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  1. // Original Concept and Code by petrus2
  2. // Modified by Provalone
  3. // Updated by petrus2 Oct 12th, 2010
  4. // Updated by petrus2 and Spermatossauro Jun 11th, 2011
  5. // Further updated by petrus2 on Dec 30th, 2011
  6. // Minor tweaks by Tru on Sept 6th, 2012
  7. var _TotalExp = [0, 0, 500, 1500, 3750, 7875, 14175, 22680, 32886, 44396, 57715, 72144, 90180, 112725, 140906, 176132, 220165, 275207, 344008, 430010, 537513, 671891, 839864, 1049830, 1312287, 1640359, 2050449, 2563061, 3203826, 3902260, 4663553, 5493363, 6397855, 7383752, 8458379, 9629723, 10906488, 12298162, 13815086, 15468534, 17270791, 19235252, 21376515, 23710491, 26254525, 29027522, 32050088, 35344686, 38935798, 42850109, 47116709, 51767302, 56836449, 62361819, 68384473, 74949165, 82104680, 89904191, 98405658, 107672256, 117772849, 128782495, 140783010, 153863570, 168121381, 183662396, 200602101, 219066380, 239192444, 261129853, 285041630, 311105466, 339515048, 370481492, 404234916, 441026148, 481128591, 524840254, 572485967, 624419793, 681027665, 742730244, 809986056, 883294891, 963201521, 1050299747, 1145236814, 1248718217, 1361512946, 1484459201, 1618470619, 1764543065, 1923762030, 2097310703, 2286478756, 2492671933, 2717422497, 2962400612, 3229426756, 3520485254, 0, 0];
  8. var _ExpToNextLvl = [0, 500, 1000, 2250, 4125, 6300, 8505, 10206, 11510, 13319, 14429, 18036, 22545, 28181, 35226, 44033, 55042, 68801, 86002, 107503, 134378, 167973, 209966, 262457, 328072, 410090, 512612, 640765, 698434, 761293, 829810, 904492, 985897, 1074627, 1171344, 1276765, 1391674, 1516924, 1653448, 1802257, 1964461, 2141263, 2333976, 2544034, 2772997, 3022566, 3294598, 3591112, 3914311, 4266600, 4650593, 5069147, 5525370, 6022654, 6564692, 7155515, 7799511, 8501467, 9266598, 10100593, 11009646, 12000515, 13080560, 14257811, 15541015, 16939705, 18464279, 20126064, 21937409, 23911777, 26063836, 28409582, 30966444, 33753424, 36791232, 40102443, 43711663, 47645713, 51933826, 56607872, 61702579, 67255812, 73308835, 79906630, 87098226, 94937067, 103481403, 112794729, 122946255, 134011418, 146072446, 159218965, 173548673, 189168053, 206193177, 224750564, 244978115, 267026144, 291058498, 0, 0];
  10. var _startLvl;
  11. var _startExp;
  12. var _startTime;
  13. var _startGold;
  15. Include("libs/controlInfo.ntl");
  16. Include("libs/common/NTColorConverter.ntl");
  17. Include("libs/common/NTLogger.ntl");
  20. function NTE_InitializeStats() {
  21. _startLvl = me.GetStat(12);
  22. _startExp = me.GetStat(13);
  23. if (_startExp < 0 || _startLvl >= 86) { _startExp = (2147483648 + _startExp); }
  24. if (_startExp < 2147483648 && _startLvl >= 97) { _startExp = (2147483648 + _startExp); }
  26. _startTime = GetTickCount();
  28. _startGold = (me.GetStat(14) + me.GetStat(15));
  29. }
  31. function NTE_ComputeStats(chickenFlag) {
  32. var _endLvl = me.GetStat(12);
  33. var _lvlsGained = _endLvl - _startLvl;
  34. var _endExp = me.GetStat(13);
  35. if (_endExp < 0 || _endLvl >= 86) { _endExp = (2147483648 + _endExp); }
  36. if (_endExp < 2147483648 && _endLvl >= 97) { _endExp = (2147483648 + _endExp); }
  38. var _endGold = (me.GetStat(14) + me.GetStat(15));
  39. if(_endGold == _startGold) { _goldCount = ""; }
  40. else if(_endGold < _startGold) { _goldCount = "\n" + COLOR_4 + "Gold " + COLOR_1 + "Lost: " + COLOR_2 + (_startGold - _endGold); }
  41. else{ _goldCount = "\n" + COLOR_4 + "Gold Found: " + COLOR_2 + (_endGold - _startGold); }
  43. var _endLvlExp = _TotalExp[_endLvl];
  44. var _expGained = _endExp - _startExp;
  45. var _endTime = GetTickCount();
  46. if (_expGained <= 0) { _expGained = '0'; }
  48. // Calculate percent of Exp obtained toward next level
  49. // Remaining Exp / Exp needed to level
  50. var _progressPercent = parseInt(1000 * (_endExp - _endLvlExp) / _ExpToNextLvl[_endLvl],10) / 10;
  51. if(_progressPercent >= 0) { var _prop = _progressPercent + "%"; } else { var _prop = "0%"; };
  53. // Estimate number of runs remaining until next level based on Exp gained
  54. // Remaining Exp needed to level / Exp Gained
  55. if(_expGained > 0)
  56. { var _runsToLevel = (100 - _progressPercent) * _ExpToNextLvl[_endLvl] / (100 * _expGained);
  57. if(_runsToLevel > 10) {_runsToLevel = parseInt(_runsToLevel,10); } else { _runsToLevel = parseInt(100 * _runsToLevel,10) / 100; };
  58. _runsToLvl = addSeparatorsNF(_runsToLevel, ",", ".", ",")
  59. }
  60. else {if(_endLvl == 99) {var _runsToLvl = "You have reached Level 99";} else {var _runsToLvl = "NA"}}
  62. var GameIP = me.gameserverip.split(".")[3];
  63. var altIP = me.gameserverip;
  64. if(!GameIP) { GameIP = "Single Player"; }
  65. var RunTime = parseInt(((_endTime - _startTime) / 60000),10) + "m " + (parseInt(((_endTime - _startTime) / 1000),10) - parseInt(((_endTime - _startTime) / 60000),10) * 60) + "s";
  67. if(_lvlsGained > 0) var DidGainLvl = COLOR_1 + "\n Levels Gained : " + COLOR_1 + _lvlsGained;
  68. else if(_lvlsGained < 1) var DidGainLvl = "";
  70. //----------------------------------
  71. //petrus2 edit starts here
  72. //----------------------------------
  74. var _timeToLvl = (_runsToLevel * (110 / 100) * (_endTime - _startTime)) ;
  76. if(_expGained > 0)
  77. { if (_timeToLvl >= 86400000)
  78. var TimeToLvl = parseInt((_timeToLvl / 86400000),10) + "d " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 86400000),10) * 24) + "h " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) * 60) + "m " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 1000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) * 60) + "s";
  79. else
  80. { if (_timeToLvl >= 3600000)
  81. var TimeToLvl = parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) + "h " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) * 60) + "m " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 1000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) * 60) + "s";
  82. else
  83. var TimeToLvl = parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) + "m " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 1000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) * 60) + "s";
  84. }
  85. }
  86. else var TimeToLvl = "NA";
  89. if(_expGained > 0)
  90. { if (_timeToLvl >= 86400000)
  91. var AltLvl = parseInt((_timeToLvl / 86400000),10) + "d " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 86400000),10) * 24) + "h " ;//+ (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) * 60) + "m " ;//+ (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 1000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) * 60) + "s ";
  92. else
  93. { if (_timeToLvl >= 3600000)
  94. var AltLvl = parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) + "h " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 3600000),10) * 60) + "m " ;//+ (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 1000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) * 60) + "s ";
  95. else
  96. var AltLvl = parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) + "m " + (parseInt((_timeToLvl / 1000),10) - parseInt((_timeToLvl / 60000),10) * 60) + "s ";
  97. }
  98. }
  99. else var AltLvl = "NA ";
  102. var d = new Date();
  103. var leaveTime = d.toTimeString();
  104. //var leaveTime = parseInt((_endTime / 3600000),10) + ":" + (parseInt((_endTime / 60000),10) - parseInt((_endTime / 3600000),10) * 60) + ":" + (parseInt((_endTime / 1000),10) - parseInt((_endTime / 60000),10) * 60);
  106. if(_runsToLvl == 'You have reached Level 99') var LvLProgXP = "";
  107. else if(_runsToLvl != 'You have reached Level 99') var LvLProgXP = COLOR_4 + "\n Est. Time Until Next Level: " + COLOR_2 + TimeToLvl + COLOR_4 + "\n Est. Runs Until Next Level: " + COLOR_2 + _runsToLvl + COLOR_4 + "\n Current Level Progress: " + COLOR_2 + _prop + COLOR_4 + "\n Experience Gained: " + COLOR_2 + addSeparatorsNF(_expGained, ",", ".", ",");
  110. //-----------------------------------
  111. //petrus2 edit ends here
  112. //-----------------------------------
  113. if(MultiBotter) { MyRunnerName = COLOR_3 + me.charname + " "; }
  114. else { MyRunnerName = ""; }
  116. if(_endLvl != 99) { PercToMax = MyRunnerName + COLOR_4 + "[" + COLOR_2 + _prop + COLOR_4 + " of " + COLOR_2 + (_endLvl+1) + COLOR_4 + ", ETA " + COLOR_2 + AltLvl + COLOR_4 + "in " + COLOR_2 + _runsToLevel + COLOR_4 + " runs] [time " + COLOR_2 + RunTime + COLOR_4 + ", Exp " + COLOR_2 + addSeparatorsNF(_expGained, ",", ".", ",") + COLOR_4 + "]" ;} //exp printout
  117. else { PercToMax = MyRunnerName + COLOR_4 + "[Statistics: " + COLOR_2 + "Already 99]"; }
  119. if(_endLvl != 99) {
  120. if(me.gamepassword == "") {
  121. NT_File("NTBot/statistics/"+me.gamename+"-"+me.charname+"-statistics.txt", 1, "[" + leaveTime.split(" ")[0] + "] " + " <" + me.charname + "> " + " [Current level: " + _endLvl + ", current level progress: " + _prop + " of level " + (_endLvl+1) + ", ETA: " + AltLvl + "in about " + _runsToLevel + " runs.] [Runtime: " + RunTime + ", gained " + addSeparatorsNF(_expGained, ",", ".", ",") + " experience] [Last game was: " + me.gamename + ", game IP: " + altIP + "]");
  122. }
  123. else {
  124. NT_File("NTBot/statistics/"+me.gamename+"-"+me.charname+"-statistics.txt", 1, "[" + leaveTime.split(" ")[0] + "] " + " <" + me.charname + "> " + " [Current level: " + _endLvl + ", current level progress: " + _prop + " of level " + (_endLvl+1) + ", ETA: " + AltLvl + "in about " + _runsToLevel + " runs.] [Runtime: " + RunTime + ", gained " + addSeparatorsNF(_expGained, ",", ".", ",") + " experience] [Last game was: " + me.gamename + "//" + me.gamepassword + ", game IP: " + altIP + "]");
  125. }
  126. } // prints statistics to txt
  128. if(_lvlsGained > 0) {
  129. if(me.gamepassword == "") {
  130. NT_File("NTBot/statistics/"+_endLvl+"-"+me.charname+"-levelup.txt", 1, "[" + leaveTime.split(" ")[0] + "] " + " <" + me.charname + "> " + " Congrats, you have reached level " + _endLvl + " in game " + me.gamename);
  131. }
  132. else {
  133. NT_File("NTBot/statistics/"+_endLvl+"-"+me.charname+"-levelup.txt", 1, "[" + leaveTime.split(" ")[0] + "] " + " <" + me.charname + "> " + " Congrats, you have reached level " + _endLvl + " in game " + me.gamename + "//" + me.gamepassword);
  134. }
  135. } // prints lvl up to txt
  138. if (!chickenFlag) {
  139. // Messages to Console
  140. NTC_SendLogToOOG(NTC_LOG_COMMON, PercToMax + ";" +
  141. COLOR_1 + "--------------------------------------------------" +
  142. LvLProgXP +
  143. COLOR_4 + "\n Character Level: " + COLOR_2 + _endLvl +
  144. DidGainLvl +
  145. COLOR_4 + "\n Elapsed time: " + COLOR_2 + RunTime +
  146. COLOR_4 + "\n Game IP Was" + COLOR_2 + "[" + GameIP + "]" +
  147. _goldCount +
  148. COLOR_0 + "\n Free Space Stash: " + COLOR_2 + NTT_CheckFreeStashSpace() +
  149. COLOR_1 + "\n --------------------------------------------------");
  151. }
  152. }
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