
The Perfect One

Apr 8th, 2012
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  1. >You love Fluffy Ponies, you love how cute they are! You almost love them as much as your gothic lolita wardrobe!
  2. >You'd love to be a proper Mommy to one but you can never the right one
  3. >You recently went to the store at bought a dozen to see if you could find a good one in this batch
  4. >4 Adorable Pegasuses who have wings that are just like the ones on your current outfit but smaller, 4 Unicorns with stubby little horns, and 4 filthy Mud Ponies that will probably be the first ones you have to get rid of for being rejects, but there might be a diamond in the fluff. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!
  5. >They're all squealing so cutely! Their inability to pronounce words is just darling to you.
  6. >You've taken all the precious ones down to the basement, where you've got 5 large plastic boxes, each big enough to accommodate 7 Fluffs comforatbly and 29 uncomfortably
  7. >You place one of each species in a box, making 3 residents per box and 1 completely empty box.
  8. >Naturally the plastic boxes are see through, so that the Fluffs can still see those who don't occupy the same box.
  9. >Now sadly, you can't play with them yet. You have to wait for the first failure so you can begin seeing if your perfect match is present among them
  10. >Just a matter of time
  12. >They're all so fixated on you, which is natural because you're so radiant a person.
  13. >Their mewlings reach your ears and it takes all your will power to stop yourself from just clutching all 12 to your bosom
  14. >"Pway! Hungee! Wann outta boxxe. Wanna hugga fwiend! Momma! Momma!"
  15. >Just when you feel that you're going to crack a yellow mud pony crouches with a strained look
  16. >It's just pooped inside it's container.
  17. >Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable.
  18. >You rush over to the box where the yellow mud pony is placed only to hear it bark at you
  19. >"No smell pwetty! pwease cwean et momma! cwean poopsies"
  20. >It just ordered you to clean up it's shit. That filthy disgusting piss yellow mud pony just had to gall to order the perfect you to clean up it's filthy excrement
  21. >You plunge your hand into the box, despite how revolting it is and how it might taint your purity, but for the sake of finding your perfect Flully, you endure
  22. >You grip the hideous piss colored fluff creature in your hand, your nails, ruby red and sharpened for beauty, piercing past it's fluff and into it's body as you lift it up. Blood is seeping onto your fingers from the wounds you've inflicted
  23. >ouchies! ouchies! stap mamma, pwease"
  24. >This...this...thing...this mass of piss in solid form, this mistake of nature, this living breathing abomination is calling you "Mama."
  25. >You lose your cool
  27. >You violently begin slamming the "Piss" as you've officially named it in your head into it's shit.
  28. >Once, twice, thrice...
  29. >Bones crack, ribs shatter, and it's underside is now coated in feces and Piss is unconscious
  30. >The 11 other Fluffs are staring at you in terror, especially the 2 who happened to share a box with Piss, both huddling as far away as you as possible
  31. >Your cool returns, and you realize you best inform your prospects of what has occurred
  32. >"Everyone, Everyone! I must tell you something! Piss was a very bad pony! He pooped inside the Play Crates! Momma can't love any bad ponies who poop inside the Play Crates."
  33. >You say this as you stop rubbing Piss into the shit and are now rubbing Piss into it slowly, to maximize the pain of the broken bones
  34. >You assume this is working because Piss has woken and is screaming in agony
  35. >"Good Fluffies go poopsie and peepee inside the Litter box. They wait for Momma to come and take them to the Litter Box before doing their business."
  36. >You motion to a large sand box you've placed in the basement and walk towards it
  37. >"Since Piss is such a bad pony, who can't wait for Momma, he's going to have live in the Litter Box"
  38. >You carry Piss to the litter box, where you've already prepared in your infinite foresight a Fluffy Pony sized hole in the sand for whichever prospect fucked up
  39. >You place the battered Piss inside the hole and then cover it's body, until only it's head remains uncovered
  40. >It lacks the strength to dig itself out after your beating
  41. >Piss having been dealt with, your mind switches gear
  42. >"Now my eleven precious babies! Who wants some spaghetti!"
  43. >Instantly the trauma of your brutality is forgotten and all eleven babble
  44. >"Sgetti! Swgegetti! Love Sgetti! love Momma!"
  45. Thanks for the heads up.
  47. >After feeding your darlings, you realize it's time to let them do their business
  48. >One after another you take them to the litter box and tell them to poop or pee
  49. >One after another they all crap and urinate inside the box
  50. >All over little Piss' head.
  51. >None of them seem to care very much about what they're doing
  52. >A perfect attitude at least, in your opinion
  53. >No pity should be spared for rejects
  54. >Piss doesn't seem to enjoy it though
  55. >"No smell pwettie! pwease stop! Dun make poopsies on meh! no more appa juice!"
  56. >It's comical that Piss who dared to shit on your possessions is now being shat on
  57. >Such is the fate of all rejects.
  58. >You waste no more time on savoring Piss' suffering and go play with your perfect ones
  59. >Perfect, until they finally reveal their true colors
  61. >After a fantastic day and night off cavorting with your eleven darling Fluffies, with frequent trips to the litter box, it is the next day
  62. >Piss has died from a mixture of starvation, heart break, internal injuries, and being defecated on
  63. >At least in death the little shit can serve a higher purpose
  64. >Assisting you in your attempt to locate your perfect Fluffy
  65. >It should be happy that at least it's unwarranted existence will have some meaning
  66. >Putting on disposable gloves, cause handling a corpse covered in shit is not something you're doing with your bare hands, you dig Piss out of the litter box
  67. >You then proceed to dump the corpse into the fifth unused plastic box, placing a lid on this one afterwards so it doesn't stick up the joint
  68. >Your precious babies seem a little off put by this, but it's for the best
  69. >"Babies, this may make you sad, but you need to remember what happens to bad fluffies. So I'll be leaving this naughty one in the EXAMPLE Box, to remind you."
  70. >You then proceed to move the other 4 boxes to surround the EXAMPLE Box on all four sides, that way whenever they look that way they'll remember
  71. >You had to go through around 253 rejects until you finally found a way to keep your lessons fresh in their tiny little brains
  72. >Your mind ponders your list of rejects for a moment, and what position Piss should place.
  73. >Probably around the 580th worst reject you've ever had
  74. >As you leave, you notice most of your fluffies are trying to ignore Piss' corpse, except for the 2 who shared a box with it.
  75. >Sigh, you see this most likely is going.
  76. >You really liked the turquoise Pegasus too, but she's most likely gonna be a reject if she's behaving like that.
  77. >One can always hope though
  79. >It's time to weed out another one of the rejects.
  80. >You know it's nice having a bunch of fluffy ponies but you also know it'd be a lot better to have a perfect one
  81. >You walk down to the cellar and see your eleven sweets playing inside their plastic boxes, though the 2 in the Box Piss was from seem to be less enthusiastic
  82. >You clap your hands three times, quickly catching the attention of all eleven.
  83. >The love for you that you see in their eyes makes you swell with pride
  84. >Out to business
  85. >"Everyone, Everyone, Momma has an announcement. I'm sorry but I can't keep all of you."
  86. >They begin crying and whining almost immediately after you say this
  87. >"Pwease Momma wanna stay!" "Nooooooooeeeeeeeeee" "Dun wan be alone"
  88. >Your heart is shattering into a million pieces.
  89. >You are a strong confident woman with a Degree in Japanese though, so you proceed
  90. >"Now don't worry my sweets, I can keep most of you. I only need to get rid of one!"
  91. >Still more crying and whining, which is getting annoying. Don't they understand that this is for the best?
  92. >You kick one of the plastic boxes with your foot to shut them up
  93. >They finally shut up
  94. >"Now, I'm going to let you pick among yourselves who I have to let go. Please think real hard about this everyone!"
  96. >Most Fluffy Ponies aren't that smart, but you know your perfect one will have to be a genius among Fluffy Ponies.
  97. >You also realize that they're probably incapable of understanding the concept of voting one of their own away.
  98. >The real test comes 15 minutes later
  99. >"Alright little ones, who do I have to pick?"
  100. >Most of the Fluffy Ponies are quite. They have a vague recollection of what I said earlier but not exact. You've done this type of elimination before, which is why you know what the eventual outcome is
  101. >After much deliberate thought, a stupid little purple unicorn opens her mouth and says "Pick...Me Momma?"
  102. >Fucking Retard. You can't stand retarded fluffy ponies who can't even properly remember what you said and who open who their stupid mouth in an attempt to garner your attention
  103. >You'll teach it for not paying enough attention to what you said
  104. >"Alright Retard, I'll get rid of you, since it seems like you want to go so badly."
  105. >I smirk as the realization of what it just asked for dawns on it. That's what you get you stupid purple fluffed retard. Pay more attention to your Momma next time if you ever reincarnate.
  107. >As you motion to pick her up Retard has the gall to run from your hand
  108. >Squealing all the while "MOMMA NO! DON WAN DON WAN DON WAN WANNA STAY NONONO"
  109. >You're so pissed at it's defiance that you lash out, slash it across the face with your nails and bring the stupid thing to a halt
  110. >3 larges bleeding scratches run across it's face
  111. >"OUCHIES OUCHIES! NO MEHR! OUCHIES! PWEASE MOMMA!" Tears and blood dripping onto your plastic box
  112. >You grab the Retard the little shit and prepare to dispose of it when a brilliant, utterly brilliant idea dawns on you
  113. >You begin giggling, maybe perhaps even let out a squee at your new idea
  114. >"Alright Retard, I'm not going to get rid of you"
  115. >The stupid little shit almost seems to brighten up at this, weakly letting out "dank you" hiccuping and getting spit all of you
  116. >It takes all your self control not to throw the drooling slobbering mistake of nature against a wall
  117. >"Yes Retard, you get to stay, but you got to stay in the EXAMPLE Box with Piss"
  119. >Retard begins struggling and pleading
  120. >Too bad you have no love in your heart for rejects
  121. >You open the EXAMPLE Box containing Piss, almost gagging on the Smell and drop Retard into it
  122. >You then go close the box and begin giving each of your ten good Fluffies one on one pway time
  123. >As you engage is such riveting games such as "Hugs," "use the litter box," "chase the ball" and "learn nihonoge" you toss the occasional glance at the example box
  124. >Retard is knocking on the walls trying to gain the attention of the other Fluffies
  125. >It's crying, no doubt from pain and the smell of Piss' corpse
  126. >The smell must be bad because Retard vomits
  127. >You point at Retard and her vomit and tell your ten angels
  128. >"That is a bad fluffy babies! Retard didn't love Momma and that's why he went to the EXAMPLE Box. See how she makes a mess of my box! She's a bad pony! Repeat after me, Retard you are a bad pony!"
  129. >One after another your booboos say with adorable inflection "Wetad you ar bad ponee!"
  130. >Over and over again, until it's a chant
  131. >You make them continue until the odor and the lack of oxygen in the EXAMPLE Box makes retard suffocate, it's stupid reject heart broken
  132. >You feel much better after this, it seems your 10 good ponies at least know to listen to Momma before speaking
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