

Feb 22nd, 2012
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  1. StepMania v5.0 alpha 1 crash report (build 5, 20120204 @ 11:25:18 W. Europe Standard Time)
  2. --------------------------------------
  4. Crash reason: Access Violation
  6. Thread: Main thread
  7. Screen.cpp:161 ScreenMessage(SM_GainFocus)
  8. ScreenGameplay.cpp:2418 HandleScreenMessage(SM_GainFocus)
  9. ScreenGameplay.cpp:2418 HandleScreenMessage(SM_DoneFadingIn)
  10. ScreenGameplay.cpp:2418 HandleScreenMessage(SM_PlayGo)
  11. ScreenGameplay.cpp:2418 HandleScreenMessage(SM_None)
  12. Thread: Decode thread
  13. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:197
  14. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:197
  15. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:197
  16. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:197
  17. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:197
  18. Thread: Mixer thread
  19. Thread: Music thread
  20. Thread: Worker thread (MemoryCardWorker)
  21. Thread: Worker thread (/@mc1int/)
  22. Thread: Worker thread (/@mc2int/)
  23. Thread: DirectInput thread
  24. InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:775
  25. InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:751
  26. InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:770
  27. InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:775
  28. InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:751
  29. Thread: Streaming sound buffering
  30. Thread: Streaming sound buffering
  32. 00551ab3: void NoteDisplay::SetActiveFrame(float,class Actor &,float,bool) [00400000+151a14+9f]
  33. 00551b8e: class Sprite * NoteDisplay::GetHoldSprite(struct NoteColorSprite (* const)[2],enum NotePart,float,bool,bool) [00400000+151b44+4a]
  34. 0055329a: void NoteDisplay::DrawHoldBody(struct TapNote const &,int,float,bool,float,float,bool,float,float,bool,float,float,float) [00400000+1531fc+9e]
  35. 0049b31c: float PlayerOptions::GetReversePercentForColumn(int)const [00400000+9b309+13]
  36. 005445ee: void ArrowGetReverseShiftAndScale(class PlayerState const *,int,float,float &,float &) [00400000+1445a7+47]
  37. 00553851: void NoteDisplay::DrawHold(struct TapNote const &,int,int,bool,struct HoldNoteResult const &,bool,float,float,float,float,float,float) [00400000+153686+1cb]
  38. 005585b7: void NoteField::DrawPrimitives(void) [00400000+15703c+157b]
  39. 00567048: class std::_Vector_iterator<struct RageMatrix,class std::allocator<struct RageMatrix> > std::_Vector_iterator<struct RageMatrix,class std::allocator<struct RageMatrix> >::operator-(int)const [00400000+16702a+1e]
  40. 00566378: void RageDisplay::LoadMenuPerspective(float,float,float,float,float) [00400000+166166+212]
  41. 005a14ba: void Actor::Draw(void) [00400000+1a1488+32]
  42. 0055c07c: void Player::DrawPrimitives(void) [00400000+15bdcf+2ad]
  43. 005a7ad9: void ActorFrame::BeginDraw(void) [00400000+1a7ad1+8]
  44. 005a14ba: void Actor::Draw(void) [00400000+1a1488+32]
  45. 005a8598: void ActorFrame::DrawPrimitives(void) [00400000+1a842f+169]
  46. 005a7b34: void ActorFrame::BeginDraw(void) [00400000+1a7ad1+63]
  47. 005a14ba: void Actor::Draw(void) [00400000+1a1488+32]
  48. 005e8a26: void ScreenManager::Draw(void) [00400000+1e8938+ee]
  49. 004ffe30: void GameLoop::RunGameLoop(void) [00400000+ffcc7+169]
  50. 63376458: MSVCP90!std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::assign [63370000+643c+1c]
  51. 63375e43: MSVCP90!std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::_Tidy [63370000+5dfb+48]
  52. 63375ec4: MSVCP90!std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > [63370000+5ebb+9]
  53. 00502e6d: main() [00400000+10238f+ade]
  54. 72ff2e2b: MSVCR90!unlock [72fd0000+22e16+15]
  55. 730367ab: MSVCR90!realloc [72fd0000+66415+396]
  56. 72ff38b3: MSVCR90!initptd [72fd0000+23753+160]
  57. 00516d26: WinMain@16() [00400000+116d10+16]
  58. 0066c99e: __tmainCRTStartup() [00400000+26c85e+140]
  59. 77349ec5: ntdll!RtlInitializeExceptionChain [77310000+39e8f+36]
  61. Static log:
  62. StepMania v5.0 alpha 1
  63. Compiled 20120204 @ 11:25:18 W. Europe Standard Time (build 5)
  64. Log starting 2012-02-23 01:43:17
  65. Loading window: win32
  66. Windows 6.1 (Win7) build 7601 [Service Pack 1]
  67. Memory: 4095mb total, 4095mb swap (4095mb swap avail)
  68. Video driver: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series [Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.]
  69. 8.920.0.0, 11-9-2011 [pci\ven_1002&dev_6738]
  70. Drive: "SAMSUNG HD203WI 1AN1" Driver: nvstor64 DMA: N/A
  71. Drive: "SAMSUNG HD203WI 1AN1" Driver: nvstor64 DMA: N/A
  72. Drive: "WDC WD1600JD-00HBB0 08.0" Driver: nvstor64 DMA: N/A
  73. Drive: "Maxtor 6V160E0 VA11" Driver: nvstor64 DMA: N/A
  74. Drive: "SI Pseudo Device 0000" Driver: Si3132r5 DMA: N/A
  75. Sound device 0: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti, 6.1, MID 1, PID 100
  76. Sound device 1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek, 6.1, MID 1, PID 100
  77. WARNING: Switching section to StepMania 5 Default
  78. WARNING: Switching section to StepMania 5 Default
  79. WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "ComboOnRolls"
  80. WaveOut software mixing at 44100 hz
  81. Sound driver: WaveOut
  82. Lights driver: SystemMessage
  83. Lights driver: Export
  84. Video renderers: 'opengl,d3d'
  85. Mode: ICD 32 (888) 8 alpha 24 depth 8 stencil
  86. Paletted textures disabled: GL_EXT_paletted_texture missing.
  87. OGL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
  88. OGL Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series
  89. OGL Version: 4.2.11318 Compatibility Profile Context
  90. OGL Max texture size: 16384
  91. OGL Texture units: 8
  92. GLU Version: Microsoft Corporation
  93. OGL Extensions:
  94. GL_AMDX: debug_output, vertex_shader_tessellator
  95. GL_AMD: conservative_depth, debug_output, depth_clamp_separate, draw_buffers_blend, multi_draw_indirect,
  96. name_gen_delete, performance_monitor, pinned_memory, sample_positions, seamless_cubemap_per_texture,
  97. shader_stencil_export, shader_trace, texture_cube_map_array, texture_texture4,
  98. transform_feedback3_lines_triangles, vertex_shader_tessellator
  99. GL_ARB: ES2_compatibility, base_instance, blend_func_extended, color_buffer_float,
  100. compressed_texture_pixel_storage, conservative_depth, copy_buffer, depth_buffer_float, depth_clamp,
  101. depth_texture, draw_buffers, draw_buffers_blend, draw_elements_base_vertex, draw_indirect, draw_instanced,
  102. explicit_attrib_location, fragment_coord_conventions, fragment_program, fragment_program_shadow,
  103. fragment_shader, framebuffer_object, framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, get_program_binary, gpu_shader5,
  104. gpu_shader_fp64, half_float_pixel, half_float_vertex, imaging, instanced_arrays, internalformat_query,
  105. map_buffer_alignment, map_buffer_range, multisample, multitexture, occlusion_query, occlusion_query2,
  106. pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, point_sprite, provoking_vertex, sample_shading, sampler_objects,
  107. seamless_cube_map, separate_shader_objects, shader_atomic_counters, shader_bit_encoding,
  108. shader_image_load_store, shader_objects, shader_precision, shader_stencil_export, shader_subroutine,
  109. shader_texture_lod, shading_language_100, shading_language_420pack, shading_language_packing, shadow,
  110. shadow_ambient, sync, tessellation_shader, texture_border_clamp, texture_buffer_object,
  111. texture_buffer_object_rgb32, texture_compression, texture_compression_bptc, texture_compression_rgtc,
  112. texture_cube_map, texture_cube_map_array, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_crossbar,
  113. texture_env_dot3, texture_float, texture_gather, texture_mirrored_repeat, texture_multisample,
  114. texture_non_power_of_two, texture_query_lod, texture_rectangle, texture_rg, texture_rgb10_a2ui, texture_snorm,
  115. texture_storage, timer_query, transform_feedback2, transform_feedback3, transform_feedback_instanced,
  116. transpose_matrix, uniform_buffer_object, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_array_object, vertex_attrib_64bit,
  117. vertex_buffer_object, vertex_program, vertex_shader, vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev, viewport_array, window_pos
  118. GL_ATI: draw_buffers, envmap_bumpmap, fragment_shader, meminfo, separate_stencil, texture_compression_3dc,
  119. texture_env_combine3, texture_float, texture_mirror_once
  120. GL_EXT: abgr, bgra, bindable_uniform, blend_color, blend_equation_separate, blend_func_separate, blend_minmax,
  121. blend_subtract, compiled_vertex_array, copy_buffer, copy_texture, direct_state_access, draw_buffers2,
  122. draw_instanced, draw_range_elements, fog_coord, framebuffer_blit, framebuffer_multisample, framebuffer_object,
  123. framebuffer_sRGB, geometry_shader4, gpu_program_parameters, gpu_shader4, histogram, multi_draw_arrays,
  124. packed_depth_stencil, packed_float, packed_pixels, pixel_buffer_object, point_parameters, provoking_vertex,
  125. rescale_normal, secondary_color, separate_specular_color, shader_image_load_store, shadow_funcs, stencil_wrap,
  126. subtexture, texgen_reflection, texture3D, texture_array, texture_buffer_object, texture_compression_bptc,
  127. texture_compression_latc, texture_compression_rgtc, texture_compression_s3tc, texture_cube_map,
  128. texture_edge_clamp, texture_env_add, texture_env_combine, texture_env_dot3, texture_filter_anisotropic,
  129. texture_integer, texture_lod, texture_lod_bias, texture_mirror_clamp, texture_object, texture_rectangle,
  130. texture_sRGB, texture_shared_exponent, texture_snorm, texture_storage, texture_swizzle, timer_query,
  131. transform_feedback, vertex_array, vertex_array_bgra, vertex_attrib_64bit
  132. GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
  133. GL_KTX_buffer_region
  134. GL_NV: blend_square, conditional_render, copy_depth_to_color, explicit_multisample, float_buffer, half_float,
  135. primitive_restart, texgen_reflection, texture_barrier
  136. GL_SGIS: generate_mipmap, texture_edge_clamp, texture_lod
  137. GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays
  138. GL_WIN_swap_hint
  139. WGL_EXT_swap_control
  140. OpenGL Windowed 1921x1054 32 color 32 texture 60Hz NoVsync NoSmoothLines
  141. Found 2 DirectInput devices:
  142. 0: 'Keyboard' axes: 0, hats: 0, buttons: 256 (buffered)
  143. 1: 'Mouse' axes: 3, hats: 0, buttons: 8 (buffered)
  144. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode Icon/default.lua:10: calling 'diffuse' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  145. WARNING: [C]: diffuse( = (null))
  146. WARNING: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode Icon/default.lua:10: unknown(self = (null))
  147. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode scroller/default.lua:17: calling 'diffuse' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  148. WARNING: [C]: diffuse( = (null))
  149. WARNING: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode scroller/default.lua:17: unknown(self = (null))
  150. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode scroller/default.lua:46: calling 'diffuse' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  151. WARNING: [C]: diffuse( = (null))
  152. WARNING: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode scroller/default.lua:46: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  153. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode scroller/default.lua:52: calling 'diffuse' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  154. WARNING: [C]: diffuse( = (null))
  155. WARNING: /Themes/default/Graphics/ScreenSelectPlayMode scroller/default.lua:52: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  156. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  157. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  158. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  159. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  160. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  161. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  162. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  163. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  164. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  165. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  166. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  167. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  168. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  169. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  170. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  171. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  172. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  173. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  174. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  175. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  176. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  177. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  178. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  179. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  180. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  181. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  182. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  183. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  184. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  185. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  186. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  187. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  188. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  189. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  190. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  191. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  192. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  193. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  194. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  195. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  196. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  197. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  198. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  199. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  200. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  201. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  202. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  203. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  204. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  205. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  206. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  207. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  208. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  209. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  210. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  211. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  212. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:288: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  213. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: calling 'halign' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  214. WARNING: [C]: halign( = (null))
  215. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/Graphics/PaneDisplay text.lua:304: unknown(self = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null))
  216. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  217. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on Description)
  218. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on Description)
  219. WARNING: Error playing command: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: calling 'decelerate' on bad self (number expected, got no value)
  220. WARNING: [C]: decelerate( = (null))
  221. WARNING: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: unknown(self = (null))
  222. WARNING: Error playing command: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: calling 'decelerate' on bad self (number expected, got no value)
  223. WARNING: [C]: decelerate( = (null))
  224. WARNING: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: unknown(self = (null))
  225. WARNING: Error playing command: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: calling 'decelerate' on bad self (number expected, got no value)
  226. WARNING: [C]: decelerate( = (null))
  227. WARNING: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: unknown(self = (null))
  228. WARNING: Error playing command: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: calling 'decelerate' on bad self (number expected, got no value)
  229. WARNING: [C]: decelerate( = (null))
  230. WARNING: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: unknown(self = (null))
  231. WARNING: Error playing command: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: calling 'decelerate' on bad self (number expected, got no value)
  232. WARNING: [C]: decelerate( = (null))
  233. WARNING: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: unknown(self = (null))
  234. WARNING: Error playing command: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: calling 'decelerate' on bad self (number expected, got no value)
  235. WARNING: [C]: decelerate( = (null))
  236. WARNING: [string "StepsDisplayListRow::MoveCommand"]:2: unknown(self = (null))
  237. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on Description)
  238. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on Description)
  239. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectMusic decorations/default.lua:510: attempt to index a nil value
  240. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectMusic decorations/default.lua:510: unknown(self = (null),st = StepsType_Dance_Single,song = (null),(*temporary) = Difficulty_Challenge,(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = 1,(*temporary) = attempt to index a nil value)
  241. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on )
  242. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on )
  243. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectMusic decorations/default.lua:510: attempt to index a nil value
  244. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectMusic decorations/default.lua:510: unknown(self = (null),st = StepsType_Dance_Single,song = (null),(*temporary) = Difficulty_Challenge,(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = 1,(*temporary) = attempt to index a nil value)
  245. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  246. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  247. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  248. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  249. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  250. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  251. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  252. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  253. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  254. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  255. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  256. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  257. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on SectionExpanded)
  258. WARNING: Error playing command: /Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectMusic decorations/default.lua:510: attempt to index a nil value
  259. WARNING: /Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectMusic decorations/default.lua:510: unknown(self = (null),st = StepsType_Dance_Single,song = (null),(*temporary) = Difficulty_Challenge,(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = 1,(*temporary) = attempt to index a nil value)
  260. WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "ComboOnRolls"
  261. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on )
  262. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on )
  263. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on lightL)
  264. WARNING: hidden is deprecated, use visible instead. (used on lightR)
  265. WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "LongFail"
  266. WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "FlashyCombo"
  267. WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "FlashyCombo"
  268. Mixing underruns: 1
  269. Players joined: P1
  270. Lost focus to: StepMania.exe
  271. Top Screen: ScreenGameplay
  272. Language: en
  273. Current renderer: OpenGL
  274. Theme: default_Ex
  276. Partial log:
  277. 00:38.971: RageTextureManager: deleting '/Themes/default_Ex/BGAnimations/ScreenWithMenuElements background/_bg light (doubleres).png'.
  278. 00:38.971: RageTextureManager: deleting '/Themes/Default/BGAnimations/ScreenWithMenuElements background/_bg top.png'.
  279. 00:38.971: Performing texture garbage collection.
  280. 00:38.971: Zeroing this update. Was 0.062000
  281. 00:38.999: Approximate sound time: driver frame 1702550, m_pImpl->m_Queue frame 0..1024 (dist 6506), closest position is 0
  282. 00:39.978: 220 FPS, 220 av FPS, 1763 VPF, OpenGL
  283. 00:40.978: 231 FPS, 226 av FPS, 1813 VPF, OpenGL
  284. 00:41.979: 230 FPS, 227 av FPS, 1819 VPF, OpenGL
  285. 00:42.980: 230 FPS, 228 av FPS, 1788 VPF, OpenGL
  286. 00:43.983: 236 FPS, 229 av FPS, 1678 VPF, OpenGL
  288. -- End of report
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