
CUiE Ch.5: Kindness; in a pony form.

Apr 14th, 2012
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  1. >Night had begun to fall over, what did Fluttershy call this place again? Equestria?
  2. >A fitting name if nothing else
  3. >After arriving back at her cottage Fluttershy had given you more of a tour of the dwelling ending with a spare room that would serve as your bedroom
  4. >It was enough for what you needed it for
  5. >After her tour Fluttershy left you to yourself, said she had to make dinner for herself and her animals
  6. >She offered to make you something as well but you politely declined
  7. >You needed some time alone to think about your…predicament
  8. >So you sat on the simple bed provided for you and thought
  9. >Long and hard
  10. >What if this…Celestia couldn’t send you back to Lordran? What if this was a permanent problem?
  11. >A sigh escapes your helm and you rub the back of your neck to workout a knot you can feel growing
  12. >You glance out the window located next to your bed
  13. >The moon was hanging low in the sky, so low it almost looked like you could grab it
  14. >Maybe the fresh air and scenery would do you some good
  15. >You quietly leave your room and walk into the foyer of Fluttershy’s cottage
  16. >She doesn’t seem to be around, perhaps she already went to bed
  17. >No matter, you didn’t want company
  18. >You let yourself out and found a nice, serene hilltop to rest on not far from the cottage
  20. >You gaze up at the swollen moon and just enjoy watching it
  21. >You hear a small rustling behind you and you immediately shoot up, your sword already in hand
  22. >You were formulating a plan to compensate for the lack of a shield which you left in your room
  23. >But then you heard familiar whimpering
  24. >It was Fluttershy, again in a shivering ball
  25. >You return your blade to its sheath
  26. “Oh, Lady Fluttershy. Apologies.”
  27. >You say with a bow
  28. “I should have told you not to approach me from behind.”
  29. >The butter-yellow p0ny unfurled from her protective ball
  30. “O-Oh, no, it’s ok. I-I really should have announced that I was here.”
  31. >You return to your spot on the hilltop and Fluttershy joins you taking a seat right next to you
  32. “Oh, this is fine, right?” she meekly asks
  33. >You nod that it is, Fluttershy was like a specter when quiet. She wouldn’t be a bother
  34. >The two of you are quiet, not a single word is spoken for what seems like hours
  35. >Both of you just drink in the beautiful sight of the moon
  36. “Anonymous. What are you…thinking of?” Fluttershy breaks the silence with that simple question.
  37. >You’re silent for a time, so long a time that Fluttershy tries to retract the question but you begin to speak
  39. “Lordran. My…home.”
  40. >It wasn’t much of a home but it was yours
  41. “I suppose that’s to be expected.” Fluttershy says with a slight nod.
  42. >She starts to ask something else but you don’t give her the chance
  43. >You can’t stop yourself from rattling on, the words just come
  44. “I just want, -need-, to get back. I…I can’t survive here. This world, this Equestria, it is too…peaceful.”
  45. >Fluttershy looks confused, you can’t blame her it’s an odd thing to say
  46. “Peaceful is…bad to you?”
  47. >She looks at you like you just told a horrid joke
  48. “I am…a being of strife and conflict and bloodshed. It is…all I know of. I cannot survive amid peace. I do not know how…”
  49. >You’re quiet again and so is your companion
  50. >Suddenly Fluttershy nuzzles against your armor-encased arm gently
  51. “What was that for…?”
  52. >Her response is just above a whisper
  53. “It just…looked like you need it.”
  54. >She continues to nuzzle you and you don’t stop her. Not tonight, not now.
  55. >Tonight you’ll accept the fact that she isn’t getting close to stab you in the back, or because she wants something in return.
  56. >No, she’s doing this because of the kindness and compassion in her heart.
  57. >Kindness and compassion, two things that had died in you long ago…
  59. >Morning in your new, hopefully temporary, home
  60. >You didn’t sleep after your time with Fluttershy, though she went to bed the moment you two got back inside her home
  61. >You just stayed up the remainder of the night, seated on your bed with your gaze tuned towards the middle distance
  62. >There was a light knock on your bedroom door followed by Fluttershy’s soft voice
  63. “Anonymous? Are you awake?”
  64. “Aye.”
  65. >She opened the door and delicately trotted in, rubbing the sleep from her eyes like a child and her mane was tussled and unkempt
  66. >She yawned and it sounded like a cross between a kitten, a puppy, and every other baby animal you could think of
  67. >Heartwarmingly cute
  68. “Good morning, Anonymous.”
  69. “Good morning, Lady Fluttershy.”
  70. >She notices you weren’t under the covers
  71. “Oh, didn’t sleep well?”
  72. “I…did not sleep at all.”
  73. >She looked concerned
  74. “Oh my, that’s not healthy, Anonymous. “
  75. >You dismiss it with a hand wave
  76. “I’m quite fine, Lady Fluttershy. Please, believe me.”
  77. >She scrunches up her face and gives you a look
  78. “Well, if you say so. But you are going to be eating with me this morning.”
  79. >You begin to protest but that glare she gives you…
  80. >You wordlessly nod in agreement and feel a shiver run down your spine
  82. >Breakfast is pleasant enough if not your…usual affair of foodstuffs
  83. >An awful lot of flowers and hay…
  84. >But Fluttershy quickly prepared something more preferable after you explain you couldn’t exactly digest flora and dry hay strands. A simple bit of bread with butter and some juicy oranges was like a king’s banquet to you.
  85. >You had forgotten what food had tasted like, too long you were sustained on the Estus
  86. >After the basic yet very enjoyable meal you were at a lost of what to do
  87. >There was no…goal for you to work towards
  88. >You didn’t have to cut through countless bloodthirsty Hollows to ring a bell, or slog through lava to retrieve an ember for a blacksmith
  89. >You had…free time
  90. >This was an altogether new concept to you and you didn’t like it
  91. >You needed to keep busy with something, anything
  92. >There’s a hurried knock at the front door
  93. >Fluttershy excuses herself from the table to answer it
  94. >You follow her from the kitchen, curiosity somewhat getting the better of you
  96. >Fluttershy answered the door and seemed pleased to see whomever it was on the other side
  97. >You spy from your place in the kitchen and see an orange-colored horse with a dirty blonde mane standing there chatting with Fluttershy. She wore the most ridiculous hat on her head.
  98. > The orange horse lacked wings and a horn like the other two p0nies you’ve met
  99. >How many different kinds were there?
  100. >The horse with the odd hat seemed to be asking Fluttershy a question and she was getting flustered trying to find an answer
  101. “Is there a problem, Lady Fluttershy?”
  102. >You ask as you walk into the living room, earning a quick gasp from the orange horse when she sees you
  103. “Who or what in the hay is that, Shy?”
  104. >Fluttershy giggles and gives her friend the short version of events
  105. “Well shoot, sugarcube, that is some story. Name’s Applejack.”
  106. >Now that you could hear her a bit better this Applejack had quite the bizarre accent
  107. >She offered you her hoof which you blankly stare at
  108. >You instead bow to her
  109. “A pleasure, Lady Applejack.”
  110. “Hoo-wee, ya talk real proper like, Anonymous.”
  111. >It was a proper way of speaking
  112. “Anyways, Shy, can ya help me with mah problem?”
  113. >Fluttershy snaps back to fidgeting and thinking
  114. “Oh, Applejack, I’m sorry but I have to Canterlot for the day.”
  115. >Applejack stamps her hoof lightly
  116. “Dang, Ah really don’t have the time ta deal with this mahself.”
  117. >You get an idea suddenly
  119. “Well, perhaps I could help with this…issue, Lady Applejack.”
  120. >You suggest plainly, if you could help out Fluttershy for all she’s done it was the least you could do
  121. >Applejack’s ears go flat against her head as she thinks
  122. “Ah…dunno. Ah mean, Ah don’t really know ya…”
  123. >Fluttershy chimes in
  124. “I think he can handle it fine, Applejack. Anonymous dealt with a Manticore. -This- should be easy for him.”
  125. >You hoped you didn’t have to fight another one of those for this problem
  126. >But honestly even if it was something major there was nothing Equestria could throw at you that you couldn’t handle
  127. “Weeeell… If you trust ‘em Shy, Ah can too. Ah really appreciate this, sugarcube. Ah’ll be sure at get ya back for this.”
  128. >You nod simply, somewhat humored over what this problem could be. Most likely terrifying weed pulling, or horrible house painting or some other small chore
  129. >Applejack glances over her shoulder and shouts unexpectedly
  130. “Alright girls! I found ya a sitter for the day!”
  131. >What.
  132. >Three even smaller p0nies walked into Fluttershy’s home and collectively gasped in amazement
  133. >WHAAAT.
  134. >In an instant they were on you. Tugging at your sword, darting through your legs, knocking on your helmet, and bombarding you with questions
  136. “Ok girls, Ah’ll pick ya up later today. You play nice with Anon now, ya hear.”
  137. >Applejack had already left by the time you looked up to protest this…favor
  138. “I’ll be leaving now too, Anonymous. I’ll be home later tonight. Have fun with the girls.”
  139. >And with that Fluttershy flew from her cottage as these…children continue to run rampant
  140. >Today had started so well…
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