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Jan 3rd, 2017
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  1. @echo off
  2. title Darkfox Launcher
  3. color 0a
  4. Echo:
  5. echo ........................WELKOM TO DARKFOX LAUNCHER......................
  6. :Start
  7. cls
  8. Echo:
  9. echo ........................................................................
  10. echo .PRESS 1, 2, 3 OR 4 to select your darknet configuration, and 6 to EXIT.
  11. echo ........................................................................
  12. echo . .
  13. echo .1 - Launch Tor. 4 - Launch Default. .
  14. echo .2 - Launch I2p. 5 - Documentation .
  15. echo .3 - Launch Freenet. 6 - Exit the Darkfox Launcher. .
  16. echo ........................................................................
  17. Echo:
  18. set /p Input=
  19. if /i "%Input%"=="1" (goto Tor)
  20. if /i "%Input%"=="2" (goto I2p)
  21. if /i "%Input%"=="3" (goto Freenet)
  22. if /i "%Input%"=="4" (goto Default)
  23. if /i "%input%"=="5" (goto Documentation)
  24. if /i "%input%"=="6" (goto Exit)
  25. if /i not "%Input%"=="y" echo:
  26. echo No configuration available with this name, try something else.
  27. echo:
  28. pause
  29. Echo:
  30. goto Start
  31. REM if /i not "%Input%"=="y" (exit /b)
  32. exit /b
  35. :Tor
  36. copy /Y FirefoxPortabletor.ini FirefoxPortable.ini
  37. echo Launching Tor configuration
  38. start /b FirefoxPortable.exe
  39. cd "tor proxy"
  40. cd tor
  41. echo Tor is starting, this may take a while.
  42. start /b tor.exe
  43. cd ..
  44. cd ..
  45. Echo:
  46. pause
  47. goto Start
  48. exit
  52. :I2p
  53. copy /Y FirefoxPortablei2p.ini FirefoxPortable.ini
  54. echo Launching I2p configuration
  55. start /b FirefoxPortable.exe
  56. cd "i2p proxy"
  57. echo I2p is starting, this may take a while.
  58. start /b i2p.exe
  59. cd ..
  60. echo:
  61. pause
  62. goto Start
  63. exit
  67. :Freenet
  68. copy /Y FirefoxPortablefreenet.ini FirefoxPortable.ini
  69. echo Launching Freenet configuration
  70. start /b FirefoxPortable.exe
  71. cd "freenet proxy"
  72. echo To use Freenet you will need to right click the Freenet icon in the system tray, and click "start Freenet".
  73. start /b FreenetTray.exe
  74. cd ..
  75. Echo:
  76. pause
  77. goto Start
  78. exit
  82. :Default
  83. copy /Y FirefoxPortabledefault.ini FirefoxPortable.ini
  84. echo Launching Default configuration
  85. start /b FirefoxPortable
  86. echo:
  87. pause
  88. goto Start
  89. exit
  93. :Documentation
  94. cls
  95. Echo:
  96. echo ..............................................................................
  97. echo .Welcome to the Documentation page, type one of the options below to continue.
  98. echo ..............................................................................
  99. echo . .
  100. echo .1 - About the software. 4 - Empty .
  101. echo .2 - Darknet info. 5 - Empty .
  102. echo .3 - Bug's 6 - Back to the start screen. .
  103. echo ..............................................................................
  104. set /p Input=
  105. if /i "%input%"=="1" (goto About)
  106. if /i "%input%"=="2" (goto Darknet)
  107. if /i "%input%"=="3" (goto Bug)
  108. if /i "%input%"=="4" (goto Empty1)
  109. if /i "%input%"=="5" (goto Empty1)
  110. if /i "%input%"=="6" (goto Start)
  111. if /i not "%Input%"=="y" echo:
  112. echo This is not an a available option.
  113. Echo:
  114. pause
  115. goto Documentation
  116. exit
  118. :About
  119. cls
  120. Echo:
  121. echo .......................................................................
  122. echo .Information about the Darkfox and it's writer .
  123. echo .......................................................................
  124. Echo:
  125. echo This software is written by Blacklight447, it is free to distribute and modify.
  126. echo It is made for the people who want an comfortable way to access the darknet,
  127. echo Without needing to change their configuration everytime when switching to another network.
  128. echo Software included in the Darkfox software package are the portable firefox version by,
  129. echo and the proxy software from the Tor project, Invisible internet project, and the Freenet project.
  130. echo This package is only meant to put all software in one easy to use and easy to use package.
  131. echo If you would like to contact me, for tips or questions, then you can mail me at
  132. Echo:
  133. pause
  134. goto Documentation
  137. :Darknet
  138. cls
  139. Echo:
  140. echo ........................................................................
  141. echo .Welcome to the darknet page, type one of the options below to continue.
  142. echo ........................................................................
  143. echo . .
  144. echo .1 - Tor 3 - Freenet .
  145. echo .2 - I2p 4 - Back to Documentation. .
  146. echo ........................................................................
  147. set /p Input=
  148. if /i "%input%"=="1" (goto TorI)
  149. if /i "%input%"=="2" (goto I2pI)
  150. if /i "%input%"=="3" (goto FreenetI)
  151. if /i "%input%"=="4" (goto Documentation)
  152. if /i not "%Input%"=="y" echo:
  153. echo This is not an a available option.
  154. Echo:
  155. pause
  156. goto darknet
  158. :TorI
  159. cls
  160. Echo:
  161. echo .......................................................................
  162. echo .Information about the Tor anonymity network. .
  163. echo .......................................................................
  164. Echo:
  165. echo Tor is free software for enabling anonymous communication.
  166. echo The name is derived from an acronym for the original software project name "The Onion Router"
  167. echo Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than seven thousand relays to conceal a user's location,
  168. echo and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.
  169. echo.
  170. echo Using Tor makes it more difficult for Internet activity to be traced back to the user: this includes "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other communication forms".
  171. echo Tor's use is intended to protect the personal privacy of users,
  172. echo as well as their freedom and ability to conduct confidential communication by keeping their Internet activities from being monitored.
  173. echo.
  174. echo Onion routing is implemented by encryption in the application layer of a communication protocol stack, nested like the layers of an onion.
  175. echo Tor encrypts the data, including the destination IP address, multiple times and sends it through a virtual circuit comprising successive, randomly selected Tor relays.
  176. Echo:
  177. echo Each relay decrypts a layer of encryption to reveal only the next relay in the circuit in order to pass the remaining encrypted data on to it.
  178. echo The final relay decrypts the innermost layer of encryption and sends the original data to its destination without revealing, or even knowing, the source IP address.
  179. echo Because the routing of the communication is partly concealed at every hop in the Tor circuit,
  180. echo this method eliminates any single point at which the communicating peers can be determined through network surveillance that relies upon knowing its source and destination.
  181. Echo:
  182. pause
  183. Echo:
  184. goto Darknet
  187. :I2pI
  188. cls
  189. Echo:
  190. echo .......................................................................
  191. echo .Information about the I2p anonymity network. .
  192. echo .......................................................................
  193. Echo:
  194. echo The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is an overlay network and darknet that allows applications to send messages to each other pseudonymously and securely.
  195. echo Uses include anonymous Web surfing, chatting, blogging and file transfers.
  196. echo The software that implements this layer is called an I2P router and a computer running I2P is called an I2P node.
  197. echo The software is free and open source and is published under multiple licenses.
  198. echo The name I2P is derived from Invisible Internet Project, which, in pseudo-mathematical notation, is represented as I2P.
  199. Echo:
  200. pause
  201. Echo:
  202. goto Darknet
  204. :FreenetI
  205. cls
  206. Echo:
  207. echo .......................................................................
  208. echo .Information about the Freenet anonymity network. .
  209. echo .......................................................................
  210. Echo:
  211. echo Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant communication.
  212. echo It uses a decentralized distributed data store to keep and deliver information,
  213. echo and has a suite of free software for publishing and communicating on the Web without fear of censorship.
  214. Echo:
  215. echo Both Freenet and some of its associated tools were originally designed by Ian Clarke,
  216. echo who defined Freenet's goal as providing freedom of speech on the Internet with strong anonymity protection.
  217. echo The distributed data store of Freenet is used by many third-party programs and plugins to provide microblogging and media sharing,
  218. echo anonymous and decentralised version tracking,
  219. echo blogging, a generic web of trust for decentralized spam resistance, Shoeshop for using Freenet over Sneakernet, and many more.
  220. Echo:
  221. pause
  222. goto Darknet
  226. f
  227. :Bug
  228. cls
  229. Echo:
  230. echo .......................................................................
  231. echo .Welcome to the bug's page, type one of the options below to continue..
  232. echo .This page is dedicated to inform you about the currently known bug's..
  233. echo .If you happen to know a fix or report a bug, then please mail me at: .
  234. echo . .
  235. echo .......................................................................
  236. echo . .
  237. echo .1 - Multi darknet bug. 4 - Bug 4. .
  238. echo .2 - Enter bug. 5 - Bug 5. .
  239. echo .3 - Bug 3. 6 - Back to the documentation..
  240. echo .......................................................................
  241. set /p Input=
  242. if /i "%input%"=="1" (goto Multi)
  243. if /i "%input%"=="2" (goto Enter)
  244. if /i "%input%"=="3" (goto Empty2)
  245. if /i "%input%"=="4" (goto Empty2)
  246. if /i "%input%"=="5" (goto Empty2)
  247. if /i "%input%"=="6" (goto Documentation)
  248. if /i not "%Input%"=="y" echo:
  249. echo This is not an a available option.
  250. Echo:
  251. pause
  252. goto bug
  253. exit
  256. :Multi
  257. cls
  258. echo:
  259. echo .......................................................................
  260. echo .Information about the multi Darknet bug. .
  261. echo .......................................................................
  262. Echo:
  263. echo The multi darknet bug is a problem which prevent's Firefox portable from starting with
  264. echo multiple windows with a different network configurations.
  265. Echo:
  266. echo For example, if one were to launch Firefox with its Tor configuration,
  267. echo and were to start it again with I2p (while keeping the Firefox window with Tor open).
  268. echo Then Firefox portable will just start up again with it's tor configuration instead of I2p.
  269. Echo:
  270. echo To connect to another network, close the window with the other configuration,
  271. echo and then start Firefox the right network configuration.
  272. echo If firefox is still not starting correctly: check if Firefox portable is still running in the task manager.
  273. echo If it's still running, end the task and start Firefox again.
  274. echo A fix for this should be ready soon.
  275. Echo:
  276. pause
  277. Echo:
  278. goto Bug
  280. :Enter
  281. cls
  282. echo:
  283. echo .......................................................................
  284. echo .Information about the Enter bug. .
  285. echo .......................................................................
  286. Echo:
  287. echo The enter problem is a bug which repeats the last given user input when the enter key is pressed.
  288. Echo:
  289. echo If one for example were to launch Tor and later press the enter key, then it will repeat the action of starting tor.
  290. echo Pressing the enter key will keep resulting in starting Tor again until the user give's another input,
  291. echo for example: if the user were to now decide to go to the documentation page,
  292. echo pressing the enter key will now result in going to the documentation page.
  293. echo This bug is present with all user input's.
  294. Echo:
  295. echo The bug will not hinder the software in anyway way,
  296. echo and is nothing more than a small input glitch in the user interface.
  297. echo A fix for this should be ready soon.
  298. Echo:
  299. pause
  300. echo.
  301. goto Bug
  303. :Empty1
  304. cls
  305. echo:
  306. echo .......................................................................
  307. echo .This page is empty. .
  308. echo .......................................................................
  309. Echo:
  310. echo Sorry, there is nothing here yet.
  311. Echo:
  312. pause
  313. Echo:
  314. goto Documentation
  316. :Empty2
  317. cls
  318. echo:
  319. echo .......................................................................
  320. echo .This page is empty. .
  321. echo .......................................................................
  322. Echo:
  323. echo Sorry, there is nothing here yet.
  324. Echo:
  325. pause
  326. Echo:
  327. goto Bug
  329. :Exit
  330. exit
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