
Yet Another Zecora Thing [2nd person One-Shot Inflation]

Dec 2nd, 2014
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  1. >Zecora invites you over to help her test a branch of magic she had been practicing
  2. >you walk in the door and greet her at the table
  3. >you notice she's holding a miniature simulacrum of a pony in her hooves
  4. >instead of cloth or wood, it's composed of a rubbery substance
  5. >it's the same color as you, with a strand of your tail around its hoof
  6. >with a sly grin she holds the mouth of the toy up to her lips
  7. >in an exhale the doll already develops a small swell in its belly
  8. >you look down as you hear a gurgle from your gut
  9. >it already looks bloated as though you had a terrible case of gas, round and firm between your legs
  10. >before you have enough time to think, you hear another huff
  11. >and another
  12. >and another
  13. >before you even have a chance to escape, your legs can barely even touch the ground
  14. >you're left teetering and bobbing on your swollen stomach, churning and creaking ominously
  15. >despite the audible danger, Zecora is too fascinated in her discovery to stop now
  16. >she even inserts a cylindrical cap on the space between the doll's legs to keep air from leaking out the other end
  17. >you would have shouted as you suddenly felt a massive plug in your rump
  18. >but she had the doll's lips clasped tightly in her hooves
  19. >she continues filling her lungs, exhaling deeply as she expands the doll more
  20. >its belly grows rounder in shape, filling out into a near-perfect sphere
  21. >the once-thin balloon toy is now wider than its initial height, looking shinier than ever
  22. >the doll even becomes transparent as its head and limbs sink into its hide
  23. >much to your chagrin, and perhaps your pleasure, so do you
  24. >puffy, air-filled cheeks reduce your speech to throaty moans
  25. >your limbs flail helplessly, rubbing and bouncing against your overstretched sides
  26. "Relax, my friend, take some pleasure!"
  27. >she binds the doll's lips with an ornate ring
  28. >sure enough, you feel the same tightness around your own mouth
  29. >now you have no hope of passing air through any orifice
  30. "For now, you are my little treasure."
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