
Start of Ops Reminders

Sep 6th, 2015
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  1. - Issue an order for everyone to redeploy to warpgate.
  2. - Each platoon falls in on different sets of pillars. (casual platoon on one side, spec ops on the other)
  3. - SLs pick one of the lower pillars to stand on and PL on a higher pillar in the middle so everyone can see what their chain of command looks like for the night.
  4. - Let everyone know who is running which type of squad and order everyone to fall in in front of their desired squad leader.
  5. - If the numbers are unbalanced, ask for volunteers to switch to a different type of squad.
  6. - Remind SLs to take a screenshot to keep track of their roster for the night and take another one every time someone joins their squad.
  7. - Figure out if we have any other outfits who are willing to do joint ops and if so, ask for a volunteer to take over the ambassador role (one for each outfit). Ambassadors can preferably communicate with them via IRC or if we have the numbers to spare someone, they can join other outfit's squad but they need to MAKE SURE that they can hear our outfit comms and are relaying our orders to the other outfit. Ambassadors also need to give us periodic updates to make sure that we are all staying on the same page.
  8. - While SLs are getting their squads situated, spec ops PL or outfit commander evaluates the map and decides where to deploy our forces.
  9. - Remind everyone that outfit chat is for officers only during ops unless specifically told otherwise.
  10. - Remind officers to use proper radio procedures and shorthand whenever possible while using outfit comms.
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