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a guest
Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. No mic today because I forgot to plug it in,,
  2. My cat stole my mic and buried it in the litterbox,,
  3. I broke it,,
  4. I'm moving my PC to another room and haven't moved the mic over yet,,
  5. My button mashing picks up on the mic so I turned it off,,
  6. My throat hurts so I'm taking the day off from talking on stream,,
  7. I lost my voice,,
  8. Mic is off as I'm singing along to Taylor Swift atm,,
  9. I don't feel like talking today,,
  10. I dropped my mic in my spaghetti,,
  11. My mum grounded me and took my mic away,,
  12. I'm running on Windows XP for better fps but for some reason Windows won't pick up my mic,,
  14. AmeiiiAAA,,
  15. Wowega,,
  16. I'm in a Discord call and the other person didn't want to be heard on stream,,
  17. Eating some Pocky atm so maybe later,,
  18. I spent all my money on GPUs,,
  19. 使用說明書為中文,,
  20. The neighbours are having very loud sex,,
  21. I broke my jaw a few weeks ago while playing Wii fit,,
  22. My mic is really sensitive and I don't want to hurt its feelings,,
  23. It went on a romantic date with the webcam and never came home,,
  24. Waiting on AliExpress shipping - Should be here any day now,,
  25. however, afaik only the mook can open that one and because the Deep Factory is a seperately-loaded area from the 'overworld' it won't behave like the elevator shenanigans we've seen within the Deep Factory,,
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