
Overly Protective Celestia - Part Four (WiP)

Nov 10th, 2013
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  1. Last updated January 9th, 2014
  4. >Celestia is the worst parent ever.
  5. >This is the conclusion you have come to.
  6. >You’re pretty sure she’s considering buying a dog leash to use on you.
  7. >The bitch.
  8. >Wait no, that’d be you now.
  9. >Haha, loser.
  10. >Laughing at yourself does nothing to lighten your mood, however, and in fact, makes you feel worse.
  11. >This last week has been like something out of one of Luna’s nightmares.
  12. >Celestia has been nonstop on your case about every little thing.
  13. >If she doesn't know where you are every single second of the day then you can expect to be hearing about it later.
  14. >Every encounter with her skips right to the part where she starts fucking with you.
  15. >It feels like you’re under house arrest.
  16. >There is no other place in the castle where you can get some decent privacy except your room.
  17. >Now would be an opportune time for an angsty teen phase, but alas, you aren’t that big a faggot.
  18. >You were in a stranglehold, driven up against a wall, being jabbed in the side... and it felt awful.
  19. >So, you were left with the one act of defiance you could think of: breaking curfew.
  20. >Of course, you have to do it just right.
  21. >Celestia’s telescope gives her an unfair advantage over you.
  22. >However, it was basically ineffective if you could escape it’s field of view.
  23. >Needless to say, Celestia was none too happy about that.
  24. >This was clear as the double doors closed behind you, leaving you in a familiar scene: standing before Celestia at the top of the stairs, her eyes looking down upon you.
  25. “Save your breath, mother.”
  26. >You begin to ascend up the stairs in a way that hopefully appears normal, Celestia’s eyes watching you all the while.
  27. >When you reach the top, you hardly manage to not return her gaze as you pass her by.
  28. “I’m not in the mood.”
  29. >No more than a step later, your collar is clenched, dragging you backwards with the pull of your mother’s magic.
  30. >She brings you back around and lifts you up in front of her, meeting you at eye level.
  31. Taking the time to annunciate her words, she ignores your previous statements.
  32. >“Where have you been?”
  33. “Out.”
  34. >And the standoff hath begun.
  35. >The two of you glare at each other, both seeing the other as the one at fault.
  36. >Celestia’s constant watch over your life has blown itself out of proportion and now her she attempts to keep you in her control.
  37. >And your… rebelliousness.
  38. >She started it though, and you were just playing along with her game in your own way.
  39. >Looking her right in the face, you see the scowl present on it.
  40. >But looking deeper in her eyes, you don’t think there could be even a hint of hatred.
  41. >Only disappointment and frustration.
  42. >You know what she’s going to see in your eyes though.
  43. >Anger.
  44. >At least, that’s what you hope she sees...
  45. >”Okay. Let’s try this one more time.”
  46. >Celestia slows her speech down, trying to hide the earlier annoyance.
  47. >It still comes through though.
  48. >”Anonymous. Where have you been?”
  49. >You close your eyes.
  50. “Out.”
  51. >The once present magical grip keeping you aloft lets go, and you drop down to the floor.
  52. >You stuck the landing at least.
  53. >In an attempt to hold your ground, you look back up at Celestia.
  54. >Celestia let’s go a sigh she probably didn’t want to let go of.
  55. >”Anonymous, I don’t understand why you must be so difficult with me.”
  56. >Yeah, sure she doesn’t, not a single clue.
  57. >Actually, maybe she really is that fucking dense.
  58. >That would account for so much.
  60. >You stay silent as she looks at you expectantly.
  61. >You’ve dug yourself in deep, and now you just don’t know how to respond other than giving her the cold shoulder.
  62. >Filling in the silence, Celestia continues her spiel in an attempt to get a response from you.
  63. >”I’ve been trying my hardest to raise you as properly as I can, yet you find reason to ignore me and my rules. It hurts, seeing how disconnected we’ve become, but if you don’t at least try to help me understand why you’re behaving as you are, then I can’t fix that. Anonymous, I’ve always wanted what’s best for you, and-”
  64. “What’s BEST for me?”
  65. >The outburst was automatic.
  66. “Do you honestly believe that all of THIS has been in my best interest? As if I should be THANKING you? You can try and feed me this ‘disconnected’ crap all you want, but don’t even try to say that this has been all for me, because I KNOW this has just been for you!”
  67. >After all that, your body can’t help but tremble slightly.
  68. >It was… hard getting all that out into the open.
  69. >But once again, you find yourself unable to say anything else, and this time with a desire to just be anywhere other than here.
  70. >Celestia stumbles for her words a bit, you don’t this notice as you interject once more.
  71. “I’m going to my room.”
  72. >The words hardly leave your mouth before you’re pushing past Celestia and rushing down the hallway to your room.
  73. >Fuck this castle, fuck this city, fuck this entire nation filled with ponies and magic and benevolent rulers and monarchies and moms.
  74. >By the time you make it to your room, you’re exhausted.
  75. >As soon as you close the door behind you, you fall down against it.
  76. >This time, the room provides no sense of escapism.
  77. >Your words ring through your head.
  78. >You have no idea where they had come from, but it’s almost as if you always knew them.
  79. “She doesn’t care…”
  80. >Not about your feelings, your friends, your thoughts, your desires… your loneliness…
  81. >Sighing, you try to shake it all out of your head.
  82. >Like, literally, you just started shaking your head.
  83. >Thoughts like those don’t need to be brought up.
  84. “Everything’s under control…”
  85. >Those were the very same words you had said to Twinkleshine before.
  86. >You laugh.
  87. >Unlike with Twinkleshine, you can’t lie to yourself about these things.
  88. >And now, there wasn’t anyone there for you.
  89. >That’s what Celestia had really taken away from you in the end.
  90. >You sit there on the floor without any more thoughts or words.
  91. >Who knows how long you sat there, you weren’t keeping track of time.
  92. >The silence, however, is broken as a knock comes from the door behind you.
  93. “Just leave me alone, please.”
  94. >Despite your politeness about it, the knocking resumes once more.
  95. >Slightly irritated at their persistence, you respond once more to the pony behind the door.
  96. “Look, whoever it is, I’m not interested in hearing it, okay?”
  97. >”But we are.”
  98. >Even though the door muffles the voice, you know who it belongs to as soon as you hear it.
  99. >Picking yourself up off the floor, you stand facing the door.
  100. >Making what you can only assume to be one of the worst decisions of your life, you open the door just a crack.
  101. “Luna?”
  103. >”Yes, little one, ‘tis we who knock on your door.”
  104. >Yup, this is weird already.
  105. “Great... what do you want?”
  106. >The reason you opened your door in the first place is because Auntie Luna… well you’re downright terrified of her.
  107. >Having complete control over someone’s dreams is a power that should belong to nopony.
  108. >”We wish to inquire as to the situation between thou and our sister.”
  109. >No no, inquiries are bad.
  110. >Inquiries lead to talking which leads to confessions which lead to emotional breakdowns.
  111. “Why would you be interested in hearing about something like that?”
  112. >”You two are not the only ones living in the castle. Shouting is not hard to miss around here.”
  113. >By this point, the entire royal workforce probably knew something was up between you and Celestia.
  114. >”It has especially become all too common recently.”
  115. >What a shame, wouldn’t want ponies thinking that people actually live in the castle and that it’s not actually a playset.
  116. “Look, it doesn’t really concern you Luna…”
  117. >Slowly closing the door, the opening becomes smaller and smaller, before something get in its way.
  118. >Luna’s hoof keeps the door wedged open.
  119. >She looks you in the eyes.
  120. >”Then let it concern us.”
  121. >Your hand falls from the door handle.
  122. >These stupid ponies and their stupid princesses...
  123. >You stand there thinking, about what you’re not sure, you just assume it’s about something.
  124. >Something important… maybe something from earlier.
  125. >Eyes.
  126. >Luna’s are sincere and compassionate.
  127. >Wonder what yours say about you.
  128. >To Luna’s surprise, the door slowly opens.
  129. “‘Me’. Let it concern ‘me’.”
  130. >If this was going to happen, it was going to happen properly.
  131. >She nods her head in understanding.
  132. >”Very well. I will adjust my speech to your liking.”
  133. >You can’t believe you’re doing this...
  134. >Stepping aside, you allow her to enter your room.
  135. >That old-timey voice was something Auntie Luna would more than occasionally slip into.
  136. >It could make talking to and understanding her a real chore, that’s why you’re asking her to talk like a pony from this century.
  137. >After giving a few glances up and down the hallway, you close the door, sealing yourself to whatever fate you’ve wrought upon yourself.
  138. --
  139. >The two of you sit there on the floor.
  140. >There was only the desk chair for one of you to sit in, so you opted out of it.
  141. >Besides that was the bed, and you don’t even want to think about how potentially awkward that could make you feel, so floor it is.
  142. >Now it was another game of ‘who makes the first move?’
  143. >Except this one wasn’t a battle of glares.
  144. >It doesn’t take long for Luna to choose her words.
  145. >“So, Anonymous, what has you so troubled?”
  146. >This was as good a starting point as any.
  147. “Celestia.”
  148. >Luna isn’t pleased with that answer.
  149. >”Please, do divulge more.”
  150. >Earlier it felt like you could write an essay on all the reasons why you hated Celestia, and now when someone cares enough to hear it, you can’t bring yourself to talk about it.
  151. >You can try, at least.
  152. “Celestia… she’s…”
  153. >Trying to find an eloquent way to put it, you settle for something more simple.
  154. “She’s ruined my life.”
  155. >That’s just one way of saying it of course.
  156. >”Sounds to me like quite the impressive feat.”
  157. >Auntie Luna seems to be a little bit on the sarcastic end tonight.
  158. >”Apologies, but I do not know the full details of the situation.”
  159. >Guess you’re really going to have to talk about it then.
  160. “You remember Twinkleshine, right?”
  161. >”The other little one you ran around unsupervised with? Yes, I remember her.”
  162. “Well, she was my marefriend.”
  163. >”Clearly.”
  164. “Was...”
  165. >”Oh.”
  166. >Just a moment of silence between the two of you.
  167. >”So what was it that transpir-”
  168. “Celestia.”
  169. >”Yes... of course.”
  170. >You’re still being reluctant about this, but you can’t help it.
  171. >Talking is hard.
  172. >”Without further insight, my current thoughts are that you are being overly dramatic about all of this.”
  173. >Overly dramatic?
  174. >Oh hell no, Celestia was the one being overly protective.
  175. >You were in the right.
  176. >You had to be.
  177. “Luna, I’m not overreacting! You don’t understand all that Celestia’s put me through these past few weeks.”
  178. >”Then tell me Anonymous. If you do not try to help me understand what you are going through, then I cannot be of help to you.”
  179. >That sounded eerily familiar…
  180. >”Anonymous, please, you can share anything with me. What kind of an aunt would I be if I were not there for you?”
  181. >A better mom than Celestia, that’s what.
  182. “I’m trying to explain it, it’s just confusing.”
  183. >”Feelings of the heart do tend to feel as such. Take caution however, for you must not lose sight of your emotions, otherwise you may lose sight of yourself in the process.”
  184. >Luna looks off into the non-existent distance, and for that time you see the solemnity carved into her face.
  185. >To be fair, if there’s somepony that knows anything about having a relationship with Celestia, it’s Luna.
  186. “Say, Luna, what… What do you think of Celestia?”
  187. >Your aunt looks at you questioningly, confused as to where this question had come from.
  188. >”So quick to change topics. Celestia and I…”
  189. >She looks up to the ceiling contemplatively, before sighing and flopping down on her back.
  190. >Confused you lean over towards her, looking down at her.
  191. “Uhh… did I say something wrong?”
  192. >She waves her hoof at you.
  193. >”No no, it’s just…”
  194. >Sighing again, she searches for the right words.
  195. >Looks like your playing the role of therapist now.
  196. >”Okay, listen Anon, I’m not going to say that Celestia’s always been the best sister, and it’s not like I have either. She has a tendency to either be too involved or not involved enough, and guess which side of her you got.”
  197. >You give a mock laugh and roll your eyes.
  198. “Great.”
  199. >”But what you need to understand is that no matter how malicious she may seem, she’s really not. Seriously, I think it’d take more than a little punk like you to make her get mad.”
  200. >Luna gives you a play punch and you brush it off.
  201. >Apparently talking about her sister makes Luna talk… different.
  202. >Basically she’s behaving like a regular pony now.
  203. >You much prefer this side of her, but it is a little disorienting for you.
  204. >”And another is that, well… she’s outside of her zone with you, Anon. She’s trying to raise a boy who is also the only kind of his species we know of. That’s gotta be hard.”
  205. >She rolls over onto her stomach, and rests her chin on her hoof.
  206. >”Personally, I never saw her as much of a mother figure like everyone else anyways.”
  207. >Whether or not you meant to hear that doesn’t matter.
  208. >You close your eyes and nod your head.
  209. “Yes yes. But how does that make you feel?”
  210. >Luna gives you an odd look, before losing her composure and laughing.
  211. >”You’re a natural consultant, you don’t even need me. But that’s how you share your feelings, Anon.”
  212. “Well, I guess you’re just the feelings master then.”
  213. >Smiling, you bow before your aunt; she has bested you.
  214. >Returning to your upright position, you decide to ask Luna a question.
  215. “Hey, Luna. What’s going on with your voice?”
  216. >”Hmmm?”
  217. “I mean, as you would put it: you’re talking like a peasant.”
  218. >Your aunt closes her eyes and smiles.
  219. >”To the Equestrian ponies, I am royalty. To you, I am the elder aunt. But, to Celestia, I am still the younger sister.”
  220. “What? What does any of that mean?”
  221. >Her eyes open again, and she looks up at you.
  222. >”Age is relative, Anonymous. When talking about my sister, I do so such as any regular sister would. Or, perhaps I am just becoming more open to you, my strange adopted nephew.”
  223. “Oh. Well thanks… I think.”
  224. >The two of you share a small chuckle before the room becomes quiet.
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