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- --
- -- Firewolf
- -- Made by GravityScore and 1lann
- --
- -- Variables
- local version = "3.5.2"
- local build = 20
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- local isMenubarOpen = true
- local menubarWindow = nil
- local allowUnencryptedConnections = true
- local enableTabBar = true
- local currentWebsiteURL = ""
- local builtInSites = {}
- local currentProtocol = ""
- local protocols = {}
- local currentTab = 1
- local maxTabs = 5
- local maxTabNameWidth = 8
- local tabs = {}
- local languages = {}
- local history = {}
- local publicDNSChannel = 9999
- local publicResponseChannel = 9998
- local responseID = 41738
- local httpTimeout = 10
- local searchResultTimeout = 1
- local initiationTimeout = 2
- local animationInterval = 0.125
- local fetchTimeout = 3
- local serverLimitPerComputer = 1
- local websiteErrorEvent = "firewolf_websiteErrorEvent"
- local redirectEvent = "firewolf_redirectEvent"
- local baseURL = ""
- local buildURL = baseURL .. "/build.txt"
- local firewolfURL = baseURL .. "/client.lua"
- local serverURL = baseURL .. "/server.lua"
- local originalTerminal = term.current()
- local firewolfLocation = "/" .. shell.getRunningProgram()
- local downloadsLocation = "/downloads"
- local theme = {}
- local colorTheme = {
- background = colors.gray,
- accent =,
- subtle =,
- lightText = colors.gray,
- text = colors.white,
- errorText =,
- }
- local grayscaleTheme = {
- background =,
- accent =,
- subtle =,
- lightText = colors.white,
- text = colors.white,
- errorText = colors.white,
- }
- -- Utilities
- local modifiedRead = function(properties)
- local text = ""
- local startX, startY = term.getCursorPos()
- local pos = 0
- local previousText = ""
- local readHistory = nil
- local historyPos = 0
- if not properties then
- properties = {}
- end
- if properties.displayLength then
- properties.displayLength = math.min(properties.displayLength, w - 2)
- else
- properties.displayLength = w - startX - 1
- end
- if properties.startingText then
- text = properties.startingText
- pos = text:len()
- end
- if properties.history then
- readHistory = {}
- for k, v in pairs(properties.history) do
- readHistory[k] = v
- end
- end
- if readHistory[1] == text then
- table.remove(readHistory, 1)
- end
- local draw = function(replaceCharacter)
- local scroll = 0
- if properties.displayLength and pos > properties.displayLength then
- scroll = pos - properties.displayLength
- end
- local repl = replaceCharacter or properties.replaceCharacter
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.setCursorPos(startX, startY)
- if repl then
- term.write(string.rep(repl:sub(1, 1), text:len() - scroll))
- else
- term.write(text:sub(scroll + 1))
- end
- term.setCursorPos(startX + pos - scroll, startY)
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- draw()
- while true do
- local event, key, x, y, param4, param5 = os.pullEvent()
- if properties.onEvent then
- -- Actions:
- -- - exit (bool)
- -- - text
- -- - nullifyText
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- local action = properties.onEvent(text, event, key, x, y, param4, param5)
- if action then
- if action.text then
- draw(" ")
- text = action.text
- pos = text:len()
- end if action.nullifyText then
- text = nil
- action.exit = true
- end if action.exit then
- break
- end
- end
- draw()
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- if event == "char" then
- local canType = true
- if properties.maxLength and text:len() >= properties.maxLength then
- canType = false
- end
- if canType then
- text = text:sub(1, pos) .. key .. text:sub(pos + 1, -1)
- pos = pos + 1
- draw()
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if key == keys.enter then
- break
- elseif key == keys.left and pos > 0 then
- pos = pos - 1
- draw()
- elseif key == keys.right and pos < text:len() then
- pos = pos + 1
- draw()
- elseif key == keys.backspace and pos > 0 then
- draw(" ")
- text = text:sub(1, pos - 1) .. text:sub(pos + 1, -1)
- pos = pos - 1
- draw()
- elseif key == keys.delete and pos < text:len() then
- draw(" ")
- text = text:sub(1, pos) .. text:sub(pos + 2, -1)
- draw()
- elseif key == keys.home then
- pos = 0
- draw()
- elseif key == keys["end"] then
- pos = text:len()
- draw()
- elseif (key == keys.up or key == keys.down) and readHistory then
- local shouldDraw = false
- if historyPos == 0 then
- previousText = text
- elseif historyPos > 0 then
- readHistory[historyPos] = text
- end
- if key == keys.up then
- if historyPos < #readHistory then
- historyPos = historyPos + 1
- shouldDraw = true
- end
- else
- if historyPos > 0 then
- historyPos = historyPos - 1
- shouldDraw = true
- end
- end
- if shouldDraw then
- draw(" ")
- if historyPos > 0 then
- text = readHistory[historyPos]
- else
- text = previousText
- end
- pos = text:len()
- draw()
- end
- end
- elseif event == "mouse_click" then
- local scroll = 0
- if properties.displayLength and pos > properties.displayLength then
- scroll = pos - properties.displayLength
- end
- if y == startY and x >= startX and x <= math.min(startX + text:len(), startX + (properties.displayLength or 10000)) then
- pos = x - startX + scroll
- draw()
- elseif y == startY then
- if x < startX then
- pos = scroll
- draw()
- elseif x > math.min(startX + text:len(), startX + (properties.displayLength or 10000)) then
- pos = text:len()
- draw()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- print("")
- return text
- end
- local prompt = function(items, x, y, w, h)
- local selected = 1
- local scroll = 0
- local draw = function()
- for i = scroll + 1, scroll + h do
- local item = items[i]
- if item then
- term.setCursorPos(x, y + i - 1)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setTextColor(theme.lightText)
- if scroll + selected == i then
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.write(" > ")
- else
- term.write(" - ")
- end
- term.write(item)
- end
- end
- end
- draw()
- while true do
- local event, key, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "key" then
- if key == keys.up and selected > 1 then
- selected = selected - 1
- if selected - scroll == 0 then
- scroll = scroll - 1
- end
- elseif key == keys.down and selected < #items then
- selected = selected + 1
- end
- draw()
- elseif event == "mouse_click" then
- elseif event == "mouse_scroll" then
- if key > 0 then
- os.queueEvent("key", keys.down)
- else
- os.queueEvent("key", keys.up)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- GUI
- local clear = function(bg, fg)
- term.setTextColor(fg)
- term.setBackgroundColor(bg)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- end
- local fill = function(x, y, width, height, bg)
- term.setBackgroundColor(bg)
- for i = y, y + height - 1 do
- term.setCursorPos(x, i)
- term.write(string.rep(" ", width))
- end
- end
- local center = function(text)
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- term.setCursorPos(math.floor(w / 2 - text:len() / 2) + (text:len() % 2 == 0 and 1 or 0), y)
- term.write(text)
- term.setCursorPos(1, y + 1)
- end
- local centerSplit = function(text, width)
- local words = {}
- for word in text:gmatch("[^ \t]+") do
- table.insert(words, word)
- end
- local lines = {""}
- while lines[#lines]:len() < width do
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. words[1] .. " "
- table.remove(words, 1)
- if #words == 0 then
- break
- end
- if lines[#lines]:len() + words[1]:len() >= width then
- table.insert(lines, "")
- end
- end
- for _, line in pairs(lines) do
- center(line)
- end
- end
- -- Updating
- local download = function(url)
- http.request(url)
- local timeoutID = os.startTimer(httpTimeout)
- while true do
- local event, fetchedURL, response = os.pullEvent()
- if (event == "timer" and fetchedURL == timeoutID) or event == "http_failure" then
- return false
- elseif event == "http_success" and fetchedURL == url then
- local contents = response.readAll()
- response.close()
- return contents
- end
- end
- end
- local downloadAndSave = function(url, path)
- local contents = download(url)
- if contents and not fs.isReadOnly(path) and not fs.isDir(path) then
- local f =, "w")
- f:write(contents)
- f:close()
- return false
- end
- return true
- end
- local updateAvailable = function()
- local number = download(buildURL)
- if not number then
- return false, true
- end
- if number and tonumber(number) and tonumber(number) > build then
- return true, false
- end
- return false, false
- end
- local redownloadBrowser = function()
- return downloadAndSave(firewolfURL, firewolfLocation)
- end
- -- Display Websites
- builtInSites["display"] = {}
- builtInSites["display"]["firewolf"] = function()
- local logo = {
- "______ _ __ ",
- "| ___| | |/ _|",
- "| |_ _ ____ _____ _____ | | |_ ",
- "| _|| | __/ _ \\ \\ /\\ / / _ \\| | _|",
- "| | | | | | __/\\ V V / <_> | | | ",
- "\\_| |_|_| \\___| \\_/\\_/ \\___/|_|_| ",
- }
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 3, w, 9, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
- for _, line in pairs(logo) do
- center(line)
- end
- term.setCursorPos(1, 10)
- center(version)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 14)
- center("Search using the Query Box above")
- center("Visit rdnt://help for help using Firewolf.")
- term.setCursorPos(1, h - 2)
- center("Made by GravityScore and 1lann")
- end
- builtInSites["display"]["credits"] = function()
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 6, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 7)
- center("Credits")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 11)
- center("Written by GravityScore and 1lann")
- print("")
- center("RC4 Implementation by AgentE382")
- end
- builtInSites["display"]["help"] = function()
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("Help")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 7)
- center("Click on the URL bar or press control to")
- center("open the query box")
- print("")
- center("Type in a search query or website URL")
- center("into the query box.")
- print("")
- center("Search for nothing to see all available")
- center("websites.")
- print("")
- center("Visit rdnt://server to setup a server.")
- center("Visit rdnt://update to update Firewolf.")
- end
- builtInSites["display"]["server"] = function()
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 6, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 7)
- center("Server Software")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 11)
- if not http then
- center("HTTP is not enabled!")
- print("")
- center("Please enable it in your config file")
- center("to download Firewolf Server.")
- else
- center("Press space to download")
- center("Firewolf Server to:")
- print("")
- center("/fwserver")
- while true do
- local event, key = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "key" and key == 57 then
- fill(1, 11, w, 4, theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 11)
- center("Downloading...")
- local err = downloadAndSave(serverURL, "/fwserver")
- fill(1, 11, w, 4, theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 11)
- center(err and "Download failed!" or "Download successful!")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- builtInSites["display"]["update"] = function()
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("Update")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- if not http then
- term.setCursorPos(1, 9)
- center("HTTP is not enabled!")
- print("")
- center("Please enable it in your config")
- center("file to download Firewolf updates.")
- else
- term.setCursorPos(1, 10)
- center("Checking for updates...")
- local available, err = updateAvailable()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 10)
- if available then
- term.clearLine()
- center("Update found!")
- center("Press enter to download.")
- while true do
- local event, key = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "key" and key == keys.enter then
- break
- end
- end
- fill(1, 10, w, 2, theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 10)
- center("Downloading...")
- local err = redownloadBrowser()
- term.setCursorPos(1, 10)
- term.clearLine()
- if err then
- center("Download failed!")
- else
- center("Download succeeded!")
- center("Please restart Firewolf...")
- end
- elseif err then
- term.clearLine()
- center("Checking failed!")
- else
- term.clearLine()
- center("No updates found.")
- end
- end
- end
- -- Built In Websites
- builtInSites["error"] = function(err)
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("Failed to load page!")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 9)
- center(err)
- print("")
- center("Please try again.")
- end
- builtInSites["noresults"] = function()
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("No results!")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 9)
- center("Your search didn't return")
- center("any results!")
- os.pullEvent("key")
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent()
- end
- builtInSites["search advanced"] = function(results)
- local startY = 6
- local height = h - startY - 1
- local scroll = 0
- local draw = function()
- fill(1, startY, w, height + 1, theme.background)
- for i = scroll + 1, scroll + height do
- if results[i] then
- term.setCursorPos(5, (i - scroll) + startY)
- term.write(currentProtocol .. "://" .. results[i])
- end
- end
- end
- draw()
- while true do
- local event, but, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "mouse_click" and y >= startY and y <= startY + height then
- local item = results[y - startY + scroll]
- if item then
- os.queueEvent(redirectEvent, item)
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if but == keys.up then
- scroll = math.max(0, scroll - 1)
- elseif but == keys.down and #results > height then
- scroll = math.min(scroll + 1, #results - height)
- end
- draw()
- elseif event == "mouse_scroll" then
- if but > 0 then
- os.queueEvent("key", keys.down)
- else
- os.queueEvent("key", keys.up)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- builtInSites["search basic"] = function(results)
- local startY = 6
- local height = h - startY - 1
- local scroll = 0
- local selected = 1
- local draw = function()
- fill(1, startY, w, height + 1, theme.background)
- for i = scroll + 1, scroll + height do
- if results[i] then
- if i == selected + scroll then
- term.setCursorPos(3, (i - scroll) + startY)
- term.write("> " .. currentProtocol .. "://" .. results[i])
- else
- term.setCursorPos(5, (i - scroll) + startY)
- term.write(currentProtocol .. "://" .. results[i])
- end
- end
- end
- end
- draw()
- while true do
- local event, but, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "key" then
- if but == keys.up and selected + scroll > 1 then
- if selected > 1 then
- selected = selected - 1
- else
- scroll = math.max(0, scroll - 1)
- end
- elseif but == keys.down and selected + scroll < #results then
- if selected < height then
- selected = selected + 1
- else
- scroll = math.min(scroll + 1, #results - height)
- end
- elseif but == keys.enter then
- local item = results[scroll + selected]
- if item then
- os.queueEvent(redirectEvent, item)
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- draw()
- elseif event == "mouse_scroll" then
- if but > 0 then
- os.queueEvent("key", keys.down)
- else
- os.queueEvent("key", keys.up)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- builtInSites["search"] = function(results)
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center(#results .. " Search " .. (#results == 1 and "Result" or "Results"))
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- if term.isColor() then
- builtInSites["search advanced"](results)
- else
- builtInSites["search basic"](results)
- end
- end
- builtInSites["crash"] = function(err)
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("The website crashed!")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 8)
- centerSplit(err, w - 4)
- print("\n")
- center("Please report this error to")
- center("the website creator.")
- end
- -- Menubar
- local getTabName = function(url)
- local name = url:match("^[^/]+")
- if not name then
- name = "Search"
- end
- if name:sub(1, 3) == "www" then
- name = name:sub(5):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
- end
- if name:len() > maxTabNameWidth then
- name = name:sub(1, maxTabNameWidth):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
- end
- if name:sub(-1, -1) == "." then
- name = name:sub(1, -2):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
- end
- return name:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
- end
- local determineClickedTab = function(x, y)
- if y == 2 then
- local minx = 2
- for i, tab in pairs(tabs) do
- local name = getTabName(tab.url)
- if x >= minx and x <= minx + name:len() - 1 then
- return i
- elseif x == minx + name:len() and i == currentTab and #tabs > 1 then
- return "close"
- else
- minx = minx + name:len() + 2
- end
- end
- if x == minx and #tabs < maxTabs then
- return "new"
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local setupMenubar = function()
- if enableTabBar then
- menubarWindow = window.create(originalTerminal, 1, 1, w, 2, false)
- else
- menubarWindow = window.create(originalTerminal, 1, 1, w, 1, false)
- end
- end
- local drawMenubar = function()
- if isMenubarOpen then
- term.redirect(menubarWindow)
- menubarWindow.setVisible(true)
- fill(1, 1, w, 1, theme.accent)
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.accent)
- term.setCursorPos(2, 1)
- if currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^%?]+") then
- term.write(currentProtocol .. "://" .. currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^%?]+"))
- else
- term.write(currentProtocol .. "://" ..currentWebsiteURL)
- end
- term.setCursorPos(w - 5, 1)
- term.write("[===]")
- if enableTabBar then
- fill(1, 2, w, 1, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- for i, tab in pairs(tabs) do
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.subtle)
- term.setTextColor(theme.lightText)
- if i == currentTab then
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- end
- local tabName = getTabName(tab.url)
- term.write(" " .. tabName)
- if i == currentTab and #tabs > 1 then
- term.setTextColor(theme.errorText)
- term.write("x")
- else
- term.write(" ")
- end
- end
- if #tabs < maxTabs then
- term.setTextColor(theme.lightText)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.subtle)
- term.write(" + ")
- end
- end
- else
- menubarWindow.setVisible(false)
- end
- end
- -- RC4
- -- Implementation by AgentE382
- local cryptWrapper = function(plaintext, salt)
- local key = type(salt) == "table" and {unpack(salt)} or {string.byte(salt, 1, #salt)}
- local S = {}
- for i = 0, 255 do
- S[i] = i
- end
- local j, keylength = 0, #key
- for i = 0, 255 do
- j = (j + S[i] + key[i % keylength + 1]) % 256
- S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]
- end
- local i = 0
- j = 0
- local chars, astable = type(plaintext) == "table" and {unpack(plaintext)} or {string.byte(plaintext, 1, #plaintext)}, false
- for n = 1, #chars do
- i = (i + 1) % 256
- j = (j + S[i]) % 256
- S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]
- chars[n] = bit.bxor(S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256], chars[n])
- if chars[n] > 127 or chars[n] == 13 then
- astable = true
- end
- end
- return astable and chars or string.char(unpack(chars))
- end
- local crypt = function(text, key)
- local resp, msg = pcall(cryptWrapper, text, key)
- if resp then
- return msg
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- -- Base64
- --
- -- Base64 Encryption/Decryption
- -- By KillaVanilla
- --
- --
- --
- local alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
- local function sixBitToBase64(input)
- return string.sub(alphabet, input+1, input+1)
- end
- local function base64ToSixBit(input)
- for i=1, 64 do
- if input == string.sub(alphabet, i, i) then
- return i-1
- end
- end
- end
- local function octetToBase64(o1, o2, o3)
- local shifted = bit.brshift(, 0xFC), 2)
- local i1 = sixBitToBase64(shifted)
- local i2 = "A"
- local i3 = "="
- local i4 = "="
- if o2 then
- i2 = sixBitToBase64(bit.bor( bit.blshift(, 3), 4), bit.brshift(, 0xF0), 4) ))
- if not o3 then
- i3 = sixBitToBase64(bit.blshift(, 0x0F), 2))
- else
- i3 = sixBitToBase64(bit.bor( bit.blshift(, 0x0F), 2), bit.brshift(, 0xC0), 6) ))
- end
- else
- i2 = sixBitToBase64(bit.blshift(, 3), 4))
- end
- if o3 then
- i4 = sixBitToBase64(, 0x3F))
- end
- return i1..i2..i3..i4
- end
- local function base64ToThreeOctet(s1)
- local c1 = base64ToSixBit(string.sub(s1, 1, 1))
- local c2 = base64ToSixBit(string.sub(s1, 2, 2))
- local c3 = 0
- local c4 = 0
- local o1 = 0
- local o2 = 0
- local o3 = 0
- if string.sub(s1, 3, 3) == "=" then
- c3 = nil
- c4 = nil
- elseif string.sub(s1, 4, 4) == "=" then
- c3 = base64ToSixBit(string.sub(s1, 3, 3))
- c4 = nil
- else
- c3 = base64ToSixBit(string.sub(s1, 3, 3))
- c4 = base64ToSixBit(string.sub(s1, 4, 4))
- end
- o1 = bit.bor( bit.blshift(c1, 2), bit.brshift( c2, 0x30 ), 4) )
- if c3 then
- o2 = bit.bor( bit.blshift(, 0x0F), 4), bit.brshift( c3, 0x3C ), 2) )
- else
- o2 = nil
- end
- if c4 then
- o3 = bit.bor( bit.blshift(, 3), 6), c4 )
- else
- o3 = nil
- end
- return o1, o2, o3
- end
- local function splitIntoBlocks(bytes)
- local blockNum = 1
- local blocks = {}
- for i=1, #bytes, 3 do
- blocks[blockNum] = {bytes[i], bytes[i+1], bytes[i+2]}
- blockNum = blockNum+1
- end
- return blocks
- end
- function base64Encode(bytes)
- local blocks = splitIntoBlocks(bytes)
- local output = ""
- for i=1, #blocks do
- output = output..octetToBase64( unpack(blocks[i]) )
- end
- return output
- end
- function base64Decode(str)
- local bytes = {}
- local blocks = {}
- local blockNum = 1
- for i=1, #str, 4 do
- blocks[blockNum] = string.sub(str, i, i+3)
- blockNum = blockNum+1
- end
- for i=1, #blocks do
- local o1, o2, o3 = base64ToThreeOctet(blocks[i])
- table.insert(bytes, o1)
- table.insert(bytes, o2)
- table.insert(bytes, o3)
- end
- return bytes
- end
- -- SHA-256
- --
- -- Adaptation of the Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA-244/256)
- -- Found Here:
- --
- -- Using an adapted version of the bit library
- -- Found Here:
- local MOD = 2^32
- local MODM = MOD-1
- local function memoize(f)
- local mt = {}
- local t = setmetatable({}, mt)
- function mt:__index(k)
- local v = f(k)
- t[k] = v
- return v
- end
- return t
- end
- local function make_bitop_uncached(t, m)
- local function bitop(a, b)
- local res,p = 0,1
- while a ~= 0 and b ~= 0 do
- local am, bm = a % m, b % m
- res = res + t[am][bm] * p
- a = (a - am) / m
- b = (b - bm) / m
- p = p * m
- end
- res = res + (a + b) * p
- return res
- end
- return bitop
- end
- local function make_bitop(t)
- local op1 = make_bitop_uncached(t,2^1)
- local op2 = memoize(function(a)
- return memoize(function(b)
- return op1(a, b)
- end)
- end)
- return make_bitop_uncached(op2, 2 ^ (t.n or 1))
- end
- local customBxor1 = make_bitop({[0] = {[0] = 0,[1] = 1}, [1] = {[0] = 1, [1] = 0}, n = 4})
- local function customBxor(a, b, c, ...)
- local z = nil
- if b then
- a = a % MOD
- b = b % MOD
- z = customBxor1(a, b)
- if c then
- z = customBxor(z, c, ...)
- end
- return z
- elseif a then
- return a % MOD
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- local function customBand(a, b, c, ...)
- local z
- if b then
- a = a % MOD
- b = b % MOD
- z = ((a + b) - customBxor1(a,b)) / 2
- if c then
- z = customBand(z, c, ...)
- end
- return z
- elseif a then
- return a % MOD
- else
- return MODM
- end
- end
- local function bnot(x)
- return (-1 - x) % MOD
- end
- local function rshift1(a, disp)
- if disp < 0 then
- return lshift(a, -disp)
- end
- return math.floor(a % 2 ^ 32 / 2 ^ disp)
- end
- local function rshift(x, disp)
- if disp > 31 or disp < -31 then
- return 0
- end
- return rshift1(x % MOD, disp)
- end
- local function lshift(a, disp)
- if disp < 0 then
- return rshift(a, -disp)
- end
- return (a * 2 ^ disp) % 2 ^ 32
- end
- local function rrotate(x, disp)
- x = x % MOD
- disp = disp % 32
- local low = customBand(x, 2 ^ disp - 1)
- return rshift(x, disp) + lshift(low, 32 - disp)
- end
- local k = {
- 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,
- 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,
- 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,
- 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,
- 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,
- 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,
- 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,
- 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,
- 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,
- 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
- 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,
- 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,
- 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,
- 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,
- 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,
- 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2,
- }
- local function str2hexa(s)
- return (string.gsub(s, ".", function(c)
- return string.format("%02x", string.byte(c))
- end))
- end
- local function num2s(l, n)
- local s = ""
- for i = 1, n do
- local rem = l % 256
- s = string.char(rem) .. s
- l = (l - rem) / 256
- end
- return s
- end
- local function s232num(s, i)
- local n = 0
- for i = i, i + 3 do
- n = n*256 + string.byte(s, i)
- end
- return n
- end
- local function preproc(msg, len)
- local extra = 64 - ((len + 9) % 64)
- len = num2s(8 * len, 8)
- msg = msg .. "\128" .. string.rep("\0", extra) .. len
- assert(#msg % 64 == 0)
- return msg
- end
- local function initH256(H)
- H[1] = 0x6a09e667
- H[2] = 0xbb67ae85
- H[3] = 0x3c6ef372
- H[4] = 0xa54ff53a
- H[5] = 0x510e527f
- H[6] = 0x9b05688c
- H[7] = 0x1f83d9ab
- H[8] = 0x5be0cd19
- return H
- end
- local function digestblock(msg, i, H)
- local w = {}
- for j = 1, 16 do
- w[j] = s232num(msg, i + (j - 1)*4)
- end
- for j = 17, 64 do
- local v = w[j - 15]
- local s0 = customBxor(rrotate(v, 7), rrotate(v, 18), rshift(v, 3))
- v = w[j - 2]
- w[j] = w[j - 16] + s0 + w[j - 7] + customBxor(rrotate(v, 17), rrotate(v, 19), rshift(v, 10))
- end
- local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8]
- for i = 1, 64 do
- local s0 = customBxor(rrotate(a, 2), rrotate(a, 13), rrotate(a, 22))
- local maj = customBxor(customBand(a, b), customBand(a, c), customBand(b, c))
- local t2 = s0 + maj
- local s1 = customBxor(rrotate(e, 6), rrotate(e, 11), rrotate(e, 25))
- local ch = customBxor (customBand(e, f), customBand(bnot(e), g))
- local t1 = h + s1 + ch + k[i] + w[i]
- h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a = g, f, e, d + t1, c, b, a, t1 + t2
- end
- H[1] = customBand(H[1] + a)
- H[2] = customBand(H[2] + b)
- H[3] = customBand(H[3] + c)
- H[4] = customBand(H[4] + d)
- H[5] = customBand(H[5] + e)
- H[6] = customBand(H[6] + f)
- H[7] = customBand(H[7] + g)
- H[8] = customBand(H[8] + h)
- end
- local function sha256(msg)
- msg = preproc(msg, #msg)
- local H = initH256({})
- for i = 1, #msg, 64 do
- digestblock(msg, i, H)
- end
- return str2hexa(num2s(H[1], 4) .. num2s(H[2], 4) .. num2s(H[3], 4) .. num2s(H[4], 4) ..
- num2s(H[5], 4) .. num2s(H[6], 4) .. num2s(H[7], 4) .. num2s(H[8], 4))
- end
- local protocolName = "Firewolf"
- -- Cryptography
- local Cryptography = {}
- Cryptography.sha = {}
- Cryptography.base64 = {}
- Cryptography.aes = {}
- function Cryptography.bytesFromMessage(msg)
- local bytes = {}
- for i = 1, msg:len() do
- local letter = string.byte(msg:sub(i, i))
- table.insert(bytes, letter)
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function Cryptography.messageFromBytes(bytes)
- local msg = ""
- for i = 1, #bytes do
- local letter = string.char(bytes[i])
- msg = msg .. letter
- end
- return msg
- end
- function Cryptography.bytesFromKey(key)
- local bytes = {}
- for i = 1, key:len() / 2 do
- local group = key:sub((i - 1) * 2 + 1, (i - 1) * 2 + 1)
- local num = tonumber(group, 16)
- table.insert(bytes, num)
- end
- return bytes
- end
- function Cryptography.sha.sha256(msg)
- return sha256(msg)
- end
- function Cryptography.aes.encrypt(msg, key)
- return base64Encode(crypt(msg, key))
- end
- function Cryptography.aes.decrypt(msg, key)
- return crypt(base64Decode(msg), key)
- end
- function Cryptography.base64.encode(msg)
- return base64Encode(Cryptography.bytesFromMessage(msg))
- end
- function Cryptography.base64.decode(msg)
- return Cryptography.messageFromBytes(base64Decode(msg))
- end
- function
- local hashed = Cryptography.sha.sha256(text)
- local total = 0
- for i = 1, hashed:len() do
- total = total + string.byte(hashed:sub(i, i))
- end
- return (total % 55530) + 10000
- end
- function Cryptography.sanatize(text)
- local sanatizeChars = {"%", "(", ")", "[", "]", ".", "+", "-", "*", "?", "^", "$"}
- for _, char in pairs(sanatizeChars) do
- text = text:gsub("%"..char, "%%%"..char)
- end
- return text
- end
- -- Modem
- local Modem = {}
- Modem.modems = {}
- function Modem.exists()
- Modem.exists = false
- for _, side in pairs(rs.getSides()) do
- if peripheral.isPresent(side) and peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then
- Modem.exists = true
- if not Modem.modems[side] then
- Modem.modems[side] = peripheral.wrap(side)
- end
- end
- end
- return Modem.exists
- end
- function
- if not Modem.exists then
- return false
- end
- for side, modem in pairs(Modem.modems) do
- end
- return true
- end
- function Modem.close(channel)
- if not Modem.exists then
- return false
- end
- for side, modem in pairs(Modem.modems) do
- modem.close(channel)
- end
- return true
- end
- function Modem.closeAll()
- if not Modem.exists then
- return false
- end
- for side, modem in pairs(Modem.modems) do
- modem.closeAll()
- end
- return true
- end
- function Modem.isOpen(channel)
- if not Modem.exists then
- return false
- end
- local isOpen = false
- for side, modem in pairs(Modem.modems) do
- if modem.isOpen(channel) then
- isOpen = true
- break
- end
- end
- return isOpen
- end
- function Modem.transmit(channel, msg)
- if not Modem.exists then
- return false
- end
- if not Modem.isOpen(channel) then
- end
- for side, modem in pairs(Modem.modems) do
- modem.transmit(channel, channel, msg)
- end
- return true
- end
- -- Handshake
- local Handshake = {}
- = 625210769
- = 54569
- Handshake.base = -1
- Handshake.secret = -1
- Handshake.sharedSecret = -1
- Handshake.packetHeader = "["..protocolName.."-Handshake-Packet-Header]"
- Handshake.packetMatch = "%["..protocolName.."%-Handshake%-Packet%-Header%](.+)"
- function Handshake.exponentWithModulo(base, exponent, modulo)
- local remainder = base
- for i = 1, exponent-1 do
- remainder = remainder * remainder
- if remainder >= modulo then
- remainder = remainder % modulo
- end
- end
- return remainder
- end
- function Handshake.clear()
- Handshake.base = -1
- Handshake.secret = -1
- Handshake.sharedSecret = -1
- end
- function Handshake.generateInitiatorData()
- Handshake.base = math.random(10,99999)
- Handshake.secret = math.random(10,99999)
- return {
- type = "initiate",
- prime =,
- base = Handshake.base,
- moddedSecret = Handshake.exponentWithModulo(Handshake.base, Handshake.secret,
- }
- end
- function Handshake.generateResponseData(initiatorData)
- local isPrimeANumber = type( == "number"
- local isPrimeMatching = ==
- local isBaseANumber = type(initiatorData.base) == "number"
- local isInitiator = initiatorData.type == "initiate"
- local isModdedSecretANumber = type(initiatorData.moddedSecret) == "number"
- local areAllNumbersNumbers = isPrimeANumber and isBaseANumber and isModdedSecretANumber
- if areAllNumbersNumbers and isPrimeMatching then
- if isInitiator then
- Handshake.base = initiatorData.base
- Handshake.secret = math.random(10,99999)
- Handshake.sharedSecret = Handshake.exponentWithModulo(initiatorData.moddedSecret, Handshake.secret,
- return {
- type = "response",
- prime =,
- base = Handshake.base,
- moddedSecret = Handshake.exponentWithModulo(Handshake.base, Handshake.secret,
- }, Handshake.sharedSecret
- elseif initiatorData.type == "response" and Handshake.base > 0 and Handshake.secret > 0 then
- Handshake.sharedSecret = Handshake.exponentWithModulo(initiatorData.moddedSecret, Handshake.secret,
- return Handshake.sharedSecret
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Secure Connection
- local SecureConnection = {}
- SecureConnection.__index = SecureConnection
- SecureConnection.packetHeaderA = "["..protocolName.."-"
- SecureConnection.packetHeaderB = "-SecureConnection-Packet-Header]"
- SecureConnection.packetMatchA = "%["..protocolName.."%-"
- SecureConnection.packetMatchB = "%-SecureConnection%-Packet%-Header%](.+)"
- SecureConnection.connectionTimeout = 0.1
- SecureConnection.successPacketTimeout = 0.1
- function, key, identifier, distance, isRednet)
- local self = setmetatable({}, SecureConnection)
- self:setup(secret, key, identifier, distance, isRednet)
- return self
- end
- function SecureConnection:setup(secret, key, identifier, distance, isRednet)
- local rawSecret
- if isRednet then
- self.isRednet = true
- self.distance = -1
- self.rednet_id = distance
- rawSecret = protocolName .. "|" .. tostring(secret) .. "|" .. tostring(identifier) ..
- "|" .. tostring(key) .. "|rednet"
- else
- self.isRednet = false
- self.distance = distance
- rawSecret = protocolName .. "|" .. tostring(secret) .. "|" .. tostring(identifier) ..
- "|" .. tostring(key) .. "|" .. tostring(distance)
- end
- self.identifier = identifier
- self.packetMatch = SecureConnection.packetMatchA .. Cryptography.sanatize(identifier) .. SecureConnection.packetMatchB
- self.packetHeader = SecureConnection.packetHeaderA .. identifier .. SecureConnection.packetHeaderB
- self.secret = Cryptography.sha.sha256(rawSecret)
- =
- if not self.isRednet then
- end
- end
- function SecureConnection:verifyHeader(msg)
- if type(msg) ~= "string" then return false end
- if msg:match(self.packetMatch) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function SecureConnection:sendMessage(msg, rednetProtocol)
- local rawEncryptedMsg = Cryptography.aes.encrypt(self.packetHeader .. msg, self.secret)
- local encryptedMsg = self.packetHeader .. rawEncryptedMsg
- if self.isRednet then
- rednet.send(self.rednet_id, encryptedMsg, rednetProtocol)
- return true
- else
- return Modem.transmit(, encryptedMsg)
- end
- end
- function SecureConnection:decryptMessage(msg)
- if self:verifyHeader(msg) then
- local encrypted = msg:match(self.packetMatch)
- local unencryptedMsg = nil
- pcall(function() unencryptedMsg = Cryptography.aes.decrypt(encrypted, self.secret) end)
- if not unencryptedMsg then
- return false, "Could not decrypt"
- end
- if self:verifyHeader(unencryptedMsg) then
- return true, unencryptedMsg:match(self.packetMatch)
- else
- return false, "Could not verify"
- end
- else
- return false, "Could not stage 1 verify"
- end
- end
- -- RDNT Protocol
- protocols["rdnt"] = {}
- local header = {}
- header.dnsPacket = "[Firewolf-DNS-Packet]"
- header.dnsHeaderMatch = "^%[Firewolf%-DNS%-Response%](.+)$"
- header.rednetHeader = "[Firewolf-Rednet-Channel-Simulation]"
- header.rednetMatch = "^%[Firewolf%-Rednet%-Channel%-Simulation%](%d+)$"
- header.responseMatchA = "^%[Firewolf%-"
- header.responseMatchB = "%-"
- header.responseMatchC = "%-Handshake%-Response%](.+)$"
- header.requestHeaderA = "[Firewolf-"
- header.requestHeaderB = "-Handshake-Request]"
- header.pageRequestHeaderA = "[Firewolf-"
- header.pageRequestHeaderB = "-Page-Request]"
- header.pageResponseMatchA = "^%[Firewolf%-"
- header.pageResponseMatchB = "%-Page%-Response%]%[HEADER%](.-)%[BODY%](.+)$"
- header.closeHeaderA = "[Firewolf-"
- header.closeHeaderB = "-Connection-Close]"
- protocols["rdnt"]["setup"] = function()
- if not Modem.exists() then
- error("No modem found!")
- end
- end
- protocols["rdnt"]["fetchAllSearchResults"] = function()
- Modem.transmit(publicDNSChannel, header.dnsPacket)
- Modem.close(publicDNSChannel)
- rednet.broadcast(header.dnsPacket, header.rednetHeader .. publicDNSChannel)
- local uniqueServers = {}
- local uniqueDomains = {}
- local timer = os.startTimer(searchResultTimeout)
- while true do
- local event, id, channel, protocol, message, dist = os.pullEventRaw()
- if event == "modem_message" then
- if channel == publicResponseChannel and type(message) == "string" and message:match(header.dnsHeaderMatch) then
- if not uniqueServers[tostring(dist)] then
- uniqueServers[tostring(dist)] = true
- local domain = message:match(header.dnsHeaderMatch)
- if not uniqueDomains[domain] then
- if not(domain:find("/") or domain:find(":") or domain:find("%?")) and #domain > 4 then
- timer = os.startTimer(searchResultTimeout)
- uniqueDomains[message:match(header.dnsHeaderMatch)] = tostring(dist)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event == "rednet_message" and allowUnencryptedConnections then
- if protocol and tonumber(protocol:match(header.rednetMatch)) == publicResponseChannel and channel:match(header.dnsHeaderMatch) then
- if not uniqueServers[tostring(id)] then
- uniqueServers[tostring(id)] = true
- local domain = channel:match(header.dnsHeaderMatch)
- if not uniqueDomains[domain] then
- if not(domain:find("/") or domain:find(":") or domain:find("%?")) and #domain > 4 then
- timer = os.startTimer(searchResultTimeout)
- uniqueDomains[domain] = tostring(id)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event == "timer" and id == timer then
- local results = {}
- for k, _ in pairs(uniqueDomains) do
- table.insert(results, k)
- end
- return results
- end
- end
- end
- protocols["rdnt"]["fetchConnectionObject"] = function(url)
- local serverChannel =
- local requestHeader = header.requestHeaderA .. url .. header.requestHeaderB
- local responseMatch = header.responseMatchA .. Cryptography.sanatize(url) .. header.responseMatchB
- local serializedHandshake = textutils.serialize(Handshake.generateInitiatorData())
- local rednetResults = {}
- local directResults = {}
- local disconnectOthers = function(ignoreDirect)
- for k,v in pairs(rednetResults) do
- v.close()
- end
- for k,v in pairs(directResults) do
- if k ~= ignoreDirect then
- v.close()
- end
- end
- end
- local timer = os.startTimer(initiationTimeout)
- Modem.transmit(serverChannel, requestHeader .. serializedHandshake)
- rednet.broadcast(requestHeader .. serializedHandshake, header.rednetHeader .. serverChannel)
- -- Extendable to have server selection
- while true do
- local event, id, channel, protocol, message, dist = os.pullEventRaw()
- if event == "modem_message" then
- local fullMatch = responseMatch .. tostring(dist) .. header.responseMatchC
- if channel == serverChannel and type(message) == "string" and message:match(fullMatch) and type(textutils.unserialize(message:match(fullMatch))) == "table" then
- local key = Handshake.generateResponseData(textutils.unserialize(message:match(fullMatch)))
- if key then
- local connection =, url, url, dist)
- table.insert(directResults, {
- connection = connection,
- fetchPage = function(page)
- if not connection then
- return nil
- end
- local fetchTimer = os.startTimer(fetchTimeout)
- local pageRequest = header.pageRequestHeaderA .. url .. header.pageRequestHeaderB .. page
- local pageResponseMatch = header.pageResponseMatchA .. Cryptography.sanatize(url) .. header.pageResponseMatchB
- connection:sendMessage(pageRequest, header.rednetHeader ..
- while true do
- local event, id, channel, protocol, message, dist = os.pullEventRaw()
- if event == "modem_message" and channel == and type(message) == "string" and connection:verifyHeader(message) then
- local resp, data = connection:decryptMessage(message)
- if not resp then
- -- Decryption error
- elseif data and data ~= page then
- if data:match(pageResponseMatch) then
- local head, body = data:match(pageResponseMatch)
- return body, textutils.unserialize(head)
- end
- end
- elseif event == "timer" and id == fetchTimer then
- return nil
- end
- end
- end,
- close = function()
- if connection ~= nil then
- connection:sendMessage(header.closeHeaderA .. url .. header.closeHeaderB,
- Modem.close(
- connection = nil
- end
- end
- })
- disconnectOthers(1)
- return directResults[1]
- end
- end
- elseif event == "rednet_message" then
- local fullMatch = responseMatch .. os.getComputerID() .. header.responseMatchC
- if protocol and tonumber(protocol:match(header.rednetMatch)) == serverChannel and channel:match(fullMatch) and type(textutils.unserialize(channel:match(fullMatch))) == "table" then
- local key = Handshake.generateResponseData(textutils.unserialize(channel:match(fullMatch)))
- if key then
- local connection =, url, url, id, true)
- table.insert(rednetResults, {
- connection = connection,
- fetchPage = function(page)
- if not connection then
- return nil
- end
- local fetchTimer = os.startTimer(fetchTimeout)
- local pageRequest = header.pageRequestHeaderA .. url .. header.pageRequestHeaderB .. page
- local pageResponseMatch = header.pageResponseMatchA .. Cryptography.sanatize(url) .. header.pageResponseMatchB
- connection:sendMessage(pageRequest, header.rednetHeader ..
- while true do
- local event, id, channel, protocol, message, dist = os.pullEventRaw()
- if event == "rednet_message" and protocol and tonumber(protocol:match(header.rednetMatch)) == and connection:verifyHeader(channel) then
- local resp, data = connection:decryptMessage(channel)
- if not resp then
- -- Decryption error
- elseif data and data ~= page then
- if data:match(pageResponseMatch) then
- local head, body = data:match(pageResponseMatch)
- return body, textutils.unserialize(head)
- end
- end
- elseif event == "timer" and id == fetchTimer then
- return nil
- end
- end
- end,
- close = function()
- connection:sendMessage(header.closeHeaderA .. url .. header.closeHeaderB,
- Modem.close(
- connection = nil
- end
- })
- if #rednetResults == 1 then
- timer = os.startTimer(0.2)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event == "timer" and id == timer then
- -- Return
- if #directResults > 0 then
- disconnectOthers(1)
- return directResults[1]
- elseif #rednetResults > 0 then
- local lowestID = math.huge
- local lowestResult = nil
- for k,v in pairs(rednetResults) do
- if v.connection.rednet_id < lowestID then
- lowestID = v.connection.rednet_id
- lowestResult = v
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(rednetResults) do
- if v.connection.rednet_id ~= lowestID then
- v.close()
- end
- end
- return lowestResult
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Fetching Raw Data
- local fetchSearchResultsForQuery = function(query)
- local all = protocols[currentProtocol]["fetchAllSearchResults"]()
- local results = {}
- if query and query:len() > 0 then
- for _, v in pairs(all) do
- if v:find(query:lower()) then
- table.insert(results, v)
- end
- end
- else
- results = all
- end
- table.sort(results)
- return results
- end
- local getConnectionObjectFromURL = function(url)
- local domain = url:match("^([^/]+)")
- return protocols[currentProtocol]["fetchConnectionObject"](domain)
- end
- local determineLanguage = function(header)
- if type(header) == "table" then
- if header.language and header.language == "Firewolf Markup" then
- return "fwml"
- else
- return "lua"
- end
- else
- return "lua"
- end
- end
- -- History
- local appendToHistory = function(url)
- if history[1] ~= url then
- table.insert(history, 1, url)
- end
- end
- -- Fetch Websites
- local loadingAnimation = function()
- local state = -2
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.accent)
- term.setCursorPos(w - 5, 1)
- term.write("[= ]")
- local timer = os.startTimer(animationInterval)
- while true do
- local event, timerID = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "timer" and timerID == timer then
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.accent)
- state = state + 1
- term.setCursorPos(w - 5, 1)
- term.write("[ ]")
- term.setCursorPos(w - 2 - math.abs(state), 1)
- term.write("=")
- if state == 2 then
- state = -2
- end
- timer = os.startTimer(animationInterval)
- end
- end
- end
- local normalizeURL = function(url)
- url = url:lower():gsub(" ", "")
- if url == "home" or url == "homepage" then
- url = "firewolf"
- end
- return url
- end
- local normalizePage = function(page)
- if not page then page = "" end
- page = page:lower()
- if page == "" then
- page = "/"
- end
- return page
- end
- local determineActionForURL = function(url)
- if url:len() > 0 and url:gsub("/", ""):len() == 0 then
- return "none"
- end
- if url == "exit" then
- return "exit"
- elseif builtInSites["display"][url] then
- return "internal website"
- elseif url == "" then
- local results = fetchSearchResultsForQuery()
- if #results > 0 then
- return "search", results
- else
- return "none"
- end
- else
- local connection = getConnectionObjectFromURL(url)
- if connection then
- return "external website", connection
- else
- local results = fetchSearchResultsForQuery(url)
- if #results > 0 then
- return "search", results
- else
- return "none"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local fetchSearch = function(url, results)
- return languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"](builtInSites["search"], results)
- end
- local fetchInternal = function(url)
- return languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"](builtInSites["display"][url])
- end
- local fetchError = function(err)
- return languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"](builtInSites["error"], err)
- end
- local fetchExternal = function(url, connection)
- if connection.multipleServers then
- -- Please forgive me
- -- GravityScore forced me to do it like this
- -- I don't mean it, I really don't.
- connection = connection.servers[1]
- end
- local page = normalizePage(url:match("^[^/]+/(.+)"))
- local contents, head = connection.fetchPage(page)
- if contents then
- if type(contents) ~= "string" then
- return fetchNone()
- else
- local language = determineLanguage(head)
- return languages[language]["run"](contents, page, connection)
- end
- else
- if connection then
- connection.close()
- return "retry"
- end
- return fetchError("A connection error/timeout has occurred!")
- end
- end
- local fetchNone = function()
- return languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"](builtInSites["noresults"])
- end
- local fetchURL = function(url, inheritConnection)
- url = normalizeURL(url)
- currentWebsiteURL = url
- if inheritConnection then
- local resp = fetchExternal(url, inheritConnection)
- if resp ~= "retry" then
- return resp, false, inheritConnection
- end
- end
- local action, connection = determineActionForURL(url)
- if action == "search" then
- return fetchSearch(url, connection), true
- elseif action == "internal website" then
- return fetchInternal(url), true
- elseif action == "external website" then
- local resp = fetchExternal(url, connection)
- if resp == "retry" then
- return fetchError("A connection error/timeout has occurred!"), false, connection
- else
- return resp, false, connection
- end
- elseif action == "none" then
- return fetchNone(), true
- elseif action == "exit" then
- os.queueEvent("terminate")
- end
- return nil
- end
- -- Tabs
- local switchTab = function(index, shouldntResume)
- if not tabs[index] then
- return
- end
- if tabs[currentTab].win then
- tabs[currentTab].win.setVisible(false)
- end
- currentTab = index
- isMenubarOpen = tabs[currentTab].isMenubarOpen
- currentWebsiteURL = tabs[currentTab].url
- term.redirect(originalTerminal)
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- drawMenubar()
- term.redirect(tabs[currentTab].win)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- tabs[currentTab].win.setVisible(true)
- tabs[currentTab].win.redraw()
- if not shouldntResume then
- coroutine.resume(tabs[currentTab].thread)
- end
- end
- local closeCurrentTab = function()
- if #tabs <= 0 then
- return
- end
- table.remove(tabs, currentTab)
- currentTab = math.max(currentTab - 1, 1)
- switchTab(currentTab, true)
- end
- local loadTab = function(index, url, givenFunc)
- url = normalizeURL(url)
- local func = nil
- local isOpen = true
- local currentConnection = false
- isMenubarOpen = true
- currentWebsiteURL = url
- drawMenubar()
- if tabs[index] and tabs[index].connection and tabs[index].url then
- if url:match("^([^/]+)") == tabs[index].url:match("^([^/]+)") then
- currentConnection = tabs[index].connection
- else
- tabs[index].connection.close()
- tabs[index].connection = nil
- end
- end
- if givenFunc then
- func = givenFunc
- else
- parallel.waitForAny(function()
- func, isOpen, connection = fetchURL(url, currentConnection)
- end, function()
- while true do
- local event, key = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "key" and (key == 29 or key == 157) then
- break
- end
- end
- end, loadingAnimation)
- end
- if func then
- appendToHistory(url)
- tabs[index] = {}
- tabs[index].url = url
- tabs[index].connection = connection
- tabs[index].win = window.create(originalTerminal, 1, 1, w, h, false)
- tabs[index].thread = coroutine.create(func)
- tabs[index].isMenubarOpen = isOpen
- tabs[index].isMenubarPermanent = isOpen
- tabs[index].ox = 1
- tabs[index].oy = 1
- term.redirect(tabs[index].win)
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- switchTab(index)
- end
- end
- -- Website Environments
- local getWhitelistedEnvironment = function()
- local env = {}
- local function copy(source, destination, key)
- destination[key] = {}
- for k, v in pairs(source) do
- destination[key][k] = v
- end
- end
- copy(bit, env, "bit")
- copy(colors, env, "colors")
- copy(colours, env, "colours")
- copy(coroutine, env, "coroutine")
- copy(disk, env, "disk")
- env["disk"]["setLabel"] = nil
- env["disk"]["eject"] = nil
- copy(gps, env, "gps")
- copy(help, env, "help")
- copy(keys, env, "keys")
- copy(math, env, "math")
- copy(os, env, "os")
- env["os"]["run"] = nil
- env["os"]["shutdown"] = nil
- env["os"]["reboot"] = nil
- env["os"]["setComputerLabel"] = nil
- env["os"]["queueEvent"] = nil
- env["os"]["pullEvent"] = function(filter)
- while true do
- local event = {os.pullEvent(filter)}
- if not filter then
- return unpack(event)
- elseif filter and event[1] == filter then
- return unpack(event)
- end
- end
- end
- env["os"]["pullEventRaw"] = env["os"]["pullEvent"]
- copy(paintutils, env, "paintutils")
- copy(parallel, env, "parallel")
- copy(peripheral, env, "peripheral")
- copy(rednet, env, "rednet")
- copy(redstone, env, "redstone")
- copy(redstone, env, "rs")
- copy(shell, env, "shell")
- env["shell"]["run"] = nil
- env["shell"]["exit"] = nil
- env["shell"]["setDir"] = nil
- env["shell"]["setAlias"] = nil
- env["shell"]["clearAlias"] = nil
- env["shell"]["setPath"] = nil
- copy(string, env, "string")
- copy(table, env, "table")
- copy(term, env, "term")
- env["term"]["redirect"] = nil
- env["term"]["restore"] = nil
- copy(textutils, env, "textutils")
- copy(vector, env, "vector")
- if turtle then
- copy(turtle, env, "turtle")
- end
- if http then
- copy(http, env, "http")
- end
- env["assert"] = assert
- env["printError"] = printError
- env["tonumber"] = tonumber
- env["tostring"] = tostring
- env["type"] = type
- env["next"] = next
- env["unpack"] = unpack
- env["pcall"] = pcall
- env["xpcall"] = xpcall
- env["sleep"] = sleep
- env["pairs"] = pairs
- env["ipairs"] = ipairs
- env["read"] = read
- env["write"] = write
- env["select"] = select
- env["print"] = print
- env["setmetatable"] = setmetatable
- env["getmetatable"] = getmetatable
- env["_G"] = env
- return env
- end
- local overrideEnvironment = function(env)
- local localTerm = {}
- for k, v in pairs(term) do
- localTerm[k] = v
- end
- env["term"]["clear"] = function()
- localTerm.clear()
- drawMenubar()
- end
- env["term"]["scroll"] = function(n)
- localTerm.scroll(n)
- drawMenubar()
- end
- env["shell"]["getRunningProgram"] = function()
- return currentWebsiteURL
- end
- end
- local urlEncode = function(url)
- local result = url
- result = result:gsub("%%", "%%a")
- result = result:gsub(":", "%%c")
- result = result:gsub("/", "%%s")
- result = result:gsub("\n", "%%n")
- result = result:gsub(" ", "%%w")
- result = result:gsub("&", "%%m")
- result = result:gsub("%?", "%%q")
- result = result:gsub("=", "%%e")
- result = result:gsub("%.", "%%d")
- return result
- end
- local urlDecode = function(url)
- local result = url
- result = result:gsub("%%c", ":")
- result = result:gsub("%%s", "/")
- result = result:gsub("%%n", "\n")
- result = result:gsub("%%w", " ")
- result = result:gsub("%%&", "&")
- result = result:gsub("%%q", "%?")
- result = result:gsub("%%e", "=")
- result = result:gsub("%%d", "%.")
- result = result:gsub("%%m", "%%")
- return result
- end
- local applyAPIFunctions = function(env, connection)
- env["firewolf"] = {}
- env["firewolf"]["version"] = version
- env["firewolf"]["domain"] = currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^/]+")
- env["firewolf"]["redirect"] = function(url)
- if type(url) ~= "string" then
- return error("string (url) expected, got " .. type(url))
- end
- os.queueEvent(redirectEvent, url)
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- env["firewolf"]["download"] = function(page)
- if type(page) ~= "string" then
- return error("string (page) expected")
- end
- local bannedNames = {"ls", "dir", "delete", "copy", "move", "list", "rm", "cp", "mv", "clear", "cd", "lua"}
- local startSearch, endSearch = page:find(currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^/]+"))
- if startSearch == 1 then
- if page:sub(endSearch + 1, endSearch + 1) == "/" then
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 2, -1)
- else
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 1, -1)
- end
- end
- local filename = page:match("([^/]+)$")
- if not filename then
- return false, "Cannot download index"
- end
- for k, v in pairs(bannedNames) do
- if filename == v then
- return false, "Filename prohibited!"
- end
- end
- if not fs.exists(downloadsLocation) then
- fs.makeDir(downloadsLocation)
- elseif not fs.isDir(downloadsLocation) then
- return false, "Downloads disabled!"
- end
- contents = connection.fetchPage(normalizePage(page))
- if type(contents) ~= "string" then
- return false, "Download error!"
- else
- local f = .. "/" .. filename, "w")
- f:write(contents)
- f:close()
- return true, downloadsLocation .. "/" .. filename
- end
- end
- env["firewolf"]["encode"] = function(vars)
- if type(vars) ~= "table" then
- return error("table (vars) expected, got " .. type(vars))
- end
- local startSearch, endSearch = page:find(currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^/]+"))
- if startSearch == 1 then
- if page:sub(endSearch + 1, endSearch + 1) == "/" then
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 2, -1)
- else
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 1, -1)
- end
- end
- local construct = "?"
- for k,v in pairs(vars) do
- construct = construct .. urlEncode(tostring(k)) .. "=" .. urlEncode(tostring(v)) .. "&"
- end
- -- Get rid of that last ampersand
- construct = construct:sub(1, -2)
- return construct
- end
- env["firewolf"]["query"] = function(page, vars)
- if type(page) ~= "string" then
- return error("string (page) expected, got " .. type(page))
- end
- if vars and type(vars) ~= "table" then
- return error("table (vars) expected, got " .. type(vars))
- end
- local startSearch, endSearch = page:find(currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^/]+"))
- if startSearch == 1 then
- if page:sub(endSearch + 1, endSearch + 1) == "/" then
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 2, -1)
- else
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 1, -1)
- end
- end
- local construct = page .. "?"
- if vars then
- for k,v in pairs(vars) do
- construct = construct .. urlEncode(tostring(k)) .. "=" .. urlEncode(tostring(v)) .. "&"
- end
- end
- -- Get rid of that last ampersand
- construct = construct:sub(1, -2)
- contents = connection.fetchPage(normalizePage(construct))
- if type(contents) == "string" then
- return contents
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- env["firewolf"]["loadImage"] = function(page)
- if type(page) ~= "string" then
- return error("string (page) expected, got " .. type(page))
- end
- local startSearch, endSearch = page:find(currentWebsiteURL:match("^[^/]+"))
- if startSearch == 1 then
- if page:sub(endSearch + 1, endSearch + 1) == "/" then
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 2, -1)
- else
- page = page:sub(endSearch + 1, -1)
- end
- end
- local filename = page:match("([^/]+)$")
- if not filename then
- return false, "Cannot load index as an image!"
- end
- contents = connection.fetchPage(normalizePage(page))
- if type(contents) ~= "string" then
- return false, "Download error!"
- else
- local colorLookup = {}
- for n = 1, 16 do
- colorLookup[string.byte("0123456789abcdef", n, n)] = 2 ^ (n - 1)
- end
- local image = {}
- for line in contents:gmatch("[^\n]+") do
- local lines = {}
- for x = 1, line:len() do
- lines[x] = colorLookup[string.byte(line, x, x)] or 0
- end
- table.insert(image, lines)
- end
- return image
- end
- end
- env["center"] = center
- env["fill"] = fill
- end
- local getWebsiteEnvironment = function(antivirus, connection)
- local env = {}
- if antivirus then
- env = getWhitelistedEnvironment()
- overrideEnvironment(env)
- else
- setmetatable(env, {__index = _G})
- end
- applyAPIFunctions(env, connection)
- return env
- end
- -- FWML Execution
- local render = {}
- render["functions"] = {}
- render["functions"]["public"] = {}
- render["alignations"] = {}
- render["variables"] = {
- scroll,
- maxScroll,
- align,
- linkData = {},
- blockLength,
- link,
- linkStart,
- markers,
- currentOffset,
- }
- local function getLine(loc, data)
- local _, changes = data:sub(1, loc):gsub("\n", "")
- if not changes then
- return 1
- else
- return changes + 1
- end
- end
- local function parseData(data)
- local commands = {}
- local searchPos = 1
- while #data > 0 do
- local sCmd, eCmd = data:find("%[[^%]]+%]", searchPos)
- if sCmd then
- sCmd = sCmd + 1
- eCmd = eCmd - 1
- if (sCmd > 2) then
- if data:sub(sCmd - 2, sCmd - 2) == "\\" then
- local t = data:sub(searchPos, sCmd - 1):gsub("\n", ""):gsub("\\%[", "%["):gsub("\\%]", "%]")
- if #t > 0 then
- if #commands > 0 and type(commands[#commands][1]) == "string" then
- commands[#commands][1] = commands[#commands][1] .. t
- else
- table.insert(commands, {t})
- end
- end
- searchPos = sCmd
- else
- local t = data:sub(searchPos, sCmd - 2):gsub("\n", ""):gsub("\\%[", "%["):gsub("\\%]", "%]")
- if #t > 0 then
- if #commands > 0 and type(commands[#commands][1]) == "string" then
- commands[#commands][1] = commands[#commands][1] .. t
- else
- table.insert(commands, {t})
- end
- end
- t = data:sub(sCmd, eCmd):gsub("\n", "")
- table.insert(commands, {getLine(sCmd, data), t})
- searchPos = eCmd + 2
- end
- else
- local t = data:sub(sCmd, eCmd):gsub("\n", "")
- table.insert(commands, {getLine(sCmd, data), t})
- searchPos = eCmd + 2
- end
- else
- local t = data:sub(searchPos, -1):gsub("\n", ""):gsub("\\%[", "%["):gsub("\\%]", "%]")
- if #t > 0 then
- if #commands > 0 and type(commands[#commands][1]) == "string" then
- commands[#commands][1] = commands[#commands][1] .. t
- else
- table.insert(commands, {t})
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- return commands
- end
- local function proccessData(commands)
- searchIndex = 0
- while searchIndex < #commands do
- searchIndex = searchIndex + 1
- local length = 0
- local origin = searchIndex
- if type(commands[searchIndex][1]) == "string" then
- length = length + #commands[searchIndex][1]
- local endIndex = origin
- for i = origin + 1, #commands do
- if commands[i][2] then
- local command = commands[i][2]:match("^(%w+)%s-")
- if not (command == "c" or command == "color" or command == "bg"
- or command == "background" or command == "newlink" or command == "endlink") then
- endIndex = i
- break
- end
- elseif commands[i][2] then
- else
- length = length + #commands[i][1]
- end
- if i == #commands then
- endIndex = i
- end
- end
- commands[origin][2] = length
- searchIndex = endIndex
- length = 0
- end
- end
- return commands
- end
- local function parse(original)
- return proccessData(parseData(original))
- end
- render["functions"]["display"] = function(text, length, offset, center)
- if not offset then
- offset = 0
- end
- return render.variables.align(text, length, w, offset, center);
- end
- render["functions"]["displayText"] = function(source)
- if source[2] then
- render.variables.blockLength = source[2]
- if and not render.variables.linkStart then
- render.variables.linkStart = render.functions.display(
- source[1], render.variables.blockLength, render.variables.currentOffset, w / 2)
- else
- render.functions.display(source[1], render.variables.blockLength, render.variables.currentOffset, w / 2)
- end
- else
- if and not render.variables.linkStart then
- render.variables.linkStart = render.functions.display(source[1], nil, render.variables.currentOffset, w / 2)
- else
- render.functions.display(source[1], nil, render.variables.currentOffset, w / 2)
- end
- end
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["br"] = function(source)
- if then
- return "Cannot insert new line within a link on line " .. source[1]
- end
- render.variables.scroll = render.variables.scroll + 1
- render.variables.maxScroll = math.max(render.variables.scroll, render.variables.maxScroll)
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["c "] = function(source)
- local sColor = source[2]:match("^%w+%s+(.+)$") or ""
- if colors[sColor] then
- term.setTextColor(colors[sColor])
- else
- return "Invalid color: \"" .. sColor .. "\" on line " .. source[1]
- end
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["color "] = render["functions"]["public"]["c "]
- render["functions"]["public"]["bg "] = function(source)
- local sColor = source[2]:match("^%w+%s+(.+)$") or ""
- if colors[sColor] then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors[sColor])
- else
- return "Invalid color: \"" .. sColor .. "\" on line " .. source[1]
- end
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["background "] = render["functions"]["public"]["bg "]
- render["functions"]["public"]["newlink "] = function(source)
- if then
- return "Cannot nest links on line " .. source[1]
- end
- = source[2]:match("^%w+%s+(.+)$") or ""
- render.variables.linkStart = false
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["endlink"] = function(source)
- if not then
- return "Cannot end a link without a link on line " .. source[1]
- end
- local linkEnd = term.getCursorPos()-1
- table.insert(render.variables.linkData, {render.variables.linkStart,
- linkEnd, render.variables.scroll,})
- = false
- render.variables.linkStart = false
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["offset "] = function(source)
- local offset = tonumber((source[2]:match("^%w+%s+(.+)$") or ""))
- if offset then
- render.variables.currentOffset = offset
- else
- return "Invalid offset value: \"" .. (source[2]:match("^%w+%s+(.+)$") or "") .. "\" on line " .. source[1]
- end
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["marker "] = function(source)
- render.variables.markers[(source[2]:match("^%w+%s+(.+)$") or "")] = render.variables.scroll
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["goto "] = function(source)
- local location = source[2]:match("%w+%s+(.+)$")
- if render.variables.markers[location] then
- render.variables.scroll = render.variables.markers[location]
- else
- return "No such location: \"" .. (source[2]:match("%w+%s+(.+)$") or "") .. "\" on line " .. source[1]
- end
- end
- render["functions"]["public"]["box "] = function(source)
- local sColor, align, height, width, offset, url = source[2]:match("^box (%a+) (%a+) (%-?%d+) (%-?%d+) (%-?%d+) ?([^ ]*)")
- if not sColor then
- return "Invalid box syntax on line " .. source[1]
- end
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- local startX
- if align == "center" or align == "centre" then
- startX = math.ceil((w / 2) - width / 2) + offset
- elseif align == "left" then
- startX = 1 + offset
- elseif align == "right" then
- startX = (w - width + 1) + offset
- else
- return "Invalid align option for box on line " .. source[1]
- end
- if not colors[sColor] then
- return "Invalid color: \"" .. sColor .. "\" for box on line " .. source[1]
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors[sColor])
- for i = 0, height - 1 do
- term.setCursorPos(startX, render.variables.scroll + i)
- term.write(string.rep(" ", width))
- if url:len() > 3 then
- table.insert(render.variables.linkData, {startX, startX + width - 1, render.variables.scroll + i, url})
- end
- end
- render.variables.maxScroll = math.max(render.variables.scroll + height - 1, render.variables.maxScroll)
- term.setCursorPos(x, y)
- end
- render["alignations"]["left"] = function(text, length, _, offset)
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- if length then
- term.setCursorPos(1 + offset, render.variables.scroll)
- term.write(text)
- return 1 + offset
- else
- term.setCursorPos(x, render.variables.scroll)
- term.write(text)
- return x
- end
- end
- render["alignations"]["right"] = function(text, length, width, offset)
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- if length then
- term.setCursorPos((width - length + 1) + offset, render.variables.scroll)
- term.write(text)
- return (width - length + 1) + offset
- else
- term.setCursorPos(x, render.variables.scroll)
- term.write(text)
- return x
- end
- end
- render["alignations"]["center"] = function(text, length, _, offset, center)
- local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
- if length then
- term.setCursorPos(math.ceil(center - length / 2) + offset, render.variables.scroll)
- term.write(text)
- return math.ceil(center - length / 2) + offset
- else
- term.setCursorPos(x, render.variables.scroll)
- term.write(text)
- return x
- end
- end
- render["render"] = function(data, startScroll)
- if startScroll == nil then
- render.variables.startScroll = 0
- else
- render.variables.startScroll = startScroll
- end
- render.variables.scroll = startScroll + 1
- render.variables.maxScroll = render.variables.scroll
- render.variables.linkData = {}
- render.variables.align = render.alignations.left
- render.variables.blockLength = 0
- = false
- render.variables.linkStart = false
- render.variables.markers = {}
- render.variables.currentOffset = 0
- for k, v in pairs(data) do
- if type(v[2]) ~= "string" then
- render.functions.displayText(v)
- elseif v[2] == "<" or v[2] == "left" then
- render.variables.align = render.alignations.left
- elseif v[2] == ">" or v[2] == "right" then
- render.variables.align = render.alignations.right
- elseif v[2] == "=" or v[2] == "center" then
- render.variables.align =
- else
- local existentFunction = false
- for name, func in pairs(render.functions.public) do
- if v[2]:find(name) == 1 then
- existentFunction = true
- local ret = func(v)
- if ret then
- return ret
- end
- end
- end
- if not existentFunction then
- return "Non-existent tag: \"" .. v[2] .. "\" on line " .. v[1]
- end
- end
- end
- return render.variables.linkData, render.variables.maxScroll - render.variables.startScroll
- end
- -- Lua Execution
- languages["lua"] = {}
- languages["fwml"] = {}
- languages["lua"]["runWithErrorCatching"] = function(func, ...)
- local _, err = pcall(func, ...)
- if err then
- os.queueEvent(websiteErrorEvent, err)
- end
- end
- languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"] = function(func, ...)
- local args = {...}
- local env = getWebsiteEnvironment(false)
- setfenv(func, env)
- return function()
- languages["lua"]["runWithErrorCatching"](func, unpack(args))
- end
- end
- languages["lua"]["run"] = function(contents, page, connection, ...)
- local func, err = loadstring("sleep(0) " .. contents, page)
- if err then
- return languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"](builtInSites["crash"], err)
- else
- local args = {...}
- local env = getWebsiteEnvironment(true, connection)
- setfenv(func, env)
- return function()
- languages["lua"]["runWithErrorCatching"](func, unpack(args))
- end
- end
- end
- languages["fwml"]["run"] = function(contents, page, connection, ...)
- local err, data = pcall(parse, contents)
- if not err then
- return languages["lua"]["runWithoutAntivirus"](builtInSites["crash"], data)
- end
- return function()
- local currentScroll = 0
- local err, links, pageHeight = pcall(render.render, data, currentScroll)
- if type(links) == "string" or not err then
- term.clear()
- os.queueEvent(websiteErrorEvent, links)
- else
- while true do
- local e, scroll, x, y = os.pullEvent()
- if e == "mouse_click" then
- for k, v in pairs(links) do
- if x >= math.min(v[1], v[2]) and x <= math.max(v[1], v[2]) and y == v[3] then
- os.queueEvent(redirectEvent, v[4])
- coroutine.yield()
- end
- end
- elseif e == "mouse_scroll" then
- if currentScroll - scroll - h >= -pageHeight and currentScroll - scroll <= 0 then
- currentScroll = currentScroll - scroll
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- links = render.render(data, currentScroll)
- end
- elseif e == "key" and scroll == keys.up or scroll == keys.down then
- local scrollAmount
- if scroll == keys.up then
- scrollAmount = 1
- elseif scroll == keys.down then
- scrollAmount = -1
- end
- local scrollLessHeight = currentScroll + scrollAmount - h >= -pageHeight
- local scrollZero = currentScroll + scrollAmount <= 0
- if scrollLessHeight and scrollZero then
- currentScroll = currentScroll + scrollAmount
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- links = render.render(data, currentScroll)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Query Bar
- local readNewWebsiteURL = function()
- local onEvent = function(text, event, key, x, y)
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- if y == 2 then
- local index = determineClickedTab(x, y)
- if index == "new" and #tabs < maxTabs then
- loadTab(#tabs + 1, "firewolf")
- elseif index == "close" then
- closeCurrentTab()
- elseif index then
- switchTab(index)
- end
- return {["nullifyText"] = true, ["exit"] = true}
- elseif y > 2 then
- return {["nullifyText"] = true, ["exit"] = true}
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if key == 29 or key == 157 then
- return {["nullifyText"] = true, ["exit"] = true}
- end
- end
- end
- isMenubarOpen = true
- drawMenubar()
- term.setCursorPos(2, 1)
- term.setTextColor(theme.text)
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.accent)
- term.clearLine()
- term.write(currentProtocol .. "://")
- local website = modifiedRead({
- ["onEvent"] = onEvent,
- ["displayLength"] = w - 9,
- ["history"] = history,
- })
- if not website then
- if not tabs[currentTab].isMenubarPermanent then
- isMenubarOpen = false
- menubarWindow.setVisible(false)
- else
- isMenubarOpen = true
- menubarWindow.setVisible(true)
- end
- term.redirect(tabs[currentTab].win)
- tabs[currentTab].win.setVisible(true)
- tabs[currentTab].win.redraw()
- return
- elseif website == "exit" then
- error()
- end
- loadTab(currentTab, website)
- end
- -- Event Management
- local handleKeyDown = function(event)
- if event[2] == 29 or event[2] == 157 then
- readNewWebsiteURL()
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- local handleMouseDown = function(event)
- if isMenubarOpen then
- if event[4] == 1 then
- readNewWebsiteURL()
- return true
- elseif event[4] == 2 then
- local index = determineClickedTab(event[3], event[4])
- if index == "new" and #tabs < maxTabs then
- loadTab(#tabs + 1, "firewolf")
- elseif index == "close" then
- closeCurrentTab()
- elseif index then
- switchTab(index)
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local handleEvents = function()
- loadTab(1, "firewolf")
- currentTab = 1
- while true do
- drawMenubar()
- local event = {os.pullEventRaw()}
- drawMenubar()
- local cancelEvent = false
- if event[1] == "terminate" then
- break
- elseif event[1] == "key" then
- cancelEvent = handleKeyDown(event)
- elseif event[1] == "mouse_click" then
- cancelEvent = handleMouseDown(event)
- elseif event[1] == websiteErrorEvent then
- cancelEvent = true
- loadTab(currentTab, tabs[currentTab].url, function()
- builtInSites["crash"](event[2])
- end)
- elseif event[1] == redirectEvent then
- cancelEvent = true
- if (event[2]:match("^rdnt://(.+)$")) then
- event[2] = event[2]:match("^rdnt://(.+)$")
- end
- loadTab(currentTab, event[2])
- end
- if not cancelEvent then
- term.redirect(tabs[currentTab].win)
- term.setCursorPos(tabs[currentTab].ox, tabs[currentTab].oy)
- coroutine.resume(tabs[currentTab].thread, unpack(event))
- local ox, oy = term.getCursorPos()
- tabs[currentTab].ox = ox
- tabs[currentTab].oy = oy
- end
- end
- end
- -- Main
- local main = function()
- currentProtocol = "rdnt"
- currentTab = 1
- if term.isColor() then
- theme = colorTheme
- enableTabBar = true
- else
- theme = grayscaleTheme
- enableTabBar = false
- end
- setupMenubar()
- protocols[currentProtocol]["setup"]()
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- handleEvents()
- end
- local handleError = function(err)
- clear(theme.background, theme.text)
- fill(1, 3, w, 3, theme.subtle)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- center("Firewolf has crashed!")
- term.setBackgroundColor(theme.background)
- term.setCursorPos(1, 8)
- centerSplit(err, w - 4)
- print("\n")
- center("Please report this error to")
- center("GravityScore or 1lann.")
- print("")
- center("Press any key to exit.")
- os.pullEvent("key")
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent()
- end
- local _, err = pcall(main)
- term.redirect(originalTerminal)
- Modem.closeAll()
- if err and not err:lower():find("terminate") then
- handleError(err)
- end
- clear(, colors.white)
- center("Thanks for using Firewolf " .. version)
- center("Made by GravityScore and 1lann")
- print("")
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