
Changeling Breeding

Jul 24th, 2015
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  1. It’s that time of the year again. Mating season has begun and the Queen has gone into heat. She must choose mates from a hive full of drones. What happens when she goes into heat however, gives off a side affect for the other changelings.
  3. The drones all go into a frenzy, as their primal instincts kick in and they must prove their worth for their Queen. Although they have little choice, as their sack swells with size and urges clouding their minds.
  5. The changeling mares, unfortunately, have a different role, as they are dominated by the drones, forced to be used as toys for the drones desperate to empty their loads into a warm hole. They will be so busy that a mare may not even move from the same spot for the rest of the season. Drones fly around in chaos, constantly trying to find a mare or weaker male to mate with. Drones who are waiting for a turn with a female will lick the testes of other drones. This encourages sperm production and assists in the drone's cum output.
  7. The Queen busies herself and flies around the massive orgy, searching for ideals mates. She judges from the drone’s performance, to his load output and strength, even specialty skills that would benefit her next offspring, all the while a drone is latched unto her form. Once a drone has been chosen, he must be mounted on her at all times, breeding with her until ordered off for another chosen drone to pay his tribute to the Queen.
  9. However, one class of changelings suffers from both sides, the changeling herms. Since they share the male parts, they also suffer from the same effects of the queen’s heat. Sadly, due to the fact that drones see the herms as nothing but holes to paint with their cream, the herms wouldn’t often be able to tend their own needs by looking for a female in the hive, as a herm would be swarmed with drones, stuffing her face and filling her womb while her own shaft is sadly left untended. To avoid this, the herms have their own rooms located throughout the hive. They only allow a few drones inside at a time. Here, the herms are in control and take turns in relieving the drones and calming their own desires, sometimes both at the same time.
  11. Usually, it is often the first place for the Queen to search, as the herms decide which males mount them, and which males get mounted instead, acts that assists in her search for a mate. Here, she watches as the herms play with their males. Nymphet gagging as a drone rams his shaft down her throat and moans as her cunt is filled with another layer of spunk. She whines as she thrust into the male beneath her, before grunting and pushing her knot deep in him, filling him with her cum. She can hear the muffled moans of her sister nearby, sucking one male and riding another, and reminds herself to have a turn with her once she was done with the drones. In the back, a male couple fornicate, the top biting into his lover's neck as he gifts him with another pouring of his love, the first being to his face earlier. He drives his lover to climax, covering the floor beneath them with cum. On the edge of the chamber, a drone lies on the ground, spent from being used and covered in semen, suffering from repeated mountings from the herms and stonger males.
  13. Chrysalis grins at the scene, while the chosen mate on her rump whines and spills another load for her eggs inside her fertile womb.
  14. "Oh it feels good to be Queen~"
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