
Solatium Part 2 - R&D

Mar 23rd, 2015
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  1. ---= SOLATIUM || PART 2 || R&D =---
  3. I closed the door to Nemi's office behind me, making sure not to shut it too loudly. It was pretty much routine that I'd tuck her into bed once she passed out, which was a guarantee if she drank alcohol of any kind.
  5. That was one of the unfortunate side effects to her crazy metabolism. Sure she had rather powerful regenerative abilities, but it also meant in return she had to scarf down tons of food, and organic compounds -- including ethanol -- would be absorbed into her blood stream just as quickly. Regardless of knowing these effects, she still drank anyways, most likely for kicks.
  7. An audible sigh escaped my lips as I headed down the hallway, the metal of my armor rattling in time with my stride. It would be some time before Nemi would awaken again, and I needed to attend to some preparations for the next mission. Of course it was necessary to restock on provisions and other supplies, but the most important task was basic maintenance of my weaponry. There was only one person in the Arx that was capable of such a thing.
  9. -
  11. After a somewhat long elevator ride down, I reached the research and development lab, the smell of gunpowder and oil permeating throughout the otherwise dimly lit section of the base. The lower floors of the Arx didn't really receive many visitors, most only coming down for emergency repairs and the like. Now that I consider it, it has been quite some time since I was last here myself, though not much seems to have changed at first glance.
  13. Stepping out of the elevator, I was immediately met with rows of small portraits on the walls to either side of me. They were pictures of important people who were staff members, either current or prior, and sometimes I'd recognize some of them. Since I didn't work with the researchers, it wasn't a surprise that I didn't know the rest, but I stopped to look at them anyhow.
  15. I continued making my way through the central area, occasionally glancing through the windows on either side. There were various arrays of computer and testing equipment, as well as oversized weapons strewn about. I'm always filled with a bit of nostalgia when I visit this section; it reminds me of the first tim--
  17. A powerful vibration resonated in the hollows of my chest as a large explosion burst out of the wall several paces in front of me. I brought my arm up in front of my face instinctively, bits of small debris and glass plinking off of my armor. Nearly simultaneously, what looked like a body flew back from said explosion, crashing into the opposing wall across the room. Not soon after, the smoke alarm activated and powerful ventilation and fire prevention systems whirred up in response. I swiftly waded through the now powdered and smoking debris towards the individual that had been victim to the explosion, concerned they may have been injured or possibly worse.
  19. "Ah, damn it, not again!" A feminine -- yet robotic voice spoke up from their half-buried-in-the-rubble form, and already I knew that there was only one person this could be. It was then that the situation made much more sense to me. Explosions and crashing into walls, to be expected of Minerva. Her servos whirred as she pushed bits of concrete off of herself, sitting up and rubbing her hand against her head, which produced a scraping metal sound. After a few moments, she looked to the side and noticed me standing there, looking down at her.
  21. "WAH!" Minerva visibly jumped, the lenses in her bionic eyes constricting with her surprise. "Oh goodness, you scared the pants off of m--"
  23. Suddenly she lept to her feet, before hugging me tightly. "PIRA! It's been so long since I've seen you, how have you been!?"
  25. I smiled as I looked back at her, keeping up my silence as usual.
  27. "Ahh, right right, I almost forgot that you don't really talk. Regardless, I see you are doing well, especially with a smile like that."
  29. I nodded in confirmation, as Minerva stepped back from me, brushing more dust and bits from her brown 'hair'. This girl was probably one of the most unique members of Solus, having come from the Fourth, she was made from entirely bionic parts and machine components. If I remember correctly, she referred to it as an 'Ironform', supposedly stronger than the usual bodies that contractees receive. Personally, I thought it quite fascinating, though I'd be too afraid to want one myself.
  31. That being said, being from the Fourth wasn't the only thing that made her unique.
  33. "I'm guessing that you haven't come to visit me just to say hello." Minerva's eyes trailed to the gunlance currently slung on my back, and I gave her another nod, swinging it off of my shoulder. She took it into her arms, seeming to caress it like a child, which wasn't an inaccurate description. "It's always good to see one of my precious Calyx in such good condition, even after so long. I can tell that you take good care of her!"
  35. She created them, all of the large weapons known as Calyx, that Solus used -- /that/ was what made her unique. I'm not sure how she compared to other girls in the Fourth officio, but amidst us....she was a genius. She was a genius, but she never looked down on any other person here. That being said though, it always made me wonder exactly why she wanted to leave her officio in the first place. I would ask her, but...well, yeah.
  37. While I had been spacing out for a moment, she had already zipped off to work, the gunlance laying on a desk as she fiddled with the various fastenings and framework. It was only once I had wandered nearby that she began to talk again, likely lost in her own little world without another person around.
  39. "You know, it's not often that the other girls even stick around. Most of them just drop off their weapon and wander off elsewhere for an hour or so. It's not like I don't appreciate the company, but I guess they just aren't interested in my work....oh, not to imply that you are or anything. I just remember that you're one of the few that typically hang around."
  41. I gave her a shrug. It's not like it wasn't interesting, but it didn't help that I didn't understand much of it at all. This sort of thing was way above my level, yet I don't want to necessarily give up on learning anything at all, so I stay and watch. She giggled a little, before she gave a peculiar look a little above me, as if remembering something. "Hmm? That's strange, coulda sworn your hair had pale blue highlights when you scared me earlier, maybe my bionics got damaged..."
  43. A frowned slightly upon hearing this, before shaking my head with a smile that said 'don't worry about it'. Why is it starting to happen again? Wasn't this already enough?'s not the time to be concerned about it. I refocused my attention to Minerva's repairs. She had opened up most of the casing of the Calyx now, revealing the interior components. Looking at the intricate parts felt like someone had popped open a rocket engine and told me to fix it. There was only one thing I knew about the Calyx's systems, and that was how to use it in battle. In that regard, it was far more simplistic. All I need to do is socket my magical weapon inside and the Calyx does the rest.
  45. "It's kind of I came up with the design for these, it didn't take much thought. I looked at these..." She tapped her knuckles against her metal chest. "These Ironforms, they have cores deep inside that hold the soul gem, way more protection than you'd get normally having it on the outside of your body. It's like having a heart again, if you think about it. But that gave me an idea! If the Ironform could run off of the magical energy, being hooked directly into the soul gem like that, couldn't the same be applied to the magical weapon we can manifest at will? You have girls that can make guns appear from thin air, and pull swords out of cakes. Next thing I knew, the first prototype was made, and I knew I had something to work with from there."
  47. I continued to sit and listened to her talk about her research and experiences until she had finished the check-up. Before I knew it, two hours had already passed.
  49. "Things look fine, at this rate she'll easily serve you for life! Of course, that doesn't mean you can start skimping out on regular maintenance, but I think you know that better than most, haha. I look forward to your next visit!" She gave a big smile and waved.
  51. After reciprocating, I turned to head back to the elevator, gunlance in tow. It was time to head back to Nemi's office and see if she had gotten her butt out of bed yet. As I neared the elevator doors to press the button, a glimmer of color caught my attention from my peripheral vision, and I looked over at the rows of portraits I had passed earlier. There was one that I don't remember seeing, with an almost surreal picture of a young female scientist. She was wearing the usual white lab coat, and sported a vivid shade of pink hair. Possibly a daughter or wife of one of the researchers? I can't help but feel like I've seen her before...
  53. -
  55. I shook my head, a good fifteen minutes having expired before I realized I had stood there staring at it. The hell is wrong with me? Am I getting sick or something? Must just be fatigue from the last mission.
  57. My gauntlet smacked into the elevator's call button.
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