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Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. local gatherFields = {
  2. { ['blipname'] = "Weed Field", illegal = true, ['ex'] = "gr", ["blipicon"] = 140, ['x'] = 2219.6147460938, ['y'] = 5578.4462890625, ['z'] = 53.709136962891, ['product'] = "Weed"},
  3. { ['blipname'] = "Cocaine Field", illegal = true, ['ex'] = "gr", ["blipicon"] = 51, ['x'] = 273.39547729492, ['y'] = 6698.642578125, ['z'] = 29.204326629639, ['product'] = "Cocaine"},
  4. { ['blipname'] = "Oil Stealing", illegal = true, ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 361, ['x'] = -244.89166259766, ['y'] = -2237.0388183594, ['z'] = 23.698638916016, ['product'] = "Oil"},
  5. { ['blipname'] = "Oil Stealing", illegal = true, ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 361, ['x'] = -275.12301635742, ['y'] = -2230.7446289063, ['z'] = 23.698638916016, ['product'] = "Oil"},
  6. { ['blipname'] = "Oil Stealing", illegal = true, ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 361, ['x'] = -206.64949035645, ['y'] = -2235.9814453125, ['z'] = 23.70198059082, ['product'] = "Oil"},
  7. { ['blipname'] = "Wood Cutting", ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 85, ['x'] = 1571.1754150391, ['y'] = 6511.1767578125, ['z'] = 18.66967010498, ['product'] = "Wood"},
  8. { ['blipname'] = "Coal Mine", ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 17, ['x'] = 1432.4019775391, ['y'] = 2556.1516113281, ['z'] = 38.704284667969, ['product'] = "Coal"},
  9. { ['blipname'] = "Tomato Collection", ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 17, ['x'] = 1919.171875, ['y'] = 4816.203125, ['z'] = 43.99760055542, ['product'] = "Tomato"},
  10. { ['blipname'] = "Stone Mine", ['ex'] = "", ["blipicon"] = 17, ['x'] = 2969.4025878906, ['y'] = 2781.7336425781, ['z'] = 37.965412139893, ['product'] = "Stone"},
  11. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -537.27514648438, ['y'] = 6427.9663085938, ['z'] = 1.8609119653702 },
  12. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -606.72436523438, ['y'] = 6392.3369140625, ['z'] = 2.4399950504303 },
  13. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -743.7412109375, ['y'] = 6078.5810546875, ['z'] = 0.53491020202637 },
  14. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -910.80291748047, ['y'] = 5761.5693359375, ['z'] = 1.9689185619354 },
  15. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -1615.2686767578, ['y'] = 5259.7236328125, ['z'] = 3.9984483718872 },
  16. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -2602.4282226563, ['y'] = 3647.1381835938, ['z'] = 0.76799869537354 },
  17. { ['blipname'] = "Fishing Area", ['ex'] = "", ['blipicon'] = 377, ['product'] = "Fish", ['x'] = -3354.4536132813, ['y'] = 970.34161376953, ['z'] = 8.2915191650391 },
  18. }
  20. local processors = {
  21. { product = "Weed", ['blipname'] = "Weed Processor", illegal = true, "Weed Processor", ["blipicon"] = 140, ['ex'] = 'gr', ['x'] = 2559.1064453125, ['y'] = 4289.0283203125, ['z'] = 41.596225738525, ['refined'] = "Refined Weed", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  22. { product = "Cocaine", ['blipname'] = "Cocaine Processor", illegal = true, "Cocaine Processor", ["blipicon"] = 51, ['ex'] = 'gr', ['x'] = 1215.6077880859, ['y'] = 1899.6010742188, ['z'] = 77.862831115723, ['refined'] = "Refined Cocaine", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  23. { product = "Coal", ['blipname'] = "Coal Processor", ["blipicon"] = 18, ['ex'] = '', ['x'] = 1261.7117919922, ['y'] = 1910.6234130859, ['z'] = 78.569519042969, ['refined'] = "Refined Coal", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  24. { product = "Oil", ['blipname'] = "Oil Processor", illegal = true, ["blipicon"] = 361, ['ex'] = '', ['x'] = -279.5876159668, ['y'] = 6631.0234375, ['z'] = 6.3686723709106, ['refined'] = "Refined Oil", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  25. { product = "Wood", ['blipname'] = "Wood Processor", ["blipicon"] = 85, ['ex'] = '', ['x'] = -513.46087646484, ['y'] = 5264.1982421875, ['z'] = 80.543678283691, ['refined'] = "Plank", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  26. { product = "Tomato", ['blipname'] = "Tomato Packaging", ["blipicon"] = 18, ['ex'] = '', ['x'] = 919.00524902344, ['y'] = 3658.9548339844, ['z'] = 32.508087158203, ['refined'] = "Packaged Tomato", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  27. { product = "Stone", ['blipname'] = "Stone Processor", ["blipicon"] = 18, ['ex'] = '', ['x'] = 2678.5288085938, ['y'] = 2800.4594726563, ['z'] = 40.362369537354, ['refined'] = "Brick", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  28. }
  30. local sellPoints = {
  31. { ['blipname'] = "Weed Dealer", illegal = true, ['refinedName'] = "Refined Weed", ['refined'] = 50, ["blipicon"] = 140, price = 20, ['x'] = 72.763198852539, ['y'] = -1971.3873291016, ['z'] = 19.810777664185, ['product'] = "Weed", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  32. { ['blipname'] = "Cocaine Dealer", illegal = true, ['refinedName'] = "Refined Cocaine", ['refined'] = 80, ["blipicon"] = 51, price = 35, ['x'] = 142.8088684082, ['y'] = -1921.3966064453, ['z'] = 20.131340026855, ['product'] = "Cocaine", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  33. { ['blipname'] = "Coal Seller", ['refinedName'] = "Refined Coal", ['refined'] = 30, ["blipicon"] = 408, price = 15, ['x'] = 833.95190429688, ['y'] = -1991.6448974609, ['z'] = 28.301328659058, ['product'] = "Cocaine", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  34. { ['blipname'] = "Fish Seller", ["blipicon"] = 377, price = 10, ['product'] = "Fish", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0, ['x'] = -460.00094604492, ['y'] = -2434.5295410156, ['z'] = 5.0007848739624 },
  35. { ['blipname'] = "Fish Seller", ["blipicon"] = 377, price = 10, ['product'] = "Fish", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0, ['x'] = 27.541465759277, ['y'] = 3730.8173828125, ['z'] = 38.646636962891 },
  36. { ['blipname'] = "Oil Trader", illegal = true, ['refinedName'] = "Refined Oil", ['refined'] = 140, ["blipicon"] = 361, price = 6, ['product'] = "Oil", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0, ['x'] = 714.00653076172, ['y'] = -2234.2158203125, ['z'] = 28.435352325439 },
  37. { ['blipname'] = "Plank Seller", ['refinedName'] = "Plank", ['refined'] = 20, ["blipicon"] = 85, price = 10, ['x'] = -247.23770141602, ['y'] = 6053.5200195313, ['z'] = 30.960485458374, ['product'] = "Wood", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  38. { ['blipname'] = "Tomato Seller", ['refinedName'] = "Packaged Tomato", ['refined'] = 15, ["blipicon"] = 408, price = 10, ['x'] = 2631.4797363281, ['y'] = 3297.2905273438, ['z'] = 54.2580909729, ['product'] = "Tomato", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  39. { ['blipname'] = "Brick Seller", ['refinedName'] = "Brick", ['refined'] = 15, ["blipicon"] = 408, price = 10, ['x'] = 2707.2666015625, ['y'] = 1566.2606201172, ['z'] = 23.506977081299, ['product'] = "Stone", ['npc'] = "S_M_Y_Dealer_01", ['heading'] = 250.0 },
  40. }
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