

Nov 22nd, 2014
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  1. t("This server has a few plugins, here is some info about them:")
  2. t("")
  3. t(" - LWC: ability to lock chests and other items. To lock")
  4. t(" something simply type /lock then left click the block")
  5. t(" to lock.")
  6. t(" - Ability to /sethome to set your home so in the future you")
  7. t(" can do /home to get back there")
  8. t(" - Grief Prevention is available to protect your land:")
  9. t(" - Do /kit protect to get the kit which includes a gold")
  10. t(" shovel and stick. ")
  11. t(" - Right-click the ground with a gold shovel to select the")
  12. t(" corners of the land you wish to claim.")
  13. t(" - Right-click the ground with a stick to see if that ")
  14. t(" land is protected.")
  15. t(" - All players start out with 4000 claim blocks, and gain")
  16. t(" 50 blocks every hour played.")
  17. t(" - To resize your claim, right-click a corner with the")
  18. t(" gold shovel and right-click again where you want the")
  19. t(" new corner.")
  20. t(" - Do NOT build outside of your protection. If you find")
  21. t(" someone who has not protected their land please tell")
  22. t(" them to protect it. Do NOT grief them.")
  23. t(" - You can buy more claim blocks using in-game credits for")
  24. t(" 2 credits per claim block: /buyclaimblocks [number]")
  25. t(" - To trust another player on your land, stand in your")
  26. t(" claim and type /trust [name]")
  27. t(" - Currency: do /money to see how much money you have")
  28. t(" - Players start out with 50 credits and gain 2% interest")
  29. t(" for every hour played.")
  30. t(" - To pay someone, do /money pay [name] [amount]")
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