
DAiE Ch. 7 P. 2 - The Big Day Part 2

Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. >Okay, brain. Recap.
  2. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  3. >Yes, yes, we know that part.
  4. >And right now, you are charging blindly at a being of pure chaos.
  5. >What?
  6. >You're knocked into your senses by your internal monologue, only to find your foot's grip on the ground denied by... a banana peel?
  7. >You fall flat on your ass.
  8. >"Ohoho! I'm sorry, Anonymous, I couldn't resist."
  9. >You look up. Your friend is currently still choking the mare you love.
  10. "Discord! What the hell are you doing?! Put her down!"
  11. >He grins at you. This is not the Discord you know at all. "Are you sure? She seemed pretty intent on kicking the snot out of you, Anonymous."
  12. "DISCORD!"
  13. >The draconequus laughs, unceremoniously dropping the pink pony in a limp heap. "Hahaha! Fine, fine, anything for a friend. I've got bigger fish to fry anyway."
  14. >He starts to snap his fingers, but you're already on him.
  15. >You both tumble to the ground. You end up on top of him, pinning his arms.
  16. "What the HELL is going on, Discord?!"
  18. >His yellow eyes stare up at you, his mouth still turned in a mocking smile.
  19. >"What's going on, Doc, is that I'm free, all thanks to you of course. After all, your mind is so delightfully... uneven."
  20. >The smile doesn't fade, but his voices takes a cold, malicious tone. "All it took was a little push, and... voila! Instant chaos."
  21. >Your eyes grow wide with realization.
  22. >The pony you bumped into earlier.
  23. >Your journal.
  24. "But... why? You could have jus-"
  25. >Suddenly, Discord's legs curl up and slam into your gut, knocking you off of him. "Tut tut, Anonymous. You should really be less concerned with me and more worried about your mare friend over there. Or is it marefriend? Oh, I guess not. Just another thing you've screwed up."
  26. >You struggle to regain your breath, as Discord laughs and pops away.
  27. >He's right, though. You don't allow yourself one more second to recover, you push off the ground and stumble over to Pinkamina.
  28. >"Stay away from her!"
  29. "Rarity, I-"
  30. >"First you hurt Pinkie, and now..."
  31. "Rarity!"
  33. >She looks at you, hurt, and confused. But listening.
  34. "We haven't got time to argue right now. Is she breathing?"
  35. >Taking a deep breath, the white mare nods. "It's faint, but she's breathing."
  36. "Let me take a look."
  37. >"No! You freed-"
  38. "I have no idea what the hell is going on, Rarity! All I know is Pinkamina's hurt, and I need to help her!"
  39. >She winces at this outburst, and steps aside. "Why did you do it, Anonymous?"
  40. >You kneel down beside Pinkamina, and reach into one of your pockets, taking out a syringe.
  41. "I... I didn't mean to. He wasn't like this before."
  42. >You find a vein on Pinkamina, and gently give her the cocktail. It should be enough to stabilize her and get her on her hooves again. "That's not what I meant."
  43. >Her eyes meet yours. You don't have a good answer for her right now. And even if you did, she's not the one who deserves to hear it first.
  44. >Coughing. She's coughing. You exhale a deep sigh of relief as Pinkamina's breathing normalizes itself.
  45. "Are you alri-"
  46. >A pink hoof shoves you away, and you lose balance, falling onto your ass again. You forgot how strong she was.
  47. >Rarity helps her friend up. "Ugh... what happened?"
  48. >"Discord got free. He... strangled you, but the Doc-"
  49. >Pinkamina's eyes widen, and she looks up at you. "I bet he's the one who-"
  50. >Her hateful tone cuts deep.
  51. "Listen. I know you're angry with me right now. You have good reason to be. But we need to focus on the situation, and make sure Discord doesn't... hurt anyp0ny else."
  52. >She scoffs, still leaning on Rarity to find her balance. "Fine. Where did he go, then?"
  53. >As if to answer Pinkamina's question, you hear screaming coming from the garden proper, where the fundraiser is taking place.
  55. >You are Discord.
  56. >And right now, everything is going far too well!
  57. >You laugh at the ponies who cower before you, sipping a colorful fruit drink as you bathe in the chaos and fear that your very presence inspires.
  58. >There's only one person missing from this party.
  59. "Hello, mares and gentlecolts."
  60. >You take another sip of your refreshing beverage.
  61. "Terribly sorry to interrupt your charming little Barmitzvah, or whatever, but I really must speak with Princess Celestia. Urgent business!"
  62. >"I'm here, Discord."
  63. >Ah, right on time. The sun princess reveals herself, standing tall and defiant before her cowering subjects.
  64. >You pull your umbrella from the ether, and begin using it as a cane, strutting through the terrified ponies.
  65. "Ah! Excellent. I would have been heartbroken if you hadn't shown up."
  66. >Celestia's bright, vibrant eyes focus on you with abject hatred. That's fine. You want her to hate you. Just as you've hated her.
  67. "Y'see, I had a realization. A sort of, epiphany, dear Tia."
  68. >"Don't call me that." You ignore her.
  69. "During my last little incarceration, I realized that all this time, my life has consisted of giving everyone else everything they wanted. Being denied my happiness and laughing about it, always being a good sport."
  71. >She narrows her eyes at you.
  72. "Every time I come close to getting what I want, I get told 'No'. But I don't make a fuss, I keep laughing. Keep trying to make things more fun."
  73. >"Fun?! You turn friends against each other, and delved the world into chaos!"
  74. "You used to like my chaos."
  75. >She's taken aback by that. You don't miss a beat.
  76. "But it doesn't matter anymore, does it?"
  77. >You're up close to her now, grinning down at the mare you once loved, and now despise. "I don't know what you're planning, Discord, but I'll stop you. You won't hurt my little ponies."
  78. >You can't help but laugh.
  79. "There it is again! I want something, and I get told 'No.'"
  80. >Your grip on the umbrella tightens.
  81. "But do you know what the difference is, this time, Tia?"
  82. >"Don't-"
  83. >You cut her off by driving the sharp tip of the umbrella into her throat. Her words melt into a gurgling choke as she stumbles back, warm blood trickling down from her long, powerful neck.
  84. "I'm not laughing this time."
  85. >You pause for dramatic effect, turning around to look upon the horrified ponies.
  86. "...oh what the heck, I'll laugh anyway."
  87. >And you do, as mares and colts alike start scrambling over each other to get away from you.
  89. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  90. >And right now, you are too late.
  91. >You arrive in the garden proper only to see Celestia's body slump to the ground, her form limp, and languid.
  92. >Discord...
  93. >You curse yourself for ever trusting him.
  94. >Looking down, you see Pinkamina and Rarity's eyes wide. Their goddess was just cut down before them.
  95. >"D-discord, he..." Pinkamina can't even finish her sentence.
  96. >"We... we need to find the Elements." Rarity says, her normally composed tone faltering.
  97. "The what?"
  98. >"The Elements of Harmony. They're the only thing that can stop him now!"
  99. >"What, you mean like this?"
  100. >You whirl around to see Discord standing not a foot away from you, holding a small jeweled necklace.
  101. "Discord! You-"
  102. >You jump at him, only to have the umbrella whack you in the chest, driving you down into the ground. "Ah ah! Really, you think you'd learn. I certainly did." You dizzily look up, freezing at the sight of the still bloody umbrella tip pointed between your eyes.
  103. >He turns to Rarity and Pinkamina, grinning. "No more games. No more stone imprisonment." With a chuckle, he tosses the necklace up and promptly chomps it out of the air, making a cartoonish 'gulp'ing noise. "No more Elements."
  104. >The mares look on, mortified and still in shock. "Now then." Discord says, raising the umbrella. "NO!" You hear Pinkamina shout, but before the killing blow comes, you hear a scream of utter rage.
  106. >A large, dark blue figure slams into Discord, knocking him clean off you as he tumbles away, cursing.
  107. >You look up, Princess Luna standing above you, tears welling up in her eyes, but a look of determination on her face.
  108. "Ugh... h-hi... Luna."
  109. >"Doctor. You can make weapons, yes?"
  110. >You nod weakly.
  111. >"Then go, and bring your best. We will deal with this... murderer."
  112. >You push yourself up as Luna takes off, charging again at Discord. Pinkamina rushes over to you, almost placing a hoof on your shoulder. Still cares. Still mad at you.
  113. "Pinkamina. It's.. it's time."
  114. >She raises an eyebrow. You reach into your pocket, and pull out a small remote. Seeing what you mean, her face contorts in an attempt to hide her excitement. "I thought you said we wouldn't be using those..."
  115. "I was wrong. Are you ready?"
  116. >She nods. You can tell she wants to enjoy this moment so much more than the circumstances allow. You do too.
  117. >You press the button.
  119. You are Albert.
  120. >And right now, you are super bored.
  121. >You were designated with cleaning the Workshop today. Today, of all days, on the Doctor's Fundraiser!
  122. >You figure this is payback for something you said or did.
  123. >Ah well.
  124. >You go about your assignment dutifully.
  125. >At least, you do until one of the Workshop's many consoles starts beeping with a strange alert.
  126. >You hover over to it, connecting to it to analyze the alert.
  127. >That's funny. You don't recognize the signal.
  128. "Project.. Stark? What's Project Stark, and why is it being activated?"
  129. >The entire workshop shakes, as a large panel in the floor opens.
  130. "Oh... oh my."
  131. >A pneumatic platform raises two huge automata from some bay below the room. One shaped like a pony, the other like a human.
  132. "He didn't."
  133. >Without a word, the two suits rocket upwards, leaving a massive smoke cloud and a fair bit of wreckage as they crash through the ceiling.
  134. >You sigh. Even more to clean up.
  135. "He did."
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