
Osari final copy

Apr 1st, 2020
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  1. Key: Akiyamashi
  2. Character: Osari
  3. Skill(or transformation): Grimoire Arcana, Observe, Water style Refund, Assisting in Project with Chrono and Svet
  4. Reasoning: Osari's sole purpose for joining DHARMA is the opportunity it gives her to further her studies of magic. In her time with the group she has done, so, mastering five schools of magic in the short time she's been with them. Still, she can tell for at least two of them, that she hasn't figured out everything. While the help from Usagi and Lady Helena is nice, she's not going to rely on that, instead spending most of her down time studying feverishly to try and push to that level of magic she's only heard of; grimores. It already cost her two potential relationships as to her, the mastery of the theory of magics is above everything. That being said, she only wants to learn grimoires for the sake of it, similar to most of her magical study, and perhaps a bit for ease of life. More over, perhaps there's a way to give such advanced magic to others, despite that person having never studied them before.
  6. Furthermore, Osari learned how to make a crystal ball relatively early on in her magical practices, using the conduit to project her vision out to view those she knew. It's extremely useful, but unfortunately, extremely taxing, even when using a conduit. However, she is stubborn, and along side her extreme magic studying, has been constantly using that ball in an effort to make it take less time between uses and eventually, hopefully, be able to use the ability without the ball.
  8. This has only been encouraged by the fact that during the fight in the wastes, when she was trying to keep tabs on people, the strain made her drop the connection and she struggled to reconnect, only managing to get partial images and next to now sound. It also left her exhausted. That was a pain in the butt and not at all helpful, pointing out every flaw there was with crystal balls and pushing her more to focus on trying to perfect remote observing to a point she doesn't need a ball.
  10. Unfortunately, due to all this intensive focusing and studying, she very much neglects her physical aspect. While she stays healthily fit, Osari no longer spends any time practicing what little martial arts she knew. After all, she doesn't fight, so she sees no point in continuing in that school. She had learned the style at the behest of friends wanting her to go join them out hunting and fighting, but never really pursued it. Perhaps after she achieves her dream of mastering all magics then she will try to learn how to fight again, but for the time it takes to do so, she gives up on that. Instead, she will take the extra time to improve her mind and imagination as far as she can, and perhaps, one day, she will understand all magics and be able to preserve that knowledge.
  12. Lastly, she was approached by her bf Chrono and his friend Svet to help him become a holy being, or at least with holy energy. This is being attempted because of the situation with the labyrinth. If indeed the door to that cursed place opens again, he'll be far more effective against the undead and abyssal threats that may be emerging from there. She has agreed to help, and is trying to use her own holy nature to perhaps infuse him with it. This includes channeling holy energy and magic into him for periods of time. She also prays and helps in any other task to making him more holy. She also approached Lady Helena, who agreed to request any information she could get on completing such a feat. This is her final project over the ten year time jump.
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