
Pokken Rider Saber Origin 1.7

Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. "Summer's coming, we need to be ready for the influx of customers when school lets out." Saber said as he unloaded more boxes. It was mid May in Ginune, the weather nice and cool before the summer heat's return. "Rollick be careful with that palette, the figures inside are fragile", he called out as Barbaracle unloaded another palette from the delivery truck. As his pokemon continued to help with morning setup, Saber went back to the front of the store. He clicked on the open sign and unlocked the door, stepping out to admire the storefront. A large sign above the door read out "BLADED GAMING".
  3. This was Saber's game store he ran during the day. He wished he could stay open later but Serenet was not as safe for his young customers during the night as it was in the daylight hours. Team Reaction was aggressive in attempting to control competitive pokemon play, forcing kids into trades and reliance on illegal mods. Best Saber himself could do was give these young kids and trainers a safe place to have fun. Staffing was himself, a few hired hands from around town, and his Pokemon. The store carried supplies for various card and board games, as well as a small field behind the store for pokemon battles. As mentioned before his pokemon helped with stocking as well as entertaining the children and their families that visited. Returning from his thoughts, he turned to Ea. "We got a new figure game in, I've set up the shelves and cleared the old product, could you setup the product?"
  5. Ea was a Delphox, aquired along with Rollick during a trip to Kalos years prior. Back then Saber just traveled the various regions of the world, learning about different cultures and forms of entertainment. He would then share what he learned with others of other regions. Being able to share in fun was what gave Saber purpose, but coming to Ginune and seeing what "entertainment" was here didnt sit well. At some point during his travels of Ginune, he came to encounter agents of a faction that refer to themselves as Team Reaction. Their ultimate goal was complete control of competitive pokemon battles, as well as research into modifications and forceful evolution. Many battles against Reaction led to an encounter with another trainer, who referred to himself and his pokemon as Kaze.
  7. A ring of the bell on the door awoke Saber from his deep thought. "Welcome to Bladed Gaming, how can I assist you" he said as he turned to the customer that had walked in. The customer, a regular of the store had come to pick up roleplay supplies. Saber pointed him out to where they were, giving game advice and recommendations on product as he led him to the bookshelf. As he continued with his customers, he went back to his thoughts. This Kaze trainer was dressed in armor, with a helmet that hid his face. He had a Staraptor accompanying him also named Kaze. In what felt like an instant, this trainer and his pokemon had knocked out all opposition. As the grunts recovered their pokemon and retreated he turned to Saber. "You have a strong sense of right that follows you, we may see each other again."
  9. It wasnt long after that "it" arrived with a delivery, a strange device and a note from Kaze. "This driver is for you. Use it to help those in need, and to stop those who would see harm to others." The device came with a belt, and what looked to be game cartridges. The note included said only to insert the cartridges into the device and shout "Heishin". That night, Saber went to the outskirts of the city and attempted to use the device. Upon activation there was a bright light, followed by flashes of black, red and yellow. The transformation threw him off balance and found himself in a pond. Looking at his reflection in the water, Saber was dumbfounded. Where his polo had been was thin yet durable yellow armor, instead of jeans he had a black jumpsuit. There bits of armor covering his arms and hands in places, and armored boots instead of his own. His face was covered by a helmet that looking at it, reminded him of Beedrill, right down to the red eyes. At that moment a Reaction grunt saw the confused Saber and attacked him. "Must be my lucky day getting the drop on one of you annoying heroes." the grunt stated as he sent out a Golbat to attack. Panicking, Saber looked to his belt for his pokeballs but only one was there. "Where is my team? Why is there only one ball?". He grabbed it and threw, and out popped a Beedrill. Slightly stunned at the sight of this Beedrill he asked "Corseque? Is that you?" only for the Beedrill to nod. The Golbat swooped in to bite the large Bee Pokemon only for it to avoid the attack. "Corseque, use Sucker Punch on that Golbat. I'll stop the trainer."
  11. Ducking and weaving as the two pokemon fought, Saber made his way to the now frightened trainer. Saber knocked the grunt down with a running punch, only for Golbat to land in front of him fainted. "P-p-pl-please d-d-don't hurt me, I'm s-s-sorry for attacking you." the grunt screamed as Saber walked up to him. Saber held up his ball "Corseque, return" and the pokemon returned to its ball. He then turned to the grunt "Retrieve your pokemon, then leave. Do you understand?" The grunt retrieved Golbat and ran. Many questions began to run through his head, "OK, so I transformed into 'this thing' and my team is gone, but Corseque is here and I distinctly remember leaving him in the battle box. All of this from saying "Heishin" wh-", and mid sentence Saber transformed back to normal. He looked to his belt and there were six balls, including a quick ball. "My team is back, so wait, does that mean when I'm transformed I have access to my battle box? This is seriously weird." At that moment a Kunai with a note attached landed in the ground next to him. "Welcome to a new life, Pokken Rider Saber".
  13. Time passed since Saber's first battle as a Pokken Rider, new abilities were unlocked, new teammates were made. He had opened a overly successful game store, giving him a chance to share his passion during the day. At night he doned his rider suit and patrolled the streets of Serenet in an attempt to reign in crime. Joining him in these pursuits was his Beedrill Corseque. Other pokemon had been added to his team in this time: Voulge, a Rhyperior that had been aquired traveling through Kanto, though at the time of capture had been a young Rhyhorn; Bayonet, a Klefki who had wandered into his store one day. Noone had come to claim the little one so he took it in as one of his own; and a Rotom who had yet to receive a nickname; Captured after having caused a blackout playing with other electric pokemon at a power plant. Officers with local police demanded the Rotom be turned over to them only to be refused. That night it had been quiet; little to no activity in Serenet, a rarity. Saber leaned over the edge of the building he was on, looking over the streets as he continued *THUD*. As he looked at the slightly spinning ceiling, three of his customers ran to him. "That was a nasty fall Saber! Are you gonna be OK?" one of the three asked as she helped him up. Saber turned to her, "Ah don't worry 'bout me, just got lost in thought and wasn't paying attention. I'll be fine, thanks though." He looked over the store: Ea and Barbaracle were entertaining some of the younger kids. A small group sat at the tables playing various card and board games. And one group sat at a large table in the corner with a miniatures game that had recently released.
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