
Pulling Strings

Apr 30th, 2011
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  1. Pulling Strings
  3. Luna lounged in her boudoir on a pile of soft, silken pillows. She had a small crystal ball she was rolling around in her fingers, taking care to not let it fall. The Grand Gallivanting Gala was in full swing. It had been for hours now. She had yet to make a formal appearance, and she was biding her time. It would arguably be the highlight of the evening.
  4. In the meantime, she was enjoying watching the crowd of people. There was always high drama to be found. Most of the time these people caused it themselves. Occasionally, she pulled the strings. Something caught her eye and she held the ball close. Three little troublemakers had just sneaked their way into the party, despite the careful eye of the guards. Luna pursed her lips. There was a special place in her heart for cheeky youngsters.
  5. Luna pulled some strings.
  7. “Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo said. “Dang it.”
  8. “I’m sorry,” Sweetie Belle whined, “but I gotta go.”
  9. “Why didn’t you just go back at the party?” Scootaloo peeked around the corner. Nobody was there. They hurried down the hallway.
  10. “I didn’t want anybody to see me. There’s too many people back there.”
  11. “Sweetie Belle, you numbskull, we already made it past the guards. It’s OK if people see us when we’re in the party. If we’re going to get in trouble, it’s for sneaking around this place.”
  12. “That’s why I asked Applebloom to be a watch out,” Sweetie Belle explained.
  13. “Well, she’s not going to help if there are guards in here,” Scootaloo peered down another hallway, and it was clear. “This place was a maze.”
  14. Indeed, they had already gotten lost in the hallways below Canterlot Palace. There were many corridors, and the few doors that were unlocked usually just led into more corridors. Scootaloo turned down a hallway on her left; it was the only direction to turn. She had remembered something about always turning to your right when caught in a maze. It seemed to work in video games, so it should work in real life. The right side of this hallway was featureless, blank. The left side had many closed doors. Scootaloo walked quickly down the hall way. Sweetie Belle was lagging behind, as she kept trying to open every single door. She didn’t understand the concept of always turning right, especially when Scootaloo turned left. All the doors were locked.
  15. Scootaloo reached the end of this hallway and again turned left, having no other way to go. She paused. This hallway seemed different. It was narrower. It was darker. The chiseled stone seemed more crudely cut, and it was dustier. There was only a single door, right at the end. It, too, seemed narrower than the other doors. It looked special. Scootaloo thought maybe it meant that the door led to a staircase or some other way out. She walked down the corridor. She reached up to grab the door knob. A string was pulled. The door unlocked. Scootaloo grabbed the knob and turned it. The door swung open.
  16. Scootaloo’s jaw dropped. This wasn’t a staircase leading to an exit. It was some sort of treasure room. There were marvels all around her. Sweetie Belle caught up behind her and squeaked in surprise. There were wondrous figurines decorated in jewels. Shelves filled with potions in oddly shaped and colored bottles. There were fine silks draped over tall frames. They must have been magical, because they seemed to flow on an unnoticed breeze. There were little black cauldrons filled with powdery dyes in all the colors of the rainbow. There was a little telescope which, when peered through, showed a haunted landscape crawling with indescribable monsters. The mountains in the background seemed familiar.
  17. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had a marvelous time inspecting all of the curiosities.
  18. “Hey, do you think we should take something?” Scootaloo asked.
  19. “You mean steal? No, I think somebody really likes these things,” Sweetie Belle was admiring a miniature pirate’s treasure chest filled with very real jewels. “It might even be Princess Celestia’s stuff. We could probably get in real big trouble.”
  20. “OK,” agreed Scootaloo. “But I want to at least try something.” She passed a plate of food. There wasn’t a mote of dust on it. All of the food was jet black: a black piece of sweet rye bread, a serving of black rice, a plump black sausage. All looked as fresh as if it had just come from a kitchen. There was a glass of dark red wine next to the plate. Scootaloo’s mouth watered, but she walked past it. It looked as dangerous as it did delicious.
  21. “Maybe I’ll try one of these potions,” she said, coming across the bottles on the shelves. A string was pulled. She grabbed one, seemingly at random. It was long and thing, more like a graduated cylinder than a bottle. It was topped by a rounded cork. Scootaloo inspected the label tied to the bottle by a string. It was handwritten in a beautiful script.
  22. “Luna’s Magic Wand,” Scootaloo read out loud.
  23. “That’s funny,” Sweetie Belle said. “How come it’s called a wand if it’s a potion? It doesn’t make sense.”
  24. “I don’t know.” Scootaloo kept reading the label. “Consume one mouthful for desired results. Effect will last until satisfaction, or four to six hours, which ever comes first. Do not consume entire bottle, outcome as yet untested. Effects may be permanent, growth may be complete.” Scootaloo turned the label. “Have fun,” was written on the other side. Odd, Scootaloo thought. She had thought it was blank the first time she looked at it.
  25. “What does it do?” Sweetie Belle asked.
  26. “I don’t know,” said Scootaloo. “But it says to have fun. So it can’t be bad.”
  27. “It says something about growing. Maybe it makes you big.”
  28. “Only one way to find out.” Scootaloo pulled the cork out of the vial with a loud pop. She up-ended it and took a large gulp. She grimaced when she put the cork back in. “Yuck!” she said.
  29. “What’s it taste like?” the worried Sweetie Belle asked.
  30. “It tastes like... I don’t know how to describe it. I think I’m going to be sick,” Scootaloo said. She burped. “Nevermind. It’s not that bad.”
  31. “Do you feel any different?”
  32. “Not... really,” Scootaloo said. She looked down at her body. There was no sign of growth or anything else. She was wearing the same orange t-shirt and purple shorts she had come to the party in. Sweetie Belle and her had an argument over that. Sweetie Belle thought they should all dress up for the gala, and Scootaloo and Applebloom had refused. Her clothes didn’t feel any tighter. “May it’s a dud?” she wondered.
  33. “Huh,” said Sweetie Bell. “Maybe we should try something else.” She turned and started wandering through the room, looking at more interesting valuables.
  34. Scootaloo followed, but only took a few steps. Sweetie Belle turned around to look when Scootaloo let out a short scream. Scootaloo was standing stock still, with her hands raised up to her shoulders, balled into little fists. She was biting her lip and clearly very scared.
  35. “Ohmigosh, what’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked, now scared herself.
  36. “There’s something in my shorts!” Scootaloo screached.
  37. “Ahhh!” Sweetie Belle screamed. “What is it?”
  38. “I don’t know! I think I felt it move!”
  39. “AHH! You mean like some kind of bug?”
  40. “I don’t know!”
  41. Sweetie Belle danced around in little circles, shaking her hands as if she herself were covered in spiders. “What are we going to do?”
  42. “I don’t know!” Scootaloo winced for awhile. Then she slowly opened her hands. She carefully pulled her shirt up past her navel. She placed the palm of her hand on her belly, and slowly slid her fingers down underneath her waistband. Her fingers felt nothing but smooth, unblemished skin. Then her finger tips ran into... something.
  43. “Ahh!” she screamed, jerking her hand back out.
  44. “AHH!” Sweetie Belle screamed, “what is it?”
  45. “I don’t know!” Scootaloo cried. “Get it out, get it out, get it out!”
  46. “No way! I’m not going to touch it!”
  47. “Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?”
  48. Sweetie Belle stepped closer to Scootaloo. She didn’t want to, but she placed her hand on Scootaloo’s belly just as Scootaloo had done early. She slid her hand down Scootaloo’s soft, smooth skin. She felt under her waist band, and then felt something that wasn’t supposed to be there.
  49. “Auuuuggggh!” she screamed loud enough to wake the dead as she jerked her hand out.
  50. “What happened?”
  51. “It bit me!” Sweetie Belle screamed.
  52. “What? Where? Let me see.”
  53. Sweetie Belle slowly unfolded her fist. Her fingers were unharmed. “Well, maybe it didn’t bite that hard. Scootaloo, I’m scared.”
  54. Scootaloo didn’t know what to do. It didn’t seem to be moving anymore, whatever it was. She pulled her shirt up and held it under her chin. Then she very carefully took a hold of her waist band with two hands. She very slowly started to pull her shorts out, being ready to let go in case anything jumped out. She could barely see anything at all, her eyes were nearly shut tight. She opened them a bit. She saw it. Her first thought was that it was some kind of worm or caterpillar. Then it slowly dawned on her what she was looking at. Her eyes opened, wider and wider. She stopped biting her lip, and her jaw slowly descended. Her mouth turned up just a bit at the corners.
  55. She looked up at Sweetie Belle, who was covering her mouth with her fists, still scared. Then she looked back down at her penis. Scootaloo, smiling now, pulled down her shorts and let them fall down around her ankles. Sweetie Belle was covering her eyes with her hands.
  56. “Look!” said Scootaloo, proudly.
  57. “I don’t wanna,” Sweetie Belle said.
  58. “No, look!”
  59. Sweetie Belle gingerly peered out between her fingers. She was surprised by what she saw. She dropped her hands and slowly stepped forward. “Is that...,” she asked, “a weiner?”
  60. “Yeah, I think so,” Scootaloo said.
  61. “It looks just like Spike’s.”
  62. “I know.”
  63. “Do you have balls too?”
  64. Scootaloo pinched the little bit of skin at the tip between her thumb and forefinger and lifted. “Nope,” she said, “just my cooter.” Once, weeks ago, Applebloom had referred to their crotches as cooters, and the term had stuck.
  65. “What’s it feel like?” Sweetie Belle wondered.
  66. Scootaloo grabbed it with her fingers. She pulled on it. Squeezed it. And bent it this way and back. “It feels awesome,” Scootaloo says. “Like when you play with yourself only different.”
  67. Sweetie Belle stepped forward and bent over. Scootaloo let go. Sweetie Belle reached forward with her pointer finger, and carefully poked at it. It twitched. Sweetie Belle jerked her hand back, in case it tried to bite her. Nothing else happened. So she poked it again. She cautiously ran her finger up the shaft. Scootaloo’s skin was soft and pliant. Sweetie Belle thought that she was supposed to be creeped out, instead she was fascinated. Then it began to change. It had been hanging down, but now it started to straighten up, as if it wanted to point back at Sweetie Belle. It started to grow as well, expanding twice, then three times the length. The funny little bit of skin at the end was peeled back, and a little pink head peeked out.
  68. “Whoa,” both of them said together. First Scootaloo then Sweetie Belle touched it again. It was rock hard.
  69. “I’ve got to try this,” Sweetie Belle said. She grabbed for the bottle and pulled out the cork.
  70. “Careful,” Scoot warned her. “Just a mouthful.”
  71. Sweetie Belle swallowed a mouthful. “Ahh,” she said, as she put the bottle back on the shelf. “I think it tastes pretty good.” She blinked a few times as she felt the potion sliding down her throat. Then she reached underneath her party dress, the nice white, pink, and lavender colored one she had waited for so long to wear to the gala. She pulled her panties down around her knees and lifted up her dress to look. Scootaloo crept in to look as well, she still had her shorts and panties down around her ankles. There was nothing there, not at first. And then they saw it. It started as a little nub, right at the top of the lips of her cooter. It grew, lengthening and widening, pulling the skin with it. It stopped growing when it got to the same size that Scootaloo’s had been earlier. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked up into each others eyes and smiled.
  72. Scootaloo shuffled forward. She started to rub her erect weiner against Sweetie Belle’s flaccid one. It felt really fun. Sweetie Belle’s started to grow as well. Soon her own little pink head popped out. They rubbed their heads together. They soon found out that was the most sensitive part. But the shafts felt good too, and they rubbed these across each other. They pressed their hips against each other, and robbed their cocks together and against their bellies. They reflexively started sliding up and down each others bodies, not understanding why, but knowing that it felt good.
  73. “Wait,” said Sweetie Belle, “I’ve got to try something.” She turned towards the door, then promptly fell on her face, having tripped on her panties. She stood up and looked down to make sure she hadn’t bent her new weiner. She kicked off her shoes and pulled off her panties. Then she went running down the hallway in her socks. She disappeared behind the corner.
  74. “What are you doing?” Scootaloo shouted after her.
  75. “Hang on!” Sweetie Belle shouted back. Scootaloo waited, wondering.
  76. “It’s not working!” Sweetie Belle shouted.
  77. “What isn’t?” Scootaloo asked.
  78. “Oh, wait! There it goes!”
  79. “What?” Scootaloo demanded to know.
  80. “I’m peein’ like a boy!” Sweetie Bell called out. Scootaloo scrunched up her face. “It’s amazing! I can do it in all different directions. I can do tricks! I can... Ahhh!”
  81. “What’s the matter?” Scootaloo asked.
  82. “Nothing,” Sweetie Bell shouted. “Nevermind! Don’t come down here!”
  83. Scootaloo waited. Sweetie Belle reappeared, running back to the room barefoot. She had a big smile on her face, and her hand around her wiener. They didn say a thing, but returned to rubbing their wieners together. Sweetie Belle’s had gone soft, but it quickly got hard again.
  84. “We should try things,” Scootaloo said.
  85. “Like what?”
  86. “Like humping and everything. Like we did with Spike, only this time we’ve got the wieners. The bottle says this only lasts for a few hours. And this might be the only time we’ll ever find out what it’s like for boys.”
  87. “OK,” said Sweetie Belle. “Who humps who first?”
  88. “I go first,” said Scootaloo. “I drank the potion first, and it was my idea.” She kicked off her shoes, shorts, and panties. Then she pulled off her shirt. Sweetie Belle pulled off her dress and carefully laid it on a table. They looked at each others naked bodies. They had gone skinny dipping before, but had never been so interested in each other. They slowly came together and awkwardly put their hands around each other.
  89. “Are we supposed to kiss?” Sweetie Belle asked. “That’s kind of weird ‘cause we’re friends.”
  90. “I think so,” said Scootaloo. She closed her eyes, puckered her lips, and pressed them forward. They met Sweetie Belle’s lips. She closed her eyes too. They stayed like that for a long while, simply pressing their lips together. Down below, their hips involuntarily worked back and forth as they slid their little cocks together. It felt so good. Scootaloo opened her mouth and stuck her tongue between Sweetie Belle’s lips. It tickled, so Sweetie Belle giggled. Then Scootaloo giggled too. Their wieners felt really good on each other’s smooth skin. Scootaloo stuck her tongue back into Sweetie Belle’s mouth and played with her tongue. It still felt real funny and it tickled, but they didn’t giggle this time. It felt too good to stop. Scootaloo reached down and took her wiener in her hand. She pulled it underneath Sweetie Belle’s boner, and slid it down towards her cooter. She felt it slide between Sweetie Belle’s soft lips, but it didn’t exactly go in. Scootaloo broke their kiss.
  91. “Can you put it in your mouth?” she whispered to Sweetie Belle. “I think it’s supposed to get wet first. Remember Spike?”
  92. “Oh, yeah,” Sweetie Belle said. She got down on her knees. She looked at it real close. She liked how funny the head looked, and how it was a darker shade of pink then the rest of Scootaloo’s white skin. She put it in her mouth. She moved her lips down all the way as if to kiss Scootaloo’s body, and then looked up. It wasn’t too uncomfortable to fit the whole thing in her mouth. Scootaloo had her head rolled back and her mouth wide open. She gasped. She looked down at Sweetie Belle’s face. She ran her hands through Sweetie Belle’s long curly hair. She had never noticed how soft and beautiful it was before. She gripped onto her head and, without exactly knowing why, started to move it back and forth on her shaft.
  93. “I think you’re supposed to suck on it,” Scootaloo whispered. Sweetie Belle started to suck. Her little round cheeks puckered inwards. Scootaloo almost bent double in pleasure. All the muscles in her body flexed. She grabbed her friend’s head hard, and started humping herself into Sweetie Belle’s mouth.
  94. Sweetie Bell didn’t mind at all. In fact, the only thing she didn’t like is that she couldn’t look at her own wiener while she was blowing Scootaloo’s. It felt funny. It wasn’t exactly painful, but it felt like it was under a lot of pressure. She felt down and grabbed a hold of it. It was harder than ever. She wondered what it was going to feel like once she got a chance to put it in Scootaloo’s mouth. Or even her cooter. She started moving her hand back and forth along the shaft. She didn’t know if that’s what it was going to feel like, but it felt good anyway. She jacked off harder and faster. With her other hand, she reached down below and felt her cooter. She slipped a finger up inside of herself and it came out very wet. She tried to speak, but she had Scootaloo inside of her mouth, and Scootaloo wasn’t letting go. She tried to pull her head back, but Scootaloo kept forcing her head down. Finally, she tried standing up and Scootaloo had to let go.
  95. “I think I’m ready,” Sweetie Belle said. She stepped forward, and tried to slide Scootaloo’s wiener into her cooter.
  96. “I think you’re supposed to turn around.” Scootaloo said. “And bend over.”
  97. “OK,” said Sweetie Belle. “But don’t look at my butt.”
  98. “If I’m going to hump you, why wouldn’t I look at your butt?”
  99. “Oh. Nevermind,” she said. Sweetie Belle went over to the table where she had lain her dress. She bent over it, showing her ass to Scootaloo. Her butt cheeks where the whitest part of her body, alabaster white, and very round. It made Scootaloo want to giggle. But there was an even stronger urge. It felt like it was magically pulling her wiener over to it. She wanted to dive into Sweetie Belle’s butt, wiener first. She walked over to her. Scootaloo grabbed her butt cheeks, they were so soft and smooth, and spread them apart. She looked between them. There was Sweetie Belle’s butt hole, round and pink. She spread apart her lips, looking for the hole. There it was, dark between the wet moist, pink, lips. Sweetie Belle’s wiener swung down below, now semi-erect.
  100. Scootaloo stood back up. She grabbed her prick in her hand, and moved it forward, touching it to Sweetie Belle’s pussy. She slid it up and down, trying to find the hole again. It wasn’t easy. But it kind of tickled, and felt very good at the same time. Finally, she found it. She pushed forward and it slid right it. Her hips only stopped when they bounced into Sweetie Belle’s butt. They both gasped in surprise. Scootaloo’s eyes started to roll into the back of her head. She couldn’t believe out good it felt. Sweetie Belle’s pussy felt so warm and wet and soft wrapped around her cock. It wasn’t too tight and it wasn’t too loose. It felt as if they were made to fit perfectly together. Even her ass cheeks felt amazing pressed up against her body. She started to fuck her. She slipped out once or twice and had to put it back in, but she soon got the hang of it. Sweetie Belle’s butt made sharp spanking noises as Scootaloo slapped her hips into it. Sweetie Belle started to moan as if she was in pain, but she wasn’t in pain. She reached down and grabbed her cock. It was rock hard again and she started to jerk it.
  101. “There you are, guys,” Applebloom said as she rounded the corner and saw the open door. “Ah’ve been looking everywhere for you. What are you do... whoa, nelly!”
  102. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stopped fucking. They turned their heads to look at Applebloom. They paused for a moment, then Scootaloo started fucking again. She was soon back up to her previous speed and ignored Applebloom.
  103. “We found a magic potion,” Sweetie Belle explain while she was getting fucked. “It gives girls weiners.” Applebloom was speechless. “We wanted to try humping. Remember like we did with Spike? The potion doesn’t last real long. My turn is next.” Scootaloo said nothing, she just grunted as she worked. “You want to try it?” Sweetie Belle asked. Applebloom was still speechless. She walked over behind Scootaloo. She bent over, and looked up between their legs. She could see Scootaloo’s dick sliding in and out of Sweetie Belle, and she could Sweetie Belle’s flopping back and forth below. “It’s real fun,” Sweetie Belle added.
  104. “It’s not fair,” Applebloom said, standing back up. Her face felt real hot.
  105. “What’s not?” Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo paid no attention to either of them.
  106. “Well,” explained Applebloom, “I had fun the last time we tried humping. But you and Scootaloo got to have those things. Whatchamacallits. Organisms. And I’ve still never had one. Even when I play with myself.”
  107. “We haven’t had one yet either,” Sweetie Belle said. Scootaloo grunted. “At least not today,” Sweetie Belle added. “I was my turn to hump Scootaloo next. Maybe I could hump you instead and give you one of those things. Scootaloo, is that OK? Applebloom, is that OK?”
  108. Scootaloo grunted. “That’s a really weird question, Sweetie Belle,” Applebloom said. “Do I have to try some of that potion?”
  109. “Not if you don’t wanna,” Sweetie Bell said.
  110. Applebloom stood there for a while and just watched. She couldn’t make up her mind. It looked like fun. Sort of. Sweetie Belle had a big smile on her face. But Scootaloo’s face was scrunched up and she was real sweaty. Without paying much attention, Applebloom raised hand up her body and undid one of the buckles of her overalls. She undid the other, and they fell around her ankles. She took off her boots, stepped out of the overalls, and rolled off her socks. She pulled off her work shirt, and threw it on the pile. She saw an antique chair, cushioned with velvet, off to the side, so she sat down on it. Applebloom watched as Scootaloo pounded Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo had been gripping Sweetie Belle by the waist, for leverage. But now she was rubbing her hands up and down Sweetie Belle’s body. She covered Sweetie Belle’s nipples with the palms of her hands and held them there.
  111. Applebloom raised her own hand up to her own nipples and played with them as she watched. They had grown small and hard. She slipped her other hand underneath her panties and her fingers came back glistening wet. She had been playing with herself in bed almost every night since that day with Spike and hadn’t been satisfied. She returned her hand below her panties and started rubbing.
  112. Scootaloo grew tired. She slipped out of Sweetie Belle and didn’t feel up to putting it back in. She sat down on the cold stone floor and caught her breath. Sweetie Belle stood up and turned around, the smile still on her face. She wasn’t expecting it when Scootaloo shot up onto her knees, and sucked Sweetie Bell’s cock into her mouth and started fellating. She slid a hand up Sweetie Belle’s thigh then penetrated her with two fingers. Sweetie Belle nearly collapsed at her knees, but somehow managed to stay standing. Applebloom almost protested, jealous, but instead she bit her lip and rubbed harder. She pulled her panties all the way off, then leaned all the way back and propped her knees up on the arms of the chair, exposing herself to her friends. It felt better this way.
  113. A minute or two later and Sweetie Belle turned her head and noticed Apple Bloom. She felt bad for ignoring her, but more than that, deeper than that, she wanted Applebloom. She wanted to be inside of her. Sweetie Belle reached down and gently pushed Scootaloo’s head away. She had Scootaloo slide her fingers back out, and then she walked over to Applebloom. Applebloom’s whole body flushed red with excitement when she saw Sweetie Belle approaching, her little erection waving back and forth. The full body flush nearly drowned out all the little red freckles on her body.
  114. Sweetie Belle lowered her body down on Applebloom. She set to work, pumping her hips forward and back. Apple Bloom looked down. It seemed to her that Sweetie Belle didn’t even notice that she wasn’t penetrating her. Her little cock was just sliding up and down the groove of Applebloom’s pussy, the head and shaft rubbing up and down Applebloom’s clit. Applebloom wasn’t in a hurry to tell her, it felt amazing. Still, she slid her hand down between their rubbing bodies and placed the tips of her fingers on Sweetie Belle’s smooth wet head. On the down stroke, she pressed, and Sweetie Belle’s cock slid into Applebloom’s pussy, almost with a pop. Applebloom’s body heaved a couple of times in uncontrolled ecstasy as she was penetrated. Sweetie Belle herself just sort of flopped around in passion before she found a rhythm. Applebloom wrapped her arms around Sweetie Belle’s body and squeezed. She did the same thing with her legs. Their two pairs of erect nipples rubbed across each other.
  115. Scootaloo watched from her position on the floor. She had caught her breath, but was now having fun watching. She grabbed her shaft in hand and worked it up and down. With her other hand she slid first one, then a second finger into her pussy. She was fascinated with the way Sweetie Belle’s little white ass moved up and down. A couple of minutes earlier she had been pounding that. She had a clear view of Sweetie Belle’s little tight asshole. Her bright pink pussy was just beneath that, and below she could see Sweetie Belle’s cock driving into Applebloom’s pussy. Applebloom’s little asshole was right at the edge of the chair cushion. Scootaloo could feel an orgasm developing deep inside of her. She pulled out her fingers and let go of her dick. She wasn’t ready, not yet.
  116. Scootaloo stood up. She walked behind her two friends fucking on the chair. She looked down at them. She wondered if she could still do it. Fuck Sweetie Belle, even while Sweetie Belle was fucking Applebloom. She couldn’t think of a good reason why not. She grabbed a hold of her erection but Applebloom put an end to her plan before she could start.
  117. Applebloom put her hand in the center of Sweetie Belle’s back and asked her to stop. Sweetie Belle got up, and then Applebloom followed her. She had Sweetie Belle sit down in the chair and lean back. Applebloom got up on the chair on her knees and straddled Sweetie Belle. She reached down and grabbed Sweetie Belle’s erection, and then she see settled down onto it. She set to riding it straight away. Applebloom rode Sweetie Belle as expertly as she rode her horses back home on the farm. Her hips worked perfect, sliding her pussy all the way up to the head, and then back down again.
  118. Scootaloo watched the whole thing. Applebloom’s tight asshole hypnotized her as it moved up and down. Scootoaloo had a new, better idea. She moved forward, placing her hands on Applebloom’s freckled butt cheeks. Applebloom stopped in surprise. Scootaloo pressed her dick head up to Applebloom’s asshole. Applebloom almost asked what she was doing, but she bit her lip instead, figuring it out for herself. Scootaloo pushed, but it didn’t go in. She pushed again, and this time it almost bent, painfully. She got a better grip, with her thumb supporting the head, and pushed one more time. This time the head squeezed in her anus. Applebloom squealed. Scootaloo wasn’t sure what to do, so she ignored it. She let go with her hand, and her dick head just stayed their in Applebloom’s ass, as if stuck. She grabbed a hold of Applebloom’s waist and pushed. The head slipped in all the way, she could feel it pushing through to the other side of her sphincter. She pushed again, and the shaft was shoved in all the way to its base.
  119. Applebloom couldn’t wait any more. She felt filled up. She started working her hips again. Sweetie Belle’s cock was easy. It was sopping wet and very slick. It slid in and out of her like a hot knife through butter. Scootaloo’s dick was the opposite. It was dry. It was pushed and pulled with her ass as Applebloom worked her hips. It hurt. It stung. But the pain was wonderful, and it soon faded. Scootaloo’s dick started to slide in and out properly. Applebloom pressed her weight down on Sweetie Belle and let Scootaloo take over. Scootaloo took control with glee. She hammered herself into Applebloom’s ass. Appleboom’s body shook on top of Sweetie Belle.
  120. Applebloom started feeling something well up deep inside of her. She started to scream, but she didn’t even notice it. She squeezed her ass around Scootaloo’s dick as it was sliding in and out, sometimes gribbing it, sometimes squeezing it out. The feeling came over her. It flooded her senses. She opened her mouth to scream again, but nothing came out of her throat. Applebloom came. Her whole body shook. Sweetie Belle’s penis was suddenly far more slick than it had been a second before. Applebloom’s toes curled, unseen. It was everything she had been trying for, and more.
  121. Scootaloo wasn’t far behind her. She felt a feeling coming on, different then that one from that day with Spike. She felt something moving inside of her. She felt it coming out. “It’s coming!” she shouted, “it’s coming!” She pulled it out of Applebloom to watch it come, whatever it was. A white blob spurted out of her dick, and landed on the small of Applebloom’s back. It was just about the most amazing thing she had ever seen, or felt. More spurted out onto Applebloom, this time falling on her ass. Scootaloo grabbed herself and started jerking it. More cum flew, landing all over Applebloom’s back in big pearly splotches and little gooey drops. It felt wonderful. It wasn’t just a physical or sexual satisfaction, but psychological. It felt as if she was somehow marking Applebloom as her own. It was powerful. She owed Spike an apology.
  122. Applebloom tried to look back in curiosity, but she didn’t really care. With Scootaloo out of the picture, she was back in control. She sat up on Sweetie Belle to fuck her harder. She felt the cum dripping down her back, cooling in the air. It almost all worked its way down to her ass before Sweetie Belle started to come. Apple bloom had her hands pressed down on Sweetie Belle’s nipples when she when she came. Her eyes opened wide; her mouth opened wide. She didn’t say anything, but just stared up at the ceiling as she exploded into Applebloom. It felt warm as she felt it slide down the walls of Applebloom’s pussy and down her shaft. It oozed out into her own pussy. She melted into the chair.
  123. Sometime later, she wasn’t exactly sure when, Applebloom got up. Sweetie Belle had already fallen out of her. She wiped herself off on one of the shifting silk sheets. Then she put her clothes back on. Her hands were shaking from over-excitement, and she had trouble fastening her overralls. Scootaloo helped her; she had already gotten dressed herself. Then they got Sweetie Belle up off the chair and she slipped her dress back on. Her hair was a terrible mess.
  124. They looked at each other and barely said a word. They had come here to Canterlot to sneak into the gala and have the night of their lives. They had never expected their night to turn out like this. It had been better than they ever imagined. Then they realized their night was just getting started.
  125. “The gala!” Sweetie Belle said.
  126. “Let’s go!” Applebloom said.
  127. “It’s gonna be awesome!” Scootaloo said.
  128. They all rushed to leave the room and head back outside to the party. Scootaloo stopped in her tracks. She turned to the shelves, and pulled off that potion. She uncorked it, then up-ended it and started taking large swigs.
  129. “Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle warned her. “Stop! The label says they don’t know what will happen if you drink the whole thing. It could be permanent.”
  130. Scootaloo stopped drinking. She looked at the half empty bottle, then up at Sweetie Belle. “I know,” she said. There were things in her life she couldn’t even tell her best friends. She put the bottle back to her lips and drank the rest of it. She put it back on the shelf. Sweetie Belle didn’t understand and she didn’t have anything to say.
  131. They both ran from the room, giggling down the corridor.
  133. Luna fell backwards into her pile of pillows. She was covered in sweat and could barely catch her breath. She lifted up her little glass ball, and then levitated it up to the little stand set into the wall. It was getting late. She would have to get ready soon. She would need to bathe. And then get dressed. And then make her appearance.
  134. But she had a few minutes left. So she relaxed and enjoyed the afterglow.
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