
Toadette vs Goomboss

Dec 17th, 2015
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  1. A fine day in the Mushroom Kingdom goes awry as Goomboss decides to invade Toad Town with his army of Goombas and turn it upside down by ruling it with an iron crown on his head. But what he doesn't expect is that one plucky mushroom is willing to stand in his path... and that mushroom happens to be Toadette. ...Yeah, things are not going to go well... for Toadette. Poor gal.
  3. ...Yep, the many misadventures of Toadette are back, although they involve a certain Goomba King this time around.
  4. --
  5. Toadette was enjoying the bright, sunny weather as she was dancing in the pleasant grassy fields just outside of the Mushroom Kingdom, when suddenly she stopped, looking up at the clear blue sky as she placed her hands behind her back.
  7. "Wow, it sure is nice out here today!" Toadette commented as she smiled, bobbing her head back and forth. "Absolutely nothing can ruin this great day!"
  9. Toadette's stomach grumbled, with Toadette noticing as she giggled, placing her hands on her grumbling stomach as she glanced down at it.
  11. "Ooh, I feel hungry!" Toadette giggled as she tilted her head to the right, smiling. "I wonder if I should have something sweet, or salty!"
  13. Suddenly the area began shaking violently as an army of different Goombas, mostly Galoombas and Goombrats, came running right through the meadows, flattening Toadette as they headed eastward towards Toad Town. Toadette groaned as she popped herself back to normal, only to get flattened again by the Goomba King himself, Goomboss.
  15. "Har har har!" Goomboss exclaimed as he stomped the ground several times, watching several more of his Galoombas and Goombrats rush past him. "Take the Mushroom Kingdom, my brethren! We shall prove to these stupid Toads that we're the superior race!"
  17. Toadette squeezed herself from underneath Goomboss, panting as she stuck her tongue out, glancing up at Goomboss. "Hey! That really hurt! Why did you squish me?"
  19. "I didn't see you, kid." Goomboss commented as he moved off of Toadette, bouncing about on one foot, and then the next. "But that doesn't matter! Being a Toad, you understand that I have to flatten your homeland, right?"
  21. "First off, I don't live here anymore." Toadette commented as she moved her hands around. "And second, why do you want to destroy Town Town?"
  23. "Because it needs to learn that Goombas are the superior sentient fungi!" Goomboss bellowed as he continued onward to Toad Town, with several more Galoombas and Goombrats waddling alongside him.
  25. Toadette puffed her cheeks as she shook her arms, dashing after Goomboss as she called out to him. "Hey! Mr. Big Goomba!"
  27. "That's the Goomba King to you, you incorrect brat!" Goomboss commented as he stopped in his tracks, facing Toadette. "What do you want with me, anyway?"
  29. Toadette got into a fighting position as she had an angry expression on her face. "I won't let you take Toad Town without a fight! I challenge you!"
  31. All of the Galoombas and Goombrats gasped in shock as Goomboss laughed heartily, glancing down at Toadette.
  33. "You really think you have a shot at beating me, kid?" Goomboss stated with a smirk as he looked down at Toadette, "Very well! Bring it, but you'll regret it very much so!"
  35. Toadette prepared for a beat down as she began bouncing, with the Galoombas and Goombrats cheering on Goomboss, who jumped into the air and flattened Toadette with ease, who groaned in pain as a result.
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