no, pillows. Tiny pillows.
  5. >"Lemme try it! Lemme try it!"
  6. >"No Woona! I can do this! Just gonna try CPR..."
  7. >You feel the two pillows move higher.
  8. >"You just want to kiss him, Tia."
  9. >You feel the hooves on your chest freeze.
  11. >"No."
  12. >"TAKE IT BACK NOW!"
  13. >Your ears. My God, your fucking ears are bleeding.
  16. >You sit up, scowling and furious.
  17. >Two fillies stare back at you.
  18. >Two little fillies with horns and wings.
  19. >You suddenly remember why you passed out. You had a damn good reason for it.
  20. >Maybe you should do it aga-
  22. >You look down at the two marshmallow hooves on your chest, into the big purple eyes of filly Celestia.
  23. "Passing out sounds like a -really- good idea right now."
  24. >She pouts, her snout scrunching at you.
  25. >"No! I'm too short to reach the bookshelves! We need to find a counterspell for this, PRONTO!"
  26. "Counterspell. Right. Uh. What am I looking for?"
  27. >"Just gwab some books and let's go! I don't want anyp0ny seeing us!"
  28. "Okay okay jeeze!"
  29. >"Hurry!"
  30. >You get up, scowling and grabbing books, scrolls, and tomes of all descriptions as Celestia pointed them out.
  31. >Celestia seems to alternate between having a panic attack and rubbing her temples and wincing.
  32. "Celestia, you okay?"
  33. >"Just...have a really bad headache. Did you get Stawswirl's Big Book of Tempowal Incantations?"
  34. "Awwwww..."
  35. >"If you aww at me again I will bwing a world of hurt down on your fwank."
  36. >Luna just sucks her hoof and stares at the two of you.
  38. >Things could be worse, you suppose.
  39. >You're currently piggy backing two p0ny princesses on your back as you carry stacks of scrolls and tomes back to their quarters.
  40. >"This is so humiliating."
  41. >Luna sucks on her hoof and nods in agreement.
  42. "It could be worse."
  43. >"How. How could it be worse?"
  44. "At least you're Mostly."
  45. >"There's no telling how long it could wast! I mean last! Gah! We could just...revert! Or get stuck like this!"
  46. "Not seein' a downside. You're both super adorable like this."
  47. >You feel a tiny hoof in a metal boot bop you on the back of your skull.
  48. >"How about THESE for downsides? What if we can't affect the sun and moon? What if we forget how to? How are we going to command a kingdom while we're fillies?"
  49. >Luna pops her hoof out of her mouth.
  50. >"And what about dat Saddew Awabian trip you-"
  51. >Celestia's eyes go wide.
  52. >"Oh BUCK. That's in...two weeks! Anon we have to fix this FAST!"
  53. "Okay, okay, got it! No leaving the princesses as tiny adorable filly rulers. Yeesh."
  54. >Celestia groans and rubs her temples.
  55. >"THANK YOU. Now please, back to our quarters so we can get started on dis? And don't let anyp0ny see you."
  56. "Kinda hard when I've got two loudmouth p0ny fillies clinging to my spine."
  57. >Two boops to your head answer you.
  58. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going."
  59. >You are as stealthy as you can be as you sneak back to their room.
  60. >Which is to say, not very stealthy.
  61. >You scramble past slack-jawed servants, maids, and royal guards as you kick open the door to Celestia's room and run inside.
  62. "Okay, we're here, are you r-"
  63. >Quiet snores answer your unfinished query.
  64. >The Princesses are taking naps on your back.
  66. >You lug the princesses, the scrolls, and the books into the royal quarters and kick the door closed, panting.
  67. >A twitch of your shoulders tosses the fillies onto Celestia's GIANT bed, while you set down the giant pile of lore in your hands down in the corner.
  68. >Both fillies bounce.
  69. >Luna remains snoring.
  70. >Celestia does not.
  71. >A surprised snort and a flailing of legs greets your back is Celestia violently wakes up.
  72. >"ABHUHGH! M'AWAKE!"
  73. "Yeah, I know."
  74. >You hear a rapid-fire buzzing of wings behind you as you start sorting the tomes and scrolls.
  75. >Then a pair of hooves on your shoulder.
  76. >"Why did you toss us on a bed!?"
  77. "You were asleep and my hands were full."
  78. >"We were NOT asle-"
  79. "Princess. Please. More pressing matters than arguing who was and wasn't a tired gwumpy alicorn?"
  80. >She glares at you.
  81. >"...Right. Okay."
  82. "So where do we start?"
  83. >Celestia sighs and flutters down among the bookpile.
  84. >"I have -NO- idea."
  85. "Can't you just...idunnow, remove it? Just cast a 'magic no work no more' spell?"
  86. >She looks at you like you're a goddamn idiot.
  87. >"...Don't you think I would have done that by now if it was possible?"
  88. "Well why ISN'T it possible? Aren't you like...God? P0ny God?"
  89. >She rolls her eyes.
  90. >"...I'm many things, Anonymous, but an omnipotent deity? No."
  91. "Huh...always thought..."
  92. >"Everyp0ny thinks that."
  93. >She flips a page with her now-tiny hoof.
  94. >"I'm more like a demigod."
  95. "...Seriously?"
  96. >She hums to herself, smirking.
  97. "Celestia?"
  98. >Still humming.
  99. "Princess."
  100. >More humming.
  101. "OH COME ON."
  102. >"Not gonna teeeelllll~."
  103. "You suck."
  104. >She gives you a raspberry.
  105. "And you're a fat filly."
  106. >Gasp.
  107. "I'm joking."
  108. >She goes back to glaring at you.
  110. 4 HOURS LATER
  111. "Oh my God are you done YET?"
  112. >You are lying on your back, Luna curled up in a sleeping ball on your stomach as you glare at Celestia.
  113. >"For the forty-fifth time, no!"
  114. >She turns another page through Starswirl's notes, irritated.
  115. >"He always wrote these like poems instead of formula! Ugh...I've managed to narrow down his age spells to three books, but..."
  116. "But...?"
  117. >"But I don't -know- what he's trying to tell me! It's entirely possible I'll -never- know!"
  118. "..What?"
  119. >"We could be stuck like this!"
  120. "Is terrible? You're both kinda adorable."
  121. >"Anonymouswehaveakingdomtorule! We can't rule it as babies!"
  122. "...Why not? You're just as Princess today as you were yesterday. You're just short."
  123. >"We're CHILDREN, Anonymous! Yes, Luna and I may have the same knowledge, but we still have the bodies and minds of children. How can we rule if we take naps in the middle of the day, or if Woona throws a temper tantrum!?"
  124. "Why Luna?"
  125. >"Because she's a baby! She's always been a ba-THERE, YOU SEE!?"
  126. "...I...really...don't?"
  127. >"We're still children! With the mindsets of children, if not the minds! I have to be in Saddle Arabia in two weeks, we CAN'T stay like this! It's unacceptable!"
  128. >You sigh and sit up, shifting Luna onto the bed.
  129. >The sleeping filly doesn't so much as twitch.
  130. "So...what can we do?"
  131. >Celestia sighs and rubs her temples with her tiny hooves.
  132. >"I'm afraid...we're relying on you here, Anonymous."
  133. >Wut.
  134. "Wut."
  135. >"If I can't decipher this...Starswirl must have enchanted his work."
  136. "And I can help"
  137. >"He must have enchanted it like he did his library. You may be the one being who can decipher his notes and prepare the counterspell."
  139. "...What."
  140. >"I didn't stutter, Anon."
  141. "Celestia. I can't do magic."
  142. >"Well Anon, I'm sure even residual talent like earth p-"
  143. "No, Celestia. I can't do magic. Like, at all. I'm human. We don't magic."
  144. >"..."
  145. >Without a further sound, Celestia flips the table.
  146. >The entire table.
  147. >It just goes flying from the strength of one little filly and hits the opposite wall.
  149. >Luna wakes up and screams while Celestia crosses her arms and pouts.
  150. "Oh great."
  151. >Celestia rubs her face.
  152. >"...It's getting late. I'm sleepy. I'm going to go to bed. Luna, get washed up and ready for Night Court. You got coated in ectoplasm."
  153. >"I don' wanna."
  154. >"What?"
  155. >"I don' wanna take a bath, I'm -fine-."
  156. "...Princess, you smell like burned plastic."
  157. >"No baths!"
  158. >Celestia rolls her eyes and flutters to her bed.
  159. >"...It's too late for this. Anon, Luna bathe...and look through those scrolls when you get the chance..."
  160. "But..."
  161. >"...Please?"
  162. >You sigh.
  163. "Sure thing, Princess."
  164. >She smiles and crawls under the covers of her bed.
  165. >You look at Luna.
  166. >Luna looks at you.
  167. >"No."
  168. "Luna..."
  169. >"Anon. No."
  170. "Your sister said-"
  171. >"Nooooooooo..."
  172. >You pick her up and she flails her legs.
  173. >"Release the Royal p0ny! We refuse to be dunked in water before we attend court!"
  174. >She keeps flailing as you carry her to the bathroom.
  175. "Luna."
  176. >"No!"
  177. "Luna please."
  178. >"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!"
  179. >You sigh and start the bathwater running, grumbling to yourself.
  180. >"I'm not getting in that."
  181. "Why not?"
  182. >"It's too hot!"
  183. "You haven't even touched it."
  184. >"I can see the steam!"
  185. >You grumble and run more cold water.
  186. >"Now it's too cold!"
  187. "Okay, I-wait, I'm not playing this game.
  188. >You toss her in the water.
  190. >You immediately regret this decision.
  191. >The water is now boiling like it was under a fire, and one furious blue alicorn filly is glaring at you.
  192. "...Luna. Let's not do anything hasty."
  193. >"..."
  194. "Your sister was right. You got covered in some of that goop, and it got in your mane. We just gotta wash it out..."
  195. >"..."
  196. >She crosses her forelegs.
  197. >"Anon. Drain the bathwater."
  198. "I can't. Gotta make sure you're clean."
  199. >You reach for a washcloth.
  200. >"Don't."
  201. >You stare down the little God-filly and swallow your fear.
  202. >Then you grab the washcloth.
  203. >"I'm warning you..."
  204. >You both freeze and stare each other down.
  205. >You swear to God a tumbleweed goes through that bathroom.
  206. >Her blue eyes stare into yours as the minutes tick past. Each of you waiting for the other to make a move.
  207. >Her foreleg twitches.
  208. >Your fingers curl.
  209. >You reach out and shove the washcloth into her mane and begin scrubbing.
  210. >She squeals and kicks her forelegs, sending water everywhere.
  211. "VICTORY!"
  213. "Naw."
  214. >You continue scrubbing, ignorant of her now-glowing horn and eyes.
  216. "Deal with it."
  218. "Seriously, Royal Canterlot Shouts when you're like...a filly, isn't intimidating."
  219. >"WILL. BE. PUNISHED."
  220. >And that's when the first skeleton clawed it's way out of the shadows and leaped at you.
  221. >In the frozen spans of time you had before it reached you, you paused to consider that.
  222. >A fucking SKELETON. Was LEAPING AT YOU. You fucking HATED SKELETONS. Horrible things filled your nightmares...
  223. >You dropped the washcloth and ran.
  224. >The skeleton wheeled after you, it's form flickering in and out like a bad film. IT. WHEELED.
  225. >There were no words that could describe the terror you felt, so you just screamed and ran.
  226. >Right into the closed door.
  227. >You blacked out.
  229. >"Is he awake?"
  230. >"Not yet, not yet, get everything ready!"
  231. >"Hush, 'Westia, I can do tea parties in my sweep."
  232. >You snort, blearily opening your eyes and trying to stretch your-
  233. >You can't move your arms.
  234. >Or your legs.
  235. >Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.
  236. >The skeleton must have broken your spine. Fucking goddamn skele-
  237. >"Anon!"
  238. >You look up-
  239. >...You're at a tea party.
  240. >An honest to God tea party.
  241. >Stuffed animals included.
  242. >Two very cute fillies sit opposite you at the table, Celestia at her seat with a cup of tea in her magic, while Luna flutters above her.
  243. >They both give you eager-to-please smiles. Celestia mouths 'help me' at you.
  244. "What...the fu-"
  245. >"Anon! We made you a tea pawty!"
  246. >Celestia smiles wider and levitates a cup of tea towards you.
  247. "...I don't have any free hands to take i-"
  248. >The tea splashes in your face, and you choke, coughing.
  249. >"AnonI'msosorryIcan'thelpit!"
  250. "What!?"
  251. >"Isn't the tea dewicious?"
  252. >Luna's gone back to sucking on her hoof.
  253. "Celestia. What the fuck is happening?"
  254. >Her eye twitches.
  255. >"I have no idea, Anon. I am really scared, and..."
  256. >Her eyes go blank, and she smiles again.
  257. >"I'm gonna mawwy you when I gwow up!"
  258. >She gasps and covers her hooves.
  259. >You blink, slowly, and stare at her.
  260. >She stares back at you.
  261. >Then she slowly brings her hooves down.
  262. >"...Aren't my wings so pretty?"
  263. "We're fixing this."
  264. >"Please."
  265. "Untie me?"
  266. >"Of course."
  267. >She starts to flutter over, then glances at the tea and the stuffed animals.
  268. >"After w-"
  270. >"Right! Right!"
  271. >She flies over and taps her horn to the ropes as they disintegrate.
  272. >You sigh and stand up.
  273. "Thanks. So...about marria-"
  274. >"GO. FIX THIS. NOW."
  275. >You snicker and run to her room.
  277. >Okay, it's worse than you thought.
  278. >The princesses are becoming fillies not just in body, but in mind.
  279. >They need to be in Saddle Arabia in two weeks.
  280. >Some subconscious part of Celestia wants to marry you.
  282. >You slide to the desk, tapping your chin.
  283. >You needed to find a counterspell. Written by Starswirl the Bearded. Who all accounts you've heard from Celestia, a genius. And a nerd who sucked at friendship, but mostly a genius.
  284. >You are not a genius, not magician, and not a p0ny.
  285. >But you are a Royal Butler. Wallman, whatever you called it. You served the Princesses. As did he.
  286. >And if he hid how to fix this spell from the Princesses...maybe, just maybe...he wouldn't hide it from you.
  287. >You put a hand to the notes and start flipping through them as you hear Celestia and Luna trot into the room behind you.
  288. >You start flipping through the pages, brow furrowing. The notes are...gibberish.
  289. >Poems. Rhymes. A letter or two. Just blurry words written upon a page, no purpose, no pattern to i-
  290. >There. You see it. Not the words. The space between the words.
  291. >The lines behind the poetry.
  292. >A grid. A message. A recipe.
  293. >You, at once, realize you were meant to find this book. You were meant for this position. Magic is irrelevant.
  294. >There is no magic. Not as they understand it.
  295. >There is only will, and choice.
  296. >Starswirl's magic speaks to you, and you listen.
  297. >You were him, and he was you. And there a hundred, no, a thousand other yous, different you's, every servant of the Princesses will from you down to-
  298. >Knowledge pours into your mind.
  300. Music:
  301. >The knowledge, the spell, all of it poured into you, became -you-.
  302. >It was as if Starswirl spoke to you, and his words were song and spell and truth.
  303. >Light and literature and energy blended together and flowed into you, piercing your hands and eyes until it flooded your brain.
  304. >You thought of your charges, and the tomes spoke to you.
  305. >The spell was a failsafe against the Nightm-
  306. >Everything goes black for a moment, and then you know.
  307. >You concentrate on the princesses as the cure for the spell fills your mind, directing you, guiding you.
  308. >On Luna, black as night, swift as shadow, artful and mysterious and aloof.
  309. >On Celestia, bright as day, burning and brilliant as the sun itself, composed and passionate and wise.
  310. >And then, your thoughts are filled with her. A white wing, a kind word, a giggle, a certain drunken bout in a bar.
  311. >You think of Celestia, her coat as pure and shining as the surface of the sun.
  312. >The tomes recoil at your choice.
  313. >It is not the choice he made.
  314. >The magic leaves you, all at once, and you turn to the Princesses, the spell-light filling you so completely you imagine it leaks from your ears.
  315. >They look at you, confused, as you lift your hand, and cast a spell.
  316. >Magic flows from you in a wave, in a flood, and hammers the two fillies.
  317. >Light surrounds them as you command them, as you -will- them to change.
  318. >To revert.
  319. >There is a soundless explosion, and the light fades.
  320. >Two princesses stand before you.
  321. >Celestia opens her mouth.
  322. >"An-"
  323. >You don't let her finish.
  324. >You made your choice.
  325. >You walk over, gently grab the back of her head, and kiss her.
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