

Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. ↱ YOU ↲
  2. username: @starrybounds
  4. password: Tear
  7. ↱ HER ↲
  8. full name: Kwon Hwayoung (born: Matsuoka Himari)
  10. code name:
  11. ▸ DELPHI
  12. ↳ A reference to the Oracle of Delphi from Ancient Greek lore and mythology. The Oracle was known to foresee dangers or events. As
  13. the one monitoring missions, Hwayoung thought it was a fitting nickname.
  15. nicknames:
  16. ▸ HANA: Meaning flower in Japanese. Her name "Hwayoung" in Hanja is written as "花" meaning flower. Her mother used to call her this when she was still alive. Yoojung and Jiyoung have taken to calling her this after she confided in them that she missed being called this.
  18. ▸ MISS ANONYMOUS: called by Envy; due to Hwayoung's background in hacktivism, Envy has taken to calling her this
  20. ▸ SUNFLOWER: called by her love interest, once he found out that her real name was Himari, he took to calling her this as a term of endearment
  22. date of birth: June 13, 1993
  24. height: 165 cm
  26. weight: 48 kg
  28. nationality: Korean (Half-Korean, Half-Japanese)
  30. laterality: Right Handed
  32. vision: 20/80 (uses glasses)
  34. birthplace: Kitashiobara, Fukushima, Japan
  36. hometown: Seoul, South Korea
  38. eye colour: Dark Brown
  40. hair colour: Dark Brown
  42. blood type: A-
  44. languages:
  45. ▸ Japanese (Native)
  46. ▸ Korean (Fluent)
  48. specialist fields/mission qualifications: max. 5
  49. ▸ Expert in Weapons, Gadgets, and Technology
  50. ↳ Her background in Engineering allows her to be a valuable asset when it comes to developing weaponry or handling weapons. She's able to vamp up many of their tech, allowing for easier communications during missions. Her knowledge of weaponry allows her to use them efficiently.
  52. ▸ Master Hacker
  53. ↳ With her broad knowledge of technology and computers, Hwayoung is able to hack into even the hardest firewalls and servers. This skill is imperative when it comes to disabling security sensors and cameras when in missions. When she's finished, she virtually leaves no trace of her presence.
  55. ▸ Anonymity/Clean Up
  56. ↳ As a forensic science major, Hwayoung knows what to avoid in order to not get caught. She's good at cleaning up any traces of who they are if things were to get messy. Her attention to detail also makes sure that nothing is left behind.
  58. ▸ Bojutsu Training
  59. ↳ Hwayoung has been training in bojutsu ever since she was 4 years old. While she stopped a few years ago, her training is still present in the rare chance that she fights. She tends to favor using an extension and has her own collapsible bo staff with her.
  61. personality: Hwayoung is a reserved and quiet person. She tends to keep things to herself, a product of the language barrier that she experienced when she first came to Korea. Although she has learned to conquer the barrier, it's become a habit of hers. Prior to the death of her parents, Hwayoung was a very talkative and enthusiastic person. She told her parents everything and was very close to them. When they died, she hid that part of herself. She doesn't want to reveal too much of herself and get attached to people that might be temporary. People are often put off by her quietness, as she has the tendency to not respond. Some might feel as though they cannot be close to her due to her detachment, but in truth, Hwayoung just needs time before she warms up to people.
  63. The few who stick around to break down her walls are the few that see her "bright" side. Her love for learning and knowledge manifests in bits of strong passion and excitement. She loves being around tech and computers as they are a reminder of the time she spent with her parents. She is always learning ways to improve and since joining SIN, she's had the intellectual stimulation she needs and crave. When it comes to tech or inventions, people find that her fascination is adorable. She tends to get easily absorbed into the things that she's interested in and would only snap out once she's figured everything out. Her humor is a little dark and sarcastic, but she's playful and she likes to tease.
  65. Unfortunately, this perfectionism and her determination make for an almost intolerant attitude. When she is in her zone, Hwayoung tends to be snappy when interrupted. Her work area and space must not be disturbed, as she believes that it interferes with her mojo. Similarly, she rarely lets any of the other members touch her space (not even GLUTTONY). She doesn't trust anyone to do her job for her, and she gets very angry when someone tries to. She hates not being in control of the things that she's good at. Her perfectionist attitude also manifests in an obsession with cleanliness and neatness. She cannot stand it when things are in disarray. The group has taken to calling her their maid because of how often she cleans the headquarters. This trait is especially useful during missions that require a complete ghost op as she's notorious for not leaving a speck of identity or clue behind.
  67. Hwayoung also possesses high intelligence. Second only to GLUTTONY and just a little above ANGER, her intelligence is pivotal to missions. As the resident expert in technology and her background in hacking, she is able to disable camera functions and security measures that allow for a clean entry into places. She's also good at false identities and is rarely caught with one. Her engineering background allows her to modify weapons and other mechanical tools to the benefit of the group. Her and GLUTTONY are pivotal when it comes to profiling and identifying targets. Analytical and observant when she needs to be, Hwayoung notices tiny details (a byproduct of her perfectionism).
  69. Because her brain is usually going a million miles per hour, Hwayoung tends to be clumsy. She doesn't pay attention to her surroundings when she's in the middle of project and tends to get hurt. Other than that, she has the habit of accidentally breaking things while she's poking around due to her curiosity. Due to her clumsiness, it's often preferable that she stays behind a computer. A mission was almost failed after she accidentally hit a trash can and brought it to the attention of the targets.
  71. The death of her parents caused in the development of a coping mechanism. In Hwayoung's case, she turned to technology and the pursuit of the truth. She got into hacking in order to learn about what actually happened to her parents. She values honesty among the people she cares about and is very protective of them. While she doesn't believe in using violence unless necessary, she is not afraid to kick ass when she's angry. She might threaten people a bit, but she's a sweetheart who cares for the people that she loves. Once people get through her thick skin and barriers, they'll find her sarcastic mom humor and her clumsy, overly curious self hidden underneath.
  73. family:
  74. ▸ Matsuoka Tokiya | Biological Father | 51 years old | Deceased at 36 years old (2003)
  75. ▸ Han Sooyoung | Biological Mother | 51 years old | Deceased at 36 years old (2003)
  76. ▸ Kwon Jiyoung | Adoptive Father | 56 years old
  77. ▸ Kwon Yoojung | Adoptive Mother | 56 years old
  78. ▸ Kwon Soojung | Adoptive Older Sister | 26 years old
  80. background: Hwayoung was born in Japan as Matsuoka Himari. Her mother Han Sooyoung was a Korean student studying in Japan where she met Hwayoung's father Tokiya. They fell in love and married, settling in a scenic town and having Hwayoung. Her father, a Computer Science teacher at a local high school, and her mother, an Electrical Engineer in a nearby city made sure to raise her in an intellectually stimulating environment. She grew up learning about computers and electronics. When she was five, Hwayoung was sent to the hospital after a minor electric shock. She was playing around in her mom's workshop when she accidentally touched an open electrical source. Since then, she's been banned from the workshop (but that doesn't stop her from sneaking in). From the event, she still has a little burn on the palm of her hand.
  82. She was mostly raised in Kitashiobara, Japan until the year 2003. Her father was forced to work with the government to track a powerful gang. He knew that the members who escaped would go after them, so he and Sooyoung made an agreement with one of her friends. Hwayoung would be sent to Korea and left at their care until the whole situation blows over. Unfortunately, the day Hwayoung left, the gang burned their house down with her parents inside. That left the ten-year old an orphan. It was later revealed that the people who burned down the house were government agents. Her father had uncovered some secrets that they wanted to keep hidden and prompted them to fake their deaths. Unfortunately, the gang members still found them and murdered them anyway.
  84. Hwayoung was picked up from the airport by Yoojung and Jiyoung, old classmates of her mother. The transition was hard due to a language barrier, but they made sure to explain to her the situation. Hwayoung didn't understand and holed herself in her room for a while. After a few days of sulking and only eating whatever was delivered to her, she went out of her room and tried to get used to her environment. Soojung, Yoojung and Jiyoung's 11 year old, tried her best to make everything comfortable for her. While she could not speak Japanese, they were able to form a bond. Yoojung and Jiyoung never told her about what happened to her parents, as per the request of the Japanese and Korean governments.
  86. She attended middle school and high school in Korea after being legally adopted by the Kwon family. She wasn't good at interacting with people, especially with the language barrier. In school, Hwayoung was kind of a loner. She found comfort in things like electronics and even joined her high school's STEM club. When she was in high school, she was known as one of the smartest kids in her school. Her affinity with electronics and computers made her a favorite among students whenever they had tech problems. She spent a lot of her time creating websites for people and even hacking into old accounts because they forgot their passwords.
  88. Being a criminal and joining SIN was accidental. After high school, she attended Seoul University and is currently majoring in Engineering with a minor in Forensic Science. She was recruited by a hacktivism group in the university and there she made use of her skills in order to bring light to events. While hacking through a firewall, she accidentally broke through SIN's server. They went after her and, in order to keep them from killing her, offered to join. At first, she was only joining to save her life. However, as the group started discovering government secrets (like what happened to her parents), she began seeing the good in what they were doing.
  90. interaction with other characters:
  91. ▸ ENVY: ENVY is a naturally friendly person who enjoys talking to people. When she first met Hwayoung, she was put out by her quietness and her detachment. However, that didn't stop her from trying to get close to her and annoying her. ENVY eventually managed to get under her skin. They're close and Hwayoung considers her as her best friend.
  93. ▸ GLUTTONY: GLUTTONY and Hwayoung are science buddies. It seems as if GLUTTONY is one of the few who can understand her when she's going on tangents about her inventions or her tech. They share the lab at HQ together and they always collab when it comes to weapons. GLUTTONY trusts her to help with the plans and to make sure that their missions go successfully. Since GLUTTONY is the youngest, she kind of looks up to Hwayoung, even if she is smarter than her.
  95. ▸ ANGER: ANGER is another one who can understand her when she's rambling. Although ANGER isn't much of a team worker, she works well with Hwayoung. She can relate to her need to be in control of everything, even if it annoys her sometimes. She can be found hanging in the lab with GLUTTONY and Hwayoung and giving her inputs on the tech there.
  97. ▸ GREED: GREED's disregard for orders and rules often put her at odds with Hwayoung. They at first clashed because of Hwayoung's quietness and GREED's cold exterior. They always had some sort of rivalry going on who can be the biggest bitch. As time goes on, GREED has grown to respect her, but that doesn't stop them from insulting each other. GREED also does not take to orders well. Since Hwayoung is the center of the command van, GREED mostly does not follow instructions.
  99. ▸ PRIDE: Hwayoung tends to follow PRIDE's instructions when it comes to being in the command center. Hwayoung looks up to her as a leader. She doesn't usually get into the fights and stays out of conflict, which PRIDE appreciates. Since Hwayoung is older than her, PRIDE is hesitant to order her around, but they have a mutual respect and understanding.
  101. ▸ LUST: Hwayoung gets on her nerves. Like GLUTTONY, Hwayoung doesn't fall for her charms and can easily see through her manipulation. This proves difficult when she wants the last food or if she wants to do something that is not part of the plan. Other than the fact that she hates how controlling Hwayoung can be, LUST will still kill people if they hurt her.
  103. ▸ YOONGI: Yoongi and Hwayoung share their knowledge about tech with each other. Even though Hwayoung is clearly superior, that doesn't stop Yoongi from trying to be better than her. They have a healthy competition but sometimes it gets to the best of them and it can get terrifying.
  105. facts:
  106. ▸ Her favorite flower is the sunflower. Her name Himari can be interpreted as "sunflower".
  107. ▸ She loves puzzles and always enjoys decoding things to figure them out.
  108. ▸ She learned to swim when she was 3.
  109. ▸ Hwayoung's first hacking adventure included hacking into a small but advanced tech company.
  110. ▸ In high school, the girls always asked her to hack into their boyfriends' phones to see if they were cheating.
  111. ▸ She watches a lot of crime shows (foreign ones too).
  112. ▸ Hwayoung has been training in bojutsu since she was 4 years old.
  113. ▸ Her bo staff is collapsible and customized with a little bit of iron so that it's harder.
  114. ▸ She was watches a lot of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Many of her inventions come from the show.
  115. ▸ The password to her side of the lab is the day her parents sent her away (110503).
  116. ▸ The government wanted to recruit her, but she joined SIN instead.
  117. ▸ She has a bracelet with a butterfly on it that her parents gave her when she was 6 years old.
  118. ▸ Hwayoung's code name when she was still a hacktivist was ODIN.
  119. ▸ She has a soft spot for Vocaloid songs and anime, it's a way for her to connect to her Japanese side.
  120. ▸ Her side of the lab consists of at least five computers and five tables full of tech.
  121. ▸ In her free time, Hwayoung likes to go to vintage shops and buy old technology so that she can reuse them.
  123. interests: min. 5
  124. ▸ Hacking and Coding
  125. ▸ Bojutsu
  126. ▸ Vocaloid and Anime
  127. ▸ Technology
  128. ▸ Inventing/Designing
  129. ▸ Learning New Things
  130. ▸ Shopping for vintage technology
  132. dislikes: min. 5
  133. ▸ People touching her stuff
  134. ▸ When people don't listen to her
  135. ▸ Fire
  136. ▸ The government
  137. ▸ Messy things
  138. ▸ Dishonesty/Leaving her out of situations
  139. ▸ People that try to best her
  141. face claim/backup:
  142. ▸ Krystal Jung
  143. ▸ Backup: @1riot_of_emotion
  145. slot: Sloth
  148. ↱ HIM ↲
  149. her love interest slot/backup:
  150. ▸ Kim Namjoon
  151. ▸ Backup: Kim Seokjin
  153. how she acts around her love interest:
  154. ▸ DELPHI loves to tease and taunt Namjoon. She's cheeky, playful, and she enjoys making him angry. She loves challenging him when to trying to hack her software and she admires his dedication and perseverance. Namjoon makes her angry because of the fact that he might be one of the only people to make her feel like she's not in control. He brings a challenge for her that she hasn't felt in a while.
  156. ▸ Hwayoung is more talkative with Namjoon than she is with most people. She's just comfortable being around him and it shows with the way she seems to not be able to stop talking. It's almost like a part of her came back. She's kind of hesitant to get close to him, but he's charming and a sweetheart and she couldn't help but be fond of him. They're both clumsy together, so it's cute to see them being flustered around each other. She talks to him about her tech and her days as a hacktivist.
  158. how they met: Namjoon was trying to hack through her server when her software detected his attempt. At first, she was angry because this dude actually almost broke through. If she hadn't stepped in, he would've hacked her. She stops him, but made him think that he was breaking through. She stops him mid-hack and sends a cheeky message like: "Maybe next time :)".
  160. In person, they officially meet at a shop that sold old technology at a low price. Hwayoung frequents that place because she can always find something that she can vamp up. They strike up a convo not knowing that the other person was their rival and they part ways after Namjoon asks her for a coffee.
  162. current status: They have feelings for each other, but since she's a criminal and he's a government agent, they can't take the risk of dating each other.
  164. relationship progression:
  165. ▸ BEGINNING: Starting out as rivals, Hwayoung was irritated at whoever this agent was that came close to breaking through her strong firewall. At the same time, she was interested and amused. If not even GLUTTONY could manage it, how the hell did this dude manage it. She started taunting him, sending him cryptic messages that only pissed her off. Namjoon was frustrated because he was usually so good at this, but this girl is always getting on his nerves. Namjoon spent a lot of his time trying to best her and trying to catch her off guard. It was a cat and mouse chase, they got on each other's nerves, but somewhere inside they enjoyed the challenge. Namjoon doesn't know that Hwayoung was DELPHI nor did Hwayoung know that Namjoon was the same Namjoon from the vintage tech shop.
  167. ▸ MIDDLE: Hwayoung finds out who he actually is when PRIDE tells her to look into his profile. She starts to withdraw a little bit. DELPHI stops leaving messages and stop flirting (because let's be real, they were definitely flirting) because in the end she's a criminal and Namjoon needs to correct the law. Meanwhile, Hwayoung stops meeting up with him under the excuse that she's busy. Namjoon high-key misses her and he starts to realize that he likes both Hwayoung and DELPHI. He doesn't know that they're not two separate people. He kind of has a mental breakdown because who does he like more? DELPHI or Hwayoung.
  169. ▸ END: Namjoon finds out that Hwayoung is DELPHI and he has another mental breakdown. He realizes that he liked both parts of her, but he realizes that they couldn't be together because she's a criminal and in the end, she still helped do bad things. They're both miserable because hacking each other isn't fun anymore. In the end, either DELPHI gets caught and they don't have a happy ending or Namjoon runs away with her somewhere and they change their identities.
  171. what she likes about him: Hwayoung loves how he's very sensitive to things. By sensitive, Namjoon is very perceptive and he finds beauty in every little thing. She admires that about him, especially since she's find it hard to have that kind of perspective since her parents died. Namjoon also brings out the excitable and enthusiastic girl out of her. He understands her and with him, she doesn't have to pretend to be smart. Hwayoung loves the air of open-mindedness and acceptance that he has around him. She also admires his loyalty and how willing he is to sacrifice his happiness for his morals. That kind of honesty and dedication is something that she wants for herself.
  173. specific scene ideas*:
  174. ▸ When they meet at the tech shop, Namjoon accidentally bumps into a shelf and a few of the trinkets fall. The shopkeeper glares at him for the rest of the time.
  176. ▸ Hwayoung accidentally knocks down her cup of coffee during their date.
  178. ▸ Namjoon takes her to the park and they just spend time watching the animals. Hwayoung falls into the river for some reason.
  180. other*: i'm good~~ this form was so long, hope this isn't such a hassle to read. :))
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