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Heroes, Villains and (You) - Koa Edition!

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Mar 8th, 2024
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  1. Heroes
  3. Bibi
  5. "Y-You might be going a little fast for me..."
  7. At first, Koa might look uncomfortable in Bibi's company, but she's the kind of person that gets him out of his comfort zone. He'd actually really enjoy her company, and he'd also admire and respect her as a Trainer. Bibi's a lot more of a free spirit, so I'm sure they could rub off on each other a bit and change each other's outlooks on life slightly. If Bibi were to go on a field trip to Alola, or if Koa travelled to Paldea after his story, he'd be happy to be part of her crew for a week or so. Koa would probably get along well with Arven and Nemona, too. Penny I'm not sure about, since he's less tech-savvy. Koa would also be inspired to grow as a Trainer from Bibi's example, and they could have a very cool friendly rival battle at some point. Although Koa would love to have Bibi as a tag-team partner for the Battle Tree.
  9. Mini notes for Alto, since I want to keep it to one anon a character: Alto could show Koa a lot of cool music. He wouldn't like his singing, but he'd be nice about it.
  11. Phos
  13. "Macro Cosmos? E-Ehem! I do not approve of them either, Miss Phos."
  15. Phos could work as a big sister to Koa. They both have to fight a Macro Cosmos megalomaniac in a suit, they're both athletic freedom fighters, and they both deeply love Pokémon. Koa wouldn't have problems keeping up with her in an adventure. What's funny is that Koa would probably keep up his more posh or stoic demeanour just to try and impress her, which I'm sure she'd find amusing.
  17. Quick notes on Azelie: Similar to Ruka. Azelie would give Koa a bad feeling because of Fairy type stuff. He might want to learn to use aura from her though
  19. Axel
  21. "Pikipeks of a feather flock together."
  23. Koa and Axel would bond over the specific kinds of Pokémon they like and their adventurous nature. They might debate about which box to put Altaria in, though. However, Koa would be a little concerned as to why someone would want a legendary at their side and he'd try to test if Axel is pure of heart or deserving of these legends. Even so, as long as Koa knows Axel does it for collection reasons he'd understand.
  25. Vega
  27. "Furia is a place unlike any I've ever dreamed of! Save for my wonderful home, that is."
  29. Koa would adore Furia. Its lore, its legends, being essentially a Legends game, he'd love to spend at least a little bit of time there. I've already written one or two interactions with Vega and Circe because of Veganon's prompts. Kinda funny that Koa was one of a few people who got along with Circe, actually. But what brings Koa and Vega together is the sense of responsibility they have as leaders i their communities. Koa wanted to be a Trial Captain, but Vega never asked to be in her spot (IIRC). They could bond over their shared experiences, and also a few differences.
  31. Quick notes on Orchis: Koa would love Kingu's battles. He'd remind him of the Masked Royal back home.
  33. Ruka
  35. "I-Is it not a bit chilly in here?"
  37. Koa is a little guarded around Ice and Fairy types, but he doesn't dislike them. Ruka's a bit like Bibi: she's an extrovert, which works great with the more reserved Koa. He'd try to push his fears away to get closer to Jynx. Also, Ruka could bring out Koa's softer side if she takes interest in his Milotic.
  39. -
  41. Morally Grey
  43. Emily
  45. "All this power... what do you want it for? How are you any different from the megalomaniacs you've faced?"
  47. I've had talks with Emilyanon about it before, but Koa and Emily most likely wouldn't get along. Koa is idealistic in the sense that he fights for a good cause and keeps a lot of optimism about his values and being a guardian of his home. Emily (according to Emilyanon) is idealistic too, but she's far less concerned with whether what she's doing will work for everyone because she does what SHE and only she thnks is right. Koa doesn't care whether the people and Pokémon he helps could help themselves, all he knows is that there's people who need his help and that's all that matters to Koa. He's not going to ask people to do more for themselves when he's in a position where he can do something. Emily wants people to take their own burdens, Koa wants to take the burdens of others no matter what.
  49. And in a realistic scenario, yeah, Koa would be naive. Emily can give him the "people want to watch a hero fall" talk like Green Goblin in Spider-Man 1, but to Koa, a small amount of good done is worth it. However, he'd probably think very deep about what she'd tell him -- he just wouldn't admit that to anywhere else.
  51. A big disparity between them is their relationship with power. Emily wants more and more power, to reach greater heights. Koa wants to be stronger too, but to be a better guardian, not because he wants to overpower others. Koa thinks a lot more about duty, and the responsibility he has with power. Is it right to be too strong? When could he be a tyrant? Meanwhile Emily seems to think "nah that would never happen to me" and seeks to be stronger than peak Red. Although I could be misreading this too.
  53. Alex
  55. "All you suits are the same... you may have helped us, but don't think you can use my home as your playground!"
  57. Okay, this is a follow-up to the discussion from yesterday. I don't intend to re-ignite power level talk, but I wanted to give a proper response to the what-if scenario that Alexanon proposed.
  59. Helping Koa defeat Hemlock and turning on him after would be a good plan of action for Alex... if he wants to underestimate Koa and the Alolans. If Koa gets to defeat Hemlock as planned, and he gets all his development, Koa would be highly on guard for any other suits who suddenly take interest in Alola. He'd probably figure out what Alex is planning quicker than Alex might think, and at that point, Alex would have to go up against not just Koa, but the Kahunas, the other Trial Captains, Lillie, possibly Elio, the Tapus, and the Totems. Maybe even Team Skull. Now, I'm sure an endgame Alex might be too much to handle with so many legendaries and weaponry, but at that point Alola might turn into a genuine warzone, to a degree where media outlets or Interpol would start to call out the Heriot empire for it. Macro Cosmos' reputation would already be in the shit after Hemlock, so I imagine something similar might happen to Alex. I'm not saying who would win here, but if Alex lets Koa grow as a Trainer, Alola as a whole might prove too much of a bother.
  61. As per Zygarde, since I'm still considering whether to add it or not (that one anon that mentioned the concept of a "cavalry scene" had the right idea. Koa would beat Hemlock on his own, and Zygarde would deal with Eternatus), I'll say that if an early or mid-story Alex lets Koa get close to Zygarde's cells, he's toast. An endgame Alex might not struggle so much, as he said. Although Zygarde doesn't "belong" to Koa, really.
  63. So in my opinion, the best strategy for Alex would be to support both sides and swoop in when they're both down in the dumps. Or if he beats Hemlock by himself and makes himself out to be a hero, essentially cheating Koa out of his story and leaving him as naive as he started out, he could probably take over at any stage of his story.
  65. -
  67. Villains
  69. Franco
  71. "I know your type -- your company, even! I won't hold back against the likes of you!"
  73. Koa would absolutely support Phos, even personally. Franco's somewhat similar to Hemlock in a few ways, although he has different goals. He's a bit more maniacal. Hemlock is cruel and self-interested, but he has no cartoonish goals (at least at first). Although Koa might find it hard to live as essentially an outlaw, he'd do it for a good cause. However, Franco's Paradoxes would also catch Koa's eye.
  75. Tesoro
  77. "Tch... you give me the creeps."
  79. Tesoro would quickly give Koa weird vibes. Koa's not one to really get physical himself at all, but if Tesoro ever tried to harm anyone and Koa was present... he'd show that he's actually pretty strong. Koa's an athletic kid, he does parkour for fun at the Canyon. I don't really have a recollection of what Tesoro's evil plan was, but if he wants to use Xerneas like in that one post, Koa would argue that preserving life, although a natural desire of all living things, goes against the natural order. If Bibi and Tesoro go at it with the Kalos legends, Koa might already be acquainted with Zygarde, so there's that.
  81. And then Alto would come in with a steel chair and knock both of them out! And then Koa and Alto would have a metal concert or something. What? Kommo-o scales AREN'T an instrument????
  83. -
  85. If I didn't include your character, it's because I didn't know what to write about them. Maybe next time!
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